#◜  ◦   *   i don’t have much to say  .    ∿    ft. oliver west   *   ◦  ◞
kimnamjooonz · 5 years
Blank Space - Episode 4
Welcome To New York
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Songs that inspired this Episode:
 Welcome To New York - Taylor Swift 
Delicate - Taylor Swift 
Empire State of Mind - Alicia Keys ft Jay Z
Headlights - Robin Schulz 
''When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors, took our broken hearts , put them in a drawer''
It was like magic. Amanda, or better said Morgan, took one step outside and almost everything about her persona seemed to change. The way she walked, the expression on her face and even the way her black hair moved. She was every inch the star she was supposed to be. Taylor wondered if she had this rehearsed, she was an actress, after all. She was still in awe about how Morgan had changed her personality in seconds. ''Taylor!'' even the way in which she spoke had changed. ''What are you doing? You haven't moved in like a minute. We have to find a taxi.'' It was like magic again. She had only said that words when five employees from the airport carried all their luggage to a taxi that a sixth employee had found for them in record time. Taylor was starting to think that there was witchcraft involved. Morgan walked after the employees with dignified small steps. She had put on a pair of sunglasses that made her look even more majestic. People were staring at her which was weird as five minutes ago no one had paid any attention to her. But being surrounded by a troop of employees and displaying the personality of a beautiful but intimidating tigress was making its effect. That wasn't sarcastic but quirky Amanda Ward-Prowse. That was Morgan Llewellyn, the star. And there was a huge difference between both of them. Taylor walked behind her, passing completely unnoticed while the employees placed the bags inside the car. When they finished Morgan tipped them all generously and Taylor could have sworn that at this moment she had all of them wrapped around her finger. ''My Lady...'' one of them opened the taxi door for her. Taylor slipped into the taxi without anyone calling her 'My Lady'. Goddamned Morgan. She had stepped in New York ten minutes ago and she was already stealing hearts. ''What was that?'' asked Taylor after giving the direction to the taxi driver. ''You caused mayhem back there.'' ''Really? I didn't notice.'' And it seemed genuine. But this was coming from the same woman who had changed her personality in five seconds. They were too busy taking pictures of the city to keep with the same topic. These pictures would look great on Morgan's Instagram (her new verified account not the old Sebastian Stan fan account, thankfully that account was safely hidden with no chance of coming back to haunt her). ''Here we are'' said Taylor when the car parked in front of an elegant apartment building. Morgan had only seen the place in pictures but she wasn't disappointed at all. Taylor paid the driver and went straight inside the building to talk to the administrator who had to give her the keys. ''Miss Llewellyn!'' said the woman behind the desk, with a cheerful voice. ''We were told you were arriving today. Here are your keys. You're allowed to have pets but I'm sorry if you wanted to bring children. They're not allowed for more than a five hour visit.'' ''So, yes to pets, no to kids?'' Morgan asked and the administrator nodded. ''This place is paradise.'' ''You also have a parking place. I genuinely hope that you are comfortable here. It's an honour to have you here, Miss Llewellyn.'' Morgan's day only got better as they got to the actual apartment. It was big, beautifully furbished and a luxury to live in. And it was paid by the producers. It couldn't get better. Even Taylor seemed to have forgotten Josh and Caernarfon and was over the moon with the new place. She was exploring the rooms like a little kid. ''I can't believe I'll be living in an apartment on the West Side of Manhattan. What is my life'' she threw herself on the enormous couch. Morgan was looking through the window. The apartment was on the third floor and the view was pretty nice, All the buzz of the city was exciting to her and she couldn't wait to get out there and start conquering. Or at least take pictures at Time's Square or go to a Broadway show. ''Third floor on the West Side, me and you, handsome you're a mansion with a view, do the girls back home touch you like I do?, long nights, with your hands up in my hair, echoes of your footsteps on the stairs, stay here honey I don't wanna share, cause I like youuuuuuuuu'' she was mumbling that particular part of Taylor Swift's Delicate, a song that by some reason always reminded her of Sebastian Stan. Maybe she just wanted to recreate this particular scene. Well, she now had the apartment on the third floor on the West Side, she just needed the guy. It was better not to think about that. She didn't want to add more embarrassing thoughts to the list just in the case she ended up working with Sebastian any time soon. ''Morgan!'' Taylor shouted making her jump. ''I was talking to you.'' ''Sorry...'' she shook her head. ''I was falling asleep. I didn't rest very well on the plane.'' ''Why don't you go to sleep? I can wake you up at night in case you want to have some pizza.'' Morgan took her advice seriously and when she touch the bed she fell asleep immediately.
Morgan woke up the next morning feeling better than ever. She had slept through the previous evening and the whole night, not even waking up to eat. She was hungry but with a feeling of pure happiness. She found Taylor in the kitchen, surrounded by a wide variety of things: papers, pretty looking bags, cups of tea and a wide variety of cakes. ''Finally, you're awake. Many things happened while you were asleep.'' ''Tell me'' she grabbed a cronut and started eating it. ''You were officially announced.'' Taylor showed her an article on Rotten Tomatoes. ''You're the only confirmed casting choice for now.''
Morgan read the title, smiling a little.
The highly anticipated movie by Oscar winning director Damien Chazelle (La La Land, Whiplash, First Man) finally has a lead in Morgan Llewellyn a relatively unknown Shakesperean actress. At 25, Llewellyn, will be making her debut in a big Hollywood production although her credits include numerous plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, the latest of them earning national acclaim with her portrayal of Lady Macbeth almost getting her a Laurence Olivier nomination. ''I literally crossed the Atlantic to see Morgan in action and I was left speechless.'' Chazelle explained. ''It was an absolute sham that she wasn't nominated to the Oliver back in 2016. She'll be a strong Oscar contender in the near future, I assure you of that.'' Chazelle didn't comment about the choice for Llewellyn's co-star but rumour has it that Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan and Timothee Chalamet are shortlisted for the role. 
''Well... I just hope is Tom or Timothee. I don't think I could bear working with Sebastian.'' Taylor was really surprised. ''Wasn't that your dream?'' Morgan, or back then Amanda, never said anything out loud about her obsession with Sebastian but Taylor just knew. ''Yeah, it still is but... I'll embarrass myself in front of him.'' ''How could you embarrass yourself?'' ''By existing!'' Morgan exploded. ''I've been drooling for him since 2013, I had a fan account dedicated to him, I read fanfiction about him and... yes, I was bloody jealous when I learned that he had a girlfriend, it's also true that I listened to Beyonce's angry songs imagining I was dedicating them to him. My whole existence is a joke''. It was hard for Taylor not to laugh. ''Look, he has no idea about all of that and he has no way of knowing. He can't read your mind. You just have to pretend that nothing happened and that's all. At the end of the day you'll be good friends or good castmates at least.'' Morgan made a dismissive gesture with her head and kept eating her cronut. ''You got sent this'' Taylor handed an envelope to Morgan who lazily opened and read the note inside of it.
Dear Miss Llewellyn, I have been noticed of your recent arrival to New York City and I hope that you are settling down nicely. I was hoping that we could have an interview as soon as possible to talk all things Vogue. I am looking forward to finally meet you. Notify me with your agent whenever you have a free evening. Wishing you the best, Anna Wintour.
Morgan almost fell from the chair. 
''How does she knows about me?'' was the first think she could think of.
''IMG Models. They are hyping you up. You're Hollywood hottest newcomer, everyone wants to be the first media outlet of your career. For what I see, Anna has your heart.'' ''It's Anna Wintour. If I get in her good books now I'll probably get an invitation to the MET Gala next year. And I really want it. Get me an interview with her.'' Taylor wonder how much time would take her to land her first Vogue cover. A couple of months, or maybe less, knowing Morgan. She was quietly strolling through her Instagram when she suddenly gasped. ''What happened?'' Taylor asked, hoping that Morgan hadn't choked with the cronut. But she just looked dumbfounded. ''Tom Holland just followed me on Instagram''. ''Maybe he got the role.'' Amanda didn't say anything. She was probably working with Tom Holland, holy hell. But the surprises didn't end up there. ''Or maybe Timothee got it'' she said with a shaky voice. Morgan showed her phone, with the notification that Timothee Chalamet had just followed her. ''Dammit'' now Taylor was curious. ''Maybe they're competing for the role trying to win you over. Don't expect Sebastian to get in the game. He's older than these two kids, he's doesn't need to pull these kind of tactics.'' Morgan had to admit that Taylor was right. Sebastian was social media numb and he probably still had no idea who she was. Well, maybe he knew, he was up competing for the role, after all so he probably was aware of who had been cast as the lead. Morgan wanted to sing. She was finally having her moment of glory. Her phone kept buzzing. She was getting hundred of followers and mentions so she decided to turn the notifications off before she went crazy. And she was about to do it when she saw a notification that almost made her drop her phone. She had to check thrice that it had the tiny blue mark beside the username because she still couldn't believe it that this was real. So, Sebastian Stan was in her list of followers and he definitely knew who she was. Her 2013 ass was shaking. ''What were you saying, Taylor?'' she showed her the phone. ''He's an idiot'' she glanced at the screen and winced. ''By the way, he's liking your pictures.'' She couldn't understand a thing of what Morgan was saying. It was a sort of gibberish. Then she shut up and smiled. Taylor had no idea what Morgan had on her head but she supposed it was nothing good. ''I'm going to have a shower'' she said with an innocent smile and Taylor immediately guessed her intentions. ''Don't you dare to start posting sexy after shower pictures for Stan to notice. Be decent for once.'' ''Do you think I'm missing this awesome opportunity?'' ''Yes, you are. Remember that the guy has a girlfriend.'' That didn't affect Morgan a little bit. ''And?'' she shrugged her shoulders with a gesture of indifference. ''Morgan! You're not going to go around New York stealing boyfriends. You're going to be nice and ethical.'' She just rolled her eyes. ''Why couldn't he wait two weeks single? He could have had this'' she pointed at herself. Taylor was speechless. ''Now everything is more complicated.'' ''Morgan! Stop.'' she took the phone from Morgan's hands. ''Remember that your co-star can be Timothee. Or Tom. Are you also mad at him because he's apparently dating Zendaya?'' ''Gosh, no. Who doesn't love Zendaya, she's awesome. You're just being wild, Taylor. Tom is a boy. He's not my man like Sebastian is.'' ''You're messed up.'' Taylor blurted out. Then she took a couple of tickets from Morgan's mountain of presents and showed them to her. ''What are those?'' Morgan asked. ''US Open tickets. To see Rafa Nadal tonight. I won't give them to you unless you stop with this madness and start behaving like a serious person.'' That seemed to get Morgan's attention. She could miss many things but not the US Open with Rafa Nadal involved. ''Okay, I'll stop. For now.'' That was enough for Taylor.
