#╰ ╳ ━ ❛ ʟɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴇs ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴛᴏ sᴡᴀʟʟᴏᴡ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ғʟᴀᴍᴇ . / ⁽ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒⁿˢ ⁾ * . ⁎   ×
rubldus · 5 years
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15 ASSOCIATIONS: repost & fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
animal: dog
color: red
month: july
song: there’s so many? I guess Gifted | N.A.S.A
number: 4
day or night: day
plant: spider lilies 
smell: smoke, with an underlying hint of sweetness.
season: summer
food: ramen
astrological sign: cancer
element: fire
drink: coke
tagged by: my love @pyoniumyankee
tagging: @shumibito @causeborn @the-thread-of-muses @hopelived @crmsnking @fenrirsrefrain @kingsduty @kotoxwari @fauxcheva @demonteas AND WHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO STEAL-
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (1/4)
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Name: Fushimi Ichiro (伏見一郎)
Physical appearance: He has shaggy dark brown hair swept and styled, and brown eyes. He’s slightly tall and has some muscle from boxing and other fighting centered activity. He dresses in a very casual and slightly disheveled way, and has four ear piercings, two on each ear.
Personality: An extremely lazy, rude, dismissive person, Ichiro has a short attention span and gets bored with people and places very easily. He won't do much of anything that isn’t in his own self interest without being forced unless it's his sister doing the asking, to which he’ll consider the request. He does acceptably in school without too much effort, but he doesn’t much care for it and doesn’t often go, instead opting to spend the majority of his time on roofs. He likes to be up high and observe the people below. There isn’t anything interesting at school after all- he doesn’t have many friends because he doesn’t find them entertaining, and most people are scared of him because if you make him angry or even if he’s just in the mood for chaos, he’s prone to get violent. He finds life unbearably boring in every way, but he’s an incredibly talented fighter. There really isn’t a fist fight he can’t win, and it’s an activity he does every day: one of the only things that can retain his attention because it stimulates him. Speaking of, he’s very street smart and a thrill seeker of the most dangerous variety. He loves doing things like walking the ledges of buildings, climbing tall structures without equipment- anything to give him that wonderful, perfect rush. He has pretty bad depression, so the adrenaline is a feeling he chases. He gets into so much trouble, practically daily, and he gets arrested a lot- whether for obstruction of property, trespassing, battery and assault- the list goes on. Munakata’s influences has gotten him out of VERY deep water more times than can be counted. he couldn’t care less. The local police know him by name, in fact, and know not to approach him without extreme care and a stun gun easily accessible. He doesn’t much care that that his parents are forced to deal with the crap he does, or that they struggle with him. He has very little respect for anybody and makes it blatantly obvious. He doesn’t act out for attention either- but just because he can. It should be mentioned that he got kidnapped by one of the countless, nameless enemies Scepter 4 and HOMRA have made over the years when he was just a year old. His parents practically went catatonic- Saruhiko headed the tracking operation at Scepter 4 and Misaki headed the one at HOMRA. They combined clans to find him and there was a lot of strain on his parents’ relationship- more than usual, an extra dose of fighting involved. Neither of them slept, and when they got him back, he wasn’t let out of their sight for ages. He slept between them in their bed at night, and Saruhiko pulled him out of school and taught him on his own. They switched off taking him to work- though Saruhiko took him most of the time- Misaki insisting he be confined to a desk job because he didn’t want him in the line of fire, but also didn’t trust anyone else with him. Actually, neither really trusted many people to look after him for a long time, and neither ever let him go unsupervised. This lasted until Koji was born about two years later. Saruhiko was NOT happy that they had to find an alternative to their completely obsessive behavior now that they had more than one kid, so he went pretty over the top and quickly manufactured his own tracking system- chips. Saruhiko still took him to work every day until he turned six however, trading off with Misaki so that each had one kid a day.
First love: Munakata Umi (宗像海 ). As the niece of the man self-dubbed ‘ grandpa ‘, as well as being close in age to him along with her brother, they grew up together. Six years older than him, she always played big sister to he and his siblings and was more than happy to have an accompanying shadow running around during playing. Ichiro had loved her for as long as he could remember- loved her bright smile, her excitability- everything. But she’s always been oblivious, and either way he isn’t on her radar. It’s one sided and her views on him are that of a sibling. There’s still somewhat of a longing for him, but she just doesn’t feel it. 
