#“i hid your son from you AND now he has trauma and drinking problem”
sweeethinny · 4 years
I did it a while ago, and I don't know if there are mistakes because I'm late to leave but I want to post this
sorry for the mistakes
Harry really thought that after becoming a father he had gained auditory powers, especially after that night.
Everything was fine, all five Potter were asleep and the house was in pitch-black at dawn, when he heard little feet that shouldn't be out of bed, drumming on the floor. Noticing that his wife was still asleep, after breastfeeding little Lily, Harry got up calmly and walked out of the room, already knowing the way by heart so he wouldn't have to wear glasses.
Albus' room was quiet, so he went directly to James's, which was a to alert; James slept through the night after he was big, rarely had nightmares or was sleepwalking.
''Daddy. '' The boy whimpered when he opened the door, finding him standing in the middle of the room, possibly to go and meet his parents.
He didn't even have time to ask what had happened before his eldest son vomited on the floor, making Harry really wake up.
"Damn it James." Harry didn't care about the dirt, picking up the five-year-old boy in his lap, taking him to the bathroom quickly, where another wave of vomit came, this time, into the toilet.
''Sorry.'' His sobbing cry came out loudly, and Harry stroked the boy's hair, trying to calm him down.
''What happened?'' Ginny seemed to have seen a ghost, looking at her husband and son crouched in front of the toilet, while James cried against his dad's chest.
''He woke up throwing up.'' Harry tried not to care about the tremor that ran through his body, nervousness catching him off guard ''Okay, Jamie. Put it out if you need.'' And as if predicting, the boy vomited again.
''Holy shit. Spoiled food?'' Ginny had wide brown eyes, also seeming to feel Harry's tremors.
It wasn't the first time that they faced it, obviously, but it was always a little scary, especially when it came out of nowhere, without a flu or fever.
''But shouldn't we all be bad?'' Harry said, as James vomited again. ''Are you in pain, Jamie?'' Ginny opened the cupboard next to the sink mirror, looking for a potion.
''No. '' Whined ''Sorry for the mess, Dad, I tried to hold on'' Harry felt his heart squeeze and hugged the boy tighter, stroking his dark hair
''All right, dear, Dad doesn't care, then we clean that up. Don't hold back, if you need to, throw up.''
''Here, take honey, it'll pass, I promise'' Ginny offered a small glass with a purple liquid inside, spilling herself into her son's mouth, while Harry still held him
''Eww'' She nodded
''I know, but it will make the pain go''
''Let's take a shower, mate, I'm going with you'' Harry hadn't done that to James in a while, but he didn't care so much now. He took off his dirty clothes, and the child's, then carried him under the spray.
Washing it and assured that James was already calmer, the two got out of the bath, with no more smell of vomit around the house or remnants of themselves.
''Albus and Lily are fine ... I think he better sleep with us'' Ginny picked the child up, putting his pajamas apart and smiling ''Want to sleep with us, Jamie?''
''I'm a big boy now'' He commented as he laid his head on his mother's chest, hugging her waist as he settled under his parents' covers
''Something must have done wrong'' Harry said lying down too, hugging his son among them who already seemed half asleep, not paying much attention to 'being a big boy'.
''I don't like it when they look like this'' James snuggled closer to his mother, like when he was a baby, getting a pat on the hair
''Neither do I'' He kissed his son's fragrant hair
''Better have a bucket nearby'' She summoned the object,, leaving it on her side of the bed ''Caution.''
And she was right, it was better to have a bucket close by when the boy woke up throwing the potion, the noise of longing waking Harry and Ginny a second earlier, making his mother take the bucket and position it for James.
The rest of the night Harry stayed awake, worried that his son would drown if he vomited in his sleep, trying to figure out what would have triggered it, helping Ginny when Lily woke up and asked for her mother's chest. In the end, it was six in the morning and he had barely gotten three hours of sleep.
"If he gets sick ..."
'' ..I know, I'll call you, don't worry'' She kissed his lips, Harry was about to leave for work, even though he didn't want to, his son still sleeping on his side of the bed, sprawled as usual ''I'll talk to my mom to see if there's anything we can do'' He looked at his son again, feeling his heart sink ''He'll be fine, it could just be a virus''
''I wanted to take the pain for myself '' He sighed ''Call me anything, I drop everything for some other idiot to do'' She laughed
''I know you don't think your aurors are stupid '' One more quick kiss ''But I'll call. We'll be fine ''
Obviously the plan backfired, since less than five hours later, while Harry was irritated by even the air particle, he was warned that his wife had called him out because of a family problem.
'' Take care of it all and tomorrow we see what to do. I have to go '' And he apparated, thinking that the flu would take too long and every second was valid, his heart already nervous.
'' Daddy! '' Albus jumped on his legs, hugging him tightly '' Jamie is bad '' He spoke half-curled up, blinking green eyes in his direction
"Hi my love" "He lifted the child on his waist" "Where is he?"
'' Here! '' Following his wife's voice, he went to the bathroom, again seeing his son crouched and pale in front of the vase, vomiting what appeared to be just his gastric juice '' No improvement since ten '' Harry until could talk about her taking an hour to call him but he was so worried he ignored
'' What did your mother say? '' Albus grimaced when his brother threw up again, hiding his face in his father's neck
"That may be something you want"
'' Can you remember anything? '' Ginny hugged her son as he hid his head in his chest, kissing his sweaty hair
''Nothing. I already asked and doesn't say anything either '' A meow of Lily appeared, seeming to wake up from her nap
'' I see her, I'll try to remember something ''
"Jamie be okay?" Harry laughed nasally at his son trying to speak, finding his concern cute.
"Yes Al .. Hi Lils, how did we wake up?"
