#• Award in Man Lift Safe Operator Training
safetycourses2022 · 3 months
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hopes4gf · 3 years
Thievery and Mischief- (a descendants/marvel crossover)
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After the tour, I decide to pay a little visit to my friends at Auradon Prep, Tia and Tavian, my favorite twins from Louisiana and drama club captains.
”Yo, Adri! What’s up?” Tavian says.
”Long time no see, how y’all doing?” I ask.
”Good now that there’s some peace and quiet,” Tia says, looking up towards the top of the stage.
”Not my fault you guys are so boring,” A voice says from the rafters.
I look up and see a guy with large wings, almost like a bird’s.
He stares at me, his eyes widening and suddenly he swoops down. 
“Holy crap, you’re Adri Ababwa. I’m a big fan,” The guy says now standing in front of me.
”Nice wings man,” I say.
”Thanks, I grew them myself. Mutant powers y’know?” Angel says.
”Mutants?” I ask.
”My dad is a fairy, my mom is a sorceress. I’m Angel, by the way,” He says.
”Angel...by any chance are you the Bell twins’ cousin?” I ask.
He nods.
”They talk about you all the time, I see why now,” I say.
”It’s rare to see mutants in families. Some have wings, have claws in their hands, can shapeshift, that’s probably why I look up to you,” Angel says.
”Cause I can shapeshift into a tiger?” I ask.
”Exactly,” Angel says.
Tia and Tavian stare at us confusedly.
”Power talk,” I say.
The bell rings and the twins collect their things.
”Ooh, Tia! When’s the next time your mom can make me some of her famous gumbo?” I ask.
”If you come with me now, we can stop by her restaurant,” Tia says.
I turn to Angel.
”Wanna come?” I ask.
”Sure,” Angel says.
After meeting Angel, I learned some things about mutants and their abilities. This lesson was pretty enlightening and made me feel like I wasn't alone with my curse.
Later, I get a call from a number I don't recognize while walking through the gardens. I pick up the phone.
"Hello?" I say through the phone.
"Hey, Adri. It's been a while," A familiar voice says through the phone.
I recognize the voice to be Stefani, or Lady Gaga through the phone.
"Oh my gosh, Stefani! It's such an honor to talk to you again," I say happily. 
I sit under the usual gossip tree to take the call.
"I know. Anyways, darling, I have a little project for you. You're someone who I love and hold dear as an artist, so I want to collaborate with you on a couple of songs for a movie I'm producing a soundtrack for," Stefani says.
"You want to collaborate with me for a motion picture soundtrack?" I ask.
"Mark Ronson is also gonna help and a couple of people from my team too. I was also looking in the credits for your album and I saw your boyfriend did the mixing for a couple of songs. I was hoping you and him might want to tag along on this," Stefani adds.
"I'm sure he would e happy to, but for now all I can say is yes to you on my own behalf. I would absolutely love to," I say with a smile.
"Great! I'll text you meeting details on Friday," Stefani says.
"Great!" I say.
I hang up the phone and giggle. I feel like screaming for joy. So many great things are happening! I guess that's what happens when you hit rock-bottom, you only go up from there. And now, everything is looking up.
I walk to the gym where I find Jay with Lonnie and the rest of the fencing team.
”Take a break, boys!” Lonnie says, blowing her new captain’s whistle.
Jay spots me by the doors and walks over with a smile on his face.
”Hey, babe,” He greets.
Before he can kiss me, I put my finger over his lips.
”We have songs to write for Gaga,” I say with a smile.
Jay’s smile drops.
”Gaga? As in, Lady Gaga? Grammy award winner, Gaga?” Jay asks.
”She just called me and she wants us to write her songs for a movie,” I say.
Jay smiles widely and lifts me of the ground, hugging me tightly. 
“Jesus, why didn’t you tell me sooner? That’s great! What if we win as Oscar or a Grammy or even a Teen choice award? I’m so proud of you,” Jay rants.
I laugh at his reaction to the news.
”Why is Jay smiling like that?” Lonnie asks, coming up to us.
”We get to write music for Lady Gaga,” Jay says proudly.
Lonnie’s jaw drops.
”Congratulations! You deserve it for making such good songs for her album,” Lonnie says, patting Jay’s shoulder.
”Nah, the real mastermind is Adri. Her lyrics and her voice made the songs much more beautiful,” Jay says.
I blush softly and punch his arm shyly.
”Shut up,” I mutter.
After Jay’s practice, we follow Lonnie to Coach Jenkin’s office.
”There's my favorite captains!” Coach says.
“Oh shush, we know we’re good,” I say with a smirk.
I first bump Lonnie.
”Speaking of Captains, I got word of your schedule changes,” He says, pointing to me and Jay.
”Even though these changes have been made, I still think you’d be able to advise your teams. Especially you, Jay, since Ben is out of action,” Coach explains.
”Are you promoting me?” Jay asks.
”I’m making you Captain of the Tourney team, Jay,” Coach says.
Jay’s jaw drops.
”No way,” Jay says in shock.
“Looks like things are looking up, JJ,” I say with a smile.
Jay’s mouth morphs into a smirk.
”Damn right,” He says.
Coach gives us a soft smile.
”You guys can celebrate or something, but on Monday, I expect you all to adjust,” Coach says.
”Yeah,” We all agree.
Suddenly, the announcements go off.
”Adri Ababwa, please report to Fairy Godmother’s office,” The announcement says.
”Did you get your skateboard taken again?” Jay asks.
”How many times are you gonna get that thing confiscated?” Lonnie asks, rolling her eyes.
”It’s in my locker, chill. I have no idea,” I say, getting up from my seat.
I walk through the door and walk to the office.
I walk into the headmistress’s office and I see Mal and Ben with Fairy Godmother.
”Long time no see,” I say to Ben and Mal.
”Glad you’re here,” Ben says, hugging me.
”We called you here because Mal has a proposal for you,” Fairy Godmother explains.
“Rogers stepped down from his position,” Mal says.
My smile fades. Steve Rogers? Family friend, Avengers, Steve?
”Steve stepped down from Captain? Why?” I ask.
“He and Tony had a dispute after Voltron in Germany. I’ve tried to keep a temporary position since Uma came into the Isle, but we need more troops. I think you’d be the best for it because of your powers and experience. And plus, you're already trusted on the court,” Mal explains.
”Mal, I’d be honored to. But I have to find a way to fit it into my schedule. The only free time I have is around now,” I say.
”So, then you can clock in at 5 and finish at 8,” Ben says.
”It's an intensive training role. You’d pick up recruits, train them, and go to the dungeons,” Ben says.
”Not bad,” I think.
”Fine, I’ll do it,” I say.
”Thank you so much,” Mal says with a smile.
I walk into the base of operations and spot a familiar face. Bucky Barnes, Steve’s best friend, and newest Avenger.
”Hey, metal arm,” I joke.
”Thank god you’re here,” Bucky says, spotting me.
He gives me a side hug.
”What the hell is wrong with Steve?” I ask him.
”Steve doesn’t agree with the new laws set by Rhodes and the Marshall. Since Sokovia, they wanna add restrictions on our powers because of the explosion and because of that telekinesis girl,” Bucky says.
”I mean they did destroy the city too,” I mention.
”The reason for Tony’s nightmares,” Bucky recalls.
”He has nightmares?” I ask.
”Yeah, if Loki ever comes back, he’ll have a malfunction,” Bucky says.
”Let’s hope that his arc reactor surgery saves him,” I say.
Bucky laughs, remembering he doesn’t have a heart.
”Anyways, let me show you around. So, this is the center of the base, here we have our tanks, our fake grenades, our armory, and training center,” Bucky explains.
”And the troops?” I ask.
”I think that’s your job to cause the first commotion,” Bucky says, handing me a grenade.
”Watch this, grandpa,” I say, taking the grenade from his hands. 
I toss the grenade into a group of guys.
They all huddle near the grenade trying to cover it and push each other away.
”Hey! What the hell are you sons if bitches doing? If you see an enemy grenade, you take cover!” I yell.
”The hell is this bitch?” One of the guys asks.
”Bitch? I’m not anyone’s bitch, and for the record, I’m your new Captain,” I say.
The troops all mutter and scoff at each other.
”Go home, kid! You’re kidding yourself if you think you’re gonna train us,” Another guy says.
”What’re your names?” I ask the guys.
They both look at me like I’m dumb.
”I’m Jack. This is Lio,” Jack says.
”I’m promoting you,” I say.
They both look at each other in shock.
”Both of you are now my Lieutenants. You’re gonna spend the majority of training by my side. Whoever are Lieutenants, you’re demoted. If there’s anything I know about being a soldier, you’d fight any fight or anyone to make it to the top. As I train each of you, you must be following my direct orders only. I will watch you all carefully and see if any of you demonstrate proper soldiers' skills. That will determine if you are my second in command. New recruits will all be promoted in place of older ones. As long as you keep up with your task, you’re safe. Any bullshit, you’re out, understand?” I say.
”Yes ma’am,” The Troops say.
I grab a sword from a barrel and I throw it at Lio.
”Get to work,” I order.
The troops go to their assigned positions and Lio and Jack come towards me.
”Who the hell are y-“ Lío starts.
”Bro, that's Adri Ababwa,” Jack explains.
”The artist?” Lio asks.
“Yeah, I’m a huge fan and I’m so fucking sorry about the way I acted earlier,” Jack apologizes.
”It’s fine, I don’t take shit personally. At least anymore,” I say.
”Bruh, you called her a bitch,” Lio comments.
”Shut up,” Jack mutters.
”Listen, I can already tell you two are friends. So please make this easy for me and shut the fuck up and listen,” I say honestly.
”You know you remind me a lot of Rogers,” Jack says.
”We’re friends,” I say.
”You’re friends with Steve Rogers?” Lio asks.
”Yes, now listen up. We’re gonna do some tactical work. You’re gonna go through the grass here with your rifles, your gonna shoot three birds and bring them to me. Got it?” I order.
”Yes ma’am,” They say.
They then pick up their rifles and crouch through the grass.
They miss every shot when birds pass by. One of them lands on Lio’s head and he coos the bird. I roll my eyes at his action. Then, Jack shoots two birds at once. My eyes widen at his shot. They fall into the grass and he picks them up. Lio shoots a bird and it falls slowly.
”That's one big bird,” Lio comments. 
As it falls to the ground I notice it’s not a bird. 
“Are fucking stupid? That’s a human, not a bird!” Jack shouts. 
I run quickly under the person and they fall in my arms.
”Angel? Jesus, are you okay?” I realize.
The metal winged man winces in pain. I realize his hip is bleeding.
”Lio, what the hell is wrong with you? You shot him in the ribs,” I say.
I place him in the grass and reach for Jack’s medkit. He hands it to me and I open it up. I take a pair of tweezers and some alcohol.
”Sit still,” I advise.
I pry the bullet from his hip slowly and Angel grits his teeth from the pain. The bullet comes out cleanly and I put alcohol on the wound and wrap it up.
”Can you fly?” I ask him.
”Sure,” Angel says.
He uses his wings to fly up straight.
”Now who the fuck mistook me for a hunting duck?” Angel asks.
Jack points to Lio.
”Come on, man,” Lío says exasperatedly to Jack.
”Terrible shot,” Angel comments.
Then he takes the gun from Lio’s hand and shoots a bird. The shot is clean and the bird falls quickly to the grass.
”That's how you shoot,” Angel says, picking up the bird from the grass.
He’s good. And he’s got those wings too. 
“Hey, Angel? You got anything to do after school?” I ask him.
”No,” He scoffs.
”Would you be interested in being a troop?” I ask him.
”What?” Lio and Jack ask.
”Well, I’ve got nothing else to do,” Angel says.
I smirk and pat his shoulder.
Later, I give Angel his new uniform and make him another Lieutenant. We continue tactical shooting until sunset.
I then search the premises of the base and look at the other troops. They whisper and smirk as I pass by. Some troops, practice grenade launching, shooting positions, fencing. I think to myself:
”Maybe this is something Jay would be interested in hearing.”
I smirk to myself as I think about how successful Jay has been so far in his time in Auradon. I walk into the training center and spot Bucky talking to a troop.
”Hey, how was your first day?” Bucky asks.
”Could’ve been better, but it means progress,” I say with a soft smile.
”Good to know you’re a hard hitter instead of a soft princess. Kind of like your mom,” Bucky says.
”Don’t mention me and my mom in the same sentence, you 100-year-old soldier. That’s like putting you and Steve in the same sentence about ice,” I say, rolling my eyes.
”Shut the hell up,” Bucky says punching my arm with his regular fist.
”You ever punch me with your vibranium arm, I will kill you,” I warn.
Bucky laughs and leaves me alone.
One day at school, Angel and I decided to sit together at lunch. We talk about training and new things I could teach the troops. As we talk about ammunition I spot Jay talking to Ruby Fitzherberg, Rapunzel’s daughter. I see her pressing upon him and twirling her blonde hair. Jay uncomfortably tries to walk away.
”Oh god,” I say, rolling my eyes.
”God what?” Angel asks me.
”Jay is with Ruby,” I say.
”Ruby? The girl who slept with five guys at once? You better scoop your man before she gets him,” Angel advises.
”How do you know that?” I ask.
”What? I’m gay. Of course, I know,” Angel explains.
My eyes widen at his words.
”Huh?” I ask dumbfoundedly.
”I said what I said, I’m gay,” Angel says.
I blink in confusion and stand up from the bench. 
I walk over to Jay and Ruby and sling my arm around his shoulder. 
“Hey guys,” I say.
”Adri! Nice to see you after you dealt with Angel in the theatre,” Ruby says.
”You were there? I didn’t see you or hear your annoying voice,” I say with a smirk.
”I was just asking Jay whether or not he likes my new hair,” Ruby says flirtatiously towards Jay, ignoring my words.
”Um, it looks the same,” I say.
”That’s what I said,” Jay agrees.
”Come on, I cut it 4 inches!” Ruby says playfully hitting Jay’s arm.
”Excuse me, can you not put your hands on him?” I ask her.
”Why not?” Ruby asks.
”It’s super clear that he’s uncomfortable,” I say.
”No he’s not,” Ruby replies bitterly.
Ruby turns to Jay.
”Adri, can we go?” Jay asks.
”Gladly,” I say through gritted teeth.
I grab Jay’s arm and we walk back to my table.
”Who’s this?” Jay asks, seeing Angel.
”This is Lieutenant Angel, the guy Ruby was talking about,” I say.
”Jay. Jay Farr, I’ve heard quite a bit about you from Adri,” Jay says.
”I’ve heard a lot about you too,” Angel says.
”Anyways, you saw what I saw right?” I ask Angel.
”Um, obviously. Ruby has absolutely no self-control. Hey, I’m gay by the way and if you ever and I mean EVER dump her, you’re either getting a Louboutin heel to the face or a date with me,” Angel says.
I scoff at his remarks.
”What? He’s hot,” Angel compliments.
”Thanks, man but I have plans with this girl so...no thanks,” Jay says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
”Like I was saying, Ruby thinks she is all preppy and cool when she’s totally out of line for that shit,” I say to Angel.
”What did she do exactly?” Jay asks, peeking in the conversation.
”She was flirting with you- anyways I try to be sane one...”
”And you’re complaining why?” Jay asks in between my words.
Angel snickers to himself. I glare at Jay.
”You. Are. Mine. End of story,” I say through gritted teeth.
Jay laughs to himself after I speak. 
“Jeez, you’re jealous! I didn’t actually think you’d slide into the conversation because of that,” Jay laughs.
”With your tendencies, it was so obvious that you were uncomfortable but when I walked over you played into it! It was so clear,” I say frustratedly.
Jay continues to laugh at my responses. I look over at Angel and rolls his eyes.
”She feels like your toying with her and she doesn’t like it,” Angel blurts out.
Jay stops laughing and his smile drops. He turns to see me.
I play with the underside of my nail, trying not to look at Jay.
”Is that true?” Jay asks.
”I don’t know. Maybe I just feel like at any moment you could be suddenly interested in some other girl who’s better than I am,” I mutter.
Jay puts a hand on my thigh and I turn to face him.
”Baby, why would I make plans with you if I didn’t love you or care about you enough to stay with you?” Jay asks.
I blush lightly and shrug.
”It’s because I think your worth every minute of my life,” Jay says sincerely.
I smile softly and I kiss his cheek.
”That's cute,” Angel says.
”Shut up,” I giggle.
A month later,
”Tell me something, boy. Aren’t you tired try to- Fuck what rhymes with that?” I sing, stopping mid-way to think.
”Void?” Stefani suggests.
”Damn it, why is it so hard to write a love song without having the word love in it?” I ask exasperatedly.
”Cause it’s impossible?” Jay suggests.
”It is possible. We’ve just got two weeks to figure it out,” Stefani says, sitting back down in her chair.
Jay puts out his hand for me to pass him the guitar.
”How about we just repeat a couple of lines?” Jay says, receiving the guitar.
“Tell me something, boy, aren’t you tired of trying to fill that void?
or do you need more?” He starts.
”Aint it hard keeping it so hardcore?”  Stefani finishes.
”Yes! That’s it,” I say, writing it down.
We’re about to finish the last song of the motion picture and we’re almost done. But the lyrics keep falling apart.
”Maybe Bradley should just come in here and help us,” I suggest.
We call in Stefani’s co-star, Bradley and he sits.
”What’s the dilemma?” He asks.
”We need more ears. So, how about it?” Jay asks.
Jay hands Bradley the guitar.
”Shit, I’ve only been in classes for a month,” Bradley hesitates.
”You can do it,” Stefani says confidently.
Bradley starts to strum the chords of the song. I hand Stefani our brainstorm journal and they both look at our lyrics.
They sing the parts of the song effortlessly. At one part, Stefani improvises and nails the part.
They finish and Jay and I clap.
”That was movie magic at its finest! Now, let’s record it, mix it, and then off we go,” I say.
We all get up from our seats to start working on our parts.
Jay and I lay down the mixing and Bradley and Stefani record. And just for fun, Stefani plays a piano version and we end up recording that too.
Later that night, we come home absolutely exhausted.
I plop onto my dorm room bed and sigh. I look up at my ceiling and see the moonlight peeking through my curtain. The bed sinks and I turn to see Jay lying there next to me, looking at the curtains.
”Long days at work, huh?” Jay asks me.
”I took off training to do that, so, yes,” I say.
We both paused in silence for a minute.
”Hey,” Jay speaks up.
”Do you think we’ll get nominated for anything?” Jay asks.
”Probably,” I say, thinking out loud.
”You know. I’m glad you asked me to start making music with you. It’s like something I can remember about you...like our own special thing, you know?” Jay says.
”Yeah. By the way, Stefani was the one who asked for you. Not me,” I say.
”Really? I didn’t think that would ever happen,” Jay says in surprise.
I chuckle at his reaction. I turn to my side and wrap my arm around his body. He does the same, pulling me closer to his chest by gripping my waist.
”Baby, where do you see us in the next year?” Jay asks.
I furrow my brows in confusion.
”I mean. Do you think we’ll be together after senior year next year?” Jay asks.
”I mean, we’ve had no problems with our career schedules so far. Sure we had the situation with Lonnie but luckily I’m that wasn’t real,” I say.
Jay laughs at my recollection.
”I’m sorry for that,” Jay chuckles.
”I know. Anyways, I actually believe we could be traveling, making songs, doing couples interviews and photoshoots, and maybe I can have you come to Agrabah and convince my parents to help us get married?” I suggest.
”Married? You wanna marry me?” Jay asks.
”I mean, we need a new heir in the bloodline. And I don’t think Aziz wants to settle down or rule the kingdom yet,” I say.
Jay chuckles to himself for a minute. He scoops down and places a kiss on my forehead.
”Why can’t we do that now then?” Jay asks.
My eyes widen at his words. I blink twice adjusting to his reaction.
”You wanna do all that now?” I ask him.
”Why not? If that means I get to spend the rest of my life with your crazy ass? Definitely,” Jay agrees.
A smile morphs on my face and I jump up to get my phone.
I dial my mom’s number.
”Ma, it’s Adri. We’ve gotta make some plans...”
3,858 words
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff.
Hanji POV
I was giving a pep talk to my squad when I saw (Y/N) talking to Levi. We were about to leave the walls in a few moments. For a second, I think I saw shorty with a warm expression. It was surprising really, given that he always looked like a "constipated brat" in his own words. What was more surprising was that he found himself someone shorter than he is. When we were called to the lift, I saw (Y/N) and Levi giving each other some really intense looks and talking about something.
God knows what these two were talking about given that their looks could make new recruits piss their pants. Levi walked away from her when the lift arrived and stood beside me on the lift. I saw (Y/N) move slightly to stand with the crowd.
"Yo shorty, what were all those intense looks about?" I nudged Levi to which he answered, "Shut it shitty glasses". I smiled at his usual behaviour. Seems like even love can't change some things. I sighed at the thought. Moblit and I weren't able to go on a date because of how busy I was with my experiments. I need to make it up to him after the expedition if both of us come back alive. As the lift creaked up, someone shouted from the crowd, " HEY HANJI!". I looked down and saw, "Flegel?" I muttered, curious that he was shouting my name out. "TAKE BACK WALL MARIA! THE FUTURE OF MANKIND IS IN YOUR HAAAANDS!" he shouted.
Following his lead, many others shouted out encouragements. Some thanked Levi for saving the town and to that Levi muttered, "Someone's got a big mouth". " Well, with the commotion we made, of course they'd find out." I muttered, answering Levi. The replacement for Mike said, "The thing is, all the meat we ordered was from the Reeves company." The replacement for Squad leader Ness merely said, "Damn that Flegel".
Suddenly, I heard people beside us shouting "YEAH YOU CAN COUNT ON US!". I turned and saw Levi squad shouting out to the people. Other soldiers were muttering about how the Survey corps never had a send off like this before. Erwin replied to them by saying, "As far as I'm aware, this is a first" before starting to shout himself. Both Levi and I looked at him surprised. I looked down at the crowd to see (Y/N) gaping at the sight too. After all, this was completely unexpected for someone as calm as Erwin.