Future: Four years older than Ichiro, Munakata Kai (宗像カイ)- fresh out of his undergrad in university and working part time at Scepter 4 is a routine presence in his life. After growing up, he lost most of his shyness and is well mannered and civil towards others, though remains very stern with Ichiro. They’ve been some semblance of ‘ close ‘ since they were young. Kai’s always taken it upon himself to watch over him, and he’s very persistent in his monitoring, making himself aware of all of his hiding spots. Ichiro quite plainly tells him to piss off daily, but it never results in anything. Ichiro had always seen him as annoying, but not impactful on his way of life. He merely lazily brushes him off most of the time unless he’s in a bad mood, which is when he’ll try to provoke and eventually attack him. Sometimes he’ll make him chase him dangerously all over the city, and sometimes he’ll do crazy things just to get a reaction. He’s always cared for Kai however, and if anyone else attempted to attack him, there would be hell to pay from the oldest Fushimi.
He’s also the closest thing Ichiro has to a friend- he sees right through him in almost every way. He was the person who dragged him to the doctor and got him prescribed anti-depressants, and the one who makes sure he’s taking them. He also makes sure he eats, cleans his wounds from the fights he gets in, and mother hens him in a strange way. Not to mention, unbeknownst to his uncle and Saruhiko, he’s more than once intercepted a call from Ashinaka and used his lunch break to go bail Ichiro out of trouble (before having a battle of wills with him until he goes to class). Ichiro is a pain in his ass but he could never bring himself to stop keeping tabs on him or cut him out of his life. As loathe as he is to admit it, Kai deeply loves him- that kid who used to follow him around with bright eyes and a gummy smile. At twenty, Ichiro finally makes the leap to start a relationship with him- the only person outside of his family and Umi who still really cares abut him. Meanwhile, he drops out of university after deciding it wasn’t for him. He finds an appreciation for art, and learns to take out some of his aggression in different forms of it. It’s more of a passion project than actual work, so Misaki insists he have a job- leading him to eventually start teaching boxing classes at a nearby gym. By twenty-eight, he and Kai marry- neither are very into theatrics, so it’s simple- signing papers at a court house. They’re gifted a Rottweiler puppy by Kai’s father because he saw it and it ‘reminded him of his son-in-law’. Thirty comes and they decide on adoption as their favored course of action. A blonde haired little boy called Nao (直), meaning honest, joins their family, and by the time Ichiro is thirty-four, a second, brunette little boy called Kaoru (薫)- meaning fragrance- comes along. 
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Totsuka x Yata (2/2)
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Name: Totsuka Hikaru (十束光)
Physical appearance: She’s a very cute little girl with chubby cheeks and bright green eyes. She has long dirty blonde hair that’s always kept wild in all directions, regardless of how well it’s brushed. She loves to wear bright colors like yellows and pinks, and refuses to wear dark.
Personality: A very happy and fun-loving child, Hikaru can most always be seen with a smile on her face. Though she’s the younger twin, she’s most always the one to take charge, and is always the one to come to her older brother’s aid whenever he’s hurt or being bullied. He’s her very best friend, and she always wants to be there for him and the rest of their family. She’s naturally energetic and can be pretty rowdy, and she’s also picked up Misaki’s ADHD which doesn’t much help the situation, but her parents have her on some medication and a healthy dose of after school activities to help combat it. She does baseball, ballet, soccer, and gymnastics, just to name a few. And though she takes after Misaki in much of her energy levels, she takes after Tatara in that she’s a people magnet, though the trope is more reversed in that she loves other people, which in turn draws them to her. She’s also very friendly, and is quick to go chat up a new person.
She’s also very spoiled though, and isn’t wary of taking advantage of it either. Mikoto- or ‘Inu-ji’ is her favorite person in the world. She’s quick to always climb all over him or, if by some miracle she’s able to be tired out, she’ll sleep on top of him. She also loves Bando or ’Sabo-ji’ however, because he harbors a similar rowdiness and immaturity to her own. Her favorite thing is to ride on his shoulders around the bar- that is until Misaki finds them and starts shouting at them both. 
She retains Tatara’s interest in doing new things and loves to participate in trying out crazy new hobbies. Growing up with a dad like that has taught her to have a very open mind when it comes to exploration and it’s helped her learn to be flexible, even with her dynamite personality.
First love: A female friend she used to play with in elementary school. It was a very trying time for her, as it was the instance she discovered that she liked girls rather than boys. Even as the child of homosexual parents and the twin of somebody who treated gender presentation and sexuality as very fluid, she was terrified to see say anything. She’d started isolating herself from her friends, rejecting touch from other people (her family included), and she got angry when pushed to talk about anything. In the end, it was her overly empathetic twin brother who made the connection through watching her discomfort with certain things. Of course he hadn’t been certain, but he knew what it was like to feel scared and unsure. He’d turned on his flashlight at night after their parents had put them to bed, and crawled under the covers of his sister’s bed where he held her hand and asked her if she was gay. It was an emotional event that ended with him offering to hold her hand while she told their parents. When they came into the living room, Misaki started on scolding them both for being up so late on a school night and coming out of their beds on top of that, but he shut his mouth when he noticed his daughter’s tears and listened instead. Tatara, as the more observant one of the two, had his suspicions that something like this had been coming for awhile, but he sat quietly with a smile. After she was done, they picked her up to sit between them and tell her that they still love her, her brother still loves her, and nothing’s changed. She was brave for telling them and everything’s fine. All in all, actually telling them like that was a very simple, short, plain moment- nobody made a deal out of it, though Tatara and Misaki DID crush her between them in a big hug ‘to make up for the ones you haven’t been letting us have’, before tugging Sora into it with them. 
