#♕ ask meme
guidingkey · 2 months
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not enough time in the day to do stuff ... time to go nini u_u
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verreprincesse · 2 months
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@adversitybloomed dreamed: "Why do you look so sad"
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"Sometimes I wonder if I am even doing well enough as a ruler. I spent so much time in that dungeon that I question my abilities to even be alright from day to day."
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kaerinio · 2 months
@nightstriumph approached her grace: hold his head. please. if only for a moment.
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a moment. they’ve only a moment before tent flaps part, and one guest becomes another, becomes another, becomes another. war : what a greedy beast, merciless in its inclination toward devouring time, and impatient, too. it waits not for lovers, and thus, these minutes ( minutes, yes ) where they may luxuriate in one another, are so very dear. “rest, my love,” comes the comfort, lilting, and as lulling as the palms smoothing down the collar of his tunic. “if only for a minute or two. the world will not fall to ruin in that time, i promise you,” she whispers, teasingly adding, i should like to think it would take at least three minutes for all our hard work to come undone. how sweet, that soft curve of her lips, delighted at the soothing weight of his head upon her lap. how adoring, that lean, which has her hovering above, absolutely relishing in him.
the night bows before him and darkness answers his call, and yet, here, he shines for her : a star twinkling, rays reaching to capture hopes and wishes and dreams, while vowing to preserve such yearnings. he burns, as she does, but he does so radiantly ( and ruthlessly ; there is nothing he would not give to save his people ; he would tear himself asunder, if it assured their prosperity ; she loves him for this, fiercely, and for so much more ).
now, she allows the chaos of their world to lay forgotten upon a table. if only for this moment, she will shine for him. she will capture his hopes and cherish his yearnings ; she will save him, if only in this moment.
a gentle hand descends, pressing against the dark locks crashing along the planes of his forehead. his hair is mussed, having been loosened, no doubt, by hours of tugging with map-stained fingers. intent, she brushes the shadowy strands back : once, twice, thrice, until a languid rhythm forms. all the while, free fingers rise, featherlight, to glide along his features. devotedly, she traces the slope of his nose, smooths a brow, caresses lips she is all too tempted to capture with her own, before grazing across the peak of an elegant cheekbone to settle upon a pointed ear. the edge of her index finger arcs, memorizing the shape. a moon-kissed braid shifts when she tilts her head, inviting a beautifully crafted bell, wrought in the form of an eight-pointed star, to sing. “would you like to hear a story?”
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furtheststxr · 2 years
❛ I know this sounds like some sorta… trap, but you’re just gonna have to trust me. ❜
Borderlands 2 Prompts | oh fuck it if i post a meme send it in whenever i dont care (accepted!)
The look of incredulousness must've been priceless. Icy eyes looked him up and down, scanning every inch of his body for the slightest sign that he was deceiving him. You kinda... learn how to do that if you wanna make it out on the streets. As far as he could tell, Atem was being as honest as he could be. And that is much better than nothing. Especially considering the, ah, less than ideal circumstances they've found themselves in.
"You're lucky that I have to take your word for it." Bakura grumbled under his breath, grabbing his favorite jacket between his hands and wringing the last of the water out of it. Oh, this poor thing. His poor beloved bomber jacket. It is never going to recover from this. Just looking at the thing broke his heart. He quickly threw it back on just to avoid having to see its sad state, not particularly caring that its just going to get soaked all over again from his drenched white shirt.
"So, what's our great and fearless pharaoh's FANTASTICAL plan to get us out of this mess? The tide took the fucking car keys!" Gods damn him for not knowing how to hot wire his own car. There was steam practically emitting from his ears, his face red with rage, yet he stood there with his hands on his hips and a death stare. He really was hoping Atem had a plan, because Bakura sure didn't.
It probably wasn't even that big of a deal in hindsight, but you know what they say about it: it's 20/20.
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stormbcrn · 2 years
my inbox is just.... full of old memes at this point. like  old  old memes..... is it weird to start answering them after so long?
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cosmosaligned · 5 days
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tag drop ⁝ daphne greengrass ( ♕ )
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sappfyre · 3 months
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rexcorlapis · 4 months
tag dump!
