changeborn · 5 years
@fauxcheva​ NO ESCAPE !!
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Knit together by thin, thin strings of voltaic current, his body a HEARTLESS puppet with no decent view of the outside world - to peer through binary and code, view the sights any camera in the region could witness... he would not call it a lonely venture, but perhaps a restless one.        And with that restlessness in mind, the idle ping of message systems exploding with controversy over such a sudden and reckless mission bringing so many members of his fold to a single place was a welcome sight.                    - - - no?      There was one PLAYER who was oddly absent, even when his kin had responded with such fervor - a young man who held many high scores, who was, perhaps, a little in over his head.
                                              “Oh?” There was a subtle knock at his back door, one that would have been missed if he hadn’t paid heed, and the KING would be there to confront the would-be saboteur.
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  The perpetrator’s screen would flash once, twice, the JUNGLE symbol flickering bright and green before the familiar mascot of the social media platform, pixelated and amused, would take up most of the monitor.
   “ | | Greetings, Fushimi Saruhiko, I do not believe that is a doorway you can enter. | | “
                                                                       - - I BELIEVE IN THESE DREAMS..
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heisonlyred · 5 years
⋘...ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴍᴀɪʟ... ⋙
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— ❝Ah... it’s today, innit?
       ....tch, already so late. You’ll probably get this well after the fact.
                           Anyway. Here it is - a birthday sentiment:
   “No matter how big your head gets, after soakin’ up all that stuffy Blue, we’ll always open the door wide enough for ya, at HOMRA.
....stop by every now and then. Even if it’s just to complain for a bit.
         That sour expression’ve yours gets missed, too.”
                                                          Hn. That’ll do.
                                                                I’ll see you ‘round, kid.❞
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bladebeauty · 5 years
❀ VETERAN PLAYERS  (starter  call) ❀   ❧ @fauxcheva​​
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  “  Saruhiko,  you  look  like  you  are  about  to  pass  out  on  your  feet.  You  need  to  get  some  sleep.  “
   For  once,  the  remark  was  not  accompanied  with  the  usual  flamboyance  of  the  BEAUTY  ANGEL.  No  embellishment  or  extravagance,  nor  proclamations  of  it  being  his  duty  as  the  angel  of  beauty.  Instead  is  was  actually  SERIOUS,  his  usual  cheerful  smile  traded  for  one  of  calm  intelligence  -  the  face  hidden  behind  the  mask  he   wore.  Indeed  ,  the  Gold  King  was  right  when  saying  there  was  a  beast,  something  dangerous  lurking  under  the  surface  of  the  purple-haired  man.
   Yukari  had  just  gotten  back  from  a  mission,  footsteps  making  no  announcement  of  their  owner’s  arrival,  and  in  his  greeting  of  surprising  Saruhiko,  he  had  shown  he  could  conceal  his  larger  than  life  aura.  Now  quick  hands  hung  up  his  coat,  peeling  off  the  leather  gloves  as  he  looked  over  towards  JUNGLE’s  newest  J-Rank.  
   “  So  what  you’re  doing  can  wait.  Go  get  some  rest.  “  A  small,  observant  head  tilt.  “  Or  is  whatever  it  is  you  carry  on  your  shoulders  not  letting  you  sleep  ?  Want  some  tea  ?  “
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rubldus · 5 years
📖+ gimme that "actually an actor for K" you love so much
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            Ueda Naoko, twenty-two, was born and raised in Osaka prefecture by a Japanese father and a British mother. A seasoned actor, he’s been on screen and jumping between commercials and background roles since he was a child. His first major television role was for a drama series he acted in at age ten, and ever since then he’s been doing fairly well in the entertainment industry. You may recognize him from other popular shows such as Bungou Stray Dogs or Free! Eternal Summer. He’s currently popular among casting agents because of his unique natural orange hair, a trait passed down from his mother’s side, and his general personality. 
