#╰ ╳ ━ ❛ sᴡɪɴɢɪɴɢ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ғɪʀᴇ ᴇsᴄᴀᴘᴇ . / ⁽ ᵃⁿˢʷᵉʳᵉᵈ ⁾ * . ⁎   ×
rubldus · 5 years
"Play any games, dolly? Chess, poker, or anything of the like?" A chuckle. "Or perhaps Russian Roulette if you're feeling feisty this lovely night?"
         How…frightening. The first to run at the murmur of SCARY STORIES, or the suggestion to watch a HORROR MOVIE, Yata was an undeniable WIMP in the face of the supernatural. And after seeing the way this…thing, wore HOMRA’s valiant red, twisted to fit the form of something that seemed SINISTER underneath…well. Who could blame him for being wary?
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    He could practically see his own REFLECTION in those elongated canines after all.
            “…only video games. ‘ve never had a reason t’ gamble with roulette.”
    A SIMPLE and to the point answer was provided, hopefully enough to scare off whatever this was…a strain? Not that it looked like any strain redhead had ever seen.
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rubldus · 5 years
📖+ gimme that "actually an actor for K" you love so much
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            Ueda Naoko, twenty-two, was born and raised in Osaka prefecture by a Japanese father and a British mother. A seasoned actor, he’s been on screen and jumping between commercials and background roles since he was a child. His first major television role was for a drama series he acted in at age ten, and ever since then he’s been doing fairly well in the entertainment industry. You may recognize him from other popular shows such as Bungou Stray Dogs or Free! Eternal Summer. He’s currently popular among casting agents because of his unique natural orange hair, a trait passed down from his mother’s side, and his general personality. 
            An inherently dorky sort, Naoko (or ‘Nao-chan’) loves to laugh, especially at himself. He tries hard to keep himself from being changed by the stress and harshness of the entertainment industry, and does that by using humor- which as a result makes him a pretty approachable person. An easygoing attitude has caused him to get along well with whichever cast and crew he is a part of at any given time, though the K project cast are some of his favorites because many of them are right around his age. He gets along famously with Fushimi’s actor, for example. He often credits his ability to reach a likeness with Yata to Fushimi’s realness, and talks about in interviews the type of support he feels from his actor. Because they’ve had so many scenes and just generally spent so much time together, they’ve developed a good relationship outside of work as well and meet up every once in awhile. 
            Besides that, he gets along fairly well with Awashima’s actress. The two dated for awhile, but because of conflicting schedules and different locations they ended things. They still get along well however, and in fact he plans to be at her Okinawa wedding taking place in the spring. Finally, he rather enjoys spending time talking to Kokujōji’s actor, who’s actually a musician in his day to day life that’s friends with the director, and was roped into his role as the gold king as a result. Naoko enjoys him because it’s rare to meet such a mature seasoned entertainer, and he’s been pleasantly surprised by how progressive the man seems to be. Due to his influence, Naoko has even taken up the piano as a decompressor in such a hectic life. He greatly admires the type of existence the other lives, and shows his support for his music career whenever able.
                                            .Further Information.
X He has fun on set by pranking the cast and crew, most times alongside Fushimi’s actor. Despite that, he’s very grateful to the people he works with, and he never forgets a birthday.
X He’s obsessed with adding on cutesy honorifics to peoples’ names, such as -pyon, -pi, -nyan, -tan, etc.
X He gets type casted quite a lot because of his petite stature and bright hair. Usually as either a more violent type or a timid goof. He doesn’t exactly mind, though he’d like to expand upon his skill set if at all possible.
X Yata has grown on him quite a bit since he started with the show. He thinks he’s a pretty cute kid, albeit fairly misguided. He has no problem with acknowledging character flaws.
X He and Fushimi’s actor are constantly making fun of the way their characters interact. Both of them think it’s surely the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever seen, like little kids keeping this long standing rivalry because one of them took a favorite toy. Those takes when they have fight scenes always need to be redone the most times, one of them will always exaggerate a line or facial expression and get the other laughing.
X He loves his fans, but despite being friendly he’s actually somewhat shy when faced with any level of adoration. He’s the type to most likely deflect compliments onto his castmates. They know the drill.
