#⊰ ° ‧: 。* ⚘ 🥀 ━◞ ℳ𝓊𝓈𝑒 ↝ Alastor ⊱
hosticaaa · 7 months
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𝒜𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯 ; Sunday post
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I've talked about Al's sexuality a few times before but tis the day for talking about that type of shit so anyway heres another ramble. Like, its so funny to me because there is so much misinfo surrounding aspec people its insane and a lot of it is straight up dehumanizing at worst or infantizing at best, and often, this is disappointingly perpetuated by other aspec people but I just want to say for my Alastor, despite being aspec, he isn't an innocent virgin, he's not an innocent anything so theres that ━ but given the ace stereotype of innocent and clueless, you'd likely be surprised by what Al actually is completely aware of. Keeping in mind, Alastor came up in the roaring 20s which was A Time for sexual exploration.
He simply is asexual and while he may not be the most "sex favorable" ace ever and tends to fall a little closer to the repulsed side for personal reasons, he knows things, he's done things because you just CANT be a "flat tire" and he will do things this is just heavily context and situation specific because ultimately, and really importantly: no Alastor doesn't know he's aspec at all, he thinks he's normal and he often preforms what he thinks is normality and tbh the way he is has always been normal to him. If he's ever really forced to contemplate it, he just thinks everyone else is like abnormally horny ( Which tbh, he might not be wholly wrong there, trauma and hypersexuality are also things and I don't think it should be a shock that a lot of hells denizens are deeply troubled/traumatized people at their core. )
TBH though Alastor's main gripe with Sex is.... A) He doesn't ever like loss of control and y'know sex is great for that, which is actually why some people get addicted to it or even use it to self harm, but also B) its just... Not that great. Its a lot of work for a few moments of ecstasy to him, and yeah while thats not really a thought in the moment it often hits in the aftermath lmao. Like this man does not have the modern porn brain or social conditioning to think sex is the be all, he's fully on the reality that its really just a thing best enjoyed at personal leisure if you're into it or maybe someone you like is into it, and its not something everyone ( especially he ) needs or an essential to life.
Also ps do not try to talk to Alastor about Asexuality, he'd be inclined to see it as an impotence thing and not only is that not allowed due to toxic social constructs surrounding masculinity and his era of living, but along with that for him its also like . . . His shit works. It sometimes works even when he's not that interested/doesn't even want it to and generally he's just very set in his ways and wouldn't really care to learn about asexuality or aromanticsm and how those things actually do apply to him. But yeah like I mentioned before, when you've accepted you're a freakish serial killing cannibal that may or may not be into both gore and pain thats as queer as you need to be according to Alastor. Hes fucking hilarious.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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𝒜𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯 ; Canon divergence / Misc info drop pt 2.
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I mentioned a bunch of these things on Al's blog and in the past across my various other blogs but !!! Theres some new things I wanted to add / mention so heres a new post / and a repost of some things I've already mentioned. These are things I established before the show released and frankly while Alastor in the show pretty much looks exactly like how I imagined him characterization wise, there are some things in my personal canon that are either not canon to the show / not intended to be or that might never be in the show so yeah ;
• Alastor grew up in the 1910s. His mother owned her own home and a salon, she came into these things passed from his grandmother who was the mistress of was a wealthy white man. When he passed away, he left a substantial chunk of his wealth and properties to Alastor's grandmother. He may not be Alastor's biological grandfather, however, Alastor doesn't know the details of this and frankly he's never really asked because he IS aware his family history is fraught with the usual complications to be found in families who were outside of the times idea of normal and legal. If you mixed, you know.
• He doesn't really remember his father and his mother doesn't speak of him often. As far as Alastor understands his father was a bit of a loser and seemed to feel threatened by his mother's independence as both a woman and a black woman at that. He thinks nothing of the man honestly. He has the distinct impression it was probably his birth that caused the proper separation of his mother and father which really doesn't get his father any points for anything. Side note : this is somewhat a source of Alastor's disapproval of Lucifer's absence as a father for Charlie.
• He is a voodoo practitioner, just like his mother and grandmother before hand. More than that though, in life Alastor was / would be considered a Bokor, albeit a young one / one who was still coming into and learning their craft. Without writing up a huge ass explanation about everything and to heavily simplify this : Alastor would be equivalent of what most people would recognize more as a "witch" or even a "medium". In fact combining both of those things is probably the best way to explain and give you an idea of what this resembled for Alastor in life. • Alastor's mother more saw Alastor as having the potential to become a houngan, however, due to the "loose" definitions of good and evil, personal discretion and duality being a big thing in voodoo Alastor's darker nature wasn't necessarily discouraged or really thought about. Alastor on the other hand was never particularly interested in being an actual houngan.
