#“its my birthday! ta-da!”
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thebisexualdogdad · 10 months
hey! its my birthday, so i was wondering if you could do how the one piece characters act on their s/o’s birthday?
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Luffy -
● goes all out for you
● birthdays are his favorite thing to celebrate
● he decorates the ship with anything festive he can find
● makes the day all about you
● telling everyone you meet on whatever island you are docked at that it's your birthday
● and he makes all the strawhats sing you happy birthday over cake (that Sanji made but Luffy put the candles in so he helped)
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Nami -
● navigates the ship to an island that is known for being super touristy
● saved up money to spend on all the cheesy activities they have available
● it may not be her idea of fun but she's just happy to see you happy
● pays the maitre d at the fanciest restaurant on the island to pretend like you guys have a reservation
● and you get a very expensive meal that even Sanji would be jealous of
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Sanji -
● wakes you up with breakfast in bed
● he thinks birthdays are best spent being lazy and not doing anything
● insists on a birthday nap
● maybe more than one birthday nap
● has a very elegant dinner and desert planned that smells so good he made Luffy and Usopp get off the ship so they wouldn't be tempted to steal some
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Zoro -
● very casual about birthdays
● doesn't go overboard but still sentimental
● he gets you a really personal gift
● the others would make fun of him for being so soft so he gives it to you in private
● and he plans a day out with the crew so you'd feel special surrounded by your friends
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Usopp -
● the best gift giver (well maybe not the best exactly but surely the most enthusiastic gift giver)
● he's been planning your gift for months collecting supplies from all the islands you've visited finally putting it all together
● “ta-da!” he says doing the big reveal
● you don't totally know what it is but you can tell he is so proud of how hard he worked on it so you light up and tell him it's perfect
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Shanks -
● has a romantic day planned
● makes a picnic to eat on the shore while watching the waves
● then you go out on his rowboat and swim in the ocean
● he brings you back for some drinks and a candlelit dinner at the bar which he convinced Ririka to shut down for the night
● overall just a really nice and relaxing day
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Buggy -
● pretends he forgot
● Literally goes all day without saying anything to you
● you guys are walking back to the performance tent and he says “I feel like I'm forgetting something today”
● “are you serious Buggy??”
● he just grins and opens the door to the tent and it's a huge party for you
● “you didn't think I'd really forget do you? I would never pass up an opportunity for a party”
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Mihawk -
● actually forgets
● but to be fair he doesn't really care about birthdays to begin with
● he couldn't even tell you his own birthday
● but he doesn't want you to feel like he doesn't care about your feelings so as soon as it gets mentioned he goes out and gets you flowers and a simple gift
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urrockstar-xe · 1 year
six months - j.m x gn!reader
posted april 10th, 2023 11:31 pm
i've been on hiatus for quite some time now, and my birthday was a few days ago and that inspired some writing. I finally fell down the jj maybank rabbit hole and decided to test this out, lmk if you enjoyed xx - xe
wordcount: 0.6k
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You didn’t think anything of it when you made it to John B’s and was greeted by JJ with nothing more than a hey and a quick kiss on the cheek. 5 minutes afterward though, when JJ followed John B out to the pogue, Kie sat by you on the couch.
“Isn’t today your anniversary?” She asked, pulling her knees to her chest. 
“Yeah, six months, why?” You watched as Pope got up and went to go catch up with the boys. 
“Are you guys doing anything for it? To be honest, I didn’t think JJ could last in a relationship this long” Kie jokes, nudging you a little while you laughed.
“No, I don’t think so, I mean, I didn’t plan anything. I don’t know I guess it just flew by so fast it doesn’t feel like its been that long you know?”
And besides, you always thought that six months isn’t even that impressive. Not for you and JJ anyway, he was already your best friend before you got together, now it just felt like he was your best friend who got kissing privileges. 
“Do you think JJ is planning anything?” you shrugged in response. 
It didn’t seem very JJ to do something for an anniversary 
But just maybe a little part of you hoped he had. Or that he’d at least mention it sometime tonight.
Kie stood up, making a comment on how long it was taking the boys to come back just as the three of them came into sight. 
“Hey, what took you guys so long-” you were cut off by John B.
“We have to go get some supplies to clean the pogue,” You gave him a confused look before responding, “Clean the pogue? I don’t even think I’ve seen you hose it down before.” 
Pope piped up, “It’s filthy, here take this rag and go start wiping down the outside,” he tossed you a grease-covered green rag as John B grabbed his key and signaled for Kie and Pope to follow him.
You saw Kiara nod at JJ before she smiled at you and followed the two boys as they rushed to the old van. 
“The fuck’s that about?” You asked, standing up and making your way to your boyfriend.
“No idea but it looks like we got stuck with the outside job,” You looked at JJ, even more confused than before.
“What? You’re actually gonna listen to them?” 
“The pogue is practically our safe haven, good to treat her nice by keepin’ her clean.” You scoffed in response, giving JJ a lighthearted glare before he laughed. “C’mon,”
Reluctantly, you followed him to the pogue, playing with the dirty rag in your hand as you walked, occasionally hitting his shoulder and laughing at how he’d tried to grab it from you.
As the boat you spent so much time on came into view, you noticed it looked completely different. 
“What the hell?” JJ smiled in response before turning to face you and opening his arms in a “Ta-da!” form.
Inside the pogue was an old picnic blanket from John B’s porch, Kie’s cooler, and some fake candles scattered around the boat. 
You pouted, looking back at JJ to see him still smiling proudly. “Happy anniversary, mama” 
“Did you guys just do this?” You asked, staring in awh of the setup.
“Yeah, you like it?” “course, I do, I didn’t think you’d want to do something like this,” JJ furrowed his brows at you before throwing his arm around your shoulders.
“Seriously? I’ve been spoken for, for 6 whole months, that’s a new record for me” You laughed in response before asking, “What’s in that cooler?” 
Once again that ever so proud smile returned to his pretty face before he happily told you he and Kie made sandwiches and John B stuffed the cooler with beer. 
“So it’ll be just us, on the pogue, all night?” you asked, stepping inside the boat and watching as JJ copied your actions. 
“All night, baby.”
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bluetorchsky · 6 months
Happy (Belated) Birthday to Andy, the beloved Postman!
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I had finished this yesterday for his birthday, but I like adding stories to my art, so here it is now with the story! (under the read more!)
Andy Vinke and Squeaks the Duck belong to @yunaisky
"Here you go, kid. Your...pet, safe and sound."
Squeaks honked angrily, ruffling their feathers as the gruff Toppat passed them to Andy, who carefully cradled them in their arms while juggling the clipboard he held.
"Thank you, sir. I apologize again, I swear she was at home with my cat." Andy said, a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks. He coughed in his hand before handing the clipboard to the taller Toppat. "Please sign here and I'll be out of your hair in just a bit."
