#‧͙+ ̊*・༓☾ erica answers ☽༓・* ̊+‧͙
malleleothreesome · 10 months
Not a request just a funny thought. I just am positive that if Yuu/you and Mal bang, Lilia will ALWAYS know. It’s the dad senses in him. Especially if his room is right next door to Malleus.
Next morning:
Lilia: 😏😏😏 Have fun?
HAHAHA this is absolutely canon. He's proud as hell, too.
It's a combination of his dad senses, his age, and also the fact that Malleus can't hide his emotions for anything. Let's say he banged outside of Diasomnia, theoretically far away from peepaw's bat ears and prying eyes. You know damn well Malleus is walking around like a changed man after that. Lilia later swears that not even his coronation had such an impact on the dragon fae.
He's walking around with a stupid smile on his face. He's glowing. Confidence increased ten fold. He just discovered the meaning of life. He's got a hazy look in his eye and he didn't hear what you just asked him because he's too busy replaying the sex over and over again in his head. Oh, there was a student party and they forgot to invite him? Who cares! He was having sex. He was banging child of man. He could be having sex right now. He should b– *fireflies*
Also I don't know about y'all, but if I'm gonna have sex with Malleus for the first time, I'm sure as hell gonna ask Lilia for advice before I do it. I've certainly never had sex with a fae, nor a draconic fae, nor one of the top 5 powerful mages in the world. I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into! What happens if I ask the dude who can break open a coconut with his bare hands to "go faster! harder!"? How do I know his semen isn't lime green and acidic to humans? Is he gonna transform into a dragon if he gets too into it? Am I gonna wake up the next morning to an egg in my bed?! Lilia, stop laughing at me! These are very serious questions!
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malleleothreesome · 8 months
smirk emoji…. can we see a snippet of whichever wip is gripping you most rn 🫣🫶 IM EYEING ALL OF THEM LIKE HEY…. grabby hands
Referencing this post
Um, idk if this classifies as a "snippet" 🤪 but, I swear, this is only a small portion of what I have written...
This is the start of 'Fellow Honest Drunken Confession' (WIP, subject to change. SFW, swearing, gn reader)
To the people who voted on my poll for me to post the Leona/Malleus/Reader love triangle early, this isn't the content you voted for, but hopefully this might hold you over???
Fellow Honest let out an exasperated sigh, standing next to you and your classmates as the massive cruise ship that housed Playfulland amusement park sinks into the abyss of the ocean. His hands are clasped behind his head, and a carefree grin lights up his face. "You know what?" He asks, turning to you. His fox ears twitch atop his head as a salty breeze stirs his orange hair. The night has begun to encroach, a half moon hangs suspended in the starry sky like a pale glowing lamp above the dark waters of the ocean. You stare back into his face, noting his fangs poking out as the tip of his curly orange tail swishes happily. Fellow winks as he laughs his signature haughty cackle. He opens his mouth to speak. "Do you want to grab a drink sometime?"
Ace Trappola perks right up at the mention of alcohol and barrels forward, face beaming and completely missing Fellow's lascivious intent towards you. "Hey, free drinks? You're talking to the right person, man. Hell yeah, let's do it, you're gonna let us drink free? I mean, it's like, the least you could do for trying to human traffic us, am I right?" He does an excited fist-pumping action as Trey Clover trails in his wake, attempting to shush him to no avail, calling, "Ace!" in a desperate hiss. Fellow regards the spectacle with the most blank stare, his ear flicking as a tiny, unnoticed wince of annoyance flickers across his visage.
