#›› Salvatore Boarding School. ❝Protect the children of the future.❞
moonunbound · 2 months
wait is that… CANDICE PATTON ? no, it can’t be, it’s just KEELIN TAYLOR, a 32/67 year old WEREWOLF/VAMPIRE HYBRID . SHE is MARRIED to FREYA MIKAELSON. SHE is UNDERSTANDING AND KIND but can also be STUBBORN AND IMPULSIVE and classifies HERSELF as HOMOSEXUAL . SHE is hiding that SHE WAS HAPPY WHEN THEIR FAMILY LIVED IN ANOTHER CITY FROM THE REST OF THE MIKAELSON'S, SHE IS WORRIED THAT WILL CHANGE, but i wonder how long that will stay hidden in mystic falls and new orleans. 
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Before we meet Keelin, she was a normal girl. Keelin Brianna Taylor was raised by older parents. A couple who found her outside the firehouse where her father worked. She doesn’t know her birth parents. Her birth mother a child herself when she dropped Keelin off at the firehouse, not prepared for the future of being a mother. Which protected Keelin from being killed along with the rest of her bloodline. 
Keelin had considered going looking for information in her birth parents till she was 14 when she triggered her werewolf gene when she accidentally killed someone at a halloween party. She handed another child a chocolate bar that had nuts in it and the person has an allergic reaction and died, triggering her werewolf gene. After that she didn’t want to know more about her birth parents. Her adopted parents loved her and they were all she needed. Helping her to rebuild after the trauma. 
She went to college, wanting to do something more with her life, to make up for the life she had taken. She went to college knowing she wanted to be a doctor. It was just as she started med school that her parents died of old age of things that she couldn’t fight and she had to say goodbye to them. She didn’t know her place in the world anymore without their support. But she tried her best to keep going with her dreams. Hoping that she would start to feel whole again.
 That happened when she met Freya. The not so positive start turned into something amazing for them, leading to their beautiful family with the help of their friend Vincent. Keelin and Freya lived in New Orleans in the Compound and welcome their first child into the world before the dead returned. Before the couple relocation to Nashville, Tennessee when Keelin was offered a job there, and due to there being too many people in the Compound with the return of all the Mikaelsons.
The couple have been happily living there (to be updated when we have a freya) in (find headcanon of house) and their children have been either attending a local school in Nashville or the Salvatore Boarding School in Mystic Falls.
3 weeks ago, on a normal afternoon with some family were over (including Hope) Keelin cut herself in the garden and Hope gave her, her blood to heal her, so that she could go to work without a problem. However at work, Keelin was attacked and killed by an out of control patient in the ER. Keelin woke up in transition, became a hybrid. She has gone on leave from work and her and Freya have traveled to see family (coming to mystic falls to see their son, Finn Taylor who is 7 years old and at the salvatore school), as she works out how to handle being a hybrid.
give this a like and i’ll send you a message and we can plot!  given keelin is adopted, she would love adopted kids but also open bio kids for her and freya as well - current suggests are freya or keelin as bio mother with vincent as donor (like in canon) or currently approved for finn to be donor with keelin as bio mother. would love all her and freya's kids either way ; suggested names list if you want it - just from my own personal headcanons
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ofnaturesloopholes · 4 years
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supremeuppityone · 4 years
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Chapter 117: A Precious Vintage
Author’s note: This was written for Klaroline Bingo @klaroline-events. Prompt: Best friend’s brother. 
You can read Part 2 here.
Bill Forbes died and the family fortune was lost. Now Caroline is desperate to keep her father’s charity afloat — without revealing her misfortune to Klaus, her childhood nemesis.
Warning: Some angst.
“I often think how unfairly life's good fortune is sometimes distributed.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
           The crystal goblet was cool to the touch, holding the perfectly chilled Dom Pérignon rosé. And yet it scalded Caroline’s fingers the longer she held it. Her family once owned goblets like these. Until a month ago, they used to own a lot of things. Her smile was little more than a thin blade as she politely nodded at Carol Lockwood who gleefully detailed the latest rumors about the contentious Gilbert divorce. With that vicious old gossip, she knew better than to appear as anything less than perfectly content in front of her. The last thing she needed was to have a breakdown about her father’s death in front of Mystic Falls’ elite. Or the cruel aftermath.
