#╰ ☾☆☽...the ice will melt and flow away; asks
lunartxger-arc · 5 years
'what elegant long claws.' squishes his paws. (from seb)
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     ❝ U-uh… are you sure you should be…so close to them? ❞ 
    not the sort of reaction he had been expecting from someone ( maybe it was his fears speaking but having someone practically fawn over claws was not—a standard response ). though the bigger point to focus on was the fact the other had squished his paws...more so the soft portions of them as if he were a large cat. that was the strangest part of this entire exchange. ❝ sir, this is making me uncomfortable, please stop. ❞ he tried to muster in the kindest voice he could muster.
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
smooches the tiger's nose (from seb)
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     ears twitched; nose crinkled at the action. this was far too kind of a gesture! though even the beast could notice immediately that this was no human—what was he? he could not tell nor voice the opinion out loud. for now, he was content with the strange affection while the night was still there & contentment was filling fur ( the need to be violent not crossing the mind as this strange man had shown kindness towards the host some time ago ).
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
'why, hello. where has this gorgeous masterpiece of nature been all my life?' (from seb)
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     ❝ Um…I think you have the wrong person…or animal in this case? I’m no masterpiece, especially not a gorgeous one at that. ❞ i
     f self doubt could materialize into a living person—it would more than likely be the werecub. he could barely understand how anyone could view him as anything but average at best. the most notably feature he could point to that were pretty by comparison were his eyes ( shades of purple & gold blending together weren’t exactly common ). but never could he picture himself as anything more visually appealing; though he was flattered slightly from the strange compliment. ❝ But, thank you? ❞ 
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
❝ Hey, Atsushi-kun. I knew you could do it! Good job. ❞
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     ❝ O-oh, thank you, Dazai-san. ❞ 
    truth be told: the werecub had no clue if he would be able to do what his mentor had asked of him ( once again, the plan being vague enough on purpose but still clear so the chances of failure were slim ). at best—a small part of him thought of the worst outcome from how little he actually knew of where his mentor’s train of thinking would lead to. luckily for him & everyone involved; nothing went completely wrong in the end & the cub could heave a sigh of relief once it was over. 
    ❝ But it was your idea that made it work. I just helped make sure it managed to pull through. ❞ ah, deflection of praise—while not common for the cub who adored praise for even the smallest of tasks...he still found ways to praise the other person & put the spotlight on them in the end.
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
Slowly he appears behind Atsushi, places an insect toy on the other's right shoulder. ❝ Atsushi-kun, do you like insects? If you don't, I wouldn't look at your right. ❞
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     ❝ ... ❞ quietly turning gaze straight ahead; the cub made a small attempt to feel around his shoulder to take a guess as to what sort of insect his mentor had placed. there were only so many actually bugs Atsushi could stand ( the ones he refused to go near were from several times he was forced to sleep outside the orphanage ). ❝ Dazai-san... what did you put on my shoulder? I swear if it’s a centipede—! ❞ 
    the weird looking creature being one those insects the cub would rather never come face to face again. he hoped & prayed his mentor would have mercy on him.
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
he makes it rain chazuke (from seb)
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     that is a lot of chazuke... 
     more than enough to feed him for a few weeks if he doesn’t somehow inhale everything in sight. definitely more than enough to share with everyone else at the agency ( if anyone humors him long enough to eat it that is ). at the same time: he should question how this much ochazuke had appeared in the first place. was it a strange new ability he’s never encountered? highly likely it to be the case. but is he going to question it?
     instead he’s going to immediately get as much as he can! priorities are at an all time high! he’s going make a mental note to thank the strange man later.
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
“You’re beautiful” (Dazai)
meme | @theholylight
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     ❝ Dazai-san, are you trying to get something out of me? I already told you, I can help you within reason when it comes to your job. If this involves me somehow getting a woman to commit suicide with you, then that is completely out of the question. But if you’re genuinely trying to compliment me then—please, d-don’t? ❞ 
     countless amounts of self-doubt littered the mind on a daily basis. from not being good or useful enough; to the common idea of not being worthy to have a life at all ( on those days; he wished he could turn those thoughts off & run on autopilot ). ❝ ...while I do appreciate you thinking I’m at all—beautiful? that’s just really not true at all. In fact, between you and me? You’re the one who’s beautiful. I mean you have more charm than I will ever have in a life time, and you’re really charismatic with others. ❞ even if that charisma was mostly used to flirt with women & get them to join him in eternal rest: they rightfully refuse the offer ( thank god ). 
