#⌠ v. b.s.a.a. – i won’t be a burden. ⌡
barrysbaby · 6 months
@wanderingaroundwithmysoul | continued.
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“Wow,” her voice is monotone, “I take it nobody told you how horrible of an actress you are. Well, allow me to do the honors: you suck.”
Moira waves a dismissive hand as she slings her rifle over her shoulder and approaches the woman. She appreciates the stubbornness. Moira herself would be doing the exact same thing if she were in her shoes. Unfortunately for Rain, Moira was just as stubborn, if not more.
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“You can barely stand, let alone walk.” Moira wasn’t going to take no for an answer, not on this one. And although Rain was injured pretty badly, she doesn’t hesitate to push her down to sit on the floor. Then she reaches into her pouches to take out a first aid spray, some bandages, and a tourniquet. “You’re so lucky Rebecca taught me first aid, so you’re gonna sit here, shut up, and let me tend to your wound.”
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barrysbaby · 5 months
[ sms ] ur boyfriend needs glasses.
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Moira is in the middle of a mission briefing when she feels her phone buzz inside her pocket. She sneakily takes it out and reads the text. Brows furrow in a heartbeat. Keeping her phone under the table, she starts typing.
[Text to: Claire's Loverboy]
You know who else will need glasses pretty soon? You And a walking cane
Then comes her squad leader's voice all of a sudden, "Moira, are you texting right now?"
"No," she answers with a blank expression, then quickly sends:
Scratch that A wheelchair
"Please put your phone away," her squad leader says.
"I'm not on my phone." As she stuffs her phone into her pocket.
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barrysbaby · 5 months
" i shouldn't be questioning one's taste in men, but... " gestures to jake. " ...why. "
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“Jesus fricking Christ, why is THIS the hottest gossip around here these days?” Moira throws her head back in exasperation.
That Steve. Oh, she’s so going to murder the living crap out of him. Her eyes shoot pointedly in Irma’s direction, hands held up at her sides as if to say ‘what the hell do you want from me?’
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“First of all, you’re right, you shouldn’t be questioning people’s taste in men,” said by someone who is constantly questioning people’s taste in men. “So listen to yourself and back off,” she barks. “Second of all, there’s nothing for you to question because frankly, I would date a billion zombies before I ever think about dating Jake. He couldn’t land me if we were the last people left on planet earth.”
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barrysbaby · 5 months
[ sms ] you ever going to admit that you got a thing for jakey or will my shins be forever a target whenever i bring him up?
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It's embarrassing how the ping on her phone made her heart flutter with excitement, thinking the name on her screen will be "Jerk Merc." Her disappointment is immense when it turns out to be "Claire's Loverboy."
So okay, what if she does have a thing for Jake? Why is that any of Steve's business? Or anyone's for that matter.
With a sigh, Moira types a reply.
[To: Claire's Loverboy]
I mean if you're so desperate to find out Just keep bringing him up :)))) ... What's it to you anyway?
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barrysbaby · 5 months
"Someone looks cranky today…"
Resident Evil Resistance Starters - Survivor Edition
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“You think so? What gave it away? Was it this?” Moira holds up her middle finger to him with a forced smile. “Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t you start one of those YouTube React channels that are really less about reacting and more about narrating things as they are happening on screen. Something tells me you’d be a natural.”
That’s probably enough of torturing Leon for now, unless he decides he’s not done. Moira heaves a tired and overly dramatic sigh as she plops down on the couch. What would she ever do without these get-togethers Claire organizes?
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“Okay, fine, yes, I’m cranky. You know, they make the B.S.A.A. sound so cool and badass but they leave out all the boring crap you have to deal with once you join. Like following orders twenty-four-seven?” Her nose wrinkles in disgust at the memory of every instance she had to respond with yes, sir to something. “Doing paperwork after each op you come back from? Yesterday I was up till four in the morning filling out mission reports. Who even wants to do that?”
She can feel it. Her soul is being sucked away with every passing day. Unless she finishes setting up that prank in the locker room that she’d been planning for weeks, she’ll be driven insane in no time.
“Seriously, you got any suggestions for dealing with that? Because I swear there was a point when I started fantasizing about being chased by a pack of lickers to kill my boredom. A pack. Of. Lickers.”
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barrysbaby · 8 months
@betterasamerc | continued.
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“Word gets around fast when you’re famous,” she says.
Moira doesn’t know much about this guy other than how valuable an asset he is. She’d assumed that meant he was somebody’s son, given that the government is involved, but something tells her there is more to it. Something about his face. It’s familiar, reminds her of someone, but she can’t quite place it.