           She murmured a few well-placed noises at Carol’s mindless recount of Miranda getting caught with Matt Donovan, a decades-younger bartender, and then allowed her gaze to sweep the grand ballroom once more. The charity auction’s glittering gold banners were crooked and if Rebekah was here, she’d scream bloody murder that polyester fabric had crossed the threshold of her ancestral manor. She loved her best friend, but her snobby side was almost as ugly as that dolphin tattoo she got on her ass cheek during that drunken weekend in Antigua.
           Carol suddenly squeezed her hand, cooing insincerely, “Please accept my condolences for your father’s passing. To lose him so unexpectedly must have been just dreadful.”
           Yes, dreadful. Especially the part where she and her mother learned that he’d fallen victim to a string of bad investments and now the Forbes’ fortune was almost gone. Caroline struggled to keep her face impassive, thinking back to how she’d had to comfort her mother just that morning when she broke down in hysterical sobs as they scoured meager apartments two towns over. They both knew eventually the truth would come out, and ferocious harpies like Carol would relish the news, but her mother insisted they keep up the pretense a bit longer. Especially since they were scrambling to keep Bill’s charity afloat and preserve his legacy.
           “Almost as dreadful as the sight of a grown man drunkenly chatting up a dimwitted bird younger than his granddaughter,” an accented voice dryly interjected, causing Carol’s forehead to crease angrily, or at least as much as the Botox would allow. Muttering a terse goodbye, she excused herself, which normally would’ve made Caroline sigh with relief, but now she was stuck with her childhood nemesis.
           She’d grown up with Klaus; affluent families like the Mikaelsons and Forbes tended to travel in the same social circles — especially in small towns like Mystic Falls. But while she and Rebekah instantly bonded to form a lasting friendship, her best friend’s brother was another matter. Blessed with a chiseled jawline and piercing intellect, add in the prestigious Mikaelson name and enviable fortune, and Klaus was one of the town’s most eligible bachelors. And a gigantic asshat.
           “I hope you aren’t expecting a thank you,” she coolly told him, “The day I can’t handle Botoxed bitches like Carol Lockwood is the day I skinny dip in mashed potatoes.”
           Gray eyes twinkling, he leaned in close as he hummed, “Now that I would pay to see, sweetheart. While I don’t share your odd affinity for mashed potatoes, I certainly can see the appeal now.”
           “I used to love them until you dunked my head in the serving bowl at Thanksgiving.”
           Klaus let out a long-suffering sigh as they settled into one of their well-worn arguments. “We were children.”
           “You chipped my tooth,” Caroline hissed, snagging another champagne flute from a waiter.
           He impishly clinked their crystal rims as he toasted her. “But what an enchanting smile you have now — as I’ve told you on countless occasions.”
           “Usually when you have several desperate groupies hanging off your arm,” she scoffed, hating how she secretly craved their bickering. Even though he’d always been a cocky asshole, arguing with him somehow felt like home. With all of the painful drama going on in her life, it was nice to indulge in something familiar.
           She rolled her eyes as she overheard Tyler Lockwood get rejected by one of the servers when he told her his yacht had a ‘bitchin’ view of the sunset’. For fuck’s sake, he’d been using that same bullshit line since they were in high school. She felt an instant connection with the girl and decided maybe that much black eyeliner could be attractive in its own way.
           “Yes, well, surely you noticed I’m unaccompanied tonight,” he ventured, eyes darting anywhere but at her as though he’d suddenly grown shy. “I thought Rebekah would’ve mentioned it...” he trailed off awkwardly.
           “She flew out last night. Alexander surprised her with a trip to Romania to hunt wild boar.”
           He raised an eyebrow. “My sister is a vegan.”
           “She thinks she’s in love,” Caroline retorted, hating her bittersweet tone.
           Flashing a dimpled smirk, he mocked, “Rebekah falls in love every other week. It’s the only time she’s punctual.” He cocked his head, studying her carefully. She wasn’t sure what he saw, but his expression turned serious as he added, “Not like you, though. You’re cautious. Meticulous. Examining every possible outcome from each angle before you take a step.”
           For once, she was struck speechless. Normally, interactions with her best friend’s brother were a bizarre mix of boisterous banter with thinly veiled hostility. This was new. She bought herself some time to process by taking a sip of the overpriced champagne; however, the familiar Dom tasted like ash. They used to serve it at every family celebration.
           “Let’s get out of here,” Klaus said unexpectedly, gray eyes blazing with a ferocity that Caroline found intensely appealing. She blamed the champagne. “I’m thinking San Sebastián. Remember that little place overlooking the Bay? Akelaŕe, I think?”
