#☾ Luna’s Moon ☽
kazemi-archive · 2 years
Hi Kaze! Sorry if this is late, but Happy Birthday and I hope you have an amazing day <3
No worries Luna !! Thank you so much for your wishes bby <33
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yeonzzzn · 10 months
🌕luna nova: sim jake
a vampires bleeding series: three / seven
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pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: 4.9k
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synopsis: with dorian after jungwon and jay's mates, the boys and the humans travel to the countryside in hopes of laying low and figuring out what dorian actually wants. you and your twin brother take them into your family's spare house. after learning about their true reasons for leaving the city, more unfortunate events unfold causing the boys to seek help from another source.
genre: acquaintances to lovers, vampire!jake, half vampire!reader, angst, some spice.
warnings: mentions of blood and death, swearing, fire, cute jake ♡
☾ jungwon(1) | jay(2) | jake(3) | sunghoon(4) | sunoo(5) | niki(6) | heeseung(7) ☽
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Jake hung his head back, legs slightly lifted and hands gripping the tree branch to keep his balance. 
The sky is a mixture of orange and red, the moon slowly lifting in the distance. 
“It’ll be a new moon soon,” Jake whispered to himself. 
Sunghoon sat beside him, an old Nikon camera held to his face. 
“Capturing it?” Jake asks, his best friend adjusting the camera angle. 
“Of course,” Sunghoon sassed, “Why wouldn’t I?” 
Jake chuckled, “Try getting the angle upside down, it’s still pretty this way.” 
Sunghoon glared down at him, “That’s stupid.” 
With a shrug of his shoulders, Jake teased, “You wouldn’t know unless you tried it.” 
Sunghoon rolled his eyes, flipping around into the same position as his friend, holding the camera back to his eye. 
“This isn’t actually that bad,” Sunghoon admitted, “Just need the perf-“
Jungwon dropped down from the branch above, shoving his face into Sunghoon’s camera.
“Capture me instead, Hyung.” 
“When did you ever get here,” Sunghoon snapped, palming Jungwon’s forehead, and shoving him out of the way. 
“Just now,” Jungwon sang, connecting his feet back to the ground. 
Jake sat up, “Where’s the others?” 
“Should be here soon.” Jungwon hummed. 
“You’re more annoying, where’s __?” Sunghoon once again tried to capture a photo of the sunset, just for Jungwon’s face to get right back into the frame. 
“She’s with Jay and __,” he shrugged, “My mate is tired of me.” 
Jake rolled his eyes, “That’s impossible.” 
Jungwon’s eyes lit up, “she’s here!” 
Jake watched the younger runoff, his hands instantly locking onto his mate, embracing her close to him, their smiles ear to ear. 
Jay’s arm was also wrapped around his mate. Jake swears he’s never seen Jay smile as much as he has with her. Their stubborn Jay, is always so serious and self-hatred for what he is just to have folded so easily under her. 
Jake dropped his head in his hands, watching his brothers with their soulmates. A small pit of jealousy forms. 
“Jake, Sunghoon, come down,” Heeseung waved to the two of them, “We need to start this meeting.” 
“Wait, you want us to move?” Niki questioned, clearly not liking the idea. 
“It’s what will be best for our pack,” Jungwon crossed his arms, “We have more to protect besides just each other now.” 
Jake twirled his rings around his fingers, taking in the information.
Sunghoon sighed, “Where will we go now? What about our jobs here? School specifically for Niki?” 
“I’ll move if I don’t have to graduate high school again!” Niki raised his hand, “I’ll gladly move if so.” 
“Unfortunately for you,” Jay’s stubbornness at play, “You’re stuck in a seventeen-year-old body, if you don’t attend high school it’ll make it more suspicious.” 
“Not to mention he still acts seventeen,” Heeseung teased, “No one would ever guess that he’s almost two hundred and ten years old.” 
“Says you old man.” Niki teased back. 
Jake laughed along with the banter, happy that it’s been this peaceful. 
“Any other sightings of Lilly?” Sunoo brings back the topic, “Or any other that could be connected with Dorian?” 
Jay’s jaw clenched at the mention of their names, his mate also tensing at the mention, “No. I’ve searched everywhere. Asked around. It’s like both have disappeared.” 
“It’s been almost three months, but we can’t continue to peek over our shoulders,” Heeseung sighed, “Dorian knows where we work, where we all live, where the girls attend college…we need to do what’s best for the pack.” 
“And that’s leaving?” Sunghoon asked, “Again, where would we go?” 
“The countryside,” Jungwon nodded, “It’s away from the city, no one will know who we are.” 
“Or what we are,” Jake mumbled, still twisting the rings around his fingers. 
“Jay and I already found a clinic we will both work at and even a high school for Niki.” Heeseung teased the younger. 
Niki groaned, dropping his head into his hands, “This fucking sucks.” 
“The girls will have a good small community college to continue studies,” Jungwon wrapped his arms around his mate, “Gotta keep this pretty brain learning.” 
“Already smarter than you, Wonnie.” She teased. 
“Baby, I have so many years on you, don’t even.” 
“Anyways,” Jay ignored the lovebirds, “The countryside would be the best bet for us right now. There is also someone who has some knowledge about Dorian, she can keep us up to date.” 
“Another vampire?” Jay’s mate asked.
With a shake of his head, he answers, “No, she’s a dhampir.” 
Jake raised an eyebrow, “Who?” 
You pulled the string back, narrowing your vision down to the target, taking a deep breath in, releasing the string and your breath in one go. 
The arrow flew across the field with a quick snap, hitting the target dead in the center. 
You smirked, relaxing your arms. 
A snap of a twig caught your attention, quickly grabbed another arrow to the bow, string touching your cheek, and whipped around to the sound.
“Woah woah! Calm down there Y/N, Jesus.” 
“Archer, I swear to god!” You snapped at your twin brother, lowering your bow, “What if I took your head off!?”
“I’m way too quick, you’d miss.” 
You pointed a finger at the target, “I don’t miss.” 
Archer glared off at the target, ignoring your comment. 
“Anyways, they will be here tomorrow morning,” Archer says, “We need to clean out the spare house.” 
You turn and face the target again, pulling the string back, “Why don’t you go clean it? I’m busy.” 
Archer groaned, “No, you’re helping. You know who they are after all.”
You released the arrow, it once again hitting the middle, “I knew them,” you corrected, “It’s been like a hundred years, they are probably completely different people.” 