The next days passed in a rush. Morgan had been invited literally everywhere. From the US Open to Broadway shows and meetings with important people. Everyone wanted a share of Hollywood's hottest newcomer. Morgan was enjoying the attention but hardly had time to do anything. It was rare to find a moment to go shopping or simply go sightseeing. And she didn't want to think about what was going to happen when she started filming. She'd have to add extra hours to her day. The last day before the read through, Morgan decided to do something relaxing. The next day she was finally meeting the entire cast and she couldn't wait. For Morgan 'relaxing' meant buying a car for herself. She didn't listen to Taylor's advice about New York's traffic or about keeping it simple with her car choice. She had gone and bought the latest model of Porsche. Keeping it humble with Morgan Llewellyn. ''I can believe you bought this. You can't be more pretentious, seriously Morgan.'' But Taylor didn't have any intention of spending her evening trying to give lessons of humility to Morgan as she wanted to go to Central Park. In two weeks they hadn't had the time to go there yet. Morgan took this as a chance to drive her new Porsche around the City. ''Do you have any idea who my co-star is?'' Morgan asked for the millionth time in the last two weeks. ''They are announcing him tomorrow evening. You'll find out first though, at the read through. The odds are saying that Timothee is getting the role as Tom Holland looks way too young and Sebastian Stan's agenda is more messed up than your head.'' Morgan felt a mixture of relief, excitement and tiny bit of disappointment. She liked Timothee and wanted to work with him but Sebastian was her ultimate celebrity crush. Maybe it was for the best. They walked around for a long time until they ended up at the zoo. Unlike Morgan, Taylor liked to see the animals. ''Poor things.'' Morgan had a pained expression on her face. ''I'd set them all free if it were in my power. They deserve to be in their natural habitat not exposed for our entertainment.'' Taylor had forgot lesson number one: never go to a zoo with Morgan Llewellyn. ''I feel bad because I like these ones'' they had reached the Serpent Section. ''They are so majestic, just look at them.'' ''You don't really want to set the snakes free...'' that wasn't Taylor's favourite section. Snakes always crept the hell out of her. She couldn't understand why Morgan liked them. ''Maybe. They are not so bad, they are misunderstood'' there she was again, justifying the villains. ''They are quiet unless you step on them. Then, they'll send you to hell. Literally. Is there any snake merchandising around?'' ''No. But you can always go to the Taylor Swift merch site. Or to the Bvlgari store. You know better than I that their designs are heavily inspired by snakes.'' Morgan's eyes lit up. ''How could I have forgotten about that? Let's go. I need a lucky charm for tomorrow.'' ''Tell me you're not showing up with an snake necklace.'' ''Who knows. It's Bvlgari after all.'' she winked at an snake that wasn't even looking at her. ''One of these days you'll star speaking Parseltongue.'' ''I wish'' Morgan said with the biggest smile on her face.
P.S. Taylor is so done with Morgan. I’d be too, to be honest. My girl is a pain in the ass. 
5 notes · View notes
lilmajorshawty · 7 years
PLUTO THE UNKIND(Pluto through the houses)🦂🌑
First housers:
First house Pluto natives, are a presence to behold both in their expression and their dominating personalities to match. Since we are in the house of the “self” and Pluto is the planet of “death and rebirth” there is a continuous emphasis for make overs and transformations in the lives of these people. Often times they have alpha personalities without trying and tend to put a crowd in silence when they enter a room. They are strong in will and have a very blunt and straightforward means of expressing themselves. They can have sharp and eagle like features(this can be doubled depending on how strong Pluto’s influence is) and they can have structured and noticeable jaws! The eyes can be dark in color and very intimidating. The hair is thick and for some it’s curly in nature. The skin can also be oily and acne can be a thing in the early years-and these people have beautiful skin! Olive and or Carmel in complexion in some cases. They tend to walk like serpents and can have a defensive way of moving that creates space from their surrounding environment. They’re very intense and have a naturally magnetic Aura about them.
Sex: in your face, powerthemes-who’s in control you or I? Feel my body-let’s fight for he pleasure. (Aggressive and raw sex:sex that has an explosive and animalistic edge) hair pulling.(Can have very bare sexual organs! Kind of look like they should just be naked all together)
-Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyoncé knowles, Britney Spears, Keanu Reeves, Justin Bieber.
🥀Beyoncé ghost/haunted.
2nd housers:
Second house Pluto natives are paradoxical in nature, they can be very secretive when it comes to their items and possessions, be it lovers/close family/their own resources like clothes or money or even themselves as a whole. They always maintain some amount of emotional and sentimental distance from outsiders and can have clannish tendencies towards those they don’t know well as opposed to those whom they’ve been close to for years. They have a intensified sensuality about them and can prioritize the more physical and earthy aspects of relating to others and tend to judge and observe how others react to situations and life situations on a “close up” level. They have an intense relationship with money and may have struggled with it being taken from them or being scarce during the early years which causes them to hold it near and dear to them as they age. These natives love very hard and can be paradoxical in the sense that they’re either slow moving and passive in romance or they’re intense and overwhelming.
Sex: sensual and an exploration of the body, how do you ignite my senses? How do I become your aphrodisiac. Teasing and prolonged touch. Oral sex and neck stimulation. (Can have heavy set/really thickesh looking sexual organs that are very beautiful to look at)
-Johnny Depp, Uma Thurman,Bill gates, Harry styles, Emma Watson,Mark zuckerberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger
🥀bonobo x Andreya Tirana eyesdown.
3rd housers:
Third house Pluto natives are what I like to call “heavy talkers” they talk and think with a deep and cutting intensity that is both noticeable in the words they speak and the ideals they cling too. They tend to be fixed in their own beliefs and not in a close minded way or a my way or the high way mentality either-it’s in a more moralistic standard type of way. They don’t like foul treatment and have a notable disgust towards those who over extended their power for bad reasons. They have a natural power and authority to their words and have a 1 on 1 way of speaking even if it’s a crowd that happens to be their audience. They hold people to no expectation and view everyone as there bare and raw selves but that being said that makes them in a way hard to reach on an intimate level due to their aversion to the more superficial aspects of life. They can be immensely intellectual and practically genius when it comes to human nature-they just know how to work a person in their favor. The why and how of things runs through their mind often and they can be quite sexually minded but have an easy time of presenting a stone face even when thinking the most grotesque of scenes.
Sex:stimulate me, the subversive lingo and enticing wordplay. Talk to me dirty-sexting and telephone sex. Nudes and provocative webcaming. Hand jobs and fingering come to mind here. Anything involving time and hands-think quickies. (Can have thin/skinny sexual organs)
-Angelina Jolie, Martin Luther king, Julia Roberts, Justin Timberlake, Napoleon |
🥀 Kendrick Lamar ADHD
4th housers:
Pluto in the fourth house natives are as one would say emotionally transformative. Unlike Lilith in the 4th that can come across as emotionally detached and in a sense aloof-those with Pluto in the 4th can seem almost too emotionally present and can have a way of surrounding a room in their aura of depth no matter their environment. There is a tendency for them to be straight faced in the face of others yet those who cry in the silence of their own comfort. They are extremely resilient and even more privy to the manipulative and exploitative nature of man and because of this they’re not only protective of themselves but those whom they hold dear. They can have very complex emotions no matter their moon sign and can have a very scorpionic themed childhood full of secrecy,loyalty,deception, early sexual influences and strong female guidance and seeing women as a powerful and sole providing source. Mother may have been obsessive and maybe overly intrusive but was intensely loving in her own way and held the child close even at times if it were too close.
Sex: very emotional in nature-very dependent on the mood and often times can shed tears depending on how intense the connection. May fall in love or grow attached after sex and will have a hard time letting go of the person. Likes positions that require intimacy and face to face. Breast and for men also the breast and the face. (Soft and thick sexual organs.)
-Selena Gomez, Kanye West, Ben Affleck, Tyra Banks, Charles Manson.
🥀 lil Silva ft sampha salient Sarah
5th housers:
Pluto in the fifth housers are extremely self aware, in fact one of their most standout qualities is their atmospheric energy-they naturally encompass intensity and have a residual darkness about them. Most cases they have a strong relationship with their sexuality and at times naturally express this via body movement and the way they go about doing things. They’re no stranger to obsession and even less a stranger to thrill. They live their lives in a daring fashion and have a willful personality that can undermine even the highest person in power-they don’t stand down and hate being ordered about no matter who you are. Both men and women here have a thing for earned dominance and prefer to be in the presence of people whom are authentic and aware-they don’t do well with people who “act” or “wear mask” and have a tendency to ice these people out. They have a naturally overwhelming energy and for some it can be intimidating and nerve racking being in their presence early on due to how “them” they are. Relationships are often HEATED. And often times they attract people and lovers from a last life. A lot of their “flings” get serious and end up becoming really passionate love affairs that also tend to burn out after the karma is dealt with. People crave their energy and often times they attract a lot of strong Saturn and Pluto energy. They can obsessed over their creative endeavors and can also be moody in how or when they feel like being “creative” they are some of the most amazing artist and performers!! But once again they’re moody and it really depends on when they feel like expressing their artistic side. Relationships take a tol on them and when they fail it can serve as a medium for transformation for these individuals!
Sex: passion,Passion, PASSION. An insatiable and primal encounter-sex to the point of exhaustion and intoxication. This is a deep penetration placement and these natives tend to crave deep intimacy in sexual endeavors. Back and spine. (Can have natural looking and a bit on the more wild side looking sexual organs)
-John Lennon, Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Robert Patterson, Adele, Coco Chanel
🥀Rihanna question existing
6th housers:
For natives with Pluto in the 6th house there is a strong projection of the will in the workplace. Honestly the work place can be shady and downright agitating for these natives. Your workers can and tend to be of a more private and serious nature and at times can either demand to much of you or do much behind and out of your line of sight. Caution is advised here with being to trusting of your co workers because let’s just say-some of them are out to get on top. Work is also the source of greatest spiritual growth and transformation and often times you learn and get a lot of life lessons from work for better or worse. Their might often be some more intimate and sexual themes that play out at work such as workers using sex as a bargaining chip to get a position, such as office sex and or sexual manipulation such as pimps and prostitution(this is not set in stone or guaranteed by the way-it’s just one of the ways this aspect may manifest) people view many of these natives as indefinite and immensely capable-you’re a juggernaut when it comes to getting your job done and these natives have a noticeable coldness to the way they express themselves rooted in excellence and superiority. Might be the types to love aggressive and or scary animals as pets-and animals many be intense towards these individuals and vice versa!
Sex: this can point to a need for sex in the day to day or some sort of physical release for health reasons and just to overall feel good! Sex to please and sex with unequal themes invited such as worship or satisfaction of the partner. Anal sex is sometimes a commonality here. The lower and upper stomache area.(can be petite in appearances and look very neat sexual organs wise)
-Michael Jackson, George Clooney, Shakira, Miley Cyrus, Lana del Rey, Amy winehouse, Kristen Stewart, Demi Moore.
🥀donny Hathaway someday we’ll all be free.