Future: She and Sora went through the entirety of their educational careers together, practically joined together at the hip: before he decided to break off from their codependency to find his own persona and discover who he was as a singularity, rather than as a pair. She put up a big fight, but in the end she couldn’t convince him to stay and he moved away to Hokkaido. She held animosity about it for a little while, but seeing him on video chat after he got there and realizing how happy he looked had her changing her perspective. Shortly after he left, she decided to follow his lead and moved to Saitama to get her own apartment that she shared with a close friend and child of a member of HOMRA’s ally clan, Yatogami Avaron (アヴァロン夜刀神). As they fell into a routine of living and being together, they ended up entering into a relationship by twenty-six, and by twenty-eight they marry- a spring wedding among the sakura trees, both brides in lovely white gowns and matching hairdos. At thirty-two, they have a little redheaded girl that they name Natsuko (夏子). Hikaru was an office worker, but after having Natsuko, she became more of a stay at home mom- though she coaches children’s sports part time too. 
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rubldus · 5 years
@ = How the character appears online
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rubldus · 5 years
Yata && Kuroh !!!
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs! || ACCEPTING
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[  With Me All Along : Bronze Radio Return ]
You never put me in the rearview
And I wouldn’t be the same without you
You’ve been with me all along, all along
Always on my side, you’ve never gone
[  Like Or Like Like : Miniature Tigers ]
I must have turned bright red
‘Cause I couldn’t stand to face you
‘Cause I liked what I saw
And maybe we should just be friends
[  Sleeping With A Friend : Neon Trees ]
We are both young
Hot blooded people
We don’t wanna die alone
To become one
It could be lethal
Sleeping with a friend
[ You’re The Only One : Maria Mena ]
Well I saw you with your hands above your head
Spinning around, trying not to look down
But you did and you fell hard, on the ground
And you stumbled around for a good ten minutes
And I said I’d never seen anyone look so dumb before
[  I Do Adore : Mindy Gledhill ]
You strike a match that lights my heart on fire
When you’re near, I hide my blushing face
And trip on my shoelaces 
Grace just isn’t my forte 
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rubldus · 5 years
yata and izumo
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs! || ACCEPTING
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[  Atlantis : STRFKR ]
Laying with my head down in the past
You knowing that I don’t stand a chance
Come on Atlantis
Mmm-it makes me sad to think of home
Sing me that song once more before
We all die alone and lonely-lonely-lonely
[  To Build A Home : The Cinematic Orchestra ]
This is a place where I don’t feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home
‘Cause, I built a home
For you, for me
Until it disappeared
From me, from you
[  12 Fingers : Young The Giant ]
I can follow you
Your heart beats just like I wanted it to
And you wanted it to
Your eyes they fall before us
Your sighs are all around
Inside the walls have fallen
And now, you’re all alone
[  Dust To Dust : The Civil Wars ]
All your actin’
Your thin disguise
All your perfectly delivered lies
They don’t fool me
You’ve been lonely, too long
Let me in the wall, you’ve built around
And we can light a match and burn it down
Let me hold your hand and dance 'round and 'round the flame
[  Putting The Dog To Sleep : The Antlers ]
You said I can’t prove to you
You’re not gonna die alone
But trust me to take you home
To clean up that blood all over your paws
You can’t keep running out
Kicking yourself off the bed
Kicking yourself in the head
Because you’re kicking me too
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rubldus · 5 years
Yata and Seri's relationship :>
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs! || ACCEPTING
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[ Lonely World : The Vaccines ]
I was uncomfortable playing it cool
But I feel like I have always known you
[ Quiet : Lights ]
I’m not yours, and you’re not mine
But we can sit and pass the time
No fighting wars, no ringing chimes
We’re just feeling fine
[ I stand corrected : Vampire Weekend ]
Forget the protocol
I’ll take your hand
Right in mine
[ I wanna get better : Bleachers ]
Woke up this morning early before my family
From this dream where she was trying to show me
How a life can move from the darkness
She said to get better
So I put a bullet where I shoulda put a helmet
And I crash my car ‘cause I wanna get carried away
That’s why I’m standing on the overpass screaming at myself
Hey, I wanna get better!
