#╰┈➤ ❝ sunflower ❁ * sheva
antiibow · 5 months
Hehe please watch this if you care about Sheva ^^
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antiibow-a · 1 year
𝗱𝗮𝘀𝗵 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲, character information.
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❁ legal name: sheva alomar-benford. ❁ nickname(s): shev by ( @redactar ), morena ( @reveira ) kitten/kitty ( by @sseizonsha ), little sis ( by josh ), sunflower/sunshine/shev ( by @drearyknight / rebecca ) ❁ date of birth: august 23rd, 1986. ❁ sex: cis female. ❁ currently living: kumasi, ghana 1 hour from the city of Kijuju ( bc i said so ) ❁ spoken languages: english, arabic, somali, swahili, portuguese ( learning ) ❁ education: masters in both strategic intelligence and computer information sciences achieved at yale ❁ hair colour: dark brown.❁ eye colour: brown ❁ height: 5'5" ( 165 cm ) ❁ weight: 114-145 lbs ( 52-66 kgs )
❁ sibling(s): josh stone ❁ parents(s): taraji & kiango alomar ( kumar alomar, [uncle] legal guardian-formerly ) adam benford - adopted father ❁ children: none. yet :) planning for a family with @sseizonsha prior to re8 though. ❁ pet(s): clementine, gray african parrot
❁ sexual orientation: heterosexual / hetero-romantic. ❁ relationship status: single in playthrough 3 verse , depends on the timeline in playthrough 1 verse with @sseizonsha whether they are dating or married , emotional thing that shouldn't be a thing in playthrough 2 verse with @redactar ❁ since when: sseizonsha's leon and sheva meet again in 2013 during adam's funeral. we said that by re8 they've definitely tied the knot, but we haven't decided on a year. redactar's leon and sheva actually meet in the three years between re5 & 6. still to be hashed out totally.
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tagged by: i stole it. tagging: you :3
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angel-of-death-2015 · 3 years
Caress buttery and roses for the soft asks :3
caress - do you like to snuggle?
I'm so damn touch starved, I don't even know what cuddling is anymore 😭
buttery - favorite snack?
It's a weird combination, but my fave snack combo is a bowl of cut up strawberries or strawberry yogurt with a can of Pepsi. Don't ask why.
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful?
Sunflowers, orange tulips, and those one tropical flowers I drew in my Sheva fanart! 💖💕
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c-atm · 5 years
jambud week: Alone/together prompt
Alone/ Together 
  "And that's how I got the red and black."
"Oh my god!"
It was a beautiful setting; Sunset in a field of sunflowers under a large tree casting shade over the two dream jam buds. Connie was sitting up, back to the tree with Steven laying his head  across her lap, telling her about his travels. Particularly, how he got his new red and black star shirt; it involves a goat, a flame, and a game of extreme hopscotch with an old man. The story had Connie in hysterics, doubling over in laughter. Just low enough for Steven to.. 
" Chu!"
"Ey, Bisky!"
Steal Connie lips for a second, making her blush before, pushing her hair behind her ear and giving him a bit longer one that his thieving move. When they broke apart  Connie rested her head upon his.
"Is it foolish to still not believe this is real? To be with you here, like this."
"After 10 months. Maybe...Heh, but take into account everything that happened before...Can't  really blame you, Dream Berry."
Connie couldn't stop the giggle that erupted from her from the new name. ten months,they have been meeting and seeing each other like this for ten months..and it's been wondrous. Meeting in their own personal dream once or twice a month. Trading stories with each other.
Connie told stories of her college studies in STEM and archeological studies, as well as her internship at a technological lab in Empire, and her part in creating a R&D in Little Homeworld. In her own words; She was doing her part to connect human and gemkind.
Steven told stories of his travels. The misadventures he had. The people he met, the people he helped, the people who helped him and the lessons he learned. The most important one was  accepting and embracing all of himself; the good, the bad, the surface, and the hidden.
