#★ OOC
ask-regretevator · 1 month
any couples..? - 🎀
[ooc: hi !! mod answering here because i wanna share my specific headcanons on couples :0)
splive (split x bive)
partylamp (poob x lampert)
wallmark (wallter x mark) ((divorced but yk...))
cat in the hat (mach x dr retro) ((HEAR ME OUT!!!))
jeremy x unpleasant (no comment)
discocorner (brock x dylan) ((PLEASE!!!!!!!))
umm thats all i can remember as of now ^_^]
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jojoingjoseph · 6 months
( alright, in Truth; I am more active on my other blog but I'll be making more of an effort to comeback here after I fix an issue with my email on my laptop. Thank gods I'm still logged in on my phone but it's horrible to type in and I have no access to my hoeseph icons. )
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rxdguardian · 1 year
i finally wrote 1 thing & i will do more—but i will kinda focus on my main blog tonight & then i'll return here later
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empireserved · 2 years
Mayhaps give this a like if you’d like a starter (of varying length) from Abnur! Caps at 3.
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crystallizsch · 4 months
tfw when i draw jamil's side bang so inconsistently
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privitivium · 5 months
imaginjgn fuking a stupid idiot guy whos all slinky and chill and you who is somewhat jealous that the he goes off every other time to fuck off in a brothel before finally cornering him and expressing ur jealousy theough fucking him while saying mean stuff but really ur just bullying for the fun of it;;
amab reader.
cw;,, bullying of small phallus :'(, feminine terminology used to describe male genitalia (giving) readers chest is called tits briefly, lowkey humilation sorta??
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( totally relative to story but not mentioned; guy who's a little silly dreams of you fucking him and now he cant get the feeling of ur dream imprint of your dick out of his head and now that ur alone and together it elicites the perverted nature of his mind and he decides to lowkey taunt you into doing what he wants )
it was only the two of you; sharing a bottle of rice wine* while staring off over the cliff that overlooked the village where the others were hanging around. the lights from the village illuminate your bodies with a dull, pretty glow and it didn't help him that you looked a bit too feminine in that moment as a moderately in-between looking man; evoking his perverted nature - your soft, half-lidded eyes and lips that were glossy with the rice wine he offered you.. ughgh..
'.. yeah, you know.. i was wondering what you do.. do you just go jerk it in the forest when we're all sleeping or something?' he questions, a bit dumbly with his voice wobbly as he shifts next to you - knees pulled to his chest with his arms wrapped around his legs. 'or do you go out to a brothel without any of us knowing? seriously, i cant imagine going so long without .. yknow, doing it..' he shrugs, glancing at you briefly. a bit too shameless. 'camping here for so long.. staying here for months in a closed space with each other.. you know, i figured i would hear something!'
'none of them are my type.' you shake your head in denial, face apathetic as you look over the village below; lights lively and the faint sound of music playing so faint you'd have to strain your ears to hear. 'the women at the brothels,' you clarify, a double meaning to your words. 'and no i dont fucking jerk it in the forest..'
'really? then what, you just.. keep it in? it's just.. hrmm..'
and then, he continues to prod and talk about masturbating in the shower with a little back and forth about sex and stuff along the lines of fornication - . i mean, who the hell did this little creep think he is-?! when is it enough? you begin to grow a little too irritated, and heated as the alcohol flowing through your body and straight to your groin - he was not helping. you had planned to leave him there and truly go jerk it in the forest but omg you cant help urself can you? not when he's sitting there, talking so perverted and needs to be put in place?? goodness how can u ignore that..
'hush already..' you groan lowly, annoyance spiking as you shift your legs; squirming as your dick pressed against the fabric of your underwear irritatingly. eliciting a sharp, unheard gasp of shock from the others' lips as he began to stutter incomprehensibly as your hand moves swiftly to grip his wrist closest to you - other hand grazing his groin as you moved close before climbing over him, settling in with a leg over and under his and hovering over him with a blank look, scrutinizing and ignoring the way your bulge was grazed annoyingly by his. 'what's it to you? why y' so interested in who i might fuck or where i might jerk off? you wanna watch or something?' you taunt leisurely, tilting your head at the other man who's free hand was in-between his legs; knuckles grazing your bulge with how close you were - !