[ Don’t worry, you will : Lovelytheband ]
I’m a freak, I’m a fraud
I’m a child, I’m flawed
She said I can’t find a thing I don’t like about you
And I’m like don’t worry, you will
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Totsuka x Yata (1/2)
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Name: Totsuka Sora (十束空)
Physical appearance: He’s a very cute little boy with chubby cheeks and bright aquamarine eyes. He has long dirty blonde hair that sticks out at the sides and keeps it brushed relatively neatly. He gives off a pretty feminine air but he likes things that way. He wears a lot of pastels to match his younger twin sister.
Personality: A very sweet and tender little boy, Sora is naturally very sympathetic to other people and the things they may be going through. However he’s also a bit of a crybaby and can be somewhat timid and cautious around new people, causing him to hide behind his twin sister more often than not. Even so, he’s almost always mellow. When he gets mad though, it’s a deep anger. He’ll go and throw an utterly demonic tantrum. Just ask Tatara- it’s not uncommon for him to pull on his earring in order to demand attention while he’s being held.
He has a very tight-knit relationship with his family- both immediate and extended, and enjoys the little things like when Misaki takes him on his skateboard, or when Tatara teaches him new things.
He’s especially close with his ‘Jiji’, Kusanagi. He always wants to be held by him, and will follow him around like a baby duckling during his work hours until he’s picked up and carried around. Speaking of ducks: he loves them, and always begs his parents to take him to feed them and get him duck themed things. As he gets older, this love extends outwards to all animals instead of just ducks. It’s not farfetched to say he tends to connect with and like animals a bit more than people.
His loves include carrots- whether in vegetable form, carrot cake, carrot stew, or otherwise- and anything feminine. He identifies as male but he treats gender cliches and displays as very fluid. He’s always begging Tatara to paint his nails for him, and he’s always wearing his sister’s clothing and accessories, though his parents have no qualms about getting him his own. Unfortunately, he gets bullied a lot for the things he likes, but he isn’t the confrontational type, so he can only very rarely bring himself to tell them off, though his twin will defend him in his stead. He’s always been pretty secure in his identity though- nobody can tell him a thing about the way he presents himself. 
First love: Embarrassingly enough, it was Eric, or ‘Eri-ji’. His childhood was filled with instances where he’d pick flowers to bring to him, or make him little drawings and things as gifts. He’d never stop talking about him either- everything was always all about Eric. Nobody ever lets him live it down. 
Future: After completing school at age twenty-three, he finally makes the leap to separate from his twin. She doesn’t want to and puts up a huge fight- they’ve always been attached at the hip, and she wants to stay that way- but he thinks it’s time and feels ready. He was very conflicted during that time, and it was a long and strenuous decision, but he relied on Tatara a lot throughout it and in turn he gave him his support by explaining to him that it was a good thing that he loved his sister, and the kind of relationship they have is really special. But at the same time, they aren’t the same people and he needed to have the opportunities to make up his own mind and see the things he wants to see. He was told that no matter what he decides, he’ll only love him for it more- same with Misaki and Hikaru. So at twenty-four, he moves to Rausu to live as close to wildlife as he can as a zoologist. There, he meets the horticulturalist Hajime (肇), and the two form a friendship, gradually becoming closer. When Sora turns twenty-five, they start a relationship. At thirty, they marry during the island’s summer season and start their lives there. At thirty-three, they adopt a brunette baby girl, Manami (愛海), and at thirty-seven a blonde baby boy called Kunio (國男). His parents and sister visit often, but his favorite thing is when once a year, the entire extended ‘family’ gets together in Shizume, all the way back at bar HOMRA.
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (3/4)
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Name: Fushimi Akio (伏見昭夫)
Physical appearance: He has long red hair that he’ll often either clip back, or braid- and reddish-brown eyes. He’s on the shorter side and is pretty thin with minimal muscle. He dresses in a very casual and slightly disheveled way, much like Ichiro, and has six ear piercings, four on the left and two on the right. He wears reading glasses.
Personality: A goofy, highly energized child, Akio is quite stupid in a lot of ways- though is very friendly. He takes after his grandfather Niki in that he loves pranks, and really anything funny. He’s actually a surprisingly gentle and sweet kid, though most don’t get to see that side of him. He tries to be good but it doesn’t really work out for him because he has very limited self control and can’t stand having himself or his family be insulted, which happens way too often. He gets into a lot of fights as a result, and doesn’t really have any friends or fit in. He’s got a lot of inferiority and self worth issues and he struggles with depression, as well as dealing with his feelings and communication skills. He loves Misaki very, very much and relates to him a lot more than Saruhiko, mostly because they’ve struggled with some of the same things. He also doesn’t really spend along time with Saruhiko. He thinks they don’t have anything in common and he’s worried that if his dad notices that, or if they start spending too much time together, he might find him annoying or start viewing him as something he has no choice but to put up with. The way he sees it is that Saruhiko has his pick of three other kids- Akio doesn’t want him to realize that he’s the ‘worst one.’ The only person he really feels close with in his family is his sister- she’s the only one who he feels he gets attention from.
