#“buff problems frfr” i say like im buff
rabbitcoveredinmoss · 8 months
TRANS GHOST HEADCANONS (but not in the way you think)
- She/Her but also goes by he/him just because she's like "but no matter what people are still gonna call me a guy, so why not just have it be one of my preferred pronouns" and the rest of the boys are like(in the most loving way possible), "that's not how that works dumbass"
- T4T (she and Johnny are deeply in love)
- Doesn't want to change her body because buff women give her MASSIVE gender envy. Why would she want to change the way she looks when she already looks how she wants to??
- Doesn't want to/has no desire to change her name. Firm believer that names don't and shouldn't have genders 
- Just like Johnny, protects trans kids with all of her being. Going out on a walk and seeing young people wearing pride items and being queer out in the open just warms her heart! 
- Def known she was a girl for a long ass time, just didn't know when it'd be appropriate to come out
- If she catches ANYONE being transphobic it's on sight. Definition of "call an ambulance, but not for me"
- Doesn't have to get breast implants, she got enough titty already (but will definitely on occasion put padding underneath her shirt or look for workouts that supposedly make ur boobs bigger)
- Only likes wearing sports bras because she struggles to reach the clasps at the back of regular bras😭 (buff problems frfr) 
- One of those older queers that will not hesitate to give advice to younger trans people. You can ask her about anything in regards to gender/transitioning and she will answer you 100% without judgement 
- Awful bottom dysphoria. Price is best dad and will give Ghost days off if its really bad
- Is an older queer with older views but she really enjoys getting to bond with younger trans folk so if she says something outdated just tell her, she'll try her best to learn dw😭
- Has no idea about who Blaj is and just doesn't get the appeal😔 (old person moment😔)
- Ghost isn't a fan of social settings but she's down for a good ass pride parade. 100% ONE OF THE FREE HUGS PEOPLE, SHE KNOWS HER HUGS ARE COMFORTING AND SHE KNOWS TRANS PEOPLE NEED GOOD SAFE HUGS 
- Homophobic guys assume she's one of them and i want you to imagine her absolutely putting those dudes in their place, ZERO TOLERANCE 
Def not self indulgent hehe (o3o) 
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