#has no grounds to reject this man as its leader
catdotjpeg · 5 months
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Hamas agreed to the terms of a ceasefire proposal set forth by Qatar and Egypt about an hour ago (around 16:43 GMT); we are still waiting to hear a response from israel. Regardless of the responses, we must continue to struggle for a truly liberated Palestine.
A leading Hamas source tells Al Jazeera that the group has informed Egyptian and Qatari mediators of its agreement with a ceasefire proposal.
-- "Hamas leader informs mediators of ceasefire acceptance" by Maziar Motamedi and Usaid Siddiqui for Al Jazeera, 6 May 2024 16:43 GMT
“The mujahid brother Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Hamas movement’s political bureau, had a phone call with the Qatari Prime Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, and with the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence, Abbas Kamel, and informed them of the Hamas movement’s approval of their proposal regarding the ceasefire agreement.”
-- "Hamas statement on ceasefire in full," 16:51 GMT
A Hamas official has said that the “ball [is] now in Israel’s court”, and that’s where this proposed ceasefire now stands, with no response yet from the Israeli government. Israel had emphasised in recent days that it was not on the same page as Hamas with regards to the deal, and instead made clear that it planned to invade Rafah, in southern Gaza. And as Palestinians spontaneously celebrate on the streets of Gaza, everything now rests on what Israel’s response will be.
-- "No response yet from Israel," 17:04 GMT
Displaced Palestinians are ecstatic after hearing that Hamas has agreed to a deal for a ceasefire, especially after fearing an imminent ground offensive on Rafah. “We hope Allah will facilitate this and we can return to our homes,” a man from Gaza City in the northern part of the enclave told Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum in Rafah. “All praise be to Allah that they didn’t invade Rafah,” a Palestinian boy said. “We would like to thank all those who stood by our side and stood by Gaza.” “We want a political solution, not just a military solution,” another Palestinian said. “For that, we must struggle to have independence from the Israeli occupation and to stop the aggression in both Gaza and the West Bank.” “We want to see the international community stop Israel’s escalation on the Gaza Strip,” he continued. “We want to go back to our houses. Our families are very sad, but this evening after this announcement ,we see the majority of our people happy.”
-- "Cheering Palestinians react to news of ceasefire agreement," 17:10 GMT
An unnamed Israeli official quoted by the Reuters news agency says Hamas has approved a “softened” Egyptian proposal that is not acceptable to Israel. The official added that the proposal included “far-reaching” conclusions that Israel will not support. Israeli media outlets are also reporting that the Israeli government has not accepted the deal. We remind our readers that we do not yet have the specifics of the deal that Hamas has agreed to.
-- "Israeli official indicates rejection of ceasefire proposal: Report," 17:12 GMT
Sources have told Al Jazeera that the Egyptian-Qatari proposal Hamas has agreed to would include three phases, with each lasting 42 days. A truce would begin in the first phase, along with an Israeli withdrawal from the Netzarim corridor that Israel uses to divide northern and southern Gaza. A second phase would include the approval of a permanent cessation of military and hostile operations, and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. The proposal also includes a provision approving an end to the blockade of Gaza in the third phase.
-- "Ceasefire proposal includes three phases, including permanent ceasefire," 17:45 GMT
Israel’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has responded to Hamas’s agreement to a truce proposal. He says the group is playing “games” that have only “one answer, an immediate order to occupy Rafah!” “Increasing military pressure, and continuing the complete defeat of Hamas, until its complete defeat,” he added in a social media post. Ben-Gvir has been among the members of the Israeli government urging Netanyahu to continue fighting in Gaza until Hamas is defeated.
-- "Continue on with ‘complete defeat’ of Hamas: Israeli minister," 17:55 GMT
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dykedvonte · 6 months
benny was also like incredibly abusive to yes man and kept him trapped in that shitty side room. it’s no wonder yes man genuinely loves the courier regardless of if they make decisions he likes or not after being liberated from benny. courier must be an angel to him
I think incredibly abusive is a bit much.
Like Benny was not kind to Yes-Man but he was not particularly cruel. If Yea-Man was let out of the room then anyone could’ve asked him anything and outed the plan, leading to him and Benny being exiled at best or killed (permanently in Yes-Mans case) at worse. Yeah, it was Benny’s fault he was like this but it was probably the only fail safe to keep House’s systems from tapping into Yes-Man, by giving him no code to reject commands the only way to influence him would be in person. House can’t do that.
Also liberated makes it sound like you are treating Yes-Man like an equal when you’re just treating him slightly better than most would treat a personalized Mr. Handy bot. Benny isn’t nice to him, didn’t give him a real name, but he definitely loved Yes-Man, more like a science project but that was his thing y’know? Robots with personalities like him that aren’t common in the Mojave and are considered odd. Benny already did a lot more than someone who’d just mistreat his creation by allowing him to be passive-aggressive in the first place. He let Yes-Man think which a big step from most AI programs in the Mojave.
I think the issue is Yes-Man genuinely appreciates the Courier for getting the plan in motion but that wasn’t a lack of Benny. He had completely different circumstances than the Courier that didn’t allow him to be as bold. Yes-Man learns to love the Courier because they come to rule Vegas and he sees them as competent and the next logical leader now that Benny is no longer his primary overseer.
Honestly the Courier and Yes-Man are closer to a exclusive business partnership by the end of the independent route if we go by the general answers. The Courier can be as nice or as mean to Yes-Man as they want and Yes-Man does not see the Courier as flawless or an angel just the next logical step in a plan. Of course, depending on what you do or headcanon, their relationship can be much more complex than that but on a even ground between all of the options, Yes-Man and the Courier are means to an end to each other.
A popular theory before New Vegas had the current fandom it did and developer commentary was that Yes-Man was going to betray you at the end of the independent route. Lying that he’d just upgrade himself to only listen to you so you wouldn’t stop him. Some people still follow it despite it being debunked while other love the idea he genuinely only wants to listen to you.
It’s all up to interpretation my dear. I personally don’t think Benny was cruel to Yes-Man not more than he is to another Chairman. He’s a robot, of course, to Benny and that has its own connotations on how he was treated but I digress. The Courier is far from an angel or saint to anyone but I do like the idea that there’s a fondness from Yes-Man. Lee so how they can be so illogically efficient rather than what they’ve done fore him.
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wellthebardsdead · 2 months
Lucy: *walking ahead of the group, pausing as she smells sulphur and the stagnant putrid scent of a bog* hellfire incoming- *backs up guarding the group as a burst of green embers erupts from the ground in front of them and a middle aged, thin but well presented man steps forward on brown cloven hooves as they ruffle two relatively small feathered wings on their back*
Karlach: no clue who this one is- Wyll?
Wyll: green fire, they’re from Minauros surely-
Lucy: *going over her memory to recall who it is before her before straightening her posture* Focalor, correct?
Focalor: *bows before her, a rather pleasant scent of parchment and patchouli now overtaking the smell of hellfire, no doubt his efforts to cover the stench of his realm* indeed I am your grace. Begrudgingly I’m here at the behest of my lord, archduke mammon. Hes taken notice that you’ve already begun making use of the infernal mint and he’s greatly impressed by your endeavours on the overworld, so much so he’s sent me to present you with his request for courtship. I would highly advise against it. Bel informs me you’re a magnificent leader already and a keen planner and strategist, certainly an alliance between you and any arch duchess or duke would be a boon for the hells but-… really I cannot in good conscience reccomend you agree to even meeting him…
Lucy: really? I’d heard he was ugly, greedy, and a poor leader but surely he must have some redeeming qualities?