And even though he’s always around anyway (when he’s not spending time at bar HOMRA) because he doesn’t have people to spend time with after school, he gets unintentionally ignored and forgotten a lot by his family and the people around him. He’s almost always tossed at his Uncle Minoru for school pick ups, drop offs, and meetings when he gets in trouble. Speaking of, he gets into a lot of trouble- whether fighting or doing ridiculous things like setting toilet paper on fire in the bathroom of a fancy restaurant as a prank.
He doesn’t do well in school at all, either. His sister helps him with his homework, but that only makes him feel worse. He really doesn’t have any special skills or abilities, and there isn’t anything he’s very good at either. In a family of impressive people, he feels completely like the odd one out. In other words- he feels like he doesn’t belong. He gets jealous of his siblings very easily because of this, but tries very hard to keep it to himself and put on a smile. 
He also doesn’t sleep very well- lots of nightmares.
First love: Really, he’s had too many crushes to count. The kid desperately seeks out companionship in attempt to solve his loneliness. It never really works out for him.
Future: He badly wants a companion, but he has yet to find one. At age seventeen he finally drops out of school- he’s unhappy there, and he doesn’t think his parents will take much notice anyway. He starts working for ‘Jiji’ (Kusanagi) at the bar, but that doesn’t last very long- he can’t do much of anything correctly and the customers get frustrated with him, so he takes it upon himself to quit. He goes through a period of time where he sort of spirals, isolates himself, and keeps himself high or drunk twenty-four-seven. It takes a long time for him to get out of his rut- years, in fact, and it took his sister barging into his room when he was twenty-two and dragging him to a support group for him to start snapping out of it. He ended up moving to the country after that, getting a job working crops and starting a modest living where he’s outside most of the time, taking in fresh air and sunshine to create a healthier atmosphere for himself. He talks to his sister every day, and when she has her child, he starts going back and forth to the city more often so that he can be involved in his life growing up.
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rubldus · 5 years
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Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (2/4)
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Name: Fushimi Koji (伏見甲司)
Physical appearance: He has purple hair that slicks upwards in all sorts of directions- messy yet stylish, and green eyes. He’s on the taller side and has a bit of natural muscle to him, but otherwise he’s lean. He dresses in a professional, well kept manner and wears glasses that he sometimes switches out for contacts.
Personality:  Quite serious most of the time, Koji is a genius- for lack of a better word- with a very high IQ. He’s intelligent in many ways, though he’s an especially skilled hacker, and is very dedicated to his work. He hacks into Scepter 4’s database very often, and no matter how secure they make it, he continues getting in somehow. He’s also incredibly manipulative- when people start fights with him, he manipulates others into doing his dirty work, and he pretends to be a perfect gentleman and princely type to his peers, but beneath the facade he hates all of their guts. He doesn't go out of his way to talk to others, make nice, or be friendly when he doesn't like people he deems ‘inferior’ (which is everyone), though others naturally flock to him. And when they do, he charms them so that he can use them later. He stockpiles information on pretty much every person he meets, then uses it to coolly threaten them. He definitely inherited many of his grandfather Niki’s worst traits, and Saruhiko beats himself up for it. Koji’s behavior can be pretty terrifying. He exhibits certain traits of psychopathy- such as superficial charm, high estimation of self, cunning and manipulativeness, lack of remorse or guilt, and callousness and lack of empathy. However the danger of that is he doesn’t have the traits like poor behavioral controls, lack of realistic long-term goals, impulsivity, irresponsibility, pathological lying, or parasitic lifestyle. He knows exactly how to control himself. Luckily he has no interest in clan joining. He’s the one child his parents probably wouldn’t be able to stop if he decided to do it. it won’t happen though because his perspective is if he can’t be king, what’s the point? he finds working under someone else a pathetic thing after all, and way beneath someone like him. he’ll only settle for being on top. Still, he gets into a lot of trouble- he and Ichiro both, but with his hacking, threatening and info-broking, he commits crimes that are bad enough that he could probably get 2 or 3 life sentences if he got caught. Luckily, Saruhiko and Munakata are able to swipe things under the rug.
You really can’t get a single thing past him…unless you’re Saruhiko, who can still  operate above his son. Speaking of, Koji definitely suspects that he’s been chipped with some sort of tracker, what with how easily they can always find him, but no matter how many different tests he’s run by looking at the bloodstream, internal organs, etc. and examinations he’s attempted, he still hasn’t been able to find anything. But make no mistake- he has access to scalpels and disinfectant, and he will perform his own removal if he finds it. Saruhiko makes updates as needed from his laptop- it's a super encrypted file stored away really deeply partly because he wants to make sure nobody but him can access it, but mostly to keep Koji from finding it.