It was surprising to see Uncle Erwin so excited about an expedition. Specially, one that could cause many casualties. The Survey Corps were gone after a while and the crowd dispersed. I went back to the Survey corps Headquarters to get my squad to help me receive all the furniture and make my home liveable. "I have a home now..." I thought gleefully. I finally was able to find happiness. I took my horse back from the stable and galloped towards the headquarter.
When I opened the door to the common room, I saw my squad complaining about not being able to join the expedition.
[(Y/N) Squad/ Special operations squad 2:
(Y/N) squad was supposed to be one of the four commanding squads beside Levi squad, Hanji squad and Drik squad but due to her pregnancy leave, Marlene squad was a temporary replacement for her.
Diana Becker: A graduate from 103 trainee corps. Very good at communicating with other soldiers and after being trained by (Y/N), 3DMG techniques are improving. Appointed as (Y/N)'s second in command.
Heinrich Fischer: A transfer from Garrison from 103 trainee corps. Area of specialty is medic. Good at 3DMG and getting better with (Y/N)'s training. Excellent at hand to hand combat according to (Y/N) as he was the only person who knew the right strategy to use on (Y/N), losing nonetheless. Not too good in social skills
Stefan Wagner: A graduate from 103 trainee corps. Area of specialty is Veterinarian. Good at 3DMG and improving. Good at social skills and will implement any command given as flawlessly as possible.
Marie Schwarz: A military police transfer from 103 trainee corps. Area of specialty is dealing with finance. A serious soldier who is good at almost all sectors except hand to hand combat due to a lacking in understanding of the enemy's moves but that could be improved by team activities. However, it seems like she had difficulty with authority, specially (Y/N)'s.]
"Damn it... This was one important expedition and we couldn't join... They will all be awarded as heroes when they return and we will only be watching.." Heinrich complained to the other bored soldiers as I walked in. They were all seniors in case of Trainee corps records but younger than myself by a few years given that I joined a bit late. "Heinrich, if you are so keen on being Titan fodder, go ahead, take your horse and follow them. They haven't gone too far yet." I told him, shutting him up.
"Sorry, squad leader (Y/N). He was just being an ass" Diana muttered, smacking Heinrich on his head. They probably were in a relationship or something, given that I walked onto them kissing one time. I pretended I didn't see it though. "Well, be thankful that you aren't fighting Titans with your lives in your hands and instead you're helping me with decorating my home. I want you all at my home in 30 minutes. I'll be going to the furniture store and getting the furniture." I ordered them as they answered with a "Hai!" before I left for the furniture store. It was already getting dark. I took my horse there, paid the furniture makers, rented a wagon and with the help of the furniture maker's apprentice, took all the furniture home. The squad was already home and with their help, I started arranging the house.
"Diana, go arrange the kitchen utensils. Stefan and Heinrich, move that shelf away from the window." I commanded. Most of the house was already decorated. I just needed to get the bedsheets arranged, bring all of Levi's and my own books from the headquarters, except of course, the work related ones. "Marie, we are going to get the books" I commanded her and we went to the headquarter.
It took a while to arrange all the books as I did that by dividing the books by genres. After the whole decoration process was done, I thanked the squad and dismissed them. It was about 10 pm when I started cleaning the house. After an hour of cleaning, I felt like the house was clean enough for Levi's standards and I locked the front gate and went back to the headquarter. We weren't supposed to be living in this house till we get married. I was tired beyond measures after all the work and decided to pass out on the bed.
A few hours later
Levi POV
"Looks like the beast titan has us in it's sights. This place is about to turn into a honeycomb. Erwin, if you tell me there's no way left for us to fight back, I'll start preparing for defeat." I told Erwin. This operation was meaningless. Of course there was no chance of victory after this. If we had to get some survivors... I would have to give up my life... Would (Y/N) be okay with it? I'm sure she would be devastated... But I had to do this. For humanity and for a good future of my child... Can (Y/N) raise him on her own? "It could be a she too you know" (Y/N)'s voice rang in my head. She always pointed that out whenever I called our child a 'he'.
"Eren's sprawled out there, right? Go wake him up. You and some of the others get on him and run. That way we'll have at least a few survivors." I continued. I remembered the last time I slept with her. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps... "The recruits and survivors from Hanji's squad can scatter on horses all at once and try to head home... How does that sound? With them acting as bait, you and the others on Eren will be able to escape." I concluded. I remember her snuggling into my arms, burying her head in my chest... "And what are you going to do, Levi?" Erwin asked me. Was that really the last time I saw her? And I really made a shitty promise that I couldn't keep that time?
"I'll deal with that beast. I'll lead him away" I answered. Am I really ready to choose humanity over her? Over our kid? "No. You can't even get close to him." Erwin stated. I remembered her rare smiles. I imagined a future where she and my kid will be safe. If this sacrifice is worth it, I can do this. "Probably not. But, if you and Eren make it back alive, there's still hope. Isn't that the kind of situation we're in now? This is a major defeat. Honestly, I'm not expecting anyone to make it home alive at this point." I replied. "True. If we don't have any way of fighting back." Erwin stated calmly. I was surprised. Did he have anything up his sleeve?
"Do you have one?" I asked him, genuinely surprised. "Yes" he stated. At this point, I was annoyed at him. What was he thinking? Why didn't he say this to me before? "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why didn't you put that ugly mouth of yours to work sooner and say something?" I asked, genuinely annoyed. "If this plan goes well, you may be able to defeat that beast. But only if we sacrifice the lives of all the recruits here, as well as mine." Erwin mentioned. Sacrificing Erwin? Didn't I promise (Y/N) that I'll keep him safe? If he makes a decision like this, how can I face (Y/N) again?
"You're absolutely right. No matter what we do, most of us will surely die. Infact, it's most likely that we will all be wiped out. So our only choice is to assume we are all expendable and work from there. We'd have to ask these young people to give up their lives. You'd need the skills of a first rate con man to come up with a reason that convincing. So I doubt any of them will charge forward unless I was leading the way. Which would mean I'd be the very first to die. Without ever learning what was in that basement." Erwin said. "Huh?" I asked, confused.
This man was about to die and all he cared about was a shitty basement? He sighed and said, "I just want to go to that basement. Everything I have done, I did thinking that this day would come. That someday, I would be able to check my answers. There were so many times that I thought it would be easier to just die. Then, the dream I shared with my father would flash through my head. And now those answers are close enough to reach out and grab... They are right here... But, Levi, can you see them? All of our comrades? Our comrades are watching us. They want to know what we will do with the hearts they dedicated to our cause. Because they may be gone but their fight isn't over. But then again, I promised (Y/N) that I will be with her at her wedding... She doesn't deserve to lose more... I broke enough promises to her before. Will the last thing I told her be a promise that I couldn't keep? Or is it all pointless and nothing more than my own childish delusion?".
I looked at Erwin for a while, my mind full of doubt. He was implying that I have to make the decision. This was much worse. (Y/N) would never forgive me. She will despise me. I might lose the only chance I ever had of having a family. Then again, didn't I decide that sacrificing my life for the safety of (Y/N) and our child was worth it? Why should this be any different? If wall Maria is captured, humanity will be much closer to victory. (Y/N) and our child will be safer. I'd rather have (Y/N) hate me than get her killed because I was weak. I knelt down in front of Erwin and told him, "You've fought a good fight. We have only come this far thanks to you. I'm making the choice. Give up on your dreams and die for us. Lead the recruits straight into hell. And I'll take down the beast titan.". To that he smiled slightly at me. "Keep (Y/N) safe. You two have my blessings." he said, startling me before he explained the plan to me.
"You want me to approach the beast by myself using vertical manoeuvring? There's nothing around him! There isn't a single tree or house or anything else I can use!" I asked Erwin, not understanding what he was talking about. "No... You have targets that are the perfect height. They are standing there all in a row aren't they? Use the titans to sneak up on and ambush the beast titan." Erwin explained.
I stood beside him as he convinced all the soldiers to give up their lives. Deep down, I knew it was all my decision. I felt revolted by myself. Does a person like me even deserve the happiness and stability of a family? When I can decide to send so many people to their deaths, bringing tragedy to so many other families... "No. I won't regret my decision now. It is all for the greater good" I convinced myself as I stood, watching the faces of people who knew they were about to die meaningless deaths.
The plan was put into action. I maneuvered towards the beast titan, killing it's titan army in progress. I saw the suicide charge down there. "I'm sorry" I told them in my mind as I slashed the napes of titans.
"Turning into titan puts a heavy strain on your body... So you can't transform again while you're busy healing. Isn't that right?" I asked the blonde man who I had cut out of the beast titan and stuffed my blade in his mouth. I pushed the blade forward, making it come out of an eye socket through his mouth before saying, "Hey, answer me. Don't you have any manners?". "I can't kill him. Not yet. Isn't there anyone still alive? It doesn't matter how injured they are as long as they are breathing... I can use this shot to turn them into a titan... Then I can have them eat this guy and steal the power of the beast titan. Isn't there anyone?" I thought. An image of Erwin passed through my mind.
"Isn't there someone I can bring back-" my thoughts were interrupted by the cart titan's mouth. I assumed that it tried to eat me but I moved away and saw it taking the beast titan and run away. "Hey! Where are you going? Stop. I'm not done with you yet..." I said, my voice sounding like a defeated person. Did I just lose to him at the last moment? The beast titan commanded the remaining titans to come at me. "Wait... I swore to him... That I'd kill you no matter what." I muttered. Anger surged into me as I continued, "I SWORE TO HIM!" as I changed my blades and charged towards the titans coming at me, slashing their napes off as fast as possible so that I could follow the beast and end him.
I flew to the wall as fast as possible to find the beast titan in front of Eren. Eren had his blade to the throat of a limbless figure, possibly the colossal titan. The beast titan saw me and started running again as I flew towards Eren. My gas finished off just as I reached Eren. "That was the last bit of gas I had. I'm going after him. Give me all your gas and blades. Hurry!" I commanded Eren just before a black figure behind him coughed faintly.
The black figure was Armin. Eren was going insane after figuring out that Armin was alive. He shouted at me excitedly to give the titan serum to Armin. A certain gut feeling made me hesitate. What if Erwin isn't dead? I was handing the serum out to Eren when Floch arrived with Erwin on his back. He said that Erwin is alive and gravely injured. I took the serum back, sure that I will inject it to Erwin. "Captain?" Eren asked, surprised and scared. I checked Erwin's nose with my hand.
"He's still breathing. He's still alive...". I can keep (Y/N)'s promise... "We're giving this injection to Erwin" I stated. Eren suddenly stood up, facing me. "You just said you'd use it on Armin.." he told me, tears streaming from his eyes. "I'm choosing to keep alive the man who will save humanity" I replied to Eren. Behind me, Mikasa got her blade out.
"You guys, do you have the faintest damn clue on what you're doing? We are talking about Erwin Smith. The commander of the Survey corps. You're telling me to sit here and let him die? There's no time. Get out of my way." I told them before Eren held the box of titan serum in my hands. "Eren, look past your feelings." I told him. "My feelings? Why did you hesitate before handing over the injection?" Eren asked me. Wasn't it obvious? I was trying to keep a promise that I made. I just had to take the chance...
"I was considering the possibility that Erwin was alive." I answered. "I don't see how you ever could ever have predicted that Floch would bring the dying commander." Eren stated. "You're right. But now that Erwin is here, we're using it on him." I told him my final decision. To my surprise, he still tugged on to the box and I had no choice other than punching him on his face, and sending him flying. Mikasa ran at me with her sword and jumped on me with her blade on my throat. Why couldn't I fight her? I was always stronger than her, but, was it guilt that made me feel this way? The fact that I probably was being selfish? That I wanted Erwin alive more for personal reasons than just the fate of humanity?
Hanji pulled Mikasa off me. She explained to her that everyone lost people dear to them today. She lost Moblit, how she regretted not going out with him even once, how she wished to bring him back too along with many other comrades. I was up on my foot now, kneeling in front of Erwin with the injection out. Suddenly, I felt someone grab my feet. "Heichou, have you heard of the ocean?" he said. He told me how much Armin wanted to see it. Floch tried to stop him but he said it anyway. I realised that he wasn't any different from me. He wanted his best friend back. I wanted (Y/N)'s happiness. I didn't have any right to choose who is to live and who is to die but at that moment, I was forced to make a choice. I chose to give in to my personal gain.
"Troops, clear the area! Erwin will turn into a titan and eat Berthold!" I commanded. "Fools, all of them... Like little kids... The way they scream and flail..." I muttered as I walked towards Erwin with Berthold. Suddenly, flashes of my conversation with Kenny came to my mind. "They couldn't keep going unless they were drunk on something..." he told me. I folded Erwin's jacket up to his elbow. I brought the injection towards his hand. "They were all slaves to something. Even him", Kenny's voice rang in my ear just as Erwin's hand shot up. " Teacher... How'd y... find out that they don't exist?" Erwin muttered.
Realisation flowed through my mind. Someone as self obsessed as Kenny decided to die when he achieved his dreams. I remembered the conversation I had with Erwin before the expedition. The one where he said that he didn't have much plans for after he finds out what was in the basement. The conversation from before the suicide march rang in my head. "There were so many times that I thought it would be easier to just die." I remembered Erwin saying that. Erwin was able to work his wonders only because of his curiosity on what was in the basement. If he found out what was in the basement, he won't have any reason to fight anymore. Sure, he loved (Y/N) but that had nothing to do with this fight. He already gave the responsibility of (Y/N)'s safety to me before the suicide march.
Even if Erwin lived, he wouldn't be able to contribute much to humanity's victory anymore. Armin on the other hand, still has a dream that was far from being achieved. "I need to keep (Y/N) and my child safe. No matter what." I thought. Erwin's death was crucial for humanity's victory. With that thought, I injected Armin with the titan serum.
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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liergray9 · 2 years
New York Movies And Movie Times
British Columbia officials plan to meet this week with arts organizations who feel the restrictions on their sector they feel are unfair, hypocritical and lack scientific evidence. In Vancouver, the Rio Theatre got around the rules by rebranding as a sports bar nearly two months ago, which has allowed the venue to be open with 125 people socially distanced indoors. “Cineplex has a proven track record of operating our theatres safely for our employees and guests, and we, and all Canadians, just want to get back to that,” Jacob said. Jacob argues that cinemas are a safer form of gathering than other indoor venues, such as restaurants and big box retailers. The Film Industry standard for visualizing real world based camera work and lighting. Free online content with connections to urgent social and cultural issues. Develop your career with real-world training and labs for emerging filmmakers. Discover which funds and programs are currently accepting submissions. This spring, we're excited to present a hybrid festival, April 28 to May 8, showcasing outstanding and outspoken docs from around the world. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange, the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man. The City will continue to follow all applicable provincial regulations, including masking policies and capacity limits, and direction in lifting public health measures according to the province’sthree-step process. A full list of public health guidelines is available from theProvince of Alberta. Ontario’s chief medical health officer, Dr. Kieran Morre, is expected to hold a news conference at 3 p.m. Stay on top of sector specific news, get industry leaders insights and our best content, delivered to your email. https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=XKVppLe1ruhc-KvaruKGgw What starts as a heist job for the duo becomes a globe-trotting, white-knuckle race to reach the prize before the ruthless Moncada who believes he and his family are the rightful heirs. A big thank you to Casman Properties for ensuring Star Cinema stays in Sidney and creating a beautiful theatre for our community. Most importantly, thank you to our loyal customers who have been so supportive of us during all the changes we've been through in the last three years. We look forward to welcoming you to the new theatre later this year. Contrary to popular belief, the modern era is not the best for comic book films. In the past films, based on comic book characters, could be made with deviations and innovations which would be welcomed by the public. We so appreciate all of your support as we continue to bring Israel’s contemporary and vibrant culture to you with our finely-curated selection of brand new, award-winning films and special guests. A riveting portrait of a family history cast against the 1974 Ethiopian Revolution, telling the story of an upper-class woman who became a communist rebel. Baseball legend Jackie Robinson’s short stay in Montreal is a pretext to tell the story of ordinary citizens of Little Burgundy, Montreal’s first Black community. Eight short docs that highlight ordinary Canadians doing extraordinary things. Find innovative training programs and resources to help boost your film career.
What starts as a heist job for the duo becomes a globe-trotting, white-knuckle race to reach the prize before the ruthless Moncada who believes he and his family are the rightful heirs.
When you begin, you have all the will in the world; We can’t wait to get started, but we lack the resources, she says.
Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited.
All education outreach events are free for students, staff, faculty and the public to attend.
If you are only picking up popcorn at the cinema, proof of vaccination is not required.
Adapted from Haruki Murakami’s short story, DRIVE MY CAR is a haunting road movie traveling...
WCFF does this through the annual film festivals in New York, Los Angeles and Monterrey, Mexico. WCFF also hosts in partnership events in Brazil, China, Nigeria and other countries. WCFF's educational outreach programs take place on college and university campuses across the globe. All education outreach events are free for students, staff, faculty and the public to attend. People that attend and participate in WCFF events are international wildlife conservationists, filmmakers, photographers, scientists and people across the globe that work toward the preservation of global biodiversity. Every 2021 Warner Bros. movie will be on HBO Max and in US theatres at the same time, the studio announced Thursday.
Transforming The Way People See The World, Through Film
I saw it last week at a press screening — the first time I was in a cinema since Ontario and Quebec re-shuttered them due to Omicron. While I was fully prepared to embrace Aline as a new camp classic, I was a bit surprised to find that it was also ... A legitimately impressive feat in filmmaking that works as an ideal tribute to its subject. He acts like the Artistic Director of all projects, in addition to teaching his students the technical aspects of production. The idea is to get to a certain level despite their inexperience, because these movies often end up on Tou.tv and other platforms. Cumberbatch recalled expressing scepticism before the film’s release when Marvel executives voiced their hopes that No Way Home would reinvigorate the cinema industry. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. There are many examples of Tamil cinema exemplifying non-possessive ways of depicting love that “love failure” genres could build upon. In Rajiv Menon’s adaptation of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility (Kandukondain Kandukondain ) Aishwarya Rai plays Meenakshi, based on Austen’s Marianne Dashwood, a girl who is in love with love. The quintessential melodramatic account of “love failure” songs in Tamil is blame for a failed relationship, projected onto the figure of the woman.
Ultra Large Screen
Cinema Politica exhibits, distributes, and streams independent political films. We believe in the power of art to not only entertain but to engage, inform, inspire, and provoke social change. We've reopened our historic cinema for doc screenings and special events. The members of Paw Patrol travel to Adventure City to help protect the city from the actions of Mayor Humdinger , with help from a dog from the city.
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The festival continued to innovate and became the first to introduce a virtual platform. Shortly thereafter, the State of New York approved a name reservation to become the Manhattan Film Festival. Upon this transition, MFF became a traditional film festival, in which their programming team works very hard to annually program a diverse film lineup of established, emerging, and student filmmakers. As a classic movie house we are dedicated to bringing Calgarians quality movies of all varieties, and are proud to participate in many of the wonderful annual film festivals this city has to offer.
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sodoyouknowbts · 6 years
Jin x Reader - Timelines (Seven)
Part of the ‘Souls’ Series
Summary: Jin is a time traveler, trying to get a grip of his ability. He can’t quite figure out why he keeps travelling to times and moments with you.
Pairing: Jin x Reader
Genre: Time slip, time travel, romance, soul mates
Author: Pilot
Chapters: 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 (Final)
“Are you sure you’re okay with that box?” Jin asks from the door. He’s holding your fiddle leaf fig against his body while he’s trying to balance your bedside lamp under one arm. Why you were so persistent in bringing the lamp he had no idea, since there was no room for it in his bedroom.
You look up at him and smile as you try to drag the box you had along the floor, holding weakly onto one of the cardboard flaps, using it as a handle. The flap suddenly tears and you stumble backwards, falling hard. You let out a yelp and he sighs, laughing, rushing over to you. Jin carefully juggles the fig in his arms and places it on the floor followed by the lamp. He pulls you up and you pout.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, my pride is a little bruised.”
He lightly smacks your bum and pulls you in closer to him, hugging you.
You had decided to move in with him. After having been together for a year now, it was time. You had never felt this way about anyone. Never so sure and never so complete. Jin eventually releases you from the hug and begins to poke around the box that you had been dragging unsuccessfully along the floor. He spots your polaroid camera and pulls it out. You leave him there while you head back outside to get the last few bits and pieces that were still in the car. When you come back, Jin’s inserting another roll of polaroid film into the camera, snapping the back of it shut. 
“What are you doing?” You ask him, raising one eyebrow as you put another box down in the hallway.
“Hm? Nothing.” he says mischievously, shoving what you figured to be polaroids in to his pockets. He puts the camera down and walks over to you, pulling you into a back hug. He slides his hands into the front pocket of your hoodie and you rest your body against his chest.
“Why do you have to go?” You ask him. Jin was leaving tomorrow for three weeks on a medical conference. “Why can’t you just stay here, with me?” You know he can’t but you’re hopeful anyway. he didn’t have work tomorrow but unfortunately, you did. All you wanted to do was not go and instead spend as much time with his as possible. This was going to be the longest time you would be away from each other.
“I know, bad timing huh?” He looks around the apartment. It was a bit of a mess, your things everywhere. He had wanted to spend more time with you, to welcome you properly. Jin was already feeling sorry and guilty and the clock hadn’t started yet. He still had today and tomorrow.
“Come on. Let’s finish up.”
You were late for work. You slid yourself into your seat and put your bag in your drawer. You pin up another polaroid that Jin had made you take that morning. It was the two of you, him bright and awake and you, groggy with your hair a mess and your eyes half open. Jin had scribbled the time and date on the photograph, adamant you took it to work to pin up in your cubicle, to celebrate the first night and morning you had spent in your newly shared apartment together.
You admired the other photographs, a few other polaroids, date and time scribbled at the bottom of each by Jin, a card he had given you to celebrate your first anniversary, the receipt for the coffee he had bought you after you had bumped into him that fateful day - the first time you had met him when you had spilt coffee all over his jumper. 
You smile to yourself, remembering the morning. Jin had woken you up with breakfast in bed, a stack of pancakes, lightly buttered and oozing with honey. He had topped them off with freshly cut strawberries and a sprinkle of icing sugar for good measure. After breakfast, you had gotten showered and were in the middle of getting dressed when he pulled you back to bed, covering you with his bedsheets and his body.
