farawayfolks · 11 months
Tarot Reading: Shadow Energy
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The Lovers reversed.
The inner layer, the opposite to light. The shedding of leaves, the crisp, dark part of a browning leaf that could creak with just a little bit of force. With shadow, the tiniest bit of disruption stirs it. The invader is shown in full light for shadow glides away from all parts of them, leaving them painfully draped in light like the naked emperor, vulnerable to all in the dark.
Shadow is a vest loyal only to its owner, tugged snugly around their neck providing the best protection allowing its owner to slip through worlds undetected. Its the finest silk, the thinnest embroidery, slipping across tiles without the faintest of sounds. If you're not careful, you could hear not only it, but also the hallucinations.
Shadow doesn't shy away from light, for light embraces all that it touches, including the shadowy parts that so often offers itself to its gaze. In a way light and shadow coexist, but there's a fine line one shouldn't cross if they don't want to be stuck in the in-between, belonging to none.
If the wild elements are a book and light is its pages, shadow would be the wind that flips the pages open. Shadow is an active element, it has a life of its own. It's never unfeeling, never passive. No, shadow has a will of its own and it bends to no one. If one dares enter, they would have to listen, observe and separate it from other surrounding energies so that they could bathe in the centre of the shadow to truly witness its energy and the power it yields. You either be in command or it commands you.
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farawayfolks · 11 months
Hello :) This is my small stash of tarot readings of various topics from the humblest insects to the most elusive mythical beings. Feel free to take a look and suggest topics if you want.
女娲 Nüwa 🌓 盤古 Pangu
Seri Gumum Dragon 🌼 Orang Bunian 🌼 Leprechaun
Sun 🌌 Sirius 🌌 Pluto
Stegosaurus 🐾 Impala 🐾 Cassowary
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