Focalor: you’ll most likely be sick from the smell of him alone. And you’ll certainly be sick just looking at him. There’s plenty of reasons why all the other arch devils look down upon him and having witnessed the mistreatment of his last consort I would not wish that upon you.
Lucy: hm. Well thank you but I will have to decline his offer then.
Focalor: as expected. I am here on another matter though if I may burden you for a moment more of your time.
Lucy: okay?
Focalor: I am here to warn you, my lady. He is not the only archduke or devil in search of your hand for courtship. I’ve already heard talk from layers above and below my own that proposals will be coming your way. Mammon hoped that by being the first you would agree. However he was wrong in both that hope and the hope that you would not have heard the rumours of how deplorable he is. But even still, his poor qualities pale in comparison to the cruelty and sadism of the others seeking your hand.
Lucy: why warn me though? What do you seek to gain from this?
Focalor: the end to the blood war. Obviously. Bel is positive with you allowing him to lead the charge that victory for the hells is assured. And that will be several less problems off of my back. Then I can focus less on protecting the palace and more on gathering souls. Nearly all the devils are so focused on fighting this blasted conflict that the mint is working at half its capacity. And you won’t be of any use in the arms of any of those brutish fiends.
Lucy: huh… can you- tell me who the ones after me are?
Focalor: of course. I’d heard Lilis was in a state of utter despair that Dispater was considering replacing her with you. From what I understand she’s still inconsolable. Should you decline his advances though he may be wishing to make you his second consort or set his dukes and commanders after you, Bitru has shown extreme interest and I would be very wary of rejecting him outright for your own safety, or perhaps summon Malphas to your side, his presence alone should frighten him off. Machalas Tartach and Zepar too… their tempers are not to be taken lightly But-…
Lucy: but?…
Focalor: Cania has me most concerned… from what I’ve heard, the lord of the 8th is summoning all of his children, legitimate or otherwise… they all have his short temper.
Lucy: *snickers recalling Raphael saying pipsqueak in her mind* I’m not afraid of Mephistopheles or his spawn. But I thank you for your concern and for warning me. What are the names of his known children though? I only know of two of them.
Focalor: Ah yes. Hes always been secretive about his heirs. Except for his youngest, Raphael. A spoiled brat of a prince that one. There’s also his illegitimate daughter Antilia but beyond her efforts as a spy and her father’s blood she’s about as noteworthy and useful as a succubus. In total there is his oldest and true heir, Michaelis. Then there’s Ezekiel- or what’s left of her… she once defied her father’s commands and was tied naked out in the wastes of Cania to freeze for eternity. Then there’s Gabriel- they’re neither male nor female and choose their forms as they wish. I believe they’re the offspring between him and his consort baalphegor… And if there are anymore still living I’m afraid I don’t know of their existence… He’s been known to devour his offspring.
Lucy: charming, which one of them should I be the most concerned about?
Focalor: Michaelis is exactly like his father. I would keep a close eye on him. As for the others… maybe Raphael but… he’s only a half devil. What harm could he really do to you? *chuckles* I hope I was able to provide you with some assistance.
Lucy: yeah, you… you did. *nods* I hope we’ll continue to be allies.
Focalor: as do I. It was a pleasure, your grace. *disappears into a burst of putrid mud and sludge*
Lucy: …Ew.
Astarion: So. Our friend Raphael isn’t as tough and powerful as he really lets on~
Lucy: oh no he’s dangerous… very dangerous… *feels eyes on the back of her head and turns around cautiously but sees nothing* …Let’s keep moving… *walks on, unaware of firey eyes watching from beyond the tree line*
Michaelis: *grins and purrs to himself* so Raphael, trying to get your hands on my new plaything are you?… let’s see who can get her first…
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viric-dreams · 7 months
Right, some more coherently-articulated Elias/Nicholas thoughts.
Not all that many people actually know his first name. To his face, he's Lieutenant Roberts, and occasionally simply Lieutenant to the few with whom he's on friendlier terms. The Commodore* is the only person who calls him Elias (something that hasn't changed since he'd joined on as a cabin boy pre-Fall). Anyone who overhears this would not dare try to do the same. And absolutely no one in his life now knows his birth name. He barely remembers it himself it's been so long since he's thought about that part of his life. *The Commodore's insisted that Elias call him Guy, but he absolutely refuses. It feels fundamentally wrong to him. The Commodore shrugged it off decades ago.
Behind his back, he's disparagingly called The Commodore's Shadow. This is significantly more insulting to a Sequencer than it would be to an ordinary Londoner's ears. It would take a certain degree of bravery to call him that, however, even out of earshot, because the last time Elias got wind of the nickname... it did not end well for the man in question.
Mr Nite is not so fussed about formality and would be amenable to switching to first names, primarily because it means that he's finally cultivated a relationship close enough to someone to reach that level of familiarity.
Even before the Dawn Machine, Elias had a very intense personality. When he's settled on a goal he has an almost single-minded drive to achieve it, and is perfectly willing to break as many eggs as he needs in the process. Even if he's being friendly and polite with you, that general intensity still lurks somewhere beneath the surface, and many find him unsettling as a result.
When sociability fails (and it often does), Elias will turn to force. Whereas it initially started as a defense mechanism, it now serves him rather well in getting his way. His dreaded reputation precedes him on Grand Geode, doing a lot of the work for him, thus he's happy to fall back on it as the path of least resistance.
As a result he hasn't really had any friends throughout his life. In the early days establishing Zelo's Town he'd befriended a fellow seaman. Before their relationship had much time to get off the ground, however, the seaman was killed in a scouting expedition. Several other potential friendships had petered out in their early stages when it became clear to them how important to Elias climbing up the ranks is and that when push comes to shove what he's willing to do to get there. Although he's not self-aware enough to notice it, he now has a tendency to sabotage his interpersonal relationships before they can get to the stage where someone he's emotionally invested in rejects him. He tells himself he's fine with it. People don't need to like him, they just need to respect him.
He's not any sort of exceptional leader, but very much competent and efficient. When the Commodore gives an order, he will find a way to see it carried out. He does have a good sense for when something is out of his wheelhouse, and will not hesitate to outsource to the appropriate subordinate.
Nicholas is not a separate personality or anything in that vein. He's fundamentally the same man, just with a lot of the context missing. He does not remember Elias' formative experiences of being othered and the complete rejection of himself in the name of assimilation and belonging, and having only experienced the Neath, a significantly more open place, he does not know what a lot of that shame feels like. That said, had the first person to find him outside of Benthic College been a Sequencer, he could've very well been almost the same Elias all over again.
Even though the Neath is a relatively diverse place, the fact that Elias' formative years were grounded in becoming the Empire's model subject has left its marks deep within him. He'd worked hard to pull out all traces of foreignness from his English, and has very little tolerance for anyone unable (or as he sees it, simply unwilling) to do the same. To him, at best they're too foolish to make life easier for themselves, and at worst too obstinate.