X He and the rest of the crew are all pretty protective of Sukuna and Anna’s actors. Whenever it feels like they’ve been shooting too long, they’ll put a stop to it and make sure the kids are well rested. And when meeting with fans, they always make sure nobody crowds them. Even though Naoko doesn’t know them very well, he still remembers how scary it could sometimes get to be a child actor- so he tries to exercise a little extra empathy towards them.
X He thinks the kid who plays middle school Yata (Tsuyu-san) is the cutest thing ever. He’s probably had the poor guy FaceTime every member of his family in an effort to fool them. That aside, they get along very well. Naoko’s given him a lot of advice on how to navigate the business and what to do with certain job offers. An honorable mention must be brought to the table for the boy who plays middle school Fushimi- Naoko thinks he’s just as adorable and that both of them definitely have the potential to go places.
X He’s incredibly ticklish- it always takes a solid extra thirty to forty minutes for the make-up artists to paint his HOMRA tattoo because he loses his mind every time the instruments touch his skin. What makes matters worse is they often have to redo it because of all the falls Yata takes throughout the series.
X Speaking of falls, he does his own stunts. It’s resulted in him rolling his ankle once or twice, but he’s pretty okay at skateboarding. His older sister taught him when he was younger, so he knows a few things.
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send “Talk about-” and a name || NO LONGER ACCEPTING
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                                           “About Kusanagi-san...? I guess I could...”
                It wasn’t that he didn’t WANT to, per say- nor that his feelings weren’t POSITIVE. But he’d never been asked to explain the things he felt for the man before- to discuss him with others in such a way. It was...outside of his comfort zone. Still, he wasn’t UNWILLING. But how to sum up their relationship...
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               “That guy...he’s warm. Not just ‘cause of our powers, but different stuff. Somethin’ you can’t get, it’s- well- y’ just have it. I dunno, I was a real brat when I first came to HOMRA, but he was the first one to be my friend.”
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                “He’s smart, too- owns all those businesses an’ still keeps HOMRA runnin’ just fine. He’s cool an’ grown up an’ he’s someone everybody can depend on. And, I mean- I want to be like that, one day. ‘M tryin’, anyway. Bein’ more like him...we all should.”
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              “Uh...what else...well, he scolds me a lot, but ‘s cause he cares. An’ he watches over me, too. Takes care of me, even- makes me food an’ stuff an’...well, this year he was the only one who remembered my birthday, so that’s somethin’. All of ’s kinda embarrassing though, y’know? But I feel sort of...safe. I guess, when I’m around him. Kinda like I did with my mom. Is that weird?”
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rubldus · 5 years
A pause in melodic tenor, the gentle strum of accompanying string slowing as he glanced askance towards the sole audience of his performance. Impulse was something the serial hobbyist knew was a decent fault of his, but perhaps the vanguard would forgive him the temptation. An artist's fingers caressed under the youth's chin, encouragement to seek his eyes - a silent, bordering on chaste collision of lips, before he sat back and continued to sing.
             Awash with saturated sundrops, a REFLECTION through snowflake adorned windows to separate from the world outside, patterns of lace and jewels. Vanguard was yet again submerged deep, deep in thought. Expression UNFATHOMABLE, contemplating and serenading his mind through timelines of his own. Sheer BOREDOM; it brought a sigh betwixt thinned lips. He would listen, however. Vassal spoke love with chimes and sang to him in melodies divine, some celestial figure conceived amongst European glass and mahogany swirls: sting of imported liquor. 
             Noon light accentuating ( his HALO ) soft pastel shades and crystalized starlight within focused eyes ( windows to separate from the world outside ), CRIMSON ROSES and pearls then colored the air as the brunette breathed: guileless sound blooming to share from his lungs to Vanguard’s own, dexterous digits strumming the guitar and his heartstrings.
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                                                 “ Totsuka-san, ”
             Pink- ears, fingertips, cheeks as blooming CARNATIONS in spring, tongue which caressed to wet its DAFFODIL lips before the softness of a foreign lissome pair. Fluttering, quivering, quiet. He tasted of LAVENDER lemonade- caramelized honey, perhaps, sanguinity remnant of treats thieved from bartender’s pantry. 
             Lashes blinked as butterfly wings, closing, cotton a tickle ‘pon his palms as they part paced as syrup. 
                                   “ I don’t like it. Play a different one.”
             Skinny love, SEPULCHERED by curve of cupid’s bow smile, frivolous tune.
