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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Questions for muns of canon muses
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@novinare 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself? What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
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Ohh, yes !! I think I have something that fits for both questions for Al right off the bat kinda. If I could make art of the stuff in my brain it'd be over but since I can't, yeah, I'll have to just talk about it. I really imagine Alastor's true demon form to be something grotesque and horrifying, more so than what we see in the show since I don't imagine that as his complete true form. My Alastor's true form would be a nightmarish amalgamation of the creature in Antlers, the Xenomorph Queen and a hint of the gaping dragon in Dark Souls.
He has monstrous features of a huge, "rotting" stag and something more crocodilian because another, I guess, "unique" feature of my take on Alastor is that his deer aesthetic is very off putting, this is very much in the realms of the "not deer" rather than an actual deer and I personally also relate him to a crocodile more than a deer internally so thats kind of a dual/hidden motif for him. This is kinda the supernatural representation of Alastor appearing to be a kind, charming gentleman but actually being a savage, unnatural killer underneath that.
Tbh, I've gone back and forth on it because I think the fanon of Al having a little deer tail is super cute but I don't think mine has one. His true form has a tail, but its long and reptilian and not deer-like. So I guess if I give my Al a little hidden tail it would more reflect this and instead of being a cute deer tail it'd be more like a velvety nub, so not cute and fluffy like the way the fandom depicts it.
It also kinda ties to Al's swamp aesthetic and I personally have an idea that Al's "serial killer name" or at least one of the nicknames that the public gave the supposed perpetrator of his killings was "the bayou beast." So yeah, that all kinda ties and links together for me but since this is my first time getting to actively write Alastor I haven't been able to really explore any of that too much until hopefully now ! Something I'd like to also go into is the esoteric / occult aspects of him but I'm sort of waiting to see what the canons gonna do with this first.
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Also, as far as Dabi's concerned I tend to go against fanon with him pretty hard in general, and yeah, no, I'm def someone who likes to make this clear and obvious as possible. I understand a lot of it got popular before the major background reveals but to be honest as someone who watched and read the series with no spoilers my headcanons and thoughts about him developed pretty early on so I'm still kinda left baffled as to where and why fanon developed certain ways for him, like, outside of people just being wildy horny, kinda stereotyping alternative people in a grossly negative way and just sort of lacking narrative awareness in general, I guess ? So actually I guess I'm not baffled, more just irritated by it, actually. While Dabi IS alt, and I portray him as majorly a crust punk personally, the fandoms take of Dabi's altness is very shallow/inauthentic and focuses on shit that has nothing to do with punk/alt subculture or no more to do with it than mainstream culture ( Like being a junkie/drug addict and a sex fiend fuck boy ). So yeah, I pretty much headcanon Dabi as the complete opposite of what is popular and expected of him in fanon.
As for things to explore ? I'd love more Todoroki fam stuff !! And more stuff with the LoV, like just general stuff honestly but this can kinda tricky because both the LoV and the Todoroki family outside of Shoto can be hard to find as muses. The threads I have with the Todo fam rn are so special to me, I love them so much but I do hope the fandom livens up in May maybe.
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hosticaaa · 9 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; Do you think Dabi will live or die?
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Honestly,  anon,  I'm  super  bias  about  it, so I might be totally wrong  but  I  think  (hope)  he  will  live  and  I  think  the  fact  he  hasn't  died  yet  is  a  good  sign. When  I  really  think  about  it  there  is  actually  no  reason  why  Dabi  should  die.  Taking  aside  the  stupid  missing-the-point  moral  posturing,  the  other  "logic"  I've  seen  for  why  he  should  die  has  already  been  invalidated  by  the  canon.  As  a  child  Dabi  was  cremated  to  such an  extent  that  it  would  be  impossible  to  not  only  live  through  it  but  to  actually  have  his  body  reconstructed,  and  yet  thats  what  happened.  Thats  as  far  as  real  world  logic  goes.  But  the  logic  of  MHA  being  set  like  150+  years  in  the  future  and  the  presence  of  supernatural  powers  negates  this. On  top  of  this  we  have  the  heavy  themes  and  tropes  present  in  Dabi's  character  which,  imo,  are  important  to  Dabi  "living"  through  both  of  his  self  immolations.  He  is  based  heavily  on  the  idea  of  the  Revenant  Zombie  and  the Onryo,  which  I  talked  about  in  this  post,  along  with  the  fact  he  parallels  Frankenstein's  Monster. 
So  in  a  way  I  think  its  very  much  suggested  Dabi  is  and  perhaps  always  has  been  some  type  of  pesky  undead.  This  isn't  way  out  with  the  presence  of  the  Nomu,  given  undead  bioweapons  are  exactly  what  the  Nomu  are  so  if  the  MHA  world  can  have  that,  theres  no  reason  it  can't  have  a  functioning  Revenant.  It  kinda  just  makes  Dabi  a  kind  of  proto-nomu.  Garaki  does  say  that  while  he  was  able  to  reconstruct  most  of  Dabi's  body  ( We  can  only  thank  whatever  medical  advancements  humanity  has  made  in  the  last  150  years  for  how/why  he  was  able  to  do  this )  he  ultimately  failed  and  Dabi  was  dead  but  he  somehow  "came  back  to  life"  and  that  it  was  obvious  it  was  Dabi's  burning  grudge  that  brought  him  back  and  has  kept  him  alive.  