The monster of a man tilts his head and smiles slyly to you and only you, his eyes sweeping you with interest, "Just you and me, hotstuff. We're talking romantic and steamy. We've got a connection, don't deny it. So. Whaddaya say?" Fellow steps closer, tongue running along his canines as he looks you up and down with a cheeky grin and a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "You and me, alone together, drinking, talking... I'll be real good to you—I'm an honest guy! All my business is legit now!" he throws his head back with a flourish of his arms, roaring with raucous laughter. After a second, he composes himself, his piercing orange eyes turning sharp as he flashes another lecherous look in your direction. With a slight smirk on the corner of his lips and a suggestive raise of his eyebrow, Fellow leans to whisper in your ear, lingering in the electricity of your aura a bit too long before speaking, making you shiver. His voice drops to a low, suggestive purr as his hot breath grazes your neck, "But, if you like, a little bit naughty ain't out of the question... "
Before you can respond, Ace—unable to be subdued by Trey—makes his way back over and elbows you in the arm. Just as clueless as ever, his freckled cheeks are flushed bright pink from excitement, and you swear he's bouncing with happiness on his toes as he hollers with unbridled hype for the evening ahead, "Free drinks, bro! He's an underworld mobster, dude—a high ranking one—we'll have the VIP treatment if he decides to take us out. Taste of that top shelf, not some gross, warm piss from a barrel they serve everyone else, only the best!" Ace says all this while gripping his heart and fake swooning, holding out his arms in an exaggerated gesture, leaning on your shoulder. "Free top shelf liquor!" Ace shouts to the rest of your classmates gathered around in small groups, waving them all over.
Fellow's eyebrow raises further upward until it threatens to leave the confines of his forehead, a dead look in his orange eyes. His tail doesn't twitch—it stays perfectly still, frozen in an upright arch. When his lips part in a rigid smile and his shoulders begin to shake, the absolute venomous displeasure that radiates off the poor fox is palpable enough that you can practically feel it soaking into your skin. For a minute, all that comes out of his mouth is a jumble of fragmented curse words mixed with giggles. You look over at him in mild alarm, unsure if he has finally reached a state of losing his goddamn mind or if he's about to violently lash out and murder Ace and everyone in attendance on sight.
Fellow holds up both gloved palms, almost covering his whole face as he slowly shakes his head and doubles over, guffawing uproariously and wiping away tears of hysterical mirth from his eyes, tail swishing from side to side again. You are stunned, staring as Fellow wheezes and struggles to get ahold of his faculties. Catching his breath, his eyes bulge and he bellows to the sky with unrestrained joy, throwing his head back, ears flying and pointing upwards, his hat almost tumbling off as his body quakes and his lungs struggle, "The sheer audacity! The unmitigated gumption of this fool—"
"Oh my GOD," he continues to snigger with laughter, almost out of control as his nose crinkles. Before long, he descends into violent snorts, then coughing as his breaths go askew and come short. In a valiant effort to calm himself, he holds up his hands, as if praying, a wicked grin plastered across his face. All Ace does is squint suspiciously at his antics, totally clueless to Fellow's intent. Trey shakes his head slowly, rubbing his face in abject defeat, looking as if he's willing his brain to purge the trauma of ever coming to this place. Fellow makes a poor attempt to control himself, breathing deeply, "Sorry, sorry, it's just funny, oh my God. Wow. He has some balls on him, I'll give him that! I really admire the gall. You know what? This brat might have a career in the biz, I'm serious." The fox beastman reaches out and ruffles Ace's head of red hair like he's some kid, chortling.
He is shaking his head and wearing a very impressed look as his fingers caress his chin pensively, lost in thought, unable to maintain eye contact as he's on the verge of losing his composure again. "Alright, tough guy. Yeah, let's go get boozed. And hey, little bastard," His fiendish grin takes a more sinister tone, fangs exposed as he tilts his head in a cocky way. "Just so you know, if your pathetic college didn't send that sweetheart of a cutie,” he winks suggestively at you, his tail giving a little twitch, before his eyes wander across the crowd of students, obviously unimpressed by your entire class, sneering, “I'd never be letting any of you idiots go. No way! I would have dragged each of you back to my boss by force. Don't test my generosity or my kindness." He shoves his finger into Ace's face, leaning towards him intimidatingly, but the smirk of delight stays on Fellow's face despite his posturing. He's clearly getting a huge kick out of trying to spook and intimidate Ace, who thinks he's some scary, powerful crime lord.