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rubldus · 5 years
hopelived replied to your post  “Hella.”
Kusanagi vc; “Where are your manners?”
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                             ”A-Ah, r-right! Thank you!!”
       A moment, before he whispers as quietly as possible:
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (1/4)
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Name: Fushimi Ichiro (伏見一郎)
Physical appearance: He has shaggy dark brown hair swept and styled, and brown eyes. He’s slightly tall and has some muscle from boxing and other fighting centered activity. He dresses in a very casual and slightly disheveled way, and has four ear piercings, two on each ear.
Personality: An extremely lazy, rude, dismissive person, Ichiro has a short attention span and gets bored with people and places very easily. He won't do much of anything that isn’t in his own self interest without being forced unless it's his sister doing the asking, to which he’ll consider the request. He does acceptably in school without too much effort, but he doesn’t much care for it and doesn’t often go, instead opting to spend the majority of his time on roofs. He likes to be up high and observe the people below. There isn’t anything interesting at school after all- he doesn’t have many friends because he doesn’t find them entertaining, and most people are scared of him because if you make him angry or even if he’s just in the mood for chaos, he’s prone to get violent. He finds life unbearably boring in every way, but he’s an incredibly talented fighter. There really isn’t a fist fight he can’t win, and it’s an activity he does every day: one of the only things that can retain his attention because it stimulates him. Speaking of, he’s very street smart and a thrill seeker of the most dangerous variety. He loves doing things like walking the ledges of buildings, climbing tall structures without equipment- anything to give him that wonderful, perfect rush. He has pretty bad depression, so the adrenaline is a feeling he chases. He gets into so much trouble, practically daily, and he gets arrested a lot- whether for obstruction of property, trespassing, battery and assault- the list goes on. Munakata’s influences has gotten him out of VERY deep water more times than can be counted. he couldn’t care less. The local police know him by name, in fact, and know not to approach him without extreme care and a stun gun easily accessible. He doesn’t much care that that his parents are forced to deal with the crap he does, or that they struggle with him. He has very little respect for anybody and makes it blatantly obvious. He doesn’t act out for attention either- but just because he can. It should be mentioned that he got kidnapped by one of the countless, nameless enemies Scepter 4 and HOMRA have made over the years when he was just a year old. His parents practically went catatonic- Saruhiko headed the tracking operation at Scepter 4 and Misaki headed the one at HOMRA. They combined clans to find him and there was a lot of strain on his parents’ relationship- more than usual, an extra dose of fighting involved. Neither of them slept, and when they got him back, he wasn’t let out of their sight for ages. He slept between them in their bed at night, and Saruhiko pulled him out of school and taught him on his own. They switched off taking him to work- though Saruhiko took him most of the time- Misaki insisting he be confined to a desk job because he didn’t want him in the line of fire, but also didn’t trust anyone else with him. Actually, neither really trusted many people to look after him for a long time, and neither ever let him go unsupervised. This lasted until Koji was born about two years later. Saruhiko was NOT happy that they had to find an alternative to their completely obsessive behavior now that they had more than one kid, so he went pretty over the top and quickly manufactured his own tracking system- chips. Saruhiko still took him to work every day until he turned six however, trading off with Misaki so that each had one kid a day.
First love: Munakata Umi (宗像海 ). As the niece of the man self-dubbed ‘ grandpa ‘, as well as being close in age to him along with her brother, they grew up together. Six years older than him, she always played big sister to he and his siblings and was more than happy to have an accompanying shadow running around during playing. Ichiro had loved her for as long as he could remember- loved her bright smile, her excitability- everything. But she’s always been oblivious, and either way he isn’t on her radar. It’s one sided and her views on him are that of a sibling. There’s still somewhat of a longing for him, but she just doesn’t feel it. 
Future: Four years older than Ichiro, Munakata Kai (宗像カイ)- fresh out of his undergrad in university and working part time at Scepter 4 is a routine presence in his life. After growing up, he lost most of his shyness and is well mannered and civil towards others, though remains very stern with Ichiro. They’ve been some semblance of ‘ close ‘ since they were young. Kai’s always taken it upon himself to watch over him, and he’s very persistent in his monitoring, making himself aware of all of his hiding spots. Ichiro quite plainly tells him to piss off daily, but it never results in anything. Ichiro had always seen him as annoying, but not impactful on his way of life. He merely lazily brushes him off most of the time unless he’s in a bad mood, which is when he’ll try to provoke and eventually attack him. Sometimes he’ll make him chase him dangerously all over the city, and sometimes he’ll do crazy things just to get a reaction. He’s always cared for Kai however, and if anyone else attempted to attack him, there would be hell to pay from the oldest Fushimi.