7th housers:
These natives are VERY VERY PASSIONATE. Since the 7th house not only rules the house of marriage and partnership on a 1-1 setting romantic and otherwise, these natives approach these themes in a very Plutonian fashion. They crave deep intimacy and usually unconsciously attract and seek out this intensity-but be it that this is the house of reflections and shadows these natives often are frightened of what comes there way and the depth and passion they’ve invited to their doorstep. For better or worse they want a soul reaching love and one that allows them to let their walls down and merge on the deepest of levels with their s/o but it takes many years upon years to open up to this concept on a realistic level. This is mainly because love scares them and truly leaves them at their most vulnerable as often the house Pluto is in even more than the moon shows where your soul is at its most weak. They want and crave solace and often times are scared of it simultaneously. Being with these natives is going to be a trial but one worth your wild if you’re willing to put up with their behavior that is purely done out of fear. They’d do anything for those they love and place a high value on love even though it depletes them and leaves them drained. They can be harsh to those whom them really love and can be very difficult when they love you-but they’re love although complex is SOO deep and SOO sincere. “They don’t really think they’re that intense-it’s everyone else that’s taking things to seriously”
Sex: very mutual based-I want to please you, I want to love you-when you’re happy so am I-you climax-I climax. Sex is both passionate and emotional-take on the feelings of the partner. Positions that allow mutual intimacy and eye to eye. The buttocks.(very pretty looking sexual organs-can be petite or thick depending)
-Barack Obama, Rihanna, Mahatma Ghandi, Ryan Gosling, David Bowie, kourtney Kardashian, Naomi Campbell, anti-Christ(supposedly)
🥀yaeji passionfruit (this is so good)
8th housers:
These natives are the equivalent of there ever was one of hell. They’re the embodiment of tribulation and rebirth and can be some of the most powerful and intense souls you’ll meet. Despite contrary belief since Pluto is at home these natives tend to have a very free and almost whimsical attitude about themselves-they’re confident and self assured and carry themselves strong. They don’t allow they’re emotions to freely devour them nor do they wear it on their face. They usually have an intimate relationship with their own personal feelings and prefer to handle their more darker tendencies alone. They have a non trusting personality and are the hardest people to get to know out of all the Pluto in the housers. They can have a very loner attitude and dislike anyone for any reason feelings as though they’re relying on them. They’re both self sufficient and driven and have a very GUARDED presence. Despite their carefree side they’re very intimidating and have very black or white views on how they interact with others. Intimacy is seen by them as something that demands maturity and restraint and they have an immense amount of sexual control. Sex runs rampant in their minds in some cases-or not at all there is no inbetween. And sex here takes on a life force and these natives at times use sex as a weapon and can be very easily manipulative and perceptive beyond anything you’d be able to see coming. They embody Pluto yet the scary thing is that you’d never know.
Sex: intense and emotionally incredible. Serpent movements and speed. Sensuality and losing control. There can be a death like feeling during sex once climax is reached and albeit sex is powerful with these natives it’s draining on their bodies so all though it may not happen often it’s an intense scene to behold. Lumbar region and upper thighs. Oral and cullingas. Also another deep penetration placement. (Sharp looking sexual organs and may be veiny if male)
-Jesus Christ(wow yas figures!), Adolf hitler, Christiana Aguilera, Elvis Presley,Marlon Brando, Oprah Winfrey, Bruce lee.
🥀snoh aalegra worse
9th housers:
Okay, these natives have a strong moral constitution-and what’s even more so many of them are immensely mature beyond their time. They approach life with a grounded and serious demeanor and aren’t the types to joke or play with the idea of morality or the concepts of others or themselves. They are usually private about religion and often have complex and even dubious relationships with it. It’s not something as simple as bending a knee nor is it’s something as simple as a holy building to them it’s something much more and something in which many spend much time trying to understand. Much like Pluto in the first these natives undergo many changes of the ego and can seem like A different person at many points in there life. A noticeable theme here is comfortability. Many natives with this placements have a deep understanding of themselves-even on a sexual level. Many aren’t threatened by the “if” factor and most don’t feel threatened by others beliefs of feelings of them. They know who they are and no one living or dead will change that.
Sex: bountiful and vast. Tend to have a hug appetite for sex but see sex as something fun and playful rather than an obsession or need. Thighs and oil/lubricant items. (Says some may have bigger sexual organs than usual)
-Nicki Minaj, Hilary Clinton, Brad Pitt, Ellen Degeneres, Winona Ryder, Demi lavoto.
🥀sza drew Barrymore
10th housers:
The ELITE and the SUPERIOR is how I’d describe those with this placement. There’s a very powerful and commanding nature about these individuals. They come across as very earthy and connected to their environment and bodies and have a pretty acute awareness of their crowd and those around them. They feel the changes and the shifts in the actions and natures of those around them. They take life itself seriously not just the world of the public and I’ve noticed many of them to have good relations with their family yet completely disconnected in the sense that their family seems to not really know who they are deep down. They can have a more explicit and intense internet persona and public look. They can have naturally earthy beauty to them be it makes or female and have a very naturally sensual look to them! They’re hard to read and don’t easily involve their emotions in anything they do-so it can be hard to gauge their level of emotional investment in anything they’re doing. They do not fuck around(excuse my language) when it comes their public image or jobs and hate being the topic of discussion.
Sex: the theme of control runs strong here. There’s a tendency to challenge their lovers and those they get sexually involved with-the idea of being unable to hold up their persona-the idea of submission in the face of domination. Bdsm. (The knees and the middle to lower thigh. )(can have an earthy and polite look to the sexual organs! They can be soft much like the 4th house)
-Tom Cruise, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Eminem, Prince, Ariana grande, Paris Hilton.
🥀charlotte Gainsbourg rest.
11th housers:
This is kinda a “your friends are not my friends” placement and these natives can have very high priority on their friendships that often can cause a lot of damage and wounding to them if their friends aren’t as loyal and protective of their friendships as they are. They tend to show they’re more intense and brooding qualities around they’re friends and due to Pluto’s influence here they also attract the same type of energy back. Their views towards groups and revolutions can be baffling and many have a more odd and out their approach when it comes to groups and communities. They may even outright seek to control them. They also tend to have a sometimes harsh view towards order and structure and may periodically struggle with relating to the idea of it and them in the same sentence. They sometimes mix sex and friendships together and this is at times a bad idea because a lot of the time it not only makes things develop into something neither party was asking for but it can also alienate you from your friend-groups. The friends tend to be strong in nature and can have magnetic and captivating personalities! And these natives are also usually popular and have an easy time getting a following because of their own innate captivating personality that often infatuates many for better or worse.
Sex: Power is a theme for sex here-disputes the airy nature of this house, sex that allows them to be on top or feel above fulfills some here. Sex with friends and or those whom they’ve crushes on-as well as being turned on by lower vibration and higher vibration conversation and communication. That weird stuff. Imagine a boiling room party-with the Florecent blue to yellow lights. (So here is the calves and ankles and inbetween the breast and the pecks.)(can have an angular look to them! Can look like bananas for guys and may have something unique about them for males and females)
-Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Anniston, Bruce Willis, Bill Clinton.
🥀disclosure boiling
12th housers:
These natives are what I like to call an enigma. They often portray themselves in a way that is completely opposite from who they really are. They often present an easy going and passive demeanor and one that is both compressed and non-explosive as a means to control themselves. This is not to say they’re not beautiful and kind hearted; they truly are immensely healing and tender hearted people with a love as expansive as the universe itself but there’s often another side to them that many with this placement either choose to ignore or that they choose to disengage with. And for those aware of it there can be a tendency to be frightened of their more “powerful side” they have powerful emotions and at times these emotions can overwhelm even them. They’re not open by any means and out of all the housers dare I say even Pluto in the eighth they loathe opening up and hate anyone seeing the more intense and deep side of them. They are both extremely resilient and stronger than any in terms of what they’ve been through and what they can tolerate. They constantly rise from the ashes behind the shadows and deal with some of life’s most vicious of karmic lessons. They have an almost breathtaking intensity hidden below there cheery smiles and can often have a resting face that shows their true feelings with out them realizing it. They’re unconscious movements are aggressive and at times come across as very intense and agitated.
Sex: a world separating experience and can often have a romantic and seemingly soul touching level of depth to it. Can be sacrificial in sex but despite this they might sleep around in an attempt to find true peace through the act but a lot of them get used sexually and it truly hurts them.(the feet! Aha and really the finger tips and the lips) (can have very sensitive and translucent sexual organs! Can be undefinable or look different depending on the viewer)
-Marylin Monroe, Donald trump, Madonna,Steve jobs, Katy perry, Kurt kobain, Freddie Mercury.
🥀Florence + the machine long & lost
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spiffydolan · 6 years
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 10 people.
idk if many people really read these types of things, but I love them so so much! I love learning these random things about new friends :’)
thank you @obsidiandolans for tagging me in this! I tag @california-grethan @tidsoptlmist @coconutethan @ohshutupgray @thedolansss @thefancave @laneswervingdolan @detoxdolan @notanotherdolantwinsblog @dtwritings
Wow this is a lot — here we go.
Last: 1. Drink - Powerade 2. Phone call - my sister 3. Text message - lol Mika trying to tell me how extra I am 💁🏻‍♀️ 4. Song you listened to - I’m In It by Kanye West 5. Time you cried - eh maybe a week or two ago… can’t really remember honestly
Ever: 6. Dated someone twice? - no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it - nope 8. Been cheated on - technically yes, but really no 9. Lost someone special - no 10. Been depressed - eh yeah 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - nooo
3 Favorite colors: 12. grey 13. yellow (ha I just realized these two colors were the main color scheme in Baroque art which stressed ideas of drama and anxiety. story of my life haha) 14. olive green
In the last year have you: 15. Made new friends - yes so so many!! 🧡 16. Fallen out of love - not necessarily love, but deep deep like — yes 17. Laughed until you cried - too many times 18. Found out someone was talking about you - yeah 19. Met someone who changed you - umm I’m not really sure… probably yes 20. Found out who your friends are - no 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - no
General: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - should be all of them? 23. Do you have any pets - yess two pups 💕 24. Do you want to change your name - ugh yeah 25. What did you do for your last birthday - visited my sisters 26. What time did you wake up today - 2 pm… but in all fairness, I slept all day yesterday and then stayed up until 5 am. My sleep schedule is screwed up but what’s new 27. What were you doing at midnight last night - umm I can’t really remember… probably scrolling through Tumblr/reading fanfics 28. What is something you can’t wait for - moving away from home in a few months omg 30. What are you listening to right now - the olympics 31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yes 32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - omg so many things. My dad keeps asking me how I’m feeling, and it’s nice that he cares - I’m really thankful. But just leave me be for a bit :/ 33. Most visited website - Tumblr duh 34. Hair color - red/auburn 35. Long or short hair - shortish… but it’s definitely growing thank God 36. Do you have a crush on someone - lmao not so much a crush as it is an obsession… Ethan wya 37. What do you like about yourself - I like how understanding I am. 38. Want any piercings? - yes! I decided that in about a month, I’m going to get my second piercing on my ear lobe and get me left helix pierce 😛 I’m so freaking excited 39. Blood type - it’s O something, but I’m not sure what haha 40. Nicknames - I don’t really have any… but my sisters call me little red. 41. Relationship status - lmao did you remember like 5 years ago when “single pringle” was a thing? hahah anyways I’m single 42. Zodiac - pisces 43. Pronouns - she/her 44. Favorite TV shows - The Office (US), Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, The End of the F***in World, SEAL Team, Designated Survivor, Seinfeld, The King of Queens, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, New Girl 45. Tattoos - no 46. Right or left handed - righty 47. Ever had surgery - yesish… I got my wisdom teeth out 48. Piercings - just a single piercing on my ears 49. Sport - none 50. Vacation - Definitely going on one this summer, but I’m not sure where yet 51. Trainers - tbh idk what to put here hahah nike & adidas?