The hours passed with them taking turns to care for the sick child, trying to get him to eat at least one soup, forcing him to drink water and hydration potions, then running to the bathroom while the son threw everything out
Harry tried to remember the days before and if there was anything James could have wanted. And like a flash from a patron, his mind popped, making him think he was a big idiot for not thinking about it.
''I'll be right back. Two minutes '' he warned before disappearing into the flu, his wife putting Al and Lils to bathe, while James continued on her waist as if he were a needy baby.
A few days ago, while he was walking with James and Albus, Harry passed in front of a muggle toy store, loaded with teddy bears everywhere, dolls, puzzles, and other things that made the older child jump of joy, different from the youngest, who cried nervously when he saw one of the bears moving alone, waving at him and winking robotically
Harry, not wanting to cause trauma to his three-year-old son, soothed James about them going back there the other day to buy what he liked from the window, but with three kids (one of them, barely turning a year old), Robbers wanting to leave and leave him in charge, and Ginny getting away from the Harpies completely, things got a mess and he forgot to take his son back to the store.
Smiling at the attendant and asking for the cart that was still in the window - The last one! - he returned to the house, carrying the yellow package and feeling terrible for that being the reason James kept throwing up since dawn (he expected)
'' Where is he? '' Ginny was lying on the couch, Albus and Lily playing on the living room floor together, while the boy tried to make her understand why the castle was not built that way.
'' Up there sleeping ... What was it? '' She pointed to the package
'' A muggle toy '' He smiled sadly '' I can't believe I didn't remember '' he threw himself on the couch next to her, the children in front of they oblivious to their parents
'' Don't blame yourself, Harry '' He pulled on his hair, denying and closing his tired eyes
"I had promised, Gin"
'' But you didn't remember. It wasn't because you didn't want to give it to him. '' As if he knew they were talking about him, James came down the stairs, dragging his favorite blanket, his eyes tired and small, without the mischievous glow that usually roamed the brown irises
"Are you all right?" They looked worriedly at the boy who crawled to the sofa, lying on his mother's lap
'' I didn't want to be alone '' James didn't even seem to notice the package next to his father, closing his eyes and covering himself up to his neck, looking small and fragile. Harry wanted to throw himself off a bridge.
"I have something for you, Jamie," he whispered as if it were a secret, kissing his warm forehead.
'' What is it? '' As a curious child, albeit sick, he opened his eyes, finally focusing on the package
"I'm sorry I forgot, son." He smiled sadly, handing over the stupid cart that had caused all that confusion.
Albus finally seemed to see the package, turning curious and wanting to see it too, Lily finding the color more than incredible, trying to get up to pick it up
"Wow, it's that cart" "As if it were the best potion in the world, the color returned the child's cheeks, at least a little while, while he took the toy out of the box "Grandpa will find it cool, he has remote control" He smiled at his mother, big eyes blinking excitedly 
'' I'm sure he'll love playing with you, darling '' Ginny smiled warmly '' See, he didn't even care that you forgot '' She whispered to her husband, who looked a little dejected at the three children now on the floor, James looking live again as  put the pieces together, Albus looking absurdly at the toy and Lily kneading and unmasking the package, loving the noise.
'' Tell that to his stomach, who puked up his guts ''
'' Thanks dad '' The son hugged the man, still a little warm and yellow, but much less gray than before
'' I love you, Jamie '' He gave the boy a kiss '' Want some help with riding? It looks like hard work, the track is quite extensive. ''
"Yes, come here"
'' Stop thinking about it, Harry '' Ginny hugged her waist, laying her head on his back, kissing her bare shoulder blades '' You are a good father ''
'' He spent almost a whole day throwing up, Gin. Because of a damn toy '' He spoke a little irritated to himself
"But in the end he won, and he is better, he managed to eat, he no longer has a fever, he did not vomit anymore ..."
"I don't want him to think I'm a liar"
'' He doesn't think ... he was sad to think that you were angry that he was vomiting. I said you were just worried '' He sighed, his throat closing '' It's our first child, we're still learning how to do things, it doesn't cover that much. I also make mistakes ''
"Yeah, I think you're right ... Doesn't he hate me then?"
'' You know you don't ''
For a second Harry remembered when he asked Santa for a cart similar to what James wanted, but he only received coals since he had been a bad boy. He wondered if his son had felt the same disappointment as he did, and it made him sadder.
'' Harry ... look at me '' As she did with the kids, she turned him around, fixing her eyes on him '' I couldn't have chosen a better father for the kids, or a husband for me, you didn't do it on purpose , and James is not going to hate you for that. I don't think he even remembered it was the cart ... I know you promised, but, you kept it. A little late, but okay '' She smiled in that way that made him smile together, feeling loved
'' I love you '' kissed her affectionately '' It's just sad to see he that way '' He looked so much like himself, Harry thought
'' He's already over it. He even fought with Albus when he dropped the control '' She laughed weakly, playing with her husband's hair '' I love you too Harry .. Ah, I forgot, yesterday afternoon, they made a drawing for you, James wanted to deliver you but forgot it and well .. today was not a good day '' Ginny started searching the dresser drawers, pulling out a folded paper carefully '' Even I participated ''
There were several drawings and doodles of different colors, there were hearts, the name of each one written on the parchment in a disorderly way, a golden snitch, even flowers. And in ink, there were three small hands, signed - in the letter of the eldest son - the name of each one below.
'For the best father in the world'
It was written in what he thought was a heart (maybe Albus had done it)
Harry swallowed his tears, looking closely at each scratch as if it were a beautiful work of art.
'' We won't be perfect parents, but it looks like we're doing well '' Ginny laughed, looking at the paper too '' I got one too, but there were a lot more paints and less words ''
The man laughed too, thinking that yes, maybe they were doing well after all
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•Chapter 10•
This is based off of the artwork by oceanteeeth on Instagram! Also shout out to my Beta super.rose.cosplays!