[ I'm gonna say I think the show *MAY* be kind of "erasing" or perhaps "obscuring" a lot of Alastor's ties to Voodoo and the Lwa which I personally have mixed feelings about. I know why they might be aiming for this but, imo, I think that approach "white washes" him a little and I don't think it was/would be necessarily disrespectful to portray Alastor as a Voodoo practitioner, so I kinda hope this does stick as part of him in canon, personally, but we'll have to see. ]
• The 20s were massive on occultism so Alastor was real riot to have at parties, where he'd get drunk and treat the ritzy white people to some 'magic' / "read the fortunes" of the party goers. Despite incredibly racist and dangerous ideals toward the religion of Voodoo and anything not white at this time Alastor managed to skirt most of this negativity by being dark, charming, handsome and having the wits to basically not tell anyone much about himself or what he was really doing. Most people thought of him as a bit of an eccentric and if they did believe he had any actual magical powers they usually tended to think of him as more of a funky magician. Nearly synonymous with his racial identity, Alastor's always been careful to hide a lot about himself behind a wall of ambiguity. But also keeping in mind, people that got to witness his "party tricks" tended to be as drunk as he was if not more so.
• He's always had a strange/toxic relationship with Mimzy. They're the "match made in hell" type where they tended to emphasize each other's darkest selves. For example, Mimzy would feel emboldened by Alastor's presence and protection as for a while they were an actual couple and Alastor would take pleasure in the violence he could enact on others in the name of looking after her. Mimzy would start fights. Alastor would gladly finish them, so to speak.
• In fact, Alastor's first murder came very much because of this messed up relationship with Mimzy. He was of course protecting her after one of her misadventures and things got out of hand. He'd do it again. And in fact, he did but the following murders weren't for Mimzys benefit. Once he started putting shitty, women bashing men out of their misery, he didn't have any intention of stopping. Its been stated before Alastor's killings were done with a strange moral code in mind similar to Dexter. For Alastor this was him taking out pos men in the community.
• I think Mimzy is aware Alastor killed for her in their human lives. It pretty much solidified their twisted bond and a secret they kept together even in spite of their "break up". I don't know, however, if she was aware of Alastor going on to kill others, though its likely she suspected it. Not that she would have really cared, Alastor has always been her version of scary dog privileges and knowing he was capable of and willing to murder was just icing on a twisted cake they shared.
• Alastor was generally considered a bit of a con-man and a jack of all trades when he was alive. His first "serious" job was when he became a radio host. Before this, Alastor dabbled in a little bit of everything but mainly he had a shady surgeon position, as at one point he'd wanted to become a doctor. This was considered a noble aspiration but the reality is Alastor's interest in the medical field was very much due to his morbid fascination with death and dismemberment and the close proximity doctors have to these things. He liked cutting things up and stitching them back together, basically. He never actually had a medical degree, however, he often preformed usually minor surgeries on people who couldn't afford them or simply weren't able to go to an actual licensed professional for whatever reason. Abortions were also very popular. He had a very good reputation for this, actually. Generally if you needed help with something like this but but didn't want the "proper" people to know, Alastor was your guy.
• He pretty much got his radio job by accident. He picked this up due to a performance he did in a club. Song and dance had always been among Alastor's talents but he ended up really enjoying the radio gig and stuck to it. Racism of the time meant it was hard for POC to get good, staple positions in the community but radio worked perfectly for Alastor as no one could actually see him to realize he was anything but the normal assumption of well bred white man.
• Alastor's  death  wasn't  as  "simple"  as  a  hunter  mistook  him  for  a  deer.  Yes,  the  reason  Alastor  was  out  on  the  swamp  that  day  was  because  he  was  discarding  remains,  but  he  wasn't  "mistaken"  for  a  deer.  He  wasn't  even  "caught".  But  this  action  ironically  put  him  in  the  wrong  place  at  the  wrong  time.  Alastor  was,  essentially,  the  victim  of  a  hate  crime  perpetrated  by  a  hunting  party  and  their  dogs.  This  is  the  wilds  of  Louisiana  in  1933.  Alastor  was  confronted  by  a  group  of  men  who  instantly  took  a  disliking  to  him.  Yes,  this  was  because  Alastor  is  not  actually  white  but  he  was  also  wearing  very  nice  clothing  (  especially  not  the  sort  you  would  expect  for  someone  walking  around  the  swamp  )  and  he  was  also  very  articulate  and  spoke  very  well.  This  rubbed  the  racist  hunting  party  who  stumbled  upon  him  the  wrong  way,  resulting  in  Alastor  being  chased  around  the  swamp  a  short  way,  mauled  by  the  dogs  and  then  when  letting  the  dogs  chase  and  maul  him  got  boring  they  finally  put  him  out  of  his  misery  with  a  shot  to  the  head.  This  is  why  Alastor  dislikes  dogs  so  much  and  feels  deeply  bitter  about  his  death. Alastor was no stranger to racism, and again he was very good at using his education and racial ambiguity to his advantage, so having the things he'd learned and projected so carefully to protect himself fail him entirely was a deeply scarring and humiliating experience to say the least.