Fellow takes a sharp inhale and clasps his hands shut as he addresses the group, "Now, just for fun, let's get liquored up on the highest rooftop bar, play some poker, do a little dancing..." his eyes flit back over to you, "Maybe some smooches, hey?" A fox yip punctuates his sentence. His eyes return back to Ace, whose lips press in a firm, annoyed line, frowning at the con man. Fellow's eyebrow twitches with incredulous humor as he takes in Ace's defiance, biting his lip for a second as if trying not to give in to another peal of cackling. "There isn't going to be any 'VIP treatment', no 'free drinks', and definitely no 'top shelf', is that clear? Who do you think I am? You think I like doing that type of shit?" he points to the water, gesturing to the decimated remnants of the amusement park. "I'll let you in on a little secret, kid, people don't do those types of jobs because they're loaded.” He leans down to get eye level with Ace, using expressive jazz hands as he puts on a pompous voice, “'Oh, man, my yacht's all paid off and ready, better become a goddamn kidnapping organ trafficker—the glamour! The luxury!' Do you understand what I'm saying, you dinky little shit?"
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malleleothreesome · 5 months
I'm just being down bad probably but the hand.... *twirls hair and giggles*
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LOL I CANT BELIEVE THE GROOVY DROPPED RIGHT WHEN I FELL ASLEEP LOL. But I guess I’m glad I didn’t see it before bed cause it would have KEPT ME THE FUCK UP ALL NIGHT.
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Ugh i totally have a thing for hands *bites lip twirls hair* but honestly WHICH HAND cause something about the way he’s gripping that broomstick got me sweating 🥵
Okay but his dad glasses are SOOO FUNNY TO ME LIKE??? Now that I’ve seen these outfits I wonder what the fuck Malleus looks like when he’s playing and beating their asses to oblivion??? Like don’t tell me Malleus has dad glasses too please I can’t take it I can’t even fathom. Maybe Malleus is so powerful he doesn’t even need glasses, maybe he’s just out there raw dogging it WHO KNOWS BESTIE
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malleleothreesome · 10 months
Aaaah your pinning after you posts are amazing!!!! (your Malleus one is my favorite one since he is one of my favorite ones!) but your Leona one was also good!!! I’m so happy to have found your blog! I hope you make more of them because your writing is amazing!!! 🥺🖤🖤
Ahhh hi Knight!! Thanks so much for sending me this ask 🥺 and thank you so much for saying that!! I feel so happy to hear you enjoyed both of my pining after you posts. I still consider myself brand new to writing (I was always good at writing in school but I never tried writing fanfic before this year, despite being a lifelong fanfic lover) so I still feel giddy and astonished that like, I'm out here writing my innermost thoughts and daydreams on the internet and people like, actually enjoy reading them! I feel like I finally found a hobby that feels really fulfilling to me, so I'm so excited to keep writing! I can't articulate enough just how much it means to me when you or others compliment my work – it is so motivating and keeps me so excited to start working on the next piece! You mention Malleus being one of your faves, so I'm curious to know who your other faves are? It'll take me some time to really research on them, because I won't know them as well as I do Mal & Leona, but I don't want the pining after you series to die with them. I would love to bring it to other characters! Hope to talk to you soon, Knight! 💖🥺✨
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malleleothreesome · 9 months
You may've read it already but I'm here to drop a Fellow fic that I found very funny just in case you haven't read it 🤝
- Yes, that one Fellow anon again !
before anyone reads this please just know i had a very long work day and im absolutely delusional
No one has any context to who you are to me because I haven't posted any of your asks (cause I was saving your original one to like, reply to with my fic response that I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED) so really I've only been communicating with you telepathically (in my heart) and through tags and other peoples asks.
