#”blow up the IPC” we all said
ironunderstands · 15 days
I don’t think we talk enough about how other people can’t read Aventurine’s brand
At the very least, the written English language in Star Rail is not widespread, considering how everything is written in a made up language rather than an irl one.
Which is what makes Aventurine’s brand very significant
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It’s deliberately, and horrifyingly in English, a language that in universe, most people can’t read, and probably don’t even know exists.
When people look at that brand, unlike the audience/players who are immediately freaked about because we know what that word means and the implications of it, the average person in universe is going to see it and go, “huh, cool tattoo.” and leave it at that.
This also means that English exists in some capacity in universe in Star Rail, but only a select group of people are fluent in it.
And part of that select group of people are the people who enslaved Aventurine.
Was it funny to them? Funny to brand Aventurine in a word only he and they will know the meaning of, that no matter how many eyes are laid upon him, unless Aventurine wrenches his heart out to them, they will never know what his abusers did to him.
Was it oh so amusing to them? Amusing that any time someone can read the brand, they will likely be one of those very people who hurt him and those he loves in the first place.
The use of English in Aventurine’s brand isn’t some one off design choice, it’s downright evil, and if we meet people that do/can speak and write in English, we should immediately be wary of them.
Personally, I think the IPC are the ones who branded him, considering his first enslaver/master says he bought Aventurine from “the men in black suits”, which is what Kakavasha used to refer to the IPC.
Funny how the space colonizers use English, definitely don’t draw any real world parallels about this ever.
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hungnitan · 2 months
Penacony TB 2.1 Impression
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Contains heavy spoiler and mostly a rant so don't read it if you still not finish the story (lol)
Before unto the stories, I must say I kinda get the reasons why hoyo put Acheron in first banner and Aventurine in second half after read TB 2.1. For Acheron, I think her identity as emenator nihility is the key lore to expose before 2.1 began so there's need to expose it at trailer (despite her reasoning coming to Penacony still unknown somehow lol). While for Aventurine, this is kinda delulu on my side but there's possibility we might know the things happened to him after 2.1 from his daily message.
Onto stories, I only say one line... IT'S VERY HONKAI VIBE ! Telling one person stories from they born into the one we know now with angsty vibe of course lol. You know, the things I scare when hoyo release Acheron trailer and myriad celestial is how Aventurine past can beat that honkai queen and (un)fortunately I was wrong (lol)
IT'S FULL BLOW OF AVENTURINE DARK PAST and yeah hoyo score a full mark with it !
For composition I think it's 80% Aventurine PoV and 20% others which is unsuprisingly since I'm pretty sure he will not appear again for future Penacony chapter but what I'm suprise is so far Astral Express basically can't do anything much in Penacony so yeah Xianzhou Luofu TB back again.
Despite that, I'm very happy with TB 2.1 like this is what Honkai story should do ! Up until now, I always thought HSR still not show their full equipment and pretty weak with their story, Tingyun only snapping some head isn't near those previous Honkai heels you know (lol).
I'm going to talk a long rant on 80% since hoyo decided to love him with his so well written stories and I love him too (XD)
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The things with Aventurine and Ratio, I guess this what we would called "same mind don't need talk much". They're bickering so well, even acted betray each others without any communication and smooth enough to fool Sunday
But sorry I'm not getting fool (I know they're soulmate lol), the reason is I found one hole in Sunday Ratio convo here
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Ratio saying about cornerstone is so precious to ten stonehearts but the box contain can be opened by other than them ? If that's true, I can't believe someone like Aventurine would risk someone like that participate in his grand scheme without reasons... plus Ratio doesn't strike me as someone who sells his teammate or what he called him lol no matter how iritatting he is especially only for pursuing knowledge, since it sounds so idiocy.
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Suprising fact, he even try kill himself few times at dreamscape ! Like is that something you can try out of fun even If knowing you can't die ? Well yeah, in first place he doesn't mind to die anytime but doing it yourself and passive talk are two different things you know...
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two question I thought Aventurine never answer directly which is pretty related. First of all, different than Sunday which I think he's type of "I will kill everyone and then myself if they hurt my sister" but he's already at own limit to think for his own survival + he doesn't have anyone to get revenge for. Elation still have some excitement when saw someone in despair but I don't think Aventurine (at that time) could feels same, well we don't know things after 2.1 since his past chains severed by Acheron, maybe he will open a new leaf (I hope so, let him live happily ever after with Ratio or Elation or even Trailblazing with us sounds good too lol)
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It stabilize the fact that Aventurine and Ratio are good friends despite their talk, voiceline, and teammate voiceline at least from Ratio side which is the vital point Aventurine still alive as now. I really skeptic on his dead or alive status at 2.1 livestream, well mostly I can't believe any Shaoji said that time (plus the fact Gallagher is just a normal bartender lol)
TB 2.1 conclude with opening a new terrain with dreamscape's secrets, the Family and Watchmaker aren't same side, IPC will added another ten stonehearts member to game, a mysterious voice will join the fray. Penacony story so far so good, even their newest branch stories execute nicely but I don't have any excitement anymore now knowing Aventurine not gonna show up anymore (XD).
Now with Aventurine closed his screentime, I think Acheron (her past and purpose coming to Penacony still not reveal much), Firefly Sam (SH motive and she need to pursuading TB), Jade and/or Topaz (replacing Aventurine role) will play a bigger parts for future version
Put aside that, my 220 pull still on waiting for Aven banner ! I kinda had bad feelings about his banner pull, even my relics planar farming still not done even after I started doing it from BlackSwan banner...
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salty-dracon · 26 days
Honkai Star Rail 2.2 Liveblog
Link to 2.0 Liveblog
Link to 2.1 Liveblog
In which I joke about something funny I want to see in the boss fight, and lo and behold my wishes are granted.
Before we begin, a quick recap of 2.1...
After Aventurine and Black Swan save us, Aventurine entices us to accept his help in dealing with the Family and reveals that his goal is to bring Penacony back to the IPC. Black Swan asks us to be careful of his intentions, as well as of Acheron, who she believes is dangerous (hmm i wonder if this has anything to do with the big gay rondo). She also gives us a playing card which we can use for something. We then contact the Astral Express family to inform them of our safety.
A pair of interlocked flashbacks reveal how Acheron's fight against Sam went, along with her fight against Duke Inferno. Acheron said she knew that her fight was not against Sam, knowing who was under that armor (Firefly), and that there was something deeper at work. Whereas Duke Inferno willingly gave his life to protect those of his children.
After meeting up with Himeko, March, and Welt, we exchange information. We come to the conclusion that Robin's murder was targeted while Firefly's was likely more impulsive. They discuss the goals of the various factions including the fact that there's no evidence that if you die in a dream, you die in real life as well as the tense political situation. We all agree that the Family is hiding something, and decide to officially ally with Aventurine of the IPC in order to get to the bottom of it all.
After the group separates, Acheron meets up with Welt and the two discuss a potential alliance with each other as well as the meeting with Black Swan.
Meanwhile, Aventurine (after a dream about his sad past) decides to follow Sparkle's advice of befriending a "mute", especially after the confirmation that something has been strange about Robin for a while. He and Dr. Ratio follow a summons/hearing to the Dewlight Pavilion, where Sunday is. While trying to recover his Cornerstone (artifact that lets him tap into the power of an Emanator), Sunday uses his Harmony powers to get into Aventurine's head and erode him from within while interrogating him about the danger that the Cornerstones pose. Once the interrogation is done, Sunday informs Aventurine that he has 17 hours to live, and says he'll consider letting Aventurine live longer if he manages to dig up some useful information about Robin's murder. A flashback reveals that Ratio seemingly betrayed Aventurine to Sunday by revealing his plan to smuggle his Cornerstone into Penacony. However (and I don't remember if Ratio was in on it) Ratio double-double-crossed Sunday and actually aided Aventurine's plan to smuggle his Cornerstone into Penacony by making Sunday think he'd already foiled Aventurine's plot to smuggle the Cornerstone in.
Welt and Acheron continue their discussion, bringing up the systemic issues baked into the dreamscape as a result of people hunting down their dreams in a place they will never be realized. Then, they spend a large amount of time discussing HI3rd lore. I don't know anything about that, but it's clear that Welt met an alternate Acheron (Raiden Mei).
Black Swan goes to Acheron's room in the Reverie to find her invitational music box, and wants to use her powers of Rememberance to find out its history. However, she realizes that the memories of the music box have been tampered with (theories say it was the Enigmata) and Constance of the Annihilation Gang (supposedly. enigmata and all) contacts her. A few minutes later, Boothill calls Acheron's phone. Black Swan asks Boothill what Acheron is, and his reply is "an emanator who should not exist"- an emanator of Nihility. The two decide to team up.
Aventurine is in dire straits after a time limit is put on his life. He bids for Sparkle's attention, and Sparkle offers him a "mutually assured destruction" button that will blow up everything.
While hunting for clues about the case (and running into Those IPC Guys From Belobog, Topaz and Aussie 'n' Friend), TB alongside Himeko and March decide to (fuck with Blue Hair's mind and) ask the security officer. After tracking down Gallagher, he takes us back to the Dreamjolt Hostelry, where we meet THE COOLEST HALOVIAN LESBIAN EVER AAAAAA!!!! (at which point i seriously began to suspect gallagher of being the murderer for really stupid reasons). Chatting with Gallagher we learn that the Watchmaker is the enemy of the Family and there is someone out there who has taken up the Watchmaker's name (Misha, the invisible bellboy).