Spending his teenage and young adult years in a homosocial environment**, had made him slow to the uptake that his interest in men was unusual. The eventual realisation, and the fact that this interest extended into the romantic, however, horrified him. But much like his origins, he shoved this peculiarity to the back of his mind, so that he could continue to present as the poster child of the Imperial Ideal. Occasional cruising does not count in his mind. That's completely different. Everyone does that on occasion when they're lonely. That entirely doesn't count. **the Navy of 1899 is a good deal more diverse than when he'd first joined, but change was gradual.
Due to all of these factors, Nicholas is on something of reverse journey of self-discovery, albeit in a far more accepting environment. This isn't to say that the Navy hasn't also adapted to a degree with the time and location, but as far as Elias' sense of norms and acceptability is concerned the damage has already been done.
Lacking Elias' memories of difference being something worthy of punishment, Nicholas is far more likely to seek attention or affirmation for his accomplishments. He approaches goals with that same intensity, but will not shy away from a bit of flair if it gets him noticed and his efforts appreciated.
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jgyapologism · 11 months
send a ship ask game xiyao chengyao and chengxian
oooh another one thank u!!
my otp tbh. i mean, i wrote an entire fic series about an alternate universe where jgy lives, just so i could keep them together. i think that answers that question lmao. but no, like, you don't understand. these two are such a tragedy: they love each other so deeply, yet are kept apart by duty and circumstance, and lxc is someone who jgy is probably the most honest with - but he still withholds - and him withholding from lxc is the one thing that lxc cannot forgive. so when guanyin temple happens, and lxc finds out the truth, he feels betrayed and rejected and like everything between them was a lie and god, he thought that he knew jgy better than anyone else. he thought he was the exception. but jgy can't afford exceptions. can't afford to let anyone too close. experience has taught him to keep people within arm's distance but no closer than that and lxc had thought he was the exception but he wasn't. except that he was - in jgy's eyes - because jgy had never allowed himself to hope for love, to be loved, before lxc.
lxc wanted to know jgy - even the monster bits - but jgy thought he had to wear a mask in order to be loved by him. but lxc just wanted him, darkness and all.
ohoho i mean, i love the concept of chengyao as like "two men who are bad at emotions are thrown together by force to help raise this child together" and i just, like to think that over the years, jc had grown to respect - maybe even admire - jgy for his resilience and persistence. b/c those are two traits that jc values highly - and he knows what it means to be resilient and persistent and to build something from scratch. so he admires jgy, and jgy grows to admire jc too, because he sees the way jc had rebuilt his sect from the ground up and how he holds his own against other sect leaders and - there might be a little bit of jealousy there.
so they respect one another, and they have this kid they have to raise together, so they do their best. and maybe jc thinks jl likes jgy better, so there's some hidden resentment, and maybe jgy thinks jc is too harsh on jl, so there's judgment. and they never see eye to eye, but they do their best - for jl.
but then guanyin temple happens and jgy puts the garrote around jl's neck - his own nephew - and jc loses every ounce of respect he has for jgy. even if all of his other atrocities didn't seal his fate - him using the garrote on jl did it for him.
but man. before all that - these two raising jl together?? peak comedy. 100/10 never getting over it. they are a small, broken family but jc and jgy are both tenacious as hell and like hell they're gonna let this boy suffer like they did. that's why jl is so spoiled rotten - b/c jgy and jc just can't stand to see him suffer.
oh anon. you just opened the floodgates. what can i say about chengxian, the twin prides, the two brothers who have always been at odds, yet refusing to let each other go?
chengxian is the most tragic ship in the entire show. we watch jc and wwx grow up together. we see their brotherhood and their friendship. we see how loyal and dedicated and fond they are of one another. but we also see the cracks and fissures between them: the way jfm dotes on wwx and the parallel hatred yzy has for wwx; the way jc always felt responsible for wwx; the fact that jc may have been wwx's superior in title but everyone who saw them knew wwx was smarter and stronger ; and the resentment that dug its way inside jc's chest and made him bitter.
but jc had always thought - believed - that wwx would choose him over everything else - except maybe jyl - and he clung to their brotherhood like a lifeline. he thought wwx was his ride or die.
but then the wen's destroy the jiang sect. they kill jc's parents. and jc blames wwx for everything - but still, even then, he sacrifices himself to save wwx, and they tear out jc's core (and wwx saves him too late and sacrifices his own core to save jc but jc doesn't know this until years later and its too late and everything is festered and ugly between them) and the wen's throw wwx into the burial mounds and he thinks wwx is dead and that it was all for nothing.
wwx goes to the burial mounds - and that, that changes things entirely. it changes wwx, b/c now he's coreless and weak and he's had to survive.
and then they meet again - after jc spends months with someone he hates just looking for his brother, clinging to some shred of hope that he's still alive - and wwx is different. but they still try to act like everything is the same; that nothing has changed. except that everything has.
and then wwx chooses the wens. he chooses the wens - the very same sect who murdered their family - over jc. over family. and something inside jc finally breaks.
he gives up on wwx. gives up on their brotherhood. meanwhile wwx has been begging him to let him go this entire time. and he thinks wwx doesn't care when it's the farthest thing from it, because all wwx wants is for jc to rebuild his sect, and being associated with wwx will only destroy them.
but, these two are Class A noncommunicators. they sacrifice everything for each other time and time again, without any thought to what the other one wants, and if not for wn, wwx would have died holding onto the core secret (edit: hell, he fucking DID in his first life); just like jc will probably die without ever telling wwx that he was the one who distracted the wen guards. that he was the domino that led to all the broken things between them.
this...has gotten impossibly long. but i'll end with this: jc and wwx will never stop loving each other. beneath all of the layers of resentment and bitterness and hatred, there is brotherhood and love and care.
they may be too broken to be fixed in their entirety, but a broken vase can still be glued back together.
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xenodile · 2 months
So Dawntrail thoughts, in summary
It's sort of a blend of the last 3 expansions, there's narrative elements of Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker without any of it being reliant on you having been there since the focus this time is on a new protagonist, Wuk Lamat.
Wuk Lamat is in many ways a new take on Lyse as a patriotic young woman who is inexperienced and optimistic, but struggles with feeling inadequate in the face of expectations. Both are carrying the legacy of family and wanting to make their country a better place, but over the course of their story learn there's far more to their own culture than they realized, which humbles and allows them to grow into the leader they want to be.
Zoraal Ja gets compared directly to Zenos in story as a man of royal birth that is poorly understood by all around him, but is known for his overwhelming strength. And like Zenos, he obsessively seeks his own selfish goals no matter what it costs those around him, rejecting diplomacy and self-examination to inflict his ideal version of the world on everyone around him for his personal satisfaction.
Sphene is very much another go at Emet-Selch, an ancient and powerful ruler from a bygone era burdened with tremendous guilt and solitude by their self-imposed duty to the happiness of the dead, which comes at the expense of those still living. Even as she tries to seek common ground with the protagonist, she knows in her heart there is no compromise, for the idyllic happiness of the past that she would preserve must be built upon the ashes of the future.
