#♕ half the time that i’m complaining i’m just talking shit on you ☓ interactions
secondhnd · 1 year
Phoenix couldn't count the number of times he went to the bar on one hand. No, he was there nearly every night. Was that a problem? Not right now, meaning it was a problem for future Phoenix. And honestly? Fuck that guy. He would have to take what he could get in the moment and the future was tomorrow's problem. It wasn't the best theory or way of living, but what else was he to do - think about the consequences of his actions? As if.
He took another shot of the cheapest liquor on the menu. It was the way to go, he thought. Why pay more than the bare minimum to have a good time? He could already feel the buzz running through him. Perfect. He set the shot glass down and scanned the crowd for anyone he might know. The frequency he was at the bar truly helped with this endeavor. However, the familiar face wasn't one of the regulars, but rather someone he'd run into at the grocery store. Oh well. You could make friends anywhere. He stood up from the stool, crossing the distance over to her and eyeing her for a moment. "So zombies drink now?" he asked playfully.
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secondhnd · 2 years
To say Phoenix wasn’t prepared for his daily life would have been an understatement. It wasn’t like it was a bad thing. It just took him a while to get on board with things. That said, it meant he went grocery shopping just about every day. His apartment wasn’t stocked up on food whatsoever. Finding himself in the canned food aisle was a common thing - he liked canned corn; don’t judge him! - was as common. He loaded his arms up with cans, having forgone a cart. The store was packed at this time of day and he sped to the checkout so he could get out of there.
The line extended down one of the aisles. He resigned to having to wait for a while. That was fine. The line, however, barely budged in five minutes. He turned to the person behind him. “Do you think the orders ahead of us are huge ones or the cashier is just slow? I think, if I were a cashier, I’d be a really slow one. Just take all day, talk to everyone in line.” Was that different from what he was doing now? Not entirely.
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secondhnd · 1 year
@icingsweet // Erin
Maybe Phoenix needed to get better hobbies. Right now, going out and drinking was his top one. One day, he'd replace it with something of better substance, but tonight, he found himself back at Hell and Highwater like he was a lot of nights. He checked his bank balance on his phone. It wasn't ... the best. His mom might be right about him needing to get a job that used his degree. Surely, that would pay better.
Being here often enough, he knew all of the bartenders. Looking behind the counter, his eyes landed on Erin. Well, fuck. They weren't entirely his biggest fan in the world. Scratch that, Phoenix was pretty sure he hated him. They'd hooked up a few - or more than a few - times in the past and that always ended in arguments where they would call the other names. Phoenix was pretty sure a lot of the things he said to Erin could also apply to himself, but he wasn't in the mood for introspection. He was in the mood to get drunk. Propping his elbows up on the bar, he flashed them a grin. "Erin! We're friends, right?"
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secondhnd · 1 year
Perhaps there were better ways to organize hanging out with someone than showing up at their place of work. Phoenix knew that, deep down. It didn't mean he was going to follow the rule. In fact, that would be the exact reason that he was at Frisky Kitty cafe. However, it seemed like the best way to make certain he could capture his brother somewhere. How long had it been since they had talked one on one? It felt like it had been ages, the actual length of time lost to the world. He supposed that it didn't quite matter, did it?
Forgoing the line, Phoenix stood to the edge of the counter. He propped his elbows on the counter, face in his hands. "When are you off?" His voice was whiny as he spoke, hoping to drive the point home that he wasn't entirely keen to wait ages for the other to wrap up at work. "Because I was thinking we could do something. And before you ask, no. I do not know what that thing is but I'm great with plans. An expert, really."
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secondhnd · 1 year
@fadedstarsfms // Maia
Though he was already a couple of drinks deep by the time he had arrived (drinking at home being much more budget friendly), it didn't mean that Phoenix didn't have plans when he walked into Ambrosia Lounge. To drink more, that was. He walked up to the bar, sliding onto one of the stools. He knew Brinley wasn't in, but since when had that stopped him?
"I think I deserve a free drink," he began as he made eye contact with Maia. "I have reasons! I'm not just here demanding free drinks. Number one, I'm cute. Very cute. It's a public service really. Two, please."
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secondhnd · 1 year
Phoenix wasn't used to shopping in the kid's section. He felt as out of place as he probably looked right now, sorting through the little girls' outfits. He was on a mission though. Nothing was going to stop him from that. He hummed to himself, racking his brain to make certain he got the right size. That was the most important part of this mission. If he got something that wouldn't fit, the trip would have been all for naught.
With a sunflower printed romper in his hands, he held it up. Grabbing the closest person by the arm, he smiled a little. "Hey, so picture this. You're four years old, right? And your coolest brother is about to teach you how to skateboard even though your mom has said a dozen times that he's not supposed to. You'd totally wear this, right?"
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secondhnd · 1 year
@lostandfoundfm (Aleks)
Phoenix did not have plans for the night. Usually, he would go out but he was so broke at the moment that it wasn't a possibility. Instead, he figured he would ride his skateboard around until he ended up somewhere. It didn't take long, however, before he found himself at Aleks' door. It happened quite frequently. He figured that, by now, he had the right to show up unannounced. If he hadn't earned that, well, he supposed that Aleks didn't have to answer the door. He preferred to think he had earned it though.