More general: 52. Eating - nothing at the moment, but the last thing I ate was some crackers 53. Drinking - sweet tea 54. I’m about to watch - the olympics 55. Waiting for - Season 2 of The End of the F***ing World 56. Want - Ethan. period. oh but I also want to graduate with a 4.0 - I thought I’d surely get that, but calculus has me doubting my abilities 57. Get married - I can only hope 58. Career - I always thought pharmacy, but I’m thinking of heading in the direction of finance. I’d love to be a financial planner/advisor. Maybe specialize with investments like in the stock market.
Which is better: 59. Hugs or kisses - hugs 60. Lips or eyes - eyes 61. Shorter or taller - taller but not too tall. tbh 6 ft is good enough for me 62. Older or younger - older 63. Nice arms or stomach - can I have both? eh let’s say arms 64. Hookup or relationship - relationship 65. Troublemaker or hesitant - I like a little bit of both, but I guess mainly hesitant.
Have you ever: 66. Kissed a stranger - no 67. Drank hard liquor - no ha 68. Lost glasses - yes 69. Turned someone down - yes 70. Sex on first date - no 71. Broken someones heart - supposedly… but I don’t believe that 72. Had your heart broken - somewhat yeah 73. Been arrested - no 74. Cried when someone died - no. I haven’t lost anyone close to me, and I’m very lucky and blessed by that fact. 75. Fallen for a friend - unfortunately, yes
Do you believe in: 76. Yourself - not really 77. Miracles - yes 78. Love at first sight - no, maybe interest or lust at first sight 79. Santa Claus - no but I wish haha times were so much easier when Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and the Tooth Fairy existed. 80. Kiss on a first date - no 81. Angels - yes, but don’t try and tell me Grayson’s an angel. It gives me the heebie jeebies.
Other: 82. Best friend’s name - My sisters are my best friends, but I won’t say their names. 83. ‎Eye color - sometimes hazel sometimes brown 84. Favorite movie - Secret Life of Walter Mitty 85. ‎Favorite actor - Ben Stiller or Steve Carell. oof or Matthew McConaughey
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robertabranch8-blog · 6 years
10 Things To Maintain In Thoughts When Renting A Private Holiday Home
For example: if the area you want to include is thirty yards lengthy and twenty yards broad, your sq. yardage is 600 sq yards. If your garden is an irregular shape, simply split it down into smaller areas and evaluate them individually--then complete the areas for your overall sq yardage. As soon as you have established your complete sq yardage, its time to order your topsoil. You can look in your local yellow webpages to find the nearest supplier of topsoil, or check with your nearby landscaping company for suppliers. You will need enough topsoil to offer a layer at least 6" deep over your whole garden area. Your nearby topsoil supplier can inform you how a lot you will need if you provide them with the sq yardage you wish to include--most suppliers will provide the soil as well. gardening is a passion yet a tiring thing to do. Sitting down too low to the ground to dig the soil for planting will give you an aching back again. Luckily, there are potting benches available that you can use for a convenient gardening. This is a work desk where you can work on easy gardening tasks this kind of as transplanting seeds or vegetation to the pots. The great information is that each and each 1 of us can assist comserve drinking water by making small modifications in our day-to-working day routines. These steps will not only help keep our oceans, waves and beaches clean, they could possibly help you save hundreds of bucks each year! This Fourth of July I'll be at my brother's home. He's hosting a traditional barbeque and pool party for a huge team of people. My brother and his wife just completed landscaping their back again garden. To say it's incredible is an understatement. They've got a huge pool which is perfect for cooling off in the warmth of the summer. The separate play area for the children has a sand box and jungle fitness center. If you like gardening, take advantage of the warm climate to plant some trees about the south and west side of your home. According to a current research performed by the U.S. Forest Services, trees placed on the south and west side of a house, and no more than 60 ft away from the actual building, could reduce a house owner's utility expenses by about five percent in between Might and September. In 1516 Jean Perral painted an allegorical picture of nature, "Dialogue in between the Alchemist and Nature", in which a tree shaped as chair is used to symbolise a conduit in between mankind and character The initial recognized contemporary "living chair" was made by John Krubsack in 1914. Axel Erlandson began shaping trees as a pastime on his farm in Hilmar, California, in 1925, and opened a horticultural attraction called the Tree Circus in 1947. I hope this post was useful and would act as a inspiration for you to develop shrubberies within your garden. Experiment with the style and colors accessible to you via the use of numerous shrubs, have enjoyable! Make a checklist of all your assets. If you're getting trouble, believe about options to typical issues that you've solved, or what kinds of help or information individuals generally seek from you. Include everything no matter how crazy you believe it is. You'd be amazed at all the methods individuals are taking their unique and unusual property and turning them into money. Do you like nuts? How about popcorn? Then, you will appreciate eating the seeds, from your Moringa trees. You can toss them in a little oil - olive oil or coconut oil give them the best taste - and slow roast them in the oven until they just start to change color. Then, sprinkle them with salt or garlic salt, and appreciate! Some people like to "pop" them, like popcorn, in a small little bit of oil, and then period them to taste. However you like them best, Moringa seeds make a feasible, wholesome alternate to popcorn. Herbs bridge the hole in between gardener security water Proof Led light and chef as they deliver dull recipes to life. Attempt sprinkling some new dill into those scrambled eggs. Enhance the taste of your spaghetti sauce with some new oregano. Throw a scrumptious mix of fragrant basil, oregano, and garlic into your subsequent homemade pizza crust. It'll be a delicious addition to a standard recipe. A traditional region exactly where landscaping also becomes an problem has to do with views. When it comes to views, it is all about creating them and obtaining them blocked. If you are searching at a house that would have great views if you reduce down these large trees in the backyard, you may be surprised to find out that local restrictions stop you from doing so. Obviously, you want to know this before purchasing. On the flip aspect, the reality a home has a view these days does not always mean it will next yr. You require to ascertain if the qualities in between you and the see have the right to build vertically. Absolutely nothing kills the fairness in a home much more than purchasing when you have a see and then attempting to sell when you don't.
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The White Heron Keep In Hyogo Prefecture
The White Heron Keep In Hyogo Prefecture
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Their company turned part of Dunkin Manufacturers Incorporated. The corporate was downgraded on Wednesday, March 29 by BTIG Research. On the conclusion of half three of the entertaining "F.O.W.L. Disposition," the "different tentacle" finally drops and Duckthulhu, with Darkwing's unwilling cooperation, lastly rises. That’s just one part of what this bold film covers. When done, simply stroll over next door to the store the place freshly made breads are available. If this is what you were pondering then you can fortunately go for the beautiful stylish shade of olive inexperienced organza saree with sequins works over them. Because olive oil turns into ruined just by getting exposed to gentle as well as heat, there are lots of necessary and vital purchasing concerns you will have to know to make sure that you buy a better quality product. A few of them are hip-hop, blockbuster, wheat pasting, stickers and heaven. It's fairly apparent that folks love things which might be Mexican.
I do love carrot cake, but sorry, chocolate will get my "favorite" vote! Carrot Cake is such a delicious deal with, this lense is making me hungry. When a barbeque grill uses lava rocks, briquettes or some conductive materials to switch heat the flavor dripping out of your meals will truly flare up and cause critical inconsistencies in the distribution of heat. There is also growing support in Congress for an modification, with 140 Congress members popping out in favor of it up to now. There are millions of recorded tracks and you'll add these to your individual tunes. In case you are cooking lobsters with comfortable shells, you should scale back their boiling time by three minutes. Consideration. The simplest time administration system in the world will not do a factor to improve your productivity if you do not focus on the duty at hand. Writer: Chris Hanson Passion is defined as any exercise that you discover interesting and is normally executed during spare time.
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First do a web-based search of Maine lobster sellers. Gear: Neoprene socks, rope, harness, sturdy canyoneering footwear, three liters of water per individual or a purification methodology, energy food, dry clothes, first assist kit and a headlamp. Now we have been considering of promoting their manure for awhile now. Now that I give it some thought, that's most likely not truly the next-smartest thing. Advance is an amount of cash paid before the business earns it. Birthday social gathering, Wedding, Enterprise meeting, Engagement, Holidays, get ready for ones final pizza at the ultimate financial savings. So two foremost areas of financial savings. It is an enchanting look at two excessive-flying informal-dining franchises that have fallen on laborious occasions. Although she's actually appropriate about explanation why informal dining has skilled a recognition decline, blame shouldn't be placed on millennials -- it ought to be positioned on the eating places that have did not sustain with altering demand. Keep in mind that selfie camera is implemented on the bottom right corner, so you would want to hold the phone upside down to take portrait selfies. I realize that there is a "cafe" (where every thing is nuked) on the 9th floor of ACC's Pinnacle campus, then of course there are the McDonald's, Jersey Mike's, and so forth. however we don't want to enter all of that, right?
Fraxel laser skin resurfacing lovers are likely to be seeing and listening to extra for the Starlux 1540, Starlux 2940, Fraxel Repair, ActiveFX, DeepFX, and Fractional Pores and skin Rejuvenation . So, it’s good to quite a couple of homework which dining establishments are doing this sort of. Some argue it is simply pretty much as good because the fancy Starbuck model. Although many households of children from early on acknowledged the significance of beginning to drink milk, but the face of an array of many milk drinks, in the long run the parents how to know and deal with it? Updated on August 20, 2014 RuthCoffee moreContact Author What's the Affect of Advertising in your Kids? There's a great deal of proof that the CIA individuals who worked with the Bay of Pigs Cuban-Individuals shared with them an intense hatred of Kennedy. Individuals used to wrap a chunk of cover and tie it with a leather thong round their ft, in the center ages. see I sat oogling at all the goodies on their intensive multi-paged menu and already knew that whatever I ordered have to be a small enough portion to have the ability to get pleasure from a giant piece of cheesecake at the top. But some time in the past the republisher began reselling digital PDFs of them, and made a small fortune.
From a small sandwich store additionally known for its massive, thick cookies, it is expanded to a sequence of bakery cafes in 4 states with soups, salads, sandwiches, espresso and teas and, after all, baked goods. Most parts of the nation is still undiscovered by the outside world. That's round bread with olive oil covered on, plus spice and honey, and baked on the stone. Olive Backyard is a subsidiary of Darden Eating places. Dropping weight is a really serious subject material and you must take correct steps to take care of your physique. I thought jack in the field's saying is, "we do not make it til you order it!" CLEARLY not the case at this jack within the field. JACK stock value traded with surging change along with the amount zero.55 million shares in Tuesday trading session. Refrigerate for at the least half-hour before serving. But these were virtually stale and I don't see myself ever getting them again.
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Daily Dose of Media Bias FAKE NEWS AND FAKE OUTRAGE-> Donald Trump often behaves as if he’s first and foremost the president of the states and the people who voted for him.