Even through everything however, believe it or not he does love his family. He has a large soft spot for Hana and treats her with genuine affection, indulging her childish playing. He loves Ichiro and Akio too, but treats them very differently and doesn’t spoil Akio like he does Hana- though is protective of him nonetheless. As for Ichiro, he willingly does favors for him of the…not so legal and good variety, so there’s that. When he was little, he was REALLY attached to Misaki, and would cling to him constantly and cuddle and kiss him and look at him with bright eyes while telling him he loved him most. He used to do anything Misaki says- now he doesn’t really care about how much grief he’s causing him. Of course he doesn’t love seeing him cry, and he’ll try to pacify and placate him and Saruhiko, but by no means will that affect what he does. In other words, he still loves Misaki, but not THAT much. As for Saruhiko- well, he’s the one person Koji can say he actually has some semblance of respect for (other than his younger sister and ‘Uncle’ Akiyama). He looks up to him for his intelligence and capability, and how far he’s come on his own…but it’s for this reason that he finds it a pity he allows himself to ‘sink to servitude’ under the blue king. He sees it as rather pathetic, and a waste of so much potential, so it’s slightly disgusting to him.
First love: N/A- he considers almost everyone inferior, a lover would merely slow him down and get in the way of his goals.
Future: He’ll go through the motions of school and university, if only to continue making connections (gathering people he can use later). But after that, he’ll become a filthy rich, high powered politician. Prime Minister of Japan wouldn’t have been out of his reach if he’d wanted it, but he had no desire to work under Scepter 4. This way, he can create all the corruption, power, and control he wants for himself and still operate on his own terms, which pleases him immensely.
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rubldus · 5 years
Yata and Tatara!!
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs! || ACCEPTING
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[  The Saltwater Room : Owl City ]
Time together isn’t never quite enough
When you and I are alone
I’ve never felt so at home
What will it take to make or break this hint of love?
Only time, only time
[  One Minute More : Capital Cities ]
Unleash your imagination
Two stars, one constellation
Bright lights just to guide the way
Can you see what I see in you?
[  Arms Tonite : Mother Mother ]
Don’t you think it’s kind of cute
That I died right inside your arms tonite
That I’m fine even after I have died
Because it was in your arms I died
[  Nine In The Afternoon : Panic! At The Disco ]
Into a place where thoughts can bloom
Into a room where it’s nine in the afternoon
And we know that it could be
And we know that it should
And you know that you feel it too
[  Saturn : Sleeping At Last ]
With shortness of breath you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist
I couldn’t help but ask
For you to say it all again
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rubldus · 5 years
Misaki and Anna?
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs! || ACCEPTING
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[  You Know Me : Air Traffic Controller ]
I think you can make me better
I’m looking ahead, but I’ll never
Get anything that helps me see
That if you can be proud of me
And proud of yourself, cause you got me
But darling you know, yeah we both know, you know me
[  Absolutely (Story of a Girl) : Nine Days ]
This is the story of a girl 
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world 
And while she looked so sad and lonely there
I absolutely love her, when she smiles
[  Jack And Jill : Katie Herzig ]
She wore that dress like it was a Saturday
Pretty as a summer rose picked in the morning
And he held her hand like it was a mystery
One he couldn’t quite believe
Just walking with him
[  Strawberry Swing : Coldplay ]
They were sitting
They were talking in the strawberry swing
Every moment was so precious
They were sitting
They were talking in the strawberry swing
Everybody was for fighting
Wouldn’t wanna waste a thing
[  Anna Sun : Walk The Moon ]
We got no money, but we got heart
We’re gonna rattle this ghost town
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rubldus · 5 years
(;╹⌓╹) aka does Yata like horror movies, ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )
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       Actually, shocking though it may be- for all of his loudness and stupidity bravery, horror terrifies Yata. He can’t handle it in any of its forms, scary stories included. Ghosts, especially, are far too much to handle.
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rubldus · 5 years
♡(ŐωŐ人) // i was obligated
Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (4/4)
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Name: Fushimi Hana (伏見花)
Physical appearance: She has long, bright orange hair that she keeps pulled up in a ponytail, and sky blue eyes. She’s petite and wears reading glasses, and she can most always be seen wearing some shade of blue.
Personality: A very outgoing and easily excitable person (much like Misaki), Hana has a deep and very passionate love for what she cares about. From Saruhiko, she maintains an endless unquenchable curiosity. She’s protective of the ones she loves and strives to keep an air of happiness amongst her family and friends. 
