#☾.ask games
A SOMEWHAT BASIC F/O & S/I EMOJI ASK GAME because we all need more interactions. Anons are welcome - Specify f/o (if applicable!) Please practice inbox karma if you can ♡
Send me... 📸 for a random screenshot / picture i can gush about.
🔎 for something f/o-related in my room (or something that makes me think about them).
🩷 for a headcanon about f/o.
🩵 for a fact about s/i.
❤️ for a fact about our relationship.
💌 for a snippet of a conersation we had.
🎧 for a song that reminds me of us.
🎁 for a gift f/o has given s/i (or vice versa).
🙆 for something i can't stop thinking about.
🌘 for something i love about f/o.
🌒 for something f/o loves about me.
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kooktrash · 16 days
ask million dollar darling jk what did u and oc do last have sex oops?
“What did we do last have sex?” Jungkook asked looking at you with slight confusion.
“When did we last have? What we did?” You asked for clarification, “He might not say it but he’s kinda a horny one, so earlier today—“
“Y/n,” Jungkook groaned pulling at your waist to bring you back to him, “It’s kind of personal.”
“He pretends to be shy but then talks on the phone when I’m going down on h—“ Y/n L/n, Million Dollar Darling.
He tackles you down onto the sofa, “We have a normal, healthy amount of sex in our relationship. Is that what the question was?” Jeon Jungkook, Million Dollar Darling
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sonofnyx · 2 months
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DAMON ADDAMS, é filho de NYX do chalé NÚMERO VINTE E SEIS e tem TRINTA E UM ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há DEZESSEIS ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, DAMON é bastante DETERMINADO mas também dizem que ele é MUITO FRIO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
biografia / playlist / conexões / muses page / aesthetic
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⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚ BACKGROUND;
Concebido a partir da união do Romaniano Andree Addams e da deusa Nyx, Damon Addams nasceu no dia 13 de Janeiro de 1998, na cidade de Cluj-Napoca, na Romênia, região histórica conhecida como Transilvânia. Foi onde passou grande parte de sua infância sendo criado por seus tios, pois seu pai partiu para os Estados Unidos da América atrás do sonho americano de uma vida melhor quando Damon tinha apenas três anos de idade. Os tempos passados junto de seus tios e primos não foram ruins, sua tia Catalina o tratava como se ele fosse um de seus filhos, seu marido era o típico pai ausente grande parte do tempo – por isso sua presença não importava na vida de Damon – e seus primos deixaram de ficar irritantes quando perceberam que o garoto não gostava de brincar nos gramados verdes que haviam por lá e não o importunavam mais para sair de casa junto com eles.
Essa parte tímida, reservada e reclusa da personalidade de Damon preocupava Catalina, que sempre deixava seu pai ciente das coisas que o menino fazia por meio de cartas e vice-versa, – sempre que sua tia recebia as cartas de Andree, ela nunca deixava de dizer o quanto o homem sentia falta do filho. Como da vez que Catalina descobriu Damon lendo livros no escuro total ou das vezes que ouvia o menino conversar sozinho a noite, ou com um amigo imaginário, como preferia acreditar.
Ao completar os oito anos de idade, Damon foi para os Estados Unidos, junto com um de seus primos mais velhos e já maior de idade, Sorin, o mesmo para ingressar numa universidade e Damon para passar a morar com seu pai. A mudança não foi fácil para o menino de oito anos, fuso horário e idioma diferente, escola diferente, ambientes e pessoas diferentes. Acostumado com seus primos para entreter à noite ao falar com e de seus amigos imaginários, como sua tia dizia, Damon sentiu-se ainda mais sozinho do que já era, mesmo com esses últimos ainda por perto. Por sorte tinha o rápido aprendizado e a habilidade da observação ao seu lado e não demorou muito a se adaptar às novas coisas.