Archer sighed, “Y/N, please.” 
You couldn’t resist the pout your brother gave, “FINE!” 
He smiled wide, following behind you towards the spare house. 
“You’re lucky you have a good older sister like me.” You teased him. 
“You are literally five minutes older.” 
Cleaning the spare house took longer than you wanted, but alas it was done. 
“Why did you agree to have them stay here?” Archer asked, sweeping the last bit of dusk into the dusk pan. 
You shrug your shoulders, “The way Heeseung and Jay were talking, it seemed important, the least I could do.” 
Archer slumped onto the couch, “Why are they coming out here? City too much for them?” 
You shrugged again, “I didn’t ask.” 
Archer narrowed his eyes at you, trying to read your very good poker face, “You’re lying to me.”
You looked away from your brother, “I really don’t know.” 
Archer knew he couldn’t press anymore, and let it at that, excusing himself to go home and sleep. 
The boys arrived sooner than you expected that next morning. 
You leaned against the wooden post on the porch, crossing your arms as their car pulled up to the house. 
You caught two other scents with them, two you didn’t recognize…two that aren’t vampires. 
One by one, the seven of them trailed out of the van, two female humans following behind. 
“Lee Heeseung, you didn’t tell me you were carrying humans with you!” you snapped, your mood completely changing. 
Jungwon and Jay quickly pulled the females behind them, giving you glares. 
You notice immediately, your body and mood relaxing. 
“You didn’t say you had mates, I only prepared blood bags for you seven.” 
Jake held up two bags worth of food, “We went shopping when we got into town.” 
You studied him, his half smile sending flutters in your stomach. 
“Long time no see, Y/N.” His Aussie accent was as adorable as ever. 
You nodded, “Indeed it has been,” you looked between the other boys, stopping back at Jungwon, Jay, and their mates, “Please come inside.”
Everyone settled in one by one, the boys all drinking from the bags. 
Jungwon’s mate wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, her smile never once fading from the sight of seven vampires drinking blood from bags. 
Jay’s mate was even more unphased. She seems just as stubborn as Jay is. 
“Never thought I’d see you two with mates,” You said leaning against the dinner table, laying your head in the corner of your arm, “Mostly nice to know someone can tame that stubbornness of yours, Jongseong.” 
Jay shot daggers through you, “Don’t you have something better to be doing than hanging around here?”
You sat up, giving him a smug smile, “Nope! I want to know why you’ve come to me begging to help hide you here in my parents' spare house, along with your mates.” 
The room went quiet, you looked at each of them one by one. 
“Someone better speak up.” 
“It’s Dorian,” Heeseung finally answered. 
Your heart stopped at the name, “Why the fuck are you here!” You stood up from the table, staring Heeseung down, “What the fuck is going on?!” 
“He’s after my mate,” Jungwon was the first to speak up, “He tried to take her from me.”
“And he almost drowned and killed mine,” Jay spoke in the calmest voice you’ve ever heard. Pulling his mate's hair back, revealing two scars on her neck, “He drank every ounce she had and dropped her off a cliff.” 
You watched as Jay dropped his forehead to hers, his jaw clenched tightly. 
Jungwon also brought his mate closer to him, their hands intertwined. 
You sat back down, “Dorian wants your mates, and probably wants you all dead.” 
They all nodded. 
“He joined up with Lilly,” Sunghoon chimed in, “He must have something else planned besides tearing our pack apart.” 
“And you came to me, why?” You asked. 
Heeseung sighed, “We needed someplace safe, mostly for the girls. But for the safety of our pack. Y/N, you’re the only one who can help.” 
You crossed your arms, squeezing yourself tightly, “What if he finds you all here? He’ll kill us too!” You took a deep breath in, “I have Archer to protect.” 
“Please, Y/N,” Jungwon asked, with pure desperation on his face. 
“Ugh! Fine! If he shows up, I’m leaving you guys here alone.” You quickly stood up, heading for the door, “I apologize deeply for what Dorian has caused for you all, but if he’s planning something, we all need to discuss that soon.”
You stormed off to your house in a second, grabbing your own bag of blood from the fridge and dropping onto your couch, nearly scaring Archer to death. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbled, “Did they settle in fine?” 
You nodded, the iron liquid making its way into your system. 
Archer could sense how pissed off you were from the beginning, “Y/N, what is wrong? Why are they here?” 
You shrugged, not wanting to talk about it. 
Archer rolled his eyes, groaning, “I’ll go ask them myself.” 
Archer laughed, “You’re joking, nice joke.” 
“I wish I was,” you sighed, “He’s after their mates and wants to kill them all. They are here to hide.” 
Archer stood to his feet, “What if Dorian follows their scent here?!” 
“Trust me Arch, I know!” You snapped back, “All we can do is pray the witches' spell they put on this town helps hide their scents.” 
Archer started pacing back and forth, “What else did they say?” 
“Lilly joined him.”
Archer groaned again, sitting down on the floor, “Y/N, we have lived peacefully…”
“Archer you don’t have to tell me this,” you rolled your eyes. 
“Do I need to remind you what Dorian did?!” 
You stood up quickly, your index finger dug into your twin's chest, “Shut up, Archer.”
“He killed our parents!!” 
You walked away from him, opening the front door ready to sprint away. 
“Dorian killed your mate!” 
You stopped in the doorway, staring down at the wooden steps, and a pair of shoes suddenly appeared. 
Your eyes followed up on who they belonged to.
“Y/N,” his soft Aussie voice whispered your name.
“Don’t, Jake.” you pushed past him, running as fast as you could. 
Jake found you by the pond, watching the fish swim in circles. 
“Y/N…” Jake whispered. 
You turned around and looked at him, “What do you want?” 
“We were friends once which seemed like a lifetime ago…I didn’t know about your parents or your mate.” 
You looked away from him, moving your knees to your chest, “It was after you guys found Niki and left that city to get away from Dorian. We moved out here to do the same. We weren’t so lucky.” 
Jake sat beside you, “Do Heeseung and Jay know?” 
You nodded, “That’s why they didn’t want to tell me over that phone call why they needed to come here.” 
Jake twisted his rings again, “What does it feel like? What did it feel like?” 
You looked over at him, “You mean having a mate, and what it felt like losing them?” 
Jake nodded.
You took a deep breath in, staring off at the water and its movement from the wind. 