You may be an anon but u are like in my top 4 best friends for life
it goes @wysteriadelights, @masquerade-of-misery, @triforce-holder and then @fellow-honest-thigh-riding-anon, like I just know we would be besties. I do in fact imagine u as an ominous gray being with black ray bans sunglasses and somehow that makes me want to be your friend more.
Please accept my artistic rendition of you
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When u saw my weirdly desperate pleas to you and u responded with this ask, the sheer elation I felt when I saw the sacred words "Fellow Honest thigh riding anon" in my ask box would rival that of a 1950’s housewife whose husband just returned unscathed from the war
Okay I'm gonna be honest here bestie Fellow Honest thigh riding anon LISTEN I KNOW YOU DIDN'T MENTION IT but I haven't touched the thigh riding WIP in WEEKS DAIUHSDIUASDH I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.........im kind of overwhelmed cause I got so many Fellow requests in my ask box that I am eager to fulfill on top of like yours and Stage Sex part 2. I mean, its a good sort of overwhelmed because I am very excited to write for him but now I have A LOT OF THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD AT ALL TIMES. EVERYTHING WILL BE COMPLETED EVENTUALLY... 🥲
I HAD NOT READ THIS, SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THINKING OF ME AND SENDING IT OVER! LISTEN THIS FIC IS SO GOOD IM DYING????? Like this actually changed the trajectory of my life..... first of all, as a redditor of 10+ years... this format truly touched my chronically online heart. And as a writer and a CODER... to KNOW THAT I CAN POST ON AO3 IN ANY FORMAT??? Oh... I am going to wreak havoc. Y'all aren't ready for the deranged fic templates I'm about to come up with.
dasohidhASIdh THEY FUCKED IN THE GUEST BATHROOM??? please I need even MORE details, Cater was so real for that.
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malleleothreesome · 5 months
Your fellow honest smut fanfic is so good it’s driving me wild 😳😳😳 Will you be continuing it?
Omg first of all... thank you SO much for your interest in my Fellow smut. It means the world to me that you enjoyed it and are excited for part 2!
The good news is: yes, I WILL be continuing it! I am still totally invested in Fellow as a character.
The bad news is: I haven't started writing it yet 💀
What's worse is that all this time, instead of continuing working on Stage Sex, I'm 15 pages deep in some other freaking completely unrelated Fellow fic
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The neutral news is: eventually when both of these fics are complete, you guys will be absolutely drowning in the thousands upon thousands of words I've written about Fellow Honest.
I hear you, though, so really, I promise I'm going to switch gears and start chipping away at Stage Sex again. Writer's Block has been very difficult for me lately, and I have a very high standard for the work that I put out. I'm hoping I can start writing some words I'm proud of again and I hope the final result will be worth the wait!
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malleleothreesome · 7 months
Trein is inspired by the evil stepmother from Cinderella ! His cat is pretty much the same one that appears on the movie (and belongs to the stepmother), and he mentions his daughters a couple times which I assume is a reference to the stepmother's daughters, aka Cinderella's stepsisters :>
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Ahhhh thank you both sooo much. I haven't watched Cinderella since I was a kid. I'm kind of a fraudulent Disney fan in that I only truly appreciate Disney strictly because I played Toontown Online growing up lmfao. Although of course that's changing now because of TWST... I literally watched Sleeping Beauty for the first time last year because I wanted to better understand (more like desperate for crumbs) Malleus 😭😭😭
Damn, the Cinderella's evil stepmother to Trein pipeline is so... what a glow up, truly. That's so interesting about the references to the daughters, and the cat. Otherwise I literally would never connect Trein to that evil ass woman because he just gives off such pure, sweet dad vibes to me 😭😭😭
Thank you again, both of you! Also hi Niko!!! Thanks so much for stopping by, hope to hear from you again in the future! 💖
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malleleothreesome · 10 months
Idk if you’re taking requests but I’ve had this angst idea for some time now
You and Leona are dating, you’re friends with malleus but you don’t hang out with him often because you don’t want to conflicts.