And Cahciua has shades of Venat, a passionate explorer that loves the world and all its experiences, who impresses upon the younger generation that loss and hardship are part of life. She is the long-dead guide, steering the party towards the truth, and no matter how much she might desire to keep living, to see her successor's journey, she is content with passing on because she knows her time has long been over.
I would say all of these were executed fairly well, and Dawntrail as a whole reads like it could be a new entry point to the series. Like if someone brand new to the game got a level skip and played Dawntrail as their first experience with XIV, the story is coherent enough that it would still be enjoyable.
I have a few nitpicks here and there, mostly with the idea that certain conflicts felt like they were wrapped up too quickly and cleanly, like Bakool Ja Ja and the truth of Mamook, and the whole soul harvesting industry in Solution Nine, but not enough to prevent me from enjoying the story in its entirety.
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cassynite · 8 months
Sparrow Happy AU please? I'm so simple ;3
Aaaah thank you so much Arrow!! Sparrow Happy AU is so fun <3
This story details an adventure in Mendev featuring Passerene Cygnarus, a young woman who used to be called Sparrow in her youth and who was never captured by slavers. She grew up with her brother Isore in Dehrukani, before Isore finally started his years-long ambition of carving footholds in positions of power to help steer the general cultural and sociopolitical atmosphere of Avistan as a whole. Big plans, and Rene is mildly wary of the fact that her brother has major Evil Guy vibes, but he's her brother and she owes him for the years he sacrificed raising her, so she plays assistant.
Their latest project is to help rebuild a "fuck you mansion" for one Count Daeran Arendae, after his home was destroyed in the demon attack on Kenabres. He was briefly conscripted to the Crusade, before the newly minted knight commander booted him out, so now he's lavishing in Kenabres employing architects to build him a new home.
The story mainly follows Rene following a long an adapted version of Daeran's companion quest, where she figures out he's got a head full of ghosts, befriends him (and maybe more) and saves him anyway <3
See a snippet below the cut!
"And after?" The count gives an elegant shrug. "It was good fun while it lasted, but camping in the cold rain in the armpit of the Worldwound? I can spend my time better in a privy." Rene had done her research on the count long before they accepted the commission, and knows that he's not quite telling the truth. He had been in Kenabres during the demon attack that had incited the current Crusade, though whether he actually helped or not isn't verified. What is verified is that his honorable cousin, Queen Galfrey of Mendev, appointed him to the Crusade as an attache to the newly minted Knight Commander, possibly in response to the alleged heroic actions he took in Kenabres. It didn't matter either way why she did it, because the brand new leader of her armies took one look at Count Arendae and informed him his services were not welcome. Rene winces just thinking about it, the slight and all it implied. Though looking at him now, she understands why a military commander decided against dragging him on a campaign to retake the lost city of Drezen. The young noble hardly seems like the kind of man who would stand mud up his trousers or sleeping on hard ground for weeks at a time. The embarrassment of the rejection might not sting so much when the kind of job he was turned down for was trying to fend off the encroaching demon scourge. But it might also be why he's building this fuck-you mansion to begin with--it would be a way to distract from the recent shame by pointing attention to some new outrageous thing, and also make it clear that the social stumble was not something that bothers Count Arendae one bit.
And a second one, mainly because i like this one a lot but it feels too short to put on its own:
"That was the most haunted man I've ever met in my life." Isore gives her a placid stare. "I found him rather irreverent, personally." Rene snorts. "Come off it, you know what I meant. That man's got a ghost, or a curse, or both. You could feel its fingers on your neck." "And it likely will not kill him until after we are finished building his ridiculous house. Let it go, Passerene. He is not our concern." Isore always had the final say on such things, but then he usually is the one who points them out. "Isn't it strange though? Aren't you the least bit curious?"
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World of Heroes R - Wild Cardz
Ever since the shot that sparked a revolution, Gotham has been a giant gothic battleground, so dour and devoid of humor that its savior dresses as a giant creature of the night. But now all that's changed. A new face in town has been gathering a crew of rejects and losers from all across the city, and together they're gonna change this town... as the number one prankster group! Let's put a smile on that face, boys!
Joker - The dashing and witty leader of this group, he's the guy who's always ready for a fun time! Custom outfit ready to go, he's going to test the laws of this city, physics, and common sense to see just how far they go and how funny it'll be to stretch them there. Did you know that you can just bring an Armadillo on a circus ride? Not anymore in this town, and he's the reason why!
Harley Quinn - Back when Wild Cardz was getting started, Harley was the main collaborator of Joker's, and always had fun while doing it. Her knowledge of psychology is a huge factor in making the best pranks, and she's the one person willing to pull Joker back when his ideas can seem impractical, unfeasible, or just plain disastrous.
Riddler - One of the first to join the Wild Cardz back when it was started, Riddler is every bit the kind of guy you can expect from that. Everything he says to his chosen subject is laced with double or even triple meanings, and only a fool would take his word straight. Of course, sometimes, his attempts at a riddle can be... a bit much.
Poison Ivy - Once a fan of the Wild Cardz, Poison Ivy ended up joining the crew after an accident at work left her with the ability to control plants and one hell of a skin condition. She's a particularly grounded individual, even if she's a bit of a hippy.
Clayface - The one mutated survivor of a really crazy accident, nobody's quite sure if they got multiple personality disorder as a result or was given it by unrelated circumstances, but their newfound ability to shapeshift has led to them being able to switch into six distinct personalities; Sondra, Peter, Matt, Cassius, Preston, and Basil. Luckily, all of them have a sense of humor and are pretty good at acting, so combine that with their shapeshifting ability, and Clayface is just the kind of guy you'd love to have acting in your social experiments.
Clown Prince - The man who gave Gotham Coulrophobia, Arthur Fleck dressed up in a fancy suit and bad clown makeup, shot a popular tv show host, and led a riot around Gotham that ultimately led to his arrest and asylum. But it seems that the Wild Cardz are causing a stir, and he's not willing to let his image get tarnished without a fight.
"The Gag Hammer Bitch" - Another individual who seems to be benefiting from Gotham's Coulrophobia, using it to psychologically manipulate the masses. It could be said that she's a meaner version of Harley, not that she'd appreciate the comparison.
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denisearef · 10 months
Falcon and the Winter Solider (2021)
"The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" picks up the narrative immediately after the events of "Avengers: Endgame." The series navigates the post-Captain America era, with Sam Wilson (Falcon) grappling with the decision of accepting or rejecting the iconic shield. Simultaneously, a new government-appointed Captain America, John Walker, enters the scene. Against the backdrop of global conspiracies involving the Flag Smashers and the mysterious Power Broker, the storyline weaves together the struggles of identity, legacy, and responsibility. Within this narrative, the series tackles themes of racism, socio-economic disparity, and the quest for justice, elevating it beyond the confines of traditional superhero storytelling.
How do structural mythology, cultural studies, and cultural history reflect the series’ world and world-building around superheroes?
Structurally, the series follows the archetypal hero's journey, exploring the burdens and responsibilities that come with wielding superhuman abilities, particularly in the context of the iconic Captain America shield. This mythological framework serves as a foundation for the characters' development and the overarching narrative.
In terms of cultural studies, the show delves into contemporary societal issues, addressing systemic racism, socio-economic disparities, and displacement. The decision-making around Sam Wilson's acceptance of the Captain America role reflects a nuanced exploration of racial identity and societal expectations, contributing to a broader discourse on representation within the superhero genre.