The Toppat snatched the clipboard from his gloved hand and signed it, mumbling under his breath. As he did, a female Toppat came out of the shop and spotted the postman.
"Oh, you are the postman, hm?" She asked him in a thick Danish accent. She motioned for him to come closer. "Wait here, there is something for you."
Andy raised an eyebrow as the clipboard was shoved back into his hands, making poor Squeaks honk repeatedly in annoyance at the sudden action. The postman did his best to soothe his feathery friend when he was presented with two objects from the female Toppats.
"Ta-da! A couple of packages for the postman himself!" She helped Andy rearrange the items he had, letting Squeaks stand on his shoulder, while she pressed the two boxes into his hands.
Andy looked down at the packages, carefully gauging their weight and making mental guesses on what could be inside them. "For me?" He said softly, bringing one of the boxes up to shake it a little. "I wasn't expecting anything from the Toppats...well, there is one I can think of but–"
The female Toppat giggled and patted his other shoulder. "No, it's not from your little flower man. You should learn to do your work and read the name on there, silly!"
The grey-haired postman blinked in confusion until he heard a jingle playing over the intercom in the underground black market. Looking at the time, he gasped and tipped his hat to the Toppat. "S–Sorry, I have to go! But I'll check it out soon!" He shouted as he turned and ran to the train station, hoping the last train would still be there when he got there.
He sighed and sat down in an empty spot in the train car. "That was close." He murmured to himself as he set Squeaks on the plush seat next to him. He took his mailbag off and placed it on his other side, before looking at the two packages he received from the female Toppat earlier. Now that he wasn't running to catch train to leave the underground market, lest he be stuck there for the night surrounded by criminals, he had a chance to breathe and inspect the boxes.
Both were cardboard boxes, almost as long as his mailbag and big like Squeaks in size. They were securely taped but had no return address. All it had was his name and the names of who the packages were from. Well, they weren't really names, but they were actually initials that Andy recognized from the sea of signatures and names he kept filed away in his brain.
"From Mr. Accordion and Mr. Violin?" He questioned out loud to himself. "What could they have gotten for me?"
Squeaks took the opportunity to honk at her master, nudging his left hand towards the box he held. He chuckled and smoothed down her feathers, making her quack softly and bury her head into her wings to rest. "Alright, I'll at least open one of them."
Andy pulled out his cutter tool from his bag. Double checking his gun was still in the bag (with the safety on), he turned his attention back to one of the boxes. He carefully sliced through the packing tape, being mindful of the jostling of the train car. The train made its way out of the underground tunnel and back out into the outside world, passing through green fields on one side and the deep dark ocean on the other.
After a minute, Andy carefully pulled apart the flaps of the box and peered inside, gasping at what he saw. Inside was a penguin plush, dressed up in a version of Andy's postman uniform, covered in a plastic wrap and additional white foam pieces to keep it secure. He carefully pulled the plushie out of the box, tore off the plastic wrap and set back into the box before closing it tightly and setting it aside. He stared at the plushie, admiring every detail of it, until he noticed a birthday card stuck to its back with a white bow.
He pulled the bow off, kept it in his pocket, and opened the card with his left hand while he held the penguin plush close to him with his right. Inside the card was a message that read:
"Happy Birthday Andy! We hope you're not working too hard. We wanted to thank you again for delivering our packages to us in the past, as well as the new ones you delivered to the space station recently. The twins are enjoying their new toys, and we have you to thank for that. Fredrick did slip that your birthday was soon, so we wanted to give you something for all the hard work that you've done, and to show our appreciation for everything you do. We're sure he has something for you already, but we'll let him be the one to deliver that to you.
We hope you enjoy the plush and the sugar cookies we made for you. Have a great time, Andy, and please take care and stay safe!
From, The ArcCoil Family (Accordion, Violin, Aurelia, Florence)"
Andy reread the card again and smiled at the squiggly doodles that were no doubt drawn by the twins. He leaned back in his seat with a soft sigh. "I almost forgot about my birthday." He said softly as he flipped the card over to look at the front that had a yellow decorated cake on the front. "I got caught up in both my jobs again, I didn't notice. Guess that's why the boss gave me an extra slice of cake at the cafe today."
Looking up at the time that flashed on a screen above him, Andy pocketed the card into his mailbag and pulled Squeaks and the other package, which had the duck-shaped sugar cookies inside, closer to him. He would worry about Fredrick later, but now the day's work was catching up to him and it would be another forty minutes until his station arrived. With a yawn, he looked down at the penguin plush and brushed his thumb against the soft polyester. "Thank you." He whispered to the plush and closed his eyes to rest until the train conductor would announce his destination.
(For some context, in my AU there is an underground black market owned and operated by the Toppats called The Ivory Market. Big Boss Joe of the City Division keeps an eye on it (and where one of his offices are set up), and lets other criminals into the market area but only those who are approved by the clan and Reginald. People like Andy are allowed in since he has to deliver mail that can't be delivered by the Transportation Division. He is protected inside the City Division, but he still has to leave at a certain time and watch his back just in case a non-toppat criminal tries to get him.)
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edogawa-division · 7 months
Even if cherry blossoms weren’t in full bloom here in Edogawa, it seemed like the Hanami forecast of this year is a bit awry due to the climate change.
The spring was soon arriving, few pink little petals were carried along the rushing wind and tickling Kanra’s cheeks when she opened the doors to check on her unexpected guest on her birthday.
And this time was the turn youngest member of Wicked Requiem being greeted by a certain super enthusiastic pink-haired wagashi maker of Nara…
“Ohayo, Little D.Vil of Wicked Requiem☆ SWEET-T of Miraitabi is at your service today! Let’s say Happy Birthday and here our team has prepared some presents exclusively for you~ \(ˆᗜˆ˵ )/”
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“First one is from our leader… It surely has a sweet look but this one is for your little friend, Haku-kun! Tee-hee~ It’s kinda suits him since he is someone who has currently adopted our feline buddy too~ A comfy fruit tart (Actually a cat bed) was hardly a bad choice after all! And the next one is from mine~”
The older boy brought out a pink box with a pretty sakura pattern and began to remove its lid.
“Ta-da☆ Harumatsuya and Miraitabi of Nara are proudly presenting~ It looks like you have always made a nice cake for most people in other divisions, right? Now it’s time for you to get a cake too, kid!”
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“Again, Happy Birthday and Happy White Day (。˃ ᵕ ˂ )✿”
Kanra cheerfully squealed at the sight of another cake. It was days like this that Kanra appreciated her super metabolism. Most people couldn't finish 1 whole cake by themselves, let alone the 5 she had eaten in the last few hours. Oh, that was right. Yuriko had banned her from consuming any more sugary sweets for the rest of the night. Well, it would be rude of Kanra to let this cute cake go to waste, and what Yuriko didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
“Okay, now to sneak this back into my room without Yuriko-san noticing.”
