#⌜👰🏾⌟leandra headcanon⌜🕷⌟
Randomize five questions for Sirius, Draco, Leandra, Severus, and Lucius! (The same questions)
Unusual headcanons || @mirrorofserised || Still Accepting
It got long
how many blankets / pillows do they like to have on their bed? 
Sirius - trying to simultaneously to reject his families beliefs as to what constituted a proper bedspread - and to combat thirteen years of sleeping on a prison cot - is a comfort king. He has a large quilted blanket which is used more often as a cape than it is on his bed. He has a mattress that is like a cloud to sleep on, a huge duvet and an obscene amount of pillows that he snuggles into (and cuddles) like some kind of nest. Draco is a sheet and a pillow in the summer - a sheet and a blanket in winter (and a quilt if it’s really cold, although it rarely is).Leandra’s bed tends to be aesthetically based - silk sheets all year round with an obscene amount of decorative pillows - although she sleeps with three. Charms keep her bed the perfect temperate to maintain her aesthetic. Severus sleeping in the dungeon most months of the year - and raised almost as a muggle - tends to have to wrap up to keep warm - a sheet, a blanket and a quilt is almost standard. He has one pillow. Lucius has little say in the appearance of the bed - leaving that to Narcissa’s discretion. He favours, however, two pillows, a single sheet and a quilt. 
what do they smell like? do they use perfume or cologne?Sirius at his best will smell like wood smoke and soap - and maybe alcohol. He does not bother with cologne. Draco is dabbling in cologne - trying to find one that suits him. Otherwise, he tends to smell different depending on the situation - fresh off the Quidditch pitch it will be sweat and leather and broomstick polish… Or it’ll be his shampoo and soap, something like the cold and something minty at breakfast.Leandra is a heady bouquet of perfume at all times. It suggests something sultry and seductive most times - unless there is a call for something more subtle and lightly feminine. Not quite overpowering - she is certainly one of those people who will walk past you and lure you with her scent. She has, on more than one occasion used something similar to amortentia as a perfume - similar in that it makes those who catch a whiff be reminded strongly of things they find most attractive, almost hypnotically so.Severus does not often wear cologne - if it has been purchased as a gift for him by someone and he is certain he will see them, he may splash some on but he has more important concerns. While he is not overly concerned with his appearance - the poverty and squalor of his childhood has led to him being very clean. If you are lucky, he will smell like clean laundry and soap - if you catch him in the middle of brewing it is likely to be whatever noxious fumes are currently clinging to his clothes.Lucius wears cologne and while he is slightly more subtle with it that, say, Leandra - it is what you are most likely to notice if in close proximity to him. 
what do they hate being teased about? are they teased often?Sirius is rarely ‘teased’ - popular in school and generally well liked the worst that ever seems to happen to him is after Azkaban where Severus hurls constant barbs at him. With anyone else, he might laugh them off - but Severus uses the truth to hurt him and it, on more than one occasion, comes close to violence.Draco - a bully in the extreme is not used to being teased - and it does not seem to be the right word for the break down of the relationships in his life following his father’s arrest and what happens when Voldemort occupies his family home. He cannot stand insults against his family and they are what escalates fights between him and others while in school - although he is no strange to slanging insults about other peoples families. I’m getting really fed up with the word teased? Because Leandra - a childhood celebrity - beautiful even at thirteen in a way that made things sometimes very uncomfortable for her - has not been teased. Other girls have sometimes mistakenly assumed they could get away with malicious behaviour because of poorly masked jealousy. And men, underestimating her and her abilities - sometimes right to her face, in front of her various husbands has happened for as far back as she can remember. And of course, as a celebrity, she has been hounded by gossip - and given her personal tragedies some of it has been most unkind - but she’s never really been teased. Severus was teased abundantly - for everything - from his second-hand clothes and school supplies - to his hair - to his nose - to his intelligence - to just how ‘weird’ he was. It’s lessened, as he’s grown - both in age and in viciousness. Lucius was never teased - Poised and powerful from birth there was little about him people could find to mock and even if there was, there were none who would do so to his face. 
