#◜ˡᵉᵃᵈ ᵃˢᵗʳᵃʸ◞ ▵ misc
glorycndgore-blog · 6 years
use this generator to create ur muse w their current Mood tagged by: @slushietm​ tagging: @universalives​, @proditeur​, @mcnticellos​, @mcgicvcins​ ( or any of ur other blogs. ily babe but you have So Many )
under the cut because i did a couple
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merlin who's just out here being soft and gay tbh
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luna "just happy to be included" lovegood. the dreamy lesbian(tm). may have 'borrowed’ crookshanks?
and a bonus mun who’s just stressed and wants to sleep ft. my Baby Girl vaya adcuhnaoid
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mementomcriii · 6 years
So where do you think you'd have taken the rest of the story?
i’m going to put this under a cut cause i’m p sure it’s gonna get Long. also click here for a really short playlist for it (side note: i think for the most part alex’s music would resemble the song ‘action figures’ on there)
okok first a basic major character rundown
alexander: the og starving artist type, couch surfing and staying in motels and barely eating at the beginning of his career, willing to take literally Any gighercules: lowkey major producer day lighting as a fashion designer. Discovered tm alex at a gig he was doing opening for some local bandjohn: so fucking famous. p much a singer / songwriter type and under the thumb of his dad who owns his label and is thus Closeted As Hell and not able to do as much of the shit he wants to. complacent in his fame. addict.laf: nb french rapper that comes in later
this is kind of bare bones, only significant events but,,,
so. the new years eve party. alex is playing piano for most of the night bc that’s what he’s gotta do but then holy shit when he’s done john fucking laurens is complimenting him and. honestly he’s a fan boy and losing his shit and Gushing (ala aaron burr sir / my shot tbh) and john is high af and thinks he’s cute and the spend the rest of the evening together and alex impulse kisses him, they get stoned together, alex crashes at john’s place, it’s all hunky dory
time goes on they get closer they’re kind of a thing but also it’s not official and they don’t talk about it bc they’re disasters. alexander falls into addiction too (heroin, mostly, but they do. all kinds of shit) but definitely thinks it’s fine and he’s in control and none of this is fucked up. john decides to use his leverage to help alex move up in the industry and he get’s to do a more lowkey show w laf but that’s still P Big and they click and laf can see what’s going on and they’re just.... very concerned about alex. john too but. mostly alex bc there’s clearly a power imbalance there even if it’s not acted upon
little later alex gets his first real show and it goes g re a t but then afterwards there’s a transphobic asshole heckling and you Know this contentious bitch fights. then whoop we find out there was someone from a label there to see if he was worth taking a risk on and then they saw the fight and everything and went from “i guess i’ll give this kid a shot” to “hahaha Fuck no”. the fall out isn’t pretty.
alex kinda stops trying in regards to music and p much just wastes his days getting high, being w john and getting high w john. they’re Definitely a thing at this point and alex is. so desperately in love and Realizing this is fucked up and he wants to disrupt the pattern, to save this supernova he’s fallen for. and he mentions he wants to go public w what they are. stop hiding and feeling like john’s ashamed of him. and, well, john is just the iconic line from childish gambino “if i married you tonight it would probably start a riot” (which is actually one of the things that inspired this whole mess). so,,,, it starts to get kind of tense from there. at least alex is. things reach their peak when john writes him a song and shortly afterwards drops it as a single with masculine pronouns switched to feminine ones. yikes.
alex basically accuses him of not Actually seeing him as a dude and lying to / using him. john counters that he’s not out he can’t perform shit like that. alex says he cares more about his image more than him. john doesn’t really Know what to say so alex just. grabs his shit and leaves. laf and herc help him get clean and get on his feet and that pretty much puts us to the point of the first chapter.
the sequal would’ve revolved around post-fire events and Surprise john isn’t actually dead, he was off making poor life choices and martha was home w her bf (who john knew about) and Those were the bodies. the whole thing ends in a situation where john has to come forward about being gay and struggling w addiction and our two boys end up performing at the same festival and fall into a fucked up friends with benefits situation before straightening their shit out
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mementomcriii · 6 years
eliza : john’s here to see you alexander : adams or laurens? eliza : adams alexander : fUCK
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glorycndgore-blog · 6 years
   among all the o t h e r muses i want to / am thinking about adding i’m also. probably going to add brigomeide from the short play leviathan, my favorite soulless mermaid bitch, who. likely only i have heard of. so. working muse list.