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Bill’s past catches up to him which could endanger Eddie’s future.)
Bill Denbrough had gotten over his father’s death. Yes it hurt, he cried, but what hurt even more was watching the rest of his family deal with the loss. Georgie was torn up and his mother sometimes wouldn’t even leave her room. But they were healing and Bill was better. Yes he has gotten over the death of his father, Zack Denbrough, but he has never been able to shake the feeling that there was always something else he was missing.
The police that found him in the woods said he had been dead on sight. The doctors said he had a heart attack. Which just seemed… off, to Bill.
Zack had left for the weekend for one of his various hunting trips. Most people go out in groups, pairs, when they hunt, not Zack. It’s something he’s done tens of times. Every other time he returned without a scratch. Especially the whole death by heart attack. No one in his family has ever suffered from any heart problems and his father was in great physical shape. So this sudden heart attack, caused Bill to believe that something else might’ve been the cause of his father’s untimely death, he may not know what, but he knows it’s something.
The case had gone cold, if that’s even the right term. Since there wasn't really a case to freeze. His father died of a normal heart attack, case closed. So all of his belongings were returned to the family as they were not needed for further investigation. Then, a couple weeks back when Bill was out on the Hanlon's farm with Mike, he lost his phone, never to be found again. Bill opted to inherit his father’s old Iphone 8. His mother was just about to throw it away so he decided to put it to good use.
There wasn't much info on it to erase and Zack mainly used the phone for calling and texting his wife and son (Georgie was too young to have a phone). But when Bill entered his father’s photo album, he was left speechless by what he saw. It wasn't much, no, it was merely a simple photo of a white rabbit. A white rabbit with impossibly blue eyes.
White rabbits were rare, Bill had never seen one before in real life and even then, when you asked someone, they always knew about white rabbits but not many (If any) have actually ever seen one with their own two eyes. That and the fact that the photo was taken the day his father died.
While Richie was explaining the math homework to Bill that night after school, his eyes began to wander. They scanned the Tozier’s yard, eventually falling upon a small white rabbit that sat just behind the corner of their house. It’s icy blue eyes pierced Bill's soul. Suddenly a pit was created in his stomach, it twisted his insides and made his heart beat out of his chest.
Richie tilted his head like a confused puppy, “You good, Big Bill?” he waved a hand in front of Bill’s face to get his attention.
Bill’s mind cleared as he realized where he was, and what he had just seen. “S-Sorry Rich, can you g-give me the sp-sparknotes version? I can’t stay too long, Gu-Georgie is home al-lone” Bill stuttered a little bit more than normal. His thoughts messed up after he saw the rabbit. But nonetheless he carefully listened as Richie quickly explained the rest of the question.
Once they were done, Bill gave his friend a quick goodbye before booking it in the same direction the rabbit went. Richie talked for another couple minutes after he first saw the creature, how far could it have gotten?
Bill sunk behind the bush and hid when Eddie turned to look around him. The human held his breath in hopes of not being found, but he worried that whatever that is won’t be able to hear his heartbeat as it was practically beating out of his chest.
Yes, he was still reeling over the fact that he just saw some small white rabbit turn into a full fledged human. Eddie, that human is fucking Eddie. He looked down at his phone that he had just taken the photos on. He made a mental note to check them later when he wasn’t about to be discovered.
What would he do if he found me? What is he capable of?
Bill’s mind was spinning. He wasn’t even sure how long he had been sitting there. It was the cold wind of the night that pulled him from his thoughts. When he stood up and looked around, Eddie was gone.
Heading home was hard, Bill was the best biker of all the Losers, yet tonight he nearly tipped over twice and had trouble getting going. He couldn’t shake the image of the white rabbit out of his head.
Bill always knew his father hadn't died of a heart attack. He knew it had something to do with that damned white rabbit, somehow. Now he finally has a lead. Eddie.
Going to school the next day Bill's foot wouldn't stop tapping. Not during breakfast when he saw Georgie drinking milk out of his dad's old favourite mug. Nor did it stop on his bike to school, and it certainly didn't stop during lunch when he was the first one at the table watching everyone fill in and waited for the rest of the losers to come, for Eddie to come.
“You okay Bill?” Mike nudged his side. Bill jumped a little at the sudden attention.
Bill shook his head, “Just n-nervous. I've got this b-big project for history” he formulated the lie with ease, after his father passed, Bill had become a little too skilled in the art of lying.
“Need a hand? I had History last semester and I got a pretty good grade if you need help” He offered Bill one of his iconic ‘Mike Hanlon Support Friend’ smiles.
Bill returned the smile, “T-Thanks Mikey, but I should be okay” he noticed Eddie and Richie had entered the cafeteria as he finished his sentence. His eyes found their way down to his lunch where he began to focus on his untouched sandwich.
He waited until the duo got comfortable at the table before he tilted his head up and greeted them. “Ho-How was your n-night?” Bill mentally cursed out his stutter for getting worse under pressure.
Richie inhaled as if he were about to give a speech, “Well Billiam after you left my house I went and jerked it for a-”
“Beep Beep Trashmouth” Stan hissed.
Bill couldn’t help but notice the way Eddie tried to hide his smile as he raised a hand to muffle his giggle. “What about you E-Eddie?” Bill asked with a small nod.
“Oh! My night was fine, just studied and watched TV” He responded with a shrug.
Bill nodded in understanding. The human waited until the conversation became dull before he spoke his mind, “H-Have you guys ever suh-seen a white rabbit around he-here?”. He had to bite his tongue to ensure he didn’t smirk when he saw Eddie visibly flinch under the table.
“It’s actually pretty interesting cause they’re the rarest type of rabbit” Ben informed them with a little pride in his voice.