Folding her arms against her chest, she leans back in her seat. The chopper’s just about ready for takeoff. Next to Jake is Sherry Birkin, who was apparently the one responsible for escorting this Jake Muller, originally, before the two of them needed escorting. Moira’s heard of Sherry quite a bit from Claire, met her a couple times via video chats and whatnot, and she seems like a sweet girl. Chris had given her a quick briefing of their situation. Apparently Jake is—or used to be a mercenary, part of the very group they’ve been fighting. But Sherry promised he wasn’t a threat to them.
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“One of a kind, huh?” She raises her brows at that. “What, you got a new blood type we haven’t heard of yet?”
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barrysbaby · 6 months
you're hiding something.
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“No, I’m not…” she lies. But oh, who is she kidding? She can’t lie to Claire. Not just because the guilt would kill her, but because she just can’t lie to Claire. It’s impossible. The woman knows her too well. Sometimes better than Moira knows herself. “Okay, yes, I am, but… only because you’re probably gonna be mad at me when I tell you.”
Normally Moira would be a better liar than this, only… well, she did have her leg torn open by a J’avo, and being stuck in a hospital room twenty-four-seven doesn’t exactly leave her with enough energy to put on a more convincing act.
“Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, if I tell you this, please swear you won’t say anything to Dad. For now. It’s best if he hears it from me anyway.”
Best if he never hears it, probably, but something tells her that won’t be manageable, considering the circumstances. Moira reaches for a glass of water on the side table, takes a long chug to get rid of the dryness in her throat. Then she sets the glass down and looks at Claire once more.
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“So…” she starts, “you remember my squad leader, Ryan? The one I told you I had a fight with back when I first started because of that prank I pulled in the conference room? I’m sure you remember him. I talk about him like… always.” A pause, before she continues. “Well, okay, so… maybe he asked me out yesterday. And maybe I said yes.”
And maybe she’s been flirting with him over the past few months because who cares about breaking fraternization rules, right?
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barrysbaby · 6 months
yoink. steve just casually steals moira's pen for a moment, writes something on a little piece of paper and proceeds to give moira the pen and the note before he disappears into the office crowd. on the note was hastily scribbled 'claire matched with someone on tinder'.
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Moira wasn’t doing anything particularly important with the pen other than tapping it against her desk as she was reading through a report. Then the pen is suddenly snatched from her hold. She flinches. “Hey, what the hell?” Her eyes shoot to Steve, who’s scribbling something down in a hurry. “Don’t you have your own pens?”
Her confusion only doubles when Steve returns the pen plus the paper on which he was writing. She reads it: Claire matched with someone on Tinder.
Oh? Her brows quirk. Did she now? Well, then, that calls for a thorough investigation.
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Moira stuffs the note into her pocket then shouts after Steve. “You could have just texted me that, you know!”
Well, anyway, turns out she’ll have to take her lunch break a little earlier than she thought.
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barrysbaby · 6 months
you said something earlier, but i think i missed it.
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“Oh yeah? Did you actually miss it or were you just pretending you did so you wouldn’t have to deal with me and my big mouth? Well, guess what? You’re gonna have to deal with it anyway.” The aggressiveness in her tone softens almost too quickly, though, as her brows furrow and her voice lowers to a murmur. “They think they may have found Chris…” she whispers. “I didn’t wanna say anything in front of Claire because… well, there’s a chance it’s not actually him and I don’t want her to…” Moira lets out a long sigh. “I just don’t want her to get her hopes up for nothing. It’s already been enough false warnings. But I thought you should know at least.”
It’s been almost six months since Edonia, since Moira and her squad dragged an unconscious, injured Chris out of the city hall and loaded him into a chopper. Moira had to fight her squad leader to let her go with him, but he told her she had to stay until they saw the mission through. Stay and look for this “Ada” that Piers mentioned.
They didn’t find her.
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Moira scratches the back of her neck as she looks to meet Leon’s gaze. “To be honest with you, I’m tired of the false warnings too. Part of me wishes we’d just find a body and be done with this.” That came out wrong. That came out so wrong. She slaps a hand over her mouth and shakes her head. Her eyes burn, but she won’t cry, not now. Claire will come out of the bathroom any second. She’ll know something is wrong. Also, it’ll ruin her makeup. Her hand drops to her side. “I just hate… not knowing.”
And Moira can’t help but wonder if that’s how her family felt, too, when she was the one missing, when she was the one who couldn’t be found. The thought of it alone makes her shudder.