“It’s exactly like they all described,” you hug your legs tighter, “Being a dhampir, I didn’t think I could even feel all the parts of having a mate.”
Jake also pulls his legs to his chest, leaning his head on his knees, putting his full attention on you. 
“My father, the vampire side, always talked about the knot that connects you. My mother, my human side, always talked about the warm feeling you get, how the butterflies flutter and your words jumbled together. That you’ll know you found your soulmate.” 
You looked at Jake, giving him a soft smile, “I didn’t think I would even have a soulmate, who could love something like me? Half monster, half human…”
“Okay Jay,” Jake teased, “Everyone is capable of love.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Thank you Captain Obvious!” 
He smiled, “It’s true!”
“Anyways,” you looked away from him, feeling your face slightly flushing, “When I met him, I knew immediately. That knot tied together, pulling me to him. But I also felt that warm feeling, the butterflies and I could barely speak.”
You looked down at your shoes, fighting hard to continue the story. 
“But Dorian came, wanting the witch's spells that my parents were protecting. Obviously, he didn’t get what he wanted and killed them. My mate happened to witness the murder and Dorian…”
Jake tucked his lips between his teeth, knowing exactly what happened without you even having to say it. 
“I was at the market with Archer, and we both felt the connection to our parents fade. But when Dorian took him from me…” 
You clenched the fabric over your heart, the pain resurfacing, “I felt that knot snap. I felt his last breath. And then there was nothing. My colorful world turned dark. My reason for living…gone.”
Jake tried to find the right words to say, knowing nothing could even help. 
Jake clearly doesn’t have a mate. He doesn’t understand how it would feel to have one or lose one. 
But he fully understood now why Jay and Jungwon have gone to these measures to protect their own. 
“I obviously still have Archer,” you continued, “He was there to help keep me from going off in the deep end. It was Archer's idea to have the witches in the neighboring town conceal our scents here to protect us and the rest of the people living here.” 
Jake sat up straight, “Wait.”
You raised your eyebrows, “Yeah?”
Jake stood to his feet, “I know what Dorian could possibly be wanting.” 
Heeseung covered his mouth deep in thought, “Y/N, what other information can you gather about the witches?”
You shook your head, “I don’t know, we just grow the crops and take care of the land and send them herbs when they ask to keep them protecting us.” 
“He wants the spells for something,” Jake jumped in, “He clearly does. It would make sense why he’s been feeding as much as he has lately, to build strength.” 
“Then what would he want with me?” Jungwon’s mate spoke up, “He never met me before until that night.” 
“It must be our blood type,” Jay’s mate chimed in, “Jay said when we met that he can tell my blood type based on the smell, I’d assume it’s the same for you all?” 
Everyone except you nodded, you weren’t so blessed with that side of the vampireness. 
“So that clearly means, these witches spells that he wants,” Sunoo put the pieces together, “Needs a specific blood type for it to work. knowing Dorian, he has __ blood from when he almost killed her.” 
Jay’s mate looked away from the table. You could only imagine what she could have felt that night. 
Jake crossed his arms, rubbing his fingers on his chin, trying to put more puzzle pieces together. 
He looked over at you, studying your face as if looking at you would unlock all the secrets of the world. 
And then it actually did. 
Jake took a deep breath in, your scent flowing through him. 
“He also wants Y/N.” 
You look at him, confused, “What would he want with me?” 
Jake tilted his head, “You also have that blood type he needs, on top of where to find the witches for their spells. The only reason you’ve been safe is because of the protection spell.” 
Your body went still. Everything is connected. 
“That makes sense why he always disappeared for months at a time,” Jay tapped his finger on the table, “He is going back and forth between trying to take our girls and find Y/N.” 
“Good thing we came here then,” Jungwon leaned onto the table, “Now we know what he’s after, we have to find the witches before he does. He must know we skipped town by now.” 
“I can go tomorrow,” you said, “I know how to get there, but we all can’t go together.” 
“Why not?” Jay’s mate questioned, “Safety in numbers?”
“That’s not how witches work, babe.” Jay sighed. 
“Witches and vampires don’t get along,” Sunghoon explained, “They will notice seven full vampires and a dhampir, they will conceal themselves and either kill us when we get too close or flee.” 
You nodded, “They will more than likely flee due to the fact you all are in a pack, they won’t stand a chance if they fight you all. Which is why I need to go alone.” 
“No,” Jake protested, “you’re not going alone.” 
You glared at him, “They know me.” 
“And once you leave this town, Dorian could pick up your scent.”
You hated to admit that Jake was right. The witches only were protecting this town, and their town, not in between it. 
“I’m going with you.” Jake couldn’t let you do this alone. 
And you knew you couldn’t stop it from joining. 
“Okay,” Heeseung said, “we will come up with a more solid plan in the morning.” 
Everyone agreed. 
“Can I-“ Niki started. 
“No.” Heeseung and Jay said at the same time. 
Niki stood in silence, looking between the two of them, “What?”
“You start your first day of school tomorrow.” Heeseung teased the younger. 
Niki pouted, “Hyung, you’re joking?”
Heeseung gave him a smile, “Go to bed.” 
Jake sat against the wall on the bed, trying to go through his own game plan for the following day. 
He couldn’t explain it, but after seeing you after all these years was messing with his head. 
You've filled his every thought. It even surprised him that he was so quick to join you tomorrow. 
Jake ran his hands through his hair, his stomach doing flips. 
There was a knock on the door, startling Jake out of his thoughts. 
You opened the door, peeking your head through, “You’re still awake?” 
You slipped inside the room, slowly closing the door behind you. 
You leaned against the wall, studying him and his white t-shirt and plaid-designed boxers. 
“You look like you are getting ready for bed?” 
Jake shook his head, “Too deep in thought to sleep.” 
“Getting cold feet about tomorrow? Sim Jaeyun?” you teased him, your heart did a flip as he bit his lower lip with a small smirk. 
“Haven’t been called that in a while,” Jake looked down at his hands, his fingers once again twisting his rings. 
“I was one of the only ones who called you by your actual name.” you brought the memory back. 
Jake nodded, “We didn’t know each other very long then, did we?” 
“Yeah, it was a very short time in that town.”
“I guess one thing about being immortal is having to skip around because locals notice you aren’t aging,” Jake leaned his head against the wall, “You at least still age.” 
You softly giggled, “Yeah I guess I was blessed in that department, I still age but it’s just slower.”