You start to notice becoming more distant and sometimes he even become a little cold towards you, even in bed, but what confuses you the most is that randomly he would be all lovely dovey while being intimate. One day he confesses to you that he has been unfaithful and that he is getting married to a girl (a lioness), a future queen, that needs a king (because a female taking that place is not seen appropriate) and he tells you that this is what he has been waiting for, but he loves you and he will take you with him once he becomes king. To please wait for him to become someone better for you.
But you don’t like that, you want to be his one and only and you don’t want to share. Plus you don’t think it’s fair to the other girl. So you break up. You start getting closer to malleus and a good friendship develops. One day you see Leona walking on campus with the girl, and malleus feels so bad for you.
Fast forward you marry malleus and you are now the queen of briar. But for some reason there’s a gathering/meeting of all kingdoms. And after so many years you see Leona again.
You can end it however you want 🥺
HELLO ARI I know that this is the first time we are speaking but I already feel like I can ALL CAPS SPEAK AT YOU EXCITEDLY.
First off, apologies for taking so long to answer this incredible ask. I kept telling myself I would answer it as soon as I finished my blindfolded Malleus fic, but it ended up taking me way longer than I anticipated to finish that lengthy endeavor.
Second off, I saw this message at like 1 something AM Thursday night last week and I was SO EXHILARATED that it ruined my sleep (no regrets).
Like, this message was TRULY ENLIGHTENING and I am still giddy right now as I type this becAUSE I FEEL LIKE WE HAVE THE SAME DAMN IDEA!?!?!? Like ESPECIALLY the paragraph about Leona and the Lioness crown Princess—I ALREADY have an OC for that role that I use in my daydreams when I'm feeling extra angsty.
The best part is, your idea is more elaborate and complete than my initial idea. If this were a business, I'd hire you as a c-suite level employee. I am beyond grateful for this ask—thank you so much for taking the time to send me such an elaborate request! Ever since 1989 TV came out, I have been obsessed with Is It Over Now? and I've been HAUNTED by MalleLeo angst thoughts every time I listen to it.
And, I just feel like, SO CONFIDENT and SECURE in this idea now thanks to your ask. I am BUZZING with excitement to write this. This is probably going to be like, THE angst fic of my fanfic career. Since these two are my faves I just have tons of gut-wrenching angst ideas swirling around my head, especially around this Leona marriage topic.
Just a warning though, this is gonna be sooooo0o0o0o long. Like I can't help but be detailed with my writing and there are a LOT of points I want to expand upon in this type of past/future LOVE TRIANGLE (ugh I'm SCREAMING with EXCITEMENT AT THIS). So this is probably going to be a long, multi-chapter project that spans many months.
In terms of ending, uhhhhh........... I'm probably gonna do a 'choose your own adventure style' where I write separate happy endings for both Leona and Malleus. Reader can choose who they want because, as tumblr user malleleothreesome, I CERTAINLY CANNOT CHOOSE.
THANK YOU ILY ARI I BOW TO YOU 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️💖💖💖
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malleleothreesome · 8 months
We can even have Leona as Raoul,,, a sassy Raoul, but a Raoul regardless !
it's just the perfect au anyway, phantom!Malleus is so dear to me !
- that one fellow anon 🫶
Ugh I lose my mind every time I listen to The Point of No Return *clutches chest* THE PHANTOM SINGING ALL I ASK OF YOU??????? *BANGS MY HEAD INTO THE FUCKING WALL* MALLEUS I LOOOOOOOOVE YOU
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also i have to answer your other ask brb
my house is on fire and im sitting on a pile of really good unanswered asks i'm that dog that says hes fine but hes not
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malleleothreesome · 10 months
i just wanna say im so excited for your fellow writing have a good day!!!!