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nakanodivision · 10 months
Somewhere in Nakano city, when the Japanese American fashionista was about to leave her house on one cold morning in December, there she saw a large present wrapped by a vivid red furoshiki resting peacefully in front of her doorstep.
Taking by curiosity, she unwrapped the mysterious package and was greeted by a box of homemade crunchy cookies with a small piece of paper tucked inside. To be honest, she thinks that its appearance did look a bit familiar to some crunchies she has known as the ‘Fortune Cookies’ back in her hometown.
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“Tsujiura senbei (辻占煎餅) ——in case we were at crossroads, how would we know that which path is the brighter one? Whatever that means, let’s face forward! For different ways are different more opportunities!
Happy Birthday & Wish you an early merry Christmas
—Yuuya Kanata & Asahi Tomoharu, Nara Division”
The card she found nearby had said so, but the excitement had not ended yet as the red-haired Alice noticed one more present humbly folding beneath the box of cookies
…And Ta-da!
It was a cute kimono modified with the modest Kawaii fashion sent straight from a certain professional seamstress in Kyoto ‘Suzuran Minazuki’.
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Another letter written in a lot neater handwriting was read,
“Greetings, kid
My cousin requested me to hand this little present to you after your collaboration with her from the Halloween Night Party. She did say that she is looking forward to working on some designs with you once again. Maybe she is looking for an apprentice but that’s who knows anyway
—Saigo Fuyugami”
As she opened the furoshiki, she was pleasantly surprised with the fortune cookie like pastries.
“ Oh, how delightful! I haven’t had anything similar to fortune cookies in a long time.”
She takes out the card attached to the furoshiki, reading it.
“ Yuuya and Asahi from Nara Division..Oh! I remember now, I helped with costumes for the Halloween Night Party, so I got to interact with Nara Division there.”
After reading the letter, she noticed the present underneath the cookies.
“Oh goodness, this is gorgeous! The patterns are quite intricate, I can’t imagine how much time this took.”
She reads the second letter.
“I see, so Ms. Minazuki must be Mr. Fuyugami’s cousin. Well, I did enjoy working with her on the Halloween night party, so it’d be an honor to work with her on some designs again!”
Alice neatly sets aside the presents, calling Ririko.
“Oh, Miraitabi sent you some birthday gifts? Aw, how nice of them! You know, their leader, Yuuya, is around your age, maybe this could be your chance to make a friend in your age group! Want me to set up a hangout with them?”
“That would be nice, thank you, Ririko-Senpai.” Alice chuckles.
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fukuokanodivision · 3 months
[REVIVAL] A.R.B Special: Mai Yousei
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~January 9th~ “Whats wrong little puppet? Have you lost control of your strings?” Login Lines “Happy birthday? Riight~! Almost forgot about that…Anyways~ I wonder how many birthday messages Onii-san and Yuno-chin sent already, Probably a lot by now…” “On the topic of birthday messages, I should notify Jakurai-san too. After all, We have a ‘slight’ joint birthday together. Hopefully he picks up though, The last thing I want to see him doing is downright working, Especially on his own special day also!” Voice Lines “Still, I can’t believe I’m a year older than what I used to be a literal year ago. It’s funny, One minute you’re wishing for your next birthday and the next you don’t realize you aged? It’s weird, Time is a really strange thing I guess~!” ”Onii-san? Hm, A mini me plushie? Aww~ it’s so cute. You get these from extra merch department? Don’t tell me you bought one for Yuno-chin too…It’s cute and I love it regardless, Thanks! Mind if we have another livestream soon? I would post a birthday special…But it would be better with all of us~!” “Ha, Yuno-chin! Come on, What did you get me? YOU DID NOT…Chocolate shaped dango…? I NEED to hug you, Right NOW! You’re the best butler ever. Onii-san, Yuno-chins getting away! Help me catch him so I can SQUEEZE the life out of him~! Oh, Do you also wanna share some chocolate dango later?” Eko Lines “Happy birthday Mai, Where has the time gone with you anyways? Now you’re only a year younger than I am, I guess I can’t exactly be your supposed “Senpai” forever, Hehe~…Anyways, Because I’m the leader and it’s your VERY special day today, I have a special surprise for you~! Courtesy of myself and the merchandise department in fact…” “Ta-da! It’s a ‘mini me’ plushie! Themed to match you of course. So…Do you like it…? Yes? Awesome! The merchandise department was kind enough to make it especially for you, So I had to hide it away for a little while. Another livestream? I’ll ask if Yuno’s up for it, Then we can congratulate you turning a year older out to the fans.” Yuno Lines “Mai-Ah! You scared me quite good there…Happy birthday before I forget. I’m glad you’re growing up, You’re almost older than Eko now. You might even grow older than I even am someday! ‘Senpai?’ Yeah, Eko’s been pondering that department. All in all, Yes…I do in fact have a present for you, Just let me go get it first…” “Chocolate dango, Its the closest to chocolates I could find within my budget. You want to try one…? Okay, Just don’t eat it all. How does it taste? You like it, I’m glad~. Wait, What’s with that look in your eye? Mai-san…Oh no, Not another hug stampede. Maybe it’s your birthday, However you’re not squeezing the INTERNAL life out of me today!”
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undobutton · 2 years
Birthday Blues! Kenma x Reader
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warnings: swearing, reader overthinks a little.
reader: gender neutral
genre: fluff! as always💕
wc: 701
characters: Kenma, and reader, mentioned Kuroo's mom
synopsis: You lose kenma's birthday gift on the way home.
a/n: Happy Kenma day!! enjoy!💞
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You rush through the door happily and bust into kenma's room and spot him sitting at his desk in his blue office chair as he insists that gaming chairs are uncomfortable.
"Hey," he says nonchalantly. Spinning around to see you.
"Happy- Are those my bobby pins?" You ask.
Kenma pouts, getting up to hug you and taking the bags you're holding from you.
"they're our bobby pins. They make it easier to see my second monitor."
You sigh, but quickly remember about his gift! Deciding to buy him his own pack another day.
"Oh, Kenma open your present!"
He reaches into the frilly bag and gestures for you to take a seat on his bed. You happily plant yourself on the cute cat-themed bed set Kuroo's mom got for him yesterday. Eager to see his reaction.
You saved up for his gift, a $100 gift card for his favorite gaming store, and three special games he had been talking to you about recently. It was no joke! Countless hours of sweat blood and tears, but it's a small price to pay for your favorite person!
"... It's empty." Kenma deadpans, tilting his head at you. "Is this part of a surprise?"
It's empty? it's Empty? IT'S... EMPTY?? No no no no.
"What do you mean?" You ask, not quite believing your ears.