Gallagher takes TB, March, and Himeko to the Clockie Studios Theme Park where he explains that Clockie and his friends in the Clockie animation are based on real life people who fought to free Penacony from the IPC. The Nameless were among the battle. He reveals he's one of the Watchmaker's followers, he's Thirteen (Death, the 13th tarot card), that the traitor is most likely someone in the Oak family, and then leaves.
Welt and Acheron go to Dewlight Pavilion to investigate Sunday on their suspicion of the Family being responsible for at least some of this. They find a list of victims (seemingly random) followed by a letter from Robin where she explains that there might be a traitor in the Family, followed by a letter asking for Sunday to stop misappropriating funds to track down Death, followed by a list of Family members and their physical traits and features (its significance is that Gallagher has copied some part of all of them, and Acheron realizes this). Then, Sunday shows up and explains that the IPC is not responsible for Death. He warns them away from the truth.
On the streets of the Golden Hour, Aventurine is NOT having a good time as visions of his past self and his future self follow him around and recount his horrible past - born to a tribe called Avgin on the desert planet of Sigonia, he was blessed with extraordinary luck from Giathra Triclops. After his mother, father, and older sister ended up dying from a battle with another tribe, he was enslaved and branded. He was later sold to the IPC and has worked for them since. Now, wishing for the grandest death, he begins his preparations.
Welt and Acheron reunite with TB, March, and Himeko. They are lured by Aventurine to go to the Clock Studios Theme Park stage. There, Aventurine harnesses his Cornerstone to gain the power of an Emanator and threatens to fight the Nameless to the death. However, as he unleashes his final attack, Acheron steps forward and with one instantaneous sword slash, kills him.
In a voided space, Acheron and Aventurine have a chat, where she mentions that this entire gamble by the ever-lucky Aventurine was really just to prove that death exists within the Dreamscape, by publicizing his own death in a way no one could ignore. She reveals that her blade has carved the Harmony out of him. A note from Dr. Ratio reminds him that death is not impossible in the dreamscape, but dormancy is. And with Aventurine now supposedly dead (we do not believe he is really dead), he is free from the IPC.
Trailblazer, whose consciousness was also blasted away by Acheron's attack, wakes up deep in the Dreamscape, where they find Sam wanting to talk to them. Sam reveals that he has tried to talk to the Trailblazer a few times already, and then reveals the ultimate truth- that he is Firefly.
Meanwhile, Gallagher walks into Dewlight Pavilion, where he is confronted by Sunday. Sunday reveals that he knows who the killer is, and that Gallagher is a minion of the Enigmata who stole the traits of all of the Family members (oh god is he even real LOL). Sunday demands an answer as to why his sister had to die. Gallagher's answer is "it's fate playing a cruel joke on us", before his weird dog Memory Zone Meme Something Unto Death kills Sunday too.
uuuuuuuuuuuh i got none this time. sunday threemouths at least once before he hits us with the boss fight. i guess. :3
Sunday, Robin, Firefly, and Aventurine aren't dead. As stated before, Something Unto Death captures souls and traps them in a nightmare in its boss fight, which it probably also does to people in the Dreamscape. That's why the bodies of all four are probably comatose in the real world. That being said, the indications that each one will live are different. Firefly survived as Sam in part 1, and we fought him after seeing her death. Aventurine was told by Ratio and Acheron to not die and use his luck to get out. As for Robin, her tether is mostly marketing- it's a lot weaker.
But Sunday will still end up dying. This one's based more on vibes than anything. I know a lot of people want playable Sunday (ooooh me too i like it when the characters in your party are straight up fucking evil) but the fact that in the boss fight against Septimus, he seemingly calls on Xipe the Aeon in phase 3. He also uses Xipe's power for nefarious ends on Aventurine, leading me to believe that he's not going to be able to "survive" that power if he uses it too much. Cocolia seemingly died after using the Stellaron's power as well. In terms of story, it would be pretty poetic for him to die protecting his beloved sister especially since marketing has put so much focus on her and their relationship. But it would still suck to watch Sunday die. I like this weird angel. He's so fucked up and he does the :3 thing.
Penacony will be taken over by the IPC or there will be an attempt to take it over by force. I'm an American and I'm unfortunately well versed in the capitalistic shit that every American ACME does. And nothing screams capitalism and classism like this place based vaguely on Vegas, which Acheron already mentioned is a very capitalistic sort of world. And what's a good match for capitalism? More capitalism of course! We unfortunately can't escape capitalism! (I'm still foaming at the mouth after Microsoft closed down the studio that made one of my favorite games of all time.) Now the question is, will we, the players, still be allowed to traverse it for free after the Charmony Festival ends ingame? And if so, how?
Jade will be an outright terrible person. It would annoy me a lot if they kept trying to make these IPC executives cool and reasonable, when the moral nuance in the game does not match well with their so-called moral nuance in the real world. Luckily Jade seems to sidestep that and she is outright pretty terrible! Oh god can they please keep her terrible. It would be really funny if everyone wanted murderkillers Blade and Gallagher on their teams but not Jade because she's basically Jeff Bezos LMAO. Murder is fine but we draw the line at writing contracts made to screw over the little guy. Based on Jade's leaks, it looks like they're not trying to make her seem less bad either, or give her a personality that's anything other than "oh god here comes the worst parts of capitalism".
We'll learn that Gallagher is behind Something Unto Death close to the middle of the quest. The trailer shows that a) clearly Sunday returns somehow, b) I mean he definitely knows who killed him and why. Plus I doubt that the Trailblazer will go long without knowing what he really is, leading to maybe a rematch against Death? IDK. Either way, this isn't the kind of game that lets secrets stay hidden long for the player, so it'll happen.
The Liveblog begins here!
Here we go.
So, uh, remember my theory that someone was going to try to steal the Astral Express? I thought it was the IPC, not a space cowboy trying to do a train robbery.
Listen I know you're out here tangling with our guard (and the person who would probably choose to talk it out instead of screaming and hiding or threatening him) but. yeah no you're uh. learn some manners
Dan Heng: If you believe I'm an impostor, here's the Jing Yuan Stamp of Approval.
The Jing Yuan Stamp of Approval: *it's just a piece of paper with a chibi Jing Yuan smiling on it that says "the astral express saved us from a stellaron crisis :D"*
Yup, he's after Acheron. We been knew.
Weird, I thought that it was established in canon that there are known emanators of IX. That's how they know that those emanators have plants growing from their bodies. And how there are those emanators who in truth want to befriend IX or help it out of its misery.
not the first creepy talking child we've had in this game. okay it's an adult pepeshi. okay.
Oh, you know what this crowd reminds me of? Remember when everyone was crowded around Misha during 2.0, but no one could see him and to everyone but the Trailblazer it looked like everyone was crowded around Acheron? Yeah.
These language patterns make me think that Sunday is speaking through the Pepeshi. Sort of in the exalted way he talks about Penacony and how the sky watches and how they're telling Acheron to get out.
Ah. "Dreammaster". So, I totally forget- is this person allied with the Watchmaker or against him? I think it's against him. I also forget if the Dreammaster is Sunday.
107,336 members of the Oak Family are now this guy's eyes, ears, and consciousness.
Yup, there it is. Someone is deliberately misusing the power of the Harmony (Sunday it's you LOL)
switching to robin's POV???? HUH?????
Well we're clearly still in the Golden Hour, so I don't think that's Robin! I think that's Sparkle!
you get a bomb! and you get a bomb! and you get a bomb! everybody gets a bomb!
AUSSIE AND FRIEND!!! ... did they change their english voices??? NOOO BUT I LIKED THEIR VOICESSSS
According to Firefly, what she did was... First, she realized that there was another dreamscape. She asked Silver Wolf to help her and the team get there by telling the crew to venture back into Death's domain again. While she intended to lead the group down into the dreamscape, the script foresaw that she would seemingly just die randomly instead of getting the chance to explain what she was doing. In truth, she'd arrived at the Land of the Exiles (probably Dreamflux Reef). She couldn't even explain it as Sam due to the script. But now, thanks to Acheron breaking up the dream, March, Welt, Himeko, and TB can now see it for themselves.
I really thought that Firefly and Trailblazer had spawned in a red car LMAO I was going to be "that's so random" but nope it was a flashback
???????????????????????? BLADE YOU DRIVE??????????????????
So I think the Jepella Brotherhood was from Kafka's trailer, it was a very metropolitan area. I don't fully remember, I actually experience all of the trailers through watching other streams... But yeah they did end up destroying it LOL
Awwwwww. I know Blade does have a personality, but it's really nice to see him outside of his revengeance arc being a kind person to Firefly.
YAY ITS DAD :'D (and there are so many games where the "YAY ITS DAD" is followed by "oh no...... it's dad.......")
ohhhh. oh. So yeah, all of those theories were right. "Death" in Penacony just means you end up here in Dreamflux Reef. ... Does that mean we're going to find Robin and Aventurine somewhere playing cards like every meme said we would? But I guess it was actually more of an intentional misdirection, not something that the Family just sidesteps for the hell of it.
oh no....... it's dad....... (gallagher is here somewhere)
"himeko and march have already made a move- er, stelle, where are you going?" "MOM AND LITTLE SISTERRRRRR IM COMINGGGG"
I swear we're going to find Robin and Aventurine sitting on a pair of crates under a flickering sign, and it'll go like...