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barrysbaby · 7 months
i don't really care what they think. i'm not letting you go alone.
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“Uh, okay… thanks?” Moira says, uncertain. It’s supposed to be a friend outing—where they’re spending time together as friends. Claire, Jill and Sherry all seem engrossed in the conversation, at least. “I think I can find my way to the bathroom without a chaperone, though. I’m not three.”
Unless Miriam knows exactly why she’s going to the bathroom, and in which case, some company may not be so bad. Getting high with a friend is much, much better than getting high alone, because then at least there will be someone to take the fall with her if she gets caught.
“Actually, on second thought, I wouldn’t mind an escort.”
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barrysbaby · 7 months
“do you believe in aliens?”
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She doesn’t even blink at that question. It’s a good question, one she pondered quite a few times before. With all the monstrosities she’s encountered in her life, yeah, of course she wondered if there are aliens too, on top of everything.
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“Can you imagine how disappointing life would be if we lived in a world where zombies are real but aliens aren’t?” Moira says. “You know what? With how much life likes to disappoint me in particular, I’m gonna bet there actually are no aliens. Because why would Moira ever get to have something nice happen to her?”
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barrysbaby · 8 months
it's the world that seems to have a problem with me.
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“Tragic.” The sarcasm in her tone can’t be more obvious. “You gonna cry about it? Give me a sec, I can grab some tissues for you.���
But in all seriousness, Moira’s been there. Where it feels like nothing goes right and everything goes wrong. Where it feels like it’s just her against the universe, like everything she does or says will somehow backfire on her and yield the worst results imaginable. Like she’s cursed.
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“If the world is the problem, how about you show the world who’s boss? Kick its butt. Give it the middle finger and tell it to eff right off. That’ll do it.”
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barrysbaby · 1 year
just a lil tag dump. can you believe i'm finally doing this?
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barrysbaby · 5 months
"Agh... I just wanna... lie down and never get up again..." from a sick Kathy.
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“I don’t like the ‘never get up again’ part so much, but I’m fully in support of you lying down and taking it easy for the day.”
Moira carefully helps her mom back in bed, propping up the pillows for her and then pulling the blanket over her body. She sits by her and takes a gentle hold of her hand.
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“I’ll take care of you, and the house. If you got errands that need running, I’ll handle those too.” She promises. “Are you sure you just wanna stay in bed, though?” Her head tilts to the side, uncertain. “Why don’t I take you to a doctor, huh?”
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barrysbaby · 5 months
What did one glass of water say to the other?
Water you doing?
Hehe, get it? Yeah? ....please?
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Moira’s lips press into a thin line as she takes in a deep inhale through her nose.
This is why she can’t openly admit that she likes Jake. Because of his dumb jokes that are honestly on par with her dad’s. This is also why she should never introduce them. She can’t even begin to imagine the nightmare it would be to have them both in one room.
But as dumb as that joke was, she still can’t help a smile because… well, that’s what he’s trying to do, right? Make her smile. And soon enough the smile turns into a playful smirk.
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“You know, all this talk about water got me really thirsty,” she says, stepping closer until there’s only an inch between them, head tilted up so she can look him the eyes. “You got a glass there for me somewhere?”
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barrysbaby · 6 months
you need to tell me what's going on. ( from chris )
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“What’s going on?” Moira gives him a pointed look, as though to say you didn’t seriously just ask me that. “Well, what’s going on is that… we failed. We did this.”
And by we she means she. And the bastards who refused to send her team backup. And the snake who set them up and alerted the Connections to their ambush. None of this would be happening right now if her team had succeeded in capturing Eveline three years ago.
“And now… now they’re going to cover it up like nothing happened?” A grimace taints her features at the mere thought of it.
Reading the Baker House Incident report made all her fears from the aftermath of that op in 2014 come true. This very exact situation is what she feared would happen as a result of their failure. That there will be grim consequences to face. That innocent lives will pay for their mistakes.
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“They’re going to pretend we’re not to blame for all the lives that were lost? Paint us as if we were some kind of heroes who swooped in at the last second and saved everything, when it’s really our fault any of it happened in the first place? That just… doesn’t sit right with me.” If Ryan were alive, if he were to see what was happening now… “You can’t seriously tell me you’re gonna let them do this.” She searches his eyes with a plea in hers. There is no way Chris would stay quiet about this. No way. “My word doesn’t mean crap, but you’re one of the founders, surely you can do something? Anything?” Her throat works up and down. “Chris, please.”
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