Cultural history is interwoven into the narrative, notably through the aftermath of significant events like the Blip. The series reflects on the impact of these events, shaping the characters' identities and motivations. By grounding the superhero narrative in historical context, it adds layers of complexity to the world-building, making it more reflective of real-world dynamics.
In what ways are the superheroes and their abilities informed by their racial, gender, sexual, and cultural identities?
The series places a magnifying glass on the racial identity of its lead character, Sam Wilson, as he grapples with the legacy of the Captain America shield. Sam's hesitation to assume the role immediately isn't solely rooted in self-doubt but reflects a profound awareness of the racial implications of becoming the symbol of American heroism. The show captures the struggle of a Black man reconciling with the expectations placed on him in a society that has historically excluded and marginalized people of color.
In what ways do costumes and concealing identities further separate the superheroes from normal society? How necessary is it for the superheroes to hide their true identities to successfully achieve their goals?
In "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier," costumes and concealed identities play an important role in delineating the boundary between superheroes and normal society. A prime example is Sam's adoption of the Captain America mantle. When he initially decides not to take up the shield, he grapples not only with the weight of the responsibility, but also with the racial implications of becoming the symbol of American heroism. The iconic Captain America costume, with its patriotic colors and distinctive shield, is not just a uniform; it carries profound symbolic weight. Sam's eventual acceptance of the costume is not just a personal decision, but a statement about the transformative power of symbols and the role costumes play in defining superhero identities.
Practical necessity comes to the forefront for the character of Karli, the leader of the Flag Smashers. Her adoption of a mask aligns with the group's anti-establishment stance, but it also serves the purpose of protecting her identity from their enemies.
The series also addresses the consequences of revealing identities. John Walker, the government-appointed Captain America, faces backlash when his identity is exposed after a controversial incident. The lack of anonymity intensifies the scrutiny on his actions, showcasing the vulnerability that comes with a public persona.
How do the economic, political, and social events that occurred during the series’ creation and broadcast cultivate and inform the superheroes’ decisions and actions?
"The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" unfolds against the backdrop of real-world events, resonating with the racial justice movements of its time. The series discusses police brutality, racial profiling, and the struggles of marginalized communities, drawing explicit parallels to the Black Lives Matter movement.
How do the superheroes question themselves, each other, and their obligations and duties to the people around them?
Throughout the show, Sam questions whether he, as a Black man, can truly embody the symbol of a nation that has historically marginalized people of color. Sam's introspection goes beyond the physical demands of heroism, extending into the realm of identity, representation, and personal sacrifice.
Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, engages in a profound self-examination as he grapples with his dark past and seeks redemption. His internal conflict revolves around reconciling the actions he was forced to commit as a mind-controlled assassin.
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autokratorissa · 1 year
Charles Mountbatten-Windsor has been crowned, by the Grace of God, King of the United Kingdom and His other Realms. Great and egregious expense has gone towards the requisite magics, gone to pay for the actors and costumes required for performing the long-since written play. The ideological farce is done, and this walking survival sits anointed above the United Kingdom, this bastard monarchy unbefitting of the union of British nations it claims to be. Do not mistake the compliant client media and reprehensible political class for a true representation of the country: a great many of us are hungry and angry and want the whole thing burned to the ground. The pageantry is a distraction, as much for themselves as for anyone else. They rule atop a fragile semblance of order that, in the coming decades, will be pushed beyond its fettered limits by forces outside its control. But it is worth remembering that there was once a time when England dared to dream for something better, dared to fight, dared to win:— that there was once a time when England and the whole Isles was a republic, commonwealth, and free state.
A revolutionary army of the downtrodden and the oppressed fought for England to be free from kings and popes, for the wealth of this land to be held in common, for its leaders to belong to the people. This army defeated those who opposed it, both in revolutionary war to take power and in a coup d’état to purge the government of those who would not follow through on the victory. 374 years ago, a king of England, Scotland, and Ireland—a man the revolution called Charles Stuart, an act of glorious contempt to later be echoed by the lèse-majesté of the French address “Citizen Louis Capet”—was tried by a revolutionary tribunal for crimes against the people, found guilty of tyranny, treason, and murder, and executed. What ecstasy the common people must have felt that day! To see the heavens evaporate and all the possibilities of history open up to you now the divinely ordained tyranny was ended! To have sought the impossible and succeeded!
The tragedy of England is that her revolution died in its success: unable to cut the Gordian knot of the balancing act between aristocracy, bourgeoisie, and common people, and therefore unable to go far enough to secure its long-term survival by breaking the power of the nobility once and for all, the regime never found real stability, the radicals were sidelined, promises were broken, and all that had been achieved slowed to an inertia and a Restoration. But for a decade the British Isles were free from the stain of monarchy, and even at the last moment, as it all came crashing down around them, the loyal revolutionaries were willing to fight and tried to resist. The revolution ended, as it were, in the person of Daniel Axtell: a fervent revolutionary who had participated in the coup against the Long Parliament and served as captain of the guard during the trial of Charles Stuart, Axtell went to his death on the scaffold—went to be hung, drawn and quartered by the counterrevolution—unrepentant and proud, promising: ‘If I had a thousand lives, I could lay them all down for the Cause.’ The name of the Good Old Cause was still in the psyche of working-class politics in Britain as late as the nineteenth century and the Chartist movement.
How did it all come to this? Britain is a green and pleasant land, bleached white-yellow by the dying its masters have inflicted upon the earth; an island nation, fed by raging seas and rivers flowing off the snow-capped mountains and through the hedge-lined fields, that has been turned to a land of drought and shit-filled waterways; a rich country, grown fat off plunder and war and exploitation, in which a third of its children are malnourished; a country which led the world in rejecting the feudal order, in fighting for something new and free and good, which is today one of the most backwards regimes on earth and the most fragile and decrepit member of the imperialist chain that still encircles the world. Capitalism was born here. One day, it will die here. And when it does, the British people will have rediscovered the radicalism with which they once led history, and proclaimed again that their state will be a commonwealth, belonging to the working people, without a king or a house of lords. And when they do, we can look back and smile, knowing that we have relegated the likes of Charles and his palaces to oblivion. Should we ever get the chance, with delight and in the memory of those who came before us, we shall make no excuses for the terror, and for the republic: ‘We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror. But the royal terrorists, the terrorists by the grace of God and the law, are in practice brutal, disdainful, and mean, in theory cowardly, secretive, and deceitful, and in both respects disreputable.’