Tucking his board underneath his arm, he tried the door. It was locked as most were prone to do. It didn't mean he wasn't going to try. His own door was unlocked most of the time, due to his own penchant for forgetting his keys inside. With the side of his fist, he pounded on the front door. "FBI, open up!" he called out before adding, "Just kidding, it's your favorite person and if you think that it's someone different than me, I'm fuckin' suing!"
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secondhnd · 2 years
continued from here
"Oh, yeah. I’m the oldest of six.” Vince chuckles, shaking his head a bit. Growing up had been chaotic, but in the best way. “Ha, that must be it. Looks like you might have to save your avenging for another day though, I’m sorry.”
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Phoenix nodded. "Sounds crazy. You think about having more kids or is three the limit?" Was that an odd question to ask a stranger? Sure, but Phoenix didn't have a very good filter in the best times. "That's okay. I'm not sure I was ready to fight zombies today anyway."
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secondhnd · 2 years
continued from here
"I don’t know. Maybe with the right person, but I’m not currently with anyone right now.” Vince explains, shrugging. “I love being a dad though, so never say never. Just not anytime in the near future.” He says, pausing to coral Mateo and Rafael back in line. “Me either. Though to be fair, I don’t know if I’ll ever be.”
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Maybe Phoenix would have kids one day. It wasn't off the table. He watched the man with his kids and shrugged. "Kids require a lot more planning than I'm willing to do at the moment, I think." He nodded. Most people weren't. "If they attack, you'll have to find me then."
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secondhnd · 2 years
continued from here
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When Cillian agreed to go grocery shopping with Phoenix, he hadn’t exactly been sure what to expect but he absolutely hadn’t been surprised when his brother picked up a ton of cans and just gathered them in his arms, not even with a cart. Cillian had gone with the more ‘responsible’ approach to shopping -- picking a cart, making sure it didn’t have wonky wheels, then heading to the fresh produce aisle. It was usually a quick process plucking out the few things he needed considering it was just him and the cat and before he knew it, he was already waiting in line with his brother.
“If you were a cashier, I would literally go to anyone but you,” he teased, nudging Phoenix in the ribs. “I feel like you could make a story of everyone’s background just by looking at their shopping. I’d figure out who the serial killers were.”
Anyone but him? He didn't like the sound of that! It wasn't like he would be a bad employee. He would just be chatty! He could still be a productive employee! ... sort of. Holding up the line wouldn't make him the best employee. "First of all, that's very rude! You would love being checked out by me. I'm the best cashier. I think. I don't know. I've never done it."
Serial killers, huh? How many of those would he come across? "That would be a fun thing to do, actually. I love making theories and assumptions." As if it wasn't obvious from the way Phoenix spoke about... well, anything. "I should start making up stories about people who come into my work to get piercings."
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secondhnd · 2 years
continued from here
"Oh yeah? Siblings are great. I come from a big family.” Vince replies, smiling softly. “They’re eight, six, and this little one is one.” He adds, tickling Gia’s stomach. Luckily they weren’t being too fussy about having to wait in line, but Vince knew that he’d probably have to get them all home soon before he had a hangry bunch on his hands. “Oh, looks like we might not be stuck here forever. We might be moving along after all.”
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"I got four other siblings too. I know how it is," Phoenix agreed as he moved up in the line. "Family dinners are insane when we all show up - and my mom likes to have them every week." Now that the line had moved ever so slightly, the customers who had gathered behind them seemed to be in a better mood. "Maybe they heard I was going to avenge you and they got scared."
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secondhnd · 2 years
continued from here.
"Definitely avenge me.” Vince replies with a chuckle, an amused smile moving over his face. “Hopefully that’s not the case today though and we’re just stuck in a slow line, ‘cause I really didn’t have zombie attack on my bingo card for this week.”
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"Or it could be my villain origin story," Phoenix announced. Could one be a villain in the zombie apocalypse? Surely, there was a way and Phoenix would be able to find it, if he were so inclined. He liked to think of himself as resourceful. The villainy could be just that! He eyed the children lingering in and around the cart. "I could see why you'd say that. How old are they? I got a little sister. She's three. Probably my best friend."
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secondhnd · 2 years
continued from here.
"Zombies?” Vince suggests, cracking a smile. “Though to be fair, the grocery store is a pretty good place to be if the apocalypse was coming. Plenty of supplies to last us, at least for a bit.” He had seen enough apocalyptic movie and tv shows to at least know that. “I think I’d be pretty bad in a zombie apocalypse though. I’d probably get eaten pretty quick.”
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"Zombies," Phoenix agreed solemnly. He knew enough about zombies from movies that he had his own plan for if one hit. "Oh, trust me. I've thought about it! I want to be in a Costco for one of those. They have everything." Granted, it depended on how many people were in the Costco to begin with but... well, Phoenix hadn't thought that deeply about it. "Not me, man. I got this thing on locked. I would avenge you or something. You could be my tragic backstory!"
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secondhnd · 2 years
phoenix tag dump !
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