Democrats and the KU KLUX KLAN
FAKE NEWS uncovered at HoakAndChange.com
Barack Hussein Obama and the drive by news media @ HoaxAndChange.com
Listen to The Big Idea
Trump acts like the president of the Red States of America
Trump defends his comments on hate groups: ‘They have been condemned’
BY JAMES HOHMANN with Breanne Deppisch and Joanie Greve
THE BIG IDEA: Donald Trump often behaves as if he’s first and foremost the president of the states and the people who voted for him.
That’s at odds with the American tradition, and it’s problematic as a governing philosophy – especially in a moment of crisis. Trump’s initially tone-deaf response to Charlottesville underscores why.
Animated by grievance and congenitally disinclined to extend olive branches, Trump lashes out at his “enemies” – his 2020 reelection campaign even used that word in a commercialreleased on Sunday — while remaining reticent to explicitly call out his fans – no matter how odious, extreme or violent.
Channeling his inner-Richard Nixon, who kept an enemies list of his own, candidate Trump often claimed to speak for “a silent majority.” After failing to win the popular vote, President Trump has instead governed on behalf of an increasingly vocal but diminishing minority.
The president has held campaign-style rallies in places like West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. Indeed, almost all his political travel has been to places he carried last November. He keeps stacks of 2016 electoral maps to hand out to people visiting the Oval Office so he can point out the sea of red. He speaks often about his “base,” preferring to preach to the choir rather than evangelize for his policies. “The Trump base is far bigger & stronger than ever before,” Trump wrote on Twitter last week.
— Apparently the president sees “the Trump base” as distinct from the GOP base: “Trump’s job approval rating in Gallup Daily tracking is at 34% for the three-day period from Friday through Sunday — by one point the lowest of his administration so far,” Frank Newport wrote yesterday. “Republicans’ latest weekly approval rating of 79% was the lowest from his own partisans so far, dropping from the previous week’s 82%. Democrats gave Trump a 7% job approval rating last week, while the reading for independents was at 29%. This is the first time independents’ weekly approval rating for Trump has dropped below 30%.” In the latest Gallup polling, 46 percent of whites approve of Trump’s job performance. That’s the same share Barack Obama had at this point in 2009. But while only 15 percent of nonwhites support Trump, 73 percent backed Obama.
Trump: Racism ‘has no place in America’
— Trump appeared reluctant to make his brief remarks yesterday, in which he explicitly condemned the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. He tacked them on to a hastily arranged speech after praising his own stewardship of the economy, two days after he did not specifically condemn the “Unite the Right” rally and only after an outpouring of criticism from Republican leaders for that omission. Reading from a teleprompter, Trump said that the displays of hatred and bigotry in Charlottesville have “no place in America.” (Read a transcript of the president’s comments here.)
— The president was still more tepid than members of his own Cabinet. “Though Trump has regularly employed the phrase ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ to describe other attacks in the United States and the Middle East, he chose not to echo Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s conclusion that the violence in Charlottesville met the Justice Department’s definition of ‘domestic terrorism,’” David Nakamura and Sari Horwitz note.
— Conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin describes Trump’s performance as “classic narcissistic behavior”: “The sole determination of whether Trump likes someone (Saudi royalty, thuggish leaders, etc.) is whether they praise him. It’s always and only about him. He has been far more antagonistic toward Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his own attorney general … than he has been toward white nationalists because the former were disloyal in his mind, the only unforgivable sin in the Trump White House. …
“The white nationalists in Charlottesville did not hide their intentions. They were there to revel in the Trump presidency, which explicitly told them it was time to ‘take their country back,’” Rubin notes. “Former KKK grand wizard David Duke left no confusion as to his followers’ admiration for the president: ‘This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back. We’re going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in, that’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back, and that’s what we’ve got to do.’”
— Meanwhile, alt-right leader Richard Spencer dismissed Trump’s statement as “nonsense,” telling reporters at a news conference yesterday that “[only] a dumb person would take those lines seriously.” Spencer also said he did not consider the president’s words to be a condemnation of the white nationalist movement. “I don’t think he condemned it, no,” said Spencer, whose group advocates for a form of American apartheid, per Business Insider. “Did he say ‘white nationalist?’ ‘Racist’ means an irrational hatred of people. … I don’t think he meant any of us.” Asked whether he considers Trump an ally, Spencer replied that while he didn’t think of Trump as “alt-right,” he considers the president to be “the first true authentic nationalist in my lifetime.”
Former sheriff Joe Arpaio convicted of criminal contempt
— In this context, Trump’s announcement that he is mulling a pardon for Joe Arpaio can be viewed as a strategic sop to mollify some of the most xenophobic elements of his nativist base. The president told Fox News in an interview published yesterday that he is “seriously considering” a full pardon to the former Arizona sheriff, who was convicted last month of criminal contempt for ignoring a federal judge’s order that he stop racially profiling Hispanics.
“I might do it right away, maybe early this week. I am seriously thinking about it,” the president told Gregg Jarrett. He called Arpaio a “great American patriot” who has “done a lot in the fight against illegal immigration”: “Is there anyone in local law enforcement who has done more to crack down on illegal immigration than Sheriff Joe? … He doesn’t deserve to be treated this way.”
Arpaio, who remains a “birther” and has insisted he has proof that Obama was not born in Hawaii, lost reelection last year. He was an early Trump endorser – going to Iowa for the announcement – and linked himself closely with the GOP nominee – speaking in primetime during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
Radley Balko, the author of the book ” Rise of the Warrior Cop,” argues that Trump is giving racists “a reassuring wink” by floating the Arpaio pardon. “I very seriously doubt Arpaio would ever get jail time. Federal judges aren’t known for sending octogenarian ex-cops to prison. But his name and reputation ought to be stained. If any cop deserves that, it’s Arpaio,” he writes on The Watch.
“In 2011, the Justice Department concluded that Arpaio’s deputies had engaged in the worst pattern of racial profiling that the DOJ had ever investigated,” Balko recounts. “That report found that Arpaio’s deputies routinely put Spanish-speaking prisoners in solitary confinement as punishment for their inability to speak English. … 1 in 5 traffic stops during Arpaio’s immigration sweep’s involved Fourth Amendment violations. … Latinos were four to nine times more likely to be pulled over than non-Latinos. … Accusations that Arpaio’s deputies continued to harass Latinos were affirmed by another federal judge in 2013. Arpaio then launched an investigation of that judge. That report also found that Arpaio was spending so much time harassing Latinos that his department was neglecting violent crime.
“On multiple occasions, federal judges have found that Arpaio’s jails are unconstitutionally inhumane, most notably when it comes to diet, health care and mental health. The vast, vast majority of the people in Arpaio’s jails are being held on suspected immigration violations. … Arpaio in fact once boasted that his jails were akin to a ‘concentration camp.’”
“He faces up to six months in prison at his sentencing, which is scheduled for Oct. 5,” Matt Zapotosky reports. “Jack Wilenchik, Arpaio’s attorney, said after Arpaio was convicted that the former sheriff would appeal to get a jury trial. … A Justice Department spokeswoman said she was not aware of the president’s remarks but would wait until action was taken before commenting.”
“I would accept the pardon,” Arpaio told Fox News, “because I am 100 percent not guilty.”
— Bottom line: If Trump pardoned Arpaio, it would add another data point to the cementing narrative that the president lacks respect for the rule of law.
Trump speaks to business leaders, including Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, at the White House. (Evan Vucci/AP)
— In stark contrast to his caution after Charlottesville, it took Trump just 54 minutesto attack the chief executive of Merck by name on Monday morning after he resigned from the president’s manufacturing council. Kenneth C. Frazier, one of the few African American chief executives in the Fortune 500, touted the virtues of diversity in a statement. “I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism,” he said. “America’s leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and group supremacy, which run counter to the American ideal that all people are created equal.”
POTUS continued to use his social media bully pulpit to go after him last night:
4 CEOs who have distanced themselves from Trump
— Trump’s fixation on his populist right flank, rather than the center, has made it easier for other corporate chieftains to distance themselves.
Kevin Plank, chief executive of Under Armour, joined Merck’s Frazier last night in announcing that he, too, is stepping down from Trump’s manufacturing council. “I love our country and our company and will continue to focus my efforts on inspiring every person that they can do anything through the power of sport which promotes unity, diversity and inclusion,” he wrote on Twitter.
A few hours later, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announced in a blog post that he will also resign from the council – “to call attention to the serious harm our divided political climate is causing to critical issues.”
Yesterday’s defections will further intensify pressure on executives at companies that continue to collaborate with the administration – including General Electric, Dell and Dow – to follow their lead.
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) shakes hands with Sa’ad Musse Roble, center, with the World Peace Organization, and Omer Andi Nur, visiting from Michigan, after Franken spoke at a rally at Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minn. The suburban Minneapolis mosque was bombed Aug. 5 as worshippers were about to start their morning prayers. No one was hurt. (Aaron Lavinsky/Star Tribune via AP)
— Meanwhile, even after his speech yesterday, Trump still has not reacted publicly to a bomb that was detonated at a Minnesota mosque on Aug. 5. Sebastian Gorka, a far-right nationalist on Trump’s National Security Council, defended his silence last week. “There’s a great rule: all initial reports are false,” Gorka said on MSNBC from the White House briefing room. “You have to check them. You have to find out who the perpetrators are. … We’ve had a series of crimes committed—alleged hate crimes—by right-wing individuals in the last six months that turned out to actually have been propagated by the left. So let’s wait and see.” (The governor of Minnesota had already declared the mosque attack as “an act of terrorism” when Gorka said this.)
The president, of course, showed no such caution after attacks this spring in Paris and London. And don’t forget when he falsely described a casino robbery in Manila as a terrorist attack. Or his attacks on Mexican immigrants.
Trump prepares to board Marine One at The White House for a trip to New York yesterday. (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post)
— Finally, Trump’s botched response to Charlottesville should be viewed as another consequence of electing the first president in American history with no prior governing experience. “Say what you will about politicians as a group, but it is striking how all of them, from Bernie Sanders to Ted Cruz, knew the right thing to say in response to Charlottesville,” writes Daniel W. Drezner, a professor of international politics at Tufts University. “Running for office repeatedly tends to hone one’s rhetorical instincts. At a minimum, most professional politicians learn the do’s and don’ts of political rhetoric. Trump’s political education has different roots. He has learned the art of political rhetoric from three sources: reality television, Twitter and ‘the shows.’ His miscues this past week can be traced to the pathologies inherent in each of these arenas.”
— “One of the difficult but primary duties of the modern presidency is to speak for the nation in times of tragedy,” Michael Gerson, a speechwriter for George W. Bush, wrote in a column this weekend. “It falls to the president to express something of the nation’s soul — grief for the lost, sympathy for the suffering, moral clarity in the midst of confusion, confidence in the unknowable purposes of God. Not every president does this equally well. But none have been incapable. Until Donald Trump.
“The president is confident that his lazy musings are equal to history. They are not,” Gerson continues. “Trump could offer no context for this latest conflict. No inspiring ideals from the author of the Declaration of Independence, who called Charlottesville home. No healing words from the president who was killed by a white supremacist. By his flat, foolish utterance, Trump proved once again that he has no place in the company of these leaders.”