    - brigoeide the thirsty soul seeker     - simon lewis the Lamest Vampire     - (maybe evil) slutty vampire oc?     - void from incredibles 2 leave me alone i love her     - finish the fucking p a g e s for my dragon shifter shen and isla the selkie and add them to the f ucking muse page why do i take nine years to do things
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mementomcriii · 6 years
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all are verse dependent
$   financial.     //     wealthy  /  moderate  /  poor  /  in poverty / N/A ✚   medical.     //     fit /  moderate /  unfit  / sickly /  disadvantaged  /  disabled  /  not applicable ✪   class.     //     upper  / middle - working  /  poor  /  unsure /  discriminated  / not applicable ✔   education.     //     qualified /  unqualified /  studying  / other  /  none ✖   criminal record.     //     yes, for major crimes /  yes, for minor crimes /  no / other
-=    FAMILY
◒   children. // has one or more children / has no children  / wants children  / verse dependent ◑   relationship with family. // close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased  / has no family / it’s complicated / verse dependent ◔   affiliation.  //  orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents  / not applicable / it’s complicated
♦   extrovert //   introvert  // in between ♦   disorganized  //  organized  //  in between ♦   close-minded  //   open-minded  // in between ♦   calm  //   anxious   // in between ♦   disagreeable //   agreeable   //  in between ♦   cautious  //  reckless //   in between ♦   patient  //  impatient  //   in between ♦   outspoken  //   reserved   //   in between ♦   leader //   follower   // in between ♦   empathetic  //   indifferent   //   in between ♦   optimistic  //  pessimistic //  in between ♦   traditional //   modern  //  in between ♦   hard working // lazy //   in between ♦   cultured  //   uncultured  // in between ♦   loyal //   disloyal   //   in between ♦   faithful //  unfaithful  // in between  
★   faith.   //   monotheist /  polytheist  / atheist /  agnostic  /  it’s complicated ☆   belief in ghosts or spirits.     //   yes /  no /  don’t know  / don’t care ✮   belief in an afterlife.     // yes / no  /  don’t know /  don’t care ✯   belief in reincarnation.     //  yes  / no / don’t know /   don’t care ❃   belief in aliens.     //   yes  /  no  / don’t know / don’t care ❀   philosophical.     //   yes  / no  / sometimes
⚜   sexuality.     //   heterosexual  /  homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual / questioning ❥   sex.     //     sex repulsed  / sex neutral /  sex favorable ♥   romance.     //     romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable ❣   sexually.     //     adventurous /  experienced  /  naive  /  inexperienced  /  curious  /  inhibited ⚧   potential sexual partners.     //     male  /  female   /  other  /  none  /  all ⚧   potential romantic partners.     //     male  /  female  /  other  /  none  / all
☠   combat skills.     //     excellent /  good  /  moderate  /  poor  /  none ≡   literacy skills.     //     excellent / good /  moderate /  poor  /  none ✍   artistic skills.     //     excellent  / good /  moderate / poor /  none ✂   technical skills.     //     excellent /  good  / moderate  /  poor  /  none
🍻   drinking alcohol.     //     never  /   sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess 🚬   smoking.     //     never  /  sometimes / frequently /  to excess ✿   other narcotics.     //     never /  sometimes  / frequently  /  to excess 💊   medicinal drugs     //   never /  sometimes /  frequently  / to excess ☻   indulgent in food.     //     never /  sometimes  /  frequently / to excess $   splurge spending.     //    never /  sometimes / frequently /   to excess ♣   gambling.     //   never / sometimes  / frequently  /  to excess
TAGGED BY:  @cfnarratiiives
TAGGING: whoever wants to ?