He’s also the closest thing Ichiro has to a friend- he sees right through him in almost every way. He was the person who dragged him to the doctor and got him prescribed anti-depressants, and the one who makes sure he’s taking them. He also makes sure he eats, cleans his wounds from the fights he gets in, and mother hens him in a strange way. Not to mention, unbeknownst to his uncle and Saruhiko, he’s more than once intercepted a call from Ashinaka and used his lunch break to go bail Ichiro out of trouble (before having a battle of wills with him until he goes to class). Ichiro is a pain in his ass but he could never bring himself to stop keeping tabs on him or cut him out of his life. As loathe as he is to admit it, Kai deeply loves him- that kid who used to follow him around with bright eyes and a gummy smile. At twenty, Ichiro finally makes the leap to start a relationship with him- the only person outside of his family and Umi who still really cares abut him. Meanwhile, he drops out of university after deciding it wasn’t for him. He finds an appreciation for art, and learns to take out some of his aggression in different forms of it. It’s more of a passion project than actual work, so Misaki insists he have a job- leading him to eventually start teaching boxing classes at a nearby gym. By twenty-eight, he and Kai marry- neither are very into theatrics, so it’s simple- signing papers at a court house. They’re gifted a Rottweiler puppy by Kai’s father because he saw it and it ‘reminded him of his son-in-law’. Thirty comes and they decide on adoption as their favored course of action. A blonde haired little boy called Nao (直), meaning honest, joins their family, and by the time Ichiro is thirty-four, a second, brunette little boy called Kaoru (薫)- meaning fragrance- comes along. 
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rubldus · 5 years
Pick a flavor of tea, at this very moment.
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                    “A steaming cup of whoop-ass.”
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rubldus · 5 years
Oh what was that about rebelling against his homework ?
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                     RUN AWAY.
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rubldus · 5 years
“You look like you want me to devour you.” His attempt at a risqué joke that'll probably fly over Yata's head.
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                                            “Do what now?”
      As with MOST things pertaining to clan’s Vanguard, King was right on the nose with his hypothesis of Yata’s reaction. 
      An expression of confusion took place, SMALL MIND struggling to PICTURE the idea- and then a shudder, it definitely WASN’T a pretty one.
                       “A-Are you saying you want to eat me..?”
      He was concerned but- uh-oh, CONSIDERING.This WAS his King, after all.
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rubldus · 5 years
Who do you love?
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         Who did he love…? Well…that was a LOADED QUESTION, now wasn’t it?
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         Perhaps the altruistic family that he esteemed so- doting Mother and adorable siblings. Of course they weren’t his ACTUAL siblings- not really. The product of LOVE between a mother and a stepfather, no room remaining for the ‘ OLD ‘ child. Rarely did any of them talk on the phone, even MORE rarely did he return home- he hadn’t for a few years, to be exact- but things were better that way. A Mother, Father, and their TWO treasured children. Simple, suburban, painfully normal. 
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         Was it the watchful guardians who kept him as their CHARGE, three males he regarded with admiration? Those who had taken him OFF the streets, guided a troubled youth towards a COMMUNITY that fit. Given him a stable home with attentive adults and a WARMTH unable to be replicated. A bartender PARENTAL by nature, smooth with his guidance and INDULGENT but never overly so. A friendly vassal with a KNACK for problem solving, providing him with touch and laughter. A leader he could be proud to call KING, look up to as his IDOL- who kept him safe and warm and provided him with ( POWERS ) his greatest gift.
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         Or the ones he went to for ADVICE, a gentle hand. When he needed HELP, or perhaps just didn’t want to be laughed at for a MISTAKE he’d made. Fraternal towards him, they’d always been ones he KNEW he could go to for calm, sound WISDOM. The animal lover with a heart BIGGER than his body, presence as easy and tender as waves. A CYNICAL hipster who worried over him and his feelings, keeping to the background but ADORING his pack none the less. And a FLIGHTY kōhai, ever smiling, cheerfulness a SURE contagion.