“Gives you a better chance at living an actual life.” 
“How long were you guys in the city?” curiosity filled you.
“Oh shit, awhile,” Jake let out a small whistle, “We moved around a bit into different areas, but once Heeseung and Jay made their names at the hospital and clinic, it made it harder to move.” 
You nodded, “It’s good you were able to stay in one place for a bit longer, ya?” 
Jake softly smiled, “Yeah. Eventually, we were all able to leave what we ended up calling the safe house and got our own places. Heeseung and Jay had their own separate places. Sunghoon and I lived together. Niki was with Sunoo. Jungwon kinda just floated.” 
“I always forget that Jungwon is your pack leader.” You laughed. 
“Why? Is it so hard to believe?” Jake pulled his knees to his chest, waiting for your answer. 
“No, Jungwon is perfect for it,” you quickly spat out, “I don't think anyone else could corral you guys like him.” 
Jake nodded in agreement. 
The room fell silent. Jake could hear how fast your heart was beating. 
“Why is your heart beating so fast?” Jake tilted his head, his hair slowly falling from its part. 
You tucked your lip between your teeth, breaking eye contact with him. 
How do you admit to an old acquaintance that he’s been making your heart go crazy from the moment he stepped foot out of the van? That even all those years ago you may have had a small crush on him. 
Jake could see the blush on your skin, the goosebumps on your skin, and how your chest moved with your increased breathing. 
You looked up at him, the look of want was on his face. 
“Come here.” 
And that’s all it took. You were on him in a second. 
Your fingers tangled in his hair, lips touching his as if your life depended on it. 
Jake’s hands squeezed your hips as he pulled your body even closer to his. 
The mutual pining that was between the two of you was driving Jake up a wall. 
Jake slowly snaked his hands under your shirt, resting them on your back, 
You didn’t know what came over you, you reached for the hem of Jake’s shirt, quickly sliding it up and off his body. 
Your hands slid back down his bare chest, fingers tracing his abs as you shoved your tongue down his mouth. 
Jake felt himself losing control, the mixture of the hormones and your blood was like a drug to him. 
He couldn’t get enough of you. 
Jake wrapped your legs around him, quickly changing positions, and laying you on your back. 
Chills went down your spine. You cling to his bare back, softly letting out a moan. 
“Fuck fuck fuck…” Jake groaned into the crease of your neck, leaving small kisses trailing up to your jawline. 
Jake wanted you. Oh, he wanted you. 
And you wanted him. 
But the thoughts of losing your mate came too, causing you to slide right from underneath Jake and back to the door. 
“I’m sorry…” Jake said, quickly pulling his shirt back over his head. 
“No it’s my fault,” you turned away from him, “I just…”
“It’s about your mate.”
You nodded, “I lost my soulmate, but you still have a chance to find yours, don’t waste any time on me.” 
That was the last thing you said, leaving Jake alone in his room. 
You’ve both been walking for hours. Jake’s hair stuck to his forehead from his sweat and the damp air. 
You’ve both been quiet. Barley saying a word to each other since last night. 
It was driving Jake crazy not being able to talk to you. 
Jake was stuck in his thoughts about last night. Scared of the possibility that maybe he doesn’t have a soulmate. That no one was made for him. 
Jake was hoping it’d be you, but not once did he feel this so-called knot. The string of fate. 
“Can we talk about last night, Y/N?” 
You sighed, “There isn’t anything to speak about with it.” 
Jake stepped in front of you, “Yes there is.” 
“Like what?” you scoffed, “We aren’t mates, Jake. I don’t owe you anything.” 
You walked around him, your heart pulling back to him, but continuing forward. 
Jake grabbed your arm, pulling you back towards him.
“Let yourself feel, Y/N.” 
All you could do was stare up at him, unable to speak. 
He took your face between his soft hands, his thumbs making circles on your cheeks, “Let yourself feel again. You are holding yourself back all because of your loss. Let yourself feel.” 
You wanted to open your heart up to him, but the fear of losing someone again, you couldn’t do it. 
“We have to keep going, night will fall soon.” 
Jake followed behind you, knowing he could only do so much to get you to reopen your heart again. 
The sky grew darker as the moon slowly made its appearance. 
Jake stopped, mouth forming into a small smile. 
You no longer heard Jake’s footsteps, turning around and seeing him just standing there. 
“Everything okay?” you asked him.
Jake nodded, his eyes not leaving the sky. 
You walked over to him, looking up at where he was. 
“I’m confused?”
“Luna Nova.” 
You look back at him, “what?”
“Latin for the new moon,” Jake’s smile grew even wider, “Beautiful Luna Nova.”
Jake meets your eyes. The new moon’s light brings out that beautiful cocoa color. 
You wanted to kiss him. To grab his hand and hold it so tightly. 
The gate to your heart has been locked. Jake was right, it was time to feel again. 
You broke the lock to your closed gate and let yourself feel. 
Your heart pulled to him, the beautiful string of fate twisting and knotting together. The familiar feeling of love and want and belonging. 
Tears filled Jake’s eyes, “Is that…is that what it feels like?” 
You nodded, your own tears filling your eyes. 
“Who knew it was still possible to find a soulmate.” You softly whispered. 
Jake kissed you. He kissed you with so much love and passion and with every ounce of lost time from the moment he was born, turned into a vampire, and lived all the lives he has until this moment. Those hundreds of years were now finally worth it. 
He was tied to you. 
Jake released his lips from yours, his sweaty forehead connecting to yours. Your breathing matches his in perfect sync. 
“You’re my Luna Nova, my new beginning…just like the moon phases,” Jake whispered. 
Hand in hand, you lead Jake the rest of the way towards the witch’s village. 
“What is this head witch like?” he asked. 
“She’s roughly our age?” you said, trying to calculate the math in your head. 
“That’s pretty old.” he teased. 
“Yeah, aren’t we all? She’s trapped in her twenties like the rest of us.” 
“Couldn’t be worse than Niki.”
You nodded in agreement, “Poor Niki.” 
Laughter filled you both, but only until you reached the village. 
To be met with despair. 
The land was burning. Young children witches and warlocks were covered in ash and dirt. 
People shouting and crying out for their loved ones who were caught in the fires. 
Homes were torn to pieces by flames and lifeless bodies spread throughout the land. 
“What the hell happened…” Jake was barely able to speak, too shocked at the sight before him. 
