#♕; verse || practical.
heaven-said · 19 days
♕ — What does leading a ‘good’ life mean to your muse? Are they satisfied with the choices they make?
♡  — How would your muse define love? Do they believe in soulmates? Do they believe this definition of love is achievable?
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❇ life philosophy headcanons.
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♕ — {{ This one is very different in Hazbin Hotel, because his job is actually not just to obey orders and it hasn't been for a very long time-- now he has to make them. He is, effectively, one of the councilmen in this universe. He is beneath, literally in terms of pecking order, ONLY Sera and Michael. And even Michael is more of a checks and balances kind of system, they "stand beside each other at the throne of God", like balancing scales.
So instead of simply following orders, now he's saddled with the struggle of trying to interpret God's word. Usually, from ages ago, unless its a verse with an active Father muse. He's the messenger, he's the Will of God ( executive branch ), he's the record keeper, the miracle worker, and the one who decides the End of Days.
So to him to be "good" in his context, to put it simply, is to do his job well enough that people don't get hurt because of him!
Hazbin!Gabe also said " I want to be good " when he was first created, but his summarizing quote specifically here is I think " I want to be someone worth having faith in. " reflecting his existence as a real life religious figure who many people devote themselves to in this world. Unlike Ultrakill, this is THE Archangel Gabriel who delivered a messiah, who told the prophets what to do and where to go, who brought comfort to saints in their dreams, etc etc. People believe in him!
And I think this is why Hazbin!Gabe has a much stronger focus on living up to responsibility and taking responsibility for your own actions, which he then projects onto how he perceives sinners and their redemption.
♡  — Oooouugh this one is interesting lol
Because... I think its fair to say that God's concept of the word "love" is often extremely different from a human perception of it.
There's a painting I'm obsessed with, its called "Divine Love Conquering Earthly Love" and this painting was painted over the top of a painting of Michael slaying Lucifer. That alone is poetry, especially for the Hazbin world, and I like to think Gabe has this painting in his office with all his other religious artwork-- but what this means is that divine love is this unattainable, purely selfless, and often strangely detached since of compassion. Its almost an oxymoron-- its detached affection. But of course, its useful because its morally good, it avoids deliberate spite, but it also doesn't stop an angel from wanting to let bad fates happen to people. An angel MUST practice divine love just to function. You cannot love humanity, in a human way, but also let it hurt itself.
And so when Gabriel was made, this was the only kind of love he knew how to give. Gabriel had to LEARN "Earthly Love", selfish love, genuine interpersonal attachment. And that took centuries of trial and error lmao. Especially because he resisted it, because its potentially dangerous.
He can't pick favorites. He can't. He has a responsibility to the world and he cannot have favorites.
But... the older he's getting, the more... sentimental he's evidently becoming.
Case in point, Lucid lmao-- }}
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♕ Name: Nunnally Ambly des Ayvalles
♕ Age: 22-27 in human years (and between 250 and 280 in demon years); but the age can be adjusted between 19 and ? depending on the plot
♕ Height/weight: 160 cm/48 kilograms
♕ Gender: female; she/her
♕ Birthday: February 29th
Her real birthday date is unknown to her, and the above date was simply made up to comply with human word standards  
♕ Race: Undefined demon
Nunnally is probably a mixture of races. Or perhaps something completely different. But definitely a demon and not a human being.
In some verses and interactions Nunnally might be a human. Please let me know what you prefer.
♕ Occupation: Princess or otherwise the trust-fund girl. A daughter of the politician or a king.
♕ Appearance: Nunnally is rather short, slim, even thin, pale with long light-coloured hair. She usually wears hand-made old-fashioned dresses that make her look even younger and smaller. In rare situations, when she freely chooses her own clothes, she goes for purple, pink, red, yellow and orange, and for combinations of these.
♕ Personality: Nunnally is quiet, introvert, reserved, and loyal. But she is also open for exploring new things and new people. She is a good liar with a great sense of duty. But she can be self-centred. She’s absolutely devoted to whom she considers her father ready to scarify her own life upon his demand. She is usually polite, but she does feel entitled and often demonstrates supercilious attitude. What brings troubles to her.
Her whole life is being built about lying to herself and over the years she has developed the ability to ignore the puzzles that do not fit into the picture of herself.
Nunnally is never happy with herself. Despite acting confidently, she is very insecure deep inside. She always thinks she should be better and has constant regrets that she’s failing. 
She is often dramatic about small things, and often overreacts about the things that she finds important. She cries more often than she considers suitable and often hates herself because of that.
She hardly submits herself to any authority simply because there is hardly any authority she recognized as valid. If she does, though, she would be the most obedient person one could imagine. 
She is (extremely) intelligent but her knowledge mainly comes from books and reading, so she is not too practical. She often seems lost and confused when confronted with “modern world” and technology. Much of her behaviour is rooted in the (adjusted) Victorian etiquette.
She is lonely and has no experience in forming any bonds. Her biggest dream, that she probably does not recognize herself, is to be loved and cared, and to be able to love and care. But she is also sure she does not deserve that.