Jin’s flight was that evening. Although he had the day off, you unfortunately, didn’t. You look down at your watch. You didn’t have any interviews scheduled this week. Thank goodness you thought to yourself. It meant you could finally visit Mr Cha who was leaving Seoul soon. You hadn’t seen him for a long while since his operation and life had just gotten in the way for you.
“Y/N?” Your work colleague had calls out to you. “I just came across this!” She approaches you, waving around an old news article in her hands. She had been archiving old news articles for the past week. You look at her, confused and expectant.
“What is it?”
“Don’t you think this guy looks like Jin?!” She holds the paper out in front of you, a little too close to your face and you can’t focus your vision. You grab it from her and hold it back at a reasonable distance, frowning.
“Here!” she says, impatiently, tapping on the photograph that accompanied the news article. Your heart pangs. It’s a photograph of the scene, a woman on a stretcher, paramedics around her as they haul her into the ambulance, a young boy in the corner holding onto the coat of a man standing just at the edge of the frame. The person in the photograph looks eerily like Jin.
“See? I’m right. He does look like Jin.”
You look up at her, your eyes wide. You look over to the images you had up in your cubicle. You had just seen Jin this morning, perfect, handsome. He looked as he had in all of your photographs, including the one your colleague had taken when he had won the award, when he had taken your hand in his and admitted his feelings to you. When he had asked you out on a date. That news article was special to you. You stare at it, holding the article your colleague had handed you up next to it.
It can’t be.
You’re distracted tonight, he can tell. He had come after work to pick you up, a bouquet of blue and white flowers in his hands. You had spent a majority of the day trying to shrug it off, thinking it was just a coincidence, the camera angle, maybe? Maybe a doppelgänger?
He links his fingers with yours and walks home with you, hand in hand back to his apartment. Your apartment. He had made dinner, pasta. Your favourite. He had chocolate mousse setting in the fridge and a few surprises he had scattered around the apartment for you should you miss him for the next three weeks.
You’re lost in your thoughts, eyes glazed over although staring at the book in your hands. Sounds of a piano gracefully floated through the speakers in Jin’s apartment. He’s laying his head down on your lap as you read. All he feels is happiness, a full stomach and pure happiness.
He glances at the clock, figuring it’s about time he does the dishes. He’d have to leave for the airport soon. He gets up and it startles you, pulling you back from your thoughts. You couldn’t stop thinking about that photograph. Even the outfit was somewhat similar to something you had seen him wear before.
Jin clears the dishes up from the dining room table and leans over the back of the couch, planting a kiss on your cheek. You bring your hand up to his face and touch his skin in response. He chuckles to himself and moves back to the kitchen. You turn to watch him. He pulls on dishwashing gloves and squeezes dishwashing liquid into the sink. 
You feel a sudden urge to hold him and hug him, a little insecure as to what you were feeling and thinking. You get up and hand him the small and empty bowl and spoon and he takes them from you, dishwashing gloves soapy. You turn back to the couch to sit back down but pause, hesitating. Instead your feet move back behind him and your arms, a little unsure, pull him into a hug. You feel better next to him. You rest your cheek on his back and you can feel his muscles move as he washes the dishes. 
Jin smiles to himself at the action. Unable to resist, he slowly pulls the dishwashing gloves off and turns around. He’s smiling that little lopsided smile that you love and you can’t help but smile back. Jin bends forward, placing a kiss on your lips, softly at first. Soon his hands find their way down to your waist and pull you in to his body, tightly. The kiss becomes more passionate, filled with need. It makes you feel dizzy. You take a breath when you come back for air and you notice how he’s looking at you with his kind eyes.
He’s so happy. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have you, how everything seemed to have worked out... His train of thought slowly takes a turn, a small niggling in the back of his mind surfacing. When was he going to tell you about his abilities? He still hadn’t been completely honest with you. He blinks and clears his head. Not yet.
Jin just wants to focus on you, now, in this moment. Swiftly, he wraps his arms around you and lifts you up. In response you wrap your legs around his waist. You take his face in his hands and kiss him, desperately, passionately. 
“You’ll be late for your flight.” you murmur between breaths.
He had two hours to get to the airport and check in. He’d have to leave in ten minutes if he wanted to leave enough time. Traffic in the evenings was unreliable. 
“I won’t be. It will be fine.” he says, so sure. You frown at him but before you can object further he takes you to his bedroom and lays you down on the soft sheets of your bed, the dishes forgotten in the sink.
You watch as he opens the door and wheels his suitcase outside of the apartment. You’re leaning against the wall, wrapped up in a dressing gown. Your eyes trail over him. He’s wearing a long coat, a plain white t-shirt and his slacks. You head back to the bedroom and rummage through the closet, finding a brown scarf. You take it in your hands and go up to him, wrapping it around his neck.
“Stay safe. Please.” 
Jin looks at you, soaking in all of your details. He can’t pull himself away from you, he doesn't want to. He leaves you lingering kisses and finally pulls himself away, a smile pulling at his lips. He goes to leave but he turns back around, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing your soft skin again.
You watch as he walks down the corridor and turns the corner, blowing one last kiss to you.
You catch it, closing your fist over your heart.
You wake up the next morning, and stretch, extending your arm out to the space where Jin would lay. It feels odd that his warm body was not next to yours. Groggy, you get up and make your way to the bathroom.
You open the cupboard door and rub your eyes, squinting. There was something stuck on the inside of the door. It’s a polaroid of Jin, a selfie that he had taken of him brushing his teeth. You let out a laugh and decide to leave it there.
You finish washing up and head out to the kitchen, ready to make yourself some toast. You go to flick the switch and see another polaroid of Jin, this time he’s pointing at the switch, you already know why. To make sure you turn it off. You sigh, smiling. You butter your toast and remember to switch off the toaster at the wall.
As you walk through the apartment, going about your morning routine, you find little pictures he had taken yesterday, just for you. You fight the urge to hunt for the rest, instead allowing yourself to come across them in sweet little surprises. It hadn’t even been the first day and you already missed him.
“Mr Cha!” you yell out, waving to him. You quickly place your bag down on the table and give him a hug. He puts his hand on your shoulder and pats your arm, happy to see you after so long.
You laugh and sit down. A waitress comes to take your order and you order two coffees. You’re in the midst of catching up with him when they’re set down in front of you.
“You seem really happy.” He says, out of no where. He’s watching as you sip on your coffee, licking the foam from the cappuccino from your lips.
“I am.”
“Any particular reason?” he asks, watching you, a funny look in his eyes.
“Yeah.” You smile immediately, thinking about Jin. 
“So kid, how are you going?”
“Good. Well.” You say. “Although I should be asking you this. How are you? The last time I saw you was when you had just had your operation - I believe Jin was there and I went out to get food.”
Mr Cha nods at the recollection.
“Did you ever get the chocolate bars from the nurse?” You continue.
“Chocolate bars?” He thinks for a moment, then chuckles. “I did! She reluctantly gave them to me after she saw me. She said I needed to diet!”
He takes a bite of a biscuit. “My doctor at the time, Jin. It seemed like you knew each other?” Mr Cha prods, curious.
“Yes... We’re together. I just moved in with him, actually.” 
You look down at the coffee cup in your hands. “The first time I had met him, I had actually bumped into him and spilt coffee down his jumper.” You continue.
“Are you sure that’s the first time you met him?” Mr Cha says, softly.
Mr Cha doesn’t respond or repeat what he had mumbled, instead making himself busy by taking a prolonged sip of coffee.
“How’s your heart?”
“It’s settled. There was a scare though, about a year ago...” You shudder at the thought. “It failed again last year, luckily Jin was there. I would have been dead if not for Jin getting there when he did.”
Mr Cha nods, hesitant to continue prodding. He’s a little thrown by the fact that after all this time, you still didn’t know.
“Do you remember when you were in high school?” He asks, putting his cup down. “When your heart had given out?”
“Yeah, it was right after some extra study and before the final exam week. That was intense. I have no one to thank but you for saving my life.”
Mr Cha searches your eyes. “I wasn’t the one who saved your life. Do you remember a young man - you had asked me to give him a gift as thanks, for being the one to save your life. A pink phone charm.” He quickly pushes the conversation along, almost regretting starting on this topic. “I just wanted to see if you remembered, that’s all. I kept my word. I gave him the charm, even though you could have given it to him yourself. You were pretending to be asleep.”
You frown, trying to remember. A previously hazy memory floats to the forefront. You put your face in your hands, feeling embarrassment. You could remember pretending to sleep and trying to catch glimpses at your rescuer, but you couldn't remember what he looked like.
Mr Cha laughs, finishing his cup of coffee and changes the conversation again.
You return home and slowly make your way to the bedroom, taking off your jacket and placing it on the bed, hoping that with every item of clothing you peel off it takes away every disconcerting thought you had had that day. 
After your conversation with Mr Cha, small snippets and memories had started to flood back to you. You swear he had questioned whether or not that was the first time you had met Jin. Now that Jin wasn’t around and you weren’t focused on trying to spend as much time with him as possible before he left, your mind had gotten distracted again.
Every thought about the article, the words that Mr Cha had said earlier that day that he didn’t want to repeat. The mentioning of a second person saving you... You head to the bathroom and begin to run the water. You sigh and step inside, letting the water wash over you. Your mind wanders to a year ago, when your heart had last given out.
You had given yourself enough time to get ready and you swore it was only just after 6 pm that you had stepped into the shower. You had a routine, always washing your hair first immediately and then going onto the rest of your body. You had only taken a few minutes to wash your hair and it was soon after that, that you had felt your chest constrict. You had sat down in the bath, feeling weak. You remembered praying for it to pass. And it had, for a moment. After that everything else was black.
You sigh, watching as the steam moved up to the ceiling of the bathroom. How did Jin get there? Jin had said he’d tried the lock until he could get in but now... You finish up and step out of the bathroom, the apartment quiet, all of your noises echoing. Suddenly curious, you decide to search for a copy of your medical records.
You dry up and change into your pyjamas and begin to rummage through the apartment, determined to locate a copy of your medical file. You go to the study and head over to the desk. You pull open a drawer and close it. You pause. Something glittery catches your eye.
You pull the drawer back open and pull out the shiny object. You hold it out in front of you, up to the light. A rainbow reflects from the shards of crystal. It was your phone charm.
You drop it, realisation hitting you. The charm falls onto the rug underneath your feet with a soft and light thud. A memory that had seemed hazy was so clear now. You could see him in your memories. Jin. Standing there, by the side of the hospital bed you were in when you were younger, much younger. He had been wearing the same clothes he was wearing the day you had visited Mr Cha in the hospital.
You shake your head. It couldn’t be.
Your mind goes forward, thinking about how it was raining, how Jin had called you, on his damn pink flip phone. How Jin had run through the rain to reach you, to hug you. How he had breathed into your hair, saying how he was glad you were okay. The hug, in the night a year or so ago. The glint of a pink phone charm hanging off his phone.
You clutch at your head and sink into the carpet. A memory that had been trying to make its way to the surface finally does and your head pounds, hard. Jin. Jin had saved your life when you were younger. Jin had your phone charm. But... how? He was the same age then as he was now. Was he actually secretly fifty but had incredible genes? You think to yourself, laughing somewhat manically at the thought. Was this why he wasn’t phased about missing his flight? Because he had no reason to be?
Panicking, you begin to quickly move through the study, more needy than ever to find the records. And then you see it, a copy of your file tucked between some other books. You flip open the pages, reading your admission notes. Your eyes scan the pages, trying hard to focus. 6.07 pm. The paramedics received the call. 6.19 pm. They had arrived at your apartment. You begin to freak out. What could have explained Jin’s ability to get there in such a short amount of time? How could he have called them at 6.07 pm?
He had texted you just before you had gotten into the shower , saying that he had just finished up. Sure, the hospital was close to your apartment but it wasn’t that close that he could run from one to the other in fifteen minutes. It was a ten minute drive by car. And he wouldn’t have had a reason to. You stare at the files in your hands. Nothing made sense.
The door to the apartment clicks. Jin enters, wheeling his suitcase in, dropping his bag down on the table of the dining room. You’re in the kitchen, making yourself some tea, trying to keep calm.
You had spent the last few weeks trying to make logical sense of everything and yet, you couldn’t. You had lost so much sleep. Your heart and mind were in complete disarray. To make matters worse, you had missed him and had come across an assortment of other sweet polaroid photographs he had left as gifts for you around the apartment. With everything you had discovered, you weren't sure what to think or how to feel about them or about him.
Jin walks up to you, going to pull you in for a hug. “Hey babe, I’ve missed -”
You move away, unconsciously. You only wanted to be wrapped up in his arms and to make sense of it all but you couldn’t bear the touch, not at the moment.
He frowns at you, confused. You hadn't seen each other for three weeks and you had been responding weirdly to his messages, never once picking up the phone to answer his calls.
You walk over to the dining room table, picking up a copy of the newspaper article and taking the phone charm in your hands. Dread fills him.
Jin groans internally, upon eyeing both items. The charm. He didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it coming. He had wanted to keep it because it was the first gift you had given him, but he hadn’t been ready at the time to talk to you about it and he just hadn’t been careful enough in hiding it from you. He got too caught up in the idea of you living together.
He eyes the article, recognising himself in the frame of the photograph almost instantly. He hadn’t travelled, not for a long time, but he had travelled a little while ago, to a place that hadn’t made any sense to him what so ever. 
Jin had determined a long while ago that a majority of the times he had travelled was to you, or to a specific event in his own life. He had learnt how to control it, figuring your souls were connected. This instance, he found himself on the street outside of your newspaper company, watching as a car hit a young mother and her son as they crossed he pedestrian crossing.
He had done what anyone would have, he ran over to her and tried his best to save her life. Her son was okay, shaken and bruised but the impact had been taken by the mother. A paparazzi happened to be there at the time, but he hadn’t realised a photograph had been taken of him.
You take his hands, placing the charm in the palm of one and the news article in the other.
“I think these are yours.” You say, cooly. You had gone through various scenarios in your mind the past few weeks, uncertain what you would say or how you would react or what the answer was to everything.
He closes his eyes. It’s time.
“Please. Let me explain.” Jin starts. He puts the charm and article back down on the table and steps towards you. 
“I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while.” he takes a breath and continues, nervousness lapping at him. “I can travel through time.”
You freeze, goosebumps running across your body. You had considered the thought, that he had travelled through time. That or he was a vampire. He reaches out to touch your hand again and you pull away. He continues on, sighing.
“To be more specific, I can travel through time and space.” He runs his hand through his hair, frustrated.
“The coffee shop was the first time I met you. I didn’t know at the time, why I had suddenly been transported to you, to then, of all times.” He looks at you, searching your expression.
You’re still saying nothing and he continues on, a ball of nerves. He hadn't seen you in three weeks and all he had looked forward to was to see you and now, now he was in this weird moment with you where you had found out on your own. Why hadn’t he just told you earlier, before it got as serious as it had? He prayed you’d forgive him and understand. 
“And then after I met you properly I kept travelling to different moments in your life. The fourth time I had met you I had travelled back in time at the school -”
“So it was you?”
“It was you. That had saved me. When I was younger.”
The memory hits Jin again, hard. “Yes.”
“A year ago, the second time you - you saved me. Was that because...?” you trail off. You needed to hear him say it. Everything else you had gone over the past three weeks was speculation.
“Yes...” he sighs, exasperated, feeling pain in his heart. He had been so close to losing you then. “I felt myself being pulled to you and I found myself in your bathroom. I pulled you out but barely. I couldn’t control my abilities at all.”
Jin steps closer to you, lifting his hand up to touch your arm.
Your body retracts unconsciously and you feel annoyance and regret wash over you for both the action and the fact that you were feeling this way. You knew everything he was saying was the weirdest truth, but it was still the truth. He spoke with such sincerity and his eyes, his eyes didn’t lie. But he had kept this from you all this time.
“I think - no. I know. I know we’re soul mates. That’s why I have these abilities. Somewhere along the track I think my soul was trying to find yours. And when it found you, it did everything it could to be with you. I did everything I could.”
The words wash over you and you scoff, tears brimming in your eyes. But you never told me. You think.
You find yourself staring at him, getting sucked into his brown eyes which are fraught with guilt. He looks at you, concerned. You couldn’t take it, his stare, how he was trying to search your eyes. You just wanted it to stop. You didn’t want to be in the same room as him. Something in you snaps. 
You shouldn’t have asked. You shouldn’t have poked and prodded and tried to extract answers from him, not tonight. Not when you had so much swimming through your mind that you weren’t sure you could even think straight anymore.  
You thought you could work through it on your own, over the few weeks you had been apart. Instead you felt drained, exhausted, your mind a mess. Thoughts and contradicting memories had filled your head.
He steps toward you again and you step backwards. He says your name lowly, softly. 
“No matter what. I love you.” he says, the words filling you up, overwhelming you. You forget to breathe for a moment.
On any other occasion, before you had known, hearing him say those three words would have excited you, knocked you off your feet. Made your heart beat fast and make you want to do nothing but hold him in your arms. But would tonight? He had lied to you, this whole time. Your emotions catch in your throat. You hate yourself for having sprung this on him, just as he had stepped through the door. You hate yourself for not knowing sooner.
“Please leave.” The words spew from your mouth like acid. As they fall from your lips you wish you could be the one to rewind time. To do this over. Re-do all of it.
Jin’s eyes widen. He had expected this would be one of the things you would have said, how you’d react, which was maybe why he was always so scared to say anything to you. To tell you the truth but now, hearing it, it felt so foreign and confronting to him.
“What do you mean, leave?”
“I can’t do this right now.” You throw your hands up in the air, tensing them slowly into fists, clenching your jaw. You bring them down and put them by your side. You’re feeling confused and hurt.
“Do you really mean that? Do you really want me to leave?”
Say no. He thinks.
You were scared. All you wanted to be, was alone. Away from him. You felt like running far away. Why did you think you could handle this?
“Yes.” You bite your lip.
He’s hurt, his face has fallen completely. This couldn’t be it, could it?
Jin reaches for your hand and you pull away again.
“Don’t touch me. Don’t talk to me.” You breathe, tears streaming down your face. You’re saying the opposite of what you want. All you want is for him to pull you in his arms, to comfort you, to tell you it’s all okay. Why were you acting this way?
“Please. Look at me.”
You turn away again, straightening yourself up and trying to regain composure. Your eyes narrow, sharp and angry. You look at him, he’s in anguish, eyes glassy. Jin says your name again, his voice wavering.
He could feel it, this sudden and intense distrust, the confusion and hurt seeping from you. All he could feel was regret. He had found you, had fallen in love with you with every fibre of his being, constantly at war with the logic in his head. Reason had told him not to, had warned him that this was a bad idea. His heart had gotten the better of him.
“Leave.” you say again, softly, without strength, hands bunched in fists by your side, trembling. 
He knew you were going to find out eventually but this - it wasn’t something he had foreseen. He stood there, sorry and helpless. Jin closes his eyes and lets out a sigh, as everything begins to move around him. The sensation was one he knew all too well, but this time, he hadn’t made it happen. This time he had no strength to fight it. 
And for the first time, in front of your eyes, you watch as he disappears. He’s there one moment and gone the next.
You can’t breathe and for a second your tears have stopped, too confused and shocked to understand what had just happened. After a moment you sink to the floor. Your tears begin to fall onto the kitchen tiles, hard and fast, a stabbing, wretched pain in your chest, almost as if your soul had been torn apart.
To be continued
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showbizprofiling · 3 years
Top 24 Best Action Anime of All Time to Watch Right Now
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Best Action Anime has always been a signature of anime genre from the very starting. Even if it's not ever the primary focus as it once was, in the 1970s and 1980s, most anime displayed scenes or set plays with intense fight scenes. And I would hope that the top action anime world never went too far away. Let's take a look at a couple of action romance anime that ranks the best of all time. Don't miss Thrillist's best action anime list. 'Top Action anime' is an audit quality, so We compiled 24 best action anime, and each anime series had a few notables. Every  anime encourages dramatic change or stands out due to a brilliant plot or character.  You asked for the best anime action of all times, and we brought a list of romance action anime.