• Alastor  was  engaged  in  cannibalism  while  he  was  alive  but  no  where  near  to  the  extent  of  his  unlife,  in  fact  it  was  pretty  new  to  him  at  the  time  and  would  have  been  defined  as  a  form  of  exocannibalism.  As  a  demon  Alastor's  cannibalism  is  still  obviously  exocannibalism,  but  his  animalistic/inhuman  aspects  are  also  heavily,  heavily  emphasized  meaning  he's  literally  just  eating  and  taring  whole  mfs  apart  like  a  wild  animal  more  often  than  not.  He  also  has  very  disturbing  scavenger-like  qualities  as  he'll  happily  eat  things  that  were  not  killed  by  him  and  he  doesn't  care  if  they've  been  dead  a  while,  which  is  horrifying  and  hilarious  given  he's  also  known  to  be  a  massive  food  snob  and  will  judge  others  for  eating  things  like  take  out  because  ew  and  lazy
• Alastor's  'true'  demon  form according to me  is  more  monstrous/animalistic  than  we've  seen  in  canon.  He  can  call  on  his  true  size  and  mass  outright  or  focus  it  on  certain  parts  of  himself.  (  For  example  lengthening  his  arms  and neck or  opening  his  jaws  in  an  unnaturally  wide  way ).  No  one  has  ever  seen  Alastor's  true  unleashed  form,  only  hints  of  it  here  and  there.  I  personally  view  it  was  a  horrifying  love  child  between  the  Xenomorph  Queen  from  Alien  and  the  creature  in  Antlers.  It  has  reptile  traits  along  with  stag  traits,  because,  as  mentioned  before a  kind  of  "unique"  and  duel  motif  for  my  Alastor  is  crocodiles/alligators  and  thats  the  creature  he  can  be  related  to  more  than  any  deer/stag,  despite  his  disarming  buck-like  appearance.  Alastor's 'true form' isn't something he really shows anyone, but his shadow gives clues.
• Speaking of Alastor's shadow it very much acts independently of him and is both a manifestation of his true soul as well as its own entity. It was born from Alastor's arcane bond with the lwa and his death. Its technically the "source" of his power. He's able to use it as a weapon, a shield, and transportation both for himself and other objects and even places he wants to manifest. Alastor's eldritch abilities are pretty vast and defiantly unique. Its actually really interesting that Alastor literally resembles one of the Lwa himself as an "enigmatic young man depicted in red who works with his shadow". This is a description often related to the Lwa Kalfu. Essentially an African god associated with destruction, crossroads and black magic. In demonology, Alastor is a possessing spirit of vengeance similar to the goddess Nemesis and she is typically considered a force who brings retribution, specifically on the other gods / deities. Very interesting given Alastor's role in the show and the fact he very much acts as punisher of other demons and potentially deities if he is indeed strong enough to rival them.
• Due to Alastor literally consuming souls as I believe the canon has heavily hinted, he has immense power. Its been shown in canon that Alastor's powers are very different to those of a normal human soul and that he typically outclasses other overlords easily. I actually have the word of a pretty reliable source saying that yes, Alastor's powers are pretty much on par with Lucifer's but his mysterious deal with an "unknown" force is restricting him somehow. I believe this given what we've seen Alastor do in canon, the fact we've been aware from the jump that Alastor's powers shook the foundation of hell when he first arrived and the fact that the season 1 final seemed to very much suggest something of this nature as well. Ultimately I'm not gonna force OP Alastor on anyone but A) don't be surprised if this is canon and B) regardless to my personal take it is canon that Alastor is restricted somehow. Man was going to fight/kill Adam without an angelic weapon and challenged Lucifer without any fear, I don't think this was a dumb ego thing on Alastor's behalf because we have seen Alastor takes no shame in things like retreat, so I don't think he'd act like that because of something stupid like being too full of himself. I think his shit is legit, he's just struggling against his restrictions from this mysterious deal and I'll be playing it that way until we see otherwise basically.
• My Alastor cant actually lose his radio filter. It never turns off and its not something in his control like that. In fact, my Alastor's voice is a "separate entity" from him just like his shadow. As a result he can speak without "speaking" and sometimes his mouth movements don't completely match with his words because technically he's "lip-syncing" what he's saying. His radio staff is also part of him but even if its damaged, it doesn't change the way he talks. Its really just there for the aesthetic, however, it can be used as an actual microphone if need be.
• Spent a lot of time exploring the swamp / wet lands around New Orleans, especially as a kid. Was pretty good at catching rabbits, squirrels, and some egrets. Would bring them home to his mother to cook because he was always felt an urge to eat the things he killed. Given these were animals and Alastor was a young boy in the 1900s this wasn't looked at strangely in any way.
• Often reported strange visions and encounters with spirits even as a child. Given Alastor's family religion and their beliefs, this wasn't considered unusual either and was actually considered something very positive and normal.
• While Alastor was new to cannibalization in his human life it really did just seem like the natural progression of disturbed bullshit for him, a guy who had always been a bit obsessed with death and gore. • He tried to get a job at a morgue at one point but didn't end up getting hired. Probably a good thing he didn't. Then again, it might have kept him away from Mimzy, but given Alastor's Issues ™ its likely he would have always started killing whether he became involved with Mimzy or not.
• Alastor's mother hated Mimzy. She lived a long but tragic life because she never knew what happened to Alastor and always grieved for him. He vanished one day, never to be seen or heard from again. The talk on the town was he found a girl and they took off to California together. Alastor's mother never believed this for a second because he would have told her or she would have received letters from him at least, so she always suspected that something bad happened to him and and her eyes it was because of Mimzy.