            An inherently dorky sort, Naoko (or ‘Nao-chan’) loves to laugh, especially at himself. He tries hard to keep himself from being changed by the stress and harshness of the entertainment industry, and does that by using humor- which as a result makes him a pretty approachable person. An easygoing attitude has caused him to get along well with whichever cast and crew he is a part of at any given time, though the K project cast are some of his favorites because many of them are right around his age. He gets along famously with Fushimi’s actor, for example. He often credits his ability to reach a likeness with Yata to Fushimi’s realness, and talks about in interviews the type of support he feels from his actor. Because they’ve had so many scenes and just generally spent so much time together, they’ve developed a good relationship outside of work as well and meet up every once in awhile. 
            Besides that, he gets along fairly well with Awashima’s actress. The two dated for awhile, but because of conflicting schedules and different locations they ended things. They still get along well however, and in fact he plans to be at her Okinawa wedding taking place in the spring. Finally, he rather enjoys spending time talking to Kokujōji’s actor, who’s actually a musician in his day to day life that’s friends with the director, and was roped into his role as the gold king as a result. Naoko enjoys him because it’s rare to meet such a mature seasoned entertainer, and he’s been pleasantly surprised by how progressive the man seems to be. Due to his influence, Naoko has even taken up the piano as a decompressor in such a hectic life. He greatly admires the type of existence the other lives, and shows his support for his music career whenever able.
                                            .Further Information.
X He has fun on set by pranking the cast and crew, most times alongside Fushimi’s actor. Despite that, he’s very grateful to the people he works with, and he never forgets a birthday.
X He’s obsessed with adding on cutesy honorifics to peoples’ names, such as -pyon, -pi, -nyan, -tan, etc.
X He gets type casted quite a lot because of his petite stature and bright hair. Usually as either a more violent type or a timid goof. He doesn’t exactly mind, though he’d like to expand upon his skill set if at all possible.
X Yata has grown on him quite a bit since he started with the show. He thinks he’s a pretty cute kid, albeit fairly misguided. He has no problem with acknowledging character flaws.
X He and Fushimi’s actor are constantly making fun of the way their characters interact. Both of them think it’s surely the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever seen, like little kids keeping this long standing rivalry because one of them took a favorite toy. Those takes when they have fight scenes always need to be redone the most times, one of them will always exaggerate a line or facial expression and get the other laughing.
X He loves his fans, but despite being friendly he’s actually somewhat shy when faced with any level of adoration. He’s the type to most likely deflect compliments onto his castmates. They know the drill.
X He and the rest of the crew are all pretty protective of Sukuna and Anna’s actors. Whenever it feels like they’ve been shooting too long, they’ll put a stop to it and make sure the kids are well rested. And when meeting with fans, they always make sure nobody crowds them. Even though Naoko doesn’t know them very well, he still remembers how scary it could sometimes get to be a child actor- so he tries to exercise a little extra empathy towards them.
X He thinks the kid who plays middle school Yata (Tsuyu-san) is the cutest thing ever. He’s probably had the poor guy FaceTime every member of his family in an effort to fool them. That aside, they get along very well. Naoko’s given him a lot of advice on how to navigate the business and what to do with certain job offers. An honorable mention must be brought to the table for the boy who plays middle school Fushimi- Naoko thinks he’s just as adorable and that both of them definitely have the potential to go places.
X He’s incredibly ticklish- it always takes a solid extra thirty to forty minutes for the make-up artists to paint his HOMRA tattoo because he loses his mind every time the instruments touch his skin. What makes matters worse is they often have to redo it because of all the falls Yata takes throughout the series.
X Speaking of falls, he does his own stunts. It’s resulted in him rolling his ankle once or twice, but he’s pretty okay at skateboarding. His older sister taught him when he was younger, so he knows a few things.
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shinrisensou-blog · 8 years
@fauxcheva liked for a starter.
Yugi walked through the streets with his hands on the straps of his backpack. The sidewalks were nearly empty at this time of night; his only company were office workers coming home from overtime and university students from drinking parties. The sun was setting behind the tall, tall buildings and Yugi was just admiring it all was when a woman screamed from behind him.