Aventurine: I'm going all in. ... Do you have any 8s?
Robin: Go fish.
Aventurine: *draws a card, puts it in his hand of 6, throws it down on the ground to reveal three matches* I win.
TB: What are you two doing?
Robin: We're playing Poker Fish. It's like Go Fish, but we're allowed to hide any matches we have before we put them in the discard pile. The first person to 0 cards wins. I'm not very good at it.
Aventurine: I'm leading her 11-2.
TB: Sounds fun. Now, are you two like, okay?
SAM- Strategic Assault Mech.
dad is sus of other dad :) i like it when games have two dads :) and one is a little more fucked up :)
I could translate all of this graffiti if I wanted to, but I don't.
misha jumpscare
oh my god he calls something unto death "sleepie" and he rides it from down below to the hotel that's so cute
misha loves gallagher's big weird dog :D
misha: who's a good boy! who's a good little sleebie boy!
memory zone meme something unto death: *SCREECH*
of course mr. yang would know what a black hole is. he literally fights using black holes. there are black holes in his cane
Every time I see a new Halovian I learn more about Halovians. But I still can't figure out how they get their halos. It appears some have wings (Sunday, Robin, their mom) and some don't (Siobhan, Kaimee). They can have halos that don't match Sunday's or Robin's which is something we learned from Kaimee's halo, but the halos are possibly hereditary (Robin's halo is a nonsymmetrical version of her mom's).
Okay, we're accelerating to the end of the world then. That's not good!
Part of our assignment on Penacony was to learn what happened to the old Nameless who came here. I think Welt's a bit sad to learn that though she worked hard for this world and did lots of research on memoria, she ended up dying without leaving much of a legacy to anyone except memoria aficionados.
"why didn't I get to go to heaven" says guy who went to hell
He's dead.
Yeah, that's a good point. This feels a lot like the dreamscape that was originally built all those years ago when Penacony first broke free of the IPC. People here are happily taking care of each other without the flash of the world above.
Someone was saying "oh boy autism mention in a hyv game, i remember the tears of themis incident" and... oh boy there's gonna be discourse about this line isn't there. (For reference, ToT is largely a game about uncovering a conspiracy behind a pharmaceutical company, and at one point two characters talk about curing autism, or when it's brought up that a character might be autistic, they make it Actually Not The Case, which, uh, yeah I think it's definitely a reflection of the writers' views on autism.) I do think this line is a little bit fucked, but I think this convo is about slow starts in general since in the same breath they mention two war orphans which alludes to trauma. And in the end they never say their disabilities are cured, but rather that the dream has helped them learn to deal with it. Which in my experience is really the best way to handle autism and trauma- to just learn to live with it.
Oh yeah, and Robin's there too. Good to see you, Robin!
Interesting. So, she actually intentionally let herself get skewered by Something Unto Death so she could visit the Land of the Exiles. And she outwardly admits that the resonance of the harmony is clearer here than it was in Golden Hour.
Fun fact about me: I've hated idols in everything ever. I just don't like them! For some reason they always piss me off, or lean into traits that make me particularly angry. I think the only two games with idols I didn't completely despise were Caligula 2 (the idols are allowed to have personalities outside of being idols) and one of the games I'm currently playing, Buried Stars (it's partially a murder mystery game where several idols die horribly and there's plenty of discussion on how shitty the industry is, though honestly the plot beats lean heavily towards "tropes I hate" towards the end). I was sort of afraid I'd hate Robin, and the fact is I kind of do. Maybe it's because everything about her feels a bit cliche to me. She's the unflappable perfect idol who does everything perfectly, who can never be her "true self" but that's never discussed further in depth. Which is literally every other idol ever. Still, it's nice to see an idol that tangles with darkness willingly, going up against her own family to do so.
Robin's seen the truth and decided that the Charmony Festival doesn't stand for Harmony anymore. And she won't step on their stage! Good for her!
(stand back! i'm beginning to borb!)
that is not a "kind voice", that sounds like the goddamn dreammaster
fun fact about pigeons: pigeons are ugly as shit when they're born. they look like human babies with bird skeletons covered in yellow hair.
interesting, so robin and sunday are the two best at hearing the "great one's" will. that's probably xipe.
fucking dope, conceptually, that you can stand in front of a guy, stab him, take him to another plane of existence, and still be standing in front of him.
wh- COOPERATE? SENSE OF JUSTICE??? WHAT'S GOING ON HERE? Like, is the traitor someone else that's not Gallagher or Sunday? Is that what they're getting at here?
i already know gallagher has been the source of some truly fucking funny memes but i can't wait for people to draw him doing the "is this a pigeon?" pose but it's "is this a robin?" and pointing to a firefly.
i really thought they were gonna hit me with a puzzle
I love Micah staring up at the sky like. basically every time some hardened general is remembering something
razalina and tiernan, one a scientist and one a fighter, both died in the war for independence. ... I wonder if Tiernan has any connection to Firefly with both being wiped out by the storm, and Sam being a "glamoth cavalry unit".
the angel siblings are back together yayyyyy :D
He's behind everything? The invitations, the battle for the Watchmaker's Legacy (who knows if it's real at this point, and what does Misha have to do with it) and all the trouble?
It always comes back to the Stellaron. Of course it does.
Oof, information overload.
To summarize, when the Stellaron first entered the system, the Watchmaker's rivals sought to use its power to further refine the Dreamscape. After the three Nameless disappeared, that's exactly what they did. The Family representative that came to help the Watchmaker managed to seal it. But not completely. In truth, the Dreamscape uses the allure of grandeur and pleasure, partially exacerbated by the Watchmaker's invitation, to slowly feed on people's souls and spirits to maintain itself and the dream. That's why the people who come here are eventually taken in by the artificial pleasure, and eventually end up coming out different than when they came in... or never leave at all. But now the Family has grown too powerful, and won't let this fact be known. Gallagher himself used the Enigmata and created Something Unto Death, aka Dormancy, aka Sleepie, to take people to the truth.
And the siblings have taken our side too! (but not for long, probably). They want the Stellaron sealed too.
Yup, the Mr. Gopher Wood, aka Kind Voice, is the Dreammaster.
kill you pretty angel kill
... I forgot about the chip. I forgot about Aventurine's fucking chip. Oh my god, he's been planning to sic the IPC on us from the start that BITCH
welt if you DIE. like i JOKED about in the 2.0 liveblog
my biggest fear when going up to the watchmaker was the fear that he would be an NPC model. nope, he's a well-modeled old man and ARE WE STEALING HIS HAT?!
back to dan heng...
we knew boothill was smart, but at least he's smart and good at working with other people.
"it's called standing up for your rights" he's so fucking american. an american king.
i love how dan heng can handle a genki girl and a feral raccoon wearing human skin, but he can't handle a cyborg cowboy superhero big shot. who is also like 4 inches taller than him
If I had a nickel for every time a character drank straight rocket fuel, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but I guess we're never getting that RWBY Seasons 1+2 remaster now.
I realize that the Memokeeper can influence memory and has no physical form and that's how she managed to leave that note for Boothill, but it's funny to imagine she managed to stealth mission behind the bartender while listening to Boothill talk about hostage taking.
Oh right!! Acheron was exiled, and we hadn't seen Black Swan all quest. Looks like she saved Acheron on her own. Despite the big gay dance.
Acheron wants to jump out of the Asdana star system and go save the Astral Express crew. Plus, she needs the help of a Galaxy Ranger to go do something important- "to return his relics to their rightful owner".
yo this CG imagery is CRAZY! black liquid pouring out of that black hole, and all of the branches that look like hands reaching up to touch it, amid the sea and the rain...
put da angel in da confessional. make him listen to the sins of others.
reminds me of how in persona 5, you could just. take your friends to the confessional to bond with them. including a certain character who hasn't done anything to hurt you.... YET.
da pretty angel in da confessional
if you put my angel ocs in confessionals, grey would actually try to play the part of the clergyman as a conduit to god like sunday is doing here. oliver would be on the other side confessing he manipulated a boy into hating his father and loving him instead... and also killed a lot of people, shocking the clergyman on the other side. lyra would know what a confessional is but all of the sins he would confess would have to do with his past life when he was a child laborer. does leander count? idk but he'd take it seriously.
who the fuck bought him out
I don't know too much about Catholicism (confessionals are a Catholic thing, right?) but like, yeah. chatting with priests was basically the early, accepted form of therapy for many Catholics. Now that we're working on destigmatizing mental health, things have gotten a lot better.
I was kind of hoping he wouldn't be a "good intentions" sort of guy, but I think he does agree that if the dreamscape were really built on the foundations of the strong defending the weak, it doesn't explain all of the suffering people have undergone here in Penacony.
Oh. Ohhhh. The "Harmonious Choir". Those are those monsters from the trailers that look like cages, candles, and lanterns.
So, I don't remember if I mentioned but like, yeah, I live in a big American city that is often regarded as the place where "anyone can make it". I know that this illusion is unraveling among the public, but truly, you can't just come here with three dollars in your pocket and a dream. There are many homeless here. Everyone is suffering in their own way. I'm living a "dream life" myself, and I rent is still more than 5/6ths of my expenditures every month. So I guess these bits about Penacony not really being as perfect as it is on the outside hits harder with me. I love it here, but because of my illness I haven't had the chance to experience the city yet. When it happens, I'll be sure to enjoy it before I leave for greener pastures.
they're DISAGREEING!!!
his voice went up an octave when they started wandering around. i seriously think he's gonna snap and try to defend the dream at all costs now.
