#⌇raging machine ( 𝙑𝙚𝙭 | modern main verse )
distopea · 1 year
❝  i don’t like how they keep staring at me.   ❞ Nunnally to Vex
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A snort left his throat while she mentioned that; but then he saw she was very serious about it. Vex glanced at her, with the kind of ‘are you serious?’ stare, before he eventually sighed and massaged his eyelids. For real, when he wasn’t trying to act out of stereotypes, when he tried not to joke about her hair color or the fact a gold fish could get better ideas than her, the universe was sending a new sign right from her mouth. Was he really that selfish not to grab the offered gift and be thankful? No? He began to chuckle. 
“Ah dammit, Nun, sometimes it’s really hard not to fucking mock you.” He said with a detached tone and grabbed his drink. He slid himself closer from her figure, eyeing her purse; after all, daddy should have put a little bit of cash for him inside. He still needed to act cool if he wanted to have it, otherwise she might just throw another tantrum and he wasn’t ready to hear her whine again. He slurped his cocktail loudly and happily sighed, before he looked back at her. 
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“They are just jealous because you seem to be a nice girl and you’re hanging out with me. I bet they just hope you’ll hop back on your pink heels and come to their booth crying for help.” It was a lie; he knew they were clearly not looking at her for that. Bet they were aware that Vex had sold one of their pals’ organs to pay for his round of drinks tonight; he hadn’t been very discreet about it. Or was it because he actually slaughtered their dog because he was barking too loudly? Or the car? Ugh, he couldn't remember exactly; he was high on acid for two days straight now. He smiled at Nunnally, just the way she loved it; with his fake sincerity. 
“Ignore those pricks. Aren’t you having fun right now? You got to hang out with your bro, we’re getting wasted, and wow, maybe tonight you’ll learn what it means to puke in the gatter for real.” He laughed and winked, before he pressed a loud kiss on her cheek. “Fuck them all, Nun. I’m right here, nah?” And it was for the worse, he thought. He patted her thigh to encourage her, shaking his empty drink, the ice cubs jabbing against the walls. “I’m thirsty and we’re running out of fun juice.” He nodded at the bar. “Get us some more, lil sis!” 
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distopea · 1 year
mikah and vex for the kiss meme
Kiss meme 💋 (50, out of pride)
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“A bet is a bet.” Vex shrugged while he sniffed the rest of the white powder displayed on the table, the music of the club barely making their voices audible. He observed Mikah’s features with a certain disdain, before he eventually chuckled and wiped the corner of his nose with the top of his hand. “You said it was a real blond, I said it was a fake one. In the end, you lose the bet and that fucking barmaid is a brunette. Maybe you should get glasses when you want to brag about people’s hair color.” He pointed at his own hair. "By the way, this is purple, love."  
He pushed his back against the velvet cushion of their booth, his dark eyes gleaming with mischief. “In the end, I won, so now I can get what I want. Suck it off, loser.” He had noticed that perhaps Mikah wasn’t always happy with his behavior, at least that was the sensation from those few hours they had spent together, but he didn’t give a fuck. Their attitude was fun in the end, and he liked their adventurous demeanor. They were also the one who brought that idea of bet on the table, so it was normal they suffered from the consequences of their actions. 
“Nah, I don’t want another drink. Tastes like piss, and I know what I’m talking about.” He watched Mikah with mischief and slid himself closer. “Actually, I want something else. But I fucking bet, right now, that despite being the flirtatious little shit you are, you won’t do it.” A cocky comment, just to see if there was a spark of anger in the back of their eyes. 
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“Wanna show me if you’re real fun? Honestly, I’m a bit bored right now and the coke isn’t that good, but I’m energized. I feel in a mood.” He patted Mikah’s thigh, before his touch turned into a rather more explicit caress, up and down, getting closer to whatever they had between their legs. Usually, people would get cold feet right away, but he had a feeling that Mikah was too proud to turn down a little challenge. “Give a kiss to the winner then. That’s all I want.” 
Vex cocked his head aside, expecting either a burst of violence or a snarky comment. Testing someone’s pride was always fun, the entertainment coming from their reactions rather than their answers. Yet, he didn’t mind at all watching Mikah eventually rushing to claim his lips; quite on the contrary. Vex chuckled at the contact, dragging their bodies closer to his. What a little playful turd he had between his palms, he deepened the kiss, even if he knew he would probably bleed from a well-deserved bite. 