Mike took a moment to think over his answer before he spoke, “I’ve never seen any near the farm. Well, I’ve seen lots of rabbits, but never white ones” he realized.
“Weird…” Beverly’s voice trailed off as she stared at her uncapped water bottle she held in her hand. She then shrugged, unphased by the realization and took a swig of her water.
Neither Richie nor Eddie contributed to the conversation, and Bill noticed. He also noticed the silence conversation the two shared with their glances and glares. Bill didn’t mention it though, he can’t give them reason to start wondering about him, not when he’s this close to finding out what really killed his father.
The final bell of the day rang throughout Derry High as Bill and Mike walked out of their final class together, Writer's Craft.
“Hey Mikey?” Bill asked.
Mike turned to look at him as he caught his attention, “Yeah Big Bill?”.
“Can I tu-talk to you?” Bill requested as he paused before the boys bathroom and gestured for him to follow.
Mike followed without further question, because that’s the type of friend he was. Always there for everyone.
It was the end of the day so the bathroom was empty. Mike spoke first, “Is everything all-”.
“I think I have a lead on my dad’s murderer” Bill cut him off, getting straight to the point. Not a stutter in sight.
Mike’s face instantly scrunched up, “W-What? Bill your dad had a heart attack”.
“W-we don’t know for sure-”
“Yes we do! Bill I know it was hard but how many times have you come to me saying that?” Mike stopped mid sentence. He let out a small sigh before continuing, his voice held a tinge of sadness as he knew how hard it’s been for Bill. “There’s literally no other way your father could have died. He didn’t have any physical trauma and there weren’t even any fingerprints, it was just his heart” Mike tried to keep a calm tone, but it was hard.
Bill shook his head, “L-Look” He said as he slid his phone from his back pocket and entered his camera roll where he intended on showing Mike the photos he took of Eddie during the previous night. But when he clicked on his most recent photos, all of the ones he took of Eddie were white, as if he had taken then with the flash and it had whitened them out.
“W-What? Mike, no- I swe-ear they were here” Bill’s breathing began to quicken as he rapidly scrolled through his phone. NO, No, no, no, no…
He was about to speak when Bill’s breath hitched. Mike enveloped him in a hug. Bill buried his face in Mike’s shoulder.
“I know, it’s hard… Really hard.” Mike whispered as he began to rub slow circles into Bill’s back, “I know…”.
The conversation he previously had with Mike was on replay while Bill slowly walked through Derry. He kept a close eye on his target. He ducked behind bushes and hid behind trees in hopes of going unseen like he had last time. He followed a solid 30 feet behind his target, always staying out of sight.
He followed him through town, passed all of his friends houses and all of the main buildings. The houses became bigger and more spread out. Bill looked down at his watch, he’d been on this trail for nearly an hour.
Where are you going Eddie?
Bill glanced from behind a tree and watched as Eddie entered the forest. The human watched for a couple minutes before he continued behind him. Bill followed him into the deep woods and down an old overgrown path. He could see the end of the path ahead, so he sat behind a cluster of rocks, casually peaking out every now and then, only moving once Eddie left the forest. He made his way quickly to the end and hid behind a tall evergreen tree. He watched as Eddie walked out into the middle of an empty field and just simply disappeared.
“What the…” Bill’s eyes grew wide as he got to his feet. He waited and watched, slowly walking backwards.
Where did he go? What the hell just happened?
He kept moving backwards, his mind was so overwhelmed that he didn’t even notice the rock under his foot. He only noticed it once it caused him to trip and fall backwards. He landed on his back with his hands trying to soften the blow.
Fuck this
Were Bill’s last thoughts before he scrambled to his feet and fled.
Word Count: 1994
Billiam's villian backstory finally plays out MUHAHAHAHAHAH I hope you guys enjoyed! ANd that everyone is excited to see what comes next! Cause stuff is finally starting to happen and I'm so excited for y'all to see it!
Until then I'll see you next friday, So Long and GOodnight.
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Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list!
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rapperkookz · 6 years
Paralleled Love - 1
Descendants of the Sun-like AU with special agent!female reader and doctor!jungkook
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Song Y/N worked as a special agent for the Korean government, much like a Kingsman or James Bond film. To the outside world, she worked part-time at a dog cafe, but when her skills are needed, she lives a double life stopping notorious murderers, infamous gangs, illegal drug dealers and arms traders.
Jeon Jungkook worked at Haesung Hospital as a member of BTS - the VVIP medical team. He is the youngest surgeon, but one of the most skilled doctors in the hospital.
What starts off as a simple stitch, turns into a love story as memorable as Romeo and Juliet. Fate has a cruel plan for Y/N and Jungkook which marks similarly to her military soldier brother and his doctor wife: full of laughs, tears, love, and blood.
A/N I have never written a fic on tumblr so this will be a first for me rip. I just rewatched DOTS so I figured why not? Hopefully you guys will give me lots of love :) All rights go to the directors and producers and actual real life people being mentioned in this fic, it will be similar but also not really to the drama, I am not stealing plot, not to worry :)
Song Y/N
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Jeon Jungkook
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BTS - VVIP Medical Team
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NCT - Special Agents
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ch. 2
ch. 1 - Your POV
It happened to your brother and now it’s happening to you. Rarely do you ever speak with your older brother, solely due to the nature of both of your jobs, but after attending his wedding with your now-sister-in-law, you and him bonded over his love story. Being on break, encountering a gang of hoodlums, and meeting the doctor that eventually became the love of his life. They broke up and after 8 months were reunited by fate in a third world country far away from home for volunteer work. 
You, too, were on break after half a year of harsh winter training in Siberia. Seeing that your brother was spending time with his family, and not deployed somewhere for the military, you spent some time catching up with him. There were differences between both of your jobs, but essentially were more than likely the same. He took the role of a special forces major, doing top secret work for the Korean military. You were a special agent, also doing top secret work, but for the Korean government.
