barrackbvnny · 4 months
@hoovedrycal asked: «POWERS»   for the sender to use special powers to entrap the receiver. + reverse
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──꒰ CIVET ꒱    ⚠️ 👾 ‼️   ・・・・・・
They've been staring at him from afar. What is he ? Their curiosity is what brings them closer to the being. Observing the man for almost an hour now in the midst of the forest. What was he doing here? Who is he ? What is he ? They stalk quietly through the grass. Blending into the darkness. Moving silently within the ever-loud forest noise as the sun starts to set down the rotation. They slowly move behind the being, and the minute they are close enough, they are quick to jump, lunging on top of him and grabbing his arms, forcing him to fall on his chest into the ground.
❛     Csesaz vah, ⠀❜  They say holding the man down on his back. A wicked smile is curved across their cheeks, showing their sharp teeth as they lean into the side of his face. They look like a curious wild beast, trapping its prey under their weight. The grip of their robotic arm surely assists in their physical strength for certain.
❛     Tell me, what are you ? ⠀❜ 
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lightfaithed · 4 months
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The day had been strenuous. Preparing for a campaign was sometimes as stressful as the actual action, especially when he planned everything down to the finest detail and matters then tended to go awry and ruin his plans. As Obi-Wan vowed to work on his lack of flexibility, he checked the chrono. It was almost time. He liked to reserve the quiet evenings for meetings.
Today he had extended an invitation to Brioola to come visit him in his quarters aboard the Negotiator, very curious about her and wanting to make sure she felt welcome on board.
When she arrived, he offered her a smile and gestured towards an empty chair by the desk. Obi-Wan already set them two teacups. "Good evening, my dear. Thank you for accepting my invitation. Please, have a seat. I hope tea is to your liking?" He made sure it was cozy and familial. This was supposed to be a conversation and not an interrogation.
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arc-77 · 4 months
@barrackbvnny continued from [here]:
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She finds him in one of the smaller barracks rooms typically set aside for Republic Commando squads. The room is presently unassigned, and technically not supposed to be available for his usage, but that's never stopped an Alpha-class. He'd learned how to slice the lower-security doors years ago, sequestering himself in one of these rooms whenever he wanted some space.
Fordo sits on a bed in one of the four wall nooks, reading from a genuine flimsi-book she'd never seen him with before. His helmet, kama, and the top half of his armor sit in the corner nearby, propped up against the wall. He looks up as she enters through the sliding door, seemingly unsurprised to see her.
"Little birdy told me you were coming." He scoots deeper into the wall nook to make room and pats the bed beside him. "Have a seat."
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clonewar · 4 months
@barrackbvnny asked:
They clear their throat, walking up to the Sargent with hands in their jacket pocket. Slightly slouched as always. “ Sargent ? Was it ? “ The chiss asks plainly, not an emotion in their expression as they approach. Their approach is not quiet, their boots thick enough to allow their presence to be heard from nearly across the hallway. “ I’m looking for my little robot, and i have reason to believe one of your vod stole, i mean, has it. “ This time they sound a bit annoyed. Clearly this “robot” means something to them.
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In many ways, he and the other troopers are war machines. After all, the Kaminoans designed them to live and breathe violence. It isn't a senseless sort of violence, however. They have loyalties to the Republic and to each other. And his squadmates have solid heads on their shoulders. Perhaps too solid... His squad's clever, out-of-the-box thinking causes just as many problems as it solves. The mention of a stolen bot is enough to make his once neutral and focused-faced sag into a disapproving frown. If there is tech involved, the culprit can name himself...
Setting his datapad aside, he emits a soft sigh before replying. "Correct, Sergeant. How long has your bot been missing?" He's not sure why Tech took it and what he's doing with it but he really hopes the bot is in one piece, for all of their sakes.
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gloomfaithed · 4 months
@barrackbvnny / Cont. X
"The base was overrun. I'm taking you to safety." This poor woman. She was doing her job and had no impact on how secure she truly was. She had to depend on the success of the troopers, to keep the bases they established during their campaigns safe.
This was the first time Talon had witnessed the Separatist droids gaining the upper hand and forcing such a stressful retreat. The entire base was being evacuated, and she didn't mind being one of the people staying behind to make sure everyone was brought away. In fact, Talon was the perfect woman to do so, frying any droid who was coming too close.