"The bag is empty, y/n." He flips it upside down, spilling tissue paper all over the floor in a rainbow waterfall. Showing off the fact that there really isn't anything inside. Just like your heart. No, that's a bit too dramatic.
"Oh, the bottom is not sealed. It must have fallen out" Kenma frowns.
"Quick! We need to go find everything!"
You bolt up from your seat without giving Kenma a chance to respond, air rushing past your ears while you practically launch yourself back outside.
It's frigid. The cool autumn air reminds you of the jacket you left at home in your excitement to see your boyfriend's face when he opened your thoughtful gifts. You guess your anticipation made the temperature feel much warmer than it was.
Shivering, you start to walk back toward your home. It's within walking distance from Kenma's hence you not getting a ride there. But now it feels like an endless void of hiding places. it hasn't been too long. Maybe, hopefully-
"Oh, Kenma. I'm sorry! I was so focused on your present!"
"It's okay." Kenma smiles, holding out his Nekoma jacket for you.
"Thank you!" You slide the thick hoodie over yourself and sigh in contentment.
"of course... What does it look like? The present I mean." Kenma questions, rubbing the back of his neck.
"mmm. I got you a few things, just, You'll know when you see them."
He nods and you begin your search.
it goes on for nearly an hour, and you consider giving up a few times, Thinking that someone got lucky and made off with your boyfriend's birthday gift. But you worked too hard to give up Dammit! And that attitude paid off, cause after Kenma's hundredth sigh you spot familiar red packaging.
"Finally!" You sprint over to the orange-tinted bush and pull the gift card and games from its delicate leaves.
"Ta-da! Happy birthday, darling!" You hum out the special tune and hand Kenma his gifts.
"... Holy Shit Y/N.. No wonder you didn't want to give up." He stands there expressionless for a few moments, You feel your nerves begin to stumble around in your mind. What if he doesn't like the games, or the $100 was pushing it... more? Less?
"Ha, ha, hahaha!" Kenma begins to laugh, and laugh and laugh. Till he's clutching his stomach. Before you can ask him anything he starts:
"I love you so much, you know that? You really are amazing. What did I do to deserve you? This is great Y/N I don't even know how to thank you." He smiles bigger than you've ever seen and yanks you into a hug.
"I love you most," he whispers into the embrace and Kissing your cheek.
Pulling away, his smile still ever so present he tilts his head at you. "Let's go back and celebrate."
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Thank you for reading, reblogs are greatly appreciated! -Button 🌺
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morbsxadorbs · 1 year
okay, so!
I know I’ve been talking about a @morvantmortuary ita bag for ages now, but I haven’t posted any photos! this is bc I kept having to migrate it between base bags due to my own indecisiveness/occasional misfortune - I’d find one that I really liked and wear it for a while, but then before long I’d spot another base come down into my price range, but then not long after the zipper would come undone and be nonfunctional, etc. it really felt like I was maybe cursed there for a hot minute :’D
but so today, I finally got a pretty solid-feeling nylon coffin base I ordered not long ago, and it was actually cheaper than the previous coffin-shaped base I’d ordered!!
so I decided I would just go ahead and take photos now, before anything happens to it when I wear it out tonight lmao
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Ta-da! here it is, in all its glory. it’s a little lumpy bc I’ve already got all my stuff in there, but I think it works for a more ‘casual outing’ bag.
more photos below to save space 🖤
here’s a tour of the pins in the insert:
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so of course as I’m tallying these up, I’m realizing just how many of them are pieces I’ve collected like a magpie over the years :’D but I did go back and find sources for the ones I could!!
I got the Cafe du Monde button and the embalming machine on two separate trips to NOLA, one before I started grad school and one after.
I’m pretty sure I got the hearse and the scythe at an Oddities show in Austin after COVID wound down a bit (but I know the artist for the scythe is BatsintheBelfry on etsy, and I love a lot of their stuff!).
the MCR pin is from a hipdot preorder years ago, the knife was from a kickstarter preorder around the same time, and the love letter (which has more to do with the manuscript version) was a birthday present before I started grad school. (I think it might have come from Maya Kern’s store??? I’m not sure.)
the Horror heart was also I think a lucky freebie in an order for a little outfit for chibi!Maxi.
the death’s head is from VeronaBlack on etsy
the Maggie skele-kitty is from queerwatercolors on etsy
the Eat Racists alligator is from lostlustsupply on etsy
and the bi bracelet I turned into a zipper pull is from FlorenceMaeHandmade, also on etsy
and then we had a lot of room on the side hinge, so I added some pinback buttons that didn’t work on the insert:
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the bi heart was I’m pretty sure a xmas present from my favorite ex
the Final Survivor pin is from BearBonesArt on etsy, who does a lot of really cute slasher-related stuff. (it’s more mint-colored than it looks in the photo, my house lighting is just odd.)
and the reassuring reaper pin is from DanyelleOrwickArt on etsy. it’s probably one of my favorites, and she has a whole collection of them that I want to buy the rest of when I have the cash 🖤 maybe at my next job lmao
we did try putting all the tiny!Morvants in the display window! but, uh. :’D
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it’s maybe. a little cramped in there. (they did used to call these kinds of coffins toe-pinchers, after all!)
so we might go with something like this for our Outing this evening:
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(at least until we’re seated and the lights go down lol.)
while I’m mentioning artists, just a reminder that I got the tiny!Morvants (and stunt!Maxi, who is still undergoing a repair spa stay) from NoizFoxy on etsy! they were a joy to work with each and every time, they were super thoughtful when it came to details, and they always kept me updated in the process, so if you ever decide you want a small friend of your own (be it OC or blorbo), I would recommend them when they have an open listing 🥰
okay! thanks for letting me babble about this, I know it’s super niche but I’m just happy it got put together!! I’m looking forward to wearing it out later 👻🖤
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“I pray daily to the good Lord to preserve you for a long time for our happiness”
The other day I discovered Antiquariat Inlibris, an Austrian antique store that specialize in selling rare books and letters, and their online catalogue is a true mine gold of content. Among the many items I came across with were three letters that Empress Elisabeth of Austria, Duke Karl Theodor in Bavaria and Queen Marie Sophie of the Two Sicilies wrote when they were children to their mother Duchess Ludovika, congratulating her on her birthday.
The first two are from a nine-years-old Elisabeth and a seven-years-old Karl Theodor, both dated August 25, 1847. Elisabeth wrote her letter in French, while her brother wrote it in German, in verse. Note how they used the same lace-decorated paper.
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Ma chère Maman!
Je te félicite de tout mon cœur pour ta fête; je prie journellement le bon Dieu de Te conserver longtemps pour notre bonheur. Te promettant de faire mon possible pour Te contenter, chère maman, je Te prie d’aimer toujours
Ta reconnaissante fille Elise.
My dear Mama!