Steven found her stories to be amazing. The things she were learning were completely over his head, but still it made her eyes glow with such vigor when she spoke about the robotics exhibition she went to, and her intro to physics class. He mentally decided to study it up himself, just a bit. If she really was gonna use technology to bring Humans and Gems closer, the least he could do was understand a bit of it. 
Actually tonight He also found himself surprised though when she spoke of her archeological studies. Her professor seemed to be someone who was big the mysteries of the world. Myths, legends...Conspiracies. In one particular  tale her professor brought some items from their personal collections. They happened to be discarded gem weapons, and one inactive but intact gem artifact, that he was going to officially reveal at a museum event.
Connie held her head in embarrassment, as Steven laughed as she told the story of getting the gems to run a heists to steal her teachers prize possession and switch it with a fake. It  seemed like it was a disastrous..but hilarious night.
"I missed a caper! A heist..You guys, even went undercover as staff"
"We almost got arrested."
"But you got away with it! Dream Berry! You lead a gem mission, cleared your objective and no one got hurt."
"Physically...the museum director's reputation took a hit...Still thank god, for that rat like gem mutant..Gave us a perfect chance to make the switch through all the commotion."
As for Connie, she was enthralled with Steven's tales of his world wide search for humanity, as he called it. So much more exciting and wondrous than her day to day. He's been to all types of locales; the Amazon, Stonehenge, the Great wall, Victoria fall, The castle of nobunaga. He went to Sri lanka, Maharagama to be exact and stayed with one of her Uṟaviṉar (cousins) for a few days.
 That particular story had her flushed and embarrassed, since it was one of her cousins who treated her like a niece; turns out Connie's one of the babies of the family.
Still his most telling stories were his visits to his mother's palanquin; he had visited a few times actually… The first time he went was out of blind rage..He left as soon as he came..The second time was just out of drunken coincidence. He told her about how he lashed out over her memory. Screaming how he hated everything she did and how cruel and untrusting and selfish she was, to not take any responsibility and to leave it all to him. He doesn't remember when he left but the next time he visited, there was a two feet crater nearby..
That time...He was tired and feeling a bit sick after getting out of a fight with a gem mutant. He didn't have the energy to do anything but step in the device and sleep. He did it for five days. 
During that time he got to experience it...His mother life as Rose quartz….All her choices, all the guilt, all the hollow victories..All the self- detrimentally and hate. For all the gems that were corrupted, for all the humans who got caught in crossfire, for her actions and inactions towards Bismuth and Spinel. 
He experienced her failures. Failure in trying to cure corruption. Failure In trying to understand and imitate human nature.  Failure in trying to release and apologize to Bismuth. Failure in trying to reactivate the galaxy warp to get Spinel. Failure to heal the earth. Multiple failures on all ends. Enough to make Rose self-dissipate and him to wake up.
From that point on, he would always sleep in it when he was in Korea. Every time he got new information. He discovered that she actually spent a good decade playing as a human named 'Diamond' after her self poofing. Blending in with them and going on her own journey of self-discovery. Falling in love with the earth and its inhabitants more, keeping them safe from the shadows from her own (while purposely allowing herself to be cracked), while invading her Crystal Gems. 
He also experienced two very important meetings in Rose's life. Her first meeting with Lion....She was there for his birth. A few years later she would meet, heal, and forge a strong friendship with an orphaned teenage girl.
 For two years they would be inseparable, almost family and learned from each. Rose would teach her how to fight, how to care and outsmart people, and to take care of herself.
The young girl; Sheva, would teach Rose how to face her failures, to deal with the results of an irreversible situation, and how to live for those who can't. Two years in Sheva found love from a man, that Rose approved of...As for Rose, she would be missing her own family; their separation was tearfully, but happy..
This would not be the last time they would meet, though. His mother would find that Sheva had lived a fulfilling life, gave birth to three kids and still loving her husband from the Maheswaran family, He unfortunately got to see Sheva pass as well and his mother second self-dissipation, the only way she could keep herself  to resurrect her friend.
From there the visions became pretty standard to what heard from the gems and dad. Her victories, gentle and flighty behavior, her overflowing love for all, completely  earnest and true...except for herself. She still hated herself. He saw what she didn't show. The times in her room. where she shattered her image over and over and over, using the full, horrifying destructive power she held inside. 
