chijouku · 5 years
"Happy birthday, Chuuya-san." Akutagawa smiled (for once), a subtle but pleasant smile as he shoved a wooden box into Chuuya's hands. Inside of it was a bottle of old, quite expensive french wine. He hoped, he chose well - and he really took his time with picking the best for the executive.
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      He looked at the wooden box with slight surprise, Chuuya wasn’t expecting to be gifted by his young subordinate. The redhead smiled sheepishly as he carefully took the box into his hands, looking at it with mild curious, he opened it and looked at the expensive french wine, oh god, it was one of his favorite ones! ”ah, this is---you really didn’t have to buy this Akutagawa but---” his smile got widened with gentleness and he got closer to pat his head lightly.
” thank you so much, I know you’re older enough to drink, right? so---if you’d like we can drink this together.”
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lunartxger · 5 years
"Happy birthday, Atsushi," Akutagawa said silently, pulling Atsu into a warm, tight hug. He wanted to spent some peaceful moments with his partner before they leave for a birthday party at the agency - and give him his present. It was a simple box with a small bow on the top of it. He sat Atsushi on a couch then, putting the box on his knees. Inside, there was a tiny white black patched kitten sleeping on fluffy warm cloth. "I hope you'll take a good care of her." (For Beast AU) ^w^
     ❝ Ah…T-thank you, Ryu. ❞ 
     came a small voice, muffled a bit by the hug ( former reaper always finding some level of comfort in those hugs ), wrapping his arms around for a brief moment before the two pulled away. it had been the first time being able to celebrate with someone other than Kyouka-can, as well as being able to look forward to the day without worry. a nice change of pace: one he welcomed whole without complaints. now what he wasn’t prepared for—a present from the other ( fully expecting to not receive anything at all ). 
     being sat down on the couch; box placed on his lap with small purrs emanating from within: only so few animals made that distinct sound. gentle hands undid the bow, along with removing the lid only to be met with the sight of a small feline sleeping so comfortably. little care in the world; absolutely adorable, especially with the color scheme. 
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     ❝ She...she looks really beautiful. I..I don’t want to touch her and wake her up. ❞ even though his voice was breaking & his hands shook; atsushi gently reached in: lifting the kitten from underneath & holding her close, being incredibly careful—listening to her small whines at being woken up. ❝ I love her. She’s perfect..I — thank you. ❞
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scarlxtsky · 6 years
silxntrabiddog replied to your post: #DAZAI-SAN  ( @silxntrabiddog ) I feel called out
//YES. Rashomon wants snacks as well OwO
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Be a good boy then and bring me back that dead body over there.
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nullcfied-moved · 6 years
Aku just stands there with rolled up magazine in his hands. If he was a dog, his ears would be pressed to the back of his head and his tail tightly pulled between his legs. He slowly hands the magazine to Dazai with a soft sigh, ready for his punishment. //I so wanted to hit Dazai but that just doesn't go with Aku X'D
Hit Dazai with a rolled up magazine Let Dazai hit you ?? / @silxntrabiddog
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   — Dazai was lying on the floor after getting out of that huge amount of magazines. He looks up and sees Akutagawa. Then, he gets up and takes the magazine. He stared at him, he was mad. Very, very mad. Perhaps of all the hits he had received all day. He sighed deeply, raised his hand and, when it looked like he was going to hit his former apprentice with it, threw the magazine to the floor, stepped on it again and again, took out the gun and shot at it, wasting all his bullets.
When he calmed down, he hid his gun away and smiled at him.
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   ❝ What a good day, right Akutagawa-kun? ❞
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errantscriptor · 6 years
silxntrabiddog replied to your post “// I’m alive I swear! Sorry for being so not active the last couple...”
//Oh my, take care and I hope you'll be better really soon! I have the same problem with spine pain currently so I know how much this sucks TwT
// HHHHHHHH ty love, there’s just no way to describe chronic pain without going through it and what it does to you mentally kssjdfhg sdf. I have a ruptured disk in my neck that affects the nerve in my arm. It basically makes everything on my right side from my neck to my fingertips extremely sensitive and painful. I have to wear a glove just to type and touching screens like smart phones can literally burn me. I hope you’re getting relief somehow too <3
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lunartxger-arc · 6 years
"Don't do it. Don't love me."
— SOFT ANGST; | @silxntrabiddog
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     ❝ Aku? What are you—talking about? ❞ 
    Sunset colored-eyes stared at the hellhound; head tilting to the side & brows furrowing together. That statement was the last thing he was expecting to hear out of his partner: though the sentiment did come across the weretiger’s mind at some point or another ( feeling the need to express the same a long time ago ). But there was more to them now; they had gone through enough together—having small moments in between missions to whisper reassuring words over the safety of the other. The amount of times Atsushi had let the hound into his home ( & heart ) were enough for the two of them. 
     He thought what they shared & felt were the same. No more need to feel so guarded when it was just the two of them; taking all the time they needed to build that much trust between them that wasn’t wrapped in hostility. He thought those feelings which even if were unsaid: rang just as loudly in the long run. 
     ❝ Why is it wrong for me to love you? I don’t understand it. Are you maybe, upset with me? You don’t feel the same way? ❞ 
    While the innocent accusation was simply: that, it harmed the weretiger to think perhaps this was a mistake. Letting himself become vulnerable enough for his heart to be held by the mafia hound & do what he wished with it. But he couldn’t let himself immediately descend into a spiral of negativity before he heard what the other had to say. ❝ Aku, you know I don’t care about your job…at least not as much anymore. I also don’t mind who you are as a person, I’ve told you before, you’re you, no matter what, and that is who I want in my life. ❞
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osamu-dazaisan · 6 years
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@silxntrabiddog plotted for a starter!