           A little half-smile touched her lips as she recalled how Rebekah’s brothers had tracked them down at the exclusive boutique hotel and convinced them to extend their stay another two weeks. In between the spectacular beaches and non-stop shopping in the local markets, they gorged themselves on Iberico carpaccio, delicate herbed soufflés and gallons of fruity txakoli and hearty crianza wines.
           She also recalled the way Klaus’ curls had darkened when he emerged from swimming in the sparkling bay, water droplets trailing down his firm chest. It was a memory she reluctantly carried with her, unsure if the spark she felt when they teased each other could be something more.
           He must’ve taken her silence as a rejection, because he quickly amended his offer with, “It doesn’t have to be a date; it could just be a friendly jaunt and you could plan our next adventure, sweetheart.” Right. She couldn’t afford to keep up with Klaus. Not now that they were from two different worlds. Caroline didn’t know what the future held for her, but she didn’t belong here anymore. And she couldn’t bear the thought of seeing the pity in his eyes once he learned the truth. “I can’t,” she softly told him, unable to mask her pained smile as she made her way toward the Mikaelsons’ lavish south garden where the charity auction was set to begin.
           She chose a seat near the back, giving Elena and the Salvatores a wide berth when she caught part of a tiresome conversation about racing and how in an idiotic fit of one-upmanship, the brothers had purchased a pair of McLaren F1s to try out on the track that weekend. She also begrudgingly admired Elena’s bravery in showing her face tonight, knowing everyone would be gossiping about her parents’ ugly divorce. Of course, the Salvatores formed a protective cocoon around her all night, so it’s not as though Elena was truly alone.
           No one would ever protect Caroline like that. Straightening her spine, she refused to give into self-pity, and instead let her gaze slide appreciatively over the impressive collections to be auctioned. Several charities had been selected by the Founders’ committee to benefit from the proceeds, and it was shaping up to be one of the most successful auctions in the town’s history. There was a Miró, several Richters, plus a giant Jackson Pollock the Mikaelsons were donating from their extensive collection. Sparkling Steuben Glassware, and even antique Baccarat with diamond stoppers rounded out the offerings, but it was the vintage Bordeaux that kept her attention.
           It had been her father’s favorite bottle, purchased from the exclusive Travelers Vineyard the year she was born. It had held a place of honor in their wine cellar, and she’d burst into tears at least twice when she’d dusted it off for the auction. But she and her mother had agreed that Bill would’ve wanted them to keep the boys’ home going as long as possible. It was a cause that he was passionate about because his grandfather spent much of his youth in one, claiming it had saved his life.
           The auctioneer held up the bottle, announcing to the crowd, “A precious vintage priced at just under $30,000. All proceeds will benefit Safe House, a residential boarding facility for at-risk youth. We’ll start the bidding at $35,000.”
           Multiple paddles were raised, and she anxiously leaned forward, taken aback when Klaus bid an aggressive $40,000. He was sitting several rows off to the side, and gazed at her with an unreadable expression.
           A few more bids were called, and Caroline bit her lip, excited that the money could fund the facility even longer than she and her mother had planned. “$100,000,” Klaus confidently shouted, flashing a dimpled smirk at the flurry of gasps around him.
           She felt her heart thud in her chest as the auctioneer closed out the bidding. Klaus paid more than three times what that bottle was worth. Did he know it was her father’s? Mild panic flitted through her mind as Caroline questioned whether Klaus somehow knew about her family’s financial troubles. Was he secretly trying to help her? Or, maybe he just understood the importance of supporting charities?
           It didn’t matter, she decided. Selfless generosity should be acknowledged and she was tired of fighting her growing feelings. She was ready to take that step. In a swish of black silk, her stride was decisive as she moved into his path. Her breath caught as she admired the perfect hang of his Tom Ford tuxedo. Her smile was hesitant even as she struggled to keep her tone nonchalant. “That was quite the display.” She watched his fingers toy with the old-fashioned waxed cork of the bottle, and she wondered if he’d like to hear how her father had taught her to make wax seals when she was little. Maybe on the flight to San Sebastián?  
           “It seems my plan to gain your attention worked,” Klaus told her with a seductive grin, flashing his dimples as her cheeks warmed. “You seemed quite fixated on this bottle, and I decided to raise the stakes just to see that lovely flush when you’re especially vexed with me.”
           She nervously tucked a stray curl behind her ear, pleased that he’d been so attuned to her to notice the wine’s importance. He was someone she could confide in. Finally.
           Klaus lightly wiggled the bottle in his grip, sighing dramatically as he said, “Elijah will have my head when he finds out I’ve purchased something so tawdry for our collection. These charity events are quite clever to wait until attendees are properly smashed so they’re more inclined to open their pocketbooks.”  