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A Trump campaign aide tried to arrange a meeting with Putin. Here’s what you need to know.
— A low-level foreign policy adviser to Trump “repeatedly” attempted to set up a meeting with Russian officials during the presidential campaign — passing along multiple requests for Trump to meet with Russian leadership, including Vladimir Putin. Tom Hamburger, Carol D. Leonnig and Rosalind S. Helderman scoop: “The adviser, George Papadopoulos, offered to set up ‘a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under [Trump],’ telling them his Russian contacts welcomed the opportunity …
“The proposal sent a ripple of concern through campaign headquarters in Trump Tower. Campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis wrote that he thought NATO allies should be consulted … Another [Trump adviser] cited legal concerns … But Papadopoulos, a campaign volunteer with scant foreign policy experience, persisted. Between March and September, the self-described energy consultant sent at least a half-dozen requests for Trump, as he turned from primary candidate to party nominee, or for members of his team to meet with Russian officials. Among those to express concern about the effort was [Paul Manafort], who rejected in May 2016 a proposal from Papadopoulos for Trump to do so.
“Less than a decade out of college, Papadopoulos appeared to hold little sway within the campaign, and it is unclear whether he was acting as an intermediary for the Russian government … [But] to experts in Russian intelligence gathering, the Papadopoulos chain offers further evidence that Russians were looking for entry points and playing upon connections with lower-level aides to penetrate the 2016 campaign …”
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reviews the plan for landing missiles near the U.S. territory of Guam. (KRT/Reuters).
— Kim Jong Un appeared to slightly ease his rhetoric against the United States on Tuesday, with state media reporting he will “watch a little more the foolish and stupid conduct of the Yankees” following a week of bluster. Anna Fifield and Dan Lamothe report: “But, as is often the case with North Korea, the message was mixed: Kim was inspecting the missile unit tasked with preparing to strike near Guam, and photos released by state media showed a large satellite image of Andersen Air Force base on Guam on the screen beside the leader. ‘The U.S. should stop at once arrogant provocations against the DPRK and unilateral demands and not provoke it any longer,’ the North Korean leader [said]. … If ‘the Yankees persist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions on the Korean Peninsula and in its vicinity,’ Kim continued, North Korea would ‘make an important decision as it already declared,’ he said. Kim was visiting [the] elite missile unit that — according to state media — is finalizing preparations to launch ballistic missiles into the Pacific Ocean near [Guam]. A decision was due this week, a week during which the Kim regime is celebrating [with huge propaganda displays].”
South Korean President Moon Jae-in, elected in May on a pledge to adopt a more conciliatory approach to North Korea, urged the United States to give diplomacy a chance: “Peace will not come to the Korean Peninsula by force. Although peace and negotiation are painful and slow, we must pursue this path,” said Moon, adding that he is “confident that the U.S. will respond calmly and responsibly to the current situation.” He met yesterday in Seoul with Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Moon went a step further in a speech delivered in the last few hours, declaring that allied military action could only be taken with the consent of the South Korean government. The Wall Street Journal calls it “an implicit signal that Mr. Moon wouldn’t tolerate any unilateral action by the U.S. to strike North Korea.”
Hassan Rouhani speaks to the Iran parliament in Tehran today. (Vahid Salemi/AP)
— Iran’s president, meanwhile, threatened to revitalize the country’s nuclear program. The AP’s Nasser Karimi reports: “Hassan Rouhani’s remarks to lawmakers follow the Iranian parliament’s move earlier this week to increase spending on the country’s ballistic missile program and the foreign operations of its paramilitary Revolutionary Guard. The bill — and Rouhani’s comments — are seen as a direct response to the new U.S. legislation earlier this month that imposed mandatory penalties on people involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program and anyone who does business with them. … If Washington continues with ‘threats and sanctions’ against Iran, Rouhani said in parliament on Tuesday, Tehran could easily restart the nuclear program. ‘In an hour and a day, Iran could return to a more advanced (nuclear) level than at the beginning of the negotiations’ that preceded the 2015 deal, Rouhani said.”
Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon wait for Donald Trump to speak about immigration in the Roosevelt Room earlier this month. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
— During a recent dinner at the White House, Rupert Murdoch — who controls the Wall Street Journal and Fox News — told Trump that chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon needs to go. “Mr. Trump offered little pushback … and vented his frustrations about Mr. Bannon,” the New York Times’s Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush report. Son-in-law Jared Kushner and chief of staff John Kelly were also at the meal. “Mr. Murdoch is close to Mr. Kushner, who has been in open warfare with Mr. Bannon since the spring. But Mr. Trump has expressed similar sentiments in the past, then backed off. Just a week earlier, as Mr. Trump ruminated on whether to dismiss [Reince Priebus], he was pushed by Mr. Kushner and others to dismiss Mr. Bannon as well. Mr. Trump signaled to allies that he was pretty much there … So far, Mr. Trump has not been able to follow through — a product of his dislike of confrontation, the bonds of a foxhole friendship forged during the 2016 presidential campaign and concerns about what mischief Mr. Bannon might do once he leaves the [West Wing] … From the start, Mr. Bannon, 63, has told people in his orbit that he never expected to last in his current position longer than eight months to a year, and hoped to ram through as much of his agenda as he could while he stood in the president’s favor. More recently he has told friends that he … constantly asks himself whether he could better pursue his to-do list … on the outside. … But the choice might not be his.”
— CBS News’s Major Garrett reports that Trump could dismiss Bannon as soon as the end of this week.
Four takeaways from Anthony Scaramucci’s interview with Stephen Colbert
— Ousted White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci appeared on Stephen Colbert’s show. Bethonie Butler reports: “Colbert said he had one ‘gotcha’ question for Scaramucci. ‘Nazis: good or bad?’ he asked. ‘Super bad,’ Scaramucci said.” Scaramucci also addressed his feud with Reince Priebus, saying, “The weird thing about my relationship with Reince is we were actually pretty good friends when I was a political donor writing checks to the RNC, but once I became part of the administration … it was a little more adversarial.”
Deadly mudslides fill streets of Sierra Leone
Hundreds of people were confirmed dead in Sierra Leone after a torrent of fast-moving floods and mudslides swept through neighborhoods, burying dozens of unsuspecting residents alive. At least 312 people have been confirmed dead so far, and authorities expect the death toll to soar as the body count continues. (Max Bearak)
The FBI arrested an Oklahoma man on charges that he tried to detonate what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb in front of a bank, acting out of a hatred for the U.S. government and an admiration for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. (Devlin Barrett)
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said that some transgender members of the military may still be able to serve. Despite the president’s remarks to the contrary, Mattis reported that the Pentagon is still looking at the issue. (Dan Lamothe)
The federal government has requested over a million IP addresses from Internet users who visited a website coordinating Inauguration Day protests. DreamHost, which houses the site in question, DisruptJ20.org, is fighting the request. (Ellen Nakashima)
A Denver jury ruled in favor of Taylor Swift, awarding the pop star a symbolic $1 in damages after she accused radio DJ David Mueller of groping her before a concert in 2013. He had sued her for lost income. (Emily Yahr)
Hillary Clinton’s spiritual adviser admitted to having plagiarized portions of his messages to the presidential candidate. Rev. Bill Shillady has compiled his prayers to Clinton in a new book released today, and one from the day after the election incorporates the exact words of Indiana pastor Matt Deuel. (Julie Zauzmer)
Laura Ingraham is reportedly in line to get her own show at Fox. The potential Ingraham program could become a ratings rival of Rachel Maddow’s 9 p.m. show. (CNN)
The Women’s March is reconvening. The Women’s Convention will be held in Detroit in October to address next year’s midterms. (USA Today)
Medical experts are reconsidering the persistent advice from doctors to always finish your antibiotics, even if you’re feeling better. Some researchers worry that the advice is worsening antibiotic resistance. (Wall Street Journal)
Roughly 1 in 9 Americans hold a job that could be affected by self-driving cars. But while some, such as taxi drivers, could be pushed out of their jobs, those who work in sectors like real estate or plumbing could be aided by the advanced technology. (Wall Street Journal)
A D.C. firefighter was beaten by a crowd for allegedly responding to an emergency call for an injured child while intoxicated. The firefighter suffered a broken jaw and is now the subject of an internal review. (Peter Hermann and Ellie Silverman)
A Chinese teenager died less than 48 hours after checking into an Internet-addiction treatment center. 18-year-old Li Ao’s body was covered in scars and bruises, causing Chinese authorities to shut down the center and launch an investigation. (Amy B Wang)
New York City transit employees are expressing distress and disgust after coming into repeated contact with human corpses — hastily stored throughout the station; sometimes even in the same place where they eat lunch. The bodies belong to people who have been struck and killed by MTA trains, officials said — but the effort to quickly remove them from public view has left some station employees traumatized. (New York Daily News)
In this courtroom sketch, James Alex Fields Jr. is seen via video link from jail yesterday as he appears for his bail hearing at the Charlottesville City Court. (William Hennessy Jr./Reuters)
— Years before James Alex Fields was accused of driving his car into a crowd of counterprotesters in Charlottesville “at a high rate of speed,” his disabled mother had twice called 911 to report violent behavior and threats from her son. Jack Gillum, Michael E. Miller, Arelis R. Hernández and Steve Hendrix report: “[In 2010, Samantha Bloom] — who uses a wheelchair — locked herself in a bathroom, called 911 and said her son had struck her head and put his hands over her mouth when she told him to stop playing a video game … On another occasion, records show, he brandished a 12-inch knife. Once, he spit in her face. ‘Mom is scared he is going to become violent here,’ a dispatcher wrote in a log of the November 2011 call in which [Bloom] requested police help in getting her son to a hospital for assessment. The portrait of a violent teen emerged as Fields was denied bail Monday during his first court appearance in connection with the Charlottesville attack.”
Fields is charged with second-degree murder, hit and run, and three counts of malicious wounding: “Prosecutors did not detail the evidence against Fields, who appeared via a . At his [court appearance], Fields said he could not afford an attorney and was appointed one by the court. Fields, who served a four-month stint in the Army in 2015, worked for about two years as a security guard in Ohio, earning $10.50 an hour and taking home about $650 every two weeks … But the judge informed Fields that he could not be defended by the Charlottesville public defender’s office because a relative of someone who works for the office was involved in Saturday’s incident. [The] judge did not specify whether that meant the protests or the crash.” His next court date has been set for Aug. 25, date to consider scheduling of a preliminary hearing.
Protesters tear down Confederate statue in North Carolina
— Unintended consequences: James Fields may do for the debate over Confederate statues what Dylann Roof did to the debate over the Confederate flag with his June 2015 massacre at an African American church in Charleston. It has become more politically untenable for ambitious elected officials to defend the memorials because they don’t want to get lumped in with the extremists who descended on Charlottesville to keep the Robert E. Lee statue.
