#◟you’ve got mail ; ask answered .◝
crazyunsexycool · 4 months
Imagine Lottie is in Kindergarten and she gets expelled because she stood up for a kid who was getting bullied.
She thinks that she did something bad because now her teacher is really mad.
But Sugar and Bucky made her understand how proud they are of her for standing up against bad people and cheer her up and encourage her to do the same always!
I don’t think she would get expelled but maybe suspended just because she has super strength and maybe she pushed the bully a bit too hard. I also think she wouldn’t give two shits that her teacher was mad at her. Activate mini winter soldier with her scowl as she sits in the principal’s office. I think her and Henry would both stand up for the kids that were being bullied no matter what the consequences were.
Trigger warnings: Bullying, talk of illness, implied mention of cancer
Mini Avenger
Arms crossed over her chest. Anger flashing in her eyes. A frown on her lips. Charlotte was angry. She didn't understand why she was in trouble when she was only protecting a classmate from a bully. She was also mad at her teacher who had been mean to her. Then she was sent to the principal's office and Lottie was told that her parents had been called. When Bucky walked in through the door Lottie ran to him.
"Daddy." She got teary eyed the minute he picked her up.
"Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. Thank you for coming in on such short notice." The Principal, Mr. Giles, stands to greet you. "Charlotte please wait outside."
You had been standing next to Bucky trying to make sure Lottie was ok and you turned to glare at him.
"We need a minute to make sure our daughter is ok."
"Well, it's very important that we-"
"It's important for us to speak to our daughter and make sure she's ok first. Where can we speak privately?" Bucky says, leaving no space for discussions.
"I will give you a few minutes Mr. Barnes."
Mr. Giles walks out and closes the door behind him. Lottie reaches for you and you happily take her and give her a reassuring hug. You take a seat and settle Lott down.
"Am in trouble?" Lottie looked from you to Bucky with a sad look on her face.
"Tell us what happened. Why did you push that boy?"
"He's a bully. He was being mean to Gracie." She explains.
"Ok but did you follow our rules?"
"I did mama, I pwomise." She sniffles. "I tell him to stop. Then I tell the teacher. But he push-ed Gracie an Gracie is sick she can't be push-ed. Am in twouble now?"
Bucky reaches out and wipes away a stray tear. "No doll, you did the right thing. But now we have to talk with your principal."
Lottie hops off your lap and together the three of you walk out to the hallway. There you see Gracie, who Lottie defended. She looked exhausted, her hair was thinning and she wore a face mask. Immediately you got even more angry at the situation. This little girl was being bullied and instead of the teacher protecting her, the bully gets protected. The boy you assumed was the bully, Connor, was also their with his parents.
"This way please. My secretary will stay with the children."
It took half an hour and Bucky holding you back from launching yourself at the bully's mom. She had the nerve to call Lottie a freak. In the end both Lottie and the bully were suspended. The bully's mom didn't want to have her son apologize because in her words he did nothing wrong. You saw Gracie's mom deflate and the lack of empathy. She quickly got up and left to find her daughter. You were right behind her only to find Lottie and Connor arguing again. The secretary was trying to separate them.
"Mrs. Barnes will you please take Charlotte?" The secretary pleaded.
"Come here sweet angel. What happened?"
"He's being mean again." Charlotte glared at the little boy.
Connor's mom walked out of the conference room next and grabbed her son to leave. Everyone else walked out into the hallway with Bucky being last. The principal didn't bother to see what happened now and headed back to his office. Even though Gracie was silently crying. When it was just you, Bucky, Lottie, Gracie and her mom you spoke up.
"I'm so sorry this happened." You say.
"It's not your fault. I just hate that Gracie has suffered so much. As if being sick isn't enough, now she is being picked on and she had no friends." She was on the verge of tears. Before you can even reach out to her Lottie is tugging on her pants.
"That's not true. I'm Gracie's friend. And I won't let anyone be mean to her, I promise."
That does make Gracie's mom tear up and smile.
"Mama can Gracie come over and have a tea party?" Lottie looks at you with hopeful eyes.
"Only if it's ok with her mom, sweet angel."
Lottie turns back to Gracie's mom who can only nod in agreement before Lottie runs back to her new friend.
"You'll meet everyone, it's gonna be so fun."