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mementomcriii · 6 years
   too fucking many tags
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mementomcriii · 6 years
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship,italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance / pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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mementomcriii · 6 years
   hi this was going to be not one but two (2) long fics but then i realized i hate my writing and it’d probably be shitty so. y’all can have the beginning of the dead performer au fic and also ask about the whole plot if you’d like. word count : 1,598
"With your new found fame you have a small army of paparazzi and internet 'fan girls' digging up anything and everything about your past." He laughed to be polite and because it was true, not because the interviewer was funny. "And quite recently, as I'm sure you know, someone made the discovery you were the girl one mister John Laurens was skulking around with a couple years ago, before seemingly dropping off the face of the planet only months prior to his marriage and about a year before the birth of his daughter. Tell us; were the two of you an item? Did you come out to him only to be dumped? Is it all as nasty as your sudden disappearance from his life and his following bender would imply?" Of course he'd known it would only be a matter of time before he was asked about John, but he had hoped it would be later than this. Once they'd been everything, immortal, everlasting. But they were floating on the high of performance and fame in addition to whatever the designer drug of the week happened to be. They may have been infinite but they weren't meant to last forever. "No, I think we'd be on good terms." It wasn't quite a lie but Hercules probably would have chastised him for it, called him an idiot for saying something like that to the press. "If we were to meet again, that is. He was something of a mentor to me at the beginning of my career and as some of my fans have pointed out you can see some of his influence in my music even now. I was out to him since the beginning of our friendship, but we weren't involved if that's what you're getting at; sorry to deprive you of a better story." That was a lie outright but he'd hate to ruin Laurens' perfectly respectable heterosexual image. It was the interviewers turn to laugh then but he'd like to think it was because he was genuinely funny. She was a woman looking in about her mid-twenties, flawless makeup, hair in a high ponytail that could've passed for sun bleached and natural had it not been for the disproportionately dark roots coming in. They'd met in a small cafe to 'keep it casual' and he'd begun to notice she was sitting far closer to him that was necessary, even on their tiny couch, touching him with faux casualty that he could pick up despite often being tone deaf with social cues. He was fairly sure she wanted more than an interview and he couldn't say he'd mind as long as she let him finish his damn espresso first. "No worries, I'm just trying to get at the real you–" She placed a hand on his thigh but he was more preoccupied with how often he'd heard that phrase recently, what it even meant. "– As well as answer the most commonly asked questions from you fans. I can't say they won't be disappointed though." She chuckled to herself and he smiled politely. "So, how are you feeling about your upcoming solo tour?" She asked after staring at him a moment too long as if she'd forgotten momentarily she was still doing an interview. Her star struck desperation was almost laughable. "I'm not sure if it would be more honest to say that I'm anxious or that I'm not," He hummed, taking another sip of his drink. "I started performing at slam poetry events when I was a teenager in the Caribbean and sometimes hopped in to play piano in a friends band. Unfortunately he's no longer with us as I can safely say he was one of the best damn musicians I've ever met." She began to open her mouth, presumably to offer condolences, but he barreled onwards. He was sure she'd be much more sorry he didn't tell her there was a damn good chance he had been his half brother if he let that juicy tidbit slip at a later date. Though he wouldn't admit it, he knew deep down he refused to speak further on the topic simply because it still tugged expertly at his heart strings. "And of course I've been playing shows and opening for other groups for ages, but a tour of this scope is certainly new. I'm excited and thankful for the opportunity, though, especially since a portion of the cost for every ticket purchased will be going towards some of my favorite charities benefiting queer kids in the same positions I've found myself in over the years." "That reminds