“My bag! He took my bag!” 
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Yugi spun around and saw the thief with a festival mask charging right for him, the purse in the crook of his arm like a rugby player. Yugi almost looked around for anyone who would stop the criminal...
But a fire in his gut made him brave this time. He stood in front of the charging thief and spread his arms out wide. “Stop! Thief!”
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gameardor · 5 years
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                Today was supposed to be a big deal --- some new big shot actor was supposed to be visiting to give the troupes some pointers. Naturally, Itaru saw the importance in this and was all smiles when the guy showed up --- he was an actor after all. “ Nice to meet you, I’m Itaru Chigasaki. It’s a pleasure to be working with you ! ”  He greeted with a polite bow. They’ve all been coached before, but hopefully this dude wasn’t too... aggro.... // @fauxcheva
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causeborn · 5 years
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[ X ] You tilt your head when you’re confused. [  ] You love sweets and cute things. [   ] You are often confused and lost in conversations with your friends. [   ] People often call you cute. [ X ] You care a lot about your friends. [   ] You embarrass yourself a lot with silly question or statements. [   ] You like bright, soft colours. [   ] You enjoy listening to cute, sweet, gentle songs. [ x ] You add things to the end of your friend’s names. [   ] People often say “aww” when you’ve done something clumsy/silly. [ x  ] You like anime/movies about romance, love and friendship. total: 4/11
[ x  ] You come off as tough and confident on the outside when you are actually soft and emotional on the inside. [ x ] You often hide your true feelings for someone. [  ] You are caring but deny it when someone tells it to you. [ x ] You are protective. [ x ] When someone bugs you, you tell them right away strongly, but are still worried that you’ve hurt them. [   ] You are easily embarrassed. [  ] Compliments make you feel awkward and you always deny them. [ x ] You tease and bully the one you love to hide your feelings. [ x ] You can be violent at times. [ x ] You may hurt people a lot, but regret it right away. [ x ] You never cry in front of others. total: 8/11
[  x] You are often loving, caring, sweet - until someone upsets you badly. [ x ] When angry, you normally hide it until the time for revenge is right. [ x ] You can at times, be obsessive. [ x ] People have said you are “two-faced”. [ x  ] People tell you that you’re nice, but can be creepy at times. [ x  ] You scare the crap out of your friends when you get upset. [ x  ] People find it weird to see you anything other than gentle and smiling. [ x ] When you’re upset, sometimes you still smile, even when saying something harsh. [ x ] You can get very violent. [   ] You love to help people, but often love to help yourself more. [ x ] You like colours like dark blue or light red. total: 10/11
[ x ] You don’t show your emotions to others. [ x ] When you become close to someone, you slowly open up. [  ] Although you don’t show it, you are easily made happy. [ x ] You care for others a lot, still, you don’t show it. [ x ] People think you are mysterious. [  ] You can be shy. [ x  ] You aren’t very loud, rather silent. [ x ] You know who to trust and who not to. [ x ] You choose which friend you can trust wisely. [ x ] You like simple colours, like light purple or white. [ x ] You are rather mature. total: 9/11
[   ] You are a shy person. [   ] You are quiet and don’t speak up for yourself. [   ] You look down instead of straight forwards when walking. [   ] You sometimes go to extreme levels just to get out of public speaking. [   ] You have stage fright. [ x ] You are stoic and not very open. [   ]  You hide yourself with your hair at times. [   ] You speak very quietly in case you say something silly or you sound weird. [   ] You are afraid of meeting new people. [ x ] You are a hard worker. [ x ] You do not have as many friendships as others, but those you do have, you’ll cherish them very much. total: 3/11
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shumibito · 5 years
my creative type.
Tagged by  :  @homra-no-artemis !!!thank you!! Tagging  :  @rubldus @hopelived @the-thread-of-muses @imperialsea @kotoxwari @fauxcheva FSKDFKLS EVERYONE!!
