#• answered.
displacedbias · 1 day
i like to think with the oc/au bracket im just picking up everyone's ocs and au characters and plopping them in a fighting ring (and giving them a weapon of course) -@kg-figjtring/@stars-art-acc. (yes, again)
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wandasaura · 3 months
imaging wanda/natasha taking r from behind, the pace pushing r into subspace at a quick rate with how dizzy her mind gets from the pleasure. R trying to crawl away, saying “it’s too much,” but they grab her waist and bottom out again, and r just goes limp and moans
(they know she’s loving it)
“t-too much, mommy! m-mommy!” she cries out, trying to pull away from the sensations sinking into her belly and crawling up her spine, but wanda’s not happy with that. she told r what would happen if she kept acting up and she refused to take the easy way out, so now she’s gonna take what mommy gives her and nothing more or nothing less. wanda grabs r’s hips and pulls her back onto the strap, affectively pushing the toy deeper then it had gone the entire time, forcing r’s eyes to flutter shut. it’s the last push she needs to spiral downward into the fuzzy state and wanda drinks the entire thing up, “mommy told you to fix the attitude, now you’re going to take what i give you like a good girl.” and r just collapses onto the bed and lets wanda have her way
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happer08 · 1 month
Anything with Mat PLEASE
when you woke up mat was still a warm sleeping presences next to you. his warm strong body pressed up against yours as he lightly snored. you moved slowly turning into and pressing closer to him hoping sleep would take you back to the peaceful world maty was is in that moment. opening your eyes you looked up at your sleeping boyfriend, his hair was stark against your white pillow cases, his head was half under the pillow, his chin up with his arms tucked around his head.
He was so pretty at all times, but mornings like this were so different. hips features were soft and peaceful, his perfect pink lips parted just slightly, a whistle of his breath filled the quietly bedroom. you really thought you could spend the rest of your days just looking at him.
rubbing your hand over his bare chest you got closer, leaning into his warmth, soaking it in before the enviable would come.
you never fell back asleep, instead spending your morning staring and admiring mat. he never moved, his lips would twitch every so often, as it looked like he was trying to talk. you smiled and just watched.
maybe an hour later he stirred, taking a sharp breath and stretching his whole body out and rolled to find you. he smiled sleepily as his hair stuck up.
“oh, mornin” his voice was sleep filled and deep.
“mornin sleepyhead”
maty made a small soft noise closing his eyes again and settling back into the warm spot he’d been in.
“you sleep good?” he asked still with his eyes closed.
“mhm, you?”
“the best actually, and i got to wake up my favorite person, that just makes it better”
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neofiled · 8 months
jeno and curruption kink?
mmmm yes jeno is your first boyfriend ever and is very sweet and a gentleman, all the while up until its your first time. youre sitting on his lap and youre all shy but hes secretly turned on by it all, "you like this?" he whispers in your ear as he strokes your thighs, stopping at your pussy and rubbing your clit through your panties and all you can do is whimper. jeno smirks and says, "look at you, you can't even speak properly. dirty girl." you open your mouth but only moans come out and he rasps, "what do you want me to do baby girl? use your words." and he'd be sooo happy to comply with your requests because he feels so fucking proud to be the one to take your innocence away <3
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inkedreverie · 10 months
Hello, dear 💕
So you asked for a couple of fic recs, and i’m not sure how long it’s been since you’ve last read one so these might not be the best lol but here goes nothing 😉
1. @oh-my-damn / The Stranger on wattpad is the best smut and romance combo novel you will read, darling! but also check out her masterlist cause every single thing she writes is gold (check her ari fics, they’re a killer!)
2. @evansbby / Preying On You Tonight reached its glorious end a couple of days ago and it was honestly singlehandedly the greatest piece of fanfiction i have ever read
3. @universitypenguin / The Princess and The Lawyer is the best Lloyd fic out there. No competition. Zero.
4. @time-for-a-lullaby / EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Chris (yet go for Arranged first if you havent already read it)
5. @jtargaryen18 / His Inheritance is a whirlwind
6. @onsunnyside cause i have to and its blasphemy if you dont mention her in recs at this point. Also Flamingo King, dear. Yes.
7. @disturbedbydesign / I Love You I Hate You, i believe was the name of the best Ransom fic i have read on her. Her Denis fic is also surprisingly and insanely good!
8. In case you’re into stucky, just in case, @musette22 is ya girl!
I know i’ve left off so many amazing writers cause i’ve read so many amazing fics throughout last year and this one too and i’m sorry for that and if this isn’t helpful and you’ve read everything already 😅🥰
Oh wow! Thank you so much! I haven't read any of these so this is perfect!