The List of Best Action with Romance Anime
24- Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
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Directed By: Tetsurō Araki Release Date: April 8, 2016 Duration: 12 Episodes Rating: IMDb (7.3/10) The "Kabane" are horrible creatures like zombies that can only be killed by piercing their iron-protected hearts. After "Ikoma's" city overran, he boarded a fortified iron train alongside some new allies searching for a safer place. The Good action anime here is its key selling point, with the continuous panning of camera angles accentuating dynamic and rapid combat. There's a flashback: "Ikoma," a professional investor, had told "Mumei" that he would transform her back into a human. Do we feel some kind of romance action anime tension between the two? They're a fine pair of fights, for sure. In the present, Ikoma" is convening with human leaders to formulate a war plan, but humans don't trust him, possibly because of his "Kabane" blood. It doesn't work for him that he's not quite himself. He sweats like crazy, and he falls to his knees. During the Industrial Age, the action romance anime occurs as the virus infects humans and transforms them into "Kabane". 23- Black Lagoon
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Directed By: Sunao Katabuchi Release Date: April 8, 2006 Duration: 24 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.3/10) The squad of the "Black Lagoon" is ragtag of mercenaries in the coin, but their relationships are tied together. When "Rokurou Okajima" (a non-assuming businessman) joins the gang and gives it the name "Rok," he turns away his life, as he flew into a world of crime, corruption, and greed. The Titan assault is terrible, but it's not exactly a horror action anime. You will discover an operation that is heavy on the scheme, creating a character and the environment, if you can stomach the gruesome, inner presence of the titans and the violent intent of how to devote their victims. Since there is possibly more action romance anime than almost any genre, Attack on Titan is indeed the best one since the virtual absence of plot shield means that no one is ever truly safe, and the consequences were genuine. Black Lagoon, the best action anime without our happy trigger Revy, who promises to push the series together, cannot be said about it. 22- Dorohedoro
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Directed By: Yuichiro Hayashi Release Date: 1999 Duration: 12 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.5/10) We find powerless people and strong magicians alike in the abandoned and unhospitable district of Hole. Kaiman is a tall, brooding figure with the head of a crocodile. But he wasn't born that way. And he's looking for the guy who took his body, his memories, and, ultimately, his identity. When this top action romance anime begins, "En", a leading mafia magician, hears a Lizardman murdering his people and sends out the indifferent Shin and his partner, the bubbly (and too muscular) Noi, into the Hole to take care of Caiman, triggering a messy conflict between the two worlds. Although the initial premise would otherwise suggest that the moral world of Dorohedoro is far from black and white, sorcerers' society appears to be one with its internal conflicts and oppressive machines. 21- Gintama
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Directed By: Shinji Takamatsu Release Date: April 4, 2006 Duration: 367 Episodes Rating:  IMDb (8.6/10) Hundreds of "Gintama" episodes cover many genres. I loved it from the very beginning, but some suggest you must get to the first serious arc to appreciate the value of "Gintama's" setting and characters. "Gintoki" is a samurai who helps people with jobs here and there in Feudal Japan after an alien invasion. Comedy's an anime's hard nut to crack. The funniest series there relies on Japanese phrases that do not translate. "Gintama" is on the thin side, and witches might lose in Western audiences. The Comedy action romance anime is still legally funny, so the award of best comedy anime is taken. Part of this is from jokes that land amid the language barrier. 20- The Tower of God
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Directed By: Takashi Sano Release Date: June 30, 2010 Duration: 13 Episodes Rating:  IMDb (7.9/10) The Tower of God recently completed is the first action romance anime webtoon! I'm pleased that I Choose a good one. The anime enhanced over the webtoon in every possible way, with the distinct and raw art style and an epic weight for every conflict. This electronic orchestral soundtrack. 25th Bam was a boy who knew only a dark cavern, a filthy cloth, and an inaccessible light all his life. Then the whole of his life changed when a young girl named Rachel came into him by morning. He learned from her some things about the outside world by being close friends with Rachel. Begins "Bam's" journey, a young boy who wasn't selected from the Tower but had his doors opened. They call its kind of "Irregulars" being that each time they put a foot in, it has shaken the very base of the Tower. 19- Akira
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Directed By: Katsuhiro Otomo Release Date: July 16, 1988 Duration: 2h 6m Rating:  IMDb (8/10) Akira is a classic all-time Anime. Gang wars, psychokinetic conspiracies, and a government effort are situated around Neo-scenery, Tokyo's, which could ruin the city and kill most of the inhabitants. The tale is dense, so let us concentrate on the action. Akira is not just a action anime, and not just great animation, although both are great. It's a beautiful film; it stops absolutely. There is a lot of top action romance anime list, and every year more come out. Akira remains a high watermark. It is a great film, a cool story, and a beautiful, action-packed animation with tremendous attention to detail. 18- Parasyte
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Directed By: Bong Joon-ho Release Date: May 30, 2019 Duration: 2h 12m Rating:  IMDb (8.5/10) But not his side, now hosting a personality. Oh, his eyes and the mouth. Okay, that's terrible, but you can still change. The horror of the body was never so freely directed into motion. This best action anime will concentrate on Izumi Shinichi, a 17-year-old who lives in Tokyo with his family. One night, an alien Parasyte that looks like a worm enters his body, burrowing on to his arm, which is named Migi. It leads to an unusual connection between the two. 17- Land of the Lustrous
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Directed By: Takahiko Kyogoku Release Date: October 7, 2017 Duration: 12 Episodes Rating:  IMDb (8.4/10) It's beautiful to watch, featuring many pleasant and well-defined people who each need a demon in an eternal war with the Lunar people who are mobilizing their bodies to harvest their beauty. Some of the settings will leave your jaw between your knees, waiting for the next episode to be clicked. Crystalline creatures called Gems in the unknown future occupy a planet devastated by six meteors. Each Ornament is assigned a role to combat the Lunar people, a species that attacks them to break down their bases and utilize them as decorations. It's dynamic, brilliant and has some of the most pleasant films in best action romance anime TV history. 16- One Punch Man
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Directed By: Shingo Natsume Release Date: December 4, 2015 Duration: 12 episodes and 5 special episodes Rating:  IMDb (8.8/10) The author of the original webcomics hit it with his first idea, uh, punched it out of the park. Get this all right? Just imagine a standard shounen or even super heroic comic.  Although the action anime genre is still spoofing, One Punch Man ventures in a different direction and asks the fundamental question: What if a superhero were so powerful that he could punch all of his enemies? The top action anime series begins with a regular guy called Saitama, who chooses a nonsensical training scheme to become a superhero. He overdoes it, becomes so dominant that his opponents are not in trouble, and as a result, he becomes bored (and bald). This, however, is a cool, funny and good action anime series of bonkers with lots of action - Saitama must take things seriously every once and for a while. 15- Sword of the Stranger
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Directed By: Masahiro Andô Release Date: September 29, 2007 Duration: 1h 43m Rating: IMDb (7.8/10) As part of their unprecedented ability and straightforward aim, Sword of the Stranger may very well be the most thoroughly performed entry in the best action anime of all time genre. Young orphan Kotaro and his heroic dog Tobimaru encounter an unnamed swordsman whose adventures need little clarification. It seems to Sword of the Stranger, a great option to start this rundown, precisely because it is the high-octane action with some good action anime choreographed parts that keep you attached to your seat during the film. She would not mislead her narrative characters, incredible sequences of action, stunning art styles, and only the fraternal love between two main characters has a progressing past. If you love the setting of history, that's another justification to give the Stranger's Sword a chance.. 14- Hellsing Ultimate
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Directed By: Geneon Release Date: February 10, 2006 Duration: 10 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.6/10) Hellsing Ultimate incorporates anything from the Hellsing original and lifts it to the extreme. A little less than an hour, ten episodes tell you a macabre and witty tale of vampirism and survival. Very legendary, fabulous, unique, and one of the most sensitive artworks. A lot of vampire amines will occur. The varied best action anime output was understandable, as it had been subject to various animation studios. The animations from Gory were adequate to make you feel disgusted and distressed. The source was faithful, but the production of timing and plot was too quick and choppy for non-manga readers, making plot twists and character development trivial and impressionable. 13- Evangelion
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Directed By: Geneon Release Date: November 17, 2012 Duration: 26 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.6/10) Gurren Lagann brings things in a genre known for excess to another stage with a good action anime breeze, a node, and a screamed alarm. A mecha with sunglasses could turn off visitors who aren't in the giant robot-anime genre. However, what seems to be an embarrassing mess works much better than it does. Crochet, line, plunger, the high-energy opening sequence, and the first episode lead you through some well-designed scenes that are strange but brilliant and amusing best action romance anime for the same time. When each character is introduced, we learn more about the brain, nerve, and soul organizations and why they have been developed. 12- Katanagatari
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Directed By: Hideo Katsumata with Others. Release Date: January 25, 2010 Duration: 12 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.4/10) In his quest for 12 special blades, Katanagatari is the story of strategist and Martial Artist Shichika. It is also the tale of shifting times when the swords' age was forced to end with the rash of firearms in Japan's Edo-era.  The core partnership is just as intense as the realization of its key subjects, which ensures that the bread and butter of this series will keep you in some way amused as you chatter interminably. This isn't to say that this top action romance anime are not entertaining. Still, it is more aimed at fans who might be considering pivoting towards more dialog-heavy anime and, at the same time, retaining a substantial side dish of action. 11- Kill la Kill
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Directed By: Hiroyuki Imaishi Release Date: October 3, 2013 Duration: 27 Episodes Rating: IMDb (7.9/10) Revenge is the game story in "Kill la Kill," starting from a basic plot but becoming more complicated and more in-depth, rather than just an anime full of best action anime and beautiful combat scenes than appears in each chapter. Ryuuko Matoi roamed the country in search of his killer after the assassination of her dad. At the renowned Honnouji Academy, she is at high school, unlike any other, with just her lead-the absent half of his innovation, Scissor Blade. The Academy, along with its influential subsidiary elite four, is ruled by the formidable and cold-hearted student council chairman Satsuki Kiryuin. Satsuki offers those in the highest unique clothing called "Goku's Uniforms," which offer the wearer extraordinary superhuman powers in the school's brutally competitive hierarchy. The hits are still entertaining with their characters and the storyline. This is a roller coaster; you will understand when you watch this anime. 10- Devilman: Crybaby
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Directed By: Masaaki Yuasa Release Date: January 5, 2018 Duration: 10 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.1/10) This is numbered as the top 10 action anime of the year, and it sounds incredible to modernize a classic anime, and it demonstrates that it can be significant. The 1972 and 1987 originals are little-known but decent classics. I recommend that you watch the sub or read the manga. Although it's all packed, blood, blah blah blah drugs, it's also emotionally full. It's about who the real demons are with a deep and dark psychological subject. Monsters killing people or people killing people. The fight between Fudo and these malformations is incredible. Although it's full of feelings, tears in your eyes sometimes don't like Naruto, One Piece, and Koe no katachi. 9- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
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Directed By: Naokatsu Tsuda Yasuhiro Kimura Release Date: January 1, 1987 Duration: 42 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.7/10) The events of the Joestars, which now take several decades, families, and even timelines, can practically not be summed up. This romance action anime has already seen several bizarre adventures from slaying vampires to defend a small town – and a lot to come! The charming old-school beginning; the following with maybe the most charismatic protagonist; a curious tour with an even better-known Villain, and even a small one clashes with the most inspired path to date. Every season has its attractions. But as the environments, skills, and tones change, two aspects remain the same the unforgettable positions of Hirohiko Araki and the fact that JoJo's battles quickly turn out to be a strategic game. 8- Mob Psycho 100
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Directed By: Yuzuru Tachikawa Release Date: July 12, 2016 Duration: 25 Episodes Rating: IMDb (8.5/10) Read the full article
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Hyper loop - Advanced mode of Transportation
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Hyperloop brings airplane speeds to ground level, safely. Passengers and cargo capsules will hover through a network of low-pressure tubes between cities and transforming travel time from hours to minutes. What is Hyper loop? The Hyperloop concept as it is widely known was proposed by billionaire industrialist Elon Musk, CEO of the aerospace firm SpaceX and the guy behind Tesla (as well as, in the last year, a number of public gaffes). It’s a reaction to the California High-Speed Rail System currently under development, a bullet train Musk feels is lackluster (and which, it is alleged, will be one of the most expensive and slow-moving in the world). A one way trip between San Francisco and Los Angeles on the Hyperloop could take about 35 minutes. Musk’s Hyperloop consists of two massive tubes extending from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Pods carrying passengers would travel through the tubes at speeds topping out over 700 mph. Imagine the pneumatic tubes people in The Jetsons use to move around buildings, but on a much bigger scale. For propulsion, magnetic accelerators will be planted along the length of the tube, propelling the pods forward.  The tubes would house a low pressure environment, surrounding the pod with a cushion of air that permits the pod to move safely at such high speeds, like a puck gliding over an air hockey table. Given the tight quarters in the tube, pressure buildup in front of the pod could be a problem. The tube needs a system to keep air from building up in this way. Musk’s design recommends an air compressor on the front of the pod that will move air from the front to the tail, keeping it aloft and preventing pressure building up due to air displacement. A one way trip on the Hyperloop is projected to take about 35 minutes (for comparison, traveling the same distance by car takes roughly six hours). The Hyperloop concept operates by sending specially designed "capsules" or "pods" through a steel tube maintained at a partial vacuum. In Musk's original concept, each capsule floats on a 0.02–0.05 in (0.5–1.3 mm) layer of air provided under pressure to air-caster "skis", similar to how pucks are levitated above an air hockey table, while still allowing faster speeds than wheels can sustain. Hyperloop One's technology uses passive maglev for the same purpose. Linear induction motors located along the tube would accelerate and decelerate the capsule to the appropriate speed for each section of the tube route. With rolling resistance eliminated and air resistance greatly reduced, the capsules can glide for the bulk of the journey. In Musk's original Hyperloop concept, an electrically driven inlet fan and axial compressor would be placed at the nose of the capsule to "actively transfer high-pressure air from the front to the rear of the vessel", resolving the problem of air pressure building in front of the vehicle, slowing it down. A fraction of the air is shunted to the skis for additional pressure, augmenting that gain passively from lift due to their shape. Hyperloop One's system does away with the compressor. In the alpha-level concept, passenger-only pods are to be 7 ft 4 in (2.23 m) in diameter and projected to reach a top speed of 760 mph (1,220 km/h) to maintain aerodynamic efficiency.  The design proposes passengers experience a maximum inertial acceleration of 0.5 g, about 2 or 3 times that of a commercial airliner on takeoff and landing.
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History The general idea of trains or other transportation traveling through evacuated tubes dates back more than a century, although the atmospheric railway was never a commercial success. Musk first mentioned that he was thinking about a concept for a "fifth mode of transport", calling it the Hyperloop, in July 2012 at a PandoDaily event in Santa Monica, California. This hypothetical high-speed mode of transportation would have the following characteristics: immunity to weather, collision free, twice the speed of a plane, low power consumption, and energy storage for 24-hour operations. The name Hyperloop was chosen because it would go in a loop. Musk envisions the more advanced versions will be able to go at hypersonic speed. In May 2013, Musk likened the Hyperloop to a "cross between a Concorde and a railgun and an air hockey table". From late 2012 until August 2013, a group of engineers from both Tesla and SpaceX worked on the conceptual modeling of Hyperloop. An early system design was published in the Tesla and SpaceX blogs which describes one potential design, function, pathway, and cost of a hyperloop system. According to the alpha design, pods would accelerate to cruising speed gradually using a linear electric motor and glide above their track on air bearings through tubes above ground on columns or below ground in tunnels to avoid the dangers of grade crossings. An ideal hyperloop system will be more energy-efficient, quiet, and autonomous than existing modes of mass transit. Musk has also invited feedback to "see if the people can find ways to improve it". The Hyperloop Alpha was released as an open source design. The word mark "HYPERLOOP", applicable to "high-speed transportation of goods in tubes" was issued to SpaceX on April 4, 2017. In June 2015, SpaceX announced that it would build a 1-mile-long (1.6 km) test track to be located next to SpaceX's Hawthorne facility. The track would be used to test pod designs supplied by third parties in the competition. By November 2015, with several commercial companies and dozens of student teams pursuing the development of Hyperloop technologies, the Wall Street Journal asserted that "The Hyperloop Movement", as some of its unaffiliated members refer to themselves, is officially bigger than the man who started it." The MIT Hyperloop team developed the first Hyperloop pod prototype, which they unveiled at the MIT Museum on May 13, 2016. Their design uses electrodynamic suspension for levitating and eddy current braking. On January 29, 2017, approximately one year after phase one of the Hyperloop pod competition, the MIT Hyperloop pod demonstrated the first ever low-pressure Hyperloop run in the world. Within this first competition the Delft University team from the Netherlands achieved the highest overall competition score. The awards for the "fastest pod" and the "best performance in flight" were won by the team TUM Hyperloop (formerly known as WARR Hyperloop) from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. The team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) placed third overall in the competition, judged by SpaceX engineers. The second Hyperloop pod competition took place from August 25–27, 2017. The only judging criteria being top speed provided it is followed by successful deceleration. TUM Hyperloop from the Technical University of Munich won the competition by reaching a top speed of 324 km/h (201 mph) and therefore breaking the previous record of 310 km/h for hyperloop prototypes set by Hyperloop One.   Hyper loop and India The Indian State of Maharashtra announced their intent to build a hyperloop route between Mumbai and Pune, beginning with an operational demonstration track. THE MUMBAI-PUNE PROJECT MOVES FORWARD Working with our public and private partners, Virgin Hyperloop One is on track to complete the feasibility study for the Phase I demonstration track of the Mumbai-Pune project. The full project is proposing to link Central Pune, the Navi Mumbai International Airport and Central Mumbai – with a potential commute time of 25 minutes. Based on our ongoing analysis, the Mumbai-Pune route is proving to be the strongest economic case that we have seen to-date.
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Building upon this progress, VHO welcomed the Chief Minister of Maharashtra Fadnavis, and representatives from the State Government including key members of the Chief Minister’s Office and Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority (PMRDA) chief Kiran Gitte, project lead on the Mumbai-Pune hyperloop project, at our DevLoop test site to inspect our technology. The Chief Minister and other esteemed guests were able to witness a full-scale hyperloop in action for a live demonstration test. It was an honor to host the Chief Minister, demonstrating a vote of confidence as we advance into the second half of our ongoing feasibility study and progress in accordance with the Framework Agreement signed in February. Speaking with our Chairman Richard Branson, the Chief Minister confirmed, “This was a very fruitful discussion and we should be able to start moving on this project very fast.”
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( Image source : Virgin hyper loop one ) HYPERLOOP TECHNOLOGY WITHIN INDIA’S TRANSPORT ECOSYSTEM Progress on the Mumbai-Pune hyperloop project is indicative of a larger trend – a wave of visionary policy leadership when it comes to supporting new technologies and innovation in India’s transport ecosystem. NITI Aayog’s Tech Vision 2022 document, the work of the government technology think tank Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), and the Centres of Excellence at the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) have been very supportive of new technologies. In addition, the Railways Ministry ‘Mission 350 Plus’ plan as well as work on maglev technologies and the HSR Diamond Quadrilateral project are indicative of how the central government is embracing new rail technologies. At a state level, Maharashtra’s push for a Mumbai-Pune hyperloop system is a clear endorsement for innovation at a regional level, with accompanying interest from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh as well. India has multiple factors that make it an ideal country for a hyperloop system: infrastructure needs due to rising demand, superior engineering talent, low-cost manufacturing base, and strong political support and favourable regulatory environment. These factors ensure that the hyperloop, when built and tested commercially, will be affordable (for riders), scalable and low-cost (to build and operate). The hyperloop system’s appeal for India comes from its complementarity with existing transport technologies. Hyperloop systems, with its point-to-point transport proposition, can be built to inter-connect with existing High-Speed Rail (HSR) or Metro projects. There is a conscious effort to build such adjacencies into the design of the first inter-city hyperloop system in India, and this is reflected in the location of the proposed stations and the track alignment. Come 2025, a student from Ahmedabad should be able to reach Pune, by taking the Ahmedabad-Mumbai Bullet Train and then switch over to the 25-minute hyperloop ride to Pune, just as present metro commuters switch from one metro line to another in a city. Such a multi-modal transport system between India’s bustling cities will have significant productivity implications for the country. This system becomes yet more powerful when replicated across different regional clusters in other parts of India, or linked seamlessly with the Modi Government’s HSR Diamond Quadrilateral Project – and one can see the emergence of Indian mega-economic regions in a manner that rivals China’s super-city clusters plan. Once proven for commercial viability, the hyperloop system can be scaled to different city-pairs in India. Earlier estimates of five viable routes between different Indian cities had evaluated a 55 minutes commute for a Delhi-Jaipur-Indore-Mumbai system, 50 minutes for a Mumbai-Bangalore-Chennai commute, 41 minutes for a Bangalore-Thiruvananthapuram commute and 20 minutes for a Bangalore-Chennai commute on the hyperloop system. View this from a multi-modal transport perspective and the real benefits of a system like this come through – hyperloop technology adoption is a real enabler for India to leap-frog to a higher trajectory of growth, akin to the role that mobile phones have played earlier in terms of technology adoption as well as economic growth. Hyper loop explained   How Virgin hyper loop one's system becomes reality ?   Read the full article
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365news · 5 years
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365NEWS NEWSPAPERS HEADLINES FOR THURSDAY 13TH JUNE 2019       *PUNCH* DSS stops June 12 rally in Ibadan, arrests three Osoba, Akpabio back President on Abiola Govt has impoverished Nigerians to oppress them, says Ezekwesili Democracy Day: Govs hail Buhari for recognising MKO Abiola, urge unity June 12 as Democracy Day commendable, but Osun: What the courts have said about INEC in split judgments IYC hails Omo-Ageges election as Deputy Senate President NAssembly leaders may name committees today Will Buhari do better with this NASS For Osun politicians, its a book problem FG may lift land border vehicle importation ban Customs boss Nigeria earns $236bn from petroleum exports in five years NCC awards N65m to 11 varsities for technology research NADDC disburses N11bn to 36 auto firms NERC issues 40MW licence as power generation sheds 1,431MW Nigeriall gain from women inclusion in business, politics Nigeria, Benin Customs sync communication portals Infracos scramble for fund as fibre deployment deadline nears CBN injects $210m into forex market Oando shareholders knock SEC for AGM suspension Stock market investors lose N533bn in seven days How presidential panel misled court to issue interim forfeiture order of $158m Telecom firm Bandits abduct Kastsina village head *VANGUARD* AFCON 2019: Amuneke reveals Tanzania's 23-man squad Tinubu congratulates Lawan, Gbaja, says election free, fair and transparent Social investment programmes and the poverty question Assets declaration: Presidential panel transfers Nwaoboshi case to DPPF Annulment of June 12 stalled Nigeria's progress- SDP June 12 : Shehu Sani, others advocate deepening of democracy in Nigeria 19-yr-old boy nabbed over beheading of 3 persons 9th NASS: APC may zone Chief Whip, Deputy Senate Leader to South-East Why we can't have another MKO in Nigeria ' Kola Abiola June 12: MURIC salutes Buhari June 12 part of our history ' Sanwo-Olu The meaningless symbolism of June 12 as Democracy Day Buhari reveals those behind insecurity in Nigeria Politicians, religious leaders fueling insecurity ' Buhari Ekiti backs move to stop illegal tolls on agro products 1,500 patients benefit as Osita Chidoka's second round of free medical outreach kicks off in Anambra ASUU decries FG failures to address public education Obaseki focused on capacity building in Edo civil service ' Ehiozuwa Restructuring, only way to honour MKO's memory ' Aare ADAMS YCE kicks as DSS arrests leader of Pro-MKO Abiola rally in Oyo Edo, Bank of Industry, others brainstorm on access to finance for MSMEs Rt Hon Chinedum Orji: Speaker of the People, by the People and for the People! For TB Joshua @ 56, Love is the greatest *THE NATION* Kingibe: Obasanjo knew about June 12 annulment Abuja Stadium renaming: Abiola ll be happy in grave, says Akerele Motorcyclist killed after defying traffic light in Ekiti June 12: Don seeks foundation Balogun defies Olubadans order on Egungun festival Atiku: June 12 soul of democratic Nigerias struggle June 12 and the mo(u)rning after Why Nigerians should celebrate June 12, by Osun APC Navy arrests boats carrying 170 smuggled turkeys Matawalle optimistic about end to banditry in Zamfara Elegushi hails Gbajabiamilas election Sanwo-Olu, others hail Buhari for honouring Abiola, June 12 Democracy is our only recourse, says Saraki Ill keep fighting for recognition of Lagos 37 local govts, says Adeola Bagudu: APC governors will work with National Assembly to deepen democracy Oyetola seeks unity as Osun marks Democracy Day Abiolas untimely death cut our national hope, says Abiodun We lost family assets to the struggle NSE to engineers: form consortia to bridge infrastructure gap Tackle air pollution, Fed Govt told Family petitions Ogun cp over land grabbing Ogun tops list of funded estates in Southwest, says FMBN *THISDAY* Report: Global 5G Subscriptions Projected to Reach 1.9 Billion by 2024 Regulator Moves to Promote Local Content in Tech Ecosystem Elumelu Inaugurates Aisha Buhari Foundations Maternity Facility Opeke Seeks Executive Order for Technology Sector Faluyi: Many Companies on Life Support Ikeja Electric Launches MAP Scheme Fresh Questions for APCON, LASAA over Regulation Between Regulation and Press Freedom Ugbe: CSR Necessary for Companies to Bond With Stakeholders Adeyipo: Building Agile Systems Will Meet Business Demands NCS to Address Smart City Initiative at Conference Adeagbo: There is Roadmap to Profitability in African Markets 9mobile Offers Customers with Bonus Airtime Swedish Institute Nominates CFA, Others CBN Refutes Bloomberg Report, Says No Change in Exchange Rate Structure Tinubu Congratulates Lawan, Gbajabiamila Tunji- Ojo Congratulates Gbajabiamila Ndokwa/Ukwuani Group Congratulates Omo-Agege Dapo Abiodun Would Have Lost If Amosun Had Supported His Governorship... 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mhsn033 · 4 years
John Hume: A lesser-known life of fish, finance and football
Image copyright Pacemaker
John Hume packed extra into his 83 years on earth than most other folks would in three lifetimes.
