#☾ ˙‧﹒˙ threads » leeta.
perbesi · 1 year
@halfbelieving — ( leeta ).
☪ o bufar que abandonara-lhe os lábios era, por natureza, desonesto. não estava verdadeiramente frustrada, ou mesmo aproximava-se da impaciência; optando, no lugar, pela teatralidade. ❛ então precisa que eu dirija, imagino? ❜ a perbesi apoiou-se na superfície disponível mais próxima, as orbes capturando a figura de leeta como quem confirmava se falava sério. não conseguia, contudo, estender-se por muito, o aproximar sendo feito preguiçosamente ao que um sorriso indulgente pintava-lhe os lábios tingidos. ❛ como eu poderia negá-la? ❜ o indicador, apoiado abaixo do queixo da outra, fazia com que a observasse melhor. a personalidade dela era expansiva, encantadora, e selene não via motivos para não mantê-la companhia. não seria incômodo algum, o que se tornou claro ao pegar as próprias chaves. agora de costas pra ela, jogou por cima dos ombros: ❛ eu posso fazer a motorista. mas, aviso, vai te custar. ❜
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tongowheel · 3 years
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ as i try to get myself back into the swing of things here, below is a quick list of all the threads i owe. i will likely be dropping some of these, but i’ll let you know if i do.
EDIT: (OCTOBER 12TH) — i AM dropping a bunch of these. the ones i’ve crossed out are the ones i’m dropping. i just can’t keep up with them all, so in order to prioritize coming back, i have to keep the ones that give me the most muse. i will, however, keep the ones i’m dropping stored in my drafts in case the urge strikes me later. i just won’t be making active plans to reply to them.
i know this means i won’t have anything active going with some of you, and for that i apologize. but i’m sure we can either start something new, or pick up where we left off at a later date! 
@cristobalrios:  - the ferengi captain on the freighter (cris and nog) - the hospitality from the hologram (steward and vic)
@retromica / @astralglam / @vortacloned / @kardasior - the justice on the station (684 and pel) - the vorta in the bar (woon6 and pel) - the deal at the dabo wheel (683 and quark) - the spilled drinks in the bar (683 and pel) - the binge in the bar (damar and quark)
@neomacaught / @empathicstars - the switch in the seats (neoma and nog) - the betazoid on vulcan (aella and zack) - the visitor after hours (aella and pel)
@astraldestiny - the betazoid in the holosuite (deanna and vic) - the consideration in the career (deanna and quark)
@afraidofchange - the commander in the bar (shepard and quark)
@lostmojave - the 80s in the 60s (sheila and vic)
@guttersniper - the little boy in the lounge (mutt and vic) - the grim in the goodbye (mutt and nog) - the friend in the fabric (mutt and giax) - the determination in the occupation (mutt and quark) - the dinosaurs on the moon (mutt and lister)
@aftrwhyr - the reconciliation in the room (rom and pel) - the advice in the evening (leeta and pel) - the gang kills rom (rom and pel) - the deal in the dominion (yelgrun and pel)
@crimsonsunsets - the trill in the tongo game (ezri and quark)
@perfection-reached - the break in the collective (borg queen and hugh) - the welcome in the collective (manny and hugh) - the tour guide on the planet (manny and qelet)
@fbiartist  - the anthropologist in the bar (ziva and quark) - the victims of the borg (ziva and zack)
@chokethelight - the salutation to the par’laxin (vir’dan and hugh)
@constablegoo - the reunion in the gamma quadrant (odo and nog/vic) - the commiseration in the security office (odo and quark)
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