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑝𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 → ooc 
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡 → ask memes
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑥 𝑡𝑜 𝑎𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦 → plots
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑓 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 → open starter
𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝟺 𝑡𝑜 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 → queue
♕ 𝑟𝑒𝑥 𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑠 → zhongli
♕ 𝑜𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑒 → zl thread
♕ 𝑙𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑠 𝑑𝑒𝑖 → zl aesthetic
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helreginn · 1 year
Send me ♕ to bump into my muse at a masquerade ball
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necrostar · 1 year
[ 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐌 ] ― sender calms receiver down from a panic attack in a loud place (Atem)
Five Senses
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Just look at Atem. Look at Atem. Look at Atem. His heart was pounding, breath shaking, body trembling. Blue eyes started looking glazed over, fading in and out of the present. Someone else, a thief, wanted to take control of the poverbial wheel and it wasn't quite the fight he wanted to have right now. If Atem was shaking him, talking to him, he wouldn't know. Nothing was quite registering aside from his immediate panic response.
It was too much. The noise, the chatter, the people. These surroundings didn't look familiar; Atem must've moved him somewhere else. He thought he was going to suffocate, really, he did. His chest was constricted, his body was trembling, was he just going to keel over right here and now? 
"We... need to go." He finally choked out, struggling desperately to ground himself in the here and now. That wouldn't quite be possible when everything sounded like someone took an amplifier to all the noise and turned it up to 11.
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verreprincesse · 2 years
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@niksnarration dreamed:  “   looks  like  we’re  stuck  here .   ” from knightley, daniel, or sidney. you pick!
She glanced around at their situation and nodded. “It seems so, though I can say with certainty, it’s not as bad as it could be.” She pressed her lips to a line, thinking for a moment until she nodded again. “Alright then.” She pushed open the carriage door and as she stepped out she began to take her lace gloves off to stuff them in the pocket of her gown.
“I assume you know how to ride?” She asked as she approached one of the four horses attached to the carriage. “There are plenty of horses for us and the driver and footman. I’ll have them find someone who can fix the wheel and you and I can find lodgings for the night. What do you say, Mr. Marney?”
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secondhnd · 1 year
14 ( phoenix & caress ) & 22 ( marigold & ali )
Does your muse have a “victory song” and if so, what is it?
Phoenix's is obviously "We are the Champions" by Queen. He is basic, but he is free... And in case you were wondering, yes, he does want to be Freddie Mercury a little bit.
Probably "Wings" by Little Mix. If something goes her way, the odds of you finding her dancing around to this song.
What is your muse most thankful for?
Marigold is most thankful for her determination. She thinks that it's the one thing that keeps her going and got here where she is today.
It's his mom. Who knows what he's gonna do if her sickness gets worse? 🙈
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furtheststxr · 2 years
“Don’t move, you’ll only make it worse!”
Injury Starters | Accepting!
"You think I don't know that?!" Bakura snapped, still making the attempt to weasel his way out from under the tree regardless. It was a freak accident, sure, but what are the odds that a tree falls on you specifically!? Besides, he wasn't snapping at Atem out of spite; it just really, really hurt. But, well, beggars can't particularly be choosers and if he's just got Atem to help him, might as well try to make it less awkward than it already is.
"So, like, do you have a crowbar or..." It was a shot in the dark, but weirder has happened. He's certain they both know that. God-smiting on a blimp run by an egomaniac CEO, does he need to get into the shadow games they've both been guilty of starting? "I know it's an, um, interesting predicament to be in, but I'd like to go home at some point today." He's trying very, very hard to play it casual while half of him is pinned on the ground. Even though he snapped at the poor pharaoh not even two minutes ago. He really does need the help (as much as he doesn't want to admit it) and if this is his only option, might as well take it, yeah?