Chuuya smiled, sliding a few boxes under their Christmas tree while Akutagawa wasn’t looking. One contained a basket of fresh figs; the other some assorted sweets, and the third one - black virgin killer, to which Chuuya was probably more than a little hopeful it’ll end up on his lover rather than being thrown out the window. 
Once done with his secret santa duty, the redhead returned to the kitchen, smiling as he wrapped his arms around his lover from behind. They were both wearing Christmas sweaters, smiling and as if slightly drunk on the atmosphere and warmth, and the prospect of having a whole week free together starting today. Akutagawa was just putting away groceries, but he stopped when Chuuya hugged him and leaned back into the hug.
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“Merry Christmas, love.” the redhead murmured softly, kissing his lover’s cheek. “I’m so happy we get to spend them in peace together, you have no idea...”
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Dazai hadn’t been paying any attention, staring blankly at the clouds drifting overhead. It was strange, that they should get a day off, let alone that they both agreed to go to a park near headquarters. And Dazai had promptly sat himself against a tree and proceed to get lost in his thoughts. 
So lost, in fact, that he didn’t notice when Akutagawa drew near, only coming back to his senses when the boy put a dandelion in his hair. Dazai blinked, reaching up to touch the flower, raising an eyebrow at his subordinate. 
“What’s this for?” Dazai didn’t remove the flower, instead folding his arms back over his chest, tilting his head to the side. 
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chijouku · 5 years
silxntrabiddog ha respondido a tu publicación: "Chuuya-san....?" The inner fight is visible in...
//Also I am sorry but our icons now :‘DDDD Chihuahua and a dog with eyebrows. That’s THE SHIP :D
THIS SHIP I STAN!!! lajkdsfklqwrklaklfasdfasd
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scarlxtsky · 6 years
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It didn't pass more than 10 minutes since the training began, Dazai stared blanking at the petite figure of his subordinate. He walked towards Akutagawa, with his gun on his right hand, he aimed towards the ground, almost hitting the arm, making the raven move lightly and looking up at him, he had already his face covered with scratches and he was panting.
"Akutagawa-kun, your defense is too weak, you depend too much on Rashômon, if you keep relying on it, then, you’re dead.” he was making clear his intentions, he won’t forgive more mistakes, if the raven didn’t do what he was meant to do, then that meant that he was worthless and Dazai would dispose him.
And he knew that Akutagawa won't let him do that, right?
Impatentiely he tapped his gun lightly on his thigh."Stand up, no more breaks." he said narrowing his only visible dark brown eye, the sunlight reflect make it look redish, he totally looked like a demon.
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nullcfied-moved · 6 years
@silxntrabiddog replied to your post “Me: good, I’m doing drafts, I’m motivated! A friend: hey listen this...”
Why did I click on it..... :'D
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bsd-positivity · 7 years
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I highly enjoy rping with @nakaharaxchuuya​, @ningenshikkxku​, @silxntrabiddog​, @noticemebandagemachine​, and @the-great-fitziisms​. I feel like no matter what, I could probably slide a plot to them, and we would have a good time running with it, whether it be on tumblr, or discord.  ---  @kurokonoha​.
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lunartxger-arc · 5 years
“You’re beautiful”
meme | @silxntrabiddog​
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     ❝ E-eh..n-no I’m not—! ❞ 
that was quick.
    flustered gasps escaped the werecub’s mouth as he tried to find a reason as to what brought this up. it was no secret: akutagawa rarely ever voiced small opinions in regard to appearance all too often. though—when he did...they never failed to catch atsushi off guard. this was no exception to that rule as the two were simply lounging around in the apartment ( akutagawa’s as his place had more room ); the cub laying ungracefully on the hell-hound’s lap. luckily for the two of them: atsushi had not fallen off in the moment, but he was however staring up at his partner with both flustered & doubtful glances.
    no reason to believe what was being said was a lie; however self doubt still reigned in the cub’s heart & mind whenever the praise was being directed towards himself. so in a childish attempt: he tried to shift the focus away.
     ❝ Honestly. The one who’s beautiful is you, not me. You always look really pretty no matter what you’re doing and it’s so—unfair! ❞ 
     no actual intent behind it as the cub refused to admit how much he did admire the other man’s appearance: it could be something simple as reading quietly & all atsushi would want to do is stare so he could imprint the memory in his mind.
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osamu-dazaisan · 6 years
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   // The wrong type of Soukoku he was going for but it’ll still work. LOL Your poor phone.        -*paps*-
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ningenshikkxku-blog · 7 years
Continuation from x:
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Dazai was pretty curious about what kind of fuck Akutagawa was going to choose, trying to stop his thoughts from guessing randomly. Instead of that, he remained silent, patient and squeezed the raven when he received the hug.
And then, finally, the answer was there...
The answer was there and Dazai felt surprise, even blinking a few times before a content smile showed on his face and his hands petted the raven hair.
“Is that so? I thought you preferred me rough in bed, almost so rough as I was towards you when you were still my pupil. To remind you the time when you fell for me. But sure, I’ll do you slowly and lovingly today. The way you wish for.” 
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