#☼ ◜v. duplicate.◞
fatedefyd · 1 year
   @sunhalf​​  /  cont. !
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   ❝ oh, totally. i’ve taken the heat for worse things. ❞ 
         Okay, maybe that’s not exactly true, but it’s the truth for the most part !  So that still counts for something, right ?  Either way, this timeline gained another foxy dragon-lady, so she sees this as a win !
         Although, just to lessen the amount of headaches caused by name confusion, her alternate has a bit of a point on that front.  A hum follows, head nodding along as the fanged one files through possible suggestions.  And then, OOP !  Droopy, green-striped ears perk as an idea forms.
   ❝ i could definitely cut your hair ! and i don’t mind going by Min-Min, if that helps, too ? ❞ 
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   @abitangy​ foretold :  ❛  the only flaw in your entire body is your lips ― they’re not touching mine.  ❜
   cheesy pickup lines  /  no longer accepting !
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         Surely, Nugget must still be dreaming.  Through his terrible vision, he can make out the blurred silhouette of his taller companion  --  and when he scrambles for his glasses on the nightstand, he’s sure he looks quite silly when he puts them on with all the grace of a drunken bull in a china shop. 
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   ❝ i- i’m, uh, ❞  He sputters, lifting himself onto his elbows, slipping slightly on the bedsheets.  A nervous chuckle leaves him in his attempt to seem unfazed by Bean’s words... and fails TREMENDOUSLY.  He didn’t nap his entire day off away, did he ?
   ❝ what day is it ? ❞
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   @abitangy​​ foretold :  ❝ Makes sense you're built like a brick house, when your embrace feels like home. ❞ // had to. you know what it is :>
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   ❝ that is... uncharacteristically sweet of you ; especially with how bad i smell right now. thank you. ❞
         Surely, Nugget can come up with something better than THAT ; unfortunately, that will have to be for after he showered, because the pint-sized scholar has spent all his energy on today’s evening workout routine.
         Still, the shorter is kind enough to wipe his palms onto his tank top before taking Bean’s hands into his.  Nugget may be tired, but he’ll always have time to give his taller counterpart the attention he deserves.  He raises a hand to kiss the knuckles of the other, looking over the rims of his glasses with an adoration he saves only for him.. before breaking that moment with the following comment.  
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   ❝ ... seriously though darling, i smell horrendous. i need to shower. ❞
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   @abitangy​​ foretold :  “what are you going to do about it?”
   this one’s for the brats  /  no longer accepting !
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   ❝ ... ❞  Stunned silence, mouth left in a straight line. 
         So he wants to play that level of petty ?  FINE.  Nugget can sink to that level, too. 
         A deep breath is taken, umber eyes closing as he collects himself.. he knows what he must do. 
         Pint-sized scholar makes an even-paced beeline for the  --  very much shared  --  bathroom, picking up a plastic bag from the kitchen along the way.  He then locks the door behind him, skimming the labels on the various hair products that sit in the small closet ; when he sets his sights on products with Bean’s name on them, they’re promptly thrown into the bag. 
          After a few minutes of that, Nugget takes note of just how little clothing Bean has stored in the shorter’s room.  Oh well, makes it easier for the more compact scholar to fling his belongings into the bag !  Not long after, the bag of belongings is flung into the living room area, a scowl strewn across his features.
   ❝ get comfortable on the couch and be ready to do your hair in the kitchen. ❞ 
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   @abitangy​ foretold :  🖤👀 // :heart:
   Send a heart to get a kiss, send 👀 to kiss my muse instead !    no longer accepting !
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   ❝ where did this come from ? not that i’m complaining.. ❞  Nugget questions sheepishly as scarf is tugged to the side, not minding the light bruising to his lips from the taller’s kisses. 
         Usually when they end up on the couch like this, it’s to tease the other or to use it as a reward system for personal gain.  It’s not exactly a healthy system, but it works, and it’s not REALLY hurting anyone.. it’s just their dynamic !
         Still, Nugget won’t look a gift horse in the mouth  --  he’s getting free kisses !  His day had been less than eventful ; one might even say absolutely boring and dreadful.  But now that he’s home and being showered with affection, while only somewhat suspicious, it is more than welcomed at this point in the evening. 
         One discarded scarf and a relocation to the couch later, Nugget finds himself under and at the mercy of his leaner counterpart.  Hungry mouth leaves behind quarter-sized bruises on his neck, a love-bite here and there ; but what excites the compact scholar is when Bean suckles at his jugular, able to feel his racing pulse as teeth grazes against flushed, tender skin..