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Creative Strengths: Full of big ideas, ability to see potential and possibility everywhere
Untapped Potential: Using your visions to fuel consistent daily action
Ideal Collaborator: The Thinker
You live in a world of infinite possibilities, preferring to see things not as they are but as they could be. You know that life is limited only by the boundaries of your own beliefs, and you’re driven to push the limits of, well, everything.
Emotional, passion-driven, and full of ideas, the VISIONARY combines a vivid imagination with a desire for practical solutions. Your introspective and intuitive nature is balanced by a keen interest in the world around you and a desire to contribute to society.
Charismatic and expressive, you love sharing your ideas and visions with others and creating community around shared values and ideals. Your greatest gift? The ability to see the spark of potential in everything and everyone, and to inspire others to see it, too. You’re able to guide people toward an invisible horizon with a rare generosity of spirit and strength of conviction.
Don’t get stuck in the dreaming stage, VISIONARY. Your greatest challenge—and true power—lies in learning to take consistent daily action to create the future you envision.
Seek out the “voice of reason” of the THINKER type to help you take a grounded, rational approach to your creative work. The THINKER’s deep perception and probing intellect lend a powerful clarity that can bring your visions into sharper focus.
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vessuvius · 5 years
@fauxcheva // continued from ask
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                he would have to silently agree to disagree - though he could see that if one were to have higher expectations , they’d be left very disappointed. but while the free donuts weren’t anything close to gourmet ( they were a little stale for his taste ) , free anything would inspire him to deviate from his plans and would leave him satisfied. 
                he takes a moment to think , wiping the side of his face and ridding his cheeks of stray sprinkles. he smiles slightly when he thinks he’s devised the perfect plan to rid the other of his sour mood.❝ then let’s leave. i know a good donut place that’s only a few blocks away - they have like ... twenty different kinds of donuts too. ❞
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changeborn · 5 years
Personality traits
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FULL NAME : Nagare Hisui NICKNAME :  Nagare-chan, Naga Nii, Arrakoa Boy, Milord. TITLE : The Ever-changing King, the Green King, The Fifth King, Leader of JUNGLE.
» bold: applicable » italics: somewhat or conditionally applicable » strikethrough: … goes to great lengths to hide it
╳   FLAWS.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | sparring in general | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing
tagged by: @acherys​ let me give you a PDA so you can downLOAD MY APP
Tagging: @bladebeauty​ @fauxcheva @vonlived​ (anyone!) @foxkinged​ @sanguinecalamity @cfmyriad (anyone!!) @sorrowsbled @rubldus @pristineblue​ @glxtzy​ AND YOU!!!
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bladebeauty · 5 years
fauxcheva replied to your post:    Will  Brit  ever  stop  being  salty  about ...
K was kinda bad in being consistent with their stuff imo. Like how are you going to say one king is stronger but then have another king like three rungs down be able to overpower several because of a special “second form”
   This  is  very  true. Althought  as  I  also  have  a  Nagare  blog,  this  was  something  I  thought  about.  And  it  makes  sense  to  me  /  how  my  Nagare  works.  I  think  ORDINARILY  the  Green  King  would  be  weaker  than  the  others.  The  difference  is  that  Nagare  is  DIRECTLY  connected  with  the  Dresden  Slate  itself.  Because  he  directly  is  linked  in,  he  can  tap  into  the  full  source  and  draw  a  lot  more  power  than  the  other  kings  can  because  they  aren’t  directly  connected  to  the  Slate.  The  effect  is  that  Nagare  doesn’t  have  the  same  stamina  and  it  overwhelms  him,  and  is  also  a  reason  for  constantly  wearing  the  straightjacket  when  the  slate  isn’t  in  his  hands.
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (1/4)
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Name: Fushimi Ichiro (伏見一郎)
Physical appearance: He has shaggy dark brown hair swept and styled, and brown eyes. He’s slightly tall and has some muscle from boxing and other fighting centered activity. He dresses in a very casual and slightly disheveled way, and has four ear piercings, two on each ear.