“Doesn’t it worry you? leaving your family?” you asked as he rocked his son to sleep.
He gave you a smile, “Always, but I’m good at my job, and that includes-”
“Not dying” you answered, “I know that all too well, Joongki oppa.”
“your work is more dangerous than mine” Joongki answered, “I’m at least protected by the military, the government doesn’t protect you that much, y/n.”
“It’s a risk I take,” you said clinking your glasses together before taking a shot. You winced as you leaned against the couch. He noticed your discomfort and motioned for you to turn around, “Shit, did my stitches open?”
“Yeah, your back is bleeding.” He said, “let’s go to the hospital, you need professional care.”
“You’re only using this as an excuse to see Hyekyo unnie, aren’t you?” you chuckled getting up, holding your nephew as Joongki grabbed his coat. The two - technically three - of you drove to Haesung Hospital, acting careful as to not stain your brother’s car with blood. Walking inside, you let your brother deal with the receptionist, coincidentally timing your arrival so that Hyekyo was eating dinner.
“Oh? what are you doing here?” she asked, a smile automatically on her face upon the sight of her son and husband.
“y/n needs stitches,” Joongki answered, giving her a kiss on the forehead, before you handed the sleeping boy to her.
“You don’t have to do it unnie, I don’t want to take your free time giving me stitches,” you said.
She touched your arm affectionately, “I’ll make sure you’re in good hands, y/n. Is your wound from work?”
You nodded, knowing that she already knew the kind of work you did since it was similar to your brother’s. She called to her colleagues, asking if any of them were free to stitch you back up.
“I have to do my rounds, but Jungkook can do it,” Jinki answered.
“Perfect, can you take y/n to where he is?” Hyekyo asked and he nodded, “just come back here when you’re done y/n”
“We won’t be going anywhere,” Joongki agreed. You diligently followed the doctor around the hospital, stopping in an empty ER room, where he paged his co-worker.
“You need me, hyung?” a boy said walking in the room, he looked youthful enough to be around your age.
Jinki nodded, “this is Hyekyo’s sister-in-law, she needs someone to restitch her up, can you do it?”
“Of course,” he said grabbing a new pair of latex gloves from the box on the table. Jinki bid you goodbye before going to do his rounds. “Your shirt is all stained miss-?”
“y/n, Song y/n,” you answered taking off your shirt, leaving you in only a bra. The doctor coughed, unprepared for you bold action, “I don’t know your name, doctor?”
“Jeon Jungkook,” he answered kindly as you laid face down on the operating table. He blew a raspberry at the sight of your wound, a large gash painted your back diagonally, the stitches that held it together previously now stained with fresh blood. You winced at the sting of the disinfectant that he used for cleaning your back. “May I ask what happened for you to get hurt this badly?”
“I was on a run and I fell down some stairs and my back hit against a pole,” you said calmly, the lie slipping off your tongue easily. You didn’t get this gash from a run, you were on a mission trying to stop arms traders and during a face-off with them, you were pushed against the brick wall. “Is it that bad?”
“It’s not pretty” he chuckled, “I’ve seen a patient come in, once, being impaled by a tree,”
You scoffed in disbelief, “That has gotta hurt.”
The both of you engaged in simple conversation as he stitched you up, the atmosphere comfortable and easy to be in. Jungkook was a surgeon. There were 7 in his ‘skilled’ group: 4 surgeons (trauma, cardio, neuro, and ortho), a psychiatrist, an anesthesiologist, and a pediatrician. He was also, indeed, your age: 27 years old. “When are you free next?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” You teased folding up your blood-stained shirt and wearing your sweater. You didn’t miss the blush that formed on his cheeks as he coughed and put his glove-free hands in his coat pockets, “I’m kidding, what for though?”
“To uh-to um check in your wound, make sure the stitches hold,” he said, trying to act composed, “but um I mean, if you’re free to get lunch afterwards, I would be up for that too.”
You smiled, “I’m looking forward to it, I can come next week.”
“Perfect, around noon.” He agreed and the two of you exchanged numbers. He walked you back to the cafeteria, where Joongki and Hyekyo were waiting for you, “I’ll see you next week.”
“For my appointment,” you grinned and he nodded before going back to his work. Your brother gave you a smirk, “Oh don’t start, he did my stitches.”
“That’s how our story began,” he said nudging his wife. You rolled your eyes, sitting across from them.
“He’s one of our best new doctors, Jeon Jungkook,” Hyekyo commented, “top of his class, he’s totally your style y/n.”
“Unnie, I don’t have time for a relationship” you whined.
“You say that now, but then it happens,” she said, “Look at your brother and I.”
“And now we’re married and have a son.” Joongki agreed pinching the boy’s cheek lightly. As you were about to argue against them, your phone rang.
“717, report to HQ, immediately.”
“Copy that,” you answered hanging up. You looked at your brother and sister-in-law, familiar but worried expressions on their faces. “I will see you, hopefully soon.”
“You have to come back for your appointment next week,” Joongki reminded, to which you responded with a playful punch to the shoulder. After saying goodbye, you drove your car to the government building. Passing by the regular office workers, you stood in front of the elevator and pressed the up arrow 5 times, placing your watch in front of the well-hid scanner so it would know your destination was under the basement level.
Exiting the elevator, the black and white interior of the “top secret cove” - as you like to call it - came into view. You bowed to your colleagues, walking into one of the meeting rooms.
“717, what do you know of a Lee Junmo?” your superior asked, eyes trained on the monitor framing the side wall.
You bowed your head, “Lee Junmo, head of Power Alcohol. He’s a very well-known public figure,”
“Power Alcohol is lacing some of its cheap beer products with poison, in order to target the poor and addicts,” she said looking at you, “it makes consumers sick to death unless they buy an expensive medicinal cure.”
