fleurophore · 5 months
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Battles going so poorly Xaviers crawling around just asking me to put him out of his misery
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sracha · 2 months
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theodore jumpscare 🔷
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keemitthefeog · 3 months
"im gonna throw up my divine sense *hurl noise*" DAD ENERGY EMILY
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imagone · 1 month
so many edgy weirdos spamming the tags with their happy that choso died posts when choso fans have barely said anything about how obvious it is that gege killed him to bring todo’s annoying ass back, because most choso fans are genuinely sweet and chill people (I’m not lol).
we should rather talk about how that mf spent half the story in gege‘s dungeon over something as trivial as losing a hand (that he cut off himself lol) and only came back once yuji‘s brother died. when he could have easily been healed prior culling games and actually helped yuji out, in a series where people can literally be healed left and right.💀
“yuji mustn’t know about him, he wanted to join later blahblah” lol yall don’t think gege planned this all along and believe his half assed explanation, do you?
what was he hiding for exactly when he didn’t even surprise sukuna? why shouldn’t sukuna know about you when you just walk in front of him and do nothing at all besides talking to yuji.
if this had been gojo, the moment of surprise would have been critical and make sense. but todo? lol. even if sukuna had sensed his return, I’m sure he wouldn’t care less.
his story was obviously done until gege decided to do another cheap plot twist just for the sake of it and recycle- I mean to do another brilliant parallel to the mahito fight
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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She's so based
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duckietine · 2 months
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why did Violet take a bit too long to notice he wasn't her 😭😭 when you're soulmating too hard people that you've never met before see your essence in each other
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n4rval · 6 months
a little pause on art for finals(they are all late) but boy has brain been braining
more specifically on dings' dynamic as asriel and chara's weird uncle bc that's just something i don't see a lot
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lunearobservatory · 10 months
Chronic pain colorado. Thank u
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junkartie · 10 months
My slightly irritating quirk is that if im watching a show and an important character annoys me enough ill straight up get so enraged that ill look up weather they die or not and if they do ill hate watch it until then or just stop watching all together no matter how far ive gotten.
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udog · 1 year
I absolutely adore how you draw rito and especially Revali! I still can’t get enough of him no matter how much time has passed. I know it’s been a while since you last posted—be it because of life or art block, or both—but I still will offer you my sincerest gratification for the artwork you have deemed worthy enough for us to see! I hope the Rito in Tears of the Kingdom provide us with the same kind of “inspiration” (brain-rot) as in BotW. Even if Revali probably doesn’t make a big appearance; and possibly even Harth as well 😩
this was 😭 so nice to come back to HWUEUFHEJEEHEB THANK YOU 🥹 revali may not be in totk but hey at least harth is ‼️‼️ I have. bigger issues with another particular rito that isn't in totk though 😒
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sorry all I could provide was a messy sketch ‼️ idk it probably has to do with reagan 🤥
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razzmothazz · 4 months
emotional support doodles compilation because i still have shit to do and im going insane
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feat. makoto and femkasa
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paginacentosessantuno · 4 months
Diodato e Maninni hairstyle dei fratelli Gallagher nel '96
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werewolfetone · 5 months
Thinking "I really ought to come up with more details about this oc" and opening my computer and then doing the kubrick stare at a blank document for two straight hours before closing it without writing anything
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
I'm grabbing you by the shoulders I love your artstyle
HELP TY ‼️‼️‼️
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evil-city · 3 months
i think they should both explode ^_^
Clive? Yes for sure.
Klug? He's just a baby. he was just born in a wet cardboard box during a dark stormy night like 2 days ago
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Have some Delancey ramblings between me and @flinttflakes
because they may be gutter rats but they’re my (flintt would kill me if I said “our”) gutter rats
Me - Blue
Flintt - Red
anyways Morris and Oscar finally having time to themselves and deciding to walk around, finding places like their old home and the park they used to play in as kids
them laying awake at night and talking about what they could’ve had
like getting a pet
them passing by kids who were the age they were when they were locked up in the refuge but those kids are talking about the books and information they learned in school that neither of them even knew
“who the fuck is Charles Darwin?”
“I dunno????”
kids even going as far as ignorantly telling oscar something about what their mom does and asking him why his mom didnt do that to him
“Why are your clothes so dirty, doesn’t your mom clean them? My mom cleans my clothes.”
them watching a mother usher her two boys away and telling her babies to not grow up like the delanceys
like they both just have this out of mind moment that if their mom was alive they could’ve turned out so much better
a young newsie claiming “They’re not even tough anymore, they’re just too stupid to do anything else.”
and if they beat that newsie up they’d only prove them right
a mother scoffing at them and saying she would NEVER raise her boys like that
a husband saying he would love tough kids before his wife lightly hits him and telling him she would’ve hated her kids to lose compassion and empathy
snyder claiming he’s proud of them and taking all the credit for how they act now with many of the people he’s talking to rolling their eyes and scoffing
When they’re older and they begin to change, right as people stop being suspicious of their good deeds thinking “yknow maybe they’re not bad men after all” (like this is in their 40s so like 1925ish???) their portraits end up in the news with the headline of them being shot dead in an alleyway, and all people can think is “they did something to deserve it.”
hope y’all enjoyed that 👍
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