— Protesters in Durham, N.C., last night toppled a Confederate statue that stood in front of a county administrative building. Alex Horton reports: “With a strap tied around the neck of the statue, protesters spat, kicked and gestured at the mangled figure after its base was ripped from the granite block. The statue, which depicts a uniformed and armed Confederate soldier, stood atop an engraved pedestal that read, ‘In memory of ‘the boys who wore the gray.’ … ‘The racism and deadly violence in Charlottesville is unacceptable but there is a better way to remove these monuments,’ Gov. Roy Cooper (D) said via Twitter on Monday evening. … Groups at the rally included members of the Triangle People’s Assembly, Workers World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, Democratic Socialists of America and the anti-fascist movement[.]”
— Maryland gubernatorial candidates Ben Jealous, the former president of the NAACP, is calling for the removal of a controversial statue from the State House. Josh Hicks and Ovetta Wiggins report: “[Jealous] called on (Republican Gov. Larry) Hogan to scrap the statue of former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, who wrote an 1857 majority opinion that upheld slavery and said blacks born in the country were not U.S. citizens. Jealous criticized Hogan for once describing efforts to eliminate such memorials as ‘political correctness run amok,’ and he vowed to work for ‘complete removal’ of Confederate monuments in Maryland if he wins the governorship. He delivered his remarks in Baltimore, where Mayor Catherine E. Pugh (D) earlier that day announced plans to remove four Confederate statues in that city.”
— A Confederate heritage organization has already requested permission to hold a rally next month at Richmond’s Robert E. Lee statue. (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
— The Gainesville Sun’s Andrew Caplan tweeted a video of the Florida city removing its “Old Joe” Confederate statue yesterday.
— “Removing Confederate monuments is complicated in Tennessee, where lawmakers enacted a law last year that made any push to remove historical markers harder,” the AP’s Bruce Schreiner and Erik Schelzig report from Nashville. “That didn’t stop dozens of protesters from gathering in the Tennessee Capitol on Monday to renew calls to remove a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate cavalry general and an early leader of the Ku Klux Klan.”
— Thought leader: Chris Long of the Philadelphia Eagles, who is originally from Charlottesville, defended his hometown’s decision to remove the Confederate statues: “Look, Charlottesville is taking the right steps to accommodate the sensitivities of people who might feel offended by statues and parks named after Confederate generals. I think that is very reasonable. I don’t know what it’s like to walk past a statue like that, as a minority. We’re doing the right thing.” (The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Marcus Hayes)
— For a second consecutive evening, a crowd gathered in front of the White House to protest the Charlottesville marchers. Perry Stein reports: “Protesters trickled in after work on Monday, carrying signs that read ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Make Racists Afraid Again.’ The young organizers invited anyone to ‘vent or rant,’ particularly encouraging people of color and those with disabilities to speak. People discussed their experiences with racism and discrimination, as well as how they want to counter it.”
— Trump returned to Trump Tower last night for the first time since his inauguration, and he received a contentious welcome from New Yorkers. Kayla Epstein reports: “Protesters gathered in the shadow of Trump Tower on Monday evening, filling the sidewalk for several blocks and forming a gauntlet of signs and chants that ran several blocks down Fifth Avenue. Various organizers and a popular Facebook event had called for people to gather at Trump Tower starting at 5:30 p.m., and law enforcement was ready. Protesters were kept to the sidewalks with metal barricades, and the numbers gradually swelled as the evening progressed. For hours, protesters chanted ‘New York hates you!’ and ‘Shame, shame, shame!’… In the end, Trump declined to give New Yorkers a show. Though several blacked-out sport utility vehicles and police on motorcycles drove down Fifth Avenue, drawing jeers from the crowd, the president was nowhere in sight. According to the White House pool report, Trump’s motorcade avoided Fifth Avenue and the protesters, whisking the president into his residence without being seen by the crowd.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads his weekly cabinet meeting in his office in Jerusalem on Sunday. (Dan Balilty/AFP/Getty Images)
— “While Jewish leaders in the United States expressed shock at the events in Charlottesville and criticized President Trump’s response to the violence as halfhearted, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a close ally of Trump’s, remained notably silent,” Isaac Stanley-Becker and James McAuley report. “Meanwhile, Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, warned in a statement, “The anti-Jewish ideology of the Nazis was a precursor to the eventual murderous policy and extermination of six million Jews.”
— The Web registration service GoDaddy’s decision to delist the neo-Nazi site Daily Stormer could have far-reaching implications on how the tech industry treats similar groups. Elizabeth Dwoskin and Tracy Jan report: “Although Silicon Valley companies have long resisted calls to police the content they host, in the current political climate they are under more pressure than ever to take a stand — and appear to be bowing at least to some of it. … The Daily Stormer then transferred its registration to Google, prompting an immediate outcry and a swift response from the Silicon Valley giant, which cut off the white supremacy site, citing policy violations. … Liberal activists and even some conservatives praised GoDaddy’s decision in the wake of Saturday’s attack, saying the move represented a shift by tech corporations to take more responsibility. … Other experts said the move to regulate speech puts Silicon Valley in an even deeper bind that is far from resolved. Technology companies are becoming the reluctant gatekeepers and facilitators of political expression for much of the world.”
White nationalist Richard Spencer and his supporters clash with Virginia State Police in Lee Park after the “United the Right” rally was declared an unlawful gathering on Saturday in Charlottesville. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
— Organizers of Saturday’s rally are now blaming Charlottesville authorities for the violence that played out. Politico Magazine’s Ben Schreckinger writes: “Before this weekend’s events, the alt-right had been a bastion of pro-police sentiment — especially when it came to police shootings of unarmed black victims and clashes with the Black Lives Matter movement. Now, the alt-right’s leaders are grappling with the realities of being identifiable members of an unpopular minority group in public. ‘I have never felt like the government or police were against me,’ said white nationalist leader Richard Spencer[.] … [Rally organizer Jason] Kessler claimed the city’s police failed to follow through on plans for protecting the rally that they had discussed with him. He also said that during planning for the rally, one police captain divulged to him that authorities were communicating about the event using their personal emails to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests.”
— The Charlottesville police chief took issue with Kessler’s account. Arelis R. Hernández reports: “[Police Chief Al S. Thomas Jr.] said organizers of the Unite the Right rally did not follow what the chief said had been an agreed-upon plan that involved controlling the demonstrators’ access to Emancipation Park through a rear entrance. When rally attendees started coming in from all sides Saturday morning, the chief said, his officers had to alter their plans and transition into protective gear from the street uniforms they were wearing. Protesters and counterprotesters converged in some pitched battles in the streets before Charlottesville police, backed by Virginia State Police, quelled the fighting. … Thomas dismissed reports that officers were discouraged from making arrests. ‘That is simply not true,’ he said. … Thomas said more than 250 calls for service came in, including from people injured when a driver rammed into a crowd of antiracism protesters[.]”
— Joe Heim compiled a detailed timeline of the violence in Charlottesville, beginning the night before the rally: “A little after 8 p.m., Richard Spencer … texted a reporter. ‘I’d be near campus tonight, if I were you,’ he wrote. ‘After 9 p.m. Nameless field.’ The rumor was true. The torchlight parade was on. It would prove to be the catalyst for a horrific 24 hours in this usually quiet college town that would come to be seen by the nation and world as a day of racial rage, hate, violence and death.”
A photograph of Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer is seen among flowers left at the scene of the car attack that killed her. (Justin Ide/Reuters)
— The University of Virginia is scheduled to begin classes next week, but students are concerned about their return to campus after Saturday’s events. Susan Svrluga, T. Rees Shapiro and Sarah Larimer report: “[S]ome students are scared to go back. Some, like Wes Gobar, president of the Black Student Alliance, are determined to reclaim the campus as a place welcoming to all. … U-Va. has a complicated history with race. … Its founder, Thomas Jefferson, envisioned U-Va. as a school of the Enlightenment, believing the nascent American democracy would fail without an educated citizenry. But Jefferson owned slaves. … Two years ago, after a black student was bloodied by police, students demanded change. The university addressed many of their concerns, Gobar said. But ugly incidents continued last year, such as a racial slur found written on a door.”
White supremacists rally in Charlottesville on Friday. (Evelyn Hockstein for The Washington Post)
— Bigger picture: “Why are people still racist? What science says about America’s race problem,” by William Wan and Sarah Kaplan: “Many Americans responded to this weekend’s violence in Charlottesville with disbelieving horror. How could this happen in America, in 2017? “This is not who we are,” said Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine (D). And yet, this is who we are. Amid our modern clashes, researchers in psychology, sociology and neurology have been studying the roots of racism. … ‘In some ways, it’s super simple. People learn to be whatever their society and culture teaches them. We often assume that it takes parents actively teaching their kids, for them to be racist. The truth is that unless parents actively teach kids not to be racists, they will be,’ said Jennifer Richeson, a Yale University social psychologist.”
— The national attention that Charlottesville attracted appears to have energized white supremacist groups. The New York Times’s Alan Feuer reports: “Some were making arrangements to appear at future marches. Some were planning to run for public office. Others, taking a cue from the Charlottesville event — a protest, nominally, of the removal of a Confederate-era statue — were organizing efforts to preserve white heritage symbols in their home regions. … The far right, which has returned to prominence in the past year or so, has always been an amalgam of factions and causes, some with pro-Confederate or neo-Nazi leanings, some opposed to political correctness or feminism. But the Charlottesville event, the largest of its kind in recent years, exposed the pre-existing fault lines in the movement.”
Why white supremacists chose liberal Charlottesville to protest
— A Twitter campaign to name attendees of the Unite the Right rally has already forced two universities to come out with condemnations of white supremacy. Avi Selk reports: “[T]he Twitter user @YesYoureRacist asked for help identifying ‘Nazis marching in Charlottesville.’ The anonymous user linked to copious photos and videos of the rally — swastikas and crowds of shouting white men. Within minutes, names began to pour in, and consequences began to unfurl in home towns across the country. The first target was a man spotted in a crowd of tiki-torch-wielding marchers, whom Twitter users identified as Cole White, a cook at a hot dog restaurant in Berkeley, Calif. By Saturday evening, the restaurant had posted signs in its windows and sent a statement to The Washington Post — the cook was no longer employed.”
— But, but, but: There have been instances of Twitter users misidentifying rally attendees. The New York Times’s Daniel Victor reports: “A man at the rally had been photographed wearing an ‘Arkansas Engineering’ shirt, and the amateur investigators found a photo of [Kyle] Quinn that looked somewhat similar. They were both bearded and had similar builds. By internet frenzy standards, that was proof enough. … Countless people [Mr. Quinn] had never met demanded he lose his job, accused him of racism and posted his home address on social networks. … For someone whose only sin was a passing resemblance to someone else … Mr. Quinn bore the direct consequences of the reckless spread of misinformation in breaking news, a common ritual in modern news events.”
In this photo taken Saturday, James Alex Fields Jr., second from left, holds a black shield in Charlottesville during a white supremacist rally. (Alan Goffinski/AP)
— “House Democrats are calling on their GOP colleagues to hold congressional hearings on the rise of white supremacy and domestic terrorism,” Politico’s Rachael Bade reports: “Democrats on the House Homeland Security Committee are asking panel Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) to examine racist fringe groups, including those that organized Saturday’s violent protest … Homeland Democrats have already called for such hearings twice this year to no avail. … Democrats are starting to grow impatient with their GOP counterparts after Saturday. One Democratic source on the Homeland panel said Republicans for some time have been receiving law enforcement notices saying white supremacist extremism pose serious threats of lethal violence.”