"I know this is harrowing but at least you're safer with me than any trooper out there who is on his own." There had been a rendesvouz point marked on the map. Talon had committed it to memory. "Do you have everything you need? We'll go north and meet up with the others there."
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hoovedrycal · 3 months
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hi hi alien friends !! thank you for writing with me & letting me share regulus with you ! thanks for letting me share his lore & just writing with me in general! i appreciate you so much. shoutout to these talented writers !! i highly recommend you give them some love and interactions too. 🩵
@mando-of-esverr @red-flight @rexihka @alootus @altrxisme @escapedartgeek @ofluckandmagic @barrackbvnny @mostmagicals @nackros @leadxxr @paramounticebound @justxcountrydoctor @shdwtouch @ruinouss @stars-written @nerdynanny @vendettavalor
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
@clonewar have the prompt: ‘ congratulations. you have pneumonia. ’ from tech for whichever of your ocs doesn't get sick often
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──꒰ CIVET ꒱    ⚠️ 👾 ‼️   ・・・・・・
They find themselves staring at the intelligent clone like hes' crazy. They've never been sick before, why would they be now? Perhaps he was wrong. But, when has there ever been a moment where Tech of all people was wrong.
❛ Pneumonia ? As in, the lung infection, Pneumonia ? ⠀❜ They ask, as if the clone hadn't just said it five seconds ago. It is cause for panic, but Civet is far too confident that they aren't sick -despite the hard ability to breathe- that they refuse to let themselves start to panic over 'nothing.'
❛ No offense, bug, but i've never gotten sick my entire life. What makes you think i have Pneumonia ? ⠀❜ They ask, using the nickname 'bug' to be extra annoying. They once commented that his helmet makes him look like a little bug. And since, it's stuck. But they're certain he finds it annoying.
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
@clonewar gave the prompt: ‘ you need stitches. ’ from halo for whichever muse you of yours could use some more interactions <3
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──꒰ SCREW ꒱    🔧🔩🪛   ・・・・・・
She immediately frowns as the pained tears stream down her cheeks. Sure there’s quite a lot of blood . . . and their head feels a bit woozy. But she’s never needed stitches before, so why now? Then again, that is a lot of blood.
❛ Are you sure ? ⠀❜ She asks sounding a bit nervous as the chaos around them slowly comes to an end. She wants to be certain that this is something she needs before she mentally prepares herself for either another stim shot or the sensation of a needle through her skin. They’ve i hired themselves before, but she’s never been hurt this badly before. I guess this is what happens when you’re assigned to the field of battle.
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
@spokewar liked this post for a starter from pyro:
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   ・・・・・・ ⛓️ 🔥 ☢️
Her yellowish eyes continue to avoid the confrontation that so blatantly wants to follow her as the clone Commander continues his rant about her current tinkering. To which she’s choosing to let him get out his frustrations for their tinkering with an explosive in the middle of the mess hall of the negotiator. He’s not exactly ecstatic about their workings, even though she’s simply doing her job.
❛ Do you even understand or comprehend how hazardous it is for you to be doing this at all in a ship !? Not to even mention in the kriffing mess hall! ❜ The commander says with full disapproval and distress of the situation. ❛ Are you even listening to me ?! ❜ Cody asks in frustration before the woman finally turns her head and looks at him.
❛ Barely, ❜ She says, responding to his question. of her attention, and not his question of her explosive. ❛ Commander, i would not be here if i wasn’t needed. May i enjoy my kaf and neurotoxin bomb by myself before i have to go back to work ? ❜ She asks plainly. She can tell from the look on the commanders face, that he was far from pleased with her come back. ❛ I have a meeting with the general scheduled after my break. I’d appreciate if you left so i can enjoy my own company, alone. ❜
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
@arc-77 continued from here.
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Having almost given herself a panic attack, Fordo’s breathing exercise helped her from doing so. Taking breathes and following his example. One could almost assume he’s done this before. His calming demeanor helped a lot in settling her upset pit of guilt in her stomach.
“ Sorry, sorry.” She apologizes before she takes in a deep breath and shows her datapad towards the alpha arc.