Gracie's tears are long gone while Lottie tells her everything they can do when she comes over. She talks about Henry, Peanut, Alpine and her dear Steebie. You exchange numbers with Gracie's mom and plan a playdate soon before you head your separate ways.
"I'm very proud of you, doll. You did so good standing up for someone that needed help." Bucky says as he buckles her into her booster seat.
"I do the right thing."
"That's right. You're a mini Avenger."
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houseofhyde · 15 days
I know we're not supposed to root for Aegon I can't help but feel bad for him lmao 😂
idk if it's because i'm currently knee-deep in an unexpected aegon faze,, but i relate to this🧍‍♂️
but because i view myself as a proud agent of chaos, i'm going to torture you with a snippet of a conversation between aegon and lady stark in the next chapter, just to make you feel worse <3 enjoy x
snippet of chapter 5, another man's legacy, beneath the cut !
“What did I… Think?” Your husband nods his head with enthusiasm, his unruly locks of hair shaking as he does so. It’s hard to picture him any other way than this, unkept and unbothered, nothing like the rest of his bloodline, with their meticulous braids and their well pampered image. Were it not for the striking colour that grows out his scalp, you’d hardly believe Aegon was a Targaryen. His dark eyebrows shoot up expectantly. “You did well. You were cooperative and understanding. Just, too. No matter the personal issue they laid at your feet, you truly tried to solve things, as best you could. You were… Aegon, you were kingly.”
“Do not sound so surprised,” rose tinted cheeks, a splash of bloodrush upon his soft skin. The wine must be getting to him and yet… And yet you wonder if it’s something more, a rush of excitement at praise. He’d never wanted this - the crown, the throne, you - until push came to shove and he felt the sweet weight of the Conqueror’s legacy rest upon his head and the grip of Blackfyre in his fist. Whether driven by ego for a legacy or a genuine wish to do well by the people of his realm, Aegon has taken on his duties with a grace no one, not even his own blood, had expected of him. A mess made in times of war, he spears ahead to clean up what rubble and ashes remain of the land. “I’m sure you’re wondering what prompted my invite to sup here, alone.”
“You are my husband, I am your wife. Who else would I share my meals with?”
“I am sure there are names ahead of mine on that list,” the smile he flashes is jaded. “Sometimes I worry you wish to forget our marriage.”
“Aegon, husband, I would never do such a thing.” And yet, you have. Naked in the Dornish heat, another name upon your tongue, another man inside your cunt.
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thundertide · 3 months
About: Thoma, About: Ayato, and About: Ayaka for one Saiki so she can talk about the whole Yashiro Commission if she wants to c:<
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Send 'About: (name)' for my muse's thoughts on another character ALA Genshin's Voicelines!
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About: Thoma
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"Thoma is a gentle, warm fireplace in the dead of winter, warming everything he's near with even just a smile. His kindness and bright personality can never be put into words, truly - like one can never put the warmth of the sun into words that could ever accurately describe it. While I came to Inazuma in search of my brother, it was Thoma who made me want to stay, who helped me find a place to belong and shared his flames with me... It was Thoma who showed me I'm worthy of love, and not only gave me his heart, but a home. No matter how rough things may turn, it's to him I'll always come back to - To my home, and the place I belong. I didn't come to Inazuma looking for a husband, but I stand here with so much more than that - I stand here with a partner and a love that makes me want to get up every day and keep moving forward. With him... I think I can finally discover who 'Saiki' truly is."
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About: Kamisato Ayato
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"The lord of the Yashiro Commission doesn't often show his face outside of the estate, but with the weight on his shoulders, I'm not sure anyone could blame him for choosing to stay out of the public eye like he does. The world he's a part of is constantly filled with chaos and turmoil, churning like the sea during a storm every chance it gets... And yet despite it all, he's a very level-headed and calm man who regularly keeps those around him both feeling welcomed and on their toes. He saw absolutely no problem with taking in someone like me, on top of it all... I hope I can someday repay him, but until then, I'll do all I can to help him navigate the weight on his shoulders as one of his retainers... And friends."
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About: Kamisato Ayaka
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"Milady truly has a gentle heart. Her determination is admirable, and she never ceases to amaze me with how much of it she puts into her role as the 'princess' of the Yashiro Commission, but when it comes to just being Ayaka... She is truly a kind and generous woman I wouldn't believe could ever hurt a leaf if I hadn't seen her training for myself. The times we've spent slipping away to the kitchen for a snack and quiet conversation about the tiny things in life that have nothing to do with work... Are some of my favorite moments that I never expected to find here. I truly admire Lady Ayaka, and I feel that admiration will only continue to grow the closer our friendship becomes."