Personality: An extremely lazy, rude, dismissive person, Ichiro has a short attention span and gets bored with people and places very easily. He won't do much of anything that isn’t in his own self interest without being forced unless it's his sister doing the asking, to which he’ll consider the request. He does acceptably in school without too much effort, but he doesn’t much care for it and doesn’t often go, instead opting to spend the majority of his time on roofs. He likes to be up high and observe the people below. There isn’t anything interesting at school after all- he doesn’t have many friends because he doesn’t find them entertaining, and most people are scared of him because if you make him angry or even if he’s just in the mood for chaos, he’s prone to get violent. He finds life unbearably boring in every way, but he’s an incredibly talented fighter. There really isn’t a fist fight he can’t win, and it’s an activity he does every day: one of the only things that can retain his attention because it stimulates him. Speaking of, he’s very street smart and a thrill seeker of the most dangerous variety. He loves doing things like walking the ledges of buildings, climbing tall structures without equipment- anything to give him that wonderful, perfect rush. He has pretty bad depression, so the adrenaline is a feeling he chases. He gets into so much trouble, practically daily, and he gets arrested a lot- whether for obstruction of property, trespassing, battery and assault- the list goes on. Munakata’s influences has gotten him out of VERY deep water more times than can be counted. he couldn’t care less. The local police know him by name, in fact, and know not to approach him without extreme care and a stun gun easily accessible. He doesn’t much care that that his parents are forced to deal with the crap he does, or that they struggle with him. He has very little respect for anybody and makes it blatantly obvious. He doesn’t act out for attention either- but just because he can. It should be mentioned that he got kidnapped by one of the countless, nameless enemies Scepter 4 and HOMRA have made over the years when he was just a year old. His parents practically went catatonic- Saruhiko headed the tracking operation at Scepter 4 and Misaki headed the one at HOMRA. They combined clans to find him and there was a lot of strain on his parents’ relationship- more than usual, an extra dose of fighting involved. Neither of them slept, and when they got him back, he wasn’t let out of their sight for ages. He slept between them in their bed at night, and Saruhiko pulled him out of school and taught him on his own. They switched off taking him to work- though Saruhiko took him most of the time- Misaki insisting he be confined to a desk job because he didn’t want him in the line of fire, but also didn’t trust anyone else with him. Actually, neither really trusted many people to look after him for a long time, and neither ever let him go unsupervised. This lasted until Koji was born about two years later. Saruhiko was NOT happy that they had to find an alternative to their completely obsessive behavior now that they had more than one kid, so he went pretty over the top and quickly manufactured his own tracking system- chips. Saruhiko still took him to work every day until he turned six however, trading off with Misaki so that each had one kid a day.
First love: Munakata Umi (宗像海 ). As the niece of the man self-dubbed ‘ grandpa ‘, as well as being close in age to him along with her brother, they grew up together. Six years older than him, she always played big sister to he and his siblings and was more than happy to have an accompanying shadow running around during playing. Ichiro had loved her for as long as he could remember- loved her bright smile, her excitability- everything. But she’s always been oblivious, and either way he isn’t on her radar. It’s one sided and her views on him are that of a sibling. There’s still somewhat of a longing for him, but she just doesn’t feel it. 
Future: Four years older than Ichiro, Munakata Kai (宗像カイ)- fresh out of his undergrad in university and working part time at Scepter 4 is a routine presence in his life. After growing up, he lost most of his shyness and is well mannered and civil towards others, though remains very stern with Ichiro. They’ve been some semblance of ‘ close ‘ since they were young. Kai’s always taken it upon himself to watch over him, and he’s very persistent in his monitoring, making himself aware of all of his hiding spots. Ichiro quite plainly tells him to piss off daily, but it never results in anything. Ichiro had always seen him as annoying, but not impactful on his way of life. He merely lazily brushes him off most of the time unless he’s in a bad mood, which is when he’ll try to provoke and eventually attack him. Sometimes he’ll make him chase him dangerously all over the city, and sometimes he’ll do crazy things just to get a reaction. He’s always cared for Kai however, and if anyone else attempted to attack him, there would be hell to pay from the oldest Fushimi.