For the corrupted. For the war. For the earth. For humanity. For The Crystal Gems. For Homeworld. For the Diamonds. For Bismuth. For Spinel. For Sheva. For both Pearls. For Garnet. For Amethyst. For Greg.
For being unable to save them. To heal them. To be like them. To convince them. To apologize to and live up to her expectations. To get her from the garden and be the friend she deserved. To forgive herself for not bringing her back. For hurting one and silencing the other. For lying to them. For being unworthy of him. She did it because she loved them,  all of them.
Never did she strike for herself though. No for her, destruction was her penance to them all. Which is why she smiled when she dissipated for the third time.
"I was in Korea two weeks ago...I don't think I'd be going back to mom's palanquin anymore "
Connie looked surprised at the sad yet serene tone of his voice. She nodded, as she began to stroke his scalp, running her fingers through his locks. "You wanna tell it, Dreamscuit?"
"Everyone of these stories has been heavy..I can take it...Though I don't want to force you to.."
He kissed her to stop that thought. "I'll tell, but can we get into the right position first?"
Connie  gave him a smil before letting him sit up and allowing her to stand up, wiping the hem of her night gown as she did. He moves to the tree and sits straight up crossed legged arms open. Connie  gently sits in between his thighs as he envelopes her in his loving, Steven-y hold. 
" Ok So…"
 The last vision he got..Was short but probably the most important..His birth. He was told that he was born in a hardlight Rose that bloomed and broke away leaving him with her gem and that took about five minutes total. The Vision was everything that happened within that rose.
His mother was tired, teary, but for the first time was generally happy as she spoke. 
" My boy..My son, my extraordinary Steven. You're so human...You're so much more than I ever was. I love you..I adore you so much..Not even a minute year old and you did the impossible.."
She shifted from Rose to Diamond before continuing with a tender weak kiss to his crown
" Your mother is a horrible failure...I hurt a lot of people Steven, whether it was indirectly or directly, For a good cause or my own greed, It happened and I never was able to correct my wrongdoings..I tried so hard but failed in the end.. I failed at being a diamond, a leader, a rebel, family, a friend, a mentor, a lover, a human, a gem, and in the end, I hated myself. Thought myself, a worthless shard.."
She let a strained laugh out as she shifted from Diamond to Pink.
"Until now. This moment. Until you. You're  proof that gems are capable of change. Of being more than what they were programmed. You...You are the proof of that, someone so beautiful and brilliant being born from a janked clod like me, that's proof enough.  "
She shifted again back to Rose. She broke down again as she heard for the first and only time her sons laugh.
"I love you so much, you're gonna be amazing and I'm so sorry that I won't ever get to be here for it...But it's alright..I actually don't deserve such a gift.. Seeing..you..Your curly hair, bright brown eyes, button nose, happy bubbly laughter. It makes everything worth it, even if it's at the end of my life. 
You've changed my life and the only thing I can leave for you is a magic pink diamond  untarnished by me..and my defects, yours and yours alone. I'm sorry your mother can't give you anything better."
  She shifted again to Diamond. 
"I'm selfish still, shapeshifting just to spend more time with you. I'm sure a good mother would've already given their form and lives up. Of course, I have to want to have you and live.. See you grow and blow the universe away..Find a good partner to spend your life with..preferably someone like your father or Sheva. A nice, smart, strong Maheswaran  person would be perfect for you…"
She painfully shifted to Pink
Still whomever you bring into your life...Whether it's as a friend, a lover..as family. Make sure they are worthy of you..and if they prove that they are...Take care of them. Those people who care for you, cry for you, keep you from going too far and make sure you know just how special you are because you're you...The people who treasure you..Take care of them no matter what.
She shifted slowly back to Rose Quartz for the final time. Trembling, tearfully giving her son one last kiss on his cheek on his cheek. She was surprised when he grabbed her finger and squeezed. 