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pinkandblueblurbs · 2 years
it is a solid argument not liking negan just cause he killed a character you’re ‘attached’ to is just neeky behavior
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sorry i’m not a big enough slut for u ig
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casketcat-archived · 2 years
@xamassed wished upon a star !
"Babe, I love ya t'pieces, but I'm serious: do not drop this." He placed a small and unimpressive jar into her hand with slow and careful movements. The bow around it was loosely tied, the width of it covering the label in the most unhelpful way. "It's paint. Ain't made it before, but I looked it up. Think I might'a done an alright job considerin' I didn't know a damn thing about it before now."
His face began to light up, hope and wonder and excitement. "So there's this flower that grows in one'a the deeper parts of the Devildom. Expensive as all hell, 'less ya go and pick it yourself. Crazy dangerous, though. Like, seriously. I almost lost my head a couple'a times, but it was totally worth it 'cause this stuff is legit."
He folded her hands over the small jar and beamed. "Whatever ya paint with this is supposed t'last forever. There ain't a lot 'cause the flower was small, so ya better make it count, treasure."
The demon pulled her in, kissed at her lips like he knew there would be a thousand more, and he was excited for each one. "Merry Christmas. I love ya." ( kiwa & mammon )
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“I—I’ll do my best to be careful, don’t worry!” oh, boy. If he was so serious about her not dropping it from the get go, this definitely has to be something fragile.. she will do her best!!!! Kiwa held the jar with both hands, determined to keep it safe and protected from her usual clumsiness. One finger gently rubbed against the bow, a small huff of amusement leaving the human as she admired how haphazardly it was tied. It was so like Mammon. So cute.
It was… paint? And Mammon made it? He made her paint? That was so.. so ridiculously sweet. She was already thankful just thinking it was normal paint, and already super excited to use it, but then he continued. A Devildom flower? Crazy dangerous? Mammon was too much.. he did something so silly and dangerous just to make her paint. Kiwa was so, so in love with this demon. He was the sweetest thing. This was the sweetest thing..
“Forever, huh, Sunshine?” She already kind of knew what she wanted to paint, and the thought alone brought the giddiest smile to her face. Her hands gently clutched the jar tighter as the demon pulled her in for a kiss, a giggle escaping Kiwa’s lips as she finally pulled away from his. “Merry Christmas, Mammon. I love ya too.. I can’t wait to show you what I paint with this.”
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desertbled · 3 months
“plots please” for my fallout ocs? ( maybe camden, jamie, & penelope? )
plotting ask meme
penelope - based on what i've read, penelope & wolf seem to be very similar, personality wise! i feel like this could lead to a potential friendship / bonding ( maybe after they butt heads a little bit ? ) maybe they cross paths in diamond city prior to the minutemen taking the castle.
jamie - him & wolf could bond over hating the brotherhood of steel together, tbh. wolf served multiple tours in the ncr-bos war, & he's had enough bad experiences with them to harbor a distrust towards their members ( & he can even be hostile with them at certain points. ) i feel they could probably share a lot of their experiences with each other about that. ( but i imagine that'll take a lot of time to build up to, since neither of them are very open about themselves. )
camden - i think camden may be the one that would be easiest to build interactions with, since i tend to write wolf as railroad aligned. since railroad agents sometimes don't even know each other, i imagine they could have been working on the same assignments ( prior to camden joining the minutemen ) & didn't even know it. ( til maybe they meet up later & it gets brought up. ) wolf also disagrees with desdemona's leadership as well, so that could be another point of discussion.
while wolf tends to be more railroad aligned, he considers the minutemen as allies, so i can see maybe wolf crossing paths with all of them on joint ventures, or in the midst of wolf aiding a minutemen settlement. he's more of an ' outsider ' / free agent more than anything, so even though he has ties to the railroad, he ultimately does whatever the fuck he wants. which means there's a little more wiggle room in terms of potential meetings.
maybe wolf can even patch someone up with his medical knowledge, or roles can be reversed for once, where one of them saves wolf instead of him doing the saving.