Omg funny that you say that, because I'm actually currently working on trying to get my first Fellow smut to a state where I feel comfortable posting it, so your message is damn good encouragement. This fic is like, deadass 12 pages long and I'm not at all close to done so I guess it'll be a part 1 and part 2. Expect part 1 soon! The summary is: "Fellow convinces you to become his latest star, taking your virginity shibari style in front of a live audience." But like, the stage sex will be part 2 I guess... so right now it's just 12 pages of him convincing reader to actually go along with it. With some foreplay and lots of sexual tension. 😅 I'm worried it's too self indulgent and too long... I'm still getting used to pouring my sexual fantasies out on the internet 💀 EDIT: Also, after this I'll begin working on a Fellow version of my pining after you series! I'm just so thrilled that you care about Fellow too! We gotta keep him alive and thriving. I'm starting to go into full panic mode, post-Playfulland despair. It's really starting to hit me that he's like, GONE (until next year? 🙏 for an SSR) and like, WE MAY NEVER KNOW HIS BACKSTORY ??? He uprooted my entire life and now I'm left with NOTHING? I'm doing chest compressions and CPR on his 2d sprite by writing this fic. Anyway yes please have a good day as well!!! Feel free to message me to talk about Fellow any time!!
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malleleothreesome · 8 months
ERICA?! MAL? LEO?! I’M NOT SURE WHAT TO CALL YOU BUT THAT FELLOW SNIPPET WAS SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS AND SCREW EVERYTHING BECAUSE IT WAS A SNIPPET BUT ITS STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD! AND I CANNOT IMAGINE THE REST OF THE FIC IN MY HEAD AND safe to say it is and will remain rent free for the next couple of days, months, years, and I’ll probably forget and reread it again when my two keychains of fellow and playful land come in and fangirl all over again over your fic from Stage sex to this snippet it’s like my favorite song that i want to have the experience of listening to for the first time again after replaying it so many times, that’s how i feel about your fellow writing. Your single-handedly feeding the fellowives thank you
Referencing this post
I've been having a real hard time writing lately... some of yall might have seen a poll where I asked if I should post a work now or after it was completely finished. Welp, I was about to post it, and then I realized through rereading it and also getting my fiancé to proofread it, it totally sucked bad. Like it needs a complete overhaul, and that was after I spent the whole weekend working on it and thinking that what I was writing was really great. There are a lot of great parts to it IMO, but it doesn't make sense as a cohesive story. I've been too ambitious lately with my writing endeavors. So, I had to take a break from that, and I feel like I haven't had any successes lately or anything worth posting (besides the snippet you're referring to!)
So, thanks to this ask, this weekend my goal is to keep working on that snippet and hopefully get it to a point where I can complete it and post it! And then, I'll start working on Stage Sex Part 2, since I know everyone is waiting for that with bated breath.
I am so happy to continue feeding the fellowives, I will keep this man alive until October when we hopefully get more official Fellow crumbs.
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malleleothreesome · 9 months
OKAY EEEEEP AAAAAAAAAHHHH HI HELLO NEW MOOT!!!!!!! First, I noticed you because of the tags you left on Nicoli's Fellow art—like YES i aGREE FRUITY CIGAR SMELL.
And then SECONDLY I noticed you for your recent Ace ask which I am studying like the bible for a request I'm gonna fulfill. I HOPE I CAN BRING JUSTICE TO OUR BOY.
And I just love your aesthetic??? like WOW???? You're so cool, no cap (can I say that?? idk... am millennial).
but LASTLY.....................
I was stalking your masterlist and........... i nearly passed out
YOU WROTE THE PRINCESS OF BRIAR VALLEY??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am seriously on my knees groveling before you right now. When I first entered the TWST fandom sept 2022, when I only knew Malleus for his sprite and nothing else—I seriously didn't know anything about his personality or his story... I read The Princess of Briar Valley and that's literally what made me fall in love with Malleus. Like you SOLD me, not only on this character, but at that moment I COMMITTED MYSELF TO THIS FANDOM. LIKE I WOULD NOT BE HERE IF NOT FOR THAT FIC. NEVER HAVE I BEEN SO ENTRANCED OR SO CAPTIVATED. SERIOUSLY I DIDN'T EVEN LIKE ANIME MEN AT ALL UNTIL I READ THAT FIC AND NOW I'M FUCKING INDEBTED. MY LIFE HAS BEEN FOREVER CHANGED.
