#…also if your parents were murdered by a colonizer paramilitary i think you should be allowed to be a little unhinged.
r-osehips · 2 years
just watched angels & demons (a perfect airplane movie) and i really think they just should have let ewan macgregor become pope after he did all that. like, if you:
kill the pope without arousing any suspicion
design a bunch of very metal ambigrams
go to great expense to hire a highly competent assassin; then kill that assassin without him seeing it coming
plan four murders that the phantom of the opera himself could not outdo in terms of aesthetic, drama, and doomfulness
risk your life to fly a jar of antimatter into the sky in a helicopter
parachute out of said helicopter, backlit by the coolest and most beautiful explosion ever seen, and not only survive but land perfectly and dramatically on the steps of the vatacin
literally brand yourself with a brand you had custom made for that purpose
manipulate hundreds of cardinals with your pleasing manner and dutiful acts
all while being a clean-shaven, soft-spoken ewan mcgregor who was tragically orphaned by the UVF?
you should get to be pope.
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