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thelastofhyde · 5 months
Just wanted to say I hope you’re okay and feeling better 💐
thank you, it's been a slow process but i am <3
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athymelyreply · 8 months
💜💙💘💗💋(forehead, cheek)💪🔊💭👏👑
hehe ily ily ily thyymeee
Oh me oh my whoever could this be *bats eyelashes*
(hiiii buddy I love you soooooo much <3333 kissa kissa you are so wonderful and lovelyyy)
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lucas-koh · 10 months
What song and movie do you wish was turned into an LITG fic? It can be both or either of the two.
I hate-love this question bc the answer is very long because I am indecisive. So here I am trying to cut things down.
sex - EDEN is a song that’s in the Stitches playlist , but I think it’s a great song to explore a FWB to lovers dynamic
Let’s Fall in Love for the Night - FINNEAS because I love the concept of two people coming together and having this intense connection and saying all these things and then as soon as it’s morning they go their separate ways. A perfect piece of untouched time
And for a movie… I’m gonna choose Alien. I know, random, but I like horror and would love to see the LITG cast in more situations like that. I always think about Christy’s corn maze fic. Like, a lot
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crazyunsexycool · 7 months
Lottie after following Fury around for a day. 🤣🤣
Bucky would be livid, Sugar would low-key find it hilarious!
Potty Mouth
Lottie would decide one day that she will follow Fury around just for fun. At the beginning of the day Fury does his best to not curse in front of her but at some point some dumb agent makes a really stupid mistake and he just says it. It just slips out.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Yeah, the fuck is wong with you?" Lottie is looking up at the agent, hands on her hip and a scowl on her face.
Fury sighs and dismisses the agent.
"You can't say that word."
"Is kay. I says bitch." Lottie shrugs and goes to sit at her self appointed desk which was really just the coffee table in his office. Fury shakes his head and goes to his own desk to get more work done.
"Oh fuck."
The conversation you and Bucky were having stops immediately. Both of you make your way to the living room where Lottie had spilled some water on herself and the floor. She looks up as you both walk in and gives you a sheepish smile in hopes of not getting in trouble for the mess.
"What did you say, doll?"
"I says 'oh fuck.'"
"Where did you learn that?" You struggle to not laugh.
"Fuw-e says it too. An says muthafucka a wot."
Bucky takes a deep calming breath and lets his shoulders slump. This wouldn't be the first or last conversation he would have to have with Charlotte about her potty mouth. Two things will always stand true with Charlotte, she's sweet as can be and she curses like a sailor.
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crazyunsexycool · 18 days
Bucky - Lottie baby you cannot kiss Tommy, in fact you cannot kiss boys, they have cooties, it's disgusting
Lottie - Eww daddy
*Lottie sees Bucky and Sugar kissing each other next morning*
Lottie yells - Eww Mommy! You cannot kiss boys! Boys have cooties, Daddy is a boy! Daddy you gonna get mommy yucky! Move away and pushes Bucky away from sugar
If she can’t get kisses no one can! Also Lottie is so dramatic that she’s going to take this to the extreme.
Warning: super barely there implied smut...
Boys have cooties
“Doll,” Bucky says as he has yet another conversation about Lottie and her friend that is a boy, not to be confused with boyfriend, Tommy. He’d never allow her to have a boyfriend ever. “You can’t give Tommy kisses.”
“But why?”
“Because 1. You’re not supposed to have a boyfriend and 2. You’re too little.”
“Am not. And mama gabe you kisses.”
“Yeah but…” Bucky had no argument so he did the only thing he could, he went with a childish answer. “Boys have cooties. And they’re yucky. Not cute at all, they can ruin your dresses.”
“Yes and your bows. Cooties get everywhere if you kiss boys. You would get green spots on your face and everything."
“I won’t kiss a boy evuh again.” Lottie says before starting to run away.
“Good… wait again? What do you mean again?” Bucky asked but Lottie had already gotten to her room.
Bucky had forgotten about his conversation with Lottie the night before. He was busy giving his wife kisses and a little bit more. This morning he was feeling extra loving and handsy. Although the kids were used to seeing their parents give each other quick kisses this morning would bring a little bit of chaos.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Lottie shrieked as she ran into the kitchen. She immedietly started pushing her way in between you and Bucky. "Get away from mama!"
"Doll, what's wrong?"
"You gibe mama kisses. Why?"