• Alastor considers himself a feminist, however, funny thing is none of Alastor's victims in life were women. You might imagine this supports his pro-woman image, however, in a way more twisted way a you could say Alastor's target on men had an element of the fact that, ultimately, as prey men were more of a challenge. Yes, he possesses a strange sense of moral reasoning behind the killings and is kind of a misandrist, thats all true, but there is an idea floating around of women being weaker and easier to kill and therefore really unpalatable targets to him. • This said two of Alastor's victims in hell were women. However, this also has some twisted reasoning behind it so as not to conflict with Alastor's pre-established morals and sensibilities in his own mind. A) these women weren't "easy" kills as they were both overlords and B) he didn't kill them in his eyes - they were already dead, he just snatched their souls. Sure thing, Alastor.
• Killed about 7-8 men in total while he was alive. Cannibalized around 3-4 and a half. When bodies started getting pulled out of the swamp and the local police started to suspect something was up, the idea was beginning to be dubbed "The Bayou  Beast" given they were still not 100% certain the killings were being done by another human and not an alligator or a bear. These murders took place over a roughly 4 year period up until Alastor's death in 1933.
• The first two of Alastor's murders were more violent and rage fueled and then turned ritualistic and torturous as he became more focused and calculated in what he was doing. Either way, he tended to leave his victims in a mess, which is precisely why local police still weren't sure if the killings were done by a man and not just accidental run-ins with hungry wildlife. The clues for them to begin to suspect a serial killer was a lot of the men Alastor killed weren't really the type to be out in nature long enough to fall victim to an alligator or a bear as well as the spike in bodies found in the swamp. Ironically, when Alastor went missing there had been whispers that he might have been a victim to The Bayou Beast.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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𝒜𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯 ; Background stuff
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Anyways, that human Alastor post made me wanna throw down some thoughts about Alastor's "background" cause racist zoomer antis in the fandom are wild. I've never gone too hard or deep into Al's history and stuff like that, or rather I've never spoke about it in detail because I didn't want to get attached to my own concepts if canon came along and contradicted anything but none the less I've had plenty of thoughts about Al and I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I AM that he really does seem to be almost everything I imagined so far, but its still early days as far as actual canon goes so we have a lot to cover and theres a lot we haven't seen yet and honestly might never and there is nothing wrong with that. But, like, ultimately, its really insane to me that people out here will claim that if Alastor's history doesn't paint like some "empowering" django unchained esque picture of in your face racism and oppression that he's not a "real black man" or that anything about him is "racist" or "inaccurate" and w/e because like ... Heres the thing, history isn't as black and white as that ( no pun intended ! ) and while Alastor's time period was good for some epic racism and he undoubtably would have had to navigate it throughout his life regardless to anything, Alastor also lived in New Orleans, Louisiana. Which is pretty fucking important to get an ( accurate ) idea of what Alastor's life as a mixed person would have looked like.
Louisiana had a pretty big population of free blacks. Socially and  economically this was a "good" place for black people going as far back as around the 1760s, maybe even earlier. Black people lived and prospered there, often enjoying similar freedoms as white folks way before that was even getting thought about in other places. This was especially true for black women. At a point, it was recorded that a quarter of the houses along the main streets of New Orleans were owned by free black people and MOST of those were SINGLE BLACK WOMEN. Which is really something to note, especially for this time, this being in the 18th century so this is much earlier than Alastor's time period.
But bringing  us  to  Alastor's  time  of  being  alive,  which  would  be  around  the  1900s  to  his  death  in  1933,  yeah,  its  highly,  highly  likely  Alastor's  ancestry  has  a  lot  of  free  blacks,  its  likely  Alastor's  mother  was  a  land  owner  or  of  higher  class  which  meant  yes,  despite  being  a  person  of  colour,  Alastor  likely  had  plenty  of  privileges  and  not  just  because  of  being  "white  passing",  but  because  this  was  relatively  normal  for  black  people  in  this  area.
And  thats  pretty  much  how  I've  seen  it  for  Alastor.  He's  well  aware  of  racism,  he's  experienced  period  typical  racism  toward  himself  and  toward  his  family  as  that's  unavoidable,  but  he's  never  had  a  real  concept  of  being  "lesser"  to  whites,  he's  never  seen  himself  as  such,  there's  no  point  of  reference  in  his  family  for  him  to  look  to  and  see  this  up  close  aside  from,  again,  the  attitudes  of  whites  around  him,  if  that  makes  sense.  In my HC Alastor's father was white but he wasn't in the picture, he doesn't really know him but it honestly doesn't matter because Alastor's mother owned their home and, in my hc, ran her own small hair salon as a business. She tended to have bad relationships with men but all in all she was a strong woman and Alastor's immense respect of women very much started with her. ( And Alastor's dislike of men started with his mother's lame ass boyfriends. ) So Alastor's articulate, educated and high-class demeanor comes from here. Yes he "acts" and "talks" "white" in a sense, but this isn't to intentionally emulate whiteness as such, it was just the "standard" of the "upper class" at the time which is what Alastor's actually emulating and what was widely considered desired regardless of race as this was what made someone come across as powerful and affluent at this time.