I congratulate you from my whole heart on your birthday; I pray daily to the good Lord to preserve you for a long time for our happiness. I promise you to do my best to please you, dear mama, I pray that you always love Your grateful daughter Elise
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Sieh, wie hier, dieß Herz in selig stiller Wonne, | Theuerste Mama, von Liebe überfließt, | Heut! Da gleich den Tag die holde Morgensonne | Dich Geliebteste dein Namensfest begrüßt. | Fromme Wünsche, die in meinem Herzen glühen, | Steigen für dein stetes Wohl zum Himmel auf. | Schön und anmuthsvoll, wie Frühlingsblumen blühen, | Die der Thau erquickt, so sey dein Lebenslauf. | Mög der güt'ge Himmel seine besten Gaben, | Dir verleihen, lächeln dir mit holdem Blick, | Stets mit süßer Freude deine Seele laben, | Lohnen deine Mutterliebe mit reinstem Glück. | Ich will werth seyn stets des Himmels hoher Gnade | Die in deinem Glücke er auch mir beschert, | Und verdienen immerdar auf meinem Lebenspfade | Das, was deine treue Mutterliebe mir gewährt. 
Translation by DeepL, but since this is a poem the automatic translator likely butchered it:
See, how here, this heart in blissful silent delight, | Dearest mama, overflowing with love, | Today! Since the fair morning sun is about to dawn | You most beloved your name festival greets. | Pious wishes, which glow in my heart, rise to heaven for your constant well-being. | Beautiful and graceful as spring flowers bloom, | Which the dew refreshes, so be thy course. | May the good heaven bestow its best gifts on thee, | Bestow upon thee, smile upon thee with a fair look, | With sweet joy thy soul always refresh, | Reward thy motherly love with purest happiness. | I will always be worthy of heaven's high grace. | Which in your happiness he also bestows on me, | And merit evermore on my life's path | That which your faithful motherly love grants me.
The third congratulation letter is dated August 30, 1850, and it was written in German by an eight-years-old Marie:
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Liebe Maman!
Freudig ergreife ich heute bei Gelegenheit deines Geburtsfestes die Feder um dir die Wünsche meines Herzens, aus aufrichtigem und kindlichem Gemüthe stammend, darzubringen. Möge der liebe Gott dich noch viele Jahre im besten Wohlseyn und ungestörter Zufriedenheit erleben lassen und dir alle Güter, die dein Leben zu verschönern im Stande sind im reichsten Maße zu Theil werden lassen. Möge aber auch der liebe Gott mein Bemühen, dir durch Fleiß recht viele Freude zu machen, segnen und es mir auf diese Weise gegönnt seyn, dir deine mütterliche Sorgfalt und Liebe einigermaßen zu vergelten und mich derselben immer würdiger zu machen. Dieß sind die Wünsche um deren Erfüllung heute ganz besonders zu Gott bitten wird deine dich innigliebende Tochter Marie
Translation by DeepL:
Dear Mama!
Joyfully I take the pen today on the occasion of your birthday to offer you the wishes of my heart, coming from a sincere and childlike mind. May the good Lord let you experience many more years in the best well-being and undisturbed contentment and grant you all the goods that are capable of embellishing your life in the richest measure. May the good Lord also bless my efforts to bring you much joy through diligence and may it be granted to me in this way to repay you to some extent for your motherly care and love and to make myself more and more worthy of it. These are the wishes for the fulfillment of which your daughter Marie, who loves you dearly, will especially pray to God today.
Interestingly Marie and Karl Theodor's letters are each €1500, while Elisabeth's letter costs €15000, a true testament on how anything that Sisi and her myth touched can turn into gold. More importantly, however, is how these letters are a testament on how much Ludovika was loved by her children.
Sources: [x] [x] [x]
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
For those who are interested in what I have managed to write for my "Gran Hotel AU" so far: ta-da!
..and those who have no idea/memory of what I'm on about: last spring I wrote this short fic in the AU I had come up with (loosely inspired by my trip to Dublin and the Spanish TV series Gran Hotel). This part below I wrote last summmer, and it's actually chapter 3, but since chapter 2 is about a different character entirely, it's not too illogical to read this one first, in my opinion. That is, if there ever will be chapter 2 😅😩 I put my outline for chapter 2 in the tags (mild spoiler alert)! I also suggest you read my ideas for the AU in general in the tags of the post linked above, otherwise I'm afraid this won't make much sense 😆
The grove of the family cemetery greeted Joel like an old friend, taking him into its cool embrace, which Joel was grateful for in the heat of the late afternoon.
He walked past his grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ graves, only stopping to snip a dried leaf off the light blue violet in front of his paternal grandmother’s tombstone. In his mind Joel promised to bring her fresh ones for her next name day. Grandmama would understand, he thought. She always did.
By the duck pond Joel dropped by the resting place of his father’s twin brother, taken by pneumonia only two days before their sixth birthday. With no one having actively tended to the grave since grandmama’s passing nearly a decade ago, the old stone had begun to grow moss, all but covering the golden carvings. Usually Joel was too inside his own head to mind the grave of an uncle he never came to know other than from grandmama’s stories, but today something pulled him towards the plain, small mound to root out most of the weeds thriving on it. Perhaps he had heard grandmama’s authoritative voice in his ears for a split second.
From there he continued his unhurried journey deeper into the memorial park, anticipating as much as awaiting the final few stops on his tour, until he arrived at his father’s grave.
The white lilies had dried weeks ago already, but Joel was yet to find the energy or motivation to throw them away. The carvings on the stone were still fresh, however, standing out from the already worn ones on the right side of the stone.
Like every day for the past almost four weeks, Joel had no clue what to say. Say nothing, Joonas would have advised him, he ain’t gonna hear you anyway, he’s dead. 
Ironically, Joel had not said a whole lot to his father when he had still been alive either.
Be as it may, something about the cemetery always made Joel talkative. He couldn’t have explained it if he tried to, but he supposed grandmama’s habit of walking in between the tombstones having full conversations with her long-deceased parents, her late husband and her baby boy had something to do with it. Joonas had always found it a little creepy and had politely declined grandmama’s plea for him to come along and learn about the history of his family, whereas Joel had gone with her each time, following on her heels and helping her take care of the flowers. One time, when grandmama had already needed a walking stick to support herself, she had asked Joel to look after the family graves and the garden surrounding them once she would be “gone to meet her maker”, as she had put it then. Joel had promised, but only after grandmama had reassured he wouldn’t have to go near the eerie, tumbledown mausoleum of his great-grandparents’, the founders of the Hokka estate.
That was why Joel often found himself crouching in front of names that no longer lived in people’s mouths, at least not the way they used to, staring at the dates that had changed his life forever, biting his lip in a failed attempt to keep himself from spitting out the disrespectful words.
“Fuck you.” 