He’s also the closest thing Ichiro has to a friend- he sees right through him in almost every way. He was the person who dragged him to the doctor and got him prescribed anti-depressants, and the one who makes sure he’s taking them. He also makes sure he eats, cleans his wounds from the fights he gets in, and mother hens him in a strange way. Not to mention, unbeknownst to his uncle and Saruhiko, he’s more than once intercepted a call from Ashinaka and used his lunch break to go bail Ichiro out of trouble (before having a battle of wills with him until he goes to class). Ichiro is a pain in his ass but he could never bring himself to stop keeping tabs on him or cut him out of his life. As loathe as he is to admit it, Kai deeply loves him- that kid who used to follow him around with bright eyes and a gummy smile. At twenty, Ichiro finally makes the leap to start a relationship with him- the only person outside of his family and Umi who still really cares abut him. Meanwhile, he drops out of university after deciding it wasn’t for him. He finds an appreciation for art, and learns to take out some of his aggression in different forms of it. It’s more of a passion project than actual work, so Misaki insists he have a job- leading him to eventually start teaching boxing classes at a nearby gym. By twenty-eight, he and Kai marry- neither are very into theatrics, so it’s simple- signing papers at a court house. They’re gifted a Rottweiler puppy by Kai’s father because he saw it and it ‘reminded him of his son-in-law’. Thirty comes and they decide on adoption as their favored course of action. A blonde haired little boy called Nao (直), meaning honest, joins their family, and by the time Ichiro is thirty-four, a second, brunette little boy called Kaoru (薫)- meaning fragrance- comes along. 
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rubldus · 5 years
╰ ╳  ․°   sᴀʀᴜʜɪᴋᴏ.  ✧ . ⁎  .*  ⁎ ×     |     🔥
    Nothing. A PERFECT match to the color that dressed him— a calm, cool, relaxed BLUE. A blank stare if not with just a hint of familiar annoyance. Yet unseen was the way his mind replayed recent events as if flipping through a photo album. The way his thoughts RACED as he tried to pinpoint an exact tipping point. ‘ what did it ? ’ asked over and over in an unrelenting way. DEMANDING an answer. Somewhere mixed in was a shout— angry with himself— ‘ shut up ! ’ and everything came to a quiet HALT. There wasn’t a need to get so worked up over who he was dealing with. Yet at the same time, he had every reason to.
         And oh— he almost HATED that.
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    “ … Heh. ” His shoulders shook for a brief moment in false amusement. “ Just what do you mean by that ? You’ll have to learn to be more SPECIFIC, Misaki. Not everyone is going to understand such a VAGUE statement. ” Already there was a grin at his lips happily acting like a favored temporary tattoo. It wasn’t the widest it could be, a SIGN that he wasn’t yet sure how seriously to take the other, but knowing the red clansman…he wouldn’t catch onto that.
   Had this been a different time, a different phase of their lives, perhaps he would have noticed the cracks in the other’s visage of indifference, the way his taunting smirk fell short before it ever quite reached its mark. But they weren’t kids anymore & the redhead, too, lacked his trademark fire. 
  They’d been fighting so much lately; he knew it even before gaining input from his fellow clansmen & king. It’d taken him long enough, but he’d started to notice the jaded lilt in Kusanagi’s stature, or the loneliness that took Anna’s delicate features at times late into the night.
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                             “This shit. The fighting. ‘m serious, Saruhiko.” 
  The bartender and his king had been unhappy lately, to say the least, and Yata knew his impetuous nature caused them undue stress- knew the constant friction between he and the blue opposite him brought forth only a taxing disquiet & more exertion of gentility to maintain the fragile stability between their clans. He couldn’t be the reason for their strife anymore. Not when Kusanagi-San was hanging onto his composure by a thread.