           Caroline felt her heart sink at his words. “What? I don’t...”
           “No matter,” Klaus smoothly continued, “I’ll just toss the bottle in some dusty corner of the wine cellar and my dullard brother will be none the wiser.”
           It was a punch to the gut, but she was proud of the way her venomous smile didn’t falter. This wasn’t her world anymore. And she’d never been more grateful to be reminded of that. “That bottle belonged to my father. He lost our fortune and we needed the money to keep his charity from going under. So, thank you for your selfless donation.”
           Caroline was certain his chagrined expression would become one of her favorite memories. As she stormed off, she hissed over her shoulder, “And I hope you choke on your tawdry vintage!”
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naturesloopholed-a · 6 years
💌 for a LETTER.
💌  for a LETTER. my muse is going to walk into a certain death. send a symbol for their final message to your muse.
Please remember that I always will love you. You have been the best friend that I could ask for. Always have been at my side through thick and thin no matter how much I screw up. I might not always tell you how much you mean to me but I am doing it now before it is too late. When you are reading this letter, I will be going to save my pack, the people my mother fought tooth and nail for. I will not be making this out alive and that is okay because I am doing what a queen does for her people. I have always put others first, have risked my lifetime and time again for the damn Salvatore boarding house and never once getting a thank you but they deserved life, there were children in there that had families. Pedro, my dear little Pedro would always get a chance to grow up. He was innocent and I protected him like he was my child. It is a shame that a common cold took him from this earth if you could go to his mother’s house once a month and pray with his mother until she has lived out her days, that would mean a great deal. I promised her I would always remember her little boy and every month when I disappeared for a week, I was listening to a mother cry for her son. I am a daughter without a mother and she is a mother without a son. 
Anyways, do not come after me. I will make sure you end up alive in the end of this. I made this mess, I deserve to finish this. As for my pack, I guess I leave that to find a leader amongst themselves as I have no children to pass on the throne too. Isn’t it funny though? I am a full tribrid and I have no plans to walk this out alive (Because in all reality, I was never going to make it to twenty years old. I was never going to let myself go this far. Why do you think I let that monster stab me in the chest? I wanted it. I wanted to trigger one last parent of myself) I am running low on time here, Moroun with Freya, make sure she grows old and happy. Tell my Uncle Kol that his dark magic lessons were always the highlight of my day. Tell Josie that I always loved her and that Lizzie really isn’t that bad. Lizzie should know that she is so much more than she gives herself credit for. That I will be watching these two in peace. Davina can have my spellbooks with the complex spells I have made myself as I am a master at spells like my grandmother.  As much as I hate the Salvatore’s school’s treatment of Mikaelsons, I want the money in my safe to go to them. Lizzie and Josie will do great things for that school in the future. Young witches, werewolves, and vampires deserve a safe place. There are twenty vials of my blood in my safe as well. Keep five for yourself in case you piss off a werewolf someday. While the host isn’t going to be there, maybe it will save you if you ever need it. Freya can have the rest for spells that need Mikaelson blood, maybe even blood that is solely mine so that the only way someone can get into something is with my blood. Tell Rebekah that she can have her tairas back that she gave to me as a little girl because I was a princess. Give Marcel my paintings plus my Mikaelson necklace because he is a Mikaelson, and take whatever you want from my room and there is a daylight ring made just for you that no one else can wear or else they will burn into ash when the sun hits them. Take care of Aliester and Raven. They were the best immortal pets a tribrid could ask for.
I love you. I wish that I had done things right in this lifetime. I wish I hate saved my parents, had been a better daughter, had told everyone that I loved them a thousand times more. I wish I had spent more time with you watching cartoons like Frozen and laughing at your stories. Do not mourn me for long. I am the one and only tribrid, this was bound to happen someday, everyone wanted me dead from day one and now they are getting their chance. 
Safe combo is a drop of my blood onto the lock and then put in my birthday, next my mother’s and after that my father’s (Or the date I celebrated it. The date should be on the drawings hidden under my bed that I did for him over the years). I spelled this safe to make people have to put in three different codes and use my blood. Combos first and then blood second or it won’t work. Also, you must open it on a fall moon.