That being said, she loves dearly her little family, all of them: but she’s daddy’s little princess. She loves her dad like nobody else, and he saves a soft spot just for her. Her big brothers are pretty up there too however, and she’s constantly being smothered by them. She’s very spoiled but is very careful not to take advantage of their tendency to spoil her, and doesn’t like using it to get what she wants. She’s her family’s god-sent little angel and if anything happened to ruin her innocence they might just kill a man. Not just her parents and brothers, but all of HOMRA and Scepter 4 too. They’re all very protective. 
She lacks patience for those she considers ‘bullies’ and is always the first one to jump on people who pick on others. Her admiration and adoration of ‘heroes’ create her views on certain things to be slightly warped. She doesn’t always understand things and looks at the world through rose colored lenses.
She’s a child prodigy and, if believable, is even smarter than Koji. She taught herself to read and was speaking in whole sentences before she was a year old, writing in full sentences by four, and reading war and peace by age five. 
The most prominent part of her personality, however, is her desperate longing to be part of Scepter 4. Her parents say NO to clan joining of any kind, but she thinks her dad is literally superman, and sees Scepter 4 as superheroes that protect and help people. She wants to be a part of that. It’s the one thing in the world she’s been told no to and won’t give up on or stop pursuing. In fact, it’s something she’s wanted from a very young age. She asked for a toy saber for the very first birthday she could comprehend doing so, and every one thereafter was a common theme- toy police stations, gymnastics, sword fighting lessons from Munakata, boxing with Kusanagi, blue clothes, etc. 
With continuous begging and pleading, Saruhiko eventually signed her up for fencing because he can’t say no to her, and her new favorite thing became training with him. He doesn’t go easy on her however, because he wants to deter her from wanting to join the blues. Even so, she was amazing at it right away (of course) considering whose daughter she is. She still hasn’t been able to beat her dad, but she’s managed to best Hidaka and Enemoto once or twice- which is pretty impressive considering they’re on the special squad. It’s hard for her dad to get irritated about it, because she gets so proud of herself and she always comes to tell him excitedly about what she’s learned and how many matches she’s won- always with the goal of getting to spar with him. But her dad is clever, and he makes getting to spar with him extremely challenging to try and prevent her getting to practice, and his rules are ‘only once she beats x person can she spar with him. And if she loses she’s gotta do it all again.’ She isn’t discouraged though- nothing can make her discouraged because she’s stubborn like her ‘mom’ and really wants to spar with her dad. 
Her parents tend to really beat themselves up because they screwed up so badly with the other kids. That’s why she’s their little angel. It’s not just because she’s their only girl, its because she’s a really good, sweet, kind hearted kid. Sure, they might’ve fucked up with the others, but then there’s Hana- who picked up only the good things, like her Misaki’s friendliness and excitability and high energy, and Saruhiko’s intelligence and sense of reading people and desire to watch over the people he cares about, and even his curiosity and desire to learn that Niki tried so hard to stomp out. She’s sweet to other people and good at socializing and she loves to help others. She’s their insurance that they have to be doing something right.
First love: Gojo Hibiki (五條響), eleven years old. The biological child of Mishakuji Yukari, left as an infant with one Sukuna Gojo who reluctantly kept and raised him. His father isn’t in the picture and his current whereabouts are unknown. He was named Hibiki- meaning ‘echo’- because that was how Sukuna felt about this child- just an echo of Yukari that he didn’t want, the fact only becoming more true as Hibiki grew older and proceeded to resemble his dad more and more. Hibiki sort of raised himself as a result, Sukuna making it a point to almost always be out of the house, put him in school/daycare/whatever until super late, and never really look directly at him. Therefore, Hibiki understood he wasn’t wanted from a very young age and now maintains that mindset as he moves through life, keeping almost completely to himself. He also goes to a not so great school with not so great kids, but it isn’t an issue for his guardian and frankly, for him either. 
He met Hana one day while walking home from school, when he saw a bunch of older kids ganging up on an old man. He was going to keep walking- but then this kid in blue came up behind him and started muttering about how ‘he had seen it too’, was ‘there to help’, etc. and ‘on three’ they would go. And then, before he could stop her, this tiny little girl with a bow in her hair bounded out and started smacking the boys with her bag. Stupefied for a moment, he told himself it wasn’t his problem..but then he saw one of the kids coming up behind her and, unable to stop himself, rushed forward and joined in. Eventually, the older kids left: but not before he and Hana were both beat up. He got up to leave but was shocked to see Hana laughing, and even more shocked when she grabbed his hand, smiled up at him, and introduced herself with a ‘good job’! The old man interrupted them, offering them some popsicles from his convenience store as payment, and Hibiki somehow managed to find himself sitting on the grass in one of the city’s parks- eating ice cream next to a strange girl whose eyes sparkled while she talked. 