   Not when he promised he’d become someone Anna could genuinely rely on.
                   “We can hate each other, that’s fine. But I can’t screw around with you all the time anymore. Kusanagi-San’s been tellin’ me I need to start growing up. I think so too.”
Of course, it was unknown how long such a decision would really last, but for the time being, resolute was clear in his hazel eyes and determination written in his features.
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rubldus · 5 years
Starter for fauxcheva 🔥🔥🔥
           A bubbly tune fell betwixt paired lips, their owner rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and- ah, a new scuff to his good school shoes: mom won’t be pleased. Well, he didn’t much mind either way. Yata was the type of person to cross a road when he came to it, not before. He’d not push himself to worry about something he thought so mundane, though silently willed himself to consider an excuse for later. 
           The sounds of footsteps echoed all around him, peers littering the hallway- upperclassmen and such with classrooms closer to the staffroom: an area he saw far more often than not. 
          As long as his family wasn’t called though, he supposed it was alright. Besides, he got called in so much that at this point the scoldings were nothing but a routine kept up for appearances. Most teachers were tired of him, and most could tell he was unlikely to change without some real, devoted time towards helping him along, something none of them were really willing to give.
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          So he was waiting. After yet another lecture, quivering in his state of near permanent energy- jittery and vigorous. The small movements ( whether rocking, bouncing, or the like ) helped, but not nearly enough to calm him fully. Rather, it was BETTER for him when he had someone by his side- helping him have some semblance of control over his reactions. It was a fine line: he wanted to be accepted as he was, hyper activity and all, not accepted depending on change. 
          He was quite lucky to have found a person who could fall between the two, helpful when it was for Yata’s sake but otherwise tolerant and resigned accepting.
          Somebody who’d been getting their own scolding in a separate room for snarking the teacher. Personally, Yata found it wildly funny- just the thought prompted laughter, though it died down to a smile once he caught sight of his younger friend ( finally ) approaching.
                                  “They lettin’ you go?? Finally??”
          Hopeful- he really wanted to get out of there. School always felt like it lasted forever.
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rubldus · 5 years
Kiss Saruhiko (fauxcheva)
         A house party ( uproarious music, cornucopias of junk food, sickening arrays of alcohol ) and Yata’s best friend had not wanted to go- an issue, because neither of them ever went anywhere without the other. And even if he could go alone, he wouldn’t want to. After the cyberbullying incidents surrounding the Jungle app, he had no desire to face his peers on his own: fearful of it, in a sense. So he went for nonchalance; danced around the upcoming event with ( what he assumed was ) a complete neutrality. Not so, of course, and his desire to attend had been obnoxiously obvious. He’d never gone to one after all, and it was an experience in BOLD on his bucket list that suddenly seemed all too appealing.
         The slate haired boy had- eventually- given in, annoyed into acceptance ( or perhaps just indulging the older or keeping him safe with his company, who could tell ) and they’d gone, only to sit stiffly upon a couch most of the night…until they were forced into a game. Things escalated, pressure, they’d tried to make them kiss, and then PDAs had come out. Cameras. 
         They wanted PROOF, and neither boy was willing to wait around and see who for. Instead they’d both rushed out of there, the younger taking the lead, bringing them to their current state. Saruhiko’s upset was almost palpable in the air, and Yata ( stupid, stupid Yata ) realized abruptly that he’d known this sort of thing was bound to happen all along, and the only reason they’d been there in the first place was because he’d insisted.
         Saruhiko was unhappy with him, and he wanted- needed- to soothe, to pacify, to make things better.
         Redhead caught up to his friend easily, grappling for the sleeve of his sweater. They’d most likely need to have further discussion on the night later on, this wouldn’t automatically fix everything. But for now…yes, it was a good option, and the comfort it would provide was something both of them could use at the moment. There was no further debate, and Yata went up on his toes.