You look at Bucky confused. "Sweet Angel, daddy gives me kisses all the time."
That was the wrong thing to say because Lottie started crying and trying to pull you down and check your face.
"Why can't daddy give me kisses?" You run your hand up and down Lottie's back trying to soothe her.
"Because... boys habe cooties and cooties are yucky. Daddy says it."
You look up at Bucky who is face palming.
"Really? Cooties?"
Bucky just gives a resigned shrug.
“Sweet Angel, I promise I’m fine. I don’t have cooties.”
“No, daddy says you get sick if you get cooties, mama.”
“Well then how about we go to my office and I’ll show you that I don’t have cooties?”
“Ok, but no mo’ kisses fo daddy.” Lottie pleads.
“I think that’s a great idea.” You look up and smirk at Bucky. “No more kisses for daddy. Lets go.”
“What did you do now?” Sam asked Bucky as he walked out of Duckie’s lab. He smelled like disinfectant.
“What are you talking about? Sugar called me up here.”
“Yeah well Y/N and Lottie are in there with Doc and they’re having all the guys get a disinfecting treatment.” Sam huffs while crossing his arms over his chest. “Something about getting rid of cooties.”
“Oh for fucks sake.” Bucky shakes his head and walks past Sam.
In the lab were you, Duckie and Lottie with goggles, gloves and masks on. Standing in a line were Tony, Bruce, Thor, Clint, Loki, Vision, Steve and Henry. Wanda and Nat were sitting to the side and pointing out spots that weren’t disinfected.
“What the hell is going on?”
Everyone turns to look at Bucky. The guys were irritated but the women, except for Lottie, were all amused.
“We are treating the cootie outbreak before it gets out of hand. Please join the line.” Duckie informs the line.
All the guys get hand sanitizer, their faces wiped with a baby wipe and a blast from an air compressor to get rid of all the germs. And if they do a good job they get a hug from Lottie. One by one all the guys go down the line to get their treatment. Bucky finally gets to the end, all the women are just snickering and joking about how ridiculous he’s being.
“Wait.” Nat yells just as Bucky’s about to walk out. “I think Bucky’s case of the cooties is at a level 1.”
“Oh no.” Lottie gasps.
“Level 1 cootie infection is very dangerous. We have to go into full decontamination.” Duckie adds while trying not to laugh.
“Oh come on. It’s not that serious.”
“Is so sewious.”
“How unfortunate. No kisses for you for the rest of the day.”
“Sugar.” Bucky whines but he’s being pushed into the small decontamination station in the corner of the lab. He sighs and accepts his fate as Lottie presses the button.
“Look at that Lottie, you saved all the boys from the cooties.”
“Yeah and tomowwow I sabe Tommy too. Then I can gibe him kisses.”
“Wait what? No! No kissing Tommy!”
“Can’t he-uh you daddy. The cooties is too loud.”
Everyone starts laughing as they walk out of the lab while you stay behind. You hold up a towel for Bucky but just sent you a light hearted glare.
“Why would you lie about cooties?”
“She told me she gave Tommy a big kiss. She’s too young.”
“It was Tommy’s birthday and Lottie wanted to get him a gift. He loves chocolate so she chose the big chocolate kiss.“
Bucky just stares at you. He remembers you reminding him that Lottie got him that candy.
“Yeah, oh.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “But look on the bright side. Now you’re cootie free and we can pick up where we left off.”
“Not in my lab. Get out before I have to burn the place to the ground.”
You laugh at Duckie’s glare and grab Bucky’s hand to lead him out of the lab.
Will Bucky ever be ok with Lottie giving Tommy kisses of any kind? Probably not. But he will always to everything he can to protect her. Even make up fake diseases to do so.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 month
My mom says that I always called my dad by his first name until I started school! I only learnt to call him "Papa" when I saw my fellow classmates calling their dad's😂😭
Now we know Honey bee's first words were mama. Instead of calling steve dada, she just calls him by his name😂😭
😂😂😂😂 even worse it’s Cap.
It’s dad not Cap.
“Say dada.” Steve repeats over and over again. “Dada. Can you say dada?”
Steve groans in frustration causing Bee to giggle at him.
“Say dada.”
“Cap.” Bee replies almost immediately. A cheeky little smile on her sweet innocent face. She knew what she was doing.
Steve tickles her sides causing her to giggle and squirm.