You ran as fast as you could towards the village. 
“Y/N! Wait!!” 
You didn’t listen to Jake and kept running. The witches' village was supposed to be hidden. Was supposed to be on the edge of the town, hidden from the world. 
You frantically searched for people to help while asking around for the head witch.
But no one has seen her. 
You panicked, giving Jake orders to help find her, describing her in detail. 
Jake searched all the while helping those in need. 
“Y/N,” Jake showed back up at your side, “The fire isn’t stopping, we need to go!” 
You shook your head, “We need to find her!” 
One of your few vampire gifts was your sense of hearing. You called your eyes and focused hard, searching everywhere, until you heard her breathing. 
“She’s alive!” 
She was found under some rumble from a fallen building. 
“Y/N…” she said barely above a whisper. 
Tears filled your eyes as you and Jake pulled out from the rumble. 
You held her in your arms, pushing her hair out of her face. 
“What happened here?” Jake asked, kneeling down beside you, “What caused this?” 
“Dorian.” She coughed out. 
Your heart stopped, and anger washed over Jake. 
“He came for the spells,” she breathed out, “he knew you were coming for them, you were too late.” 
You looked up at Jake, tears falling down your face, “What do we do now?” 
Jake bites down on his tongue, looking at the witch below him. 
“Get her back to the house, we need to know exactly what happened.” 
You nodded, “So much for a new beginning, huh?”
a/n: i hope everyone is enjoying my little vampire series so far! i have so many ideas planned for the rest of the members and hope everyone looks forward to it! thank you so much to everyone who is keeping up with this series and the continued support. It means everything!
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talonabraxas · 3 days
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Selene ☽🌕☾ Celestial Moon Goddess Talon Abraxas
SELENE was the Titan goddess of the moon. She was depicted as a woman riding sidesaddle on a horse or driving a chariot drawn by a pair of winged steeds. Her lunar sphere or crescent was either a crown set upon her head or the fold of a raised, shining cloak. She was sometimes said to drive a team of oxen and her lunar crescent was likened to a pair of bull's horns.
Selene's great love was the shepherd prince Endymion. The beautiful boy was granted eternal youth and immortality by Zeus and placed in a state of eternal slumber in a cave near the peak of Lydian Mount Latmos (Latmus). His heavenly bride consorted with him there in the night.
A number of other goddesses were also associated with the moon, however, only Selene was represented by the old Greek poets represented as the moon incarnate. Other Greek moon goddesses included Pasiphae, the Leukippides (Leucippes), Eileithyia, Hekate (Hecate), Artemis, Bendis, and Hera (who sometimes doubled for Selene in the Endymion myth).
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babyy-rhett-x3 · 2 months
🚀⭐️ hiya! This is my agere acc intro! Pls read! (^o^) 🌙🛸 (I sadly lost my old one babi puppy:()
Name: Rhett
Nicknames: Bud, Mister, Little one
(P.s I rlly do pref nicknames! They make me feel safe & little ( >ω<) )
He/Him/His ☆ They/Them/Theirs
It/Its/Itself ☆ Star/Stars/Starself
Xey/Xem/Xeirs ☆ Zey/Zem/Zeirs
Paw/Paws/Pawself || + more!!
Gender: Transgender Male + Neo genderz!
Little Age: 1 to 10 (´ρ`)
Big age: 16
What to expect on this account?: Me & my alters posting/reblogging! We're an osdd-1b sys ( ^ω^ )
I'm also a flip regressor! Meaning I agere & am a caregiver at the same time!
I also have autism, adhd, & more
☾ 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 ☽
Colouring / Drawing
Arts n Crafts (o^・^o)
Playing w plushies, toys, sensory bin fidgets
LED lights & light up stuff
Glow in the dark stuff! (o´▽`o)
Baking & cooking w caregiver
Watching TV shows (^o^)
Naps (´ρ`)💤
Falling asleep on nighttime car rides
Sippys, Bottles, Pacis, Onsies, PJS! >:3
Snack plates
Making snacks
Bedtime Stories
Space ( ・ω・) 🚀🛸🌙🌌
Veggies (-。-;)
Bright Rooms/Lights
Flashy stuff
Horror games (when small only tho!)
Horror movies
Scary noises/sounds
Pitch black rooms
Being Alone for long periods of time
My fav TV shows (+ Fav Characters! (>o<)
Spongebob (Spongebob, Patrick, Gary, Squidward, Mr Krabs)
MLP (Fluttershy, Pinkie, RainbowDash)
Bluey (Chilli, Bluey, Muffin
Teen Titans Go (Raven, Beastboy, Cyborg)
The Fairly Oddparents (Cosmo & Wanda, Timmy, Poof)
Yo Gabba Gabba (Muno, Plex, Toodee)
The Loud House (Clyde, Lola, Luna)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Ralph, Michelangelo)
Fanboy & Chumchum (Fanboy)
Clearance (Main 3)
Summer Camp Island (no pref)
The Regular Show (Rigby, Pops)
Craig Of The Creek (Main 3)
The Amazing World Of Gumball (Darwin, Gumball, Nicole)
Pocoyo (Pocoyo, Pato, Loula, Caterpillar, Angry Alien)
Wonder Pets (no pref)
Phineas & Ferb (Ferb, Perry, Dr evil doufensmurchs (something like that..)
Dinosaur Train (no pref)
Masha & The Bear (Masha, Bear, Wolves)
Peppa Pig (no pref)
ni-hao kai-lan (no pref)
Jhonny Test (Jhonny, Dukey, the twins)
My Fav Movies (´ρ`)
Astro Boy
Spongebob Movie
MLP Movie
Happy Feet
Madagascar (all of them)
Cloudy w a chance of meatballs
Ice age
Chicken Run
Monsters inc
Charlotte's web
Finding Nemo
Disney movies especially lady & the tramp
☾ 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 𖦹 ☽
● pedophiles
● zoophiles
● pro shippers
● pro ANA/ED
● racists
● abliests
● homophobes
● transphobes
● anti agere/petre
● fakeclaimers
● anti therian/otherkin
● anti furry
● anti neo prns / neo genders
༘⋆₊ ⊹★🔭๋࣭ ⭑⋆。˚
● Other Age / Pet Regressors
● Other Systems (only if ur acc is for Littles only tho sorry!!)