— Foreign Policy’s Jana Winter first reported on one of these notices: “The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security in May warned that white supremacist groups had already carried out more attacks than any other domestic extremist group over the past 16 years and were likely to carry out more attacks over the next year[.] … The report, dated May 10, says the FBI and DHS believe that members of the white supremacist movement ‘likely will continue to pose a threat of lethal violence over the next year.’ … The FBI … has already concluded that white supremacists, including neo-Nazi supporters and members of the Ku Klux Klan, are in fact responsible for the lion’s share of violent attacks among domestic extremist groups. White supremacists ‘were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement,’ reads the joint intelligence bulletin.”
Senate candidate Roy Moore holds a press conference in Montgomery, Ala. (Mickey Welsh/Montgomery Advertiser/AP)
— As Trump received widespread criticism for his initial response to the Charlottesville violence, the three top GOP contenders in today’s Alabama Senate primary went after Trump’s critics instead. David Weigel reports: “In interviews over the race’s final hours ahead of Tuesday’s vote, Sen. Luther Strange (R-Ala.) and Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said Trump’s controversial Saturday reaction to the white nationalist rally had been sufficient. … There was no evidence that the events out of Charlottesville would affect the primary, with polls showing Strange and Brooks fighting Roy Moore, a former state Supreme Court justice, for two runoff berths. … In a Monday night speech to gun owners in Birmingham, Moore criticized the protests of Confederate monuments that followed the attack, and asked whether protesters would one day take down statues of George Washington because he owned slaves. … In interviews at several low-key Republican events, primary voters said they were horrified by what happened in Charlottesville but differed on what else Trump could have said.”
— Although all three Republican candidates have embraced the president, Trump has tweeted his endorsement of Strange multiple times and recorded a robo-call for him that went out yesterday. (Politico’s Daniel Strauss)
— The president even promoted a Strange TV hit this morning:
— If Strange can’t make it to the runoff, it could have implications for the effectiveness of a Trump endorsement. Politico’s Strauss and Seung Min Kim report: “Strange is struggling even with the support of the president and the GOP establishment. Assuming he makes it to the runoff, though, the strength of his second-place finish will set expectations for how winnable the election is — or not. If Strange barely makes it into the runoff — or comes in third — it will call into question the influence of Trump’s support in a reliably Republican state. If Strange exceeds the low 20-percent support he’s gotten in recent polls, he’ll still face a tough battle against Moore but won’t have to field a wave of questions about his ultimate viability or the power of Trump’s endorsement.”
— Trump’s endorsement of Strange, the establishment candidate, struck many Republicans as odd and many die-hard Trump supporters as hypocritical. The Atlantic’s Molly Ball writes: “Strange himself was surprised—he nearly drove off the road when Trump called him from the White House on Tuesday afternoon, he said. … The usual slavishly pro-Trump conservative media were enraged. Mark Levin, the conservative radio host, called Trump’s tweet ‘a stab in the back to every conservative in this country[.]’ … In Alabama, the feud is playing out as a test of conservative voters’ loyalties in the Trump era—one of the first referendums on Trump’s ability to command his own partisans, and by extension to shape the GOP that he leads. But it’s a test complicated by the mixed messages Trump himself has sent to his supporters.”
— In another sign of how hard it is for Republican incumbents to distance themselves from Trump, Nevada Sen. Dean Heller — who is up for reelection next year — said yesterday for the first time that he voted for the president last November. The Nevada Independent’s Riley Snyder reports: “The acknowledgment follows nearly a year and a half of criticism and cautious public statements made by Heller about Trump throughout the 2016 election. Most notably, he told reporters in October 2016 that he was 99 percent certain he would oppose the Republican nominee for president. Heller also donated campaign donations from Trump to charity in 2015, and said during the campaign he was ‘vehemently opposed’ to Trump, whom he described as a man that ‘denigrates human beings.’ But unlike several of his Senate colleagues, Heller never fully closed the door on supporting Trump, and had kept his presidential vote a secret until now.”
— The Indiana Senate primary fight between GOP Reps. Todd Rokita and Luke Messer is already getting ugly. Politico’s Maggie Severns and Kevin Robillard report: “Their campaign didn’t officially get underway until last week, but Messer, 48, has already accused Rokita of attacking his wife and ‘spreading lies’ about his record. Rokita, 47, has questioned his rival’s mental health, calling Messer ‘unhinged’ and a ‘ticking time bomb.’ With 10 Democratic senators from states that President Donald Trump carried up for reelection in 2018, the scale of opportunity for Republican gains has already spawned several no-holds-barred primaries. But few states are as ripe for a Republican challenge as Indiana — where Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly is unusually vulnerable, running in a state Trump carried by 19 points — and no primary has gotten so nasty, so quickly.”
— Today’s special election in Utah to fill Jason Chaffetz’s House seat has attracted hundreds of thousands of dollars in fundraising, but it’s received little national attention. Mike DeBonis reports: “That’s largely because the seat is of limited utility as a bellwether for President Trump. Unlike other House races decided this year, Democrats are not seriously contesting the heavily GOP district, and unlike in Tuesday’s Senate primary in Alabama, the Republican candidates’ postures toward Trump have not been a crucial factor. Instead, Tuesday’s GOP primary in Utah is set to be decided along more familiar lines of ideology and sensibility in a state whose Republican voters have long had an uneasy relationship with Trump. … The front-runner for the Republican nomination, according to published polls, is Provo Mayor John Curtis, who has built a pro-business record during 6½ years in office[.]”
Some viewers questioned the sincerity of the president’s remarks. From the former director of the Office of Government Ethics:
From a House Democrat:
From the former secretary of state:
From the MSNBC host:
It reminded some of this Trump tweet from 2015:
But Trump claimed that he had not been properly credited for his Monday statement:
Trump’s son also defended his statement:
From a writer for the New Yorker:
From the Atlantic editor and former George W. Bush speechwriter:
Trump also retweeted this from an alt-right conspiracy theorist:
Reality check:
Perspective from a Politico reporter:
Dr. Seuss’s World War II-era cartoons were recirculated:
On Trump’s approval rating hitting a new low:
Metaphor alert, via the Boston Globe’s Annie Linskey:
— New York Times, “How a Conservative TV Giant Is Ridding Itself of Regulation,” by Cecilia Kang, Eric Lipton and Sydney Ember: “The invitation from David D. Smith, the chairman of Sinclair, went to Ajit V. Pai, a commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission who was about to be named the broadcast industry’s chief regulator. Mr. Smith wanted Mr. Pai to ease up on efforts under President Barack Obama to crack down on media consolidation, which were threatening Sinclair’s ambitions to grow even bigger. Mr. Smith did not have to wait long. Within days of their meeting, Mr. Pai was named chairman of the F.C.C. And during his first 10 days on the job, he relaxed a restriction on television stations’ sharing of advertising revenue and other resources[.] … Since becoming chairman in January, Mr. Pai has undertaken a deregulatory blitz, enacting or proposing a wish list of fundamental policy changes advocated by Mr. Smith and his company.”
— Politico Magazine, “Cecile Richards to Democrats: Stand Firm on Abortion,” by Edward-Isaac Dovere: “Democrats like [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chair Rep. Ben Ray Luján] argue that to win back the conservative areas they’ve lost, the party will need to be flexible and let candidates break with liberal orthodoxy—including on hot-button national issues like abortion—in order to win. To Richards, that isn’t just wrong on principle, it’s dense on politics.”
“Former Va. attorney general Cuccinelli catches flak for telling Symone Sanders to ‘shut up’ on CNN,” from Laura Vozzella: “Ken Cuccinelli II on Monday found himself trending on Twitter, and not in a good way, after telling CNN political commentator Symone Sanders to ‘shut up’ on TV. The remark came during a heated discussion about President Trump’s response to … Charlottesville. Sanders was critical of Trump … Cuccinelli, a Republican though hardly a Trump cheerleader, took issue with efforts to ‘smear’ the administration.”
“‘Kid Rock’ May Be Ineligible for Michigan Ballot” from Roll Call:“Robert Ritchie may end up challenging Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow in Michigan next year, but his stage name, Kid Rock, may not be allowed to appear on the ballot. Kid Rock is a household name to Americans under the age of 50, and voters might be attracted to vote for him, as a middle finger to the political establishment. … If Ritchie were to submit enough valid signatures to make the ballot and indicate that he wanted to be listed as ‘Kid Rock,’ the Michigan Bureau of Elections staff would have to research the question of whether that name would be allowed. At an initial glance, Ritchie’s stage name isn’t an obviously acceptable one under the state’s criteria.”
  Sanders spoke out on Twitter about the incident:
Trump, waking up at Trump Tower for the first time since he became president, has an infrastructure discussion today, followed by the signing of an executive order on “establishing discipline and accountability” in the approval process for infrastructure projects.
Pence is in Buenos Aires. He will meet with Argentina’s president and vice president, as well as participate in a joint news conference, before meeting U.S. Embassy staffers.
“The scenes at the right-wing extremist march were absolutely repulsive — naked racism, anti-Semitism and hate in their most evil form were on display,” a spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Steffen Seibert, told reporters before Trump’s afternoon remarks from the White House. He added that such images and chants are “disgusting” and “diametrically opposed to the political goals of the chancellor and the entire German government.” (AFP)
— It will be an ugly day in the District. The Capital Weather Gang forecasts: “Cloudy with scattered showers and maybe a thunderstorm. Highs move up a bit more than Monday into the middle-80s range, but if showers are more widespread around midday, we may struggle again to get much above 80 or the low 80s. We stay moderately humid as well.”
— A man with a tattoo that included a swastika was escorted out of the Rumsey Aquatic Center near Eastern Market by D.C. police after other pool attendees complained about his presence, and he became belligerent. (Peter Hermann)
— Teachers in D.C. Public Schools would receive salary increases of 9 percent over three years under a proposal unveiled Monday to end a labor impasse that has lasted since their last contract expired in 2012. (Donna St. George, Peter Jamison and Emma Brown)
— The Wizards released their 2017-2018 schedule yesterday. (Aaron Torres)
Seth Meyers unequivocally referred to the Charlottesville violence as “yet another terror attack on American soil”:
Seth Meyers’ Statement on Charlottesville
Jimmy Fallon cited his “responsibility to stand up against intolerance and extremism as a human being”:
Jimmy Fallon Addresses the Events in Charlottesville
ABC’s Shonda Rhimes is moving her talents to Netflix:
What Shonda Rhimes and her TV heroines know about being a boss
Daily Dose of Media Bias FAKE NEWS AND FAKE OUTRAGE-> Donald Trump often behaves as if he’s first and foremost the president of the states and the people who voted for him. Daily Dose of Media Bias FAKE NEWS AND FAKE OUTRAGE-> Donald Trump often behaves as if he’s first and foremost the president of the states and the people who voted for him.
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