... wait. the mention of the raven (that's Sunday, I thought) and the mention of the sweet tooth... is that not Sunday? Or was Sunday overtaken by the Dreammaster?
Also could just be my ears, but is Robin's voice becoming more distorted again?
and i guess the trailblazer team figured out what Mikhail's last wish was. Which is.... a musty old hat!
To expose the Stellaron, we must get close to it, and the Family won't let us in so easily now that we know they're enemies.... you know what that means! HEIST MOVIE!
I'm so excited to see the Moment of Scorchsand! I love festive atmospheres!
"I'll have to add to that data bank of yours"- you're an Enigmata guy, so make sure you don't FUCK with my data bank.
"Hi, I'm March 7th, an ordinary girl who loves adventures!" "... Hi, I'm Firefly! ... also an ordinary girl who also loves adventures!" Wonderful, now I have two girlfriends who are way too alike. Is this a harem anime?
Wait a minute, that Pepeshi talking about Beauty, and a man with red hair who cleared instantly.... ARGENTI.
FRIEND! where's aussie.
the fake product placements are funny as shit
The NPCs really put their everything into doing these voices. Seriously, major shoutout to everyone from 2.1. And also shoutout to this Guide.
Firefly sounds so fucking DONE. I love her. Like actually fucking DONE. Let her cook- with the blaze of her flying fire kick.
firefly loves explosives. good to know.
argenti jumpscare.
argenti mid boss jumpscare good lord this man is tough
hi sunday.
oh. fuck.
yes mr. yang, hit him with the hard questions. does he really serve the harmony?
oh. fuck.
yup. there it is. the true traitor to the family was sunday. and the one he serves isn't xipe the harmony, it's ena the order long since thought absorbed by xipe.
he's evil as fuck but i can't take him seriously with his fucking threemouth. it's hilarious. i mean like i can because that is an evil ass threemouth. but it's hilarious
wasn't there an event about making hard decisions like this? eh. whatever. it was a while ago
It's pretty obvious with Sunday that he is very strongly motivated by the love he has for his sister, and while that's not entirely why he became the way he is, it's certainly one big reason. Unfortunately, he's been forced to shoulder the weight of a lot of unfairness, and he thinks that the Harmony isn't the way out.
of course the guy named "sunday" loves his long weekends
Like what do I think of his philosophy? I think that this is why we built a strong social safety net and stop putting drugs in the dream juice!!! You're in fucking capitalism! That's why you're like this!!!
Misha was the true recipient of the dream bubble that the Watchmaker handed down? I didn't expect that, but I guess it makes sense since we believe that Misha was Mikhail's grandfather.
we're back where firefloof got fucking skishkebobed....
and there's the confirmation that mikhail is misha's grandfather.
???? but.... mikhail was a nameless. why are they saying he's a seafarer?
It's cool how this place seemed so creepy and fucked up when we first wandered through it. Now that we're following Misha through it, it seems less hostile. Plus, we have a purpose for that random "safe room"- it was important to Misha.
So, the Mikhail Legwork, founder of the Dreamscape, and the Watchmaker, was not a former Astral Express crewman. He was actually just a seafarer who met them. He went on a voyage, but never came back. But he told Mikhail to await the sound of a train, and to follow them on their grand adventure.
Ohhhh. Ohhhhh, that didn't even hit me! Mr. Yang could see Clockie, but no one else even conversed with him! That means that Clockie is only visible to Misha and the Nameless. *soft gasp* we can make clockie attack sunday. he LITERALLY won't see it coming.
four stars be like, the literal key to the plot. hello, mikhail char legwork, the watchmaker himself, whose grandparents lived on that oceanic planet.
i love how this slide show looks so much like posters of old east european films from the 1910s and 1920s, particularly german film since i did study that for a semester.
hell yes. time to stop the jokes and bust out the hype.
The story thus far has made it clear- the Watchmaker's dream is to free Penacony from the Stellaron's sweet poison, not use it to create a new world where people continue to drink it.
And there it is- Xipe's gaze. Yup, guess what happened the last time the Trailblazer had the gaze of an Aeon. That's right, the main villain fucking died. (Geez, I hope not. They're turning Sunday into Cocolia 2.0.)
he is NOT happy about Xipe glancing at us either LOL
oh he's just. gonna walk away. okay
i was joking before about how the Harmony Trailblazer better not have a splash art that shows all of the Penacony characters working together like the Preservation Trailblazer, because literally everyone in this game was at each others' throats. It was leaked a month ago and I was curious so I took a peek LOL. Luckily this one doesn't, it just has all of their pictures on a stage.
LET TRAILBLAZER SAY "FUCKED AROUND AND FOUND OUT". They are going overboard with the memes this time it's crazy.
Hmm. I'm not sure what to make of Firefly's statements. She'll suffer three "deaths". The first was when she was killed by the meme. The second will be now, if she's to battle Sunday and lose. And the third, which she wants to prevent by running away for the moment, is the plunging of all of Penacony into the throes of the Order.
I love how Firefly's transformation is so magical girl esque. Even though she turns into a big mecha.
Wait, don't tell me FIREFLY will choose to die here. But nooooo. But we had such a great time being yuri together. Nooooooo. I thought you were getting along with March too. Nooooooooooo.
A lot of people were wondering "what exactly is Gallagher, and is he even real?" The answer is, now, I guess he may not be real. He was real once, calling upon the power of Enigmata, but his power will soon cause him to fade away.
Acheron and this guy she's wandering with are like. They're the kind of thing people make whole animes about, but in those animes, there is no old man and Acheron, just two cute headpat-ifiable girls. There actually was an anime like that, but I forget its name. On Neocities there's this one person who does anime reviews, and they had a big rant about how Frieren? I think? was coomer bait solely for men who had a headpat fetish or something. Honestly? Wack. Wait, what were we talking about?
... Dan Heng it's been like a month. I know you love us but like, calling on the entire cavalry of one of the most powerful factions in the universe to take care of this dream system is like. I think that's a bit overkill. We also have the IPC to deal with. Jesus fucking christ dude be careful.
Sunday is going to die. Horribly. Protecting his sister. Because of course he is.
that candle monster has jiggle physics.
i love it when bible symbolism
keep trashing him march, i'm sure it pisses him off
i love it when video games have UI that ties into the psychological horror of it all. Like STAB from Omori or that scene from an Itch game where there's an unclickable option that says "TELL HIM WHAT YOU SAW" in bright red after you had visions of your friend being disemboweled.
oh i don't like how it jerks around too when you try to change it, that's fucked. i love it!
I think one thing I will say is that the pacing of this act is not great. I won't say it needed more time in the oven, I think the problem is that they tried to tie in way too many plot threads into this one story, and resolving them all sort of killed the pacing. I also don't think too many flashbacks are a good thing in stories. After a while you get sick of them. This one isn't as bad as another story I've read, but it teeters on the edge. Like, having one less character with one less plot thread could have improved this pacing significantly.
the church choir. oh boy.
bro.... you're not doing okay.... like I'm eating this up because I love evil angels that seek to control and manipulate and kill others..... but sunday you are NOT okay...
he actually wants to be the orchestrator of everyone here. alongside the dreammaster. oh boy.
HES T POSING. THIS IS ABOUT TO GET... oh. regular monsters.
... or a multi target boss fight.
So a lot of people have pointed out the little things next to the boss. I think that there's a theory that they're meant to look like Sunday and Robin's plushies from when they were children, but to me they also look like sea angels, which you've probably seen before- cute little slugs that look like, well, sea angels. It's appropriate IMO considering that the Halovians are obviously based on angels and that the Dreamscape has the ocean as a theme both linguistically and visually.
... Man, I sort of wish Dan Heng weren't currently calling on the Xianzhou. Can you imagine a scene where the Astral Express crashes straight into the boss, and you here three terrified voices screaming and one "YEEHAW" as they ram straight into an angel? Before Boothill walks out with the biggest fudgin' smile on his face, and Dan Heng looks like he just went through the second biggest traumatic moment of his life?
... Honestly, they rammed a DRAGON straight into the boss instead. That's like 50% as funny. Though FR I was really wishing we'd get to beat up that angel and defeat him Persona style.
... Acheron is gone, and with her, all of our memories of her. Sigh.
Hello Jing Yuan! Thanks for the save (totally forgot he was an Emanator). And the Astral Express family is now all back together again!
... Yeesh. Time for politics. So, Sunday's alive. He's just been treated as a traitor. The IPC is putting him on trial after the Family abandoned him (no news on Gopher Wood, who really pushed him to do all of this). Robin is going to have to deal with her beloved brother under arrest for trying to hit an entire planet with the mind control beam. Hopefully the Xianzhou can mediate a discussion between the IPC and the Family, but I don't see that going well. I think the IPC is going to try to take over the whole thing.
AVENTURINE YOU LIVED!!! Well, we knew that. But... Geez, he's back with the IPC after how badly they treated him? Poor guy.
... See, in real life this would never happen. A fucking lotus eater machine? Do you see how much money Disney World makes? Do you know how hard they've worked to circumvent labor laws? Do you know the story behind EPCOT? Any corporation would jump at the chance to take over Penacony.
