#“they're not a cohesive group” tell that to the 50 blogs ive had to block all working together to spread it to more of them in blatant
0w0tsuki · 6 months
"Not all Sissys are cis men. Some of them are trans women reclaiming the term"
Okay so 99 percent of sissies are cis men. Happy now?
Like I'm sorry but the theoretical "Trans girl who self IDs as a Sissy but as reclamation and not because she has been convinced that her existence is a fetish." is a fucking unicorn when compared to the sheer MASS of transmisoginistic cis men. They are a drop in the ocean. It is a DAILY routine to check my notes on my alternate kink account and sort through all the cissies blatantly ignoring my dnis. And they are ALL THE SAME. At least half my daily notes are from these blogs. Sometimes it's ALL the notes. You want to know throughout over a decade I've spent being in kink spaces where sissies are unavoidable, just how many sissy creators treated transfemininity with any sort of respect and weren't rooted in the "failed man" transmisogynistic stereotype?
Not a handful. Not single digits. One. I'm sure there's more out there. I'm sure there are some self id sissy trans women who are great. But to find them? It's like putting your hand in a barrel full of needles in hopes of finding a strand of straw.
And I just love how these specific trans women are worth just ignoring all the damage that sissies do to transfems as a whole. How they operate in spaces where transfem eggs who are discovering their gender at the same time they're discovering themselves sexually and are at a very vulnerable position. Like y'all say your talking with experience but you didn't seem to be very affected by it.
Like it doesn't seem like it delayed your transition for years because you were made to believe your gender identity was sex pervert. I bet it didn't make you turn away relationships and feel guilty about developing crushes because you felt that a relationship with you would be a disservice.
But no those traumatized bitches are just pickme gatekeepers.
I just don't want people associating me with them and referring to the group as a whole TMA when as a whole it's one of the most dangerous communities for transfems.
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