'what?? n-no, man.. i thought this was just guy talk..' he squirms, huffing softly as he stares up at you with wide and startled eyes; aha.. why does he feel so warm.. ughhgh
'guy talk about masturbating? i have never heard the others talk about consistently talkin about jerkin it.. i think you're just a weirdo.' you nod at your own words, hand on his inner thigh edging toward his groin and finally cupping ever so softly - massaging through his pants and grinning at his soft grunt, his eyes staring up at you in wonder with a face bright red that looked vaguely blue under the moonlight; hidden away from the lights from below.
'i mean, seriously. who could you genuinely pleasure with this fucking thing?' you mutter outloud, relishing in the way his eyes glazed with tears, but none dripping - pleasure, embarrassment warming the apples of his cheeks as he stares at you from his position underneath you as you inspect his miniscule dick with nimble examining fingers that you had promptly pulled out of his pants - he was grateful you didn't mention the spot darkening on his pants, nor the small and managable sticky mess along his underwear - so quickly??!! a-and not to mention cold hands!! he was always treating life coolly "go with the flow and try luck with cute girls", and - obviously it's all about how you use ur dick to pleasure someone! 'so tiny. a bit cute, yknow?' you thumb the tip, running the pad of your digit over the slit of his dick without shame, you looked so happy.
'.. f/n..' he complains breathless, in a meek warning tone as he tries to gather all his confidence rather than making a joke out of the situation like he totally would, 'your hands are cold.. how would you like it if i were to touch your tits, huh?' he makes a grab for your clothed chest - with you redirect and twist it around at an odd angle - 'complain is all you ever do.' you mutter with a hint of amusement, lazily and really a little indifferent about your hand temperature as you slowly circle your thumb around his uncircumcised tip. '.. trying to act big.. so cute. how can you when ur dick is this small.. c'mon, we all know how you masturbate and how you fucking whine. you think you're slick, quiet and whatnot but you're fucking sloppy and loud.'
'and do you actually clean yourself? you.. just smell weird.. you're fucking gross too, you know that?' you complain, really you were just joking, but that didn't stop the smaller, skinnier male from letting out a soft whimper as he squirms underneath you; letting himself fall to the ground instead of keeping himself propped up with his elbow and you take a moment to shift onto your knees in a matter of comfortability and then, to merely blow on the tip whilst gripping the base of his dick - feeling your dick strain in your underwear and begin to ache in pain, face flushed without feeling embarrassment as you study his expression twisted in delightful pleasure - eyebrows furrowed, his eyes trying to stay open and his lips parted and glossy with his saliva as he continuously bit and licked his lips.
'and with a dick as small as my ring finger, and an ass like a plump girls'.. i don' know.. i might have to keep you to myself.' you mumble,, burying your face in his neck without care as you slowly pump your hand around his weeping cock, humming softly as he whimpers and whines at how good it feels to feel a dainty yet slightly rough hand slick with his pre-cum and spit sslide along his cock and squeezing at the tip -
'i think ur only good quality is how you look when you cum..'
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was lowkey thinkin about young joseph joestar in a scenario similar to this,,, just jealous reader n then bullying jo while fucking into him but he'd be as cocky as ever. honestly. Im trying to write in snippet form but it comes out as too wordy without much description and a little illegible esp with the fast pace. i will work on my way of writing !!
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wolfiesmoon · 4 months
Little reminders
Chigiri x gn!reader
guess who's writing for bllk again
turns out i kinda forgot that i'm in the bllk fandom sorry about that guys anyways want sum chigiri fluff
(man i want to write for chigiri much more in the future he's so silly and kissable to me)
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"What are these?"