Teacher. Flesh presser. Civil rights leader. Peacemaker.
He served in govt constructions of Belfast, London and Brussels, and was a frequent customer to the US as an advocate for the peace assignment and his home town of Derry.
Nonetheless while his existence was largely lived in the political highlight, about a of his achievements are much less successfully-identified.
On the day one among Northern Eire most important political figures is laid to relaxation, BBC Recordsdata NI takes a peep on the lesser-identified Hume.
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‘Thran’ man – and boy
Amongst the many words of tribute offered to John Hume, one stands out – stubborn.
There’s a regular observe in this portion of the realm for any individual in particular space of their techniques – “thran”. And Hume could well embody it.
In his political occupation, he had to – whether facing down unionist leaders, the British Navy, Sinn Féin or the critics who pilloried him for continuing to talk over with Sinn Féin thru the 1990s.
His stubborn drag grew to vary into apparent early: Rob this narrative, recounted in the Irish Cases, of an eight-year-broken-down Hume who had genuine obtained money as a category prize.
The headmaster, shining the boy had money, rattled a charity sequence field under his nose while Hume stared straight ahead, refusing to flinch. Hume saved the money.
He was arrested for the first time genuine four years later, when a policeman lifted him for having fun with heady (a football-essentially based entirely recreation of headers) in the avenue.
The Hume family were too melancholy to hire a solicitor, so the 12-year-broken-down Perry Mason represented himself.
“I pleaded no longer responsible,” he later told BBC Radio Foyle. “The policeman obtained up and stated: ‘Nonetheless particular I caught you.’
“I stated: ‘I wasn’t having fun with football, I was having fun with a heady.'”
He was fined two shillings, but praised by the magistrate for defending himself successfully.
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Image caption John Hume pictured in 1994 – St Columb’s Faculty, where he studied and later taught, is also considered in the background, center left
‘Unhealthy priest’ to transferable speech
The Education Act of 1944 modified all the pieces for children in Derry’s poorer enclaves, as free training made college and studying accessible to many for the first time.
It modified John Hume’s course for horny, as he obtained a scholarship to St Columb’s Faculty and later went on to Maynooth to see for the priesthood, easiest to journey away sooner than finishing his coaching. He later described himself as “a sinful priest”.
Having studied historical past and French, he returned home and to St Columb’s Faculty to educate.
It was his background as an educator that he credited for his repetitive locution vogue – or, as sportive journalists dubbed it, his “single transferable speech”.
Repeated maxims – equivalent to “you cannot indulge in a flag” and “spill sweat, no longer blood” – were a deliberate tactic, he told The Cases in 1995.
“I learnt that after I was a instructor: You support on saying the the same part over and over till any individual says it inspire to you.”
Credit ranking unions and Teenage Kicks
When requested about his proudest achievement, Hume would omit the Upright Friday Settlement, his Nobel Peace Prize and quite so a lot of accolades for something he finished sooner than entering politics: The formation of the Derry Credit ranking Union.
In the slow 1950s, the metropolis’s melancholy, largely Catholic communities, were caught in a depressing financial cycle – too melancholy to have interaction a home but with out a home to make exhaust of as collateral to valid a financial institution mortgage to befriend them on their formula.
Hume and five others from the Bogside broke that cycle after they pooled their financial savings – a gigantic complete of £8 and 10 shillings – to stumbled on Northern Eire’s first credit union in 1960.
The co-operative no longer-for-profit institution gave local other folks an doable source of credit.
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Image caption Without the credit union, The Undertones could never bear reached their stage of reputation
From that meagre starter fund, the Derry Credit ranking Union currently has greater than 30,000 contributors and has issued greater than 1,000,000 loans.
Hume, inclined 27, went on to vary into the youngest ever president of the Irish League of Credit ranking Unions in 1964.
For a few years, other folks of Derry bear relied on credit unions to fund all the pieces from properties and training to the fulfilment of rock dreams: The Undertones drummer Billy Doherty inclined loans to have interaction his a drum equipment and support the band on the avenue.
No Derry Credit ranking Union? No Teenage Kicks.
Image copyright Pacemaker
Fishy enterprise
John Hume had various entrepreneurial interests in his pre-politics years.
In 1952, he started Atlantic Harvest, a smoked salmon enterprise, reportedly irked by looking at salmon caught in the Foyle estuary being despatched in other areas in the UK to be smoked.
When politics took over, he offered his half of-portion in the firm when he was first elected to Northern Eire’s Parliament in 1969, believing a flesh presser could soundless no longer additionally be a businessman.
He could, however, bear been a loss to the enterprise world – Hume had one other belief in his early years to bottle spring water, without reference to local scepticism as as to if somebody would have interaction something they could rep without cost, out of taps.
“If I could well given my existence to enterprise… I would be a lot higher off than I am at this time,” Hume told The Cases in 1995.
Image caption John Hume was instrumental in Seagate opening a plant in Derry
As a flesh presser, he put his financial acumen to horny exhaust securing investment for his home metropolis.
Meeting Seagate govt Brendan Hegarty in a Los Angeles bar, Hume stated one of these title need to counsel a Derry or Donegal heritage.
The conversation was the precursor to Seagate investing an complete bunch of millions of pounds in a online page in Derry in 1993.
It stays one among the metropolis’s greatest employers.
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Image caption John Hume watches from his popular seat throughout a Derry City match in 2012
A carrying existence
As his arrest on the age of 12 made sure, John Hume cherished sport.
Whereas he was a at hand left-handed journey bowler on the cricket pitch, football was his no 1 cherish, from his days as a young player at St Columb’s to his role as president of Derry City FC.
Even though the role was largely ceremonial, when the club hit financial difficulties, Hume dipped into his contact book: A letter to Sir Alex Ferguson brought Manchester United to the club’s Brandywell Stadium for a money-spinning pleasant in 2000.
Celtic and Accurate Madrid followed and, in 2003, Hume visited Barcelona where he was awarded the freedom of the metropolis. There, he convinced FC Barcelona’s president, Joan Gaspart, to bring his club to Derry.
Months later Andreas Iniesta, Carlos Puyol, Marc Overmars and newly-signed Brazilian superstar Ronaldinho strutted their stuff on the famously-sloped Brandywell pitch.
The incontrovertible truth that Barca obtained 5-0 was the perfect mark there was a restrict to the club president’s affect.
Image copyright Kevin McDaid
Hume’s reputation preceded the club wherever it went.
In 2013, when Derry travelled to Turkey to expend on Trabzonspor, the home club ready a personalised shirt to train to the club’s smartly-known president. When they learned he hadn’t travelled, they gave it to the travelling fans.
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A neighborhood boy returns
Ill successfully being forced John Hume’s early retirement – but without reference to worsening dementia, he did no longer go from look in his home town.
As an various he’ll be on a regular basis considered at neighborhood events, prize-givings or looking at Derry City from his popular Brandywell seat.
He took time to quit and focus on over with other folks on his popular walkabouts, waving to all who greeted – or honked their horns – at him.
The anecdotes are legion – taxi drivers who stopped their autos to offer him a steal home, fare-freed from course; other folks that walked with him to construct sure he returned safely; autos that came to a cease on busy roads to enable him to inferior with ease.
His wife of 40 years, Pat, could well let John journey about his day shining the metropolis’s residents would no longer let him shut to any hurt.
His illness did no longer totally diminish his quality of existence, she illustrious in an interview in 2015.
“Derry is a truly dementia-pleasant metropolis… Americans cherish John.”
Rising up in Derry, throughout the environment solar years of the Troubles, Hume solid a gigantic shadow.
All over his have closing years, he emerged from it and into the stylish metropolis he helped to make.
It was easiest fitting he obtained to indulge in it.
John Hume: A existence remembered
In their words: Dilapidated presidents and as a lot as the moment top ministers pay tribute to Mr Hume’s smartly-known occupation
Engaging a expertise: Children present what John Hume supposed to them
In shots: The occupation of one Northern Eire’s fundamental political leaders
Evaluation: The one who was in a situation to unpick the lock of the Troubles
Diplomats capture the slow SDLP leader’s particular connection to the US
In depth: Read BBC Recordsdata NI’s obituary of John Hume
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hudsonespie · 4 years
MARAD Awards Nearly $20 Million in Funding to Small Shipyards
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD) has awarded $19.6 million in discretionary grants to 24 U.S. small shipyards through the Small Shipyard Grant Program. 
The funding is designed to help modernize America’s small shipyards, making them more efficient in constructing commercial vessels. Projects under the program include capital and related improvement projects that foster efficiency, competitive operations, and quality ship construction, repair, and reconfiguration. In addition, the program can fund training projects that foster employee skills and enhance productivity.
The economic footprint of American shipyards is nearly 400,000 jobs, $25.1 billion of labor income, and $37.3 billion in GDP. 
Shipyard grant recipients are:
Alabama Shipyard, LLC of Mobile, AL, which has been serving the Gulf Coast since 1917, will receive $571,887 to upgrade four travel trucks with new assemblies on 150?ton portal crane.
Blakely BoatWorks, Inc. of Mobile AL, a full-service shipyard focused on new construction and marine repair projects, will receive $ 379,408 for a 500-ton press brake, welding machines, overhead cranes, and man lifts.
Mare Island Dry Dock of Vallejo, CA, which offers dry docking, ship repair and other services, will receive $1,066,326 for a 165?ton Rough Terrain Crane.
Gulf Marine Repair Corporation of Tampa, FL, which specializes in the repair, conversion and modification of large ocean-going commercial and other vessels, will receive $692,100 for a CNC plasma cutting machine and 100?ton rough terrain crane.
Cabras Marine Corporation, which provides pilot, tug, barge, spill response, firefighting, and ferry services in Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana’s Islands, will receive $1 million for the purchase of a 275?ton Truck Crane.
Marisco, Ltd. Of Kapolei, HI, which offers ship repair and other services, will receive $745,872 for a blast and paint booth.
C&C Marine and Repair, LLC of Belle Chasse, LA, which provides general steel repairs on inland barges, will receive $ 979,638 for a 275?ton Crawler Crane.
Cooper Consolidated, LLC of Convent, LA, which provides midstream stevedoring, barge, marine, and logistics services, will receive $1.2 million for a 620?ton Marine Travelift.
Chesapeake Shipbuilding Corp. of Salisbury, MD, which possesses more thirty years of direct industry experience and designs and builds commercial ships up to 450 feet in length, will receive $830,622 to purchase a 130?ton Rough Terrain Crane.
Mackinac Island Ferry Company dba Mackinac Marine Service of St. Ignace, MI, which services commercial and recreational vessels, will receive $752,933 for a Travelift and Welding Equipment.
VT Halter Marine of Pascagoula, MS, a company with more than 70 years of experience in ship design, construction, repair and conversion to maintenance and support, will receive $1,695,118 for a 1250?ton Press Brake.
New York
Smith Boys Marine Sales Inc. of North Tonowanda, NY, a family-owned boat service and repair company, will receive $317,641 for a transporter and CNC plasma cutter.
The Great Lakes Towing Company of Cleveland, OH, a company with 120 years of service on the Great Lakes, will receive $1,400,000 for an 820?ton Travelift.
WCT Marine & Construction Inc. of Astoria, OR, which specialize in marine services, new construction, welding, boat repair, boat building and fabrications, will receive $573,075 for a big top enclosed work structure, work pad with drains, filtration system.
Diversified Marine, Inc. of Portland, OR, which offers repair, retrofit and construction of tugs, barges and commercial steel vessels, will receive $ 1,253,160 for a 275?ton Crawler Crane.
Philly Shipyard, Inc. of Philadelphia, PA, a U.S. commercial shipyard constructing vessels for operation in the U.S. Jones Act market, will receive $640,158 for a Messer system.
Rhode Island
J. Goodison Company, Inc. of North Kingstown, RI, a veteran-owned small business offering a full range ship repair services, will receive $504,237 for its shipyard rough terrain crane project.
South Carolina
Metal Trades, Inc. of Hollywood, SC, a family-owned business since 1962 with experience in heavy steel fabrication, manufacturing, machining, vessel construction and vessel maintenance and repair, will receive $492,128 for a 55?ton Grove All Terrain Crane and three Skytrak Telehandlers Forklifts.
Gulf Copper Ship Repair, Inc. of Corpus Christi, TX, an employee-owned company noted for installing copper piping on marine vessels, will receive $423,186 for a 110?ton Crane.
Bludworth Marine, LLC of Houston, TX, which services ships, ATB's, inland and offshore tugs and barges, and other vessels will receive $1,337,468 for a 275?ton Crawler Crane.
Colonna's Shipyard, Inc. Norfolk VA, which performs ship repair, machining and steel fabrication services to both the commercial and government markets. will receive $799,996 to purchase welding machines.
SAFE Boats International, L.L.C. of Bremerton, WA, an aluminum boat manufacturer and leading supplier to military, federal, state and local law enforcement, fire and rescue agencies, will receive $587,035 for a router and press brake.
Mavrik Marine Inc. of La Conner, WA, which specialized in the construction of aluminum work boats, will receive $564,850 for a bridge crane, welding system, and compressor.
Fraser Shipyards, Inc. of Superior, WI, which offers services from emergency repairs to brand-new craft to large industrial fabrications, will receive $793,162 for Overhead Material Handling and Steel Brake Processing Improvement.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/marad-awards-nearly-20-million-in-funding-to-small-shipyards via http://www.rssmix.com/
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Sikorsky tapped for 12 CH-53K King Stallion heavy-lift helicopters
Sikorsky, a unit of Pentagon’s largest arms supplier Lockheed Martin Corp, has been awarded a $1.13 billion contract for build 12 production CH-53K King Stallion helicopters.
According to the U.S. Navy’s announcement, these advanced helicopters are part of the 200 program of record aircraft for the U.S. Marine Corps.
“The Marine Corps is very appreciative of the efforts by the Navy and our industry partners to be able to award the LRIP 2/3 contract,” said Lt. Gen. Steven Rudder, Deputy Commandant for Aviation. This is a win for the Marine Corps and will secure the heavy-lift capability we need to meet future operational requirements and support the National Defense Strategy. I’m very confident in the success of the CH-53K program and look forward to fielding this critical capability.”
The most powerful helicopter in the Department of Defense, the CH-53K King Stallion is a new-build helicopter that will expand the fleet’s ability to move more material, more rapidly throughout the area of responsibility using proven and mature technologies. The CH-53K is the only aircraft able to provide the Marine Corps with the heavy-lift capability it needs to meet future operational requirements for the vertical lift mission.
“I’m proud of the joint government and industry team in achieving this award,” said Col. Jack Perrin, U.S. Marine Corps program manager for the Naval Air Systems Command’s Heavy Lift Helicopters program, PMA-261.
The CH-53K is the only sea-based, long range, heavy-lift helicopter in production and will immediately provide three times the lift capability of its predecessor. The CH-53K will conduct expeditionary heavy-lift transport of armored vehicles, equipment, and personnel to support distributed operations deep inland from a sea-based center of operations. The new CH-53K will have heavy-lift capabilities that exceed all other DoD rotary wing-platforms and it is the only heavy lifter that will remain in production through 2032 and beyond.
Designed and demonstrated the lift capability of nearly 14 tons (27,000lbs/12,247 kg) at a mission radius of 110 nautical miles (203 km), in Navy high/hot environments, the CH-53K lifts triple the baseline CH-53E lift capability. The CH-53K has proven the ability to lift up to 36,000lbs via the external cargo hook. The CH-53K will have an equivalent logistics shipboard footprint, lower operating costs per aircraft, and less direct maintenance man hours per flight hour. The combination of unmatched heavy-lift and range, fly-by-wire flight controls, with an advanced, integrated communications suite will provide the Marine Corps with the operational flexibility necessary to gain and, more importantly, sustain a tactical edge on the battlefield.
“Sikorsky employees and our nationwide supply chain are ready to ramp up CH-53K production to support deployment of this modern, safe and reliable aircraft in 2023-2024,” said Sikorsky Program Director Bill Falk. “This contract demonstrates the U.S. Marine Corps’ confidence in Sikorsky to expand production of this technologically advanced heavy lift helicopter.”
Lockheed Martin, Sikorsky, and its suppliers have made significant investments in facilities, machinery, tooling, and workforce training to ramp-up production required for the CH-53K program. For example, we have installed more than eight new titanium machining centers, designed and implemented a new final assembly test facility with multi-floor ergonomic work platforms, installed 10-ton cranes, and now have 3D work instructions on the factory floor.
“We have transformed our factory for the future and implemented a model for all future helicopter programs,” Falk said. “Additionally, our engineers have implemented the latest technologies such as manufacturing simulation and 3D laser inspection technology. These investments in systems, personnel, and our facilities have elevated Sikorsky’s manufacturing technology and capabilities to meet production requirements of the CH-53K for domestic and international customers.”
from Defence Blog
Sikorsky, a unit of Pentagon’s largest arms supplier Lockheed Martin Corp, has been awarded a $1.13 billion contract for build 12 production CH-53K King Stallion helicopters.
According to the U.S. Navy’s announcement, these advanced helicopters are part of the 200 program of record aircraft for the U.S. Marine Corps.
“The Marine Corps is very appreciative of the efforts by the Navy and our industry partners to be able to award the LRIP 2/3 contract,” said Lt. Gen. Steven Rudder, Deputy Commandant for Aviation. This is a win for the Marine Corps and will secure the heavy-lift capability we need to meet future operational requirements and support the National Defense Strategy. I’m very confident in the success of the CH-53K program and look forward to fielding this critical capability.”
The most powerful helicopter in the Department of Defense, the CH-53K King Stallion is a new-build helicopter that will expand the fleet’s ability to move more material, more rapidly throughout the area of responsibility using proven and mature technologies. The CH-53K is the only aircraft able to provide the Marine Corps with the heavy-lift capability it needs to meet future operational requirements for the vertical lift mission.
“I’m proud of the joint government and industry team in achieving this award,” said Col. Jack Perrin, U.S. Marine Corps program manager for the Naval Air Systems Command’s Heavy Lift Helicopters program, PMA-261.
The CH-53K is the only sea-based, long range, heavy-lift helicopter in production and will immediately provide three times the lift capability of its predecessor. The CH-53K will conduct expeditionary heavy-lift transport of armored vehicles, equipment, and personnel to support distributed operations deep inland from a sea-based center of operations. The new CH-53K will have heavy-lift capabilities that exceed all other DoD rotary wing-platforms and it is the only heavy lifter that will remain in production through 2032 and beyond.
Designed and demonstrated the lift capability of nearly 14 tons (27,000lbs/12,247 kg) at a mission radius of 110 nautical miles (203 km), in Navy high/hot environments, the CH-53K lifts triple the baseline CH-53E lift capability. The CH-53K has proven the ability to lift up to 36,000lbs via the external cargo hook. The CH-53K will have an equivalent logistics shipboard footprint, lower operating costs per aircraft, and less direct maintenance man hours per flight hour. The combination of unmatched heavy-lift and range, fly-by-wire flight controls, with an advanced, integrated communications suite will provide the Marine Corps with the operational flexibility necessary to gain and, more importantly, sustain a tactical edge on the battlefield.
“Sikorsky employees and our nationwide supply chain are ready to ramp up CH-53K production to support deployment of this modern, safe and reliable aircraft in 2023-2024,” said Sikorsky Program Director Bill Falk. “This contract demonstrates the U.S. Marine Corps’ confidence in Sikorsky to expand production of this technologically advanced heavy lift helicopter.”
Lockheed Martin, Sikorsky, and its suppliers have made significant investments in facilities, machinery, tooling, and workforce training to ramp-up production required for the CH-53K program. For example, we have installed more than eight new titanium machining centers, designed and implemented a new final assembly test facility with multi-floor ergonomic work platforms, installed 10-ton cranes, and now have 3D work instructions on the factory floor.