● Space, Alien, Star lovers
● Caregiver/Agereg/Petreg tip accs
● Anyone who isn't NSFW or mean!! >:333
To find out more abt us/me, go to my main acc! But it isn't SFW (but also isnt full on nsfw) ! Be warned<3
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unfurledluna · 9 months
Unfurled Chinese Luna Moth Shows Me the Stars
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Here's my most recent self portrait! It's where my username comes from. I love moths and when I draw them, I try to depict them as my emotions and feelings. In this drawing, I am feeling hopeless but there is a large Chinese Luna Moth that lands on my face and points me to look up at the sparking night sky. Its tails represent tears. The dark clouds are how I usually feel but the stars and the moon are some sort of hope and happiness.
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the-starflower-trio · 6 months
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑜 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
[Plain text: Introducing The Starflower Trio]
Hello! We're a mediple system of three members, though we have a lot of soulbonds too! Our other blogs are listed under our members section. We're bodily 19 :3
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✨ Our members ✨
🫖: Aster┆ae/fae/dae┆host┆fae┆same as body
🌿: lu/luna/ne/nim/dus/dusk┆base┆aviankin┆systeen
🌙: Lunette┆star/dust, ne/nim, moon/light, dus/dusk┆facet of 🌿┆alien┆systeen
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Our other blogs
@the-soulbonded-teaparty - blog about soulbonding
@vernon-the-poltergeist - Vernon's personal blog
@atlases-map - Atlas's personal blog
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✨ byf ✨
★ We're an endogenic system, so if you don't like that please block us.
★ We're rad incluse (not radqueer)
★ We're trans and non binary heavy, if you're transphobic or ennbyphobic you will be blocked
★ A lot of us use xenogenders and neopronouns
★ Pro good faith and non harmful identities
★ We don't have a dni, but will block as we see fit
★ We are anti harassment
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Neopronoun Suggestions: Moon / Lunar Themed 2nd Person
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deadratinhotcar · 1 year
Tbh my blog name comes from what I call Luna: my moon kitten ☽♡☾
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mykawinchester · 4 months
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Midnight Tokers
☽ ᴍᴜsɪᴄᴀʟ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ☾
"'Cause I'm a picker, I'm a grinner
I'm a lover and I'm a sinner
I play my music in the sun
I'm a joker, I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I get my loving on the run
You're the cutest thing that I ever did see
I really love your peaches, want to shake your tree
Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time
Oh, baby, I'll sure show you good time."
The Joke by The Steve Miller Band
☽ 🇧​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇾​​​​​ 🇬​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇸​​​​​ ☾
Head: Lelutka - Avalon
Body: Reborn
Skin: Pumec - Astra
Body: Velour x ItGirls - Picasso Babe - Slim Muse
Eyes: IKON - Apex
Head: Lelutka - Logan
Body: Legacy
Skin: Fuoey - Leon
Body: Not Found - Ruddy
Eyes: Lelutka
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ ᴇɴʜᴀɴᴄᴇʀs ☾
Hair: Truth - Flutter
Eyes: Suicidal Unborn - Salem
Details: Top1Salon - New Face Set - Full - 75%
Lips: Tear - Tori Gloss
Hickies: Ladybird - Charlie
Nails: Quriky x Ladybird - Spiker Nails
Lilithe' - Chandika
Lilithe' - Cerridwen
Hexumbra - Face Bats
Dappa - Clarice
Hair: Stealthic - Beam
Beard: Magnificent - Hipster Godlike
Mister Razor - Bjorn
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ ғɪᴛ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ☾
Imbue - Ribbed Tub Top
Miss Chelsea - Lori Pants
Cult - Ollie
Legal Insanity - Dillon T-shirt
L&B Swear - Wrekt Jeans
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ ᴇᴍʙᴇʟʟɪsʜᴍᴇɴᴛs ☾
Imbue - Locket Choker
Ysoral - Malie wedding ring
Ysoral - Clem Lip Piercings
Little Fish - Angel
Real Evil - Royalty - Queen Bracelet & Ring
Real Evil - Fated Necklace
Vibing - Luna Rings
Stoic - Laced Earrings
Yummy - Enchantress Layered Necklace
Yummy - Winter Memories Locket
Kibitz - Heart Nose Ring x2
Rotten - Dainty Nose Junk
Violetility - Moth Septum
Real Evil - Fated Necklace
Real Evil - Royalty Ring
Ysoral - Eliot Luxe Wedding Ring
🌑︎ 🌒︎ 🌓︎ 🌔︎ 🌕︎ 🌖︎ 🌗︎ 🌘︎ 🌑︎
☽ sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ☾
Pose: Mysteria - Midnight Tokers Couples Pose
Room: Atelier Burgundy . Artist Loft
Atelier Burgundy
Fluted Panel
Glitch Gaming Station
Minimal Entryway Set
Vinyl Record Storage
Wall Clutter
Dust Bunny
bunbuns sandwich cookies
bunny's wok takeout
ivy room divider
moss rugs . dark . rectangle
storybook living . old backpack
paw cushion . black
chronically ch(ill)
record crates
Trash Bin - Black
Cannatonic - Dracula
Cannatonic - Moon Madness
stash jars
Love letters - Desk Dark
Love letters - Drafts
Love letters - Letters
[willie gnomie]
Snacks and Chill Set
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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☽ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗝𝘂𝗹𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗔𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗘𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗭𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗰 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻 ☾
Themes surrounding your home base and innermost feelings are being emphasized under this lunation, which is why it’s so important for you to reflect on what makes you feel secure and rooted at this time. Hovering over your fourth house of privacy and emotional foundations—while in opposition to Pluto retrograde in your 10th house of reputation, notoriety and parental figures—this is an opportunity for you to make peace with the past, in order to redefine your sense of security. Your celestial ruler, Mars, will also sit in opposition with taskmaster Saturn, encouraging you to be more both discerning and forgiving with your day-to-day logistics, especially those of you in the process of healing. The North Node is entering your sign for the first time since 2006, and a new chapter of life is afoot.