“ I was just agreeing with Civet, and now i’m scared after re-reading it that it might come off like i don’t like you guys. But that’s not what i meant ! “ There’s sadness in her eyes and it’s clear she cares more about his brothers hating her or something she doesn’t like them, than she is about her own opinions.
She does think Crow is an asshole, because he certainly is. And that isn’t to say that the Alphas aren’t assholes, but she doesn’t want them to feel like she doesn’t like them. It would greatly hinder her job if they did think that way.
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barrackbvnny · 5 months
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──꒰ ALPHA-88 ❛CROW❜ ꒱    🪶   ・・・・        ❛        HE / HIM   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        25 // 6’4” // bisexual, biromantic   ⠀❜
       ・・・・        ❛        playlist   ⠀❜
- has no left eye, permanently shut and is only an empty socket (he refused to get a cybernetic, stubborn bastard)
- ignores any subject about scars
- knows galactic basic sign language
- smokes
- smokers cough obviously
- really hates the sun/s
- gets called “Rooster” by his brothers / batch mates.
- has a soft spot for children
- purple is his favorite color
- his entire squadron is called “The Murder” and is comprised of all clones named after birds of prey
- primarily works on dantooine with jedi general siilce
- is the person that bugs you to hydrate
- takes work out and training very seriously
- finds rio annoying
- despite his distaste for nicknames, he still loves his brothers more than anything
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
“ i see you have questions.”
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Rio smiles, “ Oh so many questions, and so little time to ask them. Unless of course you mean questions for me ? “
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
"Command and compassion is a fool's mixture."
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──꒰ ALPHA-88 ❛CROW❜ ꒱    🪶   ・・・・
The man's helmeted head turns to face towards her. ❛    It is when misplaced.  ⠀❜ He responds, as harshly as he's heard it from her own lips, with the harsh sound of his vocator causing him to sound even less human.
❛    What is it you are insinuating ?  ⠀❜ He asks, taking a few steps forward. His movements are slow and cautious, as the alarm bells ring in his head. He has no idea who she is, or what she wants. His caution is far from misplaced.
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
«SECURE» for the sender to keep the receiver in a secure location for their safety. (for Brioola)
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──꒰ BRIOOLA ꒱    🐰  ・・・・ 
This is it, she's going to die, isn't she ?
She can't say she's ever found herself in a situation where she genuinely felt like she was going to die. Sure, there have been instances where clients have threatened her life, but she's never been this close to being genuinely hurt.
Dread settles in her stomach, and she feels like she wants to expel anything she's had in the past day. But she's frozen in place, looking at the floor. There are a number of things running in her head. She isn't supposed to see the war, or, be on the battlefield. She can't stomach the site she'd seen moments ago.
Sweat dripping down her face as she processes what just happened. Her heart beats miles a minute as she tries to catch up to the moment. Eventually, her back hits against the wall, startling her as she holds the sides of her shoulders. Finally, she looks up at the red twi'lek.
❛    Wher-Where . . . where are we going ?  ⠀❜ She croaks, her fear evident. Her fear and anxiety stemmed from the fact that she isn't sure who this woman is, nor what she intends to do with her. She could want to kill her for all she knows, and it only causes her to regret showing the fear in her eyes.
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barrackbvnny · 4 months
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ugh, i swear no one gives me attention 😒 . . . i have to interrupt conversations to talk to anyone i swear.
what am i doing wrong?
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barrackbvnny · 5 months
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Walking down the corridor from her previous destination she's personally absorbed in her datapad as she scrolls, stops, and seems to read, with small glances up to make sure she isn't tripping over anyone. She seems to be walking mindlessly, with no clear new destination even in her own head as she walks mindless around Tipoca City.
Moves to the side when she hears several footsteps walking down the hallway when they do so they can seamlessly pass. However, there's a moment where she needs to stop for a larger group of troopers. She smiles at them as they pass by, politely giving them attention as they pass. However, her eyes seem to wander a bit, seeing an outlier, staring at her. Rio immediately gives a smile to them, hand on her hip as she waits for the troops to pass before she nods over at them.
" Can I help you with anything? Or are you just gonna stare at the merchandise ? "
\\ open roleplay starter //
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