"One more thing...Take care of yourself Steven. Always take time for yourself. If you ever need to leave and be by yourself you do that. It'll help more than you think.. and Never hold back..Be angry, be happy, be loving, be spiteful, be however, whoever you want and need  to be. Whatever you do don't hide yourself from those who love you...Don't be afraid to show them your hurt and pain. Don't become self-destructive as I was...Most of all..live happily..Live truthfully….Live your life Steven, with your gem and your family. You're human, You're extraordinary..You're, you ...and that more than enough."
Rose smiled though deep sobs as she fell from her form glitching as was the dome.
"This is it.. I hope that you never hear my name, Steven. I don't deserve such a gift..but If you do..if you find out about wrongs and decide to discard me, I will still love you..My wonderful son..My truest love of all. Thank you for being you. For allowing me just for a millisecond to feel worthy of something, and I'm sorry you were born of a mother like me, at least you'll have  those who are truly worthy of you around."
As she was about to kiss his cheek one last time, she and the dome vanished in a brilliant light. Leaving A newborn Steven crying and reaching towards, where his mother once stood. 
He woke up from his dream reaching out, and for the first time since childhood, begging for his mother.
By the time he was done telling his story, Steven was already in a hold by tearing Connie. His tears soaking her nightie, while her ls rained on his head as she kissed his head and caressed his trembling back. Hearing him call for his mother, to apologize for his bereavement towards her with a sorrowful love was both heartbreaking and hope bringing, but it was welcomed. It was a sign that he no longer felt lost, confused, or alone. It was proof that he was like her in some ways..but it was not her worse ones and he could move on from her knowing that. 
They didn't move for a while as Connie hummed sweet tunes in his ear. Easing him to relax breathing. He reluctantly moved from her hold and sat  up looking at his Dreamberry, whose eyes were just as teary as his. He cupped cheeks and tenderly kissed her beckoning a melty moan from her. He broke away before resting his forehead to hers
"Thanks Connie. For being here."
Seeing that glow in his eyes made her heart skip a beat. " Of course. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with you. Even if it's just a dreamscape for now."
He smiled as she kissed his neck before resting against his chest. Looking down at his Dreamberry he brushed her head as she fell into a small slumber..She'll wake up before she wakes up here….
"For now but not much longer."
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chaoticsoft · 7 years
Zinnia, Poinsetta, Baby's Breath, Calla, Dandelion, Pansy, Peony, Tulip, Snapdragon, Sunflower.
Baby’s Breath: What did you want to be when you were a kid? A vet, a doctor, and a writer…all at the same time lolCalla: What’s your favorite book? A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled HosseiniDandelion: Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Very, very much an introvertPansy: Do you believe in love at first sight? Eh, kinda? I believe in knowing someone will be important to you at first sight. Peony: What does your url mean? I played Resident Evil 5 with my husband (I was Sheva) and mained the sniper rifle like the whole game. Got ALL ze headshots. “Headshots McGee” kinda became my nickname after that. Plus, I’m like reallyyyyy into sniping, in any game. Headshots are super satisfying, like I get a little rush when I pull off a good headshot.Poinsettia: Where would you like to be in ten years? Good question dude… Um, well, mostly just happy, I guess? Lol but it’d be really cool to have a book or two published also. I guess it’d be cool to have a house by then too, a little house with a potbelly stove and a library with a slidey ladder and a pool.Snapdragon: What are your goals? Well, get some books published. But I also wanna learn like three or four languages and travel a ton. Would also maybe like to get a graduate degree. Oh! And I’d really, really love to be writing for a video game. Idk, that’s like my craziest dream. I would love to write narratives for games Sunflower: What’s your favorite quote? Anything Bob Ross has ever said, ever. Also the poem “Unending Love” by Rabindranath TagoreTulip: If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Hmm, all of our debt to be magically paid off, a massive savings account, and basically just to never have to worry about money ever again? Those are probably lame wishes lol but money stresses me the heck out, man.Zinnia: Do you believe in magic? Like, the practice of it? Because yeah, it kinda freaks me out lol
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bsaashujaa · 7 years
I was tagged by @darknatalia
name? Beau
nicknames? Beau is a nickname but I prefer it to be my name
zodiac? aquarius
sexual orientation? bisexual
ethnicity? white/cherokee
favorite fruit? strawberries, peaches, watermelon, apples
favorite season? autumn
favorite flower? sunflowers
favorite scent? the ocean and mens body washes/sprays
favorite animal? cats, rabbits, foxes, dogs, and otters
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? tea
cat or dog? both
dream trip? going to the rockies so i can snowboard or anywhere with a beach
number of followers? 198 almost 200 <3
what do i post about? resident evil, metal gear solid, final fantasy, lgbt stuff, animals, art, and photography
do i get asks on a regular basis? not really
favorite band? depeche mode and tool
aesthetic? sunsets, beaches, cool summer nights, cruising in a car while listening to your fav music
fictional character i’d date? Sheva Alomar, Helena Harper, Jill Valentine, Claire Redfield, Leon S Kennedy, Reyes Vidal, Sniper Wolf, and Fortune
hogwarts house? idk im not really into harry potter sorry lol
I tag who ever wants to do this!