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joylinda-hawks · 1 year
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Reasons are just a nicer name for excuses. WOH, Episode 24, Part 3. WKX walks up to the seated ZZS and hands him tea. ZZS sits on a chair and WKX sits on the ground. ZZS drinks tea and says that the disease took the master, but before he died, he entrusted Siji Manor to him. As a young leader of the ZZS, he was unable to defend the sect, which was under attack from many sides. For two years he managed to defend himself, so after that time he ran away. WKX tells him not to blame himself and asks what happened next. ZZS replies that he escaped. To console him, WKX says he must have had reasons. A distraught ZZS replies that reasons are just the name of excuses. ZZS says that his father used to be an assistant to Prince Jin, and the current prince is his cousin. The prince was worried that he had no one he could trust, so he turned to the ZZS for help. Memories come to life in the memory of ZZS. He remembers how he went to see the prince. The prince then told him how the prince's father treated their teacher, who died in prison. The previous prince of Jin did not allow him to be buried, which made the prince's son very worried. ZZS, sympathetic to his cousin, promised to secretly bury the teacher's body. The cousin asks the ZZS to come to Jin and help him. After these memories, ZZS adds that he led all the students of Siji Manor to Jin. ZZS did not suppose that he was deceiving himself. Once they were entangled in the web of great politics, there was no turning back. ZZS saw his brothers die one by one before his eyes. At the end, even Jiu Xiao died. After his death, ZZS had nothing to live for and asks WKX what he did then. With tears in his eyes, ZZS replies that he ran away again. WKX without words, only a gesture tries to comfort him. ZZS says that in the end he had these 7 nails left, the people he wanted to protect, the things he wanted to do, melted into nothingness even though he tried hard. They were like sand slipping through your fingers. ZZS looking at ZCL adds that fate turned out to be kind. He gave him a second chance, ZZS has someone to share his knowledge with. It's not just how much time he has left and whether he'll see ZCL grow into a man. WKX protests that YBY has promised to cure ZZS. ZZS replies that nothing in this world is absolutely certain. However, WKX does not change its mind. ZZS replies that no matter what, he is glad that WKX came back with him to Siji Manor. WKX is touched and tells ZZS to go to sleep, and he wants to get some fresh air. This scene is one big ZZS confession. Finally, the shell around his heart cracked and 2,000 layers of dust fell. A real ZZS stood in front of us. A gentle, sensitive young man with a lot of empathy. ZZS blames himself for his own mistakes, he feels like a coward because when a problem arose, he chose to run away. When his master died, ZZS was only 16 years old, he was still a child who had to become a man overnight. For two years he tried to become one. His innocence and trust were taken advantage of by his cousin. He treated the younger boy as a useful tool to achieve his own goal. Even at this moment, ZZS doesn't know how much Prince Jin manipulated him. Most of the misfortunes he suffered were due to the prince's ambitions. WKX is also unhappy to see the state of ZZS, listening to the words of ZZS remembers his own words that ZZS said when he found out that ZZS is dying. Both men couldn't save the people they loved. It connects them. WKX is afraid of how ZZS will react when its secrets are revealed. He doesn't want ZZS to reject him, he doesn't want ZZS to sink further into despair. This scene hits the viewer hard. You can't watch it without tears in your eyes. The acting of ZZH and GJ is so emotional and so convincing that I cry every time I watch it. It is independent of me. I can't hold back my tears. That says something in my opinion. ZZH and GJ played phenomenal here.
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
A 69-year-old Jewish man died after a blunt-force head injury following an altercation at an Israel-Hamas war protest in California, Ventura County officials and local organizations said Monday.
The death followed a confrontation with a counter-protester as simultaneous pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrations were held at the same location over the weekend, the Ventura County Sheriff's Office said.
The Ventura County Medical Examiner's Office said it determined Paul Kessler's death was a homicide. Authorities have not ruled out the possibility the incident was a hate crime, officials said Monday. Kessler was Jewish, according to two faith-based organizations in Los Angeles.
On Sunday afternoon in Thousand Oaks, California, multiple people called the Ventura County Sheriff's Communication Center to report an incident of battery at the corner of Westlake Boulevard and Thousand Oaks Boulevard, authorities said. The intersection was where pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian demonstrations were taking place.MORE: Netanyahu to ABC's Muir: 'No cease-fire' without release of hostages
Authorities arriving on the scene located Kessler and noted he was suffering from a head injury, the sheriff's office said.
Witnesses told deputies that Kessler was involved in a physical altercation with a counter-protester or protesters, officials said Monday night. Kessler fell backward during the altercation, authorities said, hitting his head on the ground.
He was transported to a local hospital for what authorities said was "advanced medical treatment," but he died from his injuries Monday, officials said.
The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles said in a Monday statement that it was "devastated to learn of the tragic death of an elderly Jewish man."
"Violence against our people has no place in civilized society. We demand safety. We will not tolerate violence against our community. We will do everything in our power to prevent it," the federation said.
Executive Director Hussam Ayloush of the Greater LA office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations also issued a statement following the news of the man's death.
"We are deeply saddened by this tragic and shocking loss. We join local Jewish leaders in calling on all individuals to refrain from jumping to conclusions, sensationalizing such a tragedy for political gains, or spreading rumors that could unnecessarily escalate tensions that are already at an all-time high," he said.
The public should wait until the sheriff's office completes its investigation before "drawing any conclusions," he said.
"While we strongly support the right of political debate, CAIR-LA and the Muslim community stand with the Jewish community in rejecting any and all violence, antisemitism, Islamophobia, or incitement of hatred," he added.
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grineerios · 9 months
(Temporary) Character Masterlist
Operator Kaine- Hot-headed and impulsive, Kaine was a Yuvan before becoming a Tenno. Hates amps, and typically rejects Tenno culture. Embraces the Void and all its horrors. Doesn't get along with his Drifter counterpart, Callan. Madurai.
Operator Rufus- Fearful and naïve, Rufus awoke from the Second Dream under unusual circumstances. He lacks a connection to the Tenno, and his Gauss is his closest friend. Vazarin.
Drifter Callan- A stubborn, anxious man. Callan is avoidant of his own problems, but will face others' head-on. Took on the role of a Tammherd while in Duviri. Sees himself as a guardian to his Operator counterpart, Kaine, but struggles with having a good relationship with him. Deals with chronic pain as the result of a run-in with a Void Angel. Strongly dislikes transference. Naramon.
Kaine's Volt- Standard Volt, sole warframe of Kaine's. He tends to work as a counterbalance to Kaine's impulsivity and powerful emotions. Doesn't remember much from before the Old War. Full of personality, but lacks independence from Kaine.
Callan's Oberon- Standard Oberon, helps Callan manage his void injury. Independent, but hollow. Met Callan during the New War after his Operator was killed.
Rufus' Gauss- Standard Gauss. An infestation scientist who formerly worked for Archemedian Silvana before becoming a warframe voluntarily. Rufus' caretaker. Fully independent and sapient. Spiteful towards Cephalon Anum for blackmailing her throughout the course of the Old War.
Radio (Octavia)- Octavia Prime. A chipper and energetic warframe safeguarding a Tenno who hasn't awoken from the Second Dream. She and her Tenno are somewhat co-conscious.
Sibir (Sevagoth)- Standard Sevagoth. A Tennoless warframe found deep under the surface of Deimos in a locked Isolation Vault. Seems to have a burning hatred for all things Entrati.
Crux- Wannabe treasure hunter and archaeologist. Fascinated by Orokin treasures and junk. Defacto leader of a small group of Solaris ice miners in Neptune Proxima. Has an Eximus Shockwave MOA leg for an arm. Has a pet Kubrow pup named Auron.
Febe- Originally a Fortuna Solaris. A mother. Trying to pay off debt so her kids- wherever they are- don't have to carry that weight in their lifetimes. After a work accident, couldn't afford to get an arm replaced, so Crux shifted her to working in analytics, data, and shipping. Firm, but incredibly loving.