“Ma’am, that makes no sense,” you scoffed, suddenly feeling self conscious with the alcohol you drank previously.
“From the look on your face, I’m assuming you were drinking before coming here.” She said with a chuckle, “lucky for you, the poisoned beer hasn’t sold yet, nor should it ever be placed on the markets. You need to stop its production.”
“Why, may I ask, is this happening?” You said in disbelief.
She cracked her neck, sharp eyes noticing the blood-stained shirt in your pocket, “Lee Junmo has a superiority complex and genius idea that putting poison in alcohol will help the population problem. Completely stupid. What happened to you?”
“My, um, my stitches reopened from the Chinese arms incident.” You said.
“Well certainly, you’re not doing this alcohol spree on your own. I was gonna send in 205 so he could have more time in the field, but you’ll need more experienced hands since you’re injured. Call 802 to accompany you. After that, you’re off for a month, until you fully heal.” She said dismissing you. You bowed and dialed your fellow agent’s number, informing him of your new mission.
“Crazy Alcohol guy? I’m so in.” He said nonchalantly, “I’ll meet you at HQ, y/n.”
Not even 10 minutes later did 802 show up, the two of you getting dressed and geared up for your trip, “Minhyung, you might need to be doing most of the action stuff. I can barely fight as it is,”
He nodded and went over the plan with you. Sneak in the production building, delete the files of the ingredients of the beer, and burn any current alcohol. “So basically, we’re setting the place on fire,”
“And making it seem like a fuse accident,” You answered getting the keys to the government vehicle. “As protocol goes, no more using our names from this point on, in case we get infiltrated.”
“You got it 717,” he nodded as the two of you entered the car. You connected your watches so to have each other’s gps at all times and to communicate through ear piece, not only with yourselves, but also with the government. The building was about a two hour drive from the city, in a rural area towards the southernmost tip of the country. The place was bordered by lights, a huge POWER on the front of the building.
You parked a good half a mile away from the place, “Alright 802, I’ll shut down all the cameras so you’ll be good to go. There’s an emergency side door on the west side, a complete blind spot to any cameras, you can get in through there. You have exactly 30 minutes to find the blueprint, delete it, and get back out here before I set fire to the building. We need a good distance as to not get any trace, there’s no people here for at least 10 miles of this place.”
Minhyung nodded, giving you a fist bump of good luck, “don’t tear your stitches out.”
“That’s the least of my worries, if you need help, I’ll run to you in a heartbeat,” you said, “now go, We’ll be monitoring you the whole time.”
“802 starting mission,” he said exiting the car and disappearing to the side. You followed him through the computer screen attached to the car, your heart beating in adrenaline. 802 otherwise known as Minhyung or Mark Lee was a fairly trained agent in the NCT unit. You often worked with several of their members, since most of your missions can’t be done as a solo operation, unless you’re calling for a death wish. 10 minutes gone by smoothly, Minhyung made his way in the building undetected and was now currently looking for the alcohol information.
“You have some company, to your left,” you said, “after you’re done with them, keep heading straight, there should be a heavily guarded room, I’m assuming it’s in there.”
“I see it.” he said taking down three more guards. You waited for him, bouncing your knee up and down, itching to go out and get some part of the action, “I’m on my way back, get the explosive ready.”
“802 wait! Vehicle approaching the entrance, you have to find a back exit, I’m heading south.” You said stepping on the pedal, “HQ, we need to leave as soon as 802 is back in the vehicle, send fire to my coordinates as soon as I say the word.”
“717 you better hurry,” they said from your ear-piece, “The bomb in your car is detached, the one set for your coordinate is ready.”
“Where are you? I’m out of the building!” Minhyung said
“I see you, right in front of you,” you said stopping the car in front of him. He got in quickly and you sped off, “alright fire.”
“What happened to a good distance away?” he asked catching his breath.
Your foot pressed on the pedal to go faster, heading straight with no clue how to get back to the city. Minhyung set the gps back to headquarters, getting ready to press the autopilot button as soon as the place was on fire. “Bingo, press it.”
You relaxed and leaned back in the seat, giving him a pat on the shoulder, “Piece of cake.”
“Mission complete, files and evidence destroyed, 802 and 717 are heading back to HQ.” You said.
Minhyung cracked his knuckles, looking outside comfortably, “When I get home, I’m gonna go to the bathroom and take a nice warm bubble bath,”
“Usually girls say that,” You commented.
“Boys can treat themselves too, y/n, don’t be so old-fashioned,” he said hitting your arm, “I’m gonna take a nap. Tell me when we’re back.”
Narrator’s POV
“-everyone out of the way! Patient coming through!” A doctor yelled running through the hospital and towards the OR, grasping the gurney that was being rolled along with him.
“Vitals are unstable, he’s in v-fib!” A nurse yelled putting her hands on the patient’s chest to try and get his heart to start beating again. Grabbing the two paddles, the doctor told the nurse to page the cardiac surgeon, stopping the way to the OR momentarily.
“Pulse is back.” The nurse said.
The doctor paused for a brief moment of relief, pushing the gurney forward once more. They reached the room in a matter of minutes, the doctor scrubbing in quickly to meet his co-surgeon who was already inside and examining the patient. “Doctor Jeon, what’s your course of action?”
“The patient has multiple gun shots to the abdomen with no exit points, only entry. The heart is barely under control, I’m afraid a bullet might have scathed one of the ventricles,” Jungkook said, “Doctor Kim, you fix the heart while I get the bullets out.”
Taehyung nodded using a scalpel to open up the patient’s chest, immediately did blood start oozing, “I need some fresh blood, quick before he bleeds out.”