De início sua relação com seu pai foi estranha e fria, não que ele tenha se sentido abandonado por algo que aconteceu cinco anos atrás e ele mal se lembrava, entretanto, o homem ainda era como uma estranha para si. Porém também não levou muito tempo até que se sentisse confortável com Andree por perto, ainda mais quando o homem parecia o entender bem e não estranhava seus hábitos noturnos e sua vontade de ficar na escuridão, como acontecia na antiga casa com seus tios.
Em seu aniversário de dez anos, seu pai lhe contou tudo sobre sua história, sobre sua mãe ser uma deusa e de como as outras pessoas não entenderiam e por isso esse fato devia ser o segredo dos dois e, por isso também, não demoraria muito para os dois se separarem novamente, pois em algum momento Damon teria que ir para um lugar mais seguro e onde haveriam crianças como ele. Isso fez com que o garoto se interessasse pela mitologia grega ao qual lhe deu origem e passasse a valorizar mais o tempo com seu pai, que não o estranhava e o incentivava a treinar suas habilidades, longe de olhos mortais obviamente.
As criaturas estranhas lhe perseguindo e destruindo partes diferentes de seu colégio não eram um grande empecilho em sua vida, já que nunca fora um aluno exemplar por causa de seu TDAH, então ganhar o título de “trouble maker” solitário e ser suspenso várias vezes não era um problema – nem afetavam suas boas notas, já que sempre se esforçava para aprender as matérias sozinho ao ler os livros. O problema foi quando, já com seus quinze anos, Manticoras resolveram atacar sua casa. Com muito esforço, Damon conseguiu distrair as criaturas para que seu pai fugisse para segurança. Depois de muitas horas e muitos ferimentos, as bestas mortas, conseguiu se encontrar com Andree e sugerir para que o mesmo voltasse para Romênia, mesmo que temporariamente, para sair da zona de perigo, pois não queria colocar a vida do pai em risco. Andree não se opôs muito a ideia e lhe instruiu ir para Long Island, dizendo que lá haveria um lugar seguro para si; após ambos arrumarem as malas, Andree se despediu de Damon com um beijo na testa e cada um foi para um lado.
Chegando em Long Island, Damon foi recepcionado calorosamente por Harpias, fazendo com que o filho de Nyx corresse para o lugar mais escasso de população o possível para que não colocasse a vida de mais ninguém em risco. Damon foi encontrado e levado quase inconsciente para o acampamento Meio Sangue por um sátiro, após esgotar toda sua energia para destruir as criaturas e se manter vivo por uma semana inteira enquanto vagava as florestas de Long Island sem ter para onde ir.
Damon tem a típica personalidade de um filho de Nyx; quieto, distante e reservado. Por ser frio e calculista, tende a pensar muito antes de tomar decisões e fazer algo; é impulsivo apenas em situações de vida ou morte, para se proteger ou proteger pessoas que julga importantes para si. Observador, tende a notar pequenos detalhes e coisas que acontecem ao seu redor, o que é uma grande vantagem para estratégias quando está em campo – porém por ter pouco tato com sentimentos e vida em sociedade, não percebe muitas coisas desses campos. Tem muita dificuldade de confiar e se abrir com os outros por ter sido sempre muito sozinho e, também, devido as pessoas sempre terem sido hostis ou mantido distância de si por causa de sua aura assustadora – de filho de Nyx. Mas isso não significa que Damon seja desprovido de emoções.
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⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚ PODERES;
Ubracinese - Solidificação de Escuridão: é o poder de solidificar escuridão, sombras e trevas. Damon pode tornar qualquer matéria baseada em escuridão ou sombra em algo físico, podendo usa-la como membros extras, como braços e mãos, ou ferramentas, armas e armaduras, podendo danificar objetos e ferir pessoas com uma certa facilidade, além de poder ser tão duro quanto aço ou até mais ou ser flexível, de acordo com sua vontade. Por ser filho da personificação da Noite, seus poderes ficam um tanto enfraquecidos durante o dia e Damon se cansa mais rápido ao usá-los, diferente de quando os usa à noite, que é quando fica mais forte.
⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚ BENÇÃO;
Érebo já vinha observando Damon desde quando sua irmã havia lhe dado a luz; após o garoto descobrir suas raízes, sua devoção e respeito por sua irmã já lhe garantiram diversos pontos positivos com o Deus, porém o primordial passou dar mais atenção ao rapaz quando o mesmo teve sucesso em recuperar e devolver seu item mágico, o Chicote de Érebo, garantindo-lhe a bênção da Aura Assombrosa. Benção essa que concedeu a Damon pois notou que, há alguns anos atrás, o rapaz utilizou de sua umbracinese para parecer maior e mais ameaçador enquanto lutava contra as Manticoras para salvar seu pai.
Benção de Érebo - Aura Assombrosa: Apenas com a sua presença em um combate, o ambiente começa a esfriar, escurecer e enfraquecer efeitos quaisquer que gerem luz e esperança.
Sentidos aguçados e agilidade sobre-humana.
⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚ ATIVIDADES;
Instrutor de Meditação e participante do Clube de Artesanato.
⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚ ARMAS;
Espadas Curtas Duplas — Moon&Stars: feitas de ferro estígio, Damon usa duas espadas curtas em cada mão. Treinado desde novo, e devido à sua agilidade sobre-humana, o estilo de Damon com ambas as espadas curtas parece quase que como uma dança.
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idyllcy · 11 days
hello :333 hiiii :3333
I'm still offline and deciding what to do with this account, but I'm thinking that maybe the best choice would be to go back to how it used to be! No responses to comments, no commenting under others, no reblogging fics!!! After oata and my other half-written socmed, I'm thinking that it would probably be best to go back to just one fic per week with a blurb every now and then!! All my fic reblogs will go back to my other account
Don't get me wrong I love you all sm but i think im gonna start doing chatting in dms instead of under posts!! the clutter on this account is making me anxious sigh.
That also means no more cressposts ur gonna have to defeat my hundred fourty smth evil exes (ao3 fics) to figure out cresslore :3
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A horror themed ask game
Scream - Your character's favourite genre and film? Is there a specific reason for this? Or does it just fit their character?
A Nightmare On Elm Street - Describe or write a drabble about your oc's most memorable or reoccurring dream. Is there a meaning behind it?
Friday the 13th - What's your oc's favourite summer activity? Why? How does it differ from your oc's favourite summer activity as a child?
Halloween - Does your oc like Halloween? What about their feelings on any associated holidays? Samhain, Ghost Festival, Fireworks Night to list a few. 
Saw - What 5 things would you use to trap your oc? Silly cartoon style or more seriously. What would someone need to lure your oc into a trap?
The Collector - Does your oc collect anything? How do they feel about their collection or the collection of others? Why?
The Purge - Would your oc participate in a Purge like night? Are they murdering or are they just chilling? And if they wouldn't participate, how would they defend themself?
The Babadook - How does your character process their grief? Quiet? Loud? Do they distract themself or stew in it? Is there any specific reason why they process grief like that?
The Cabin In The Woods - Describe an item your oc would be inexplicably drawn to. Why? What compels them to that item?
Hush - Your oc is trapped in a house being hunted by an eager killer. Quick! What weapon do they grab? What's their first plan of attack?
Paranormal Activity - Does your oc believe in ghosts? What about other superstitions? Is there a reason for the superstitions they do or don't believe in?
It - Describe the scariest thing or person your oc could face. Is this the root of their fear or an irrational phobia? 
The Omen - Describe your oc's childhood friend. What were they like? Why were they drawn to each other? And are they still friends? If not, why?
Misery - Your oc is snowed in. What do they get up to? Can they even handle cold weather?
The Ring - How does your oc feel about the ocean? Is it calming? Or scary? What's their favourite or least favourite part?