Lanthan- Crux's second-in-command for negotiations. Grounded and patient. They're insistent about hearing both sides of an argument. A skilled artist in their spare time. Has feelings for Copernius.
Copernius- A disgraced former Corpus Crewman, he became a Solaris as a form of punishment after his squadron failed to repel a Tenno attack. With a new name, and a (somewhat) new body, he seeks penance through his work. He's solitary, and doesn't get along with the other Solaris, or the Corpus, making him quite the outsider.
Cabu Fakk- Steel Meridian Defender, spiteful and aloof. Has so many problems, and takes a lot of time off because of it. Has a love-hate relationship with other Grineer, and her faction as a result. Ship's on-board Komi champion. Has a begrudging respect for Kaine and zero for Callan. Incredibly gay. Close to Maroo.
Log-Rec Avarke- Cephalon Suda Gunner. Oblivious and naive, but true to herself. Aromantic, in a relationship with Cabu. Not super interested in Railjacks, but knows lots of niche facts about aspects of it, and will tell you about them.
Gallo Hirtu- Perrin Sequence back-up Pilot. Autistic as all hell, special interest is coins and, to a lesser degree, metal. Obsessed with the history of the Corpus. Will infodump on helm to Cabu and Avarke. Avarke appreciates it, Cabu does not. Has a one-sided crush on Callan, but has complicated feelings about it as he sees Kaine like a little brother.
Rex Sonokiza- Hexis Defender. A nigh-elderly Arbiter who chose to pursue Railjack work instead of retirement. Seeking fulfilment in life by helping others. Distant from the other members of the crew.
Cephalon Anum- Gauss' Cephalon. Spiteful towards her for blackmailing them for centuries. Sarcastic, but genuinely cares for Rufus, even if they're resentful towards his warframe.
Velondis Hotarbu- Converted Kuva Lich. A doting aunt figure to Operator Kaine.
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a-tale-of-legends · 9 months
Guys I have a theory as to why Piers hates dynamaxing that isn't just "his parents died by some dynamax pokemon "
So. If I am having the timeline of events right, Oleana created the dynamax bands in recent history, correct? It was probably around the time Piers was young, possibly before then. So, before the dynamax bands were made and utilized, we can only assume that the Galar league didn't have a way to dynamax their pokemon. So like, opal and Mustard probably didn't have dynamax bands or pokemon ( note: I could be VERY wrong on this, the timeline of swsh is wonky so I might be missing some key details!). And all of that in relation to Spikemuth is that I think Spikemuth, before dynamax bands, was honestly fine. Like we know the place has a lot of shops, and is near a vast amount of water for fishing, so again, I feel like Spikemuth pre- dynamax bands were honestly fine as it was. But then Dynamaxing became part of the league circuit and everything just went down hill for Spikemuth. Their town was way too small to even place a power spot, let alone to have dynamax pokemon battle. So, if all of this holds true, dynamaxing being commercialized the way it is basically shot Spikemuth to the ground. That plus the fact that most people already don't have a good view of spikemuth - being a town of punks - and Spikemuth was pretty much doomed( note again: I don't remember if anyone in game has ever bad mouthed Spikemuth as a whole. Team yell certainly, so that's why I kinda made this assumption here), with its literal saving grace being it's gym.
Tldr: Dynamaxing becoming the Thing™ of Galar pretty much ruined Spikemuth. If you're wondering why Piers rejected Rose's offer- I can think of many reasons but the main one was the fact that the new gym would be far away from Spikemuth. 1) that wouldn't really help Spikemuth at all I think. At that point Piers' would be "The Spikemuth gym leader" rather the gym leader of someplace else. The title is important for Spikemuth's future. If Piers isn't the gym leader of Spikemuth, then why go to Spikemuth at all? The decision would just hurt Spikemuth even more. And 2) going off of the previous point, what's the point of having a gym if you aren't around a community to support it. It's very clear that Piers loves his town and loves his people, hence why he's trying so hard to get a handle on things. I don't think he likes the idea of being away from his home, especially if it wouldn't really help them.
Soooo yeah. I think that's a good theory as to why Piers doesn't like Dynamaxing. Of course, it's just a theory lol. I hope this wasn't already stated before by others bc man I would feel like an idiot. And it just shows I was late to pick up on this lmao.
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Hey! if your free readings are open, can i get one? i would like to know any messages that my sm has for me / any physical indications of them. thank you! i am IG.
SM, are there any messages you want to communicate? (The phrase let ‘er rip, came to mind when I asked them to give me a message, which made me think of this song, maybe there’s meaning in the phrase or song for you)
Druid Craft Tarot
(5) The high priest, reversed— rebellion, rejection of codes or values, unsound advice, eccentricity
“Originality of ideas, the impulse to renew and change outmoded religious or educational systems, a need to reject the values imposed by parents and religious leaders, the gullible acceptance of an unorthodox cult and its demands”
(8) Strength, upright—unconditional love, courage, faith, power with awareness, compassion, wild wisdom
“The meeting of the wild and civilized selves, a generous and wise person in your life, you could be entering into a deeper relationship with the forces of life and of nature, honor and celebrate your sexuality in a way that causes no suffering, we can develop mature strength of soul and character by handling conflict with compassionate awareness and trust”
With the first card, immediately I feel like these are traits of the person, they are eccentric and very autonomous/don’t like being told what to do, self directed, they enjoy change, adventure, very Sagittarian energy. Probably someone interested in philosophy or abstract thinking, may be very anti systems, or like an advocate against current social structures. It seems to me, since it’s a major arcana card that this is a key part of who they are. It shows a man with red hair and a beard/mustache, maybe your person has these features. There’s also a bird on the card that looks like a canary maybe, so maybe that has some symbolism.
The second card to me indicates things they will bring to your life—wisdom, unconditional love, etc. But I also think this card is urging you to tap into your wild side more, your more repressed human pieces, the uncivilized parts that scream and play. I also feel it’s saying getting more in tune with nature, and that you may need to do some healing around your sexuality. Try to work with being in your body, work to ground and embody yourself. There’s a giant boar in this card, so maybe pigs or boars are another sign.
5+8=13=4, any of these numbers may have meanings and relate to yours or their life path, the number four is tied to the home and could indicate some work you need to do around your grounding and foundation.
The colors red, green and gold may have significance! Hope this gives you some of what you were looking for and would love to know if it connects!
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misfitwashere · 7 months
Beware the Weak Man
Thoughts from the Munich Security Conference
FEB 22
Who is the weak man?  You shall know him by his itinerary.  The weak man knows that Ukraine is what matters, so he goes to Texas.  The weak man of Congress buys some casual clothes, has a staffer write a speech about the border, and recites it word-for-word.  A real invasion is replaced by a pretend one.  The weak man invites us to fear phantoms rather than face issues. 
House Speaker Mike Johnson did this, as did other American legislators seeking excuses not to help Ukraine.  While I was in Munich, Elon Musk put on a cowboy hat and took his turn.  In fall 2022, when Ukraine might have won the war, Musk cut the Ukrainians off from Starlink.  Rather than going to Ukraine and learning, he made a profoundly bad decision on the basis of personal fear. 