"Flowers, duh. Are you blind?" you didn't mean to be so sassy at the moment, but his totally confused reaction about the flowers annoyed you.
"I know they're flowers. I was asking more in a 'why are you giving them to me' sense." Chigri sassed you back, and honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way even if you were slightly offended right now.
"What? Can't I just give my princess flowers when I feel like it?" you smiled mischeviously at your choice of petname, pushing the flowers to his chest so he was forced to take them.
"Not with that petname..." he sighed, taking the flowers out of your hands. He didn't particularly take offense to you calling him that but he would have preferred a more gender neutral petname.
"Why not? You remind me of one." you imagined Chigiri in a pretty pink princess dress in your mind and giggled at the mental image.
"Why are you giggling now...? I don't recall saying or doing something funny." he looked unamused, and you have a feeling he would be even less amused if you told him what you were actually laughing about.
"Nothing, nothing." an awkward silence fell between the two of you after you said that.
When you passed by the flower shop today and saw flowers that reminded you of Chigiri, you decided to buy them impulsively.
You didn't really think much beyond that. What could you possibly continue the conversation with?
"They reminded me of you. The flowers." you blurted out without thinking, cringing at yourself instantly after doing so.
"How?" Chigiri inspected the boquet in his hands. The flowers were pretty and all, but he didn't really get how they screamed 'Chigiri Hyoma' to you. But he wanted to know. Really bad.
"How? Their color reminds me of your pretty, sparkling eyes, and the petals are all shiny and thick like your hair AND kinda remind me of your eyelashes and the leaves are so lean and 'speedy-looking' and it reminds me of how fast you run, and-"
Your mouth was suddenly being covered by a smooth finger, and you made a strange noise upon being stopped mid-sentence.
"Alright, I get it. Don't start making an entire ode to my beauty here." He says so, but his cheeks are turning pink and the blush is spreading rapidly.
"Thank you. For the flowers, and the... compliments." He smiled down at the flowers, and then shifted his gaze back to you. Now he's viewing the random gift of flowers totally differently.
"Tell me not to do it." You gently moved his hand off your mouth. God, you were holding back so hard from kissing him all over it wasn't even funny.
"Don't do it?" Chigiri answered in confusion, gripping the boquet slightly harder.
"Not convincing enough. Get ready for... KISSING ATTACK!!!" you threw yourself onto him, peppering kisses all over his pretty face.
"Ack! Hey, you're-" he didn't exactly have an opening to get a few words in, so he submitted to his fate.
Not that it was a bad one. He enjoyed it far too much.
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burnt-cookii · 9 months
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[ halftones may be wonky when viewed on desktop ]
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secr3trings · 7 days
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while i’m burning like a mf — it’s time !
as i am slowly getting back into actually writing — i believe it’s time for one of these as i’m now passed 100 posts here.
tag you in random starters.
tag you in things i see fit for our muses ( if we have any relationships. )
come in your inbox at random times ( i’m a random guy .. that’s why i always have a random tag prepared. )
talk to you in dms about plots , character ideas , etc.
make you a possible dynamic tag in the deep future.
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gunsblazingg · 2 months
counterpoint to yoshi ,, moomin
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you look like a moomin . not in a mean way but you know . youcore
Ah— …. meh, better then yoshi.
It is… kinda cute looking.