are they possessive over their things? or over other people? both?Sirius who from his youth could always have had the best of things - should he have behaved well enough to receive them - is very blase about most of his possessions. He is selective in the things he feels an affinity for and is more possessive over people than he is about things. He is concerned that he will eventually push people away and his friends having other friends only give them somewhere to go when that inevitably happens, which will surely only speed up the process.Draco - raised similarily to Sirius - has been very spoiled. He is, in some ways - very possessive of his things, while simultaneously very careless with them. Think of Dudley breaking his toys because, for him, they are simply replaceable. He is a shade more possessive over people - but only in and of that, he likes attention.Leandra at seventeen had everything stolen from her by her greedy parents - as such, she cares quite a great deal for the material wealth she has amassed and is careful to ensure it has become self-perpetuating. She is a very difficult woman to get close to - truly close to - and is incredibly protective and invested in a small and select number of people and will not handle betrayal with any semblance of forgiveness.Lucius likes his things and abhors the ministry raids because it means getting rid of things he likes. He enjoys showing off his wealth with belongings and is grateful his wife is able to do so tastefully (the peacocks - he will refuse to admit - are the most garish thing they own). He is less jealous when it comes to the people in his life - trusting those closest to him to not give him cause - and understanding exactly what societal transactions are required to get along in life. 
do they have siblings? if so, how many? do they like them?Draco, Leandra, Severus, and Lucius are all only children. Sirius has one younger brother whom he loves very much. The emotions are very complicated with Regulus. As a child, he loves his younger brother and would do anything to protect him but as they grow older a rift begins to form. Sirius is sorted into Gryffindor and the fissures in his home life open to chasms. And his brother - as far as Sirius can see - aligns with his parent’s ideals, becomes a death eater and dies under instructions from Lord Voldemort. Sirius thinks he’s an idiot and he’s angry at Regulus for following like a sheep. But he’s angrier at himself that he didn’t try harder to help his brother. 
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22. which muse is most likely to make new friends?
Multimuses || @rebellicvs || Still Accepting
Hnn. Thinking of my friendliest muses… Patrick alienates a lot of people. so while he’s certainly outgoing, he’s likely to make enemies more than friends. Braith has struggled with making friends in the past so if you interact with her - she’ll likely adopt you almost instantly- but this isn’t necessarily reciprocal… Helga makes friends easily. Leandra and Gregory can both be quite charming when it suits them but this doesn’t work for everyone. Sirius has a similar problem to Patrick. Cedric is okay if a little dim and obviously that puts some people off - Lily is outgoing and vivacious and quite likeable. So I’d say maybe, Lily or Helga? Potentially Helga as her blood isn’t going to put people off without even speaking to her (not that Lily wants friends like that…) and her genuinely kind nature tends to warm people to her quickly. 
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This just in from your adoptive mother new best friend Leandra: Fame is just a giant popularity contest and being image conscious is a bigger part of the business than you could possibly conceive. So forgive her for needing to conceal the fact that you’re all ungrateful, unwashed peasants because while she’d never admit it, she depends on you to provide her livelihood, mmmkay?
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🍎- The kind of food they store in the kitchen
Hey good lookin’ || @scalpelsxx || Still Accepting
Again, wizards... It’s not like they have fridges or freezers or microwaves right??? 
Leandra travels a lot so a stocked up kitchen is rare - but when she is there - there’s a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. There is little by way of proper meals or cooking anything from scratch but there is also very little by way of little junk food, she has a figure to watch and even though she has a young son she is hardly indulgent when it comes to sweets and snacks. Although if she’s entertaining there might be a few ooey-gooey decadent desserts, but, she is the mother that tells you that you’ve got fruit when you tell her you’re hungry. 
There’s is wine - which is made out of grapes - so it’s food, technically. And whatever delicacy she has imported into her household from her most recent travel. There’s a fondness for cheese evident. But she eats out a lot and rarely eats proper meals at home. 
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⭐⭐ leandra and narcissa
I picked the wrong link || @ofpurestblccd || Not currently accepting
Leandra knew- okay, fine she didn’t know - but she likes to say that she did… Leandra had strong suspicions, that were proved correct, about Narcissa’s gender. Leandra has always accepted her friend without question and in many ways it allowed their friendship to develop and grow closer. Leandra considers Narcissa to be like a sister (especially given that she’s never had a real one).