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aethergazing · 3 months
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Send ⚔️ to see them in something they might wear for sparring or practicing combat.
@velviquinn | not accepting.
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erinevrly · 1 year
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the  confession  alone  is  more  than  enough  to  throw  erin  completely  off  guard,  but  it’s  the  sound  of  the  all-too-familiar  voice,  echoing  in  the  foyer  of  her  two-bedroom  condo  again,  after  what  feels  like  an  eternity,  that  makes  the  muscles  in  her  legs  stiffen  and  the  hair  on  the  nape  of  her  neck  stand  up.  her  natural  instincts  urging  her  to  pull  him  into  a  hug,  assure  him  that  everything  will  be  okay  in  the  end,  pretend  he’s  still  hers  and  she’s  his  —  that  it’s  the  two  of  them  against  the  world,  the  way  it  used  to  be  a  few  years  back.  oh,  how  easy  it  would  be  to  forget  about  everything  and…  but  the  more  rational  part  of  her  wants  to  just  stand  here,  linger  in  the  doorway  for  a  while  longer,  and  pretend  she  hadn’t  heard  him,  wishes  the  ground  beneath  her  feet  would  open  up  and  swallow  her  whole,  get  her  out  of  this  strange,  uncomfortable  situation.  why  would  he  say  this  now?  why  did  he  have  to  say  this?  
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clearing  her  throat  as  she  contemplates  her  response,  she  absently  brings  one  of  her  now  shaking  hands  to  her  dainty  necklace  and,  to  occupy  her  fingers  with  something,  anything  that  will  help  her  fight  off  the  urge  to  reach  for  the  redhead,  begins to  fidget  with  a  small,  heart-shaped  pendant.  she  opens  her  mouth,  but  closes  it  almost  immediately,  her  heart  pounding  away  in  her  throat,  keeping  her  from  forming  any  coherent  sentence.  for  someone  who’d  been  subconsciously  dreaming  of  something  akin  to  this  moment,  she  feels  completely  lost  and  unprepared,  nowhere  near  ready  for  this  kind  of  conversation.  the  gifts  and  letters  that  he’s  been  sending  her,  all  the  flames  that,  perhaps  involuntarily,  they  have  slowly  rekindled,  every  little  thing  that  she’s  been  trying  to  ignore  for  the  sake  of  their  significant  others  and  her  own  peace  of  mind…  they’re  standing  right  in  front  of  her  now  and  she  can  no  longer  run  away  from  the  feelings  that  she’s  so  desperately  tried  to  suppress  for  the  past  few  months.
gaze  dropping  to  the  floor,  examining  the  pink  nail  polish  on  her  toes,  she  struggles  not  to  get  emotional,  not  to  overthink  the  meaning  of  this  unexpected  visit.   ❝   𝐚.𝐱𝐥,   ❞   she  whispers,  a  soft  plea  ringing  in  her  voice  —  not  here,  not  now,  let’s  not  go  there…  she’s  just  managed  to  put  her  life  back  together,  to  move  on,  or  at  least  that’s  what  she’s  telling  herself.  if  they  have  this  conversation,  it  will  leave  her  nothing  but  a  shell  of  the  woman  she  is.  but  she  can’t  just  close  the  door  in  his  face,  tell  him  to  leave  because  it’s  her  weekend  with  sebastian,  scold  him  for  complicating  every  little  thing,  remind  him  that  he  should  be  writing  letters  and  sending  flowers  to  a  different  woman.  god.  she’s  never  been  strong  enough  to  stay  away  from  him.  she  doesn’t  want  to  stay  away  from  him.   ❝   would  you  like  to  come  in?  it’s  almost  dinner  time.  i’m  making  ‘ghetti  and  meaty-baws,   ❞   she  offers  shyly,  a  hint  of  a  smile  on  her  lips  because  that’s  how  sebastian  calls  them.  meaty  baws.  she  thinks  it’s  adorable.   ❝   speaking  of  bastian,   ❞   she’s  quick  to  change  the  subject,  although  it  breaks  her  heart,   ❝   he’s  been  grouchy  all  day.  i  think  he  might  be  coming  down  with  something.  he  keeps  complaining  about  his  throat  and  has  a  stuffy  nose,  watery  eyes,  sneezing…  you  know  the  drill.  but  i’m  sure  he’ll  be  so  happy  to  see  you,   ❞   she  explains,  opening  the  door  a  little  wider  and  inviting  the  singer  to  come  in  with  a  subtle  hand  gesture.   ❝   see  the  pile  of  blankets  on  the  couch?  he’s  in  there  somewhere.  would  you  like  something  to  drink?  we  have  apple  juice.  i  can  make  you  coffee  or  tea?   ❞
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matty using a toy on you
NO BC i literally jsut saw this picture of a guy with the rose toy in his mouth and i said “that’s matty coded”