“We have transformed our factory for the future and implemented a model for all future helicopter programs,” Falk said. “Additionally, our engineers have implemented the latest technologies such as manufacturing simulation and 3D laser inspection technology. These investments in systems, personnel, and our facilities have elevated Sikorsky’s manufacturing technology and capabilities to meet production requirements of the CH-53K for domestic and international customers.”
0 notes
Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017
*Update 04/10/18: After careful consideration, the Health Fitness Revolution team has concluded that professional mixed martial artist Conor Anthony McGregor will be removed from the list of the “Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017” based on the incident that occurred during UFC 223 Saturday night (April 7, 2018) at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. 
“McGregor’s unprofessional behavior that endangered people’s health through violence is not worthy of a professional athlete who is supposed to be a positive example to younger generations. I’m tired of seeing athletes behave badly without any consequences! It is time to stop this madness and hold them accountable for their actions! I truly hope that this will be a powerful lesson to McGregor and he will learn to control his anger through any means necessary including (but not limited to) legal action and medical assistance.” -HFR founder Samir Becic
With hundreds of professional sports out there and thousands more professional athletes to choose from, Samir Becic and the HFR Institute put in 500 man-hours to compile this list of the 10 most all-around fit athletes. The list started with hundreds of professional athletes from various sports and was eventually narrowed down to the fittest 10. The list, though difficult to narrow down, was a result of extensive research by the HFR institute.
The research included various analyses of the demands, strengths and weaknesses of the different sports each athlete hails from. Furthermore, we took into account personal habits, such as on and off-season training regimens, diet and nutrition intake, and their involvement in promoting health and fitness in their communities.
“It’s not important who the fittest athletes in the world are,” Samir Becic said. “What’s important is that all the athletes spread the message of having a healthy lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle, physical fitness, healthy nutrition, mental, social and spiritual balance, we can control, manage or completely avoid over 70% of all illnesses known to mankind.”
Our list placed swimming powerhouse, Michael Phelps on top due to his success at this years Olympic Games, which he still dominated despite having only come out of retirement 2 years ago. “Michael Phelps is one of the most successful atheletes in the history of the Olympic Games. And I actually mean, THE most successful athlete in Olympic history, period.” said Becic.
He continues “McGregor, making our list for the first time, is the biggest surprise. Usually, someone so new to the world stage doesn’t cut it. But, an extraordinary personality and unbelievable fitness regimen makes him deserving of this feature. Another well-deserved addition to this years list is Zlatan Ibrahimovic, an extraordinary athlete with an equally extraordinary personality who, even at 35, is making the soccer world crazy. Congratulations also to Andy Murray for a great comeback and year!”
Finally, Becic says “for the second year in a row, Michael Schumacher, the F1 mega-star, is an honorary champion. Schumacher- if anybody can do this, you can do it!”
We weighed several physical statistics including:
cardio training
training regimen
diet and nutrition intake
and promotion of sports, physical fitness, healthy living and community involvement
Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic:
1. Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer
A photo posted by Michael Phelps (@m_phelps00) on Dec 20, 2016 at 10:08am PST
Youngest member on the US Olympic team at age 15
Broke the world record in the 200 meter butterfly in 2001 at the age of 16
2003: Phelps won 4 gold medals, 2 silver medals and broke 5 world records at the world championships in Barcelona
2005: Phelps won 5 gold medals and a silver at the world championships in Montreal
2007: Phelps received 7 gold medals in the world championships
From 2004-2012, he won 22 medals at the Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Beijing and London—18 gold, two silver and two bronze—and setting the record for the most medal wins by any Olympian
After retiring after the 2012 Olympic games, he came out of retirement in April 2014, stating that this time, he would be swimming for himself- not the medals, fans, or fame.
At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he won 5 gold medals and one silver.
He is the most decorated Olympian of all time with a total of 28 medals, 23 of which are gold.
Workout and Fitness:
Works out 6 hours a day 6 times a week, incorporating both swimming and dry-land training
Weight training, cardiovascular conditioning, and swims a minimum of 50 miles a week
Balance between weight training and body-weight training
Community Involvement:
Founded the Michael Phelps Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on growing the sport of swimming and promoting healthy and active lifestyle, especially for children
2. Usain Bolt, Olympic Sprinter
A photo posted by Usain St.Leo Bolt (@usainbolt) on Dec 30, 2016 at 6:02am PST
Regarded as the fastest human ever timed.
Jupiter Award for work with United Way Jamaica.
First Olympian in history to win both 100m and 200m races in world record times.
9 Olympic gold medals.
11 gold medals in the world championships and 2 silver medals.
6 time IAAF Athlete of the Year.
Workout and Fitness:
90 minutes daily – focusing on his core and back
He focuses his time not on building muscle but rather building his explosiveness with leg extensions and hamstring curls
30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest – three sets of each of the following: leg raises, side sweeps, reverse crunches, side plank clams
Diet and Nutrition:
Daily protein intake consists of saltfish for breakfast (traditional Jamaican dish)
Chicken for lunch, and pork for dinner. His carbs include pasta, rice, and potatoes.
Diet contains 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fats.
One of Usain’s nutritional secrets is yams – a good source of vitamins C and A
Community Involvement
Founded the Usain Bolt Foundation
Focuses on providing a healthy and safe environment to children in need
Also creates educational and recreational opportunities throughout the Kingston community
Supports Small Steps Project (humanitarian organization)
3. Cristiano Ronaldo, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) on Dec 20, 2016 at 9:05am PST
UEFA Best Player in Europe
Ballon d’Or (World’s best Footballer of the Year). He received his fourth Ballon d’Or in 2016, the most for a European player in the history of the award. One year earlier, Ronaldo had scored his 500th senior career goal for club and country.
FIFA World Player of the Year.
4-time European Golden Shoe award winner.
In 2016, Forbes named him the world best-paid athlete due to his high marketability.
In June 2016, ESPN ranked him the world’s most famous athlete.
Workout Routine: 
Gets lots of sleep, goes to bed early
Workout consists of a combination of cardio (running and rowing) and weight training to ensure that workouts target all areas of the body and increase both strength and stamina
Considers cardio as key for building up endurance and stamina and staying trim. Aims for cardio workouts at least 30 minutes in length, gradually increasing the number of sessions over time
Listens to his favorite music when working out to keep him motivated (hip hop & reggae)
Daily workouts lasting approximately 3-4 hours each
Workout includes squats, box jumps, broad jumps, jumping lunges, and lateral bounds
Completes up to 3000 sit-ups per workout
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks plenty of water
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs
Enjoys meals with fish; will order a steak with salad when eating out
Lots of fruits and vegetables
Cut out alcohol
Avoids sugary foods
Community Involvement
Supports many charities, including UNICEF, Save the Children, and World Vision
Participated in raising funds for the reconstruction of Aceh, Indonesia after 2004 earthquake and tsunami
Donated $83,000 to pay for 10-month old Erik Ortiz Cruz’s brain operation in 2012
4. Andy Murray, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Andy Murray (@andymurray) on Nov 20, 2016 at 1:04pm PST
“Earlier in my career I used to spend a lot of time practising my tennis on court,” Murray says. “Now I’ve learned that it’s better to do just a couple of hours on court and two gym sessions a day. That’s what’s made me fitter and stronger.”
Currently ranked #1 in men’s singles.
3 time Grand-slam tournament winner.
2 time Olympic champion.
Davis cup champion
Winner of the 2016 ATP World Tour Finals.
Following his run to winning the 2016 Paris Masters, Murray became world No. 1 on 7 November 2016.
He was named a Knight Bachelor in the 2017 New Year Honours list.
Has won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award a record three times.
Workout Routine: 
Says he spends most of the year maintaining his fitness, that he has very little time to actually improve his fitness.
During the few short breaks in the year, he combines relaxation and rest with running the track and spending time in the gym.
A full time tennis writer for Men’s Health said his training is so hard it borders on brutal and that Murray puts literally nauseating effort into his sprint sessions, as he aims to improve his speed and endurance.
Does some 400m repetition running for endurance on the court.
Lifts weights in the gym.
Does a lot of core stability to work to improve his balance.
Pays very close attention to details and perfection in his training.
Is a huge boxing fanatic and even sees some clear parallels between the two disciplines. “When you train, it’s a lot like tennis,” he says. “You need to have agility, speed, aggression, co-ordination, tactics – there’s a lot of similarity between the sports.”
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks 6 liters of water a day.
Eats a varied diet.
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs.
Is said to eat 6000 calories a day.
Avoids alcohol and sugars at all costs.
Eats 6 meals a day.
Community Involvement
Murray is a founding member of the Malaria No More UK Leadership Council and helped launch the charity in 2009 with David Beckham.
Often participates in charity tennis tournaments for various causes.
As a result of his various charitable exploits, Murray was awarded the Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year award for 2014.
5. Zlatan Ibrahimović, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by IAmZlatan (@iamzlatanibrahimovic) on Nov 21, 2016 at 1:55pm PST
“Football is everything. It is made up of many small parts to make it whole. It is being healthy, being happy and something I love. For me, it is passion.”
Swedish Bosnian player who made his international debut on the Swedish national team 2001 and served as captain until his retirement from international football in 2016. He still plays for Manchester United.
He is widely regarded as one of the best strikers in the game and one of the best footballers of his generation.
His remarkable bicycle kick for Sweden against England won him the 2013 FIFA Puskás Award for Goal of the Year.
In December 2013, Ibrahimović was ranked by The Guardian as the third-best player in the world, behind only Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo (who is also on this list).
In December 2014, the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter named him the second-greatest Swedish sportsperson of all time, after tennis player Björn Borg.
Workout Routine: 
Thinks talent accounts for about 30% of success, that the rest is hard work. Has said “Talent doesn’t mean you will win. Talent is something you are born with. You see the opportunity of somebody with talent, but if you don’t work hard, this talent is a waste of time.”
Sleeps very late after a game. Has said that after a match he cannot go to sleep due to the adrenaline. That if he does manage to fall asleep, it is usually at 5 or 6 in the morning, even though he does try to go to sleep at a reasonable time.
Has a black belt in taekwondo, a disciplinary training which has undoubtedly helped his soccer training and skill. He has said of the sport “It (taekwondo) is a sport that requires control and is also a great way of releasing aggression. I am a black belt and I am often asked if I will be a judge at the biggest tournaments in the world.”
Says he listens to reggae while he trains intensively, it keeps him calm.
Does a lot of cardio, including running on the treadmill.
Lifts weights for strentgh training.
Does core work for stability.
Diet and Nutrition
Has said that at the beginning of his career, he didn’t pay attention to what he ate, but he is now very conscious of what he puts in his body. He says what he eats is directly related to how active he is.
Community Involvement
In February of 2015, Ibrahimovic temporarily tattooed 15 names of people starving in an effort to raise awareness about world hunger. He said at the time on PSG’s official website “Saturday evening against Caen, when I took off my shirt, everyone asked what these new tattoos were. I had 15 temporary tattoos on my body. They were the names of real people who suffer from starvation in the world. Even if the tattoos are gone today, these people are still there. There are 805 million starving people in the world. I want you to see them, through me, to help the World Food Programme.”
This was the first time he publicly worked with a charity.
6. Novak Djokovic, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Novak Djokovic (@djokernole) on Nov 8, 2015 at 9:58am PST
Twice named US Sports Academy’s Male Athlete of the Year.
4 time ATP Year-end Number 1.
Best Male Tennis Player in Serbia.
12 Grand Slam titles: 6-time winner of the Australian Open, 3-time winner of Wimbledon, 2-time winner of the US Open winner, and 1-time French Open winner.
As of August 2016, he holds the best match winning rate (83.00%) in Open Era.
2012, 2015, and 2016 Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year.
2011 BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year.
Novak Djokovic was named the fittest male athlete on our list in 2015.
Workout and Fitness:
Warm-up consists of explosive stretches and resistance band work.
Workout includes fast-paced exercises with focus on plyometrics, reflex movements and balance.
Off-season training includes implementing yoga.
Diet and Nutrition:
Coffee or tea, grapefruit, gluten-free bagel with low-fat cream cheese, eggs
Salad, grilled lean hamburger, gluten-free bread, iced tea or coffee
String cheese
Salad, oil and vinegar dressing, salmon prepared with lemon, brown rice and vegetables
Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies
Community Involvement:
Raised $1,400,000 for early childhood education
Founder of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, dedicated to creating a lasting change in the lives of Serbian children in need by promoting healthy eating, early education, constructive parenting, and becoming involved in exercise and sports
Leader of a campaign against child labor
He is also a UNICEF Ambassador in Serbia
Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year Award
7. LeBron James, Professional Basketball Player
A photo posted by LeBron James (@kingjames) on Dec 12, 2016 at 10:26am PST
12-time NBA All Star.
3-time NBA Champion.
4-time NBA  MVPs.
2-time NBA finals MVP.
2 Olympic Gold Medals.
Led Miami Heat to a 27-game winning streak – the longest winning streak in NBA history.
Cleveland Cavaliers all-time leading scorer.
No. 1 draft pick in 2003; 2004 NBA Rookie of the Year
Workout and Fitness:
Ices back and feet prior to workouts.
30 minutes of combines stretching and yoga.
Incorporate Pilates reformer into his cross-training.
Various gym and ball-on-the-court workouts.
Off the court workouts consist of pilates, boxing, cycling, sprints.
Cool-downs consist of stretching, as well as actively stretching throughout the day.
Diet and Nutrition:
Meal 1, 6:25 a.m.:  Whole wheat bagel with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
Meal 2, 9:30 a.m.: 1 cup orange juice, 1 banana, 1 scoop protein powder with 1 cup of low-fat milk
Meal 3, 12:00 noon: Lean roast beef with whole wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, 2 tbsp of mustard, low fay cheddar cheese and 1-cup of low-fat milk.
Meal 4, 2:30 p.m.: 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1 cup low-fat natural yogurt, 1/2 glass of milk, 1 granola bar.
Meal 5, 6:00 p.m.: 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup milk, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup  low-fat strawberry yogurt, with optional 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
Meal 6. 8:30 p.m.: 1 1/2 cup small broccoli, 1/2 cup rice, 1/3 cup
Community Involvement:
Founded the LeBron Family Foundation.
Is active in Wheels for Education, Boys and Girls Club and the I Promise Network.
8. Floyd Mayweather, Jr., Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) on Aug 22, 2016 at 8:08am PDT
First championship belt won in 1998 at 21.
Record 49-0, 26 knockouts.
WBC super featherweight champion, WBC lightweight champion, WBC light-welterweight champion, WBC light-middleweight champion.
He is a two-time winner of The Ring magazine’s Fighter of the Year award (1998 and 2007)
Three-time winner of the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) Fighter of the Year award (2007, 2013, and 2015), and a six-time winner of the Best Fighter ESPY Award (2007–10, 2012–14).
In 2016 Mayweather peaked as BoxRec’s number one pound for pound fighter of all time; as well as the greatest welterweight of all time.
In 2016, ESPN ranked Mayweather as the greatest pound for pound boxer of the last 25 years.
Workout and Fitness:
Favorite pre-fight workout is shadowboxing.
Drill work includes sparring, speed & heavy bag, neck workout w/weights, 200 sit-ups, pull-ups, dips, jump rope, and 5-8 mile run.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Personal chef Quiana Jeffries said Mayweather only eats organic fruits/veggies and focuses on high levels of protein, low carbs, and no pork!
Community Involvement:
Founded the Mayweather Foundation, which empowers and encourages community alliances, impacts youth leadership and strengthens family foundations through community development, entrepreneurialism, and education resulting in a healthier community.
9. Conor McGregor, Professional MMA Fighter – REMOVED
A photo posted by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) on Dec 24, 2016 at 6:49am PST
“There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that is that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.”
He is the reigning UFC Lightweight Champion and former UFC Featherweight Champion.
He has competed as a featherweight, lightweight, and welterweight.
Has fastest victory in UFC title fight history- 13 seconds into the first round.
Became the first fighter in UFC’s history to hold titles in two divisions simultaneously.
He is known for being the biggest pay-per-view draw in MMA.
Workout and Fitness:
Does not adhere to a strict schedule, but as soon as he wakes up, he’s moving.
Said he is self-taught and nothing is done by the clock.
Does yoga every day and believes that balance is imperative- anything that doesn’t improve his core is not beneficial in his opinion.
Does jiu-jitsu.
Jump ropes.
Lifts weights.
Dead hangs from objects.
According to him, however, his most valuable skill is intangible. “My belief is my best asset, and I have a stronger mindset than my opponent,” he says.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Drinks water first thing in the morning, even before coffee.
Tackled his sweet tooth by substituting his cravings with cinnamon instead.
Has a notorious “Eat Clean” diet.
His coach posted a picture of the fridge his McGregor’s house and the entire contents of it included: salmon, chicken, steak, fruit and veg.
No bread.
Doesn’t eat fast food.
Has said “I have a sweet tooth — that would be where I’d put on some weight out of fighting is somebody brings in a pack of cakes and coffee. But the majority, I’ll eat good-quality meats, good-quality greens, good-quality carbohydrates like sweet potato and butternut squash, and that is it.”
Community Involvement:
Has done various appearances to raise funds for the homeless charities in Ireland.
In 2015 he donated €50,000 to two of Ireland’s homeless charities: Simon Community and Focus Ireland.
10. Wladimir Klitshko, Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Wladimir Klitschko (@klitschko_official) on Sep 22, 2016 at 5:08am PDT
Former Heavyweight Champion, holding WBA, IBF, 2-time WBO, IBO, and The Ring championship titles.
Ph. D in sports science.
He is known to be a highly strategic and cerebrally-minded boxer, and is considered to be one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time.
He is among the hardest punching knockout artists in the history of the division.
Klitschko has fought in 28 heavyweight title fights, more than any heavyweight champion in the sport’s history.
He also holds the record of having defeated the most boxers with an undefeated record, at 12.
Workout and Fitness:
Recently launched a fitness program focused on total body performance.  The app matches a workout regimen and nutrition plan to the user.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Loads up on carbs the week before fights. He eats a lot of oatmeal and pasta, and red meat for iron. He says this helps him perform at his highest levels.
Does not consume meats any less than 6-7 hrs before a fight.
Community Involvement: 
Supports Laureus Sport for Good Foundation & UNESCO
Charities focus on at-risk youth, children, education, human rights, literacy, poverty, and sports.
On 29 March 2012, during a charitable auction in Kiev, Ukraine, Wladimir auctioned off his 1996 Olympic gold medal to a buyer who bid $1 million. Klitschko said he would use the money to help the dreams of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children. After the sale, the buyer immediately returned the medal out of respect for Wladimir and because he wanted it to remain with the Klitschko family.
Honorary Fittest Athlete in the World
Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 Driver
A photo posted by Michael Schumacher (@michaelschumacher) on Dec 19, 2016 at 3:09am PST
Since Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident on December 29, 2013, the 7-time Formula 1 world champion has been fighting for his life and I have kept him in my thoughts. I grew up in Germany and Michael was a living legend and inspiration to people everywhere said Samir Becic, 4-time world’s best fitness trainer. This accident affected me in a way I had not anticipated – it brought to mind my own vulnerability. Considering that Michael Schumacher is fighting for his life, and he’s not giving up, and considering he was one of the fittest Formulate One drivers in the history of the sport, the Health Fitness Revolution team is honoring him as the honorary fittest athlete in the world.
Michael, get well soon!
Seven-time Formula One World Champion and is widely regarded as one of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time
He was named Laureus World Sportsman of the Year twice
He holds many of Formula One’s driver records, including most championships, race victories, fastest laps, pole positions and most races won in a single season – 13 in 2004 (the last of these records was equalled by fellow German Sebastian Vettelnine years later)
In 2002, he became the only driver in Formula One history to finish in the top three in every race of a season and then also broke the record for most consecutive podium finishes
According to the official Formula One website, he is statistically the greatest driver the sport has ever seen
Workout and Fitness:
Michael Schumacher trained up to six hours a day for improving his physical strength, reaction time and coordination
 The sports training concentrated on improving his physical strength, his reaction time, his coordination and flexibility
Is a legendary workout freak who became quicker, stronger, and fitter than his competition by outworking them in the weight room
Spent hours in the gym honing himself into a lean, light and strong performance athlete, with a combination of endurance training and core strength exercises
Diet and Nutrition Intake:
A journalist once said that his interview with Schumacher was interrupted every 45 minutes by Michaels’ nutritionist, who would hand him his next handful of calorie-controlled, nutritionally-balanced mixed nuts and berries
Formula 1 drivers know the importance of a strict diet and fitness, which can sometimes be a matter of life and death. An F1 nutritionist says that drivers must eat proteins (meat — even better if white — eggs), carbohydrates (pasta, bread), vitamins and fibers (cereals, fruits, vegetables). They should of course, avoid too much fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol.
Michael has his own health instructor and dietician who help him in charting out the right diet plan and regulating his carbohydrate and protein intake.
During race weekends he eats food with lots of carbs like pasta and bread. This helps in keeping the energy levels up.
Before and throughout a race he drinks lots of water to avoid dehydration. A F1 driver loses about 3kgs of weight in every race
Community Involvement:
The former Ferrari driver is a Special Envoy for Education and Sport and donated €1.5 million to the organization
In a 2002 interview with the organization, he explained his dedication to funding projects: “I really want to help the ones people don’t know about. Nowadays, certain projects attract lots of donors. Then there are others you never hear about. Those are the ones I’m interested in.”
He also once told F1 magazine that: “It’s great if you can use your fame and the power your fame gives you to draw attention to things that really matter.”
In 2002, Schumacher funded the construction of a school in a poor slum in Dakar, the capital of the West African state of Senegal
In 1997, Schumacher opened a clinic for child victims of the Balkans War. The clinic provides artificial limbs for amputees as well as psychological support.
In 2002, he funded the construction of a ‘Palace for the Poor’ in Lima, Peru which caters for homeless children and provides education, food and medical treatment for street children.
Along with his two sons, Schumacher’s bodyguard lost his life in in the 2004 Tsunami following the Indian Ocean earthquake. Schumi donated over €7 million in aid which meant that he gave more money than many individual countries, sports entities and organizations.
Schumacher is also known to support UNICEF and Childline, as well as road safety campaigns.
  Health Fitness Revolution by Samir Becic Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, to make the world a healthier, fitter place, please donate!