     ❝ I’m less likely to get a second glance in all honesty. There’s nothing that special about me. ❞
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
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meme | @contueor​
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
“You’re beautiful”
meme | @silxntrabiddog​
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     ❝ E-eh..n-no I’m not—! ❞ 
that was quick.
    flustered gasps escaped the werecub’s mouth as he tried to find a reason as to what brought this up. it was no secret: akutagawa rarely ever voiced small opinions in regard to appearance all too often. though—when he did...they never failed to catch atsushi off guard. this was no exception to that rule as the two were simply lounging around in the apartment ( akutagawa’s as his place had more room ); the cub laying ungracefully on the hell-hound’s lap. luckily for the two of them: atsushi had not fallen off in the moment, but he was however staring up at his partner with both flustered & doubtful glances.
    no reason to believe what was being said was a lie; however self doubt still reigned in the cub’s heart & mind whenever the praise was being directed towards himself. so in a childish attempt: he tried to shift the focus away.
     ❝ Honestly. The one who’s beautiful is you, not me. You always look really pretty no matter what you’re doing and it’s so—unfair! ❞ 
     no actual intent behind it as the cub refused to admit how much he did admire the other man’s appearance: it could be something simple as reading quietly & all atsushi would want to do is stare so he could imprint the memory in his mind.
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
There seems to be a lone cow wandering closer toward Atsushi. A sign hangs from it's neck simply reading. 'Please return to Kenji.'
@deviantsbliss​ | Ori istg
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     ❝ Eh? Where did you come from? Did you somehow... get separated from Kenji-san? Here, I’ll take you back...I don’t even want to ask how he brought a cow into the city... ❞ he murmured & lightly took hold of the sign, making sure not to pull on it too hard & end up hurting the poor animal by accident.
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
🎊 🎶
mun communication | @strcysouls— 🎊 Sometimes you just make me so happy I don’t know what to do. Oops.— 🎶 I really tend to space off sometimes and do my own thing, it’s not you!
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right back at you one hundred percent! and honestly dont worry! i end up doing the same thing too, even though I wanna throw all the things at your muses but it never happens lmao we should change that!
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
fear questions | @theholylight—death: name one thing your muse has lost that they wish they could get back
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     ❝ Ah. This might sound stupid and reckless but… I wish the Headmaster hadn’t died— ❞ at least, not so soon, ❝ I would’ve liked to hear it from him directly…I wanted to hear everything he had to say about the way he treated me. I don’t know if it would’ve helped me out now, but at least? I would rather listen than read about his past in that way. ❞
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
fear questions | @ruinneux— needles: does your muse have a strong stomach?
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     ❝ Not really. But it mostly happens when I’m really stressed out and I get sick from it, more if I see something extremely gruesome like those torture movies or shows. Nothing’s happened to me for a while though, last time was a few years ago...things were going bad in the Orphanage when it happened. ❞
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
fear questions | @yokohamaweretiger— dolls: has your muse ever collected something?
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     ❝ I’ve collected small scraps of buttons and bottle caps when I was younger actually. Whenever, I was alone, I would take what I could find and hide them in a small corner of the library. No one ever found it...I think. I was gonna use them to make a silly necklace, I never got around to it though. ❞
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
∞ for a half asleep text /tanizaki
text meme | @heartshredded​—— ∞ for a half asleep text
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[ to: jun ✳️ ] — ochazuke is really goofbd
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — good**
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — oh yahh i saw a thing tday
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — there was a squirrel and that swuirrel looked at me in the eyes.
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — he wanted my snacks tanijaki saan
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — hE wANTED thEM
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — mmmmmm o??? its late! we need to be up early????
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — sleep??? sleep
[ to: jun ✳️ ] — sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee—–
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lunartxger-arc · 6 years
Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you… | @live-let-live
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If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || Platonic ( Shopping Date ) || WILL YOU MARRY ME 
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life 
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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