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distopea · 1 year
44 (for Vex or Astra)
Kiss meme 💋
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Today, he felt in a certain mood. Not that he could ever truly understand the deepness of his own sick brain, but he craved to hurt, and he craved to manipulate. Watching his supposed sister standing by his side - he didn’t believe in those lies, they had nothing in common after all, not even their physics - only gave him the most wicked ideas. He didn’t know why she was so hopeful regarding their relationship; there was nothing such as hope in the universe he was walking in, and the more she stayed by his side, the less she would be able to get away in one piece. 
He didn’t want to anyway. For even breathing next to him, she had to pay. 
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“Ah…” He sighed and rolled his arm around her shoulder, pulling Nunnally closer from his chest. He had noticed how much she liked physical contact, her body shivering each time he was closer to her. Perhaps she was such a needy individual, naive and full of desperate urges, and she wouldn’t be able to voice it. It was pathetic and funny. He slid his finger against her cheek, watching with hunger the way she seemed lost with that gesture, confused by the obvious intimacy. And he loved that. 
Violently, not caring if he would bruise her skin, he crushed her neck further against his side while he forced their bodies against the nearest wall. She had always claimed that she wasn’t afraid of him, but she had always been full of distrust regarding his actions; and she was only smart for that. Yet, despite all the alarms and other red flags he had been showing, she had never decided to go away. She thought that she could be unique; the one able to change him. He forced her back against the concrete, his other hand grabbing her face while he laughed and prevented any scream from escaping from his fingers. “Fuck, I think I’m in a mood.” He whispered, and watched with delight her reaction. He couldn’t say what she was experiencing right now; but surely, oh surely, she knew it wasn’t right. 
With no other purpose but to take control and disgust her, he forced a kiss upon her. He glued his entire body and pinned her there, using all his strength to forbid her to move, his mouth devouring her one, tongue out to seek for hers. He wanted her to panic, to forget how to properly breathe, and to be mortified that her so lovely brother was sick to the core. Sick enough to take advantage of that situation, and why not perform actions that her flesh would carry forever. Breaking her was the most amusing game he had in a while.
“Ah little sister…” Vex smirked while he eventually parted, his eyes falling on her swollen lips, slightly more purple because of the violence of his suctions. “You look so dumb.” He chuckled and turned around, continuing his walk as if nothing had happened. 
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distopea · 1 year
She was standing in front of the Amazon Club. Uncertain what to do. Nunnally was definitely attracting unwanted attention to herself. She did not suit there. It was less of how she looked; more of how she behaved. Uncertainty and hesitation were these words that were describing her whole demeanour.
Nunnally knew she should not be there. Her father would condemn. Not only condemn. He would probably forbid, sending her somewhere far away from New York. Probably to Europe. He had done that before when he didn’t like her boyfriend. And she knew she was too weak to survive without his support. She had no choice. At least not yet. Perhaps later she’d be ready to go her own way. She looked at the club’s door again, and then at the photo she held in her hands. But this time it was different. She needed to do it. Needed to disobey. Her father had lied to her; had lied about everything he had taught her important. Vex Yoon. Her half-brother. She sighed. It was the third time she came here. This time she’d not run away. This time she’d try.
The club was rather dark inside. It took her eyes a few moments to adjust. She looked at the photo again. She did not have to; by then she’d probably recognize the man anywhere. She looked around not sure if she hoped the man was there or quite opposite. But Nunnally saw him in the corner. She breathed deeply. She walked towards the man. Towards her brother: --
“Are you…are you Vex Yoon?” – she asked, although she knew the answer – “Can we please talk? I…I have been looking for you for some time…May I please join?” – she asked and sat down not waiting for his reply.
“You…you don’t know me…” – oh, that was difficult; Nunnally did not know how to explain everything – “My name is Nunnally…you are…you are…I am…”
A deep breath.
“I know it sounds crazy, but I believe I am your sister. That is your half-sister. I have been looking for you…for some time…I only got to know about you…recently...my father…our father…he has never mentioned you…”
“I am Nunnally…” – she paused; she had already said that.  
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Like a buzzing sensation going right through his nerves and neurons, Vex sniffed and inhaled the white powder he had crashed onto the table with the bottom of his drink. He felt the pulse of his own blood traveling quicker than before, the music surrounding him suddenly sounding far louder. He was quite used to the adrenaline offered by ecstasy pills, but surely, he could never get rid of the sensation. He loved to be high whenever he was waiting for his clients, the expectations of new projects quite thrilling. If a few here were simply around for a drink and dancing, the dark side of the club was the perfect shelter for twisted souls like him. 