Luna is renewing itself in Cancer, bringing new beginnings to everything from your communication style to the dynamic of your immediate environment. The North Node will also be concluding its journey through your sign, (after transiting your sign since 2021) making this lunation all the more predominant. How has your sense of security evolved since? What have you discovered about yourself, and your personal value systems? The moon will make a direct opposition to Pluto retrograde, bringing awareness to the shadow side of your personal philosophy and worldview. What beliefs are you ready to surrender, in order to establish the home environment you seek? When considering your celestial ruler’s (Venus) square to Uranus, the cosmos encourages you to experiment and explore other options if needed
Ready to take your power back? Whether financially or in terms of your sensual pleasures, this lunation is presenting you with the opportunity to feel more at home within your physical surroundings. For instance, this month’s new moon will touch down on your stability-seeking second house of money, values and creature comforts, and all while sitting in direct opposition to Pluto retrograde via your eighth house of intimate unions, and energetic exchanges. How have your intimate unions and relationship dynamics evolved since Pluto’s first ingress into Capricorn in 2007? Your boundaries and emotional needs are being brought to the forefront of this lunation, and with your celestial ruler, Mercury, sizzling through your communication sector, you’ll have the confidence and courage needed to address them.
Happy new moon and solar season, Cancer! Being ruled by the moon gives you the upper hand, as you are not only acclimated to the moon’s phases but also remarkably in tune with your emotionality. This is especially true with the moon renewing itself in your sign, so it’s important for you to reflect on the parts of yourself/life that you’re ready to commit to, and/or let go of. While in opposition to Pluto retrograde, there is also greater emphasis on your relationship dynamics, specifically those that could’ve led to the misuse of power. In any event, this lunation is presenting you with the opportunity to call back your energy and assert yourself, whether personally or professionally. And with Mars sitting across from Saturn retrograde, the cosmos is supporting you on this new path towards your self-discovery. Manifest the future of your dreams!
Let go, and let the universe take the wheel. The moon is renewing itself in Cancer, bringing new beginnings to your 12th house of healing, closure and unconscious patterns, but there’s more. It will sit directly across from Pluto retrograde—via your responsible sixth house of due diligence, health habits and acts of service—highlighting the shadowy attributes of your day-to-day lifestyle. Whether logistically or in terms of your well being, you’re being encouraged to surrender the systems and structures that no longer serve your highest good. Keep in mind, while transiting your sign, Venus will face off with Uranus in your 10th house of authority, so don’t be surprised if you experience an unexpected change of plans. This could be in the workplace and/or in terms of your money-making abilities. Either way, don’t be afraid to experiment
It’s important to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who not only support your goals and dreams, but also inspire you along the way. More importantly, when it comes to your emotional world and sense of security, July’s new moon is urging you to reflect on the dynamic of your social surroundings, and whether these connections hold space for your individual truth. For instance, Luna will renew itself in Cancer—via your 11th house of community affairs—bringing new beginnings to your sense of belonging in the world. But the moon will also make a direct opposition to Pluto retrograde, highlighting the shadowy attributes of your self-expression, and/or inhibitions when in regards to your authenticity. Do you consider your friendship groups to be dependable? How can you redefine this area of life?
The new moon is touching down on the most public sector of your chart, bringing new beginnings to everything from your sense of authority to your reputation in the world. However, given that this lunation will take place in the sign of Cancer, this could revolve around a parental figure if not your own parent vs. child dynamics. Your ruler, Venus, is already in its pre-retrograde shadow phase, and via your 11th house of community settings and individual freedom. Meaning, the combination of these energies is urging you to re-evaluate the value of your personal and professional goals. Does this endeavor feel safe? Venus will also face off with Uranus, bringing excitement and novelty to your intimate affairs. You’re cultivating a brand new sense of self-awareness, but with the moon sitting in opposition to Pluto retrograde, it’s time to put an end to old ways and power dynamics within your family unit. This is especially true with the South Node making its debut in your sign for the first time since 2006.
Chin up, Scorpio. The moon is renewing itself in your sister-sign, Cancer, bringing emphasis and fertility to your ninth house of expansion, faith, long-term goals and self-discovery. Whether in terms of your home base and/or your familiar belief systems, this lunation is presenting you with the opportunity to shift trajectories, and follow your own individual path. Sitting in opposition to your modern ruler, Pluto retrograde, the darker attributes of your early childhood and immediate surroundings could suddenly resurface, but this is where you’re being encouraged to close a chapter and/or narrative you’re no longer subscribing to. How has your perception of home and family evolved since Pluto’s first ingress into Capricorn in 2007? The South Node is also concluding its journey through your sign, after journeying through your astrological axis since 2021. It’s time to call your power back, and create new experiences for yourself moving forward.
The foundation of your intimate exchanges is a reflection of your sense of security, and early upbringing. And with the moon renewing itself in sensitive Cancer—your eighth house of mergers, inheritance, and other sources of income—you are being presented with the opportunity to redefine your idea of “giving and receiving.” What no longer feels safe? What is the root of your doubts and fears? Luna will sit in direct opposition to Pluto retrograde in your stability-seeking second house of values, creature comforts and money-making abilities, highlighting everything from your past fears to your first impression of “security.” Are you ready to surrender these outdated systems and structures? With Mars sitting in opposition to Saturn, you are being encouraged to discern and analyze what works best for you moving forward, whether personally or professionally.
Open your heart, and allow yourself to be nurtured and taken care of, Capricorn. This is especially true with the moon renewing itself in Cancer, via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise and significant others. Although, while in opposition to Pluto retrograde in your sign, unconscious fears surrounding your partnerships and/or your ability to feel safe within your connections could simultaneously come up for review. This, however, is an opportunity for you to build upon a brand-new foundation, and surrender your shadowy attributes such as the need for control, or perhaps even the fear of abandonment. Mars will also sit in opposition to your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, which is where you’re being encouraged to discern, analyze, and do the necessary research when regarding next steps.
Mindfulness is key to the mental, physical and emotional balance you seek, Aquarius. Fortunately, with the moon renewing itself in Cancer—via your sixth house of health, daily rituals, due diligence and acts of service—there is an opportunity for you to cultivate the lifestyle you both crave, and deserve. More importantly, while in opposition to Pluto retrograde—via your 12th house of closure, dreams, inhibitions and unconscious patterns—you are being called to address the dark side of your coping mechanisms, and life behind the scenes. There’s no such thing as perfect, so consider this an opportunity to set the necessary boundaries. Saturn retrograde will also sit in opposition to Mars—via your eighth house of intimacy—highlighting what needs to be tweaked, purified and/or readdressed when in regards to your personal and/or shared resources. Don’t be afraid to choose yourself moving forward.