Leandra has always travelled a lot - in school she went home at every holiday - but always brought Narcissa a gift back from her travels. It’s a tradition that has pervaded into their adult life. It was originally little trinkets but more often than not know it’s some kind of food or a bottle of wine because otherwise the Malfoy Manor would likely be overrun.
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4. Is the muse a dom or a sub? What about the mun? (for any of the muses)
Munday & Sinday || @dracmal || Still Accepting
So I think that for there to be an answer for this question… The kink needs to actually be involved which automatically excludes some of the purer beans - or you know, the beans that don’t have partners who engage in that… But, under the cut in case I get wordy. Also, you know. kinky shit. 
Hi, my name’s Susan I’m twenty-eight and I’m a switch??? Like I have heavy sub leanings ‘n’ I think to dom it’d need some specific kinks for me to run that role well - and it’d need to be asked (begged) for. 
Actual SubsCredence - In all his normal verses. I can see him making a poor dom in his evil verse.TimActual DomsGellert - Completely uncomfortable unwilling about submitting. Not any kind of Dom you would actually want. Leandra - she can play a sub if required (it’s very rarely required) and while you might be doing all the work, please trust it is under her direction. SwitchNarcissa - Sub leanings. Patrick - Doesn’t get to kink often, is delighted when he is and tends to take the lead/initiate and is, therefore, extra delighted, to get bossed around. Severus - Probably has Dom leanings because of the control aspect but could submit to the right lover. Percival - Mostly dominant but able to submit in the face of someone who deserves the respect. Obscurus - Volatile nature makes it struggle for dominance and, like Gellert, it is not a gentle or caring dom. But it’s animalistic nature can cause it to sub if faced with someone stronger who can make it. 
And everyone else idk bc I haven’t gotten into that w/ them - either they’re not that into it or like… I’m just unsure. 
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a trait they express in the wrong way [[For missus Leandra ]]
What is wrong with you? || @somewhat-managed-mischief || Still Accepting
Disappointment / anger - It’s more of an emotion than a trait, I suppose. And Leandra’s ‘inability’ to portray it correctly is more a learned skill. If you’ve upset her over something trivial, her reaction might not seem too out of the place, a shrug, a sorry and it’s all fine.
But her apparent ability to forgive more disastrous mistakes is unparalleled and, to some, unnerving. There’s probably a good reason for that - after all, if you’ve wounded someone, you expect reciprocity - not magnanimity. But that is what she often offers, she’s too soft, she’s been told. 
The thing, however, is, that things are far from fine - and you'll come to learn that, one day... Because while she smiles, and says that all is fine, she’s thinking of exactly how to tear you down and shred your entire life. 
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While Leandra loves her son - she’s not a monster - she is not a good mother.
There are many excuses - she was barely more than a child herself when she had him, he reminds her both of his father and of a time in her life where she had little power over her own destiny - but mostly it comes down to the truth of it - that she is selfish. Her ‘maternal’ nature that she inflicts upon others has only developed with age and she has travelled and lived her life almost as if she does not have a son - trusting his upbringing and care to others - and while she has not neglected him, abused him or allowed him to want for anything material she has, in truth, been preoccupied if not a little distant.
She does, of course, love him and has tried to raise him right but the lessons she’s passed on have been of arrogance and superiority and success rather than acceptance and warmth and love. If anything, it would be apt to say that she is fond of her son, which is not exactly the ideal parenting model. 
Their relationship is respectful and uncomplicated but not especially warm or close. 
It’s also the reason (or perhaps, one of the reasons - since her husbands don’t exactly last long) that he is an only child and heir apparent to the massive fortune she’s amassed.
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Leandra did not lose her virginity until leaving Hogwarts having had, overall, very little interest in letting some sweaty, spotty, seventeen-year-old paw at her in the less than romantic venue of the second-floor broom cupboard. 
Her first time, however, was not all rose petals and candles. It was done, like the majority of things she did immediately following her graduation, to spite her parents. The insisted on white for her dress - to symbolise her virgin purity. No one really knew - which rendered it a bit pointless - but it put a smile on her face as she marched down the aisle at least. 