Alastor's main concern throughout his life is appearing powerful, though not necessarily to follow the status quo, which he's actually always enjoyed subverting. But a lot of his outward presentation has to do with this, from his mode of dress to his constant smiling. This could be considered another hallmark of his time period but also, yeah, sure, that aside Al does have "issues" and you could probably say they DO stem from a place of paranoia and aversion toward being looked down upon in life, which again is also likely due to the unavoidable racism of his time and the consequences of racism still being much greater here in spite of his freedoms.
I also think I made an older post mentioning this and it was something I wanted to babble about after I watched the eps and decided not to because I got side tracked squealing about things on discord but Alastor saying to Vaggie his face was meant for radio was something I really loved because while it might have been JUST a gag, I read into it as someone whose been headcanoning this kinda shit since day one, and again I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in an older post, but him saying that felt like a nod to the fact that it was very common for people like Alastor ( poc ) to do VERY WELL on radio due to the fact no one could actually see them to get any impression they weren't white and thus discriminate against them based on this. This, I hc, is true for Alastor and a big reason why Alastor did so well as a radio host in his time. Basically in my HC Al picked up his radio job kind of by accident but unlike Alastor's other projects, it really took off and he embraced it fully. By the late 1920s he was a big name on the air and honestly he was doing really well for himself and probably would have lived a long and prosperous life if he didn't pick up the habit of murdering people. But yeah this idea he isn't black enough and that he doesn't look / act / talk etc "black enough" and that this is somehow racist etc is actually whats racist and kinda mad ignorant too so yeah thats my thoughts on that ! Like I don't know what, if any of Alastor's background is gonna get shown, but so far everything about Alastor seems correct to the time period and none of it regardless to what way it goes is "racist" or "not black enough" especially for Alastor's era, location and profession.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Questions for muns of canon muses
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@novinare 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself? What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
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Ohh, yes !! I think I have something that fits for both questions for Al right off the bat kinda. If I could make art of the stuff in my brain it'd be over but since I can't, yeah, I'll have to just talk about it. I really imagine Alastor's true demon form to be something grotesque and horrifying, more so than what we see in the show since I don't imagine that as his complete true form. My Alastor's true form would be a nightmarish amalgamation of the creature in Antlers, the Xenomorph Queen and a hint of the gaping dragon in Dark Souls.
He has monstrous features of a huge, "rotting" stag and something more crocodilian because another, I guess, "unique" feature of my take on Alastor is that his deer aesthetic is very off putting, this is very much in the realms of the "not deer" rather than an actual deer and I personally also relate him to a crocodile more than a deer internally so thats kind of a dual/hidden motif for him. This is kinda the supernatural representation of Alastor appearing to be a kind, charming gentleman but actually being a savage, unnatural killer underneath that.
Tbh, I've gone back and forth on it because I think the fanon of Al having a little deer tail is super cute but I don't think mine has one. His true form has a tail, but its long and reptilian and not deer-like. So I guess if I give my Al a little hidden tail it would more reflect this and instead of being a cute deer tail it'd be more like a velvety nub, so not cute and fluffy like the way the fandom depicts it.
It also kinda ties to Al's swamp aesthetic and I personally have an idea that Al's "serial killer name" or at least one of the nicknames that the public gave the supposed perpetrator of his killings was "the bayou beast." So yeah, that all kinda ties and links together for me but since this is my first time getting to actively write Alastor I haven't been able to really explore any of that too much until hopefully now ! Something I'd like to also go into is the esoteric / occult aspects of him but I'm sort of waiting to see what the canons gonna do with this first.
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Also, as far as Dabi's concerned I tend to go against fanon with him pretty hard in general, and yeah, no, I'm def someone who likes to make this clear and obvious as possible. I understand a lot of it got popular before the major background reveals but to be honest as someone who watched and read the series with no spoilers my headcanons and thoughts about him developed pretty early on so I'm still kinda left baffled as to where and why fanon developed certain ways for him, like, outside of people just being wildy horny, kinda stereotyping alternative people in a grossly negative way and just sort of lacking narrative awareness in general, I guess ? So actually I guess I'm not baffled, more just irritated by it, actually. While Dabi IS alt, and I portray him as majorly a crust punk personally, the fandoms take of Dabi's altness is very shallow/inauthentic and focuses on shit that has nothing to do with punk/alt subculture or no more to do with it than mainstream culture ( Like being a junkie/drug addict and a sex fiend fuck boy ). So yeah, I pretty much headcanon Dabi as the complete opposite of what is popular and expected of him in fanon.