She told him about herself, and her family, and how she wanted to join the blue clan. He sat quietly with her, and finally told her his own name. She replied with ‘that means echo, right?’ and his response was ‘because i’m only an echo of someone else.’ To which she looked at him, smiled, and declared all at once that the ‘ki’ in his name meant heart, so he must have had a big one, and she was going to call him that. He stared at her a moment before she asked him what he wanted to do with his life, using her popsicle stick to mimic sword fighting. Nonplussed, he told her he didn’t know quite WHAT he wanted to do. It was when she stood up and matter of factly stated that she was going to ask him ‘again tomorrow’ to see if he’d figured it out that he became interested in Fushimi Hana.
( Oh, and it should be mentioned that Saruhiko and Misaki are completely unaware of their friendship, but if they knew then there would be QUITE the issue. After all, both are quite #AntiHanaandAnybody and even more #AntiGreens and most of all #AntiSukunaandYukari )
Future: After a long while of some form of skinny love, the two ended up officially dating during their freshman year. Being the whiz she is, Hana kept burning through assignments levels above her grade with no issue, and was able to finish university by the time she was eighteen. Hibiki wasn’t stupid by any means, but he wasn’t the prodigy she was either. So he finished up school in the typical amount of time and opted out of higher education after high school. Instead, he and Hana- after lots of begging to her family on her part- eagerly joined Scepter 4 at nineteen as their simultaneously most enthusiastic and promising new recruits. Rare though it was for them to get field assignments, (Hana’s overprotective father worked in the same building, after all, and his prerogative was the utmost safety for his daughter. Anything beyond desk work and intel gathering through computers was intercepted as often as possible by him) once in awhile something slipped through and Hana and Ki approached it as partners and equals (Fushimi/Gojo, ready!) and made quite the reputation for themselves while doing so.
At twenty-three, after a close call involving a strain that left Hana partially blind in one eye and Ki lacking two fingers on one hand, relief and adrenaline brought forth a mutual decision for marriage and ‘the highest form of partnership, permanence!’ according to Hana. Her parents put up a huge fight in their disapproval, as did her brothers- but they were married all the same, a sweet outdoor winter ceremony in the snow, themed white and blue- which they and all their guests wore. All of their friends and family attended, and it was a beautifully simple event per the couple’s request. 
With twenty-seven came the unexpected arrival of their first and only child, a sweet little lilac haired boy called Yuki (ゆき), meaning ‘happiness’. 
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rubldus · 5 years
Yata and Munakata.
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs! || ACCEPTING
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[  Chicagoland : Magic Man ]
How come you’re never there?
Just give me one good reason
Why we should fall in line
You’re changing like the seasons
We’re running out of time
What are you afraid of?
It’s so hard to get away
Would you give me a sing?
Don’t you give me your lies
The way you say my name
It’s so hard to get away
[  Next Year : Two Door Cinema Club ]
So I won’t promise that I’ll speak
To you today,
But if I ever find
Another place, a better time
For that moment,
I was never what I am.
[  Puzzle Pieces : Saint Motel ]
Puzzle pieces
That don’t fit together
It’s never right but you just can’t move on
You can’t decide to take away or put on
Your design but you won’t stop working
A masterpiece in the flesh
[  Recover : Chvrches ]
And if I recover
Will you be my comfort?
Or it can be over
Or we can just leave it here
So pick any number
Choose any color
I’ve got the answer
[  Greek Tragedy : The Wombats ]
I wanted this to work so much
I drew up our plans on a chart
Cars are flipping, I’m in hot pursuit
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rubldus · 5 years
†, ½, ±.
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½ = How the character feels about people taller or shorter than them
       Yata isn’t exactly happy with his height, and short jokes definitely upset him FAR more than one would expect an appropriate reaction to be, but he makes up for it in personality. He always makes certain the impossibility of ignoring his presence when he enters a given vicinity. 
± = The character and what they think about math
       “OI!!! ‘m just sayin’, if they’re gonna make numbers that look alike, they shoulda done it right!! 1 + 1 = 11!!!” 
       Hard. One of the many subjects he failed at while still in school.
† = How the character feels about murder
       Yata Misaki, contrary to popular belief- is fully anti-murder. As much as he throws around the word ‘ kill ’, he’s never committed such an act, and, with his issues surrounding death and loss, more than likely never will. Unfortunately, his brain doesn’t function in such a way that he connects the things he says such as ‘ die ’ or ‘ I’m going to kill you ’ with these more sensitive emotions- in fact, he doesn’t relate it to actual death/dying at all. To Yata, murder is condemned, and considered cowardly in all it’s forms- not to mention that its cold hand is what stole away his King and mentor. So, obviously not a lifestyle he’s eager to get into.
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