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Taken from Miranda Kirkshaw’s interview of Leandra Zabini for Witch Weekly.
There is very little about Leandra Zabini’s personal life that is not known - famous from a very young age, stunningly beautiful and with impeccable taste in rich and powerful husbands - seven, in fact, all of whom she has outlived - her life and the shorter lives of her husbands have fallen under much scrutiny in the wizarding community. She claims, however, that there is much more to her than the reports may suggest - hence her releasing her own, tell all, biography penned by her dear friend Eldred Worple.
Invited to her home in London I am willing to admit a little trepidation as I made my approach. As famous as she is for her illustrious husbands, she is also well noted for her incredible beauty. Prepared to face a personality of haughty judgement - I was astounded to be greeted at the door by a woman, clad in a confection of striking hot pink - with a warm hug as if we were the oldest of school friends.
Soon seated and with refreshments pressed upon me I admitted my fears to Leandra (as she refused the formality of Mrs Zabini) who laughed.
“I find that happens a lot. People make a lot of assumptions about me based on my appearance. Not that I’m not grateful for the way that I look - no - not at all. But people form their own impressions without ever even speaking to you.
People have assumed that I’m stupid - my fourth husband was a politician - and people would speak to him, instead of me while I was stood right next to him. And of course, since Hogwarts people have made the assumption that I’m judgemental or mean… That I’ll judge them on how they look - but what they don’t see is that’s exactly what they’re doing to me.”
Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover - the message Leandra wants to impress on me - and others, having penned a brief article for Witch Weekly last year in favour of her former Hogwarts house - is also the title of her new book.
She has done her best to protect her son from the likes of Rita Skeeter trying to keep him away from the limelight and in her shadow where ever possible. Not out of vanity, but out of an urge to protect him. Her son, as handsome and charming as she is beautiful will have his time to shine, she knows - but it will be when he’s an adult; ready to face the pressure and the enormity of it, not when he is a young boy, growing and learning.
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Leandra’s family doesn’t show in the list of the sacred twenty-eight, in the 1930′s ‘Pureblood directory’ because he family is not originally British. 
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Impatience [[ pick a muse, any muse :D]]
 Big M O O D || Still Accepting || @somewhat-managed-mischief
Leandra has a reputation to uphold, you know, so she can’t be seen huffing and puffing and getting pissy with every single journalist that crossed her path. There might be a momentary twitch of her eyebrows but mostly she masks it, at least to some degree. She’ll blink more slowly - trying to prevent herself from zoning out - and she’s more likely to look away - seeking distraction or escape. Her chin will lower and her eyebrows will raise and it’s likely she’ll be pursing her lips. Her smile - if she’s smiling - will become fixed and her jaw will clench. If she’s really getting fed up, she may slip into resting bitch face and try and stare into your soul.
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👑 which muse is most likely to take over the world
I actually did this as a dash meme whoops || Still Accepting 
I think Gellert, given the right tools, could. Leandra could possibly do it as well, although her ambitions are a little less far reaching.
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⚔ which muse is the most likely to go to jail/prison & ☠ which muse is The Worst™
Why does this seem so familiar? || Still Accepting || @xmusiisms
Jail Birds: Excluding Gellert who is the most obvious choice (seeing as how he does, eventually, end up imprisoned) - Credence, had he been taken in for the actions of his obscurus. Narcissa - her family often act in very unsavory ways - it’s lucky she’s managed to evade imprisonment so far. Wendelin has some dangerous ideas…Leandra, if she was ever caught, has murdered multiple people. Peter and Severus are death eaters - which lands you a life sentence. Patrick has a violent streak and a tendency towards being drunk and disorderly - so it’s likely he’s spent at least a night in jail.
Horrible People: Again - Gellert tops the class for this. Snape is pretty reprehensible and petty. Patrick is also surprising me with the depths he’ll sink to. Peter’s a little shit bag too. (Bless my awful babies though…)
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Leandra has a house elf called Tovey - She came with one of the husbands (Leandra’s family wasn’t up to all that much before her, after all). 
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