#“you spent your money for this?” “YEAH SHUT UP IT'S AN INVESTMENT” “investment for what?” “MY HAPPINESS BSJXUJAJAHAHAHSHHDD”
bilolli · 4 months
Rambling like a fangirl under the cut
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also OMG WOWIE DHJDHW9QJE CANDIES AND SO MANY *scrambling to use them on my laptop keyboard and sketchbook jwhsidjwl9*
And I have little shiny stars everywhere (because I'm an idiot and opened the bag upside-down lol) and I LOVE IT.
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And it FITS SO WELL because it doesn't matter from where you are looking the guy is staring at you either way aghshdusgahsh
*dies happy*
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Jesus Christ this is going to happen holy s*** I can't believe it and we need cars we need stuff to happen so we get factories going and it's worked in the past and he remembers it it did work even with the Bradley GT started a huge movement so we need to go with it and he's started it up and we're going to be out there and he's going to give away prizes in my car kicks ass so I have to pick like a dog City it's going to be by the City by a major city and they're going to list the cities and it's going to be all over the planet and la is one San Diego San Francisco New York Pittsburgh and Michigan Detroit is the Auto City Florida is Miami and a small one in Tampa and there will be more Houston and Arizona Phoenix Tokyo Shanghai and yeah that's a good one a lot of people don't know that and Hong Kong and that'll be for the appearance beautiful beautiful Bradley GT were there when I was there years ago and they're going to approve all these cities and they're going to put some more out there major ones in Indonesia and Pakistan and I ran and India Iraq Africa South America will have some major cities and really it's going to be on the strip Las Vegas Atlantic City and other but really it helps because ours are usually the best and any flight around he said it's fine it's a lot of work but just change the license plate so it's kind of funny cuz he doesn't care about it but he doesn't think people would do it and we might not but people can try and disqualify us I don't think you can
Wow what a statement what a guy I don't think that we can disqualify you probably not we're going to try it's very rude and he says I'm fried like two won't have it even though he has one he won't ever and so I get there and you have one of those things too called Sarah and she makes sure that too won't let him have it and we're going to go with this it was a good idea
Shut up Chris you're not even a sheriff ever
The sound of the president of the United States of grandson
Ohyeh lol
Daniel so
Hey watch it buddy I got a lot of power invested in concrete and spent all the money you saying s*** can you leave some with Dad and no I did not this is terrible there's no money this might change things starting with a small plastics company it's kind of a scam
Shit ok
Daniel we find them they get an accident we melt them down with the car incorporate them into it and we're getting on with it now so that's why they attacked and blew up that bombs ship that the the empire had in that big in that movie Star wars with a flying wing and he says the last line or two and yeah that was a bummer I don't know if it's from the GT but if it is I guess they all get turned into bombs
Well they get exploded
There's a huge number of people interested giant giant numbers and it kind of come out and they're going to drive the cars and join the competition and we're going to be down there they're saying and we'll have the form when we see you and going to put a ribbon on the form so you pull over have a blue ribbon for each of you for appearance for appearing you fill the form out it gives us permission to take a picture and get the information of the year make model and maybe your phone number or email and they're saying good so this how it goes I like how he does it it's informal and you don't have to go away the whole thing and you don't have to produce your license or anything and he's going to give away a yacht and it says oh the overall one is 145 ft fpr FP rp and it is not really plastic it's flame resistant and a dense kind of like fiberglass but it won't dent through and it won't tear unless you really smash into something good yeah itself he says it's only like 20 to 25 million new but that's what he's giving away is the main prize in each City each City oh boy so what does that mean
I don't know Batman you're the one saying it but we're the one that offering it and it's a great idea and we're going to go ahead with it
Thor Freya
Jesus Christ I've had enough of this s*** the stupid car crap but I'm going to be there driving around I hope I see these people they said they're going to be out and it's tonight night time 7:00 to 11:00 and that's the times we're going to agree to they say and we're going to have people along the main drive so the cruising strips of those cities and he's one of them if we can but really the main cruising strip of each City New York City is main Street they do that during the weekends Los Angeles you can't miss it it goes right through the whole city it's like 20 miles long used to drive home can't miss it there either yes you can Boston is the kind of a tough one doesn't have like a main strip it doesn't have a driving around strip it's got a downtown area you're on the highway or you're on the back road there is a place that they drive around and it is up near the North end and we're going to be in and around the North end San Francisco is easy it has a main Street San Diego has a main Street in Atlanta gaslamp district it'll be at both and they have an area down by the comic Con building conference center will be down there la and we told you and all these cities he mentioned we're going to produce the list it's a good size list if you only if you're the only one who shows up we're going to have to judge your car kind of based on other cars we see but we'll have to upgrade your prize in other words if you show up with a city Bradley GT1 with just some cheesy mags the original VW motor and it wasn't ever fixed to repaired and we see a lot of those you will not win the appearance award and you won't win the performance award and you won't win the all-around awards you're going to have and this name for it it's a special award consolation award and it's for people who show up and they don't really make the par but they will get a prize and it will be 21 ft cuddy cabin powerboat and it goes 75 mph it's rated for 3 to 5 ft waves and it has about 70 horsepower about 5 hours of running time on the tank and a full warranty and guarantee for constellation prize for just showing up if nobody else does but really we're going to have to judge these and we're going to have to put it on a website and everything so people don't get mad or madder than they will
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