As for things to explore ? I'd love more Todoroki fam stuff !! And more stuff with the LoV, like just general stuff honestly but this can kinda tricky because both the LoV and the Todoroki family outside of Shoto can be hard to find as muses. The threads I have with the Todo fam rn are so special to me, I love them so much but I do hope the fandom livens up in May maybe.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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@hellshoard ❤️'d for a starter ! ( For Arabella maybe ? )
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He  felt  the  collusion  with  something  ━  someone  had  walked  into  him  as  he  stood  here  fiddling  with  this  stupid  camera.  He  should  have  been  paying  attention,  but  alas,  he  was  too  focused  on  the  hunk  of  junk  Vaggie  had  given  him  and,  worse,  the  instructions  that  had  come  with  it.  Didn't  she  understand  he  was  the  RAIDO  DEMON ?  He  had  segments  planned  for  his  show !  Radio  advertising  was  his  specialty !  Was  she  really  going  to have him  SQUANDER  his  talents  like  this ? 
It  was  strange,  the  fact  that  the  bump  wasn't  followed  by  a  torrent  of  verbal  abuse,  giving  him  the  chance  to  speak  instead. ❝ My  apologies,  I  should  really  be  paying  more  attention  to  what  I  am  doing-- ❞  He  began,  head and neck twisting around in a very unnatural manner to lock eyes on his company. They then gleamed and widened  with  interest  and  the  realization  that  he  knew  this  demon  ━  well,  kind  of. 
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 ❝ Oh,  it's  you !  I  remember  you ! ❞ He  announced  gleefully,  the  static  buzzing  the mirth in his  voice  to  life  as  he  straightened his posture and leaned  in  for  a  closer  look. ❝ You were at the  butcher  shop  on  Cess  Avenue,  yes ?  Forgive  me,  but  I  don't  believe  I  ever  got  your  name. ❞ That  likely  because  he  was  too  busy  eviscerating  and  eating  the  butcher. 
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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@amischiefofmuses ; The thing at last.
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With  the  Hotel  pulled  back  together  and  Mimzy  long  gone,  along  with  Charlie's  dead-beat  father,  Lucifer,  a  modicum  of  normalcy  had  been  restored,  giving  a  certain  radio  demon  a  little  time  to  think  about  events  that  had  transpired  earlier  in  the  day. One  event  in  particular  seemed  to  reoccur  in  his  mind. 
He  found  Husker  precisely  where  he  kept  him.  At  the  specially  themed  liquor  station  that  he'd  manifested  the  first  day  he  arrived  here,  tending  the  bar  as  usual.  A  shadow  bolted  across  the  ground at  a  rapid  pace,  almost  so  quickly  it  might  not  have  been  seen  if  you  weren't  really  looking  for  it,  and  all  of  a  sudden,  he  was  there,  sitting  right  at  the  lonely  bar  in  front  of  Husk, that  big  toothy  demented  grin  fixed  firmly  to  his  face. 
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❝ Good  evening,  Husker !  Wonderful  that  things  have  finally  quieted  down  around  here,  no ? ❞ He  asked  rhetorically,  friendly,  congenial,  his  usual  faux  self as  he  rested  against  the  bench  of  the  bar  with  a  sigh  of  exaggerated  exhaustion.  ❝ What  a  day  we've  had. ❞
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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@auntiecannibal 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; ❛ i’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. ❜ - Rosie to Alastor ♡
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Fix  his  hair ?  His  brow  quirks  slightly  as  she  says  this,  but  he  stops  moving  as  she  asks.  In  fact,  he's  such  a  good  sport  about  this  he  not  only  stops  his  fidgeting,  but  he  leans  down  a  little,  his  ears  slipping  down  to  the  side  to  give  her  better  access  to  the  hair  she  claimed  she  needed  to  fix. 
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He  wasn't  sure  if  the  pseudo mane,  or rather,  scruffy tuft  on  his  head  really  was  hair  anymore  or  if  it  was  more  fur ━ or  perhaps  some  strange  hybrid  in  between.  He  didn't  tend  to  think  much  about  it  nowadays, but  if  she  said  he  needed  to  fix  it,  then  sure,  he  was  happy  enough  to  oblige. ❝ Better ? ❞ 
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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@obey-n-pay 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; " what the hell did you do ; tap - dance all over the body with ice - skates ? " | blood, blood, gallons of the stuff
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He  thought  he  had  time  for  a  little  snack, but  he  may  have  slightly  misjudged  this  as  Vox  appeared,  now  standing  there  looking  mortified  by  the  mess  he'd  made  of  the  demon  who  had  approached  him  earlier.  Young  people  had  no  manners;  how  could  he  help  it ?  In  his  hand,  he  held  a  strip  of  flesh,  rendered  from  the  bone  in  his  earlier  frenzy,  something  he'd  initially  planned  to  keep  for  later. 
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❝ In  a  manner  of  speaking, ❞  he  answered,  his  smile  firmly  fixed  on  his  face  as  he  gave  an  exaggerated  shrug  of  innocence,  a  silly  display  so  alarmingly  contrasted  by  the  evident  guilt  strewn  and  splattered  all  around  him. With  that,  his  eyes  fell  to  the  chunk  of  meat  he  still  held  between  his  claws  and  narrowed  slightly  with  his  widening  grin  as  he  extended  it  to  Vox  in  offering.