♕ Loves: Her father or rather the person who she considers her father;
♕ Hates: Being touched and disrespected;
♕ Likes: Books, chess, science, fencing, sunflowers, lilies, flower crowns and scarfs;
♕ Dislikes: History, smartphones and cooking;
♕ Abilities: Nunnally is not exactly aware of her abilities but so far, she has discovered that she possesses mind control abilities and can create illusions. She is a dream walker. She can speak any language, even unknown to her before, within minutes of listening. She would pass as a native within hours. She is also a vessel of an unknown being that is hidden in her blood.
♕ Modern verse (default):
Nunnally is officially an (adopted) daughter of an affluent politician and his third wife (deceased), who was a princess of the royal blood. Her father is, however, a vampire king in the parallel universe, obsessed to improve his own race. Nunnally was part of his research, and as a child she was heavily experimented on due to her surprising abilities and unique blood. Although at the time she could not (and she still does not) control whatever power she possess, she was able to resist the experiments. To force a frightened and lonely child into cooperation, she was taken in by the king (whom she now considers her father) and later on adopted. She was never told who she was and was left to believe that her biological parents abandoned her. Nunnally has no idea that the person she adores most is the person that is behind all her misery.
She was raised both in the demon world (where she had six older pure-blood vampire brothers) and in the human world (where she was mistreated by her human mother who was jealous of the girl and the attention she was receiving from her adoptive father). In both dimensions, Nunnally was brought up in a traditional way, mainly sheltered from the outside world, with the main aim not to develop any bonds outside these with the vampire king. Even her maids and people around her were change often enough so that she could not get attach to them. As a result, and because of being abused as an experimental subject, she developed the relations with her adoptive father can be best described as a Stockholm syndrome. As she grew up, the experiments continued, but at some point Nunnally was declared a promising failure. She is now let to live alone, still supervised and sometimes experimented upon, with the hope that this is the only way she can fully understand and develop her abilities to be later on used for the father’s convenience.    
♕ Human verse:
Nunnally is a biological daughter of an influential politician (with links to illegal businesses) and his wife, who was a princess of the royal blood. Being an arranged marriage, her parents lived separated lives with none of them having much interest in the girl. Her mother, stuck in loveless marriage, could not love Nunnally because of her physical resemblance to her father. She, therefore, was showering her daughter with material things to cover her lack of affection. Her father, on the contrary, was disappointed that Nunnally was not a boy, and had never considered her a proper heiress to the family name. Nunnally spent most of her time alone, raised by governesses, maids and private tutors, and from early age introduced to the duties of a politician’s daughter. Her mother died when the girl was 8, with the gossips suggested suicide, but the truth is beyond the girl’s knowledge. Despite being treated with limited affection, and mostly used for political purposes, Nunnally truly loves her father and often refuses to accept the truth behind her life.        
♕ Mafia verse:
Nunnally is a daughter of the mafia boss and his second beloved wife, who died giving birth to the girl. Despite her father could not love her and blamed her for killing her mother, he followed his late wife’s wishes and raised Nunnally with care trying to ensure she was not involved in the family business. Nunnally was brought up alone in luxury, but with lack of affection, with people often trying to use her for her own purposes. When Nunnally was about 16, she learnt the truth about her family due to the outburst of war for domination among the mafia clans, and an attempt to dethrone her father as a boss. Despite the overthrow attempt was not successful, and her family remained on the top of the hierarchy, it completely changed Nunnally’s life and forced her to become a piece in her family business and game of power. In this verse, Nunnally would still be more like a mafia princess, with her main aim to be married off for the sake of family, but her personality will be more open and she’ll herself will be relatively bolder. However, she is also open for other variations such as Nunnally becoming family lawyer, or even the prospective or actual head of the family. Both human and demon versions are available for this verse, although in the demon verse Nunnally would not be aware of her abilities and origins (coming this times from her mother's side).
♕ Fugitive verse:
This verse follows Nunnally’s human verse, but it situated in the future. Nunnally is a daughter of an affluent politician, she decided to rebel against her father. She falls in love with a man, who turned out to be a heir to the mafia family. Disregarding all the red flags, she married him, but could not adjust to the criminal world and its inherent cruelty. After a few years of useless struggles, and not necessarily the best treatment, she decided to leave. But how do you leave the most powerful mafia boss? With the help of her father’s friends, she got herself involved in the witness protection programme, and now is living under the name Mathilde Floyen. She is now running an art gallery and shares her time between it and a side job as a university teacher. She has also started to photograph, first for the charity organizations, but she is slowly becoming famous for her artistic photography. But will past let her forget about itself? Especially now the government official requires her to act as a bait to combat the illegal gun smuggling. Will she be forced to face her ex-, well current husband?   
♕ Royal verse:
There is no single comprehensive royal verse, and this verse is to be adapted to individual threads between the muses involved. Nunnally might be adopted or biological daughter of the king, a demon or a human, although in most cases she will be keeping her special abilities and her true origins. Experiments might, or might not, be the part of this verse. She might or might not be the only daughter and a heiress to the throne, or have (older) brothers. Queen Nunnally is also available; here she actually managed to inherit kingdom. This verse could