"Say dada!"
"Cap... Cap... Cap..." Bee she practically yells through her laughter.
"You know you're just encouraging her to keep saying it." You say as you walk into the living room where Steve and Bee were.
“Mama.” Bee sighs with a smile.
Steve throws his head back and groans. When he looks back down he’s sporting a pout. Not hearing Bee call him dad is hurting him more than he’d like to admit.
“Oh my sweet honeybee, be nice and say daddy.” You murmur while giving Bee some kisses.
“You’re grounded until you’re 40, young lady.” Steve points a finger at Bee, which she just grabs and pulls. “Alright, I’ll see you both later, I have a briefing.”
You watch Steve leave before turning to your daughter. “Alright missy, can you say dada?”
For days Steve tried to get Bee to say dada but he was met with the same reply. He was starting to get frustrated with the situation even though it wasn't a big deal. Steve knew that eventually Bee would say what he was waiting to hear.
It took a week of being away on a mission. It was bed time for Bee when Steve got home. He smiled as he heard you softly reading a bedtime story.
"The end." You murmured and closed the book, setting it down and continuing to rock Bee.
"Hey." Steve stops and leans against the doorframe. You smile up at him.
"How did it go?"
"It was good."
You both whisper back and forth.
"I'll be right out." You say, thinking that Bee was already asleep.
Steve just nods and straightens up with the intention of going to your joint room to shower and change. There's a little groan from your arms and Bee squirms in your arms.
"Dada?" Bee says sleepily, her eyes blinking up slowly at you. You smile down at her.
"That's right Bee, it's dada."
Steve smiled as he undid the top part of his suit. He walked closer to you and Bee with tears in his eyes. You shift Bee in your arms and let Steve carry her, telling him you’d give him a few minutes alone with her.
"Hi my sweet HoneyBee."
"Dada." Bee sighs dreamily before hiding her face in Steve’s chest, easily falling asleep in her daddy’s arms.
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crazyunsexycool · 3 months
This happens sometime before Henry is found -
It's midnight and Bucky and Sugar are in deep sleep, Lottie is unable to sleep and she decided that she needs cuddles from her papa.
Bucky turns around in his sleep and sees Lottie staring at him and is a bit startled- Hi doll what are you doing here?
Lottie - I wanted cuddles fwom you papa!
Bucky - Offcourse baby you can have as many cuddles as you want and falls asleep with her in his arms.
Sugar wakes up to see this adorable duo and takes many pictures in the morning
Aaww this is so sweet! 🥹🥹🥹
Late night cuddles
Lottie loved cuddles. They made her feel safe and warm and loved. When she had scary memories her mama and dada would hold her close to keep the monsters away. Even with how little she was Lottie knew she could always ask for cuddles and she’d get them. So when she woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep she decided to seek comfort in the form of cuddles from her dad. With pink teddy bear in hand she slid off of her bed and stepped out into the hallway.
Lottie knew the way to your room like the back of her hand, even in the dark. The door was ajar but Lottie peeked in anyways. Although she was still smaller than what she should be, she could see over the foot of the bed and find yours and Bucky’s sleeping form. She scurries to Bucky’s side and tries her best to get up on her own but her footie pajamas aren’t helping her. There’s some shuffling around and when she looks up Bucky is facing her.
“Doll?” He whispers in a semi sleep state.
“Dada.” Lottie whispers back.
Bucky props himself up on his elbow and blinks away some sleep.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“Uppies dada.” Lottie holds her arms up and out.
“Did you have a bad dream?” Bucky picks her up and settles her in the center of the bed. You’re sleeping deeply and don’t feel the dip in the bed.
Lottie shakes her head and lays her head on Bucky’s chest. She moves around until she’s laying on top of him completely. Bucky can’t help but chuckle as he gets comfortable.
“Did you want cuddles, doll?”
“Yeah, dada. Want you.” She says with a yawn.
“You can get all of the cuddles you want. Sweet dreams, baby.”
“Sweet, dada.”
Bucky smiles while he gently moves his hand up and down Lottie’s back to comfort her. Slowly sleep takes over both Barnes.
You wake up early the next morning, pleasantly surprised to feel Bucky is still in bed. What you’re surprised to find when you turn around is Lottie and Bucky cuddled up. You didn’t even hear her come in during the night.