Thinking more on my OC Grey, who's actually very, very similar to Sunday (a literal angel, very sweet kind and professional, knows the Bible front to back, lowkey manipulative, absolutely adores his sister over all else, has power over dreams and illusions which he can use to control people including making them fall into an endless slumber where they feel no pain, hates all suffering, is absolutely capable of killing someone) I think that if Amazon ever put him on trial, he'd just dream power his way out of everything.
So it looks like, a) The IPC will relinquish its hold and interest in Penacony completely. and b) Both the Intelligentsia Guild and the IPC will assist in the rebuilding of Penacony since it kinda got wrecked and Sunday was also twisting things. That seems, as stated before, WAY too good to be true.
We're leaving already? That's way too fast! That's way way way too fast! What's going on here?!
???? BOOTHILL AND BLACK SWAN ARE TRAVELING WITH US NOW???? Something is wrong here. Something is weird.
Hmm. Where to go next... ?
Lushaka, an oceanic planet, where Mikhail was born. Melustanin, an "alluring" planet that was the site of a past Stellaron disaster. "Edo Star", which is embroiled in a war against the Antimatter Legion, where we have heard distress calls from. And "The Glass Belt Patrevia", a belt of asteroids that houses an acting troupe.
Melustanin it is.
... the end of this was really nothing more than a deus ex machina- oh, wait, you meant the whole thing. yeah, that's a funny pun.
... Wait. WAIT. Is Black Swan saying, when "only you personally experienced the entire thing"... Is she saying what I think she's saying? That the Trailblazer did actually experience the POVs of everyone else? I thought it was a joke at the end of 2.1 , but it wasn't?!
... What. What the hell. I'm so confused. So, the thing is, we never actually defeated Sunday, it was supposedly Jing Yuan and DHIL. And then everything ended happily ever after, but this isn't that kind of story. But Black Swan knows the truth.
... Oh no. It's Firefly. She's dead. ...
... Or everything we experienced was real, but Ena's order suffused with the Stellaron and the memoria resulted in a dream that somehow became real?
Okay. Okay I'm detangling this. Everything was real, but we were in a dream blended with reality when it happened. However, the dream of Sunday's defeat was a false truth. Currently, everyone in Penacony has become a puppet of the Order under Sunday, who yet lives and is continuing to control us all. That means there WAS another phase! I was like, oh yeah there was that animation where Septimus/Dominicus/whateverus touches Xipe's, or actually Ena's hand.
Time to use the power of Harmony or Clockwork to make everyone determined enough to wake up!
Like, it's really funny actually. We thought Dan Heng was the sensible one, but his response to everything now is literally just "I will call in the army of an entire fucking nation". And everyone just shouts at him, "NO!"
Finally, FINALLY, every faction on Penacony (most of them) are now working together to save all of the people trapped in here! Boothill will rally Galaxy Rangers from across the Universe, while Robin will use the infiltrated Dreamscape and infuse it with the spirit of the Trailblaze, prompting everyone to wake up and seek new adventure. Hopefully this could save Sunday too.
WHAT. WHAT??? oh my god. there was one of the three Penaconians who died in a war on a distant world. That man Acheron was talking to the whole time. That was Tiernan. That's her connection to Penacony and why she went there. To fulfill his dying wish.
... the questions from the beginning... and this time, the trailblazer has their own, definite answers. they would feel no fear at severing these bonds with their allies. they would never wish to live in a dream. and should everything, absolutely everything, end in nihility, no matter where the journey goes, would you still embark on this journey? we would blaze a trail without hesitation.
Raiden Bosenmori Mei.
Random but I think it's really cool how they change the shader for Harmony TB's ult.
It's also so cool how all of the Trailblazers have different quotes for using the Trailblaze/Harmony fusion temp ultimate on Septimus.
I like that answer. Why do we choose to slumber? Because we will wake up from our dreams.
Oh. He's dead. Sunday is so dead.
Yup... he's dead.
Still question marks for March. Who is she?
... Yup he's so fucking dead. Wasn't in the "In loving memory" section, but he must be dead.
Yup! And now it's time for realistic capitalism!
OH. OH!!! That's why Argenti was here- Argenti saved Aventurine from Dreamflux Reef!
... And that's what I expected to happen, for the IPC to move into Penacony and start "harvesting". And give Aventurine a nice thumbs-up.
kill it king.
Oswaldo Schneider... I do recall the name, Aventurine brought him up during the Topaz quest and said he "won't be laughing now".
And that's the end.
Final thoughts.
I think overall this was the weakest out of the three Penacony main quest segments, mostly due to pacing issues. I did really like the story, I think its wrap up section was incredible, and I had a lot of fun learning about Sunday the same way we learned about Aventurine. In terms of plot, I think there are some bits that could have been communicated better, but that's what the wiki and the data bank are for. I think the ultimate resolution was fantastic, while the leadup was as I said before too much of a slowburn that tried to combine too much stuff all at once.
Most of the good writing in this segment went to Sunday and Robin TBH. The other characters had their time to shine in previous patches, and Boothill will get his time to really shine next patch combined with his appearances here. Those are my thoughts, anyway.
Animations went hard, though nothing could top Acheron cutting up the literal sky in 2.1. That scene where the Trailblazer refutes Sunday's argument and Robin saves him was wonderful. As were some of the smaller details like the Odes before Sunday's first fight and getting literal music notes dropped on your head by cute sea angels. And of course, mad props to whoever did those amazingly complicated animations of the Trailblazer and Clockie for the Harmony TB ultimate.
There are still some unanswered questions...
What do Sparkle's buttons do? Release confetti? Probably.
What exactly is the IPC going to do to Penacony? My guess is take it over Capitalism style, even though the Family is the only group of people skilled enough to manipulate the Dreamscape. Thanks Jade, hate you girl!
Seriously, is Sunday dead? The cutscene said no, Robin managed to break him out of the Embryo of Philosophy. But like, are they okay?
Are we going to get any explanation for how Gallagher, referred to as a "character", and Mikhail who is a memory zone meme, are actually able to leave Penacony and find themselves on the Express?
Also, is Misha dead? Like... is he dead? That conversation with Clockie made it sound like he was about to die.
I realized that for the characters in the credits, the names that weren't "x AS x" and were "y AS x" instead, those y's were usually the real names of the characters involved, like kakavasha as aventurine and raiden bosenmori mei as acheron. so obviously march 7th isn't march's real name, it's a name she chose for herself (though it doesn't make it any less real imo.) the question marks make me think that she will be the focus of the next arc. It's not a universal rule though, as sparkle as sparkle is still a thing.
Is the Express still going to Melustanin? I'd imagine not, since that entire segment was a dream, right? Or thinking more on it, we had a nice arc for TB and Dan Heng, so March is next. Your turn to get stabbed, sweetheart!
I realize there's a legitimate plot reason for not having Dan Heng accompanying the Astral Express to Penacony, but would it hurt to watch the guy enjoy himself a bit like TB and March were? Watching the three of them getting to act like siblings or BFFs is one of the biggest reasons I love this game. Anyway, I hope we get it on the next planet. You're coming with us to, uh, Planet Alluring Post Apocalypse, buddy.
The next patch should be around six weeks from now, so around mid to late June. While Penacony's fate WRT the IPC will definitely be a hot topic during that patch, I'm curious to see what else they have in store.
0 notes
aymariaconcebida · 30 days
(E)X(CES)S - featuring Aventurine and Jade
"Thirty Tanbas, I'll give you that, and much more than that. Wealth, status, power... the IPC will give you whatever you want, even what you don't want."
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"Boy, you're really something... You've used your incredible trick to clear out my business. But I will never surrender, at worst, I'll just blow this whole place up... What can you do?" <- final call
Yimanika "Mad Cow" gestured for his subordinate to let go, he raised his head from the table and patted the dust off his collar.
"You guys, the high and mighty corporate dogs, look down on the wanderer, right? But you're on our territory now, so you have to play by our rules."
"Mad Cow" emptied the magazine and loaded a single bullet into the gun, dropping it at his feet.
"Six times, after at most six gunshots, life and death will be up to fate. Do you dare?"
He crouched down and picked up the gun.
He would be lying if he said that he slept with a clean conscious every night. He’d be lying if he said he doesn’t feel remorse, the weight of the gun a constant reminder every time at what is at stake. 
But it’s either them or him, he reminds himself.
Them or him. 
And the answer is easy, so he always pulls the trigger.
"There have been too many people pointing guns at me, and some have even pulled the trigger... But guess why I'm still standing here?"
He stood up, stared into "Mad Cow"''s eyes, raised the gun, and pressed it against his own heart.
"Because in the end, the gun will always come into my hands."
"And now, I'm getting tired of this game... A one-in-six chance is far from enough, to challenge fate——"
Six consecutive gunshots rang out in the dead silent starship, after the smoke cleared, he raised the gun again and walked towards "Mad Cow", with a new bullet in the magazine.
"You have to learn to turn yourself into a dice first."
"——You refuse to surrender, but on what grounds? Just because of this clumsy game of chance? Or is it..."
He turned the muzzle of the gun and pointed it into the darkness.
In the direction the muzzle was pointing, a woman slowly appeared, also holding a gun. The moment he saw her, "Mad Cow" seemed to grab a life-saving straw.