He grabbed a fistful of grass in his palm and continued without opening his mouth to speak the words out loud.
Fuck you for treating her the way you did.
Fuck you for treating them both the way you did. 
Fuck you for treating us the way you did.
Fuck you for loving a bottle of whiskey more than your sons.
Fuck you for tending your minibar with more compassion and care than the legacy you’d be passing on to us.
Fuck you for dying of a heart attack at 65 and leaving us with this sinking ship.
Joel threw the shredded grass on the drooped lilies.
Fuck you for not being here for me.
When the letters on the tombstone began to blur, Joel looked away to get a hold of himself once more before he would move on. Visiting his father’s grave filled him with so much anger and bitterness and inexplicable hopelessness that he felt like skipping it altogether, but so far he hadn’t had the guts to do so, as if his old man’s disappointed look was still nailed to his back.
Having found his regular breathing frequency again, Joel stood up and turned to the pink roses growing in front of the right-hand half of the stone. 
The woman resting in the casket six feet under may not have been Joel’s real mother, but she was the only mother he had ever had.
Although she had had a tendency to favour her biological son when it came to deciding which birthday boy was served the last piece of the strawberry cake (even if Joonas was, more often than not, willing to share) or who was bought new clothes more frequently, Joonas’ mother was still the kindest woman Joel knew and had truly loved Joel as he was her own.
The only time Joonas ever visited the cemetery was when they planted the roses on her every birthday in the beginning of June. 
The last time Joel had seen Joonas cry was the day she had died, on a frosty February morning when Joonas had been fifteen and Joel sixteen. They had held each other close on Joonas’ bed, listening to their father breaking glasses in the office room above them.
‘Cause of death: fever’ Joel had read from the death certificate he had found in one of his father’s drawers in search of cigarettes, but in reality no one seemed to be certain what really had taken her. Their father had suspected it had been a food poisoning, and so he had had an excuse to take out his grief on the the blameless members of the staff and fired the chef and half the waiters, whereas grandmama had comforted the half-orphaned teenage sons that their mother’s heart had finally burst from loving her boys too much (which hadn’t been half as soothing as grandmama had probably intended it to be; instead, it had given Joel nightmares for weeks). There had even been talk in the town that she had gone mad with jealousy over her husband’s numerous affairs and eventually fallen fatally ill, simply due to heartbreak and excruciating loneliness.
Joel, on the other hand, knew better. He knew she had been stronger than that, always trying her best to make sure Joonas and Joel had been outside playing or bothering the kitchen staff, far out of earshot whenever she had confronted her husband after finding yet another maid in his bed. He knew she must have been unhappy in her marriage, but also that she had been aware of what she had married into. Yet, she had chosen to stay, not because she had loved her husband that much, but because she had understood she could never have afforded as much as a roof above her head, let alone be allowed to take her boys with her, even if she had been able to provide evidence of the adultery committed by her husband. She had stayed, because despite how miserable her life had undoubtedly been from time to time, she had wanted to ensure a happy childhood for Joonas and Joel, one where they’d have at least one loving parent in their life.
She would have deserved so much better than an unfaithful drunkard of a husband with heaven knows how many secret lovers and possibly even more illegitimate children. She would have deserved a more honourable final resting place than that next to the honourless scoundrel who had selfishly demanded to be buried by her side; a pathetic excuse of a man who had never deserved one bit of her unselfishness.
Those were among the countless of other things Joel usually murmured as he sat in front of her grave, on the grass right by the roses, just to be closer to her. This time, however, he remained silent, only reaching his hand to caress the cheek of a porcelain angel Joonas and he had brought there on the first anniversary of her death. The angel was missing its right wing, broken when the statue had been knocked down in an exceptionally intense thunderstorm. Joel had been devastated by the loss, but Joonas had told him she probably didn’t mind; she had always been drawn to all things broken and imperfect. 
“You know, like that teacup without a handle she didn’t want to throw away because it had her favourite flower painted on it,” Joonas had said.
And me, Joel had almost added, the bastard son of her husband she could have easily thrown out of the house the second his father slid a ring on her finger and no one would have judged her for it. 
Instead, she had read him bedtime stories and kissed his knee better when he had fallen down from a tree, and Joel wished he had told her how grateful he was for it all when she had still been alive to hear it. Alas, around the time of her death, Joel had been an adolescent full of rage, too burdened by frustration and fear to worry about the mortality of his mother. 
“Joonas says hi,” he whispered to the tombstone. He touched two of his fingers to his lips and pressed them against the cold of the stone before getting up and walking away, towards the grave he always saved last on his tour.
During the years following their mother’s death, Joel and Joonas had kept receiving pitying looks and regretful words of condolence from members of the staff, the people of the town, and even the hotel guests who had gotten wind of the tragedy. “Poor boys,” they always said, “how ill-starred in life must one be, to lose his mother at such a young age.”
Yet, Joel had always thought Joonas was lucky.
At least he only had one mother to grieve.
Fair enough, Joel had never known his birth mother, the only daughter of Mr. Byström, who had been one of the most important investors of the hotel once upon a time. From the hotel’s tattletale receptionist Joel had heard that Mr. Byström and his wife had disappeared in a storm on their way across the Atlantic, only a week after Mr. Byström had asked Joel’s father to “take his girl under his wing”, should something happen to them during their journey.
Joel was pretty sure that by “taking his girl under his wing” Mr. Byström had not meant “knocking her up at the age of 19”.
Grandmama had never talked much about the circumstances of Joel’s birth, apart from the weather: “it was a real cloudburst, raining hounds and mousers for hours without end, and still your first scream was louder than any thunder that has ever roared above this house”. 
Joel supposed she had wanted to be considerate towards the lady of the estate by keeping the names of the hotel owner’s previous lovers out of her mouth, although it wasn’t like Joel’s mother had ever been given such a privilege to begin with.
When Joel had been but six months old, his mother had understood the rumours she had heard weren’t just rumours. For two more months she had borne looking at young Miss Porko’s swelling belly before she had filled the pockets of her trench coat with rocks and jumped down the bridge crossing the river that ran by the estate.
Hence, there was nothing but soil below the wonky wooden cross Joel had erected in her memory in the farthest corner of the memorial park, in the shade of an enormous, over a century-old oak tree. Even if her body had been found, she would have been buried nowhere near the estate, for she had never officially been part of the family. Still, Joel had wanted a place to visit her, to talk to her, and since the bridge from which she had jumped to her underwater grave had rotted away years ago, he had had no choice but to make her a memorial on his own.
When Joel arrived at the cross, he sighed as he saw it having fallen down again and crouched down to straighten it. Then he took the rose from behind his ear and stuck it in the soil, next to all the other ones in various stages of wilt.
Some days he talked to her about his day; how he had gotten out of bed just in time for supper and avoided everyone until leaving the house when the sun began to set. 