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phantom1fanatic · 1 year
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Em | 25 | She/Hers | PST | Minors DNI | 21+ preferred
♕ LGBTQ+ member and friendly
♕ Searching for fandom and original universe roleplays
♕ Doubles and multiples preferred over single pairings
♕ I can play either gender
♕ Any gendered pairing is welcome
♕ Expect 200-2000+ word replies depending on muse and time
♕ Response times vary
♕ Love to chat ooc, share pinterests, memes, aesthetics, tiktoks, music, etc about our roleplay and characters
Fandom Interests
Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse
911/911 Lonestar
The Rookie
Ted Lasso
Z Nation
Marvel (MCU)
DC (cartoons mainly)
Young Justice
Detroit: Become Human
The Walking Dead
Umbrella Academy
Prison Break
Midnight Texas
Good Omens
Disney Retellings
Jurassic World
Code Black
Station 19
Man from Uncle
Man from Toronto
Stranger Things
Altered Carbon
Terra Nova
LA Brea
Watch Dogs
Mr. Robot
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Boys
Hazbin Hotel
Note: I am more than willing to play multiple canons against an oc for you if asked. Would like if you could play at least one canon in return!
Note 2: Pink is what I’m craving most atm
General Themes
Time Travel
Natural Disasters
Past Lives
Divine Enti
Hanahaki Disease
Deserted Islands
Slice of Life
Dark Themes/Dead Dove
Wild West
Period Dramas
Mafia/Criminal Underworld
Egyptian Mythos/Pantheon
Dragons/Dragon Riders
Decade (20s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s)
Note: I’m always interested in your ideas, please feel free to reach out.
Pairing Ideas
Fallen Angel/Angel
Fallen Angel/Demon
Fallen Angel/Human
Half Angel/Demon
Half Angel/Human
Angel/Demon/Fallen Angel
Human/Supernatural Creature
Supernatural Creature/Hunter
Rivals (sports, spies, etc)
God/Lesser Deity
Enemies to Lovers
Arranged Marriages
Fake Dating
Opposites Attract
Forbidden Romance
Note: Love mixing/matching pairings so just lmk if you have any ideas!
Are you interested? Perfect, I’d love to hear from ya! PM me for my discord and we can get to plotting!
Happy roleplaying 🌸
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meaercies · 6 months
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a study in finding forgiving oneself in eternity. ;   [ ♕ ] spymaster,        night court. truthteller. power. dreams. loyalty. friendship. observant. withdrawn. bed head. laughter. darkness. melody. blankets. bloodrush. stars. siphons. infinity. piano. shadows. humming. singing. whispers. dusk. windblown. self-loathing. quiet. books. thoughtfulness. patience. death.
; memes.| musings. | headcanons. art. | promo. | friend promos.   [ ♕ ] gwyn. | elain. | cassian. rhys. | feyre. | nesta.   [ ♕ ] blogroll: @prince1ing @vaenquish @daeathes affiliates / bffs : YOU??!?! _______________ ; A Z R I E L from a court of thorns and roses series. hannah ; 30+ | cst timezone. | 18+ only interaction, please. | credit
I am over the age of 30 - i will not and do not rp with minors ! there will be mature themes present here and smut will happen. with the nature that is the a c o t a r world and azriel's past, these themes will be written about.
I LOVE OC'S, crossovers, and alternate universe threads. I absolutely love to plot ! but you can also send in a meme to get us started. -- or i can send you one ! MY ASK IS ALWAYS OPEN !
I do NOT do drama of any kind. I will not participate in it, I don't care if it's fandom drama or friend drama. I'm far too old and far too successful to participate in issues. That being said, I'm probably clueless anyway. Lol.
i'm sometimes terrible at replying back to IM's of any kind but i always reply to them eventually. you are 100% okay to IM me again. I have a very demanding job so sometimes i get distracted.
I really don't care what the A C O T A R fandom says about shipping. I don't have a preference for Azriel. This is for FUN. That's the whole point of roleplaying - changing the narrative. I ship chemistry and I will always ship chemistry first.
I'm not always here but I always come back + i'm always mobile . You can find me on disco: meaercies
I love/can make verses for: harry potter, the vampire diaries / legacies / the originals, throne of glass, from blood and ash series, divergent, fourth wing, divine rivals, heartless hunter..
personals who interact or follow will be hardblocked. i'm sorry, it's weird for me.
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