The two young surgeons worked diligently, fixing any complications before it escalated to something fatal. Jungkook put down his instruments at the extraction of the last bullet, cracking his neck with a relieved sigh, “Everything looks good, can you close Doctor?”
“I can finish by myself, yes. The rest are looking for you in Yoongi hyung’s office. I’ll come by once I’m done here.” Taehyung said without looking up. Jungkook exited the OR and removed his gown and gloves, washing his hands thoroughly before heading up to the Psychiatry Wing. Opening the door to Yoongi’s office, his nose was flooded with the scent of noodles.
“We ordered you some black bean noodles,” Namjoon said handing the youngest an unopened bowl. Jungkook thanked him and immediately began devouring the bowl.
Jimin smirked, “Slow down there, Jungkook. You don’t wanna choke and die before your date next week.”
“How do you know about that?” Jungkook asked taking a sip of Yoongi’s water.
The boys started clapping his shoulder, teasingly. “I was doing my rounds and I talked to Doctor Song and she mentioned something about her sister-in-law and Doctor Jeon scheduling an appointment next Friday for a checkup and lunch.”
“I need to make sure her stitches are healed,” Jungkook said innocently, shrugging his shoulders.
Jin laughed, “Please, you haven’t had a date since the nurse from dermatology stalked you after dinner and a movie.”
“She did seem a bit off, you know?” Namjoon commented, “When is Taehyung coming?”
“I’ll eat his noodles if he doesn’t show up soon.” Hoseok agreed.
Jungkook chuckled, “We just finished a surgery, gun shot victim. His name is Na Jaemin if I’m correct, I wonder what idiot gets himself shot here in this area. There were 6 bullets in his body, one barely missed the heart.”
“He’s lucky to be alive,” Taehyung confirmed walking in and taking a seat next to Jimin.
“Tell us more about your date, Jungkook,” Yoongi said getting the attention of the group again.
“Hyung,” Jungkook complained for a moment, “Her name is Song y/n, she’s absolutely beautiful, wow. I thought my heart was going to explode when I saw her for the first time-”
“Disgusting,” Jin said hitting his head with a folder, “If you give her that line, I hope she throws up in your face.”
“Now that’s disgusting,” Yoongi said, “just eat your food.”
A/N and that’s the end of ch. 1! Pls give me feedback it’s greatly appreciated :)
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jrubalcaba · 7 years
Precious Cargo Ch. 14 - The Big News
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Precious Cargo Chapter 14 - The Big News
author: jrubalcaba
featuring: OFC Guinevere “Gwen” Adams x Bucky Barnes
word count: 1783 words
rating: PG
warnings: Feels galore
A/N:  @avenger-nerd-mom is the best beta ever!
At first there was darkness everywhere, but after a while I could sense bright lights. I could feel something cold in my right hand and something tight wrapped around my left arm. I could hear beeping and someone nearby was breathing deeply, almost like they were asleep. I opened my eyes slowly, taking in my surroundings. I was in the medical wing of the tower. I looked to my left and could see the heart monitor, tracking my vital signs, a blood pressure cuff just above my elbow. A sigh from my right startled me. I snapped my head around and saw him. Bucky. He must have been here a while, because he was still in the clothes he was wearing the day we left. He was asleep, his metal hand holding my right. I squeezed his hand, hoping to wake him up, and it worked.
“Wha-Gwen! Oh I'm so glad you're awake! Everyone's been worried,” he gushed, leaning forward to brush my hair back from my face. I gave him a small smile. “You need anything? Water? Trip to the bathroom? Food? Tell me and I'll get it for you.” Geez. He's not normally this attentive, even when we were together.
“Water,” I rasped, my throat dry. Bucky sprang up and ran to the sink, filling up a cup with water before bringing it back to me and tilting it up ever so slightly so I could take a sip. Oh my god it tasted so good. “Thank you.  Can you let my doctor know I'm awake?” I asked. He left the room without a second glance. Wow. I need to remember how to do that. The door opened and Dr. Cho walked in, Bucky on her tail. 
“Miss Adams, so glad you're awake. You lost quite a bit of blood back there. A couple of the bullets went straight through,” Helen informed me. Well, son of a bitch! No wonder I went out so fast. She wasn't done with her assessment though. “There was a bit of a problem, due to your underlying condition, but everything has been checked out and you're going to be making a full recovery.” 
Underlying condition? WTF? Bucky was in the same boat as me, as he had a perplexed look on his face.
“Underlying condition? What does that mean? Is something wrong with her?” He questioned. She looked at him with an apologetic face before answering. “Sorry Sergeant Barnes, but seeing as you're not my patient’s next of kin, I cannot discuss anything with you unless she tells me otherwise, in writing.” Helen smiled, clearly dismissing him. Bucky walked out of the room like a puppy with its tail between its legs. As soon as the door was shut, she rounded on me. 
“So, I need to tell you this because I'm sure that he's going to notify the team that you're awake, and that means we have a few moments before we're interrupted.” She paused, checking to make sure he wasn't listening, before coming back to sit next to me. “Your underlying condition? You're pregnant. 9 weeks along and confirmed by ultrasound and blood work,” she stated. 
Pregnant? Me? There has to be a mistake. Bucky couldn’t have kids. Unless HYDRA lied to him, which given their history, it’s entirely plausible. He’s the only guy I’ve ever been with, and he never used condoms while we were together. Holy fuck! I'm pregnant! 
“I can see that this is a surprise to you. Normally, the kind of trauma that you've experienced could have caused you to miscarry, but, and I'm thinking I'm correct in this, but the fetus is half super-Soldier, so it's still viable.” Helen squeezed my hand and gave me a sad smile. “I know it's a lot to take in, but you need to rest and recuperate,” she insisted, patting my hand. “It's not just you anymore-” she was cut off as the door opened and Wanda, Steve and Natasha filed in. Wanda got to me first, embracing me in a tight hug. 
