#โŒ‡bond of nothingness and neurosis ( ๐™‘๐™š๐™ญ / ๐™‰๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™ฃ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก๐™ฎ )
distopea ยท 1 year
โย  i donโ€™t like how they keep staring at me.ย  ย โž Nunnally to Vex
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A snort left his throat while she mentioned that; but then he saw she was very serious about it. Vex glanced at her, with the kind of โ€˜are you serious?โ€™ stare, before he eventually sighed and massaged his eyelids. For real, when he wasnโ€™t trying to act out of stereotypes, when he tried not to joke about her hair color or the fact a gold fish could get better ideas than her, the universe was sending a new sign right from her mouth. Was he really that selfish not to grab the offered gift and be thankful? No? He began to chuckle.ย 
โ€œAh dammit, Nun, sometimes itโ€™s really hard not to fucking mock you.โ€ He said with a detached tone and grabbed his drink. He slid himself closer from her figure, eyeing her purse; after all, daddy should have put a little bit of cash for him inside. He still needed to act cool if he wanted to have it, otherwise she might just throw another tantrum and he wasnโ€™t ready to hear her whine again. He slurped his cocktail loudly and happily sighed, before he looked back at her.ย 
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โ€œThey are just jealous because you seem to be a nice girl and youโ€™re hanging out with me. I bet they just hope youโ€™ll hop back on your pink heels and come to their booth crying for help.โ€ It was a lie; he knew they were clearly not looking at her for that. Bet they were aware that Vex had sold one of their palsโ€™ organs to pay for his round of drinks tonight; he hadnโ€™t been very discreet about it. Or was it because he actually slaughtered their dog because he was barking too loudly? Or the car? Ugh, he couldn't remember exactly; he was high on acid for two days straight now.ย He smiled at Nunnally, just the way she loved it; with his fake sincerity.ย 
โ€œIgnore those pricks. Arenโ€™t you having fun right now? You got to hang out with your bro, weโ€™re getting wasted, and wow, maybe tonight youโ€™ll learn what it means to puke in the gatter for real.โ€ He laughed and winked, before he pressed a loud kiss on her cheek. โ€œFuck them all, Nun. Iโ€™m right here, nah?โ€ And it was for the worse, he thought. He patted her thigh to encourage her, shaking his empty drink, the ice cubs jabbing against the walls. โ€œIโ€™m thirsty and weโ€™re running out of fun juice.โ€ He nodded at the bar. โ€œGet us some more, lil sis!โ€ย 
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distopea ยท 1 year
44 (for Vex or Astra)
Kiss memeย ๐Ÿ’‹
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Today, he felt in a certain mood. Not that he could ever truly understand the deepness of his own sick brain, but he craved to hurt, and he craved to manipulate. Watching his supposed sister standing by his side - he didnโ€™t believe in those lies, they had nothing in common after all, not even their physics - only gave him the most wicked ideas. He didnโ€™t know why she was so hopeful regarding their relationship; there was nothing such as hope in the universe he was walking in, and the more she stayed by his side, the less she would be able to get away in one piece.ย 
He didnโ€™t want to anyway. For even breathing next to him, she had to pay.ย 
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โ€œAhโ€ฆโ€ He sighed and rolled his arm around her shoulder, pulling Nunnally closer from his chest. He had noticed how much she liked physical contact, her body shivering each time he was closer to her. Perhaps she was such a needy individual, naive and full of desperate urges, and she wouldnโ€™t be able to voice it. It was pathetic and funny. He slid his finger against her cheek, watching with hunger the way she seemed lost with that gesture, confused by the obvious intimacy. And he loved that.ย 
Violently, not caring if he would bruise her skin, he crushed her neck further against his side while he forced their bodies against the nearest wall. She had always claimed that she wasnโ€™t afraid of him, but she had always been full of distrust regarding his actions; and she was only smart for that. Yet, despite all the alarms and other red flags he had been showing, she had never decided to go away. She thought that she could be unique; the one able to change him. He forced her back against the concrete, his other handย grabbing her face while he laughed and prevented any scream from escaping from his fingers. โ€œFuck, I think Iโ€™m in a mood.โ€ He whispered, and watched with delight her reaction. He couldnโ€™t say what she was experiencing right now; but surely, oh surely, she knew it wasnโ€™t right.ย 
With no other purpose but to take control and disgust her, he forced a kiss upon her. He glued his entire body and pinned her there, using all his strength to forbid her to move, his mouth devouring her one, tongue out to seek for hers. He wanted her to panic, to forget how to properly breathe, and to be mortified that her so lovely brother was sick to the core. Sick enough to take advantage of that situation, and why not perform actions that her flesh would carry forever. Breaking her was the most amusing game he had in a while.
โ€œAh little sisterโ€ฆโ€ Vex smirked while he eventually parted, his eyes falling on her swollen lips, slightly more purple because of the violence of his suctions. โ€œYou look so dumb.โ€ He chuckled and turned around, continuing his walk as if nothing had happened.ย 
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distopea ยท 1 year
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โœจinteraction and bond tag dump (and sorry that you're here fgsd)
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