“‘m sorry.”
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         The kiss was soft and sugary, not unusual for them. Cupcakes and sprinkles, sparkles and gifts tied with little bows: everything sweet. Puppy love- a timelessly saccharine emotion, leaving STARS twinkling through shades of pinks and reds on their cheeks: matching, always matching.
         Of course, once they parted he didn’t go far- didn’t move back. Rather, he did his best to turn on the puppy eyes…though they came to him pretty naturally- they were a signature accompaniment for his expression even in regular situations: but they were most vital now. After all, he had something he wanted.
“Can I have another?”
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (3/4)
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Name: Fushimi Akio (伏見昭夫)
Physical appearance: He has long red hair that he’ll often either clip back, or braid- and reddish-brown eyes. He’s on the shorter side and is pretty thin with minimal muscle. He dresses in a very casual and slightly disheveled way, much like Ichiro, and has six ear piercings, four on the left and two on the right. He wears reading glasses.
Personality: A goofy, highly energized child, Akio is quite stupid in a lot of ways- though is very friendly. He takes after his grandfather Niki in that he loves pranks, and really anything funny. He’s actually a surprisingly gentle and sweet kid, though most don’t get to see that side of him. He tries to be good but it doesn’t really work out for him because he has very limited self control and can’t stand having himself or his family be insulted, which happens way too often. He gets into a lot of fights as a result, and doesn’t really have any friends or fit in. He’s got a lot of inferiority and self worth issues and he struggles with depression, as well as dealing with his feelings and communication skills. He loves Misaki very, very much and relates to him a lot more than Saruhiko, mostly because they’ve struggled with some of the same things. He also doesn’t really spend along time with Saruhiko. He thinks they don’t have anything in common and he’s worried that if his dad notices that, or if they start spending too much time together, he might find him annoying or start viewing him as something he has no choice but to put up with. The way he sees it is that Saruhiko has his pick of three other kids- Akio doesn’t want him to realize that he’s the ‘worst one.’ The only person he really feels close with in his family is his sister- she’s the only one who he feels he gets attention from.
And even though he’s always around anyway (when he’s not spending time at bar HOMRA) because he doesn’t have people to spend time with after school, he gets unintentionally ignored and forgotten a lot by his family and the people around him. He’s almost always tossed at his Uncle Minoru for school pick ups, drop offs, and meetings when he gets in trouble. Speaking of, he gets into a lot of trouble- whether fighting or doing ridiculous things like setting toilet paper on fire in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant as a prank.
He doesn’t do well in school at all, either. His sister helps him with his homework, but that only makes him feel worse. He really doesn’t have any special skills or abilities, and there isn’t anything he’s very good at either. In a family of impressive people, he feels completely like the odd one out. In other words- he feels like he doesn’t belong. He gets jealous of his siblings very easily because of this, but tries very hard to keep it to himself and put on a smile. 
He also doesn’t sleep very well- lots of nightmares.
First love: Really, he’s had too many crushes to count. The kid desperately seeks out companionship in attempt to solve his loneliness. It never really works out for him.
Future: He badly wants a companion, but he has yet to find one. At age seventeen he finally drops out of school- he’s unhappy there, and he doesn’t think his parents will take much notice anyway. He starts working for ‘Jiji’ (Kusanagi) at the bar, but that doesn’t last very long- he can’t do much of anything correctly and the customers get frustrated with him, so he takes it upon himself to quit. He goes through a period of time where he sort of spirals, isolates himself, and keeps himself high or drunk twenty-four-seven. It takes a long time for him to get out of his rut- years, in fact, and it took his sister barging into his room when he was twenty-two and dragging him to a support group for him to start snapping out of it. He ended up moving to the country after that, getting a job working crops and starting a modest living where he’s outside most of the time, taking in fresh air and sunshine to create a healthier atmosphere for himself. He talks to his sister every day, and when she has her child, he starts going back and forth to the city more often so that he can be involved in his life growing up.
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