So  we  have  that.  Which  means  I  can't  see  why  Dabi  couldn't  live  through  this.  So  far  he  has,  so  far  he's  still  alive.  The  last  time  we  saw  the  Todoroki's  Enji  and  Natuso  were  using  their  bodies  as  shields  to  protect  Dabi  from  further  harm  when  the  Twice  Clone  Army  were  closing  in.  This  suggests  Dabi's  still  alive.  And  if  Dabi's  body  could  be  restored  after  his  first  burning  why  couldn't  it  be  restored  now ? Theres  nothing  saying  it  couldn't  so  overall  theres  nothing  really  saying  Dabi  should  or  has  to  die  and  that  he  can't  come  back  from  his  current  condition. 
My  only  concern  is  that  the  tropes  of the  Revenant  and  the  Onryo  often  see  them  finally  "dying" or "moving on"  to the afterlife once  they've  settled  their  grudge /  did  whatever  they  had  to  do  to  find  peace. Thats  when  the  spirit  finally  moves  on  in  most  portrayals  of  them  in  popular  media.  This  could  be  Dabi's  case  too  but  I  don't  know  that  Hori  intends  to  throw  it  that  way.  I  think  he's  planning  to  invert  the  ending  of  Frankenstein  and  rather  have  the  monster  and  creator  heal  from  the  suffering  they've  inflicted  on  each  other and have neither die in the process  because  I  really  think  its  Hori's  intention  to  "save"  the  LoV .  (  Not  just  Dabi  but  all  of  them  and  current  canon  is  looking  real  good  for  this,  and  NO,  I  don't  believe  Himiko  is  dead  or  going  to  die  either.  The  way  Hori  set  her  story  and her  "redemption"  up  would  turn  her  dying  into  a  really  ugly  cliche  and  so  far  I  have  faith  in  him  to  avert  that  too. )   
Its  a  way  more  compelling  and  satisfying  story  than  "Villains  bad,  they  all  must  die  cause  villains  bad"  cause  thats  really  not  what  the  stories  about.  I  feel  like  if  they  were  going  to  die  we  would  have  obvious  and  explicit  confirmation  that  they're  dead  already  as  was  the  case  with  AFO.  The  stark  difference  in  the  climax  of  AFO's  battle  and  the  way  we  had  his  story  and  motives  shown  to  us,  showing  us  that  he  was  rather  NOT  a  very  sympathetic  character  and  was  more  or  less  born  a  monster,  and  the  way  he  was  finished  is  another  good  sign  that  Hori  doesn't  intend  to  just  kill  off  Dabi,  Himiko,  Tomura  and  I  hope  not  Spinner  either. Surely  if  he  did  it  would  have  happened  already. 
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; HAPPY BIRTHDAY DABI
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❝ Huh ? Wait - How did you .... ? Tch, yeah, sure whatever. ❞
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; (For Alastor) What is your honest opinion of Charlie Morningstar? Do you actually like her?
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❝ Charlotte ?  Well,  I  think  she's  a  real  swell  gal.  A  little  naive  and  impossibly  idealistic,  certainly,  but  these  are  things  that  add  to  her  charm. Yes indeedy, she's an honest breath of fresh air to be around down here in hell ! Why  do  you  ask ? ❞ It wasn't easy to earn Alastor's approval ━ especially not in such a genuine way ━ but somehow she had done it barely trying. He had to give her real props for that.
Of course he thought she was waaay over-reaching with her goal for the Hotel but it was going to be real hoot watching it all unfold either way.
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; Do you experience rut, Al?
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❝ Certainly !  Honestly, who  doesn't ?  Yes  sir,  I  tend  to  think  everyone  experiences  periods  of  low  productivity  and  general  unenthused  from  time  to  time;  it  is  a  part  of  existence,  but  there  hasn't  yet come  a  time  where  I  haven't  managed  to  get  back  on  the  up and up sooner rather than later ! ❞ He  beamed,  throwing  his  arms  up  in  the  air  enthusiastically  as  he  explained,  and  then,  just  as  suddenly,  his  mood  changed,  becoming  cold. 
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His  expression  darkens,  eyes  narrowing.  His  aura  had  become  menacing with this,  his  tone  threatening  as  though  in  warning  of  a  boundary  about  to  be  crossed.  ❝ That  is,  of  course,  what  you  mean,  is  it  not ? ❞
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; I am happy to inform you, with the ally you have been to women, you are officially one of the girls Alastor. *gives him a sparkly pink card with his name on it titled 'the girls club'*
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❝ Is that so ? And here I never knew there was such a thing. Ha ha, I simply cannot wait to show Rosie and the other gals at the colony ! I'm sure they'll all be very happy for me. ❞
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He's tucking the card into the front pocket of his coat, thinking little of it as he does. He'll definitely tell them of course, and gleefully show them the glitter-clad abomination, too, just for the fact he knows they'll all get a really good laugh out of it. How ridiculous !
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; Alastor why is your neck so LONG.
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❝ Is it ? I've never noticed. Perhaps its an illusion created by the linen collar I am wearing; a very fashionable accessory back in my day, you know ! I believe the style I have on today is known as the beaufort. Stiff and tall, starched to perfection, a complete contrast to a sloppy, soft collars of the ne'er-do-wells. It was one of the ways we fellows on the level distinguished ourselves you see. Ah, such simpler times ~ ❞
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