matty is a firm believer that toys are tools and not enemies because at the end of the day his goal is to make you cum and make it good, so why deny yourselves the privelige of that? i would say you’ve both garnered a bit of a collection since you got together. his favorites are the little tiny bullets he can tuck into your underwear when you’re in public (that’s another story for another time though). you’re sat between his legs, facing a mirror and he has a vibrator pinned to your clit, just firm enough so you get to feel the vibrations but they’re not strong enough to push you over, you’re mewling and whining and gripping onto his wrist, trying to get some semblance of relief. he’s not letting up, though, and instead is just kissing your neck and nipping at your shoulder telling you “trust me, it’s gonna feel better like this” he ticks the vibrations up a bit, and when you are so close you can taste it, he’s bringing you back down. there’s a thin sheen of sweat on your limbs, and a bulge pressing into your back and it’s just frustrating you at this point. he does this a few times, and there’s tears pricking at your eyes and your nails are digging into his wrist and he just kisses your cheek and tells you to look at yourself and see how absolutely fucked out and sexy you look like this. you peel your eyes open and groan at your own reflection, attempting to puppeteer the vibrator on your clit. he only shakes his head and laughs at you before he’s turning up the vibrations again and letting you completely melt over the edge, loud moans and curses of his name. <3 bc in my head matty is the edging aficionado.
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displacedbias · 2 days
(Adding Ted to oc/au bracket soooo...)
Ted! if you had to pick any weapon what would it be? No particular reason, and it could be literally anything, something deadly, or something relatively harmless like a stick or pepper spray.
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[Ted]: ...Then I guess I'd pick this awful textbook my dad gave me. It's real thick and heavy and you probably could bash someone's head in with it.
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wandasaura · 3 months
r riding the strap until she gets tired and whiny for them to push her onto her back and do it themself 🫣
your hips stutter for the third time, thighs trembling as you straddle wanda’s waist. natasha’s grip on your hips is harsh, but equally unhelpful as you attempt to keep up with the pleasant rhyming you’d found half an hour ago. shaky moans slip from your lips and coat the air in lust, wanda’s eyes dark and unmoving as she watches the way your face crumbles in frustration. she’s been teasing you all day, she’s been working you up only to leave you dry, but when she’d finally pulled you into the bedroom and stripped down to expose your favorite strap, you’d thought the games had ended. they hadn’t, and now you were the one edging yourself as you grew tired and shaky on top of her toned body.
natasha notices your rapidly declining pace and smirks, her breath hot as it spans across the shell of your ear and creates goosebumps across the expanse of skin that’s visible beneath the inky darkness of your bedroom. the moonlight is slim, but blinding, and it provides just enough light for wanda’s face to be painted in perfect illuminance.
“what’s the matter, dorogaya? need mommy to help you?” natasha coos condescendingly, her nails digging into the skin around of hips as she tightens her hold maliciously. you don’t fight the pain that spreads across your hips, merely nodding your head with incoherent babbles falling into the room.
wanda doesn’t need any further convincing. before you can recognize that natasha’s grip has slackened, your back meets the softness of expensive sheets and silk, and wanda’s hips drive into you a punishing pace, the only trace of natasha still visible being her sinister smirk as she toys with her nipples just behind wanda.
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happer08 · 1 month
Eyes-from-across-the-room with Barzal at a little bar where he’s playing guitar please! 🙏
“Is that who i think it is?” you asked your roommate as you glancing over at the stage.
“I dont know, who are you looking at?” she sounded more annoyed then you would have liked to hear.
“the guy on the stage with the guitar” you matched her tone and she just shrugged at you before getting up and going to get a drink.
You continued to stare at the guy trying to place his face in your head. He looked so familiar, he was handsome with a well structured face and dark fluffily curly hair, he was big too. His fame was hulking a little over the smaller musicians on the stage with him.
Holy shit that was Mat Barzal.
Your eyes widened as you connected the dots and Mat seemed to notice you at that moment, he looked over and made friendly eye contact as you froze. He flashed a wide knowing grin then tipped his beer at you before sipping it.
The next song stated and you just watched as her performed, taking a few sips of his beer during the show. In awe you watched him get off the stage and walk toward you raking his fingers through his hair before stopping in front of you.
“Hi there” he smiled again.
“H-hi” you choked out a little.
“You okay sweetheart?” he reached out rubbing his warm hand over your upper arm.
Nodding you cleared your throat.