"Ms. Jade, this is not what we agreed on..."
Just then, the two of them opened fire, and two subordinatein the darkness behind each of them fell to the ground.
"The company's enemies are really everywhere, aren't they?" The woman calmly put away her gun, took out a makeup mirror, and checked her appearance.
"Using your and my lives as bait, letting them fight for it, making them think it's an internal conflict but they were all caught in one fell swoop... It's a good plan, but it's too dangerous." He smiled to welcome the other party's arrival, but his hands were shaking slightly.
"A plan? No, it was just a test."
The elegant woman opened her palm, and a "Aventurine" with a strange color lay in her palm.
"It's nothing strange, to be desired, to be chased, to be cut, to be sold... This is the fate of a gem."
"But you still have a lot to do, it all depends on how you see yourself."
"What I'm more curious about is why such a grand scheme failed to benefit anyone in the end, even the perpetrator himself?"
0 notes
piek-ipc · 5 years
Chain accountability and damage claims
New Post has been published on https://piek.international/chain-accountability-and-damage-claims/
Chain accountability and damage claims
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All around the world there is at least one recall action in the automotive industry every day. If we add all the recall actions in other industries, more than 100 million products are involved every year. Manufacturers would rather avoid damage claims resulting from these recall actions, not only because they damage a company´s reputation but also because they are a financial blow.
A generic cause of such recall actions cannot be pinpointed. What can be said, however, is that partners in the supply chain do not always have processes and procedures in place that are in accordance with the standards agreed on. Quality is an increasingly important factor, because products are ever becoming more technically complicated and their components are shrinking in size.
Chain accountability in the world of co-makership, where outsourcing certain operations is a common phenomenon, is no rarity. To prevent being affected by chain accountability and damage claims resulting from it, you can partner up with PIEK. There are three services that you can benefit from:
First of all, PIEK’s consultancy department can assist you in the following situations: • In case of a dispute between supplier and buyer our consultants can give you a second opinion; • Technical analysis of a product; • Assessment of the quality of a product, etc; • ESD Audit, PB en PBA process audits; • COP & COC; • PB Design validation in line with the IPC standards.
Secondly, PIEK has a test centre where you can have your own products and those of your suppliers tested, to see whether they meet the agreed standards. The tests that PIEK can do are the following: • Surfaces Characterization; • Chemical Laboratory; • Compliance with RoHS Directive and Environmental Analysis; • Shock and Vibration; • ESD Measures (ElectroStatic Discharge); • Rework and Repair Processes for Microelectronics; • Qualification / Validation of Materials and Processes; • Failure Analysis; • Statistical Analysis of Product Design, Process and Reliability; • Dimensional Analysis; • Reliability Analysis for Processes and Products Counterfeiting of Electronic Components.
Thirdly, PIEK is one of the few IPC educational centres in the world that has been certified to provide the IPC Validation Service. This service concerns both material and process aspects, as well as QPL (Qualified Process List) at a product level plus QML (Qualified Manufacturers List) at a supplier level.
With these services PIEK can help you keep your own products and services at a high level at all times.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms Wendy Wings of our customer care department. She can be reached on telephone number + 31 45 570 33 33 or at email address [email protected].
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Russia banned from 2020 Olympics and 2022 World Cup over doping scandal
MONTREAL, Canada — The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has unanimously agreed to ban Russia from major international sporting competitions — notably the Olympics and the World Cup — for four years over doping non-compliance.
WADA’s compliance review committee (CRC) had suggested several sanctions because of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency’s (RUSADA) failure to cooperate fully during probes into Russian sport.
WADA’s executive committee decided to uphold the recommendations at a meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland on Monday.
Russian whistleblower Dr. Grigory Rodchenkov, who was influential in initially exposing the doping cover-up, praised WADA’s decision.
“Finally, Russia’s many doping and obstruction sins will now get some of the punishment they richly deserve. For far too long, Russia has weaponized doping fraud and state-sponsored criminal activity as a tool of foreign policy,” said Rodchenkov via his lawyer Jim Walden, in a statement sent to CNN.
“Let every corrupt nation that tries to play from Russia’s illicit playbook take heed of today’s monumental decision. When doping conspiracies become a crime under the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act, cheaters will be in U.S. prisons and clean athletes will be better protected.”
RUSADA has 21 days to accept the decision or send the matter to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).
Svetlana Zhurova, first deputy chairperson of the international committee of the Russian State Duma lower parliament house, suggested an appeal was very likely and that a decision would be made when RUSADA meets on December 19.
“I am 100% sure [Russia will go to court] because we must defend our athletes,” she told TASS News Agency.
Why the ban?
If upheld, WADA’s decision means Russia will be unable to compete in events such as next year’s Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo nor the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. It will also be unable to host any major sporting events.
“For too long, Russian doping has detracted from clean sport,” said WADA President Sir Craig Reedie in a statement.
“The blatant breach by the Russian authorities of RUSADA’s reinstatement conditions, approved by the ExCo in September 2018, demanded a robust response. That is exactly what has been delivered today.”
WADA’s punishment relates to inconsistencies in data retrieved by WADA in January 2019 from the Moscow lab at the center of the 2016 McLaren report, which uncovered a widespread and sophisticated state-sponsored sports doping network.
RUSADA was initially deemed non-compliant after the publication of the McLaren report in 2016.
Commissioned by WADA, the report found the Russian state conspired with athletes and sporting officials to undertake a doping program that was unprecedented in its scale and ambition.
The findings led to sanctions, including no Russian team being present at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, with certain eligible athletes being forced to compete under a neutral flag.
Competing as neutrals
The latest ban leaves the door open for Russian athletes, who can prove they are not tainted by the scandal, to compete as neutral athletes.
For example, the Russian national team can still qualify for the World Cup finals in 2022, but if successful would have to compete as a neutral team in Qatar.
Reedie continued: “Russia was afforded every opportunity to get its house in order and rejoin the global anti-doping community for the good of its athletes and of the integrity of sport, but it chose instead to continue in its stance of deception and denial.”
“As a result, the WADA ExCo has responded in the strongest possible terms, while protecting the rights of Russian athletes that can prove that they were not involved and did not benefit from these fraudulent acts.”
Both the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) told CNN they acknowledge and support WADA’s decision.
Broken system
However, the decision has not satisfied everybody, notably United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) CEO Travis Tygart.
“To allow Russia to escape a complete ban is yet another devastating blow to clean athletes, the integrity of sport and the rule of law. And, in turn, the reaction by all those who value sport should be nothing short of a revolt against this broken system to force reform,” he said in a statement.
“WADA promised the world back in 2018 that if Russia failed yet again to live up to its agreements, it would use the toughest sanction under the rules. Yet, here we go again; WADA says one thing and does something entirely different.”
Meanwhile, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev criticized WADA’s decision, describing it as “anti-Russian hysteria.”
“The fact that all these decisions are repeated, and often in relation to athletes who have already been punished in one way or another suggests that this is a continuation of anti-Russian hysteria, which has already become chronic,” he said, calling on Russian organizations involved to appeal.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/12/09/russia-banned-from-2020-olympics-and-2022-world-cup-over-doping-scandal/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/12/09/russia-banned-from-2020-olympics-and-2022-world-cup-over-doping-scandal/
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8566986335 · 6 years
The blast, caused by some crude explosive, in all likelihood was triggered after the explosive material was hurled inside the police station, the police said A blast occurred in Maqsudan police station in a busy area of Punjab's Jalandhar city on Friday evening, in which a police personnel had minor injuries, police said. They said the possibility of a terror angle or even plain mischief could not be ruled out at this stage. The blast, caused by some crude explosive, in all likelihood was triggered after the explosive material was hurled inside the police station, the police said. The incident created panic as the police station is located in a busy area. "The police station is housed in a building of a primary health centre. It appears that someone hurled some explosive from outside. The police station is open from two sides and has low boundary wall," Jalandhar Police Commissioner Praveen Kumar Sinha told PTI over phone. At the time of the incident, Maqsudan Police Station's SHO was holding a meeting with some other personnel posted there. Mr Sinha said a police personnel sustained minor injuries. "We will investigate case from all angles," he said. Asked if it was an attempt to blow up the police station and if there was a terror angle, he said, "It'll be presumptuous to say anything at this stage, but at the same time nothing can be ruled out. It can be anything. It can also be a mischief on someone's part. But we are taking it very seriously." "We have cordoned off the area and security has been stepped up in entire Jalandhar," he said. A case has been registered against unidentified persons under provisions of the IPC and the Explosives Act, he added.
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aaronlawson2183 · 6 years
Neste Sells 1 Billionth Gallon of Renewable Diesel
Neste Sells 1 Billionth Gallon of Renewable Diesel Neste reaches 1B gallons renewable diesel sale, runs in fire trucks, ambulances and school vehicles
In Texas, Neste U.S., Inc. (NEF.F, NESTE.HE, NTOIF, NTOIY) is celebrating its 1 billionth gallon of Neste MY Renewable Diesel sold in North America which has effectively helped reduce more than seven million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth’s atmosphere. This is the equivalent of removing 1.6 million passenger vehicles from the road for one year.
“There’s never been a better time to take a closer look at the steps we’re taking to ensure we’re leaving our planet in a healthier state for future generations,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste U.S., Inc. “Companies looking for ways to make a positive impact on the environment can start with simply lowering traffic emissions, which can also lower maintenance costs and improve their bottom line.”