He grabbed his glass of whiskey, the ice tickling against the transparent walls, finishing the brown beverage in one gulp. He was aware that his presence was dragging a certain intimidating atmosphere, because Vex a character in the middle of the Amazon Club, well-known for his dangerous line of work and the fact he was deranged enough to accept anything sadistic or cruel. So, of course, when a soft voice, barely more audible than the bumping music, talked to him in such a polite way, he couldn’t hide his surprise. 
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With a quick gesture of his hand, he removed the remains of powder plastered against his nostrils, a mocking smirk soon blooming onto his lips. “Yo. You’re lost?” He asked, his dark eyes scanning her entire self. He had never seen her before, that, he was sure of it. How could this girl have ever heard of him? That was quite a mystery, but Vex felt thrilled that a little fawn like that would throw herself right into his lap. “You’re one of the new girls?” He had almost killed the last one; was it perhaps a twisted initiation ritual? Sending the new prostitute to the monsters of the club? 
He was quick to be disillusioned when she said a particularly irritating word, “our” father. His smirk was quick to disappear, a frown crossing his features. The heck was she talking about? Physically, they had nothing in common; she was a small lady, thin like a twig, with fair hair that had nothing in common with Vex. “Shut up.” He greeted her, as he raised his glasses to be seen by the waiter. “You got the wrong guy here. I have no father at all. So I’m your what, ugh?” He cocked his head aside, and chuckled a little bit. “What kind of bet did you lose to come here? You don’t know who I am?” 
But it didn’t matter. He was pissed off by the simple mention of his genitor, and she was the perfect victim. He had all the reasons in the world to spread a bit more chaos in this world. 
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distopea · 3 years
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“If I have to say something...” He offered a light pout before he ​exaggeratedly​ grimaced. “You really look ugly with that outfit.” 
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distopea · 3 years
Raging Machine©
Story 1 - Lila, the social worker 
story by miho - art by MJ 
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distopea · 3 years
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In the name of the unholy spirit, the weak and the machines
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distopea · 3 years
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The vaccine killed my ass with a sort of overly intense migraine 🙁
... but anyway, look, I'm DRAWING again!
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distopea · 3 years
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The monsters were never under my bed. They were all in my head. 
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distopea · 3 years
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Smoke dispersed from his lips into the fresh air, hazel eyes quietly observing the passersby while he waited for his company. A public, rather quiet cafe was decided on for a meeting with only low background music as distraction, and Nikolai would admit, there was a feeling of intrigue. He had heard about Vex a lot, underground rings did tend to drop the name around, and as always when it came to business, the Libra would scale whether the presence of such man was in Family's favour.
"Do you smoke?" Nikolai offered his pack of cigarettes when the infamous man arrived, hazel eyes observing his movements. There was certainly, potential. The waiter was called over and Vex's drink was served, the two of them left to their privacy.
He didn't want to beat around the bush, never the one to simply drag conversations out for the sake of it, so he started. "Rumour has it you've been working on a new drug. One stronger than heroin, heavier for the body than cocaine. Have you perfected it yet or is it still in trial?" / Nikolai for Vex :eyes:
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The meeting was settled in a little café he had visited a few times lately, either to enjoy himself or sprinkle a bit more chaos in the mob world. He had plenty of work these days – the families were pretty active, always seeking to gain more power over the other one. Vex was certainly only a jester in this shitshow, singing songs about their failures and their wins, and using his dark thoughts to create abominable tricks to please them. Today, it seemed he had caught the attention of another group. It made him curious regarding their wishes, and who he would meet – Nikolai was the name, right? He loved bastards after all.
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“I do.” Vex smirked while he stopped in front of his new interlocutor, a rather tall guy with magnetic blue eyes, danger written in the back of his irises. His heterogenous eyes fell on the package, quite disappointed to settle for cigarettes – he wanted something stronger already. Still, he didn’t refuse while he clipped the butt at the corner of his lips and shamelessly removed the cap of his metallic index to light it up. Being half of a cyborg had his convenient parts after all – Vex wanted to assert a sort of hidden dominance; yes, he was someone people should be afraid of.
He sat in front of Nikolai while the waiter brought two drinks on the table, leaving them to their shady business, the place quite known for the kind of crowd it was bringing. Vex slumped against the backrest of his chair and brought the cigarette to his lips. He didn’t even need to inspect his beverage to find any trace of poison; he was aware he was too valuable in this meeting. “Rumors are running fast.” He grinned, a gray puff of smoke invading the air. “But rumors are rumors and what you wish for right now are confidential information.”