The note was left on Ali’s bed in the early morning hours when she wasn’t there. Letter neatly folded and set on top of fluffy pillows. Inside the folded envelope laid two things. Her mother’s necklace (She wore her Mikaelson necklace to die). her mother was a born fighter and she will always keep her close to her heart even in her last breath of air. The Mikaelson necklace goes to Marcel in the end. The second thing was another daylight ring that was more stylish and costume for her friend. Hope used Ali’s blood to make it so that only Ali could ever wear this if a vampire tried to take it from her finger they would burn in the sun later.
Hope died putting up a hell of a fight, one that she won before she plunged a knife (One just for her, only could kill her) right into her chest, hitting her ribs, breaking one (or two, she doesn’t know) in the process, digging into her heart. She fell on the ground of the woods, dying in a place of nature which wasn’t fitting as she was an abomination to nature but at the same time it was because she was a wolf and a witch. Her enemies scattered around her, all dead. She desiccates early the morning after she left the note, the morning birds chirping and oddly enough just a day before her 20th birthday. She dies with a smile on her face because she had proved that she was good. She didn’t take the world down with her like she wanted to do at 15 when her parents died. She didn’t let the world burn, she let the world prosper. She won and her enemies are dead. They will not hurt her pack, her family anymore. She won and that is all that mattered.
.                                         𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍.
.                                   𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑. 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀. 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃.
                                       𝐌𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝐍𝐃 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 - 𝐌𝐀𝐘 𝟏𝐒𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟑𝟐
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austennerdita2533 · 8 years
As for the rest of the finale, it starts with Bonnie almost dying and her traveling to a Limbo forest where Elena rests like Sleeping Beauty on a giant fluffy bed. She says she’s ready to die but Enzo pops in and says it’s “not her time yet.” Then pushes her back toward her earthly body. 
Katherine comes from Hell intent on burning Mystic Falls--and everyone who lives there--to dust. She steals Elena’s body and magically imprisons her in a room in Mystic Falls high school she cannot escape (thanks to a spell performed by a recently departed prison-world Kai) and the gang rushes to save her. Bonnie contrives a way to use hellfire to kill Katherine for good, but the catch is that she needs to be in Hell. One of the Salvabros needs to remain with her to make sure she dies. Stefan and Caroline have a tearful goodbye full of “I’ll love you so much” talk and then he joins Damon in the tunnels beneath MF where they have a ridiculous argument over who deserves to martyr himself more. In the end, Damon compels Stefan to leave, trying to do the protective, older brother thing, and sacrifices his future with Elena. (Or so he believes.) 
As it turns out, Stefan’s been on vervain since he turned human again so the compulsion didn’t hold. He rushes back in to save his brother and sacrifices both himself and Katherine to the hellfire, which Bonnie conjured with help from her ghostly ancestors. He bumps into Elena in the hallway of Mystic Falls high school while they’re both still in Limbo. They say their goodbyes and he asks her to tell Caroline that he’ll “love her forever.” He walks outdoors and Lexie is waiting for him by his old car. They hug. 
Elena wakes up and she’s reunited with the people she loves, save Stefan. She goes to med school, lives a human life, and grows old in Mystic Falls with Damon by her side as lover/husband/whatever. (There’s kind of a flash forward at the end where the two of them die/find peace--she, when she’s reunited with her parents and Jenna at the old Gilbert house; and he when he’s reunited with Stefan at their home.) Bonnie survives *BLESS* and decides to live life to the fullest and travels the world, ghost!Enzo with her in spirit. Caroline and Alaric open a school for gifted children at the old Salvatore Boarding House...and that’s when she receives a $3 million donation from Klaus with a tender note that ends, “I hope to thank you in person one day...however long it takes” and a voiceover that says, “That’s the beginning of another story.” *cries and cries*
I left out some things, but that’s pretty much the summary of the whole episode, lovely! :)
xx Ashlee Bree
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ofnaturesloopholes · 4 years
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ofnaturesloopholes · 4 years
›› Abilities. ❝You are going to be the most powerful witch the world has ever seen.❞
›› Canon Divergence. ❝Canon sucks sometimes so here is my version.❞
›› Universes. ❝Every world is different.❞
›› Headcanons. ❝I always thought I was a cosmic mistake.❞
›› Edits. ❝Inspiration is a gift use it before it goes away.❞
›› Salvatore Boarding School. ❝Protect the children of the future.❞
›› Must Read. ❝Read before interacting.❞
›› Locations. ❝Somewhere there is a place for everyone.❞
›› Terminology. ❝Gotta know the definitions.❞
›› Species. ❝A long line of creatures in this world to explore.❞
›› Important Characters. ❝Everyone in a book is important.❞
›› Credits. ❝Give credit where credit is due.❞
›› . ❝.❞
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