“I'm so glad you're ok! I've missed you so much!” She exclaimed. The other two gave me a smile and a nod before I realized that no one else was coming in. 
“Where's Barnes and the rest of the team?” I murmured, my throat still sore. They all looked at each other before Steve stepped forward. 
“He's more than likely taking a shower, getting some clean clothes, and eating. He came in with you and hasn't left your side since. He wanted to be here when you woke up,” the captain explained. Oh. Well, that's...sweet. “The rest of the team is waiting for you.” 
In my fuzzy brain, I begin to process things.  “How long have I been out?” 
“You've been out for a day and a half. Dr. Cho said that you have some issue that no one knew about, so she wanted to monitor you to make sure nothing was wrong,” Wanda answered my thought out loud.
“Oh. Well, ok then. Dr. Cho, when can I leave?” I asked. She smiled knowingly at me, because it's a well-known fact that I cannot stand being the center of attention, medical or otherwise. She really is an amazing doctor.
“Let me go fetch your discharge papers, then I can come unhook you from the machine,” she replied. Natasha suddenly produced some clothes from behind her back. 
“I figured you'd want some of your own clothes to wear instead of scrubs,” she stated, shrugging. I nodded, flashing a grateful smile her way. Dr. Cho returned, placing some paperwork on my lap before leaning over me to begin unhooking the leads to the machine. 
“No one knows. Your secret is protected by doctor-patient confidentiality,” she whispered in my ear. I peered at her out of the corner of my eye before she spoke louder. “You will need to relax. Your left arm will need to stay in a sling for a couple days. No extra curricular activities, do you understand?” I nodded my head, catching her eyes to ensure that I was replying to both statements. Everyone left so Dr. Cho could help me get dressed. 
Once I had my own clothes on, albeit significantly tighter, I was in the elevator, heading up to the living quarters. When the doors opened, there was a chorus of “WELCOME HOME!” The whole team was standing under a banner that read ‘WELCOME HOME GWEN’. I smiled as they took turns hugging me until I noticed that Bucky had joined them. His hair was still damp from his shower and he had clean clothes on. He walked forward, holding an envelope out to me. 
“Hey. Um, so Elliott and Zoey’s parents didn't get to meet you or anything, so they gave me this to give to you,” he said, nodding at the envelope and handing it to me. “Oh, before you ask, both of them are fine. Not a scratch, bruise, or hair out of place. They were really scared that you were gonna die though.” He rocked back on his heels, looking sad. His phone suddenly went off, and as he pulled it out, Sam looked over at it and whistled. 
“Damn dude. Where'd you find her?” He asked, jealous. Bucky looked over at him with his best ‘eat shit and die’ look and shoved the phone back in his pocket, his eyes straying over to me for a split second. 
“Forget about it. Let's celebrate Gwen being home, alright?” he offered, changing the subject, but I wasn't gonna let him off that easy.
“Sam, was it a blonde woman with dark eyes?” I may have been talking to him, but my eyes never left Bucky's face, so I saw the guilty look pass over him before Sam confirmed my suspicion. 
“Yeah it was. She, uh, didn't have any clothes on,” he replied, a blush dusting his cheeks. Fan-fucking-tastic. First Bucky brought her home to do god knows what, now she's sending him dirty pictures. Unbelievable.
“Great. You know, I appreciate the thought of celebrating and all, but I'm starving and I would love to just order some pizza and relax,” I suggested. Everyone could feel the tension between Bucky and I but I could tell they weren't going to push the issue since I had just come out of the hospital and didn't need anymore stress. 
“Alright,” Tony said, clapping his hands together. “Everyone figure out what you want on your pizza and I'll call in an order. Grab your drinks, get comfortable, and we'll meet in the theatre.” Everyone was going their separate ways, so I walked over to the closest chair and opened the envelope. There was a letter inside from Elliott and Zoey’s parents.
Dear Gwen, 
We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking care of our children. They are our entire world and being taken from them has been torture. We were told about what had happened at the gas station. How you hid them. How you selflessly put your life on the line to protect them. How you took several bullets and lost copious amounts of blood all in the name of our children.You saved their lives, and we are eternally grateful.
We didn't know if you would pull through, so we had plans in place in case you did or didn't. If you're reading this, that means you pulled through and that all of your medical bills are taken care of. It’s the least we could do. If you didn't pull through, we were going to pay for your funeral services. We hope to keep in touch with you on behalf of Elliott and Zoey. Thank you so much for taking care of the precious cargo that is our children.
 I wiped the tears away as I finished the letter. I looked up and Bucky was there, watching me. I stood up and pushed past him, going to my room and slamming the door. I slid to the floor as more tears came. Knowing that I had a child growing inside me, that could have been lost, suddenly hit me. This was no way to raise a child. I could not, in good conscience, bring a child into this life. Not to mention that if people know that I'm carrying the Winter Soldier’s child, I will most certainly have a target upon my head. Bucky cannot know. He more than likely wouldn't care anyway, seeing as how he cheated on me. There's only one path I can choose. I will not tell Bucky and I will have to disappear and never speak to the team, who had become the family I never had, again.
Chapter 15
@avenger-nerd-mom​ @bolontiku​ @brighterlights​ @buckyappreciationsociety​ @buckyywiththegoodhair​ @caplanbuckybarnes​ @delicatecapnerd​ @disappointedwithchrisevans-post​ @donnaintx​ @etts21​ @ghostssss​ @handshugging​ @imsecretlyromanburki​ @jhangelface0523​ @just-call-me-mrs-captain​ @kimistry27​, @liz-pbnz​ @magellan-88​ @marvel-trash07​ @melodyhiddleston​, @papi-chulo-bucky​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @ryverpenrad​ @sketchbookthingz​ @suz-123​
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