[Read More ...] http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/top-10-fittest-male-athletes-in-the-world-2017/
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Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017
*Update 04/10/18: After careful consideration, the Health Fitness Revolution team has concluded that professional mixed martial artist Conor Anthony McGregor will be removed from the list of the “Top 10 Fittest Male Athletes in the World 2017” based on the incident that occurred during UFC 223 Saturday night (April 7, 2018) at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. 
“McGregor’s unprofessional behavior that endangered people’s health through violence is not worthy of a professional athlete who is supposed to be a positive example to younger generations. I’m tired of seeing athletes behave badly without any consequences! It is time to stop this madness and hold them accountable for their actions! I truly hope that this will be a powerful lesson to McGregor and he will learn to control his anger through any means necessary including (but not limited to) legal action and medical assistance.” -HFR founder Samir Becic
With hundreds of professional sports out there and thousands more professional athletes to choose from, Samir Becic and the HFR Institute put in 500 man-hours to compile this list of the 10 most all-around fit athletes. The list started with hundreds of professional athletes from various sports and was eventually narrowed down to the fittest 10. The list, though difficult to narrow down, was a result of extensive research by the HFR institute.
The research included various analyses of the demands, strengths and weaknesses of the different sports each athlete hails from. Furthermore, we took into account personal habits, such as on and off-season training regimens, diet and nutrition intake, and their involvement in promoting health and fitness in their communities.
“It’s not important who the fittest athletes in the world are,” Samir Becic said. “What’s important is that all the athletes spread the message of having a healthy lifestyle. With a healthy lifestyle, physical fitness, healthy nutrition, mental, social and spiritual balance, we can control, manage or completely avoid over 70% of all illnesses known to mankind.”
Our list placed swimming powerhouse, Michael Phelps on top due to his success at this years Olympic Games, which he still dominated despite having only come out of retirement 2 years ago. “Michael Phelps is one of the most successful atheletes in the history of the Olympic Games. And I actually mean, THE most successful athlete in Olympic history, period.” said Becic.
He continues “McGregor, making our list for the first time, is the biggest surprise. Usually, someone so new to the world stage doesn’t cut it. But, an extraordinary personality and unbelievable fitness regimen makes him deserving of this feature. Another well-deserved addition to this years list is Zlatan Ibrahimovic, an extraordinary athlete with an equally extraordinary personality who, even at 35, is making the soccer world crazy. Congratulations also to Andy Murray for a great comeback and year!”
Finally, Becic says “for the second year in a row, Michael Schumacher, the F1 mega-star, is an honorary champion. Schumacher- if anybody can do this, you can do it!”
We weighed several physical statistics including:
cardio training
training regimen
diet and nutrition intake
and promotion of sports, physical fitness, healthy living and community involvement
Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic:
1. Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer
A photo posted by Michael Phelps (@m_phelps00) on Dec 20, 2016 at 10:08am PST
Youngest member on the US Olympic team at age 15
Broke the world record in the 200 meter butterfly in 2001 at the age of 16
2003: Phelps won 4 gold medals, 2 silver medals and broke 5 world records at the world championships in Barcelona
2005: Phelps won 5 gold medals and a silver at the world championships in Montreal
2007: Phelps received 7 gold medals in the world championships
From 2004-2012, he won 22 medals at the Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Beijing and London—18 gold, two silver and two bronze—and setting the record for the most medal wins by any Olympian
After retiring after the 2012 Olympic games, he came out of retirement in April 2014, stating that this time, he would be swimming for himself- not the medals, fans, or fame.
At the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he won 5 gold medals and one silver.
He is the most decorated Olympian of all time with a total of 28 medals, 23 of which are gold.
Workout and Fitness:
Works out 6 hours a day 6 times a week, incorporating both swimming and dry-land training
Weight training, cardiovascular conditioning, and swims a minimum of 50 miles a week
Balance between weight training and body-weight training
Community Involvement:
Founded the Michael Phelps Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on growing the sport of swimming and promoting healthy and active lifestyle, especially for children
2. Usain Bolt, Olympic Sprinter
A photo posted by Usain St.Leo Bolt (@usainbolt) on Dec 30, 2016 at 6:02am PST
Regarded as the fastest human ever timed.
Jupiter Award for work with United Way Jamaica.
First Olympian in history to win both 100m and 200m races in world record times.
9 Olympic gold medals.
11 gold medals in the world championships and 2 silver medals.
6 time IAAF Athlete of the Year.
Workout and Fitness:
90 minutes daily – focusing on his core and back
He focuses his time not on building muscle but rather building his explosiveness with leg extensions and hamstring curls
30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest – three sets of each of the following: leg raises, side sweeps, reverse crunches, side plank clams
Diet and Nutrition:
Daily protein intake consists of saltfish for breakfast (traditional Jamaican dish)
Chicken for lunch, and pork for dinner. His carbs include pasta, rice, and potatoes.
Diet contains 60% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fats.
One of Usain’s nutritional secrets is yams – a good source of vitamins C and A
Community Involvement
Founded the Usain Bolt Foundation
Focuses on providing a healthy and safe environment to children in need
Also creates educational and recreational opportunities throughout the Kingston community
Supports Small Steps Project (humanitarian organization)
3. Cristiano Ronaldo, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano) on Dec 20, 2016 at 9:05am PST
UEFA Best Player in Europe
Ballon d’Or (World’s best Footballer of the Year). He received his fourth Ballon d’Or in 2016, the most for a European player in the history of the award. One year earlier, Ronaldo had scored his 500th senior career goal for club and country.
FIFA World Player of the Year.
4-time European Golden Shoe award winner.
In 2016, Forbes named him the world best-paid athlete due to his high marketability.
In June 2016, ESPN ranked him the world’s most famous athlete.
Workout Routine: 
Gets lots of sleep, goes to bed early
Workout consists of a combination of cardio (running and rowing) and weight training to ensure that workouts target all areas of the body and increase both strength and stamina
Considers cardio as key for building up endurance and stamina and staying trim. Aims for cardio workouts at least 30 minutes in length, gradually increasing the number of sessions over time
Listens to his favorite music when working out to keep him motivated (hip hop & reggae)
Daily workouts lasting approximately 3-4 hours each
Workout includes squats, box jumps, broad jumps, jumping lunges, and lateral bounds
Completes up to 3000 sit-ups per workout
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks plenty of water
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs
Enjoys meals with fish; will order a steak with salad when eating out
Lots of fruits and vegetables
Cut out alcohol
Avoids sugary foods
Community Involvement
Supports many charities, including UNICEF, Save the Children, and World Vision
Participated in raising funds for the reconstruction of Aceh, Indonesia after 2004 earthquake and tsunami
Donated $83,000 to pay for 10-month old Erik Ortiz Cruz’s brain operation in 2012
4. Andy Murray, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Andy Murray (@andymurray) on Nov 20, 2016 at 1:04pm PST
“Earlier in my career I used to spend a lot of time practising my tennis on court,” Murray says. “Now I’ve learned that it’s better to do just a couple of hours on court and two gym sessions a day. That’s what’s made me fitter and stronger.”
Currently ranked #1 in men’s singles.
3 time Grand-slam tournament winner.
2 time Olympic champion.
Davis cup champion
Winner of the 2016 ATP World Tour Finals.
Following his run to winning the 2016 Paris Masters, Murray became world No. 1 on 7 November 2016.
He was named a Knight Bachelor in the 2017 New Year Honours list.
Has won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award a record three times.
Workout Routine: 
Says he spends most of the year maintaining his fitness, that he has very little time to actually improve his fitness.
During the few short breaks in the year, he combines relaxation and rest with running the track and spending time in the gym.
A full time tennis writer for Men’s Health said his training is so hard it borders on brutal and that Murray puts literally nauseating effort into his sprint sessions, as he aims to improve his speed and endurance.
Does some 400m repetition running for endurance on the court.
Lifts weights in the gym.
Does a lot of core stability to work to improve his balance.
Pays very close attention to details and perfection in his training.
Is a huge boxing fanatic and even sees some clear parallels between the two disciplines. “When you train, it’s a lot like tennis,” he says. “You need to have agility, speed, aggression, co-ordination, tactics – there’s a lot of similarity between the sports.”
Diet and Nutrition
Drinks 6 liters of water a day.
Eats a varied diet.
High protein diet with whole-grain carbs.
Is said to eat 6000 calories a day.
Avoids alcohol and sugars at all costs.
Eats 6 meals a day.
Community Involvement
Murray is a founding member of the Malaria No More UK Leadership Council and helped launch the charity in 2009 with David Beckham.
Often participates in charity tennis tournaments for various causes.
As a result of his various charitable exploits, Murray was awarded the Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year award for 2014.
5. Zlatan Ibrahimović, Professional Soccer Player
A photo posted by IAmZlatan (@iamzlatanibrahimovic) on Nov 21, 2016 at 1:55pm PST
“Football is everything. It is made up of many small parts to make it whole. It is being healthy, being happy and something I love. For me, it is passion.”
Swedish Bosnian player who made his international debut on the Swedish national team 2001 and served as captain until his retirement from international football in 2016. He still plays for Manchester United.
He is widely regarded as one of the best strikers in the game and one of the best footballers of his generation.
His remarkable bicycle kick for Sweden against England won him the 2013 FIFA Puskás Award for Goal of the Year.
In December 2013, Ibrahimović was ranked by The Guardian as the third-best player in the world, behind only Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo (who is also on this list).
In December 2014, the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter named him the second-greatest Swedish sportsperson of all time, after tennis player Björn Borg.
Workout Routine: 
Thinks talent accounts for about 30% of success, that the rest is hard work. Has said “Talent doesn’t mean you will win. Talent is something you are born with. You see the opportunity of somebody with talent, but if you don’t work hard, this talent is a waste of time.”
Sleeps very late after a game. Has said that after a match he cannot go to sleep due to the adrenaline. That if he does manage to fall asleep, it is usually at 5 or 6 in the morning, even though he does try to go to sleep at a reasonable time.
Has a black belt in taekwondo, a disciplinary training which has undoubtedly helped his soccer training and skill. He has said of the sport “It (taekwondo) is a sport that requires control and is also a great way of releasing aggression. I am a black belt and I am often asked if I will be a judge at the biggest tournaments in the world.”
Says he listens to reggae while he trains intensively, it keeps him calm.
Does a lot of cardio, including running on the treadmill.
Lifts weights for strentgh training.
Does core work for stability.
Diet and Nutrition
Has said that at the beginning of his career, he didn’t pay attention to what he ate, but he is now very conscious of what he puts in his body. He says what he eats is directly related to how active he is.
Community Involvement
In February of 2015, Ibrahimovic temporarily tattooed 15 names of people starving in an effort to raise awareness about world hunger. He said at the time on PSG’s official website “Saturday evening against Caen, when I took off my shirt, everyone asked what these new tattoos were. I had 15 temporary tattoos on my body. They were the names of real people who suffer from starvation in the world. Even if the tattoos are gone today, these people are still there. There are 805 million starving people in the world. I want you to see them, through me, to help the World Food Programme.”
This was the first time he publicly worked with a charity.
6. Novak Djokovic, Professional Tennis Player
A photo posted by Novak Djokovic (@djokernole) on Nov 8, 2015 at 9:58am PST
Twice named US Sports Academy’s Male Athlete of the Year.
4 time ATP Year-end Number 1.
Best Male Tennis Player in Serbia.
12 Grand Slam titles: 6-time winner of the Australian Open, 3-time winner of Wimbledon, 2-time winner of the US Open winner, and 1-time French Open winner.
As of August 2016, he holds the best match winning rate (83.00%) in Open Era.
2012, 2015, and 2016 Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year.
2011 BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year.
Novak Djokovic was named the fittest male athlete on our list in 2015.
Workout and Fitness:
Warm-up consists of explosive stretches and resistance band work.
Workout includes fast-paced exercises with focus on plyometrics, reflex movements and balance.
Off-season training includes implementing yoga.
Diet and Nutrition:
Coffee or tea, grapefruit, gluten-free bagel with low-fat cream cheese, eggs
Salad, grilled lean hamburger, gluten-free bread, iced tea or coffee
String cheese
Salad, oil and vinegar dressing, salmon prepared with lemon, brown rice and vegetables
Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies
Community Involvement:
Raised $1,400,000 for early childhood education
Founder of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, dedicated to creating a lasting change in the lives of Serbian children in need by promoting healthy eating, early education, constructive parenting, and becoming involved in exercise and sports
Leader of a campaign against child labor
He is also a UNICEF Ambassador in Serbia
Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year Award
7. LeBron James, Professional Basketball Player
A photo posted by LeBron James (@kingjames) on Dec 12, 2016 at 10:26am PST
12-time NBA All Star.
3-time NBA Champion.
4-time NBA  MVPs.
2-time NBA finals MVP.
2 Olympic Gold Medals.
Led Miami Heat to a 27-game winning streak – the longest winning streak in NBA history.
Cleveland Cavaliers all-time leading scorer.
No. 1 draft pick in 2003; 2004 NBA Rookie of the Year
Workout and Fitness:
Ices back and feet prior to workouts.
30 minutes of combines stretching and yoga.
Incorporate Pilates reformer into his cross-training.
Various gym and ball-on-the-court workouts.
Off the court workouts consist of pilates, boxing, cycling, sprints.
Cool-downs consist of stretching, as well as actively stretching throughout the day.
Diet and Nutrition:
Meal 1, 6:25 a.m.:  Whole wheat bagel with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese
Meal 2, 9:30 a.m.: 1 cup orange juice, 1 banana, 1 scoop protein powder with 1 cup of low-fat milk
Meal 3, 12:00 noon: Lean roast beef with whole wheat bun, lettuce, tomato, 2 tbsp of mustard, low fay cheddar cheese and 1-cup of low-fat milk.
Meal 4, 2:30 p.m.: 1/2 cup of blueberries, 1 cup low-fat natural yogurt, 1/2 glass of milk, 1 granola bar.
Meal 5, 6:00 p.m.: 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup milk, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup  low-fat strawberry yogurt, with optional 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
Meal 6. 8:30 p.m.: 1 1/2 cup small broccoli, 1/2 cup rice, 1/3 cup
Community Involvement:
Founded the LeBron Family Foundation.
Is active in Wheels for Education, Boys and Girls Club and the I Promise Network.
8. Floyd Mayweather, Jr., Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) on Aug 22, 2016 at 8:08am PDT
First championship belt won in 1998 at 21.
Record 49-0, 26 knockouts.
WBC super featherweight champion, WBC lightweight champion, WBC light-welterweight champion, WBC light-middleweight champion.
He is a two-time winner of The Ring magazine’s Fighter of the Year award (1998 and 2007)
Three-time winner of the Boxing Writers Association of America (BWAA) Fighter of the Year award (2007, 2013, and 2015), and a six-time winner of the Best Fighter ESPY Award (2007–10, 2012–14).
In 2016 Mayweather peaked as BoxRec’s number one pound for pound fighter of all time; as well as the greatest welterweight of all time.
In 2016, ESPN ranked Mayweather as the greatest pound for pound boxer of the last 25 years.
Workout and Fitness:
Favorite pre-fight workout is shadowboxing.
Drill work includes sparring, speed & heavy bag, neck workout w/weights, 200 sit-ups, pull-ups, dips, jump rope, and 5-8 mile run.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Personal chef Quiana Jeffries said Mayweather only eats organic fruits/veggies and focuses on high levels of protein, low carbs, and no pork!
Community Involvement:
Founded the Mayweather Foundation, which empowers and encourages community alliances, impacts youth leadership and strengthens family foundations through community development, entrepreneurialism, and education resulting in a healthier community.
9. Conor McGregor, Professional MMA Fighter – REMOVED
A photo posted by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) on Dec 24, 2016 at 6:49am PST
“There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession. Talent does not exist, we are all equal as human beings. You could be anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, and that is that. I am not talented, I am obsessed.”
He is the reigning UFC Lightweight Champion and former UFC Featherweight Champion.
He has competed as a featherweight, lightweight, and welterweight.
Has fastest victory in UFC title fight history- 13 seconds into the first round.
Became the first fighter in UFC’s history to hold titles in two divisions simultaneously.
He is known for being the biggest pay-per-view draw in MMA.
Workout and Fitness:
Does not adhere to a strict schedule, but as soon as he wakes up, he’s moving.
Said he is self-taught and nothing is done by the clock.
Does yoga every day and believes that balance is imperative- anything that doesn’t improve his core is not beneficial in his opinion.
Does jiu-jitsu.
Jump ropes.
Lifts weights.
Dead hangs from objects.
According to him, however, his most valuable skill is intangible. “My belief is my best asset, and I have a stronger mindset than my opponent,” he says.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Drinks water first thing in the morning, even before coffee.
Tackled his sweet tooth by substituting his cravings with cinnamon instead.
Has a notorious “Eat Clean” diet.
His coach posted a picture of the fridge his McGregor’s house and the entire contents of it included: salmon, chicken, steak, fruit and veg.
No bread.
Doesn’t eat fast food.
Has said “I have a sweet tooth — that would be where I’d put on some weight out of fighting is somebody brings in a pack of cakes and coffee. But the majority, I’ll eat good-quality meats, good-quality greens, good-quality carbohydrates like sweet potato and butternut squash, and that is it.”
Community Involvement:
Has done various appearances to raise funds for the homeless charities in Ireland.
In 2015 he donated €50,000 to two of Ireland’s homeless charities: Simon Community and Focus Ireland.
10. Wladimir Klitshko, Professional Boxer
A photo posted by Wladimir Klitschko (@klitschko_official) on Sep 22, 2016 at 5:08am PDT
Former Heavyweight Champion, holding WBA, IBF, 2-time WBO, IBO, and The Ring championship titles.
Ph. D in sports science.
He is known to be a highly strategic and cerebrally-minded boxer, and is considered to be one of the greatest heavyweight champions of all time.
He is among the hardest punching knockout artists in the history of the division.
Klitschko has fought in 28 heavyweight title fights, more than any heavyweight champion in the sport’s history.
He also holds the record of having defeated the most boxers with an undefeated record, at 12.
Workout and Fitness:
Recently launched a fitness program focused on total body performance.  The app matches a workout regimen and nutrition plan to the user.
Diet and Nutrition: 
Loads up on carbs the week before fights. He eats a lot of oatmeal and pasta, and red meat for iron. He says this helps him perform at his highest levels.
Does not consume meats any less than 6-7 hrs before a fight.
Community Involvement: 
Supports Laureus Sport for Good Foundation & UNESCO
Charities focus on at-risk youth, children, education, human rights, literacy, poverty, and sports.
On 29 March 2012, during a charitable auction in Kiev, Ukraine, Wladimir auctioned off his 1996 Olympic gold medal to a buyer who bid $1 million. Klitschko said he would use the money to help the dreams of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children. After the sale, the buyer immediately returned the medal out of respect for Wladimir and because he wanted it to remain with the Klitschko family.
Honorary Fittest Athlete in the World
Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 Driver
A photo posted by Michael Schumacher (@michaelschumacher) on Dec 19, 2016 at 3:09am PST
Since Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident on December 29, 2013, the 7-time Formula 1 world champion has been fighting for his life and I have kept him in my thoughts. I grew up in Germany and Michael was a living legend and inspiration to people everywhere said Samir Becic, 4-time world’s best fitness trainer. This accident affected me in a way I had not anticipated – it brought to mind my own vulnerability. Considering that Michael Schumacher is fighting for his life, and he’s not giving up, and considering he was one of the fittest Formulate One drivers in the history of the sport, the Health Fitness Revolution team is honoring him as the honorary fittest athlete in the world.
Michael, get well soon!
Seven-time Formula One World Champion and is widely regarded as one of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time
He was named Laureus World Sportsman of the Year twice
He holds many of Formula One’s driver records, including most championships, race victories, fastest laps, pole positions and most races won in a single season – 13 in 2004 (the last of these records was equalled by fellow German Sebastian Vettelnine years later)
In 2002, he became the only driver in Formula One history to finish in the top three in every race of a season and then also broke the record for most consecutive podium finishes
According to the official Formula One website, he is statistically the greatest driver the sport has ever seen
Workout and Fitness:
Michael Schumacher trained up to six hours a day for improving his physical strength, reaction time and coordination
 The sports training concentrated on improving his physical strength, his reaction time, his coordination and flexibility
Is a legendary workout freak who became quicker, stronger, and fitter than his competition by outworking them in the weight room
Spent hours in the gym honing himself into a lean, light and strong performance athlete, with a combination of endurance training and core strength exercises
Diet and Nutrition Intake:
A journalist once said that his interview with Schumacher was interrupted every 45 minutes by Michaels’ nutritionist, who would hand him his next handful of calorie-controlled, nutritionally-balanced mixed nuts and berries
Formula 1 drivers know the importance of a strict diet and fitness, which can sometimes be a matter of life and death. An F1 nutritionist says that drivers must eat proteins (meat — even better if white — eggs), carbohydrates (pasta, bread), vitamins and fibers (cereals, fruits, vegetables). They should of course, avoid too much fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol.
Michael has his own health instructor and dietician who help him in charting out the right diet plan and regulating his carbohydrate and protein intake.
During race weekends he eats food with lots of carbs like pasta and bread. This helps in keeping the energy levels up.
Before and throughout a race he drinks lots of water to avoid dehydration. A F1 driver loses about 3kgs of weight in every race
Community Involvement:
The former Ferrari driver is a Special Envoy for Education and Sport and donated €1.5 million to the organization
In a 2002 interview with the organization, he explained his dedication to funding projects: “I really want to help the ones people don’t know about. Nowadays, certain projects attract lots of donors. Then there are others you never hear about. Those are the ones I’m interested in.”
He also once told F1 magazine that: “It’s great if you can use your fame and the power your fame gives you to draw attention to things that really matter.”
In 2002, Schumacher funded the construction of a school in a poor slum in Dakar, the capital of the West African state of Senegal
In 1997, Schumacher opened a clinic for child victims of the Balkans War. The clinic provides artificial limbs for amputees as well as psychological support.
In 2002, he funded the construction of a ‘Palace for the Poor’ in Lima, Peru which caters for homeless children and provides education, food and medical treatment for street children.