   ❝ good God, what did i do to deserve you ? ❞
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   @abitangy​ foretold :  “mhm  ..  sure you will.” // more of them
   this one’s for the brats  /  no longer accepting !
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         An offended scoff leaves the shorter man, hands clutching at his jacket out of annoyance.  How DARE he ?  Of course Nugget knows that Wukong isn’t this untouchable and flawless figure in his life  --  but that doesn’t mean Nugget can’t still admire the simian, flaws and all !
         Who does Bean think he is, teasing him about his interests  --  that might be putting it lightly, sure, but it wasn’t called for !
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   ❝ you sound like a jealous boyfriend. ❞  Nugget mutters into his scarf, opening the fridge and scanning its contents.  AH HA !  There you are, you gorgeous bowl of leftover noodles.  Lets just rip off that silly little nametag off  --  Bean won’t mind if the shorter eats his leftovers, he’s certain.
         The leaner scholar wanted to play petty ?  FINE !  Then Nugget is going through with his threat of eating his leftovers !  Let’s see what he thinks of that !
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   @abitangy​​ foretold :  “you’re cute when you think i’m listening to you.” // for you know who <3
   this one’s for the brats  /  still accepting !
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  ❝ and that’s WHY it-- wait... you what ? ❞
         For once, Nugget had gone on a tangent on a topic other than the Monkey King .  A tragedy, I know.  But when the shorter of the scholars had begun watching this new show  --  or, to him it was new, anyway  --  he couldn’t help dumping all his enthusiasm onto the taller man.  He had just about reenacted the important plot points himself, making improvised weapons from stationary, draping himself over his lankier companion during particularly dramatic events  --  the WHOLE shebang.
         And now, as Nugget learns of the other’s disinterest, comes a small pause ; an incredulous reaction follows not long after.
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   ❝ so you mean to tell me that i gotta reenact everything from season one to season four AGAIN ? i mean, i’ll do it, but if you were that bored of the topic, you could’ve changed it at any time, you know ! ❞
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   @abitangy​ foretold :  💛👀 ❝ Well well well, didn't expect to run into someone so handsome today. ❞ ( // for Tang bc it would be funny. he's probably just trying to steal his noodles )
   Send 💛 for hand kiss
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   ❝ what a funny coincidence, neither was i !  but i’m certainly not complaining. ❞
         Really, this cloning nonsense is getting ridiculous.  But, since this duplicate seemed harmless  --  or about as harmless as Tang could get  --  then he didn’t mind engaging in a little fun.  Not like there was anyone around to see it, anyway.
         As hand is raised to be kissed ‘pon, Tang can’t hep but feel as sheepish.  It’s different, but also familiar ?  But not in a weird way.  Did he always look this good with those frames ?  He should consider becoming a model for eyewear in the future. 
         Although, if this version of himself was anything like his current self, he did wonder...
         Witch a sudden twist of the wrist, index finger quickly flicks his double right between the eyes, a sing-songy comment following suit.  He won’t fall for such simple charms, not even from himself ; not when he knows what his copy is really after.
   ❝ no noodles for you ~ ❞
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fatedefyd · 2 years
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   ooc tags !
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☼ ◜v. undetermined.◞ ☼ ◜v. duplicate.◞ 
♥ ◜dragonfruit.◞ 🇼​🇪​ 🇷​🇪​🇦​🇨​🇹​ 🇱​🇮​🇰​🇪​ 🇨​🇭​🇪​🇲​🇮​🇨​🇦​🇱​🇸​ ﹠ 🇲​🇾​ 🇧​🇦​🇩​ 🇭​🇦​🇧​🇮​🇹​🇸​ 🇱​🇪​🇦​🇩​ 🇹​🇴​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​. ♦ ◜nova.◞ 🇲​🇾​ 🇱​🇺​🇳​🇦​🇷​ 🇹​🇼​🇮​🇳​ ; 🇦​ 🇵​🇪​🇷​🇫​🇪​🇨​🇹​ 🇨​🇴​🇳​🇸​🇹​🇪​🇱​🇱​🇦​🇹​🇮​🇴​🇳​ ﹗ ♥ ◜lunar eclipse.◞ 🇮​ 🇯​🇺​🇸​🇹​ 🇼​🇦​🇳​🇹​ 🇸​🇴​🇲​🇪​🇹​🇭​🇮​🇳​🇬​ 🇹​🇷​🇺​🇪​﹐🇩​🇴​🇳​‘🇹​ 🇾​🇴​🇺​ ﹖
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fatedefyd · 2 years
   @abitangy​​ ♥’d for a starter !
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   ❝ aww, do my eyes make you uncomfortable ? ❞
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