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        Maybe those FRISKY sort- lively ( at least towards him ) dispositions to match his own. Prone to TEASING but closely bonded to him regardless, and never intending to hurt IRREPARABLY. They might have been aggressive, but they provided him with ANIMATION: they could keep up with him in ways others couldn’t, allow him to EXPEL some energy. A lecherous man who’d been BURNED before and kept his friends close, thought A LOT over what was best for them. A stray ‘ dog ‘ who’d joined their pack only to ANTAGONIZE him endlessly, though CHERISH him and their shared friends all the same. And an IDIOT as LOYAL as him, quick to provoke but one of his most valued cohorts.
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         It could be the ones closest to him, soft-spoken and kind. They were GENTLE, always there for him regardless of his mood and ALWAYS doused in some unique brand of SUPPORTIVENESS. Both clicked ever so well with him, and both maintained a patience with his overactivity- though weren’t afraid to SHARE their opinions when they thought him doing wrong. A crimson princess, sisterly in her ways and OBSERVANT to his wavelengths like no other; and a humble food lover he’d known since CHILDHOOD, quick to follow his lead in every plan and even QUICKER to pledge to keep him company.
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         Or MAYBE…but probably not.
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rubldus · 5 years
I LOVE your writing. I literally feel like I'm inside Yata's head when I read your replies. They're always so beautifully written, and fun to read. I get really excited when I get a response from you because I already know I am going to LOVE it. I think you have a wonderful portrayal of Yata, completely nailed down and with your very own unique touch to him also. You're also just amazing as is sO I MEAN IT JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU'D BE AWESOME AT HIM.
Beep Beep How’s My Portrayal || ACCEPTING
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         IS THIS A LOVE FIGHT BC I LOVE YOU AND YOUR PORTRAYALS MORE I CAN GUARANTEE YOU. But this just??? Made my entire life??? I completely ADORE everything you do Bean, from your blog/icon/general aesthetic to the vocabulary you use in your replies and the way you encapsulate your characters!! Your writing gets me excited about characters I don’t know from things i’ve never seen ( *cough cough* Break ) and I just adore it?? I stalk your threads like a creepo ahggfysugsdvgs. 
         Also besides how much I enjoy your portrayals, it means the world to me that I have you as a friend?? I literally talk to you every day, whether on call or just messaging and I always have so much fun with you?? You’re so kind and so open-minded that we just really click together, and it’s easy for us to just hang out, or plot stuff, or make head cannons and AUs. You’re a national treasure Beanie Baby, I love you to pieces!!
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rubldus · 5 years
Do you think anyone really relies on you?
Send me angst & break my heart || ACCEPTING FOREVER
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                     “’Course!! Anna appointed me her third-in-command!!”
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             “Haha…but she also thinks I’m pretty stupid, so she uses Kusanagi-san a lot more.”
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             “Kusanagi-san put me in charge of the bar while he went abroad!”
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                    “Eh…but I was also the only person around to ask.”
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Totsuka x Yata (2/2)
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Name: Totsuka Hikaru (十束光)
Physical appearance: She’s a very cute little girl with chubby cheeks and bright green eyes. She has long dirty blonde hair that’s always kept wild in all directions, regardless of how well it’s brushed. She loves to wear bright colors like yellows and pinks, and refuses to wear dark.
Personality: A very happy and fun-loving child, Hikaru can most always be seen with a smile on her face. Though she’s the younger twin, she’s most always the one to take charge, and is always the one to come to her older brother’s aid whenever he’s hurt or being bullied. He’s her very best friend, and she always wants to be there for him and the rest of their family. She’s naturally energetic and can be pretty rowdy, and she’s also picked up Misaki’s ADHD which doesn’t much help the situation, but her parents have her on some medication and a healthy dose of after school activities to help combat it. She does baseball, ballet, soccer, and gymnastics, just to name a few. And though she takes after Misaki in much of her energy levels, she takes after Tatara in that she’s a people magnet, though the trope is more reversed in that she loves other people, which in turn draws them to her. She’s also very friendly, and is quick to go chat up a new person.