Sometimes it’s startling how much Bucky and Lottie look and act alike. Like at this very moment both of them are laying on their backs, one arm over their midsection head tilted towards you and mouth slightly parted. As slowly as you can you grab your phone from the night stand and click a few pictures.
“It’s not nice to take pictures of people while they’re asleep.” Bucky murmurs.
“I’m sorry but you guys look so cute. When did she get here?”
“Last night, she wanted cuddles.” Bucky turns to his side and pulls Charlotte into his chest.
“Aaww, that’s so sweet. I’ll go get coffee started and give you guys a few minutes.”
You lean forward and kiss Bucky’s cheek and then lottie’s forehead. Bucky soaks up as many cuddles as he can. He promises right then and there that he would never deny anything to his little girl.
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crazyunsexycool · 2 months
When Bucky picks his kids from school, are all the moms ogling him and starring at how hot he is and giggling amongst themselves and Henry is just like dad not again 👀
School pick up
Part 2
Warning: Henry being an accidental snitch 😂😂
“Look it’s him.” One of the PTA members points out to her group of friends.
They’re all standing at their usual spot waiting for their kids to get out of school. The group of about five or six women all take in Bucky as he steps out of the driver’s side, grabs his baby and heads to a corner to wait for his own kid. These women were not subtle, but how could they when he was standing there being a lonely mother’s wet dream. He cooed and played with his baby happily. He wasn’t afraid of what others might think. When his son ran to him, Bucky received him with a warm smile and a tight hug.
“What I would do to spend a night with him.”
“Hello James, how are you today?” One of the braver women called out. She waved and gave him a flirty smile.
“I’m doing great, Sandra. How are you ladies doing?”
All of them answer at the same time with some version of good or great. Some of them blushing just because Bucky smiled in their direction. It wasn’t even a flirty smile, just a standard, nothing special smile and yet they fawned over it.
“Are you planning on coming to the science fair?” Sandra took a few steps closer to him.
“Of course, Henry has a project. He’s been working so hard on it. My wife and I are so proud.”
Sandra deflates but only slightly. Of course he’d bring you up at the first chance he got.
The bell rings and the kids start running out. Most of them look for either the parent or the car they’re supposed to get in. Sandra is still trying to chitchat with Bucky but his eyes are now looking for Henry in a sea of kids.
“He’s the definition of dilf.” Another woman says causing the women to giggle.
They’re still talking about Bucky as the crowd dispersed and Henry finally made his way over to his dad. With his arrival Sandra has no choice but to end the conversation. Bucky greets Henry and lets him hold Peanut while they start walking back to the car.
“Dad what’s a dilf?” Henry asks loud enough so that the group of women can hear.
Bucky chokes on nothing as he tries to find the words to explain it to his son. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Ok.” Henry says but turns his head to look at the group of moms, silently letting them know that he heard them talking about his dad. Some of them have the decency to look embarrassed.
You standing at the front door, on hand on the railing, the other on your slightly swollen belly. Lottie runs up to you first. Then peanut shuffles along, followed by Henry and Bucky. Bucky gives you a quick kiss before Henry gives you a hug.
“How was your day, sweet boy?”
You smile as you head inside.
“Mama, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” You play with Henry’s hair.
“What’s a dilf?”
You freeze, unsure of what your reaction should be. Of course you want to laugh but Henry is very serious about this question.
“Where did you hear that?” You ask instead.
“The moms at pick up called dad a dilf. Again. They’re always looking at dad and smiling and saying he has a cute butt.”
“Well a dilf means a dad I like to have fun with.”
“Oh. That makes sense, dad is definitely a dilf then.” Henry agrees and it takes everything you not to burst out laughing. Bucky, however, is as red as a tomato.
You’re left alone with Bucky but you hear Henry talking to Lottie.
“Lottie did you know dad’s a dilf?”
You throw your head back laughing at Bucky’s mortified expression. He groans the more you laugh.
“Why did you say that? He’s going to be telling everyone.”
“But it’s true. You’re a total dilf how do you think we got here?” You place your hand on your swollen belly and smile.
Bucky can’t help but smile too, his hand joining yours. He leans in and kisses you.
“Now about these women…”
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crazyunsexycool · 12 days
Lottie has a collection of dolls, she also has dolls of all of her super hero uncles and aunties.