He tapped the butt of his cigarette, the ashes lazily falling on the ground. “If you wanted to see me, then I do believe you have a real offer to bring on the table. If you have heard the rumors, you’re aware I work for a certain price. You’re not dumb, right? How many people have I met for the same reason this week?” He paused and cocked his head aside, a few red strands falling against the bridge of his nose. “Name it, then.”
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distopea · 3 years
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... so it ain't that bad??? 👀 still WIP... 😩
Vex post 1st body modification, aka his left eye!
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distopea · 3 years
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There was a man crying on the floor, a puddle of blood slowly created around his face. Vex was raising an eyebrow, when he noticed someone staring at him.
"Ah... Guess my ´I got your nose' went a bit too far."
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distopea · 3 years
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It's still don't know how and why he popped up in my head, but I have huge feels for him today. I love that mean bean. I love him as much as I hate him.
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distopea · 2 years
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There were two corpses waiting on the surgery table, folks that had been quite unlucky with the local mafia. Vex didn’t really care about these men – they had suffered from heavy gambling debts for months, and they had tried to double-cross dangerous people to gain their liberty. That wasn’t smart – they had been caught easily. Vex was only paid to take care of their situation, and use their organs for the black market, where they could be sold for a good price. Nothing personal, really.
He tapped his gloved fingers against his cheek, waiting for that phenomenon to happen again. He knew that he shouldn’t do drugs too much, but for a little while, each time he was killing someone new, there was a little strange bug appearing. As if his brain had combusted into a sort of fantasy where he had created a new reality, and that man, or that thing, was ALWAYS whining because of paperwork.
“Ah!” He smiled, almost tenderly, when he eventually saw the shape of that familiar creation popping in the middle of the room. “So, it’s not MDA, not black pills and not cocaine. Maybe it’s what I smoked earlier?” He noted it down. “I know, I know… Paperwork, right?”
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distopea · 3 years
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@mstillere said
"I've heard about you." The male spoke, his glasses shines to show his sinister look, "heard you've done some sick jobs, taking name and stuff, liked what you've done, by the way. Ever consider doing much more? With the added experience ?? I've got something ya might like." (Johnathan @ Vex. Here we gooooo)
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His cigarette break was more than needed. The club was crowded tonight; the mod had organized an underground box match, and it had dragged a lot of curious visitors and gamblers for the blood bath. Vex was a part of the show, somehow hidden in the shadows, as usual. He had prepared a few tricks during the show, bringing the entertainment to a level of horror and blood he hoped the public would adore. Well, most of the time they were shocked, but it was still pretty entertaining for him.
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“Yea’?” He answered while he looked aside and lighted his cigarette, his yellow eye falling on the shape of a man he had never seen before. He could have pretended that he wasn’t the individual the other was looking for, but his curiosity was piqued when he mentioned something even uglier. It was rare to meet someone who was so openly interested in something brutal and violent in the first place.
“If you got an offer, name it.” Vex suggested while he blew his smoke directly at his face. “Entertain me.”
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distopea · 3 years
@ephxmerall​ for Zoro
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After a night of debauchery and other horrors, Vex, freshly showered, is enjoying himself building another model for his collection. He’s thoroughly focusing on this model of the new Tiger Helicopter from the French Army, humming on the tune he’s listening from his computer. He doesn’t expect anyone to bother him today, his schedule is cleared for once. He wants to spend the day just chilling, perhaps smoking a few pots, before his psychotic nature would push him to go out and be the dangerous and obsessional asshole he can be.
However, while he’s placing one of the palms of the helicopter, ready to trace a thin line of glue, he hears the familiar “beep” sound of his alarm system, one of his computer screens showing the main entrance of his cave. It’s Friday after all, so Vex is always expecting someone with money to call him for his special skills for the underground fights of the weekend. Vex sighs, putting down his tools and wiping the glue out of his metal hands.
While he makes sure that his security system is fully operational, Vex eventually opens the door of his lab. He’s occupying the basement of a rather old and not recommendable building from a dodgy area, but at least, the entrance of the cellar is discreet, a few steps leading his guests down, right in front of a massive metallic door. “Hi there.” Vex greets, clipping a cigarette at the corner of his mouth, his body leaning against the doorframe. “Want somethin’?”
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The man standing there is honestly very familiar. With this green hair and that one eye, he’s pretty sure that he saw him during illegal fights before. At least, he hopes it’s a promise of blood, violence and chaos to have him waiting in front of his door.
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