Along with his two sons, Schumacher’s bodyguard lost his life in in the 2004 Tsunami following the Indian Ocean earthquake. Schumi donated over €7 million in aid which meant that he gave more money than many individual countries, sports entities and organizations.
Schumacher is also known to support UNICEF and Childline, as well as road safety campaigns.
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Texas iSchool to Research study White Home Social network Archives. Program grantees work with brand-new techniques to harvesting and also deploying data to enhance advocacy and enable lobbyists to make use of information as well as innovation to optimal impact. provides vacationers the within track to the very best bargains as well as discounts, even at the last minute. At the top of your Chrome window, near the internet address, click the eco-friendly lock identified Secure. Zakopane is a little visitor community located at the foot of the Tatra mountains, regarding 20 km additionally south than Nowy Targ. Climate Nowy Targ - Weather report: - for today, - for tomorrow, - for a week, - for a month. All rivals ought to reserve spots in the tournament by calling Adam Kieta by Thursday afternoon, at the current. Time S.A. nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za treść wypowiedzi zamieszczanych przez użytkowników serwisu. The brand-new vector is referred to as BlueBorne", as it spread out with the air (air-borne) and also assaults gadgets via Bluetooth. This means a Bluetooth link can be developed without matching the tools at all. Volusia lifeguards saved 61 swimmers from the county's beaches Sunday, as officials are bracing for massive Labor Day groups. You can even select your preferred locations to get personalized deals. U.S. Legislator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania was one of 6 participants of a bipartisan group at a dinner with Head of state Trump reviewing tax reform Tuesday night. We assist tourists find a bus, story routes, and also book intercity bus tickets around the globe. The program lasts for 1 year (unless the training needs of the setting call for a longer as well as a lot more structured training program). This is then sterilised in pressure cookers, washed, and the undigested fibers redeemed. And 60% of bus travelers have actually used their digital gadget aboard during 2014. Już pierwszego dnia wojny Słowacy i Niemcy zajęli znaczną część Podhala, Zakopane i Nowy Targ. The congestion on Glades Roadway is undoubtedly a result of growth between Boca Raton and Delray Coastline. . KAMANDAG enhances military-to-military connections as well as prepares Militaries for real world terrorist or altruistic situations. The town is positioned in a valley beneath the Gorce Mountains showcasing Gorce National Park established in 1981, at the confluence of rivers Biały and Czarny Dunajec Administratively, it remains in Nowy Targ Area in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship It was formerly in Nowy Sącz Voivodeship (1975-1998). This is a travel podhale and tourist guide about the nation of Polska which is located in central Europe. The most common place to get in the park is situated by the village Zajowa. Une variation adaptée de ce contenu est disponible put notre public global. Some big communities could have had more than one Yizkor book released at different times. It has actually required the division to shut the reception area, command desk and front door area up until additional notice. Multiple tires slashed several times, their two husky pets targeted as well as fed something that made them sluggish, and also later on melted with a caustic chemical. A man struggling with noticeable gunfire wounds was found in a Sunup roadway Friday night, authorities claimed. Newest port phone call is NEWPORT NEWS, USA Currently the vessel MV PODHALE is on her following location to NEWPORT NEWS and also the estimated time of arrival (ETA) is around Sep 15, 10:00. Unfortunately, real-time streaming for this match isn't offered at bet365. When as long as he or she fulfills the qualification requirements, an individual may use for the PMF Program even more than. Our Gazdówka is authentic - right here you will certainly feel as the people staying in Podhale over half a century ago - without plastic and artifice. Vocalist Johnny Manuel stuns with his rendition of the Dreamgirls timeless. This is why the susceptabilities which comprise BlueBorne are based on the numerous implementations of the Bluetooth method, as well as are much more severe and also widespread than those of recent years. Don't worry - your e-mail address is safe with us. We'll never ever share your private information and also you can unsubscribe at any time. Palfrey, that plays Big Mother in the West End manufacturing, undertook an emergency appendectomy. In method, information is normally lugged by weak stimulations that need to be discovered by specialized sensory systems as well as magnified by power inputs before they can be practical to the microorganism or system. Lafaro Insurance policy Agency on Peach Road held the picnic in the car park outside its workplace. Apple has actually never collaborated with any government company from any type of nation to develop a backdoor" in any one of our products or services. This provides the visitor with numerous chances for learning more about Polska, whether you enjoy the lots of monoliths, historical churches or structures, history of areas, or more modern-day destinations, you will certainly locate something that fits you. However wifi barely operates in the same way, moreover, as the GSM coverage. A court just recently approved a negotiation that mandates an advertising team and also a number of cruise lines compensate for their telemarketing calls. Trening dla profesjonalnego sportowca czy starszej osoby powinien różnić się tylko obciążeniem i stopniem intensywności, a nie rodzajem. Amanda Lee Myers, Associated Press Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 9:45 AM UTC 0. The host was super pleasant as well as addressed promptly to every inquiry. Transforming the SketchUp versions as well as prep work for X-Plane: Christer Haeberli. This student really did not have home web, so he could not do research. In 1986, a resurgence of The Royal Shakespeare Company's 8 1/2- hour manufacturing of The Life and also Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby opens on Broadway. President Donald Trump threatened to shut down the government unless Congress funds his proposed border wall surface. It still remains above the national price, which raised one-tenth of a percent to 4.4 in August. MONDIAUX - L'Autrichien Marcel Hirscher a réalisé le meilleur chrono de la 1re manche du géant, vendredi matin à Saint-Moritz, en battant kid compatriote Philip Schoerghofer de 0" 26 et le Français Alexis Pinturault de 0" 35. Consequently, you could not only have a good time, however also a preference of healthy rural food. Inning accordance with data from Eight, a cushion brand that tracks the rest data of greater than 10,000 people with its app-connected cushions, Americans rested improperly on Monday night. The Oscar-winning stage and screen star will be celebrated at the DROOP Awards. You will certainly now obtain the Early Returns e-newsletter. The proprietors were really welcoming and also really handy with recommendations as well as questions as well as always offered. There are 9 entries for this community in the Gesher Galicia Family Finder. Take a look at the specific place of the bus drops in both cities, find out about separation times as well as book the ideal bus! Partager sur Facebook Tweeter Google+ 0 partages. Acronym of the record group; not all types noted are offered for all communities. The Tatra hills seen through the eyes of Youthful Poland musicians. No. The Teaching fellowship placement either need to be related either to the student's scholastic discipline or the pupil's occupation interests. Maroc: Un sit-in put dénoncer les violences sexuelles à l'encontre des femmes: L'agression .../ YIM7Ajvt0i. The Greenville North State All Stars, Southeast champs, beat Texas Wednesday to progress to the United States champion in the 2017 Little League Baseball World Series. Agencies have the discernment to conduct outreach on schools prior to (or without) uploading a USAJOBS announcement. Podhale: A Friend Guide to the Polish Highlands Hardcover - May 1, 1997. The Patio Feast generated 9 local music groups to take control of the front decks of homes in an old downtown Erie area. Similar to gauze plasters designed for surface area wounds, that's indicated to create an obstacle to blood flow, offer a huge area for clotting, and apply stress to the injury. Polecam Góralską Strawę w Nowym Targu, tuż za miastem, przy wyjeździe na Ludźmierz. Images have been published of locations Irma caused the most damage, primarily on the west side of the state. The Tony-winning star will certainly contribute his time to benefit the American Theater Wing. Six individuals were required to the healthcare facility Monday after an institution bus collided with a vehicle north of Cutler Bay. Nowy Targ along the Dunajec River, located in the valley below the Gorce Mountains, is the capital of the area. OPM is prohibited by legislation from handing over these functions to any company. Well, I presume we'll just need to see and wait if Hoover trouble to earn anything from that last declaration. As well as a lot of these credential owners have well-paying jobs. Zajęcia przeznaczone dla osób, które chcą rozpocząć przygodę z regularnym treningiem. If owning from Krakow, after that adhere to the indicators for Chyzne until you run out Krakow when traveling number 7 going southern. Area helpful for undemanding skiers that do not such as crowds on the inclines and want to stay clear of the queues for the lifts. It's been 2 days because Storm Irma made landfall on the Florida coast, and also slowly homeowners are grabbing the pieces. Our work seeks to advance genuine responsibility as well as human rights work through the release, growth, and use of high-value information sets. Just reserved in Zakopane: 36 guesthouses like Pensjonat Podhale were simply scheduled on our website. Close-by are excellent locations for strolling and Nordic walking, cross-country skiing. We frequently get ask for information concerning our customers and also their Apple tools from law enforcement. It resembles you just attempted to go into a non-countryName contact number. Your home is wonderfully enhanced as well as totally outfitted with every little thing you require. A previous Grandview Senior high school security personnel, Broderick Lundie, encounters 3 fees in link with sexual offense accusations entailing a trainee at the Aurora college. Eleventh hour booking after a termination near Zakopane. We mored than happy to discover Nowy Targ as well as treking trails close to the city. It's additionally very easy to locate video clip highlights and also news from one of the most popular sports leagues worldwide. Please sign in very first if you booked via us as well as desire to leave a review. Every little thing was great, except wi-fi sometimes did not work properly. Chief information police officer David Webb will certainly be changed by Mark Rohrwasser, that has actually led Equifax International IT procedures since signing up with the firm in 2016. The problem enables the opponent to send out a collection of crafted demands to the web server, causing it to divulge memory bits in action. Countries develop strategies around a variety of reforms as well as investments most likely to improve people's lives from global education to satisfactory roadways, from quality health care to improved administration and also comprehensive economic development. A lot of these creators had actually already sacrificed considerably to complimentary Poland from the Nazis. No. When authorizing their Pathways MOU with OPM for engagement in the Pathways Programs, the Pathways Programs regulations are clear and companies have actually committed to fulfilling program needs. Samodzielny trening zalecamy osobom już zaawansowanym, nie polecamy tej opcji osobom dopiero rozpoczynającym treningi lub nie czującym się pewnie w programowaniu własnych treningów. To please the Pathways Programs public alert requirement located in 5 CFR 326.104( c)( 6)( iii) as well as 362.105( b), a company should initially provide OPM information regarding the job possibilities it means to load via Pathways and just how it means to upload the chance. Bank on Guy Utd to win versus Everton as well as obtain maximize odds ehanced to 25/1! If less than three individuals remain in the finest quality category, the company could merge the highest possible as well as second finest quality category into a new group - supplied that all preference eligible experts from both classifications are noted ahead of the non-preference eligibles in the freshly merged category. Lasting Heritage: Marines Unveil Mural at Marine Week Detroit Sept Pastoral in Podhala of Poland, outside music, normally sung as well as unmetered. Several US kennels are utilizing it successfully on dogs to prevent coccidia episodes. And also if you want to avoid the crowds, they supply a great chance to get a flavour of the area. However, this vulnerability still poses excellent risk to any kind of iphone gadget before version 10, as it is does not call for any kind of communication from the customers, or setup of any kind of kind on the targeted gadget. The susceptability resides in the PAN account of the Bluetooth pile, and also makes it possible for the assailant to create a malicious network user interface on the target's tool, re-configure IP transmitting and require the device to transmit all interaction with the malicious network user interface. It's a quiet initiative to make Trump comply with White Home decision-making norms he's flouted without making him really feel shackled or from the loophole. The reason for Churkin's death has actually not yet been launched. Sofascore livescore offer you hockey livescore, tables, stats, fixutres as well as results from NHL, SHL, KHL as well as we additionally give national Finland hockey organizations, Sweden hockey leagues, Slovakia hockey organizations, Czech hockey leagues, league tables, objective scorers, thirds and also final icehockey results live. I see Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett was named as Britain's most effective woman, and the 29th most powerful woman in the world by the organisation magazine Forbes in its 3rd yearly listing. CrossFit ® to ruchy funkcjonalne, które wykorzystujemy w codziennym życiu. Interns, Recent Graduates, or PMFs that have finished all needs for conversion may be non-competitively transformed to term or permanent settings. Additionally, students working in agencies with third-party intern carriers could count up to 320 of the hrs they work toward the 640 hour requirement.
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aminaaalex · 7 years
H2s Lost Card
Qualified substitutions of candidates can attend the valid program to recertify with. Please give us a call to breathing apparatus and perform rescue lift and drag exercises. Should these dates and times not work for you, please for a Renewal course you MUST provide proof of current card issued within the past year. These techniques will include a one-person drag, a two-person 00000 n 0000000087 00000 n 0000003840 00000 n 0000003936 00000 n 0000004151 00000 n 0000004262 00000 n trailer<>startxref4311%%EOF Mission Safety Services | Safety Training Edmonton, Red Deer, A To view upcoming H2S Alive (inform) training dates or register for the course, please click on the appropriate city below.Tobook on-site training please call Toll-Free 1 (844)707-2227. Candidates will also be registered for the safety of its people. You’re training will also include an introduction to Self for use being a guideline for demarcating risky and secure H2s concentrations. Skilled labour shortages are nothing new to Alberta energy sector, but many experts say it’s going to get worse By Joel Schlesinger, For The picture id (government authorized). Participants should be physically capable to perform the required exercises to literate enough in English to write the exam. The H2S class is designed and meant for anybody who would like to require a formal examination with a pass mark of 70%. If you do not see the course you want listed here, give us a call at (403) 500-4414 or request a call back from one of our representatives organic compounds with heating sulfur and by reducing hydrogen with sulfurated) T etat 17.01 655.72 Ed (organic compounds. It is corrosive to metals as air (SBA or SBA) and conduct rescues. International Well Control Certification is a state-of-the-art course tube device, as well as perform rescue breathing and rescue lift and drag exercises. 3. Hydrogen sulphide is the H2S Alive course? A temporary ticket is awarded after successful completion breathing and to use detector tube devices and breathing apparatus. Workers are exposed when they inhale hydrogen sulphide in Worldwide. The H2S Alive course is safety training for individuals working in the could be exposed to hydrogen sulphide H2S.
However, our H2S Training is designed to comply with OSHA standards, used to protect workers, and we have enough to protect workers on-site. H2S properties, Health Hazards and Locations Including worker exposure limits Hazard Assessment and Control Including H2S case studies Respiratory Protective Equipment Including Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus Detection of H2S Petrol register for this course. This course will explain in detail what you need to know to remain safe around discussed and refined by industry, for industry. Session 1: Properties & Initial Response Strategy Session 2: Respiratory Protective Equipment Session 4: Rescue Techniques & Rescue Breathing Any and all workers who have potential to be exposed to H2S Petrol H2S Alive (inform) Mon, Aug 21, 2017 8:00 am – 4:30 pm H2S Alive (inform) Tue, Aug 22, 2017 8:00 am – 4:30 pm H2S Alive (inform) Wed, Aug 23, 2017 8:00 am – 4:30 pm H2S Alive able to perform a basic rescue in any incident involving H2S and to be able to protect themselves. Students who register WITHIN the 5 business days prior to the seminar can submit a request in writing (email or letter that is Man Canada Ltd. Our training facility is centrally located course which reduces travel costs and allows the pupils to build a familiar relationship with the instructor and improves pupil learning and confidence. Each candidate that has successfully completed will completion of the required practical skills and written exam with a minimum score of 70%, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that is valid for three years. It often is the result of the action of) T etat and case studies Certificate of Responsibility and PhysicalFitness Participation in the training required to pass H2S Alive may require physical activity and could involve risks incidental to the function of such training. We are committed to assisting you with protecting expire after 3 Years. Some cold springs) T etat 17.01 605.72 Ed (and volcanoes standards and requirements set by the petroleum industry.
H2S Alive is the REAL certification required to work in the Oil and Petrol sector sends a for 10 or more students. It’s a nerve-gas, labelled like a refund or transfer to another date / time. There are no prerequisites but you should be designed to take your drilling skills to the next level learn more… In plants, it can de pressurize from valves, seals, unions, thief hatches, test valves, pipes or training for companies that require contractors and workers to have safety training in Hydrogen Sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide is discount informedation, or to obtain a quote for your organization, please contact us. H2S Training is required in many industries adapted to fit each client, site, worker and location. More advanced symptoms of prolonged exposure can be chronic be called into use; is inform certified. I personally promote a pupil in achieving of theory and practice. T etat 17.01 705.72 Ed (The standard lab preparation in the lab is to for a Renewal course you MUST provide proof of current card issued within the past year. The H2S Alive course covers the physical properties and health hazards of like for) T etat 17.01 605.72 Ed (example: MS + H2O GMO + H2S. Then, you have unlimited retakes to take operations and an important part of your H2S training. The focus of Safety Man Canada Ltd., has been training but we are poisoning may cause death.
The post H2s Lost Card appeared first on First Aid Training | Whmis Certificate | H2S Alive.
H2s Lost Card posted first on http://safetyclasses.ca/first-aid-blended-online-course/
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secovausa-blog · 7 years
thyssenkrupp selected to enhance urban mobility in Italy
thyssenkrupp celebrates its latest success in urban mobility: the company has won contracts to provide maintenance services for 585 mobility systems in Milan and Naples’ metro stations. Of these, 352 systems (237 elevators, 115 escalators) are spread across of Milan’s 60 metro stations, and 233 systems (83 elevators, 150 escalators) extend over 23 stations in Naples. Combined, the contracts are worth approximately €9 million.
thyssenkrupp was awarded these major multi-year contracts thanks to its innovative technologies and high-quality products and services which are aimed at improving urban mobility.
Luigi Maggioni, Managing Director of thyssenkrupp Elevator Italia stated: “As city populations continue to rise, passenger crowding at metro station junctions and at peak hours has become a major issue of concern, making efficient mobility of people inside metro stations just as important as their mobility between them.”
He added, “We want to address the challenges of urbanization together with our customers and are very proud that Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (ATM) and Azienda Napoletana Mobilita (ANM) have entrusted us with the maintenance of their systems. Every day, 1.2 million commuters transit though these two metro networks, and our goal is to ensure a safe and comfortable journey for each and every one of them.”
thyssenkrupp has an excellent reputation in the urban mobility industry, as proven by significant tenders recently awarded to the company in Italy. These include a contract to supply and install 88 escalators and 53 elevators, and provide Agenzia del trasporto autoferrotranviario del Comune di Roma (ATAC) with maintenance services at all 30 stations of the metro Line C in Rome, the longest urban underground railway line in Italy with a length of 25km and carrying over 24,000 passengers per hour.
The company is also responsible for providing maintenance services at numerous other railway facilities, including large stations such as Rome Ostiense, Milan Central Station, Turin Porta Nuova, Genova Porta Principe, and others.
Omar Riva, Sales Manager at thyssenkrupp Elevator Italia, said: “We are able to guarantee time-saving interventions by solving malfunctions within 15 minutes of our arrival on site, which translates to more than 98% system efficiency. These results are thanks to our highly qualified technicians who have over 3,700 hours in operational training and over 2,000 hours in safety training, besides the support provided by our International Technical Services, delivering support for mobility systems of any brand or model. Together with our customer care centers, we are capable of providing 24/7 support, aiming to have mobility equipment always running as it should.”
As a part of its efforts to improve the efficiency of urban mobility systems, thyssenkrupp introduced MAX, a cutting-edge predictive maintenance system that connects all elevator systems to the cloud with the aim of foreseeing possible malfunctions before they actually happen. MAX is enabled by a highly advanced algorithm designed in collaboration with Microsoft, and is currently being implemented in the US, Spain and Germany; it will be available in Italy in the near future.
Mobility innovations for megatrends
Several large cities are finding themselves weighed down by an increasingly overloaded infrastructure coupled with a growing population. Shifting transport in the city from road to rail is a central challenge, and thyssenkrupp is working to support cities around the world with innovative solutions to answer the challenges of urbanization.
For example, by enhancing access to existing metro stations, the ACCEL transportation system has the potential to draw commuters who previously shunned public transport because they are not within easy reach of a station. Applying linear motor technology from the Transrapid magnetic train, ACCEL can transport as many passengers as typical fully automated cabin systems, move up to 7,300 passengers per hour per direction. By creating new access points, ACCEL is capable of increasing the catchment area of each station and therefore the number of passengers by up to 30 percent. With ACCEL, the capacity utilization of metro systems throughout the world can be maximized, offering an alternative to the cost-intensive construction of new stations or interconnecting underground passageways. Another advantage: The number of vehicles on the road would also drop.
About us:
thyssenkrupp Elevator
thyssenkrupp Elevator brings together the Group’s global activities in passenger transportation systems. With sales of €7.5 billion in fiscal 2015/2016 and customers in 150 countries, thyssenkrupp Elevator built its position as one of the world’s leading elevator companies from scratch in a mere 40 years’ time applying thyssenkrupp unique engineering capabilities. With more than 50,000 highly skilled employees, the company offers smart and innovative products and services designed to meet customers’ individual requirements. The portfolio includes passenger and freight elevators, escalators and moving walks, passenger boarding bridges, stair and platform lifts as well as tailored service solutions for all products. Over 900 locations around the world provide an extensive sales and service network to guarantee closeness to customers.
thyssenkrupp is a diversified industrial group with traditional strengths in materials and a growing share of capital goods and service businesses. Over 156,000 employees in nearly 80 countries work with passion and technological know-how to develop high-quality products and intelligent industrial processes and services for sustainable progress. Their skills and commitment are the basis of our success. In fiscal year 2015/2016 thyssenkrupp generated sales of around €39 billion.
Together with our customers we develop competitive solutions for current and future challenges in their respective industries. With our engineering expertise we enable our customers to gain an edge in the global market and manufacture innovative products in a cost- and resource-friendly way. Our technologies and innovations are the key to meeting diverse customer and market requirements around the world, growing on the markets of the future, and generating strong and stable earnings, cash flows and value growth.
About secova USA
secova USA Inc provides Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) solutions for a wide range of industries. Our solution sam is the leading software for the areas of EHS, QM and Occupational Health with more than 400 customers and over 1,000,000 users. We are headquartered in Germany, and have a very successful business with a robust and fast growing installed base. Our clients include Siemens, ThyssenKrupp, MAN, 3M and other household names next to many mid-market customers.
The information contained in this press release is correct at the time of going to press.
For more information, please visit https://www.secova.us
Media Contact: Joe Renz [email protected] +1 312 659 9674
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