With Luna renewing itself in your sister-sign Cancer, and your fifth house of passion projects and authentic expression, you’re being presented with the opportunity to nurture your inner child and reconnect with the energies that emotionally fulfill you. Whether creatively, romantically, and/or in terms of your unique talents, reflect on what could be unconsciously inhibiting you from expressing these parts of yourself freely. This is especially true with the moon sitting in opposition to Pluto retrograde, as you are likely confronting past experiences that could have influenced your love language and freedom of expression. Mars is also sizzling through your relationship sector, and all while sitting in direct opposition to Saturn retrograde in your sign. Whether literally and/or emotionally, you’re being encouraged to address what no longer serves as a positive influence in your relationships. This could be in regards to family, or perhaps even your significant other’s.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗝𝘂𝗹𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗔𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝟰 𝗭𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗰 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗼𝘀𝘁
If your sun sign, moon sign or—most importantly—your rising sign falls under any of the following zodiac signs, the upcoming new moon in Cancer could signify a meaningful turning point in your life. Here’s why:
This new moon is hitting you close to home, right where you’re most vulnerable. Taking place in your fourth house of domestic affairs and personal matters, this new moon is shining a light on everything that happens behind closed-doors, safe from prying eyes. And if you don’t have a corner of the world that feels safe, protected and most of all, welcoming, then you might want to think about where you’re choosing to plant your roots, Aries! This new moon could inspire you to clean your apartment, schedule a movie night with family or even move to a new place. Listen to your heart and you’ll know what to do. In order for an Aries to feel comfortable enough to explore the world, they need a welcoming home to return to when the adventure comes to an end.
Admit it, Cancer—you *love* being adored. Even if you’re a shy and reserved Cancer who needs to be coaxed from their shell, you can’t help but value feeling understood and appreciated for who you are. And on this new moon, you’re on the top of everyone’s minds, because this new moon is lighting a match in your first house of the self. Prepare to look at yourself in the mirror and see something totally brand new. Do something that symbolizes the way your identity is changing and evolving with time and experience. You might not be the same person you were before, but that’s a *good* thing; it means you’ve taken some risks, spoken your truth, stood up for something you believe in and opened yourself up to life. And in the end, you’ve become a more powerful and interesting person because of it, Cancer.
People can’t stop talking about you lately, Libra. After all, this new moon is bringing a surge of electricity right to your 10th house of public image, inspiring you to release some life-changing news or enhance your reputation! You have the power to receive some meaningful accolades right now, especially if you’re willing to enlist in a contest or apply to that job right now. Now is the time to set professional goals with the power of the lunar cycle on your side. Because this new moon is getting the ball rolling in your career sector, you can bet that your determination won’t be in vain. You’re about to climb the next rung of a very important ladder, do don’t look back. Truth be told, you might reach the top a *lot* sooner than expected. You are a Libra, and when a Libra feels inspired to fight for justice and prove the haters wrong, nothing can stop them.
Your relationships are taking a turn, Capricorn. As this new moon initiates a new understanding of give and take, you’re feeling motivated to make your partnerships that much more meaningful. Sifting through the truth of your seventh house of lovers, friendships, spouses, and enemies, you’re coming to terms with who the main players in your life are and the roles that each of them play. You’re also taking a closer look at how you contribute to your relationships and the influence you have over them. Dig into the dynamics you share with others, because it could lead to some very telling revelations, especially when it comes to who you want to spend this chapter with next, Capricorn. Don’t be afraid of expanding your horizons, even if it means ruffling a few feathers and challenging the perspective your significant other may have of you.
𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿: Valerie Mesa
𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲: Stylecaster.com
𝗨𝗿𝗹: https://stylecaster.com/lifestyle/zodiac/1616283/how-new-moon-in-cancer-july-affect-each-zodiac-sign-2023/
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kazemi-archive · 1 year
Hi Kaze! Hope you're doing well <3 I know I am kind of late, but I wanted to thank you for the tags you left on my Suna fic. He really is the type to peer into your soul and say some insightful shit 😂 It makes me really happy to know that this fic was able to provide you some comfort. Thank you again and have a lovely day/night!!!
Luna hi!!! yesyesyes the fic was sooooooo sweet. he really is sweet behind all that joking and antagonizing i will stand by that. it was so so comforting, and him being there for reader when reader didn't someone else is just so... yes thats my bby there <33 thank you for writing such a good fic!!! <3
i hope you're doing well and are having a good week!! <3
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syllreya · 3 years
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“ Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. ”
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret ---- Water aesthetics 
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princepsluna · 3 years
  mmmm space verse still gets me emotional, bc every planet she goes to- whatever bonds she makes there do change her. for better or for worse.
  but when she does manage to make meaningful connections, making friends and what not ... she cannot stay. she physically has to keep moving. maybe because the compulsion of the stars makes her do it, or she just believes that there is something wrong with her, and she cannot let that burden fall upon her friends shoulders. so she does take strides forward, but at the same time she takes a step back too.
  it isnt until she returns home back as nightmare moon does she finally learn to accept all the love she was given, and the fact that the friendships she made were real.   ... she does miss them, all the way in the endless stars.
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hanae-in-wonderland · 3 years
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☾ Sailor Moon Usagi & Luna Hoodie ☽
↪ Extra 5% OFF Discount Code: hanae ↩
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pronounsrus · 3 years
Moon/Star theme
warning: Bl**d mention (oo)
Blood/Moon/Blood moons/Blood moon's/Blood moonself
Blue/Moon/Blue moons/Blue moon's/Blue moonself
Crescent/Moon/Crescent moons/Crescent moon's/Crescent moonself
Dark/Moon/Dark moons/Dark moon's/Dark moonself
Full/Moon/Full moons/Full moon's/Full moonself
Gibbous/Moon/Gibbous moons/Gibbous moon's/Gibbous moonself
Harvest/Moon/Harvest moons/Harvest moon's/Harvest moonself
Lunar/Eclipse/Lunar eclipses/Lunar eclipse's/Lunar eclipseself
New/Moon/New moons/New moon's/New moonself
Night/Sky/Night skys/Night sky's/Night skyself
Quarter/Moon/Quarter moons/Quarter moon's/Quarter moonself
Shooting/Star/Shooting stars/Shooting star's/Shooting starself
Solar/Eclipes/Solar eclipses/Solar eclipse's/Solar eclipseself
Waning/Moon/Waning moons/Waning moon's/Waning moonself
Waxing/Moon/Waxing moons/Waxing moon's/Waxing moonself
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Neopronouns Suggestions: Moon / Lunar Themed 1st Person
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