She’s also very spoiled though, and isn’t wary of taking advantage of it either. Mikoto- or ‘Inu-ji’ is her favorite person in the world. She’s quick to always climb all over him or, if by some miracle she’s able to be tired out, she’ll sleep on top of him. She also loves Bando or ’Sabo-ji’ however, because he harbors a similar rowdiness and immaturity to her own. Her favorite thing is to ride on his shoulders around the bar- that is until Misaki finds them and starts shouting at them both. 
She retains Tatara’s interest in doing new things and loves to participate in trying out crazy new hobbies. Growing up with a dad like that has taught her to have a very open mind when it comes to exploration and it’s helped her learn to be flexible, even with her dynamite personality.
First love: A female friend she used to play with in elementary school. It was a very trying time for her, as it was the instance she discovered that she liked girls rather than boys. Even as the child of homosexual parents and the twin of somebody who treated gender presentation and sexuality as very fluid, she was terrified to see say anything. She’d started isolating herself from her friends, rejecting touch from other people (her family included), and she got angry when pushed to talk about anything. In the end, it was her overly empathetic twin brother who made the connection through watching her discomfort with certain things. Of course he hadn’t been certain, but he knew what it was like to feel scared and unsure. He’d turned on his flashlight at night after their parents had put them to bed, and crawled under the covers of his sister’s bed where he held her hand and asked her if she was gay. It was an emotional event that ended with him offering to hold her hand while she told their parents. When they came into the living room, Misaki started on scolding them both for being up so late on a school night and coming out of their beds on top of that, but he shut his mouth when he noticed his daughter’s tears and listened instead. Tatara, as the more observant one of the two, had his suspicions that something like this had been coming for awhile, but he sat quietly with a smile. After she was done, they picked her up to sit between them and tell her that they still love her, her brother still loves her, and nothing’s changed. She was brave for telling them and everything’s fine. All in all, actually telling them like that was a very simple, short, plain moment- nobody made a deal out of it, though Tatara and Misaki DID crush her between them in a big hug ‘to make up for the ones you haven’t been letting us have’, before tugging Sora into it with them. 
Future: She and Sora went through the entirety of their educational careers together, practically joined together at the hip: before he decided to break off from their codependency to find his own persona and discover who he was as a singularity, rather than as a pair. She put up a big fight, but in the end she couldn’t convince him to stay and he moved away to Hokkaido. She held animosity about it for a little while, but seeing him on video chat after he got there and realizing how happy he looked had her changing her perspective. Shortly after he left, she decided to follow his lead and moved to Saitama to get her own apartment that she shared with a close friend and child of a member of HOMRA’s ally clan, Yatogami Avaron (アヴァロン夜刀神). As they fell into a routine of living and being together, they ended up entering into a relationship by twenty-six, and by twenty-eight they marry- a spring wedding among the sakura trees, both brides in lovely white gowns and matching hairdos. At thirty-two, they have a little redheaded girl that they name Natsuko (夏子). Hikaru was an office worker, but after having Natsuko, she became more of a stay at home mom- though she coaches children’s sports part time too. 
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rubldus · 5 years
@ = How the character appears online
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rubldus · 5 years
Yata && Kuroh !!!
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs! || ACCEPTING
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[  With Me All Along : Bronze Radio Return ]
You never put me in the rearview
And I wouldn’t be the same without you
You’ve been with me all along, all along
Always on my side, you’ve never gone
[  Like Or Like Like : Miniature Tigers ]
I must have turned bright red
‘Cause I couldn’t stand to face you
‘Cause I liked what I saw
And maybe we should just be friends
[  Sleeping With A Friend : Neon Trees ]
We are both young
Hot blooded people
We don’t wanna die alone
To become one
It could be lethal
Sleeping with a friend
[ You’re The Only One : Maria Mena ]
Well I saw you with your hands above your head
Spinning around, trying not to look down
But you did and you fell hard, on the ground
And you stumbled around for a good ten minutes
And I said I’d never seen anyone look so dumb before
[  I Do Adore : Mindy Gledhill ]
You strike a match that lights my heart on fire
When you’re near, I hide my blushing face
And trip on my shoelaces 
Grace just isn’t my forte 
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rubldus · 5 years
kuroh vc: Yata-san! Rap Battle!
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                “HELL YEAH!!! FIRE IT UP!!!”
  A moment, and then:
                “Freestyle?? Or Rip-off???”
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