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malleleothreesome · 10 months
This idea came to me spontaneously and I thought of you. Because I know that you will transform this idea perfectly, just as well as you have written your previous stories. It's a Malleus Smut idea. Reader covers Malleus' eyes with a cloth because if you can't see anything, your other senses are strengthened. How Reader gently strokes him first, then slowly goes down to his cock and then gives him a blowjob, but doesn't let him come to release and then rides him. The only goal for Reader is to give Malleus the best and most intense orgasm. The future king only deserves the best~
OH HO HO HO!!!!!!! Now this is some REALLY good shit. I'm blushing and giggling. I love this! "The future king only deserves the best~" – absolutely iconic! Ooooh you did a wonderful job of describing this and winning me over. I'm very excited about this! I've got a lot of ideas floating around and a lot of different works coming into fruition right now, so I'm trying to figure out what to prioritize but this is so good, I'm really excited about this one. Thanks for the amazing idea! Will definitely start and finish this within a few weeks!
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malleleothreesome · 9 months
So I scrolled down and just met you through your stage sex fic and scrolled through and couldn't find the pt.2 and it has been a month but I only met you today and I haven't read anything else just yet but I will but my question is will there be a pt.2 cause you have me frothing at the mouth for him and if I have to commission u to do it I will!
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Hi!!! Thank you both so much for your interest in my fic. @starshiningsirius ahaha I'm truly honored that you would consider paying me for my work 😅💖 It means a lot to me! Unfortunately, I have not started working on part 2 yet. YET!! I promise I'll get it out to you, I still have interest in finishing it. I'm feeling just like a little... blocked on it.
I think it's because I'm unsure of how kinky to make it. I think there are two camps—people who want 3rd years in the audience, and people who don't. Ever since it was first suggested to me, I think having 3rd years in the audience is a really fun suggestion. Tbh, if it was up to me (which I guess it IS adbjasbdiu but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll go through with it)... I think it would really tie into the story if I had 3rd years forced to sit in the audience as they slowly turned into wood 💀 But I know that's like an extremely kinky thing (and really morbid) to do and theres a lot of ppl who would be like 'ew Erica wtf is wrong with you?' (Also if I have Lilia turning to wood I guess he can't film the show for Malleus so like 🤔🤨🧐)—See I have lots of varying ideas.
I also thought about making a separate post that was like "How would 3rd years react to seeing you on stage having sex with Fellow" and that would give all 3rd years a chance to shine while also keeping things separate for people who don't want to read that. I don't know!!! Please feel free to comment or send me an ask with your suggestions! I mean, I'm even open to the idea of including more than just the 3rd years (I know the Tweels are very beloved characters even though I myself am not into them) but I know that creates even MORE of an ick for other people.
My fear is: now that we are getting deep into the smut of it all, I know everyone has very specific tastes, wants, needs, & icks when it comes to sex, so I'm filled with trepidation when trying to come up with the rest of the plot. Since I separated it into part 1 and part 2, I'm kind of afraid of writing something that will ruin part 2 for people who enjoyed part 1 and were eagerly anticipating part 2. Does that make sense? So I'm thinking about it too deeply, and therefore, I am feeling blocked on starting because I want to come up with something that will please everyone.
Like, if I had just released the whole story from the start, people could have chosen not to read it at all if the content warnings weren't their vibe, but noooow... people who read it already are invested in the outcome of part 2. Ah, the pressure! 😩
Realistically, I know I can't please everyone, but I'm still very new to writing (I've only been posting on here around 2 months now!) and I still have that eagerness to want to strive to make everyone happy. So, I guess it's something I have to work through and get over as a writer.