What is Neste MY Renewable Diesel?
Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a low-carbon diesel produced from 100% renewable and sustainable raw materials, such as waste animal and fish fat, vegetable oils and used cooking oil. It emits up to 80 percent less carbon when compared to petroleum diesel. Unlike biodiesel, Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a drop-in fuel that requires no blending and is compatible with all diesel engines.
With the goal of empowering commercial fleet vehicles, city sanitation, utility companies, and schools to become more environmentally responsible by making clean and renewable fuel readily available, Neste has been leading the charge on creating cleaner renewable fuels and supplying the North American market since 2012, according to their press release. Neste MY Renewable Diesel is available to public and private fleets in California through authorized distributors.
The company’s efforts have been recognized in a number of sustainability indexes. Most recently, Neste ranked second in the 2018 Global 100 list of the world’s most sustainable companies.
Even firefighters like it!
In California, the Pasadena Fire Department has switched much of its fleet of apparatus from operating on petroleum diesel to using Neste MY Renewable Diesel. The department currently operates one truck, four engines and four Rescue Ambulances on renewable diesel and plans to transition all remaining apparatus to renewable diesel by 2019.
Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington, said that the switch to renewable diesel fuel has contributed to the City’s goal of reducing its carbon footprint, thanks to exceptional work completed by staff to test this product. He said it has been seamless and smooth and his firefighters have had zero apparatus issues reported.
“We have received very positive feedback from personnel assigned to the apparatus. Firefighters and engineers have reported a reduction in vapors they are exposed to while fueling the trucks,” Chief Washington said. “It has been a huge step forward for the health and safety of our firefighters and community.”
Fire Station 32 Captain David Marquez, added that firefighters tasked with connecting their vehicle exhaust removal systems are reporting that the smell of exhaust has been reduced to near zero levels.
“Our fleet mechanic also has nothing but good things to report about the fuel,” Captain Marquez said. “We will continue to assemble this kind of feedback with the hopes that it will assist in making this fuel available in all our city pumps,” he said.
“We are so proud to be supporting Pasadena Fire Department’s first responders with this clean, safe and odorless fuel that reduce fumes and is less harmful to the environment and especially to those risking their lives for their communities each day,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste US, Inc.
IPC (USA), Inc., headquartered in Santa Ana, California, is the exclusive distributor of Neste MY Renewable Diesel to the Pasadena Fire Department.
Neste brings biofuel to school too
In California, Pittsburg Unified School District, a public-school district based in Contra Costa County, has switched some of its vehicles from operating on petroleum diesel to using Neste MY Renewable Diesel as well.
Matthew Belasco, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation, PUSD cites the health of the students in his community as the main reason for the switch to clean-burning, zero odor renewable fuel. “We have a high prevalence of upper respiratory incidents here and we are committed to doing everything we can to reduce the level of emissions our students and community are exposed to,” Belasco said.
Asked if there were initial concerns about switching to renewable diesel, Belasco admitted “We did have a major concern, especially my mechanics. They were concerned this would ruin the engines and would provide less power. The reality was exactly the opposite, clean burning fuel and no mechanical issues related to the fuel,” he said.
“We are so proud to be supporting PUSD with this premium fuel that’s not only renewable and sustainable, but a clean, safe, odorless fuel that reduces vapors and is less harmful for the children, the drivers and the environment,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste US, Inc.
Western States Oil, based in San Jose, California, is the exclusive distributor of Neste MY Renewable Diesel to PUSD.
Bottom Line
What is mind-blowing about all this is it is just the news about Neste’s MY renewable diesel over the past few weeks! If you look a little further back this year, it’s even more impressive. As reported in the Digest in March, Valtra became the first tractor factory in the world to begin using Neste MY Renewable Diesel as the start-up fuel for all new tractors. As a result, around 700,000 litres of fossil diesel fuel will be replaced each year by 100-percent renewable fuel.
As reported in the Digest in April, a San Francisco Bay area sightseeing cruise company switched its entire fleet of vessels from operating on conventional diesel to using 100% Neste MY Renewable Diesel. The company found absolutely no disruption to any aspects of their operation, from fueling procedures and maintenance intervals to vessel performance and costs. In addition, they observed clean stack emissions and longer fuel filter life.
So what’s this all telling us? That drop-in renewable diesel is a real solution for fleets, vessels, tractors, school buses, fire engines, and more. If it’s good enough for those crucial markets, even life or death markets like fire engines, it’s good enough for anyone.
by Helena Tavares Kennedy is a writer for Biofuels Digest, where this article was first published.  Biofuels Digest is the most widely read  Biofuels daily read by 14,000+ organizations. Subscribe here.
0 notes
natalieweber221 · 6 years
Neste Sells 1 Billionth Gallon of Renewable Diesel
Neste Sells 1 Billionth Gallon of Renewable Diesel Neste reaches 1B gallons renewable diesel sale, runs in fire trucks, ambulances and school vehicles
In Texas, Neste U.S., Inc. (NEF.F, NESTE.HE, NTOIF, NTOIY) is celebrating its 1 billionth gallon of Neste MY Renewable Diesel sold in North America which has effectively helped reduce more than seven million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth’s atmosphere. This is the equivalent of removing 1.6 million passenger vehicles from the road for one year.
“There’s never been a better time to take a closer look at the steps we’re taking to ensure we’re leaving our planet in a healthier state for future generations,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste U.S., Inc. “Companies looking for ways to make a positive impact on the environment can start with simply lowering traffic emissions, which can also lower maintenance costs and improve their bottom line.”
What is Neste MY Renewable Diesel?
Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a low-carbon diesel produced from 100% renewable and sustainable raw materials, such as waste animal and fish fat, vegetable oils and used cooking oil. It emits up to 80 percent less carbon when compared to petroleum diesel. Unlike biodiesel, Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a drop-in fuel that requires no blending and is compatible with all diesel engines.
With the goal of empowering commercial fleet vehicles, city sanitation, utility companies, and schools to become more environmentally responsible by making clean and renewable fuel readily available, Neste has been leading the charge on creating cleaner renewable fuels and supplying the North American market since 2012, according to their press release. Neste MY Renewable Diesel is available to public and private fleets in California through authorized distributors.
The company’s efforts have been recognized in a number of sustainability indexes. Most recently, Neste ranked second in the 2018 Global 100 list of the world’s most sustainable companies.
Even firefighters like it!
In California, the Pasadena Fire Department has switched much of its fleet of apparatus from operating on petroleum diesel to using Neste MY Renewable Diesel. The department currently operates one truck, four engines and four Rescue Ambulances on renewable diesel and plans to transition all remaining apparatus to renewable diesel by 2019.
Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington, said that the switch to renewable diesel fuel has contributed to the City’s goal of reducing its carbon footprint, thanks to exceptional work completed by staff to test this product. He said it has been seamless and smooth and his firefighters have had zero apparatus issues reported.
“We have received very positive feedback from personnel assigned to the apparatus. Firefighters and engineers have reported a reduction in vapors they are exposed to while fueling the trucks,” Chief Washington said. “It has been a huge step forward for the health and safety of our firefighters and community.”
Fire Station 32 Captain David Marquez, added that firefighters tasked with connecting their vehicle exhaust removal systems are reporting that the smell of exhaust has been reduced to near zero levels.
“Our fleet mechanic also has nothing but good things to report about the fuel,” Captain Marquez said. “We will continue to assemble this kind of feedback with the hopes that it will assist in making this fuel available in all our city pumps,” he said.
“We are so proud to be supporting Pasadena Fire Department’s first responders with this clean, safe and odorless fuel that reduce fumes and is less harmful to the environment and especially to those risking their lives for their communities each day,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste US, Inc.
IPC (USA), Inc., headquartered in Santa Ana, California, is the exclusive distributor of Neste MY Renewable Diesel to the Pasadena Fire Department.
Neste brings biofuel to school too
In California, Pittsburg Unified School District, a public-school district based in Contra Costa County, has switched some of its vehicles from operating on petroleum diesel to using Neste MY Renewable Diesel as well.
Matthew Belasco, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation, PUSD cites the health of the students in his community as the main reason for the switch to clean-burning, zero odor renewable fuel. “We have a high prevalence of upper respiratory incidents here and we are committed to doing everything we can to reduce the level of emissions our students and community are exposed to,” Belasco said.
Asked if there were initial concerns about switching to renewable diesel, Belasco admitted “We did have a major concern, especially my mechanics. They were concerned this would ruin the engines and would provide less power. The reality was exactly the opposite, clean burning fuel and no mechanical issues related to the fuel,” he said.
“We are so proud to be supporting PUSD with this premium fuel that’s not only renewable and sustainable, but a clean, safe, odorless fuel that reduces vapors and is less harmful for the children, the drivers and the environment,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste US, Inc.
Western States Oil, based in San Jose, California, is the exclusive distributor of Neste MY Renewable Diesel to PUSD.
Bottom Line
What is mind-blowing about all this is it is just the news about Neste’s MY renewable diesel over the past few weeks! If you look a little further back this year, it’s even more impressive. As reported in the Digest in March, Valtra became the first tractor factory in the world to begin using Neste MY Renewable Diesel as the start-up fuel for all new tractors. As a result, around 700,000 litres of fossil diesel fuel will be replaced each year by 100-percent renewable fuel.