me!" The interviewer chirped suddenly, almost startling him. "What do you have to say to the people criticizing your use of the word queer as a self descriptor and umbrella term?" He let out a sound somewhere between an exhausted sigh and an amused chuckle. "Is fuck you an appropriate answer? Seriously though, as a trans man with a convoluted sexual and romantic orientation I have every right to reclaim the word. Yeah, okay, it's a slur and I won't use it to describe you if that makes you uncomfortable but it's also an incredibly powerful word that to me represents power and pride and overthrowing the stigmatization and oppression that surrounds me constantly. It also pisses off most cishets which–" His sentence was cut off by a barista suddenly turning up the cafes televisions at a customers shouted demand. The screens displayed an aerial view of a familiar landscape up in flames and dozens of first responders in the corner beside a news anchor giving a serious report. "Breaking news coming to you live right now with a view from our heli-cam – performer and musician John Laurens' L.A. residence up in flames upon the unexpected spread of seasonal wildfires. Laurens had only returned from his latest world tour last night and presumably went straight home to spend time with his daughter and wife, Frances and Martha Laurens respectively. While it's been confirmed that Frances is safe with her aunt and uncle outside the city, no word on her parents whereabouts." A hand went to a discreet earpiece, the anchors brow furrowing before giving a quick nod and returning their gaze to the camera. "Correction. With information from our source at the scene of the tragedy we regret to announce that a pair of bodies that are a preliminary match to John and Martha Laurens' have been found on the premises." Though it was a cliche he swore the world stilled around him, body frozen in place, unable to breathe. He was vaguely aware of the interviewer calling his name, asking if her was okay, but he couldn't respond. He mumbled something he hoped sounded like 'sorry' and darted out of the shop, no thought spared to his unfinished drink or the lost opportunity for meaningless sex with a girl that didn't deserve the aftermath of him. He clambered into his car only to sit with a blank expression, a hand clasped over his mouth. He couldn't process much beyond thoughts of his ex-lover, ex-friend, ex-everything. At the news of John Laurens death, for the first time in his life, Alexander Hamilton was completely helpless.
“For the record, I fucking hate this.”
Hercules laughed, snorted something a lot like ‘tough luck princess’ which promptly earned him a light smack to the back of the head. “Hey!” He whined, the inflection unexpected and very amusing for a man of his stature. “You asked for help landing a gig; I got you the damn gig. You’ve got exposure and rent for a month. You can’t be pissed at me for that!”
“Maybe not,” Alexander grumbled with a note of bitterness he put no effort into hiding. “But you know damn well playing piano for some ancient crooner is not what I ‘ad in mind!” He hopped from the lid of the piano - a damn nice grand he really shouldn’t be mistreating in such a way - and started to pace, leaving a trail of silver glitter in his wake because apparently even the pianist no one would pay any mind to had to be the embodiment of extravagance. Even borrowed, the thought of what Hercules must’ve paid for the form-fitting, gold accented suit made him a little nauseous. Though he’d threatened to bite off the other man’s fingers as he contoured his face, concealed the bags under his eyes, smeared glittery gold shadow on his lids, carefully gelled back his hair - he was thankful; he’d be looking an unemployable mess otherwise. “I know I’m a nobody but can you really not do any better by me, ‘erc?”
A snort came from where Hercules stood carefully wiping the glitter from the perfectly polished surface of the piano with a handkerchief - did anyone else use those anymore? - and Alexander’s ignored puppy eyes turned to a scowl. “You were making the face, weren’t you? I could hear it.” There was a sigh as he folded it carefully and placed it back into the breast jacket of his jeweled suit jacket, which was surely a look only Hercules in all of his tastefully pierced glory could actually pull of. “You know I want you to make it, Ham,” He continued in the sort of voice you’d use when explaining something very complex to a child. Though he was nearly a decade Hamilton’s senior it was still far from appreciated. “But I can only do so much for you, man. My ass is on the line too.”
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mementomcriii · 6 years
angelica: haha you can't even grow a beard
hamilton: ,,, s W EAT S
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