Hell  was  crawling  with  cannibals,  more  than  one  might  think.  Some  might  never  have  dreamed  of  eating  another  of  their  own  kind  until  they  got  here. The  right  environment  could  always  make  bad  become  worse. Though  he  didn't  have  a  clue  if  Vox  was  one  of  these  demons,  it  only  felt  polite  to  offer.  ❝  Care  for  a  bite ?  ❞ 
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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𝒜𝔩𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯 ; Cannibalism and allegories.
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Al's sexuality is very funny to me because yeah I'm a horror writer of course its impossible for me not to use cannibalism as a twisted allegory for love / desire so we're here with this "I Love Women. I Eat Men. I Fuck Nothing." Shit and I've mentioned before that as far as sexuality goes, people have a very hard time figuring Alastor out and the man really doesn't help anyone, not one little bit ! He has no concept of the ace spectrum so he wouldn't know to relate himself to anything on it which means HE largely thinks he's straight because he defiantly "preforms" romance with women, but still keeps people confused because they stay hanging as regardless most things beyond the courtship stage develop to friendship with him rather than an actual relationship. Read; Queer-platonic relationships but the problem here being Alastor nor anyone he's in such a relationship with have the ability to actually identify it as that so they sit in this weird really good friends, maybe lovers, but suck on the will we/wont we "go further" stage. So Alastor has a ton of "girlfriends" but I'm pretty sure none of them really know what they are to him or how to categorize him, because he's certainly not a 'gay bestie', but then there feels to be more there (mutually) than "straight guy friend", but then you have the fact he has no desire to eat women and according to him only eats men and thats the only kind of lust Alastor claims he feels and he's really happy, if not over-eager to embrace this.
As far as men go its not really uncommon for them to mistake him as gay, bro is out here prancing around and limp wristing it like its no ones business and apparently Alastor's self aware enough to make unsettling jokes that allude to him being bisexual or gay but are actually wholly in reference to his horrible habit of eating dudes (And by preference, only dudes) but again, he'd consider himself "straight" if he had to label himself. Because, also mentioned in an older post, he does have this concept of the fact he just hasn't found the right girl yet and being in hell has kinda removed this idea he had in life that this was something important but obviously rather than giving him freedom in the sense of sexual liberty, he just doesn't feel like he needs to have serious intentions with women anymore, romancing them is something he can easily do with no obligation for anything serious or to even take the relationship to a sexual level, like he's truly just playing all the time. Like I imagine Al has a lot of broken and confused hearts behind him because of this but no one is particularly scorned because he's also always treated everyone so "well" and again the idea of "what even are we" in the first place. And again back to the lust being for men only but uh also being inseparable to the cannibalism which leads one to wonder is Al a very deeply closted gay/bi man ? Did the attitudes of his time period and thus possible social/emotional/mental trauma cause things to be so twisted for him ? The answer is likely yes as I have concepts that younger/human Alastor prrrobably had an idea he might not be "straight" in the usual way everyone else around him seemed to be, and maaybe tried to find out only to perhaps have a bad experience that compounded his existing issues along the lines of his existing contempt for men and his very neurotic need to project a constant aura of power/dominance/superiority ( Something he really doesn't feel near as much of a need to project around women ) and again, ties hard to the cannibalism in a whole different way. Plus we have the concept of Alastor being kind of vain and just finding that no one really measures up to his level of expectation - I just don't know if he really knows what the expectation is because of all this convoluted neurotic shit - if he found someone who met his standard what would he even do ? Embrace it and get normal or, more likely, just move the goal post, so yeah, hes a dandy aspec feminist that's so much easier to say than unpacking any of that.
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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@videoaux 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; ❛ everything looks so beautiful from up here. ❜ - for Alastor!
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Applying  the  word  beautiful  to  anything  here  in  hell  almost  felt  wrong.  It  was  a  realm  of  festering,  smouldering  depravity,  filthy  streets  lined  with  debris,  grime,  and  gore,  and  the  smell  ━  oh,  the  wretched,  fetid  smell.  But  way  up  here,  atop  this  building,  touching  the  crimson  skyline,  technicolour  lights,  and  stretching  landscapes made  up  of  shades  of  claret  and  onyx  as  far  as  the  eye  could  see, one  might  be  able  to  forget  about  that  for  just  a  moment.  
Standing  next  to  Vox,  he  rests  himself  on  his  microphone  staff,  admiring  the  same  horizon  as  the  other  and,  indeed,  thinking  that  same  thought  for  a  moment.  It  was  beautiful  and  tranquil  up  here  ━ it  was  a nice  change  from  the  typical  pace  of  things. 
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❝ Hm, I  do suppose  it  is  rather  nice  up  here;  so  far  away  from  the  stench,  the  muck  and  the  everyday  grind  of  eternal  damnation.  Quite  the  pity  such  a peace just can't last. ❞  He  mused  wistfully,  his  head  tilting  to  the  side  as  he  speaks,  cheek  resting  in  his  hand. 
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hosticaaa · 9 months
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𝓐𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓻 ;
Please  ❤️  this  post  if  you're  interested  in  a  starter.  By  liking  this  post  you'll  be  giving  me  permission  to  write  you  a  starter  or  send  you  some  memes !  To  be  done  at  my  discretion.  Length,  style  and  verse  may  vary. 