Also, I've been having fun ignoring my Stage Sex Part 2 anxieties by writing completely different prompts for my writing event going on right now lol. However, I think I'll rip the metaphorical band-aid off starting next year (aka like in a few days lol) and just start writing part 2. Hopefully my blockage will melt away and I'll be able to come up with something I'm happy with! At the end of the day, my main goal is to make reader x Fellow have AMAZING sex, so I guess I'll start with that and see what other things I want to add to spice things up at the end.
Again, thank you both so much for your interest, it means the world to me. I hope to get Part 2 out to you ASAP and I hope I can write something that you really enjoy!
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malleleothreesome · 9 months
leona + 2a,2j,2o, afab reader!
leona is jealous of how friendly we're to malleus and since they're enemies, leona fucks reader to remind her that she belongs to him
[menacing] you're next
As my fingers click ceaselessly across my keyboard, eager to fulfill my Azul breeding request, Leona's domineering aura looms behind me—a stifling energy that raises goosebumps across my skin and smothers me beneath the raw, magnetic power of his virility. Faint, jittery impulses skitter down my back, electrified shivers pulsing like sparks of light as his haunting presence envelops my senses, beckoning me to fuck him next.
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malleleothreesome · 10 months
Hi, there :D!🌼
First of all I would like to tell you that I find your writing and blog so beautiful and interesting. I think you reflect the characters' personalities very well.. I know they're not taking orders or anything but a thought occurred to me:
I couldn't help but think of a scenario where the reader, in a show of commitment and love towards Leona, learns to speak his language. (I don't remember well what language it was)
In intimate and emotionally strong moments the reader is speaking in that language either to give words of encouragement and security to Leona or to remind him how loved he is. I can imagine Leona nervous and internally shy about that form of affection being putty in the reader's hands (although he will try not to be too obvious).
I also imagine taking advantage of speaking in that language when the reader wants to flirt and playfully put Leona in his place. (Dominant affection tactic?) It would be quite romantic, all that mutual flirting using that language as an intimate way of talking to each other. As if Leona and the reader were in their own world together
But since it's just a line of thought that occurred to me, I hope to see more content from your blog, I really liked it,
By the way my favs are: (Silver, Deuce and Jack) I would like to share my thoughts about them but I think it would be better on another occasion, that's all I hope I haven't been too long with my line of thought, bye 👍✨💐
Hi!! 💖 This is such a sweet message! Thank you so much for the kind words. I am so happy to hear you say that you think I reflect the characters personalities well – that is what I strive to do! What a lovely idea you have! I really appreciate you sharing your thought with me, and I am excited to receive asks like this. Even if I didn't think I could do justice to the idea, I love to give people a platform to share their great thoughts – maybe even another writer would see them and get inspired! That being said, I love your idea and it does resonate with me. I have seen fics where Leona speaks in Swahili, and I think it would be very fun to research and explore that. Give me some time, but I think I will write up something like this! I can already imagine Leona feeling so moved that someone cared about him enough to put the effort in to start learning a new language. The flirting idea is really fun, especially because most students not from Sunset Savanna won't be able to understand what they're saying to each other 🤭 And yes, I'd love to hear more about your favorite characters! I am hoping it'll help me begin to appreciate them in new ways. Since I am so hyper-fixated on my few faves (Malleus, Leona, & Fellow), I have a bad habit of ignoring the rest of the cast, but I really don't want to be like that – I hope to one day appreciate each and every character in TWST! I already have a surface level appreciation for Deuce (because I ♥️ Heartslabyul + the Adeuce dynamic) and Silver (by association with Malleus 😂). I am excited and looking forward to what you have to say about your three faves! I'm sure it'll help me start to see them the way you do. Thank you for the ask, I hope you have an amazing day/night!
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