Other days he just sat there, wondering what on earth he should say to a mother who had not lived to see her firstborn’s first birthday. 
It most likely would have killed her anyway, had she not done the job herself; as if by some cursed twist of fate, Miss Porko’s son was born on the 5th of October, exactly one year after Joel’s birth. And while Joel had been welcomed to the world with an intense downpour, Joonas’ arrival had ended nearly two weeks of rainfall and lured out the first rays of the sun in almost a month, if Joel was to believe his grandmama, who had always loved to reminisce about the events of that day.
From across the cemetery Joel had one day dragged an old wooden bench that had been situated near the grave of a long-forgotten relative – an uncle who, according to grandmama, “had always been a bit of a pillock” – and replaced it in front of his mother’s. There he sat for hours on end, staring at the cross and the roses, asking the universe over and over again what life would be like for him if his birth mother had lived for longer than twenty years and seven months.
Or if Joonas’ mother had not collapsed all of a sudden when getting out of the bath while Joonas and Joel had been busy arguing about who got to sit on the front seat of their father’s new Mercedes.
Or if grandmama was still around, offering her prickly life wisdom at every turn.
Or if his father was lying passed out on the couch of his office instead of dead in his grave. Maybe one of these days Joel would have had the courage to say all the things he wanted to say to him.
As the sun disappeared behind the forest looming at the border of the estate, Joel lay on his side on the bench and hugged his knees to his chest. He kept his gaze fixed on the white cross for as long as he could still see it before it got too dark, before tiredness forced him to close his eyes and wait for restless sleep to come.
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el-dritchknight · 2 years
Happiness Redux [Cove/MC Fluff]
Fandom: Our Life: Beginnings & Always (visual novel) Summary: It's the first time you've returned to Sunset Bird since your honeymoon, and you plan to make your husband's birthday the best it's ever been.
Unfortunately, the universe didn't quite get the memo.
(In which there is a series of unfortunate events that includes, but is not limited to, escapee shells and drowning strawberries, but Cove thinks the world of you anyway.)
Characters | Ships: Cove/Main Character Notes: advanced anniversary to OurLifeBeginningsAndAlways & belated happy birthday to my beloved husband Cove Holden <3 have a fluffy, funny fic to celebrate <3 thank you @gb-patch for the precious ocean boy who changed my life for the better <33
“And one, two, three… open your eyes!”
Cove lowers his hands from his face and blinks into the bright light. The view before him is one he’s seen a thousand and one times before: sunlight gleaming off vast expanse of ocean, its waves softly kissing the shore.
But the splendor of his beloved’s smile rivals that of the sun.
“Ta da!” You spread your arms out. “Happy Birthday! How do you like it?”
“I love it,” Cove says, his gaze tenderly tracing the curve of your face, the way your hair sways in the gentle sea breeze.
It’s the first time the both of you have returned to Sunset Bird after the honeymoon. Giddy at the thought of coming home with his spouse (someone who was always more than just a neighbor), Cove can’t help the grin creeping on his face or the warmth flushing his cheeks pink.
A matching blush stains your own face crimson. “Y-you’re just staring at me again, aren’t you?”
“Guilty as charged.”
Delight pulls your lips into a bigger smile, yet you persist in the face of Cove's distracting charms. “Come on, space cadet. You need to see the actual surprise!”
Read more on AO3
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lordofthestrix · 2 years
“You read Harry Potter, right? You read everything.” You could tell Juliette was proud of this one by the excited way she showed the game board with a happy smile. “It took me ages for this thing to work. Don’t get me started on those old spells lazy warlocks used so their doors would open with their voice and how hard it was to work with them as my base.” The redhead quickly took one of the two rings and placed it on her finger. “Queen’s knight. C6.” She showed him the horse moving on its own with smug cheer. “Ta-da! They don’t actually attack each other. I didn’t think it was a great decision to keep the pieces safe and sound. But I hope you like it. Happy birthday Lord Tristan! 
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“Bestow upon a witch the opportunity to master any form of the arcane arts ever conceived and she will end up recreating fictional enchantments for you.” The vampire mused with interested amusement as the knight loyally obeyed Juliette’s instructions. “A formidable pièce de résistance in an already charming collection.” As he perused the board in acknowledged satisfaction his hand visited its giver to pat her head. “You remain as original as ever. My sincere gratitude for all trinkets and jinxes, ladybird.”
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firstaidspray · 7 months
Birthday Countdown Revchase Snippets - Day 22
To celebrate Valentine's month as well as my birthday month, I'm going to post a snippet of Revchase every day until my birthday, using these prompts- there are 25 so it leads right up to my birthday!! Here is day 22!!
22- Write about a member of your ship giving the other a special gift. 
Pairing: Robert Chase/Reverie (oc)
Media: House MD
Word Count: 717
Rating: Everyone
CW: None
Weekends off– no, shared weekends off, are the most sacred and important kinds of days off. How rare it is for House to let Chase off the hook for more than an hour, let alone the same time Reverie isn't stuck in the OR– it's a time to celebrate. And often, that celebration is going down to the shore to surf, swim, and beachcomb to their hearts’ content.
They arrive back home with sand still finding its way out of their bags, their clothes, hell, even their bodies despite several showers. With skin just a few shades warmer than before, up to a point, thanks to whatever wetsuit or swimwear they chose. With bags full of new ocean treasures, from shells to bones to beach glass.
One particular item, though, Chase has found and kept hidden from Reverie. Which is difficult, considering she digs around in all the bags to make sure they have everything before coming back home. And this item is difficult to conceal, considering its fragility and importance, so Chase has had to keep it basically on his person at all times to keep Reverie from finding it.
The afternoon they return home from the shore, and everything is put away in the house, Reverie throws herself onto the couch and sighs. Chase can tell she's exhausted from the trip and the unpacking, and since she's in a relaxed state, now might be the time to give her that special item.
“Hey, Rev,” Chase calls to her, his voice having an air of importance to it. “There's something I want to show you.”
Reverie turns over her shoulder and watches as he digs in the camera bag. “Oh, Christ, is it a picture of me eating shit on that really small wave? Did you photograph that? Because I do not want to see that. It was embarrassing enough as it is.”
Chase shakes his head and laughs. “No, it's something else. A gift.”
She raises her eyebrows. “A gift?”
“Yep,” he says, trying to keep the thing he speaks of hidden in his hands. “A gift from the ocean.”
Reverie's heart speeds up. “Oh God, what did you find?”
He kneels beside the couch next to her and opens up his hands like a clam shell, revealing what's inside. Reverie gasps and smiles, laughing in disbelief.
“Ta-da,” he says playfully, moving his hand closer to Reverie.
“Holy shit, Chase! You really found this?!”