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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@hellshoncho whispered ; "The only reason you are here is because I allow it."
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Ah,  well,  this  was  certain  to  liven  up  a  dull  day.  It  seemed  like  the  little  king  of  hell  was  mad  at  him,  though  that  wasn't  exactly  unusual  ━  they  had  gotten  off  on  the  wrong  foot,  after  all,  but  he  couldn't  help  but  wonder  if  he'd  done  something  specific  for  this  confrontation.
 Leaning  in  tauntingly,  both  hands  sitting  atop  his  microphone  staff  and  haughty  as  ever,  he  looks  down  his  nose  at  the  devil,  perhaps  more  brazen  than  any  sinner  has  ever  been,  as  he  cackles.  He  knows  things  Lucifer  doesn't.  How  could  he ?  He's  been  absent  from  Charlie's  life  for  so  long,  trapped  in  some  pathetic,  depressive  spiral. 
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❝ I  think  you'll  find  I'm  here  because  Charlie allows  it.  She  is  very  fond  of  me,  you  know.  Bless  her  soul. ❞  He  taunts,  a  squint  of  his  eyes  suggesting  the  hidden  malice  underlying  his  otherwise  chipper,  static  voice  and  the terribly taunting  grin  on  his  face.
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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Valentines day memes !
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@tangledfate 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; 🎁   to   give   my   muse   a   gift   of   your   choice. { Lucifer to Alastor, only if you want to! }
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To  say  he  wasn't  sure  what to  expect  when  the  king  of  hell  approached  him  with  a  gift  box  was  an  understatement.  His  brow  raised,  and  his  head  tilted  to  the  side  slightly,  his  lips  pulled  into  a  tight,  curved  line,  painting  the  obvious  suspicion  on  his  face  as  he  spoke. ❝ For  me ?  You  really  shouldn't  have. ❞  Taking  the  box  in  one  clawed  hand,  he  very  carefully  pulls  the  bow  to  open  the  top  and  peers  in  reluctantly.
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He's  surprised  to  find  a  little  yellow  duck !  Disgustingly  adorable,  he  takes  it  from  its  gift  packaging  and  inspects  it  slightly,  noting  its  happy  little  face  and  rosy  red  cheeks.  He  supposes  this  must  be  some  kind  of  peace  offering,  his  smile  now  filling  with  his  familiar  sharp  teeth.  Good enough for him, then.
❝ How  quaint !  Thank  you.  It's  short  notice,  but  here,  I  suppose  you  can  take  this  in  return. ❞  And  with  that,  he  manifests  a  creature  in  the  palm  of  his  free  hand,  starting  as  a  shadow  that  forms  into  a  figurine  of  a  fat  little  alligator  sat  on  its  backside,  though  there  is  certainly  something  nightmarish  about  it, from  its  extra  eyes  to  the  extra  mouth  that  appeared  to  be  etched  into  his  pudgy  stomach,  its  expression,  however,  calm  and  contented.  He  presents  it  to  Lucifer.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; (For Alastor) What is your honest opinion of Charlie Morningstar? Do you actually like her?
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❝ Charlotte ?  Well,  I  think  she's  a  real  swell  gal.  A  little  naive  and  impossibly  idealistic,  certainly,  but  these  are  things  that  add  to  her  charm. Yes indeedy, she's an honest breath of fresh air to be around down here in hell ! Why  do  you  ask ? ❞ It wasn't easy to earn Alastor's approval ━ especially not in such a genuine way ━ but somehow she had done it barely trying. He had to give her real props for that.
Of course he thought she was waaay over-reaching with her goal for the Hotel but it was going to be real hoot watching it all unfold either way.
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hosticaaa · 7 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; Do you experience rut, Al?
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❝ Certainly !  Honestly, who  doesn't ?  Yes  sir,  I  tend  to  think  everyone  experiences  periods  of  low  productivity  and  general  unenthused  from  time  to  time;  it  is  a  part  of  existence,  but  there  hasn't  yet come  a  time  where  I  haven't  managed  to  get  back  on  the  up and up sooner rather than later ! ❞ He  beamed,  throwing  his  arms  up  in  the  air  enthusiastically  as  he  explained,  and  then,  just  as  suddenly,  his  mood  changed,  becoming  cold. 
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His  expression  darkens,  eyes  narrowing.  His  aura  had  become  menacing with this,  his  tone  threatening  as  though  in  warning  of  a  boundary  about  to  be  crossed.  ❝ That  is,  of  course,  what  you  mean,  is  it  not ? ❞
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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Anonymous 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; I am happy to inform you, with the ally you have been to women, you are officially one of the girls Alastor. *gives him a sparkly pink card with his name on it titled 'the girls club'*
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❝ Is that so ? And here I never knew there was such a thing. Ha ha, I simply cannot wait to show Rosie and the other gals at the colony ! I'm sure they'll all be very happy for me. ❞
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He's tucking the card into the front pocket of his coat, thinking little of it as he does. He'll definitely tell them of course, and gleefully show them the glitter-clad abomination, too, just for the fact he knows they'll all get a really good laugh out of it. How ridiculous !
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