halcyonterror · 1 year
there is nothing like rping in the historical fiction fandom to force you to learn things!
Source: @prettycourfofthebarricade (twas I, many moons ago)
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mementomcriii · 6 years
So where do you think you'd have taken the rest of the story?
i’m going to put this under a cut cause i’m p sure it’s gonna get Long. also click here for a really short playlist for it (side note: i think for the most part alex’s music would resemble the song ‘action figures’ on there)
okok first a basic major character rundown
alexander: the og starving artist type, couch surfing and staying in motels and barely eating at the beginning of his career, willing to take literally Any gighercules: lowkey major producer day lighting as a fashion designer. Discovered tm alex at a gig he was doing opening for some local bandjohn: so fucking famous. p much a singer / songwriter type and under the thumb of his dad who owns his label and is thus Closeted As Hell and not able to do as much of the shit he wants to. complacent in his fame. addict.laf: nb french rapper that comes in later
this is kind of bare bones, only significant events but,,,
so. the new years eve party. alex is playing piano for most of the night bc that’s what he’s gotta do but then holy shit when he’s done john fucking laurens is complimenting him and. honestly he’s a fan boy and losing his shit and Gushing (ala aaron burr sir / my shot tbh) and john is high af and thinks he’s cute and the spend the rest of the evening together and alex impulse kisses him, they get stoned together, alex crashes at john’s place, it’s all hunky dory
time goes on they get closer they’re kind of a thing but also it’s not official and they don’t talk about it bc they’re disasters. alexander falls into addiction too (heroin, mostly, but they do. all kinds of shit) but definitely thinks it’s fine and he’s in control and none of this is fucked up. john decides to use his leverage to help alex move up in the industry and he get’s to do a more lowkey show w laf but that’s still P Big and they click and laf can see what’s going on and they’re just.... very concerned about alex. john too but. mostly alex bc there’s clearly a power imbalance there even if it’s not acted upon
little later alex gets his first real show and it goes g re a t but then afterwards there’s a transphobic asshole heckling and you Know this contentious bitch fights. then whoop we find out there was someone from a label there to see if he was worth taking a risk on and then they saw the fight and everything and went from “i guess i’ll give this kid a shot” to “hahaha Fuck no”. the fall out isn’t pretty.
alex kinda stops trying in regards to music and p much just wastes his days getting high, being w john and getting high w john. they’re Definitely a thing at this point and alex is. so desperately in love and Realizing this is fucked up and he wants to disrupt the pattern, to save this supernova he’s fallen for. and he mentions he wants to go public w what they are. stop hiding and feeling like john’s ashamed of him. and, well, john is just the iconic line from childish gambino “if i married you tonight it would probably start a riot” (which is actually one of the things that inspired this whole mess). so,,,, it starts to get kind of tense from there. at least alex is. things reach their peak when john writes him a song and shortly afterwards drops it as a single with masculine pronouns switched to feminine ones. yikes.
alex basically accuses him of not Actually seeing him as a dude and lying to / using him. john counters that he’s not out he can’t perform shit like that. alex says he cares more about his image more than him. john doesn’t really Know what to say so alex just. grabs his shit and leaves. laf and herc help him get clean and get on his feet and that pretty much puts us to the point of the first chapter.
the sequal would’ve revolved around post-fire events and Surprise john isn’t actually dead, he was off making poor life choices and martha was home w her bf (who john knew about) and Those were the bodies. the whole thing ends in a situation where john has to come forward about being gay and struggling w addiction and our two boys end up performing at the same festival and fall into a fucked up friends with benefits situation before straightening their shit out
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withouta-voice · 6 years
prettycourfofthebarricade replied to your post “who wants to see Son Pictures”
omg!! your cat?!? Is a best bean!! So beautiful!!
his name is otis and ive had him since he was like. a week or smth old !! he’s my pure snuggly son !!
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afuckingdelight · 6 years
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prettycourfofthebarricade replied to your post “Okay but do you all realise how much I miss this blog and my sweet...”
Resurrecting from death
Well the death do always receive flowers, so perhaps there is beauty in it after all? Although I would rather we are both among the living, there’s more fun in it that way!
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withouta-voice · 6 years
"Suffering is all that you will get in this universe."
Markiplier Quotes Sentence Starters pt 2
“But…” Mary couldn’t find her words for a moment, floundering before her fingers twisted together, fidgeting as the sixteen year old tried to find what to say. “Mama said we can be whatever we wanted. Jacky seems pretty happy, an’ Patsy likes her job ‘n takes care of Harry, James and I… Are you not happy, monsieur?”
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my url?
my opinion on;
character in general: I fricking love Courfeyrac. He’s this perfect mixture of humour and seriousness and cuteness and everything in between. how they play them: Fantastic. Like seriously. This person just has Courf down so, so well, and I love reading everything they write.the mun: We haven’t talked that much, but for as far as I’ve seen, the mun is a total sweetheart and a fantastic human being.
do i;
follow them: of course I do!rp with them: we used to? I’m not really sure what happened???want to rp with them: obviously!ship their character with mine: depends on the chemistry, but yes
what is my;
overall opinion: A+++++++ go follow right now if you’re not already!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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offensive thing: Heteronormativity for the win.
There’s just muted laughter from a corner of the crowd. “Courfeyrac, you’re hilarious.”
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gingilocks101 · 9 years
When you get this reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people to have notes in your activity
Going out with my friends
Cuddling my nephew
The sea
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chettatthebarricade · 9 years
Mumbai mun and muse
Mumbai:  What is your favorite scent
Muse: Hmm... fresh bread, a certain type of mens’ cologne that I can’t remember the name of, aaaaand... roses.
((Mun: Lilacs, old books, and coffee. ))
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"I can't do this anymore."
“Courf...? Courf, what.. what are you talking about?” Enjolras frowned, mind cycling back through what he may have done in the past few days. He gave Courfeyrac an inquiring look, waiting for Courf to explain himself.
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“Fuck everything.”
“Difficult day for a mortal, I take?”
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