The Shining - What is your oc's dream vacation destination? Describe where they'd like to stay, not necessarily the place but the lodgings. Why are they drawn there?
Carrie - Did your oc attend prom? If they didn't, why? If they did, who did they go with? How did they dress? 
Black Christmas - The phone is ringing. Does your oc answer it? Do they wait for a specific ring? Do they ignore it? If they do answer, how? 
Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Road trip time! Who are they going with? Your oc's preferred road trip position(map, driver, snack distributor, dj, ect)? Obligatory, what is their gas station snack/drink?
Orphan - What scared your oc most as a child? Was this fear rational or irrational? How does it compare to your oc as an adult?
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miidnighters · 8 months
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sun shining on your face
you're encouraging, brave in your kindness, and intentional about bringing healing to all those you love. your warmth is obvious, but commonly misunderstood. at first glance, people may take your positivity as naivety; it is the opposite. you have seen the cruelty of this world, and that's why you choose to be recklessly warm. you find comfort in nature and love random acts of kindness. you probably remember one specific stranger really well, even though you never saw them again. but they gave you a bit of warmth that you carry with you everywhere you go. i hope you know you are that stranger for others. the kindness you give out is helping others be kind in ways you may never see. i see you, and i'm proud of you. i hope you're proud of yourself too.
tagged: @sorrowsick tagging: @sonderiings | @exquisitexagony | @hidefire | @freekzout | @samuhelll
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txmxkis · 18 days
sorry i am soooooi late to the party but:
cactus, abelia, chamomile!!
it's never too late for u kai 🫶
: ̗̀cactus ➛ something you're currently learning (about)?
still learning about volcanoes!!! (i haven't finished that book yet cause i'm a slacker)
: ̗̀abelia ➛ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can't part with?
i have a ring that i wear on my middle finger that my aunt gave me over 10 years ago. it's a silver band with a dark green almost iridescent??? inlay and i've worn it almost all the time since then. i also have a silver ring that i got at an antique shop that's a band with like science/space symbols inlaid all around it that i wear on my pinky!! (it reminds me of kuroo bc i'm very mentally ill lmfao) i also always wear a locket that my aunt gave to me after my grandma passed away a couple years ago. it has a daisy on the front bc that was her favorite flower and pictures of me with her on the inside 🥹
: ̗̀chamomile ➛ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
i'm easy to please tbh most of the time i'm just glad to be getting anything at all!! i do really love getting jewelry, candles, blankets, trinkets, etc though!!
get to know me!!
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arcanaaa · 1 year
what tarot card are you?. . . THE EMPRESS.
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You are only independent insofar as you have others to care for. This makes you dependent in your independence. They want your knowledge, your skills, your talents, your affection. What can they give in return? “Teeth” is not an acceptable answer, nor is “keeping the shadows to the corners”, nor is “glory”, nor is “love”. There is no acceptable answer, no gift of a magnitude which can match the thing you know, which is that they are taking from you. They are stealing from you. You should stop them from doing that, darling. You only have so much to give. You are not infinite, and when they have taken their last they will remind you of that. My advice is this: give enough to keep them at bay, but be careful. Their teeth can turn on you too. There is no easier way to make an animal dangerous than by feeding it.
TAGGED BY: stolen from the dash TAGGING: @shinebrightlikealion, @levinmancer, @satanclaw, @freedthedark, @heavnsblade, @seraphias and anyone else!
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armafidelium · 9 months
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do you ever just sit back and just...
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i think i may just somewhat like drawing aphelios
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𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑟𝑎𝑑 @unitcd bc I can.
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𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝘩𝑒 𝘩𝑎𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑜, and her father gave her a house. A house to say 'I'm sorry'. A house to say ' Good for you for getting good grades'. A house to say 'sorry I married your mother'. Really , it could say anything because after all it's not like many words came out of her father's mouth.