The Munich Security Conference is a place where people get together to take action.  Unlike Johnson and Musk, Senator J.D. Vance was at least present.  But he was there to demotivate.  Invited to meet Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelens’kyi, Vance made his excuses.  Rather than looking a courageous man in the eye, he retreated to his hotel room and searched for "dolphin" and "women" on the internet.
At a meeting I attended, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced that her country would donate its entire stock of artillery shells to Ukraine. Vance stood outside the building and said that we should give up.  He told the leaders of a democracy (but not to their faces) to give up territory.  If the Ukrainians followed his advice, the chain of events would be similar to what happened the last time fascism was appeased in Munich: the collapse of faith in order, and a world war.
Ukraine could win, if Americans would help; but our weak men have cut off the weapons.  Musk spreads Russian propaganda.  Vance amplifies Russian foreign policy.  Trump follows Putin’s wishes.  Johnson maneuvers for months to block a vote on aid to Ukraine.  And so the Ukrainians, fighting for their lives, run out of artillery shells, and must withdraw from losses from Avdiivka. 
The weak man kills because he lacks the energy to act and consumes the energy of others.  He scorns those who struggle with real danger, and want them to fail and die. 
The problem is not masculinity.  Radek Sikorski, the foreign minister of Poland, is a man’s man from central casting: good looks, deep voice, firm stare, bad jokes.  When not in office, he was raising money for pickup trucks and driving them to the front.  At Munich, plenty of competent men were at work: such as Czech President Petr Pavel, a former general, who has been searching the world for artillery shells to send to Ukraine.  The problem is brittle masculinity, the male form of weakness that substitutes mendacious prattle for necessary action. 
Instead of aiding Ukraine, the weak men of Congress have dedicated months to a long series of lies that have wasted the energy and good faith of others.  First Johnson said that he wanted to protect the border and would pass aid for Ukraine if it was connected to a border bill; then, when presented with exactly this solution, he rejected it.  When aid for Ukraine was then separated from the border issue in another bill, he rejected that too, on the grounds that the border was not mentioned.  The weak men of Congress want inaction both at the border and in Ukraine.  They only mention the one to explain why they are not acting on the other.
After this parade, Johnson called to House of Representatives to recess.  But Johnson himself is not on vacation.  He has to put on a tie and abase himself before Trump in Florida.  In the photograph Johnson posted, Trump lacks the strength to raise his thumb.  Trump submits to Putin, and encourages Russia to attack American allies. 
And Putin, in his turn, is all fear.  He kills opponents because he fears that a younger generation might do better.  He attacks Ukraine because he cannot stand the thought of democracy in Russia.  The submission chain that runs through Johnson and Trump to Putin ends in a vacuum. 
The danger is that this vacuum will consume our democracy.  The weak man runs from danger by running for office.  Not strong enough to believe in law or to live by it, the weak man breaks laws and then tries to break law itself.  Putin wants to die in his bed.  And so we will soon have another fake Russian presidential election.  Trump wants to pardon himself or otherwise avoid prosecution for all the crimes he seems to know he has committed.  For the weak man, fear is everything, and fear must also become everything for us.
On the first day of the Munich Security Conference, the news arrived that Alexei Navalny, the foremost Russian oppositionist, had been killed in Russian prison. Navalny was known for his courage.  He had returned to Russia after Russian authorities poisoned him. After his poisoning, but before he returned to Russia, he telephoned the Russian secret police, impersonated one of its officers, and elicited the truth about what happened.  He was also courageous enough to be a friend to his friends and a father to his children.
Weak men therefore find Navalny unbearable.  Putin cannot say his name.  Nor can Musk -- and the social media platform he owns suspended the account of Navalny’s widow.  Trump claimed that Navalny died to show how much Trump suffers.  Navalny committed no crimes, but drew attention to those of oligarchs.  Trump is a wannabe oligarch who says that, should he become president again, he will round up and imprison his political opponents.  He wants to be able to do with all Americans what Putin did to Navalny.  And, like Putin, he will claim to be the victim as he does so.  The weak man always says that he is the victim.
One way the weak man kills is by broadcasting his fears.  Putin might or might not have given a direct order to kill Navalny.  More likely it was an indirect suggestion, picked up by other weak men.  On January 6th, 2021, Trump used language other weak men understood.  He now uses the internet to encourage violence against elected representatives, prosecutors, and judges.  He prepares for a second coup attempt.
Munich is a city full of resonances for a historian.  Hitler’s first coup attempt took place here.  After his second one, the one that succeeded after an election, he let others understand what he wanted done.  Like Putin, and for that matter like Trump, he made his general wishes known, and let others turn them into fearful acts.  And so institutions changed, and society altered, and life became fear.
Americans don’t tend to learn from foreign examples or from the past.  We don’t recognize a politics of fear, which makes us vulnerable to it.  We assume that any action they take from personal fear must be justified.  And so we normalize fear, and spread it, and institutionalize it. 
The Republican Party is becoming a party of fear, in which Republicans fear other Republicans, fear their constituents, and fear Trump, which means fearing Russia.  Republicans enter the submission chain that binds them to Trump, and to Putin, and then rationalize what they have done.  From the position, actual cooperation with actual Russians no longer seems to be a problem, as we have just seen in the attempt to impeach Biden with the help of Russian lies, and for that matter in a series of events going back a decade.
Americans beyond the cult of MAGA submit in a different way.  They decide that the weak man is the strong man, and thereby make it so.  They instruct us, absurdly, that the war in Ukraine or the work of democracy makes us "fatigued."  If we think that labor and courage are bad things, we are conceding the point — and our democracy — to the weak man.  But the work itself is invigorating, and is the example of those doing the work.
American newspapers instruct us that Biden is old.  If he’s old (goes the thinking), he must be weak; and if he is weak, then we are permitted to give up.  But Biden is not weak.  He is not running away from prison, or from anything else.  He does not act from fear.  He gets work done.  His record is one of the strongest in the history of the American presidency.  And he went to Ukraine with zero military protection.  That was courageous.  No other president has ever done that. 
In Munich I thought of the Ukrainian writer Stanislav Aseyev, whom I last saw in Kyiv.  He survived a Russian torture camp, tracked down his own persecutor, and wrote a book about it.  Aseyev is now at the front in the Ukrainian army.  He doesn’t like being in a bunker, because it reminds him of his cell.  I saw another Ukrainian soldier I know at the conference.  The last time I talked to him he had his right pants leg tied below the amputation.  This time he had a prosthesis.  He stood and spoke of the “spirit of freedom.” 
It is absurd, in such a world, where so much is at stake, where so much is to be won, to speak of our “fatigue” either with the struggle in Ukraine or the struggle for our own democracy.  Doing so is the prologue to a story of weakness, which ends with the victory of the weak man.  When we fall in line behind the fearful, when we forget the “spirit of freedom,” we help the weak men create a politics of fear.  When we obey in advance, we invite the weak man to take power over our souls, which then means power over our politics.
In 2024, a year of war and a year of elections, a year that will test decency and democracy, the weak man wants to see his fear in our eyes.  We will need the courage to admire the courageous, and to say something that might feel risky.  For example: we believe in our values, and we believe in our strength.  Ukraine can win this war, Biden can win this election, and democracy can thrive.
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