As reported in the Digest in April, a San Francisco Bay area sightseeing cruise company switched its entire fleet of vessels from operating on conventional diesel to using 100% Neste MY Renewable Diesel. The company found absolutely no disruption to any aspects of their operation, from fueling procedures and maintenance intervals to vessel performance and costs. In addition, they observed clean stack emissions and longer fuel filter life.
So what’s this all telling us? That drop-in renewable diesel is a real solution for fleets, vessels, tractors, school buses, fire engines, and more. If it’s good enough for those crucial markets, even life or death markets like fire engines, it’s good enough for anyone.
by Helena Tavares Kennedy is a writer for Biofuels Digest, where this article was first published.  Biofuels Digest is the most widely read  Biofuels daily read by 14,000+ organizations. Subscribe here.
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jeannesgarrison · 6 years
Neste Sells 1 Billionth Gallon of Renewable Diesel
Neste Sells 1 Billionth Gallon of Renewable Diesel Neste reaches 1B gallons renewable diesel sale, runs in fire trucks, ambulances and school vehicles
In Texas, Neste U.S., Inc. (NEF.F, NESTE.HE, NTOIF, NTOIY) is celebrating its 1 billionth gallon of Neste MY Renewable Diesel sold in North America which has effectively helped reduce more than seven million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth’s atmosphere. This is the equivalent of removing 1.6 million passenger vehicles from the road for one year.
“There’s never been a better time to take a closer look at the steps we’re taking to ensure we’re leaving our planet in a healthier state for future generations,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste U.S., Inc. “Companies looking for ways to make a positive impact on the environment can start with simply lowering traffic emissions, which can also lower maintenance costs and improve their bottom line.”
What is Neste MY Renewable Diesel?
Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a low-carbon diesel produced from 100% renewable and sustainable raw materials, such as waste animal and fish fat, vegetable oils and used cooking oil. It emits up to 80 percent less carbon when compared to petroleum diesel. Unlike biodiesel, Neste MY Renewable Diesel is a drop-in fuel that requires no blending and is compatible with all diesel engines.
With the goal of empowering commercial fleet vehicles, city sanitation, utility companies, and schools to become more environmentally responsible by making clean and renewable fuel readily available, Neste has been leading the charge on creating cleaner renewable fuels and supplying the North American market since 2012, according to their press release. Neste MY Renewable Diesel is available to public and private fleets in California through authorized distributors.
The company’s efforts have been recognized in a number of sustainability indexes. Most recently, Neste ranked second in the 2018 Global 100 list of the world’s most sustainable companies.
Even firefighters like it!
In California, the Pasadena Fire Department has switched much of its fleet of apparatus from operating on petroleum diesel to using Neste MY Renewable Diesel. The department currently operates one truck, four engines and four Rescue Ambulances on renewable diesel and plans to transition all remaining apparatus to renewable diesel by 2019.
Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington, said that the switch to renewable diesel fuel has contributed to the City’s goal of reducing its carbon footprint, thanks to exceptional work completed by staff to test this product. He said it has been seamless and smooth and his firefighters have had zero apparatus issues reported.
“We have received very positive feedback from personnel assigned to the apparatus. Firefighters and engineers have reported a reduction in vapors they are exposed to while fueling the trucks,” Chief Washington said. “It has been a huge step forward for the health and safety of our firefighters and community.”
Fire Station 32 Captain David Marquez, added that firefighters tasked with connecting their vehicle exhaust removal systems are reporting that the smell of exhaust has been reduced to near zero levels.
“Our fleet mechanic also has nothing but good things to report about the fuel,” Captain Marquez said. “We will continue to assemble this kind of feedback with the hopes that it will assist in making this fuel available in all our city pumps,” he said.
“We are so proud to be supporting Pasadena Fire Department’s first responders with this clean, safe and odorless fuel that reduce fumes and is less harmful to the environment and especially to those risking their lives for their communities each day,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste US, Inc.
IPC (USA), Inc., headquartered in Santa Ana, California, is the exclusive distributor of Neste MY Renewable Diesel to the Pasadena Fire Department.
Neste brings biofuel to school too
In California, Pittsburg Unified School District, a public-school district based in Contra Costa County, has switched some of its vehicles from operating on petroleum diesel to using Neste MY Renewable Diesel as well.
Matthew Belasco, Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation, PUSD cites the health of the students in his community as the main reason for the switch to clean-burning, zero odor renewable fuel. “We have a high prevalence of upper respiratory incidents here and we are committed to doing everything we can to reduce the level of emissions our students and community are exposed to,” Belasco said.
Asked if there were initial concerns about switching to renewable diesel, Belasco admitted “We did have a major concern, especially my mechanics. They were concerned this would ruin the engines and would provide less power. The reality was exactly the opposite, clean burning fuel and no mechanical issues related to the fuel,” he said.
“We are so proud to be supporting PUSD with this premium fuel that’s not only renewable and sustainable, but a clean, safe, odorless fuel that reduces vapors and is less harmful for the children, the drivers and the environment,” said Jeremy Baines, vice president of sales, Neste US, Inc.
Western States Oil, based in San Jose, California, is the exclusive distributor of Neste MY Renewable Diesel to PUSD.
Bottom Line
What is mind-blowing about all this is it is just the news about Neste’s MY renewable diesel over the past few weeks! If you look a little further back this year, it’s even more impressive. As reported in the Digest in March, Valtra became the first tractor factory in the world to begin using Neste MY Renewable Diesel as the start-up fuel for all new tractors. As a result, around 700,000 litres of fossil diesel fuel will be replaced each year by 100-percent renewable fuel.
As reported in the Digest in April, a San Francisco Bay area sightseeing cruise company switched its entire fleet of vessels from operating on conventional diesel to using 100% Neste MY Renewable Diesel. The company found absolutely no disruption to any aspects of their operation, from fueling procedures and maintenance intervals to vessel performance and costs. In addition, they observed clean stack emissions and longer fuel filter life.
So what’s this all telling us? That drop-in renewable diesel is a real solution for fleets, vessels, tractors, school buses, fire engines, and more. If it’s good enough for those crucial markets, even life or death markets like fire engines, it’s good enough for anyone.
by Helena Tavares Kennedy is a writer for Biofuels Digest, where this article was first published.  Biofuels Digest is the most widely read  Biofuels daily read by 14,000+ organizations. Subscribe here.
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huskfulloflove-blog · 6 years
A lover once said to me
I want to feel the galaxies of your stars
Have the ridges guide me through your darkness like jagged little stars
Even in plain sailing weather
When we were together
I loved to sleep
Until the bed got too steep
Like an escalator from my depression
To the bright lights of my caffeinated illumination
From the minutes I would count til the sunrise
When insomnia was all I could calculate with closed eyes
And what looked like a day of opportunity turned slowly into an afternoon of complacency
The sluggish giving up way of not enough capacity
To see beyond my middle finger
And what may linger
In the oncoming waving of the traffic lights
That stopped working on those sleepless nights
You see I couldn't run a red light
Even if I was full of dynamite
I wouldn’t blow up anything
Instead I could just open wide and sing
About everything
To see what was imagined
And what could be examined
With an artist eye
Like looking at a cloudy sky
Seeing nothing but the words
It's gonna be alright
Even under the armor
Even through the rain pelting thunder
To the opening the unveiling of the stars
The ridges that light the pathway made of scars
And places that I got torn or hurt
That healed but still left a mark of their birth
The moment I got snagged
By the internet connection that stuttered than lagged
Forced me to read the data from mind
To transcend this concept of time
Into a poem
A dialogue with the operations control central
That is always available through mental
To ignite the imagination
Into stories and modern folktales
That are able
To give you a composition
From what got dispositioned
And broken apart
what got torn and scattered from the start
To become self confidence into self doubt
But it gave you a bruise a scar a new discovered star to talk about
To let on out when sleeping
Feels like dying and awakening feels like crying
All that I feel into an open field
Of wonder and possibility
To yield to the beauty
And generosity of the earth
The planet of my birth
As I went on the adventure
To uncover
My complete transformer bot
Into knowing what I got
May not seem a lot
When I'm counting the regrets
That somehow I can't forget
Even as I can't remember my name
Who she is
And the number on the departing plane
A place where when together
We sit in a world of plain sailing weather
Two storms from opposite shores of the norms
That collide and twist into what was forlorn
In the words scribbled down on our skins that are sliced and torn
Into scraps of pieces that can be sewn back
Until what seems is in the past is all black
And the light is just up ahead
Through the blinking traffic lights
To what may be said
About looking both ways then
Just going for it in the dim lit days
When the wind is too strong
And the ways I win
Doesn't last that long
So I have to write them down
Sing them in a song everyday
To remind me to get on my way
Until the last of my days
When I will finally rest
Beside the will of doing my best
I will try to remember to get up and go outside
The places I circled around on my insides
To the beauty I can make part of a beautiful sunny day
Of the many ways it rains from the sky
When I ask the questions why
Why we here anyway
When it's just a lovely day
Beside the city by the bay
The starting point on a path to the stars
The place I collected my stamps and scars
As I saw my failures
Disappointments always sail away
From the fractures and bruises that carved my way
To feeling the depths of the ocean wind
Deep within
As I pull the shades
And turn night into day
As I try not to waste away
In a galaxy filled of darkness
and competitive things that mean less and less the failures and scars
To lead the way into daylight
like the morning stars
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