All of her 'friends' were off doing their own thing this summer. She wishes she had known that before offering the invites, but here she is watching the beachy reindeer games. There are rumors as people talk especially those around their ages. She knows more about the people around here before even knowing their first names.
And it's not like Audrey has anything to lose here, so she turns her attention from her book to Conrad.
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" You know, with how you've been looking at her I'm surprised Chris Hansen hasn't jumped out of a bush with his camera crew by now."
What business of it is hers? It's not, she's just...observant.
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kooktrash · 8 months
Hi! Just wanted to ask how our mdd couple is doing?? 💝
“How are we doing?” Jungkook asked as he looked to you for an answer, “Fine, I think?”
“You think?” You asked him back, reaching forward to fix his tie as some stylist touched up your hair, “I think we’re doing better than fine, don’t you think?”
Jungkook picked up on your questioning tone and he brought your hand to his lips, kissing the tip of your knuckles while the photographer shouted for everyone to get ready for the pictures, “Amazing darling, we’re doing amazing.”
You smiled sweetly, hand down on his chest as the photographer began snapping away pictures of you two for this month’s cover of DAZED magazine. It was obvious in every photo that he still can’t keep his hands off you.
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sonofnyx · 1 month
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spydcddya · 2 years
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❝    unfortunately i don't understand this worm nonsense either , but i'll only ask once. by a show of hands , who didn't play along ?     ❞
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witchnordemon · 1 year
“No! My only weakness! Dying!” @mellowsmuses (King Clawthorne to Collector!)
Collector held the makeshift sword, fashioned together out of cardboard paper towel rolls, in his left hand, the other end of it currently between King's upper chest and arm - as though the little Titan had been stabbed, and they looked down at him as he spoke.
❝ It is no use, beast, for I have caught you now, fair and square. ❞ They croak out in reply, voice slightly cracking from having to actively pitch it lower for their role in this game. They reach up with their free hand, tilting the paper mache crown atop their head to cast a dramatic shadow across their face - a move they had seen once while watching a human "anna-may" show, and smirked. ❝ It is with your puny weakness of death - this great triumph, that I can announce that my kingdom... has won. ❞
With that final sentence, he broke into a fit of giggles, dropping the cardboard sword and collapsing next to King in a heap, his paper crown toppling off his head. Once he had finally stopped laughing enough to compose himself, he rolled onto his back and grinned over at King.
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❝ Ahh, witches vs. demons is always a fun game. So, do you wanna play again, except this time you win? Oh! Or do you wanna do somethin' else? ❞
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txmxkis · 20 days
Hello new mooty! For the ask game:
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
hiiiii sya !!! can't wait to interact with you more (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
: ̗̀nutmeg ➛ outside of my room, it's all just kind of. everywhere LOL me and my roommate really love thrifting and going to antique shops, so we have a whole bunch of cute and pretty but random trinkets!! we are trying to decorate with a lot of nice deep greens and plants though!!! my room is also everywhere but i like to just think that it's Me that makes it cohesive haha. basically it's just full of stuff i love: tons of trinkets, stuffies, anime things (obviously. all over the place. posters and glass paintings all over my walls too), and lots of purples n dark blues w night sky themes!
: ̗̀aloe vera ➛ oughhghggh this is a hard one cause i don't think about the future like. at all but. uhhhh I'd really like to experience what it's like to be able to pay my bills and still have money left over lmfao (so dull but well. thats what the question wanted bahahah)
get to know me!!
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collectalong · 1 year
[collector + hunter. you know i had to do it to 'em]
"i almost died back there, and you’re laughing?"
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mocking, giddy laughter across the empty halls—there's little else but the two of them. guard and shadow. the crescent child kicks their ax feet, head tilted, 'aww, you poor thing.' like they'd watched a cat realize a treat was unreachable.
"i don't know why you're so mad—you won anyway. and it was all so much fun!" snaking round a pillar, they pop up under hunter's own shadow. "like the way those guys bent at the side when you used your fake staff on them—eww! hahaha!!"
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