In his hands is a small, black item, no longer than six inches. It looks like some kind of pouch with horns on the top and bottom, and that's because it is– it's a mermaid's purse.
“I can't believe you found a fucking mermaid's purse!” Reverie cheers, poking at the leathery little sea trinket. “The size, the shape…it's gotta be a small skate egg case. When and where did you find this?”
Chase smirks. “Funny enough, I found it when you ate shit on that small wave. That wave washed it ashore. I knew you've always wanted one, so I grabbed it as fast as I could and I've hidden it all weekend so I could give it to you as a present.”
Reverie takes the mermaid's purse into her own, considerably smaller hands, and admires it with sparkles in her eyes and a huge smile. “This has got to be like, the coolest thing I've ever gotten to hold. And I've held a human heart!”
“I'm glad you like it,” Chase replies with a smile. “Took a lot of effort to keep it hidden. I'm just glad you thought I took an embarrassing picture of you and refused to touch the camera all weekend.”
She laughs. “I'm glad, too. You know where this goes, right?”
“The shelf of honor,” they say simultaneously.
The shelf of honor is a special shelf in their bedroom, just adjacent to the nightstand but high up on the wall. It contains several oddities and specialties from both parties’ beachcombing adventures, and the mermaid's purse fits right in next to a heart shaped shell Reverie found right after telling Chase she loves him.
“Thank you so much,” Reverie says before giving Chase a kiss on the cheek. “It's the coolest thing on the shelf, innit?”
Chase nods. “I think so. I really do think so.”
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bankitlite · 7 months
Sending Money Just Got Easier: Ditch the Cash, Embrace the Click! 
Gone are the days of digging through wallets or standing forever in bank lines just to send some moolah. Thanks to all the digital jazz, sending money online is quicker, breezier, and open for everyone to dive into. Whether it's shooting a birthday gift over to your cousin in Mumbai or divvying up the tab at a Chennai joint with pals, technologies have your back, buddy! 
No more paperwork headaches—just a few clicks and you're on your way. Remember all that fuss with jotting down details and wrestling with forms? Forget about it! Online platforms tossed that time-eating stuff out the window. Now, you can sling money right from your bank account to anyone in India with just a couple of clicks or taps on your screen. No more scribbling info on scraps or decoding those mind-boggling bank statements. Type in the recipient's deets—name, phone number, or bank stuff—and ta-da! Your cash zooms through the digital highways, landing in their account lickety-split. 
Speed? Faster than a racing cheetah, my friend. No more dragging along like old-school bank transfers. These online platforms are Usain Bolt Swift. Your money doesn't get stuck in snooze-worthy bureaucratic lines; it zips through super secure digital channels, landing almost instantly in its destination. Picture this: you can send cash pronto to a loved one in a pinch or treat your buddy to dinner across the country right on the spot. These online transfers make real-time connections happen, shrinking distances with the power of tech. 
Not everyone's got a fancy bank account, but that's where Domestic Money Transfer (DMT) portals swoop in like financial superheroes. You can find these portals in local shops or mobile recharge spots. Just grab your Aadhaar and phone number, and bam! You're all set to send and receive funds, no bank visits or paperwork required. It's like having a tiny bank right in your pocket. 
This online money transfer jazz isn't just about making life easier for folks; it's giving the domestic remittance game a turbo boost. Faster transactions, cheaper fees, and reaching more folks mean these platforms are pulling in more customers by the truckload. It's like building this big ol' world of financial inclusion and growth. 
So, next time you need to shuffle money around India, ditch the old ways and jump on the online transfer train. They're quicker, smoother, and locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Remember, with just a few clicks or taps, you're breaking down distances, fortifying relationships, and getting a front-row seat to the magic of instant money connections. 
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macawbre · 11 months
He knows that if he asked outright, Father would reply with some silly quip and end by saying all he needs is his family's happiness. (Which, okay, is really sweet and totally doesn't make Laslow tear up. Not at all.)
Probably. Or Father would give the question serious thought, and ask for a charm or piece of magic that frankly sounded impossible to procure.
So Laslow didn't ask. Merely plotted and scratched his head and was only marginally stressed out when an order almost wasn't completed on time.
"Father! Happy birthday," he grins, sitting across from Henry at the dinner table. They get to celebrate as a family again, and Laslow doesn't dare waste a minute.
From the chair next to him, Laslow produces a medium sized box. "Ta da! Please be careful with the package on top."
(There are a few carefully wrapped items inside the box. The first is an onyx crow with two small rubies for eyes, made by the same artisan who created Mother's dancer figurine. Next is a book of famous ghost stories from across Fodlan. And last of all, a hand woven, tan sweater made of only the softest yarn.)
"Okay, okay, let's get some grub on. You need to get some food in you, so you grow up even stronger than you are now, yeah?"
It's a sentiment mimicked, much like a parrot, but with feeling and purpose and all the little nuances with being something to someone. Henry wasn't daft—he was hardly a parental figure at all, let alone this boy's real father. Inigo's real father was immortalized, beloved, and all the things he just wasn't. Yet. But in a way, just sitting across from him, eye-to-eye, reminded Henry that there was never going to be a moment Inigo would regret, so long as he was around. Him. Henry. No one else would fill those shoes. And that was the most important thing to him in moments like this.
He'd take these shoes and walk this earth a father. And better yet, Inigo's!
"Hey, kiddo, whatcha got behind your back?" Henry wondered if the fatherly thing to do was to pretend it wasn't there. But like a crow took to a shiny coin, he couldn't help himself.
"It's not a risen arm, is it?" A joke. Probably. His terribly joyous grin spread from ear-to-ghastly-ear.
"Nah, I'm kidding. But, hmmmmm~"
His grin shrunk a little, even more genuine than the last. It's touched with a gentleness that almost felt unsettling—like a man laying to rest for the last time. "You didn't have to." He really didn't have to. "For my birthday, huh?"
It's such a dear little box, too. He swallowed a bit, met with a dryness that curled on the back of his tongue like a dusty, forgotten stage. Henry had never been good at these touchy-feely things. But every year older reminded him that however much he would play the stranger, his family would pull him in for the same song-and-dance again. And again. Until he wasn't just ghosting the motions, but feeling them in their entirety.
He just hoped that when the curtains fell, and the shoes were put away, his boy would carry on as beautifully as he always had been.
"Thanks, my boy."
Before he even opened the dear box, he rested his hand on its lid and sighed. Honestly, he knew he'd just adore it. Whatever it was.
"...I think you know me a little too well." The phrase, however catty, arrived with great, sincere affection. "You just knew I'd try to worm my way out of this if I had my way."
Pulling away at the box, his expression lowered, eyebrows canting to the one thing he could not deny. A beautiful, fanning book. An onyx crow, held up to the light. "Oh."
And a sweater—the coziest thing on this side of Ferox.
"I'm getting soft, alright."
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