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yuu-kumeii · 10 months
Thinking about best friend and menace Suna who always finds a way to sit next to you in class, pushing your desks together so he can just look at your book and not get his own
The guy who hides your water bottle in hard to reach places just to see your reaction, he could hide it on top of the lockers, under the bleachers, inside the twin’s bag, somehow put it right outside the window, there are endless possibilities 
…You ended up forgetting about it during a field trip and Suna called the place back to ask if they can hold on to it while both of you try to get it back
Your best friend who twisted his ankle once and still went to school but couldn’t get up the stairs on his own so you laugh at him from the top before trying to help
The same guy who once tried to drink straight out of the water dispenser because he forgot his water bottle one day and decided there was no other option
“But I’m thirsty”
“But I need water”
“A new friend”
You had to restrain him because he kept running back to it, both of you on the floor from pushing each other so much that a teacher saw it and thought you were throwing hands at each other
Your best friend who can’t help but draw little immature doodles on your books with a straight face, always redrawing them whenever you dared to erase them
“Wow very mature of you Suna” You say with a deadpan, eyes following the pencil move along the corner of your textbook
“I know right?” 
Menace Suna who made a deez nutz joke you didn’t know and took the opportunity
“Do you like E girls or I ladies?”
“What’s I ladies?
You poor thing.
Best menace friend Suna, what’s not to like?
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ask-regretevator · 1 month
"Gold star for trying."
I'm Mach, she/her. Welcome to our blog. Ask away, I'm sure the others will be enthusiastic to answer.
OOC: Canon applies but it's nothing limiting (Just canon info!) It's an elevator full of NPCs, get creative. <3
★ I have the right to refuse any asks I deem weird or that make me uncomfortable.
★ Absolutely no NSFW. In any way. Suggestive asks are okay to an extent.
★ Roleplaying is okay, and encouraged!
★ OCs are okay, although I may not get details right or know the relationship between OCs and characters.
★ No limit on asks, just do not spam me in an attempt for me to do your ask faster. I will take longer on it just to spite you or full on delete it.
★ Headcanons are completely fine, (with reason, of course.)
★ PLEASE specify what character you are sending your ask to. Without specifications, I will assume you are talking to Mach.
[More info beneath cut, also fairly important to read.]
★ Every Main character can be asked! It varies with Floor-Only characters, but most of those will be open to ask. I will not be doing Other or Removed characters. (Exceptions for MR.)
— Refer to image below for context.
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★ Characters without dialogue will not respond with text responses, save for Unpleasant.
★ I have my own set of headcanons I may incorporate, but you are free to use whatever hcs you may have too!
★ I will not be doing genderswaps 🙏 thank you.
★ Set sexualities and pronouns for characters DO apply still, and they will not be changed. I will not do pairings with male NPCs for Split or Bive, as it makes me uncomfortable!!
★ Lampert being Wallter's and Mark's child is NOT canon within this blog!
★ Proshippers are blocked on sight. No excuses.
★ Mod is a minor, do not be weird.
★ I am a person and will not immediately respond to some asks, please give me time! <3
#★ OOC — mod posts
#★ SHIPPING — ship posts, just in case that isnt your jam
#★ SUGGESTIVE — as the name suggests
anons with sign offs will be tagged, along with usernames
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jojoingjoseph · 1 year
Pretty sure it's safe to say I migrated to my multi muse- gazelessmenagerie.
It was fun here but after a whole year and no word on sessionbox or any app that lets me be on multiple blogs on the same browser, I'm just going to go on the multi as I've already moved Joseph there too.
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rxdguardian · 1 year
i'm dying to see how alexei is going to interact with the rest of the thunderbolts
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empireserved · 2 years
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crystallizsch · 1 month
The thought came to me randomly buuuut I wonder....would Yuusha judge my yuusona for liking Azul? Because I KNOW Jovie would judge her back for liking Jamil if she did
oh yuusha would - and i wouldnt blame jovie for doing the same ;;;
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jamil 🤝 azul (using the prefect to try and get what he wants and failing)
them: yeah he's the one for me
i know there's more nuance and depth behind it but simplifying it this way is so funny 😭
anyways yuusha would still be chill with jovie regardless :3
bc yuusha respects azul even though she does NOT like him (like she respects him more than she dislikes him if that makes sense)
so she's (mostly) honest when she says she's happy for jovie
yuusha's questioning jovie's tastes while hers is basically the same guy but in a different flavor (and she knows it)
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