#‹ 📞 › .. Caller ;; shuwarin
cocajimmycola · 2 years
i would also enjoy a discord server ... i may not be very active but i would love to be in a community like that ... do let me know if it ever becomes a reality ... <3 ( @shuwarin )
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With how many beings are interested in it i think we'll definitely end up making one ! i'll talk through it more with the outsider when it wakes up <3
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
fufu ~ ... we look up to your blog so much … ! i wanted to ask … how long have you been playing muse dash , what level are you , what is / are your favorite song( s ) to play ... and skins … i don't typically see other muses out in the wild … ~ @shuwarin
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Oh - ! Thank you ~ We never thought we'd get to the point where others would look up to our blog .. ! We've had Muse Dash for I believe ... over 2 years .. ? But we have only started playing frequently quite recently , due to us getting a controller .. ([ We cannot play rhythm games with our keyboard , motor issues , I think .. ]) We are level 224 currently .. !
We are still working out favourite songs due to getting the DLC only recently .. We tend to enjoy the ones in the Dynamic category .. But ! Our favourited list is ;;; Cthugha , Fireflies , Gloomy Flash , Snooze , Invader , Gimme Da Blood , Doppelganger , Out of Sense , Ira , Blackest Luxury Car , Irregulyze , Nisegao ..
We usually play with ;;; Christmas Rin , Sailor Buro , The Girl In Black , Neko We also enjoy ([ Ones with S are used with Silencer ]) ;;; El_Clear , Yume , S ; Sister Marija , S ; Sleepwalker Rin , Idol Buro
We usually use Lilith elfin if not Silencer ~
And .. I know right - ! I love Muse Dash so much ... It's so lovely to find others who enjoy it .. ~
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
i completely forgot about huniepop until you mentioned it yesterday ... we ' ve nearly finished all of the first game now aha , it ' s a lot more fun than i expected ... you have good taste in characters ... ! ( @shuwarin )
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Huniepop supremacy !! We've gotten to the end of the second game , but we couldn't beat the goddesses .. ( so now we're replaying it on easy mode ) .. Do you have a favourite character ?
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
absolutely deserved ... && more ... ! congratulations on 200 ... you are very talented , i hope to see you grow more ... you have always been one of our favorite blogs && a massive inspiration ... ( @shuwarin )
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^ /pos image .. thank mew so much !! its so surreal to be inspurring people and even somebeings favourite blog ... !!!!! ueueueue ..
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