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Indian Palm Oil Market Service and Growth to 2025
India palm oil market size is anticipated to reach USD 13.1 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc Refined derivatives are widely being utilized in food owing to their lower price in comparison to other conventional edible oils derived from groundnut, soybean and sunflower.
Rapid urbanization, and changing lifestyles backed by increasing disposable income in India have influenced consumption trends of consumers. Increasing consumption in food & beverages and cosmetics industry is a key factor likely to boost overall growth. A positive factor in the Indian production scenario is a significant growth in the acreage, which registered a CAGR of approximately 20% over the past five years. Improving yield coupled with reducing wastage during production by has created improved business environment in India. In order to encourage domestic cultivation, the government provides subsidies of up to INR 7,000 per hectare for farmers. Furthermore, to ease capital inflows, the government also allowed 100% FDI through automatic route. The lubricants segment is anticipated to exhibit steady growth owing to increasing demand for numerous commercial and industrial products including detergents, soaps, shampoos and cleaners. Further Key Findings from the Study Suggest:
From 2016 to 2025, CPO is projected to register growth rates above 8%, which can be attributed to lowered import duties. CPO import volume was nearly 6.50 million tons in 2014
Indonesia and Malaysia accounted for approximately 90% of the imports in 2015. Kandla, Krishnapatanam, Kolkata, Kakinada, Mangalore and Nhava Sheva were the leading ports of entry from 2014 to 2016
Export taxes of CPO in Indonesia and Malaysia range from 7.5%-22.5% and 4.5%-8.5% respectively. These countries use futures exchange (Bursa Malaysia), FOB quotes, and CIF prices as benchmarks
Edible oil applications accounted for nearly 95% of the consumption volume in 2015. The segment growth is further expected to be driven by high demand from processed foods, fast food chains, and households
As of 2015, fresh fruit bunch (FFB) produced was 1.18 million tons while oil extraction rate stood at 17%. Improving extraction rates is paramount for domestic producers
Sample request: http://www.radiantinsights.com/research/indian-palm-oil-market/request-sample
Increasing acreage is critical for sustainability of the domestic industry. As of 2015, the potential cultivation area identified stood at 1.93 million hectares while only 0.2 million hectares were planted.
Key companies operating in this market include Ruchi Soya Industries, Kamani, Acalmar Oils & Fats, AdaniWilmar, Anik Industries, Aditya Engineers, Sundex Process Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Brissun Technology Pvt. Ltd. and Cargill India
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antiibow · 5 months
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antiibow · 9 months
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antiibow · 11 months
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antiibow · 1 year
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dash game ▪︎ stardew valley
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Tagged by: @croftborn ( ty ♡ )
Tagging: @red9 @redactar @gatheringstars @lcvesdeath @wolvensden @wnterslder & you!
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antiibow · 11 months
Tiefling your muse!
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antiibow · 11 months
Hehe hi will resume writing today. Until then, here's sheva in re6
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antiibow · 1 year
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antiibow · 1 year
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antiibow · 1 year
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