#▓ ▌❛ ⋯ PSA 📨 ◢  in accordance with consent!!
unladylikc · 2 years
( hey, it’s livi! i know it has been a while, but after deliberating over it for a bit, i decided to archive this blog just because i happen to associate it with lots of bad memories and needed a fresh start in order to really enjoy writing her again. 
with that in mind, i decided to remake her blog, so you can now find vivian over here, complete with a retconned bio. ofc, you are by no means required to follow, as i know i haven’t really been the most active even before my hiatus, but if you are still interested in interacting with vivian, then that’s where i’ll be from now on! )
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unladylikc · 3 years
indefinite hiatus
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( alright, i tried... i really did, but despite my best efforts, being on here really doesn’t spark joy for me any more and considering i now lack much motivation to write or create new stuff, i think i’m just gonna take a temporary break from vivian.
ofc, this isn’t permanent; in fact, something might happen to make my muse eventually return full throttle, but as of now, i’m no longer feeling it. maybe it’s due to how the open starters i write almost always get ignored, how trying to get more interactions on here is like pulling teeth, or how it seems i’m constantly having to beg people for more threads, yet either way, i feel invisible and largely disconnected from the rpc as a whole.
it’s honestly this, coupled with the fact i recently discovered a former friend of mine had hardblocked me without ever talking to me first, that i no longer get the impression i’m even liked all that much; therefore, i’ll be absent until further notice.
with that being said, though, you are free to unfollow/softblock. )
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unladylikc · 3 years
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edited my rules to include this tidbit:
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On the off chance I happen to follow you first, then chances are high I will be the one making the first move, but there’s only so many asks/memes or starters I can write/send if they keep getting ignored. What this means is that while I don’t mind people taking their time with replying, I will simply stop putting in the effort to interact with you if you keep reblogging memes without ever answering the ones I’ve sent, dropping our threads after only a few notes, or not even bothering to leave a like on the starters I’ve written you to express you’ve seen it. Granted, it’s one thing if you tell me OOC you have seen it and will reply to it later, but if all I ever receive is dead silence from you, I will stop trying until you put in actual effort to interact with me back.
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unladylikc · 3 years
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( finally updated my verses page to include a god eater 3 verse for vivian, but lore is heavily tied to tessa, kae’s portrayal of ryuto, and my interpretation of gin+kobato from my multi, so they’ll end up being mentioned in any future threads i have on this blog. )
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