When Bee sees the Bucky doll, she's obsessed with it! She takes it with her everywhere she goes and shows everyone how cool her uncle Bocci is with the metal arm 🥺🥺
Aaww this is so cute! (Side note: her super hero doll collection also includes her mama because she’s an avenger too)
Bocci Doll
It had taken everyone by surprise, Bee’s obsession with Bucky’s doll. It had been part of Lottie’s doll collection but she lost it when Bee noticed it for the first time. With a soft ‘Bocci’ and her big blue eyes staring up at Lottie, Bee got to keep the doll. It wasn’t a big deal the doll was replaced about a day later.
Bee loved that doll with all her heart. She took it everywhere. Sitting with her dad in his office? Bocci the doll was there. She has a normal doctor check up? Bocci the doll was there. Helping her mama with work? Bocci the doll was there. Bed time? Bocci the doll was tucked in right beside her.
It was endearing to the super soldier, seeing his best friend’s daughter walk around with the doll version of himself tucked safely into the crook of her arm. Others on the team were a bit jealous. Really it was just Sam. Bee, although a shy little girl, would show off her uncle Bocci doll to whoever she could. Whenever anyone showed her any kind of attention she would just hold the doll up, showing off her most prized possession happily.
“So pit-e.” Bee says softly as she holds the doll up to an agent that was in Steve’s office. She moved the doll’s left arm so that it would catch the light.
“It is very nice. Good choice for a doll.” The agent smiles down at Bee, who giggles before hiding behind Steve’s desk again. “Thanks again, Captain.”
“No worries, see you out there.”
The agent walks out, leaving Steve and Bee alone again.
“Alright, HoneyBee. What do you say we finish for the day and go get some dinner?”
“Mm-hmm.” She nods as she stands, picking up her toys and putting them back in the little basket in the corner of the office.
On her way out with her daddy of someone says hi to her, Bee holds up her doll to show it off with pride.
It’s a tragedy when Bocci the doll is lost. Left behind somewhere. Bee is inconsolable, the tears won’t stop flowing. The only thing that will calm her down is Bucky being at her side. He doesn’t mind of course, Bucky loves his niece and he’d do anything for her. So he offers to babysit while Steve and Honey search for the doll since just getting a replacement isn’t enough.
After a day and a half they find the doll thanks to Lottie. It had sunken between the cushions of a couch in a store in the middle of the city. By some miracle it was still there. When Bee is finally reunited with her beloved doll she hugs it tightly and kisses its head.
“Bocci.” She sighs happily before looking up at her parents and her uncle. She holds the doll up and wiggles its left arm. “So pit-e.”
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crazyunsexycool · 5 months
Lottie doesn't know what her mama's real name is!
When someone asks her what's her mom's name - she's like her name is Sugar or darling because that's what Bucky always calls her😭🥺
Mama’s name
Imagine it’s a new recruit and it’s their first day. They don’t know about the kids yet because they haven’t been to the compound orientation. So this person goes up to Charlotte and asks all kinds of questions like are you lost, do you know where you are, why are you here alone.
“Do you know your mommy’s name?” They ask as they take one knee in front of her.
“Yeah, it’s mama.”
“Ok, what does your dad call your mama? Does he use her name?”
“Yup.” Lottie nods and smiles. “Is Sugah.”
The recruit sighs. “Do you have a grandpa? What does he call your mama?”
“Gwandpa says kitten. Is so cute.” Lottie’s nose scrunches up when she smiles.
The recruit smiles softly and looks around to see if there’s anyone that might know anything about a kid at the compound.
“Ok why don’t we go to the office over there,” they point to the main building. “And we can try and find your mama. That way you aren’t lost.”
Charlotte furrows her brows, confused because she isn’t lost.
“Am not wost. Am with mama.”
“Charlotte.” Just then you call out to her and she runs into your open arms. “What’s going on here?” You ask her but look straight at the recruit.
“Ma’am I’m sorry, I saw her here by herself and thought she was lost. I was only trying to get her back to a family member.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah mama. Is so nice.” Lottie digs into the pocket of her jeans and pulls out a small gold star. “Is fo’ you.” She holds it out and places it on the recruit’s uniform.
“Thank you.” You tell the recruit before turning and walking towards the training fields.
“Mama what’s your name?”
“My name is name is Y/N.”
“Oh, I wike mama better.”
“Me too sweet Angel.”
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