“Let me buy you a drink, then maybe we can get to know each other a little”
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neofiled · 8 months
angry sex ?
tbh idk who would fuck u until ur dumb
omg i could see johnny doing this. you not-so-accidentally made him horny in public even after he told you to behave, so you knew you were in for a rough fuck when you saw the glint in his eye. later that night he would have your ass up, on all fours as he entered you without warning. "you just had to be a fucking tease," johnny grunted as he mercilessly thrusted his hips into you. the stinging slaps he laid on your pussy just heightened the pleasure even more, making you clench around him. "this is what you wanted, right? such a slut for my cock," he hissed, and you were so lost in ecstasy, all you could do was whine, and you dont even realise that tears have rolled down your cheeks. johnny will definitely make you cum multiple times after that. he'll tell you to never try something like that again, but of course you do just so he can fuck you dumb all over again :)
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maximotts · 4 months
wanda pissing on u bc she needs to mark her territory teehee <3
This is 1000% sorority president!Wanda behavior and yes it did serve to derail me from editing the last few paragraphs of my fic to write these few paragraphs but I mean look at her, she’s so hot and possessive
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Like, lounging around in her room with some other girls, but Wanda sees you paying too much attention to one of them and not only does she rip you away from the conversation, but forces you to move to her bed so she can sit on your lap and have to all to herself.
And eventually she’s wriggling around so much you can’t even watch the movie anymore, but she’s already mad at you so you don’t dare say a thing about it. Wanda just refuses to leave you alone for one second with the others for fear you’ll get up and start hanging out with them instead.. You’re used to her getting off on you too so you don’t think this is anything different until she’s already done it and you’re so blindsided you fall out of off the mattress, large wet spot clear as day on your borrowed sleep shorts.
“What a fucking baby, pissing all over us like you don’t know any better.”
You’re so dumbfounded you can’t say anything back, but when everyone believes her and starts giggling amongst themselves all you can do is wait for Wanda to yank you off the floor and into the bathroom, gripping your arm so tight it’ll definitely bruise. “Don’t you dare tell anyone or I’ll spank your pretty ass raw in the living room until you actually do wet yourself for everyone to see.”
Which yes, does scare you for a little until she gives you a nice big kiss before turning on the shower, “It’ll be our special secret, little sis.”
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guttersniper · 2 months
@vitalphenomena as andy said: you should be like a nail.
and then we danced.
she stares at him. he stares at her. it's all very sergio leone. (mutt must have seen that movie three times, at least, and in a different language each time, when it was new and top-billed.)
he reaches first for the proverbial pistol in the side-holster. " i'll nail you to the wall, then, if you bring it up again. "
violent threat his words might be, he doesn't mean it. doesn't mean his voice or expression has to give that away. she should know him better than to expect that.
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curvein · 2 months
“i’m  going  up  to  my  room  now,  where  i  may  die.”
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howl's moving castle sentence starters | open
peering up from the space she currently claimed— half of the couch, which usually remained unused aside from herself and random house guests. she currently sprawled across the cushions, back pressed to the seat as her head dangled off, shoulders half supported by the floor as hair haloed out around her head in ribbons of pink painted bronze. her mother hadn't been a fan of the dye job. esme would be appalled at her scuffed sneakers brushing against the wall. at her father's words, she squinted, shooting him that look before speaking. not that she needed to, he could hear her thoughts from a mile away, but it added emphasis to the words somehow to punctuate them in the air. ❛ there can't be two emo teens in the house at once . . . ❜
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can we talk about how pretty matty would look giving you head. and the eye contact. and his hair. the praise. or degrading. im going insane.
GODDDDDDDDDDD. matty is a munch (confirmed by me and disillusions).
he's had you spread open for him for hours now (always telling you the last time will be the last, takes a break and then gives you that signature grin and he's situating himself between your thighs again), curls peaking out from the apex of your thighs once again. there's no stopping the onslaught of his tongue as he continues to drag it up and down your slit, over your clit teasingly. you're sensitive and whining and that's exactly how he wants you: completely fucked out and gasping for him. his brown eyes gaze up at you as he takes the sensitive bud between into his mouth, sucking softly. his pupils blown out, gaze darkened. his hair is everywhere, a direct result of you pulling and grasping at the curls with strained fingers. he's ravenous, torturing you with the opressive pleasure and consuming you as if he's a man starved. he's humming and moaning against you, telling you how good you taste and how good you're being for him. each time your head rolls back, he pinches your thigh and shakes his head. "remember what i said, baby, eyes on me." and you have to fight back the urge to groan as you bring your focus back to him. matty grins at this, humming out a soft "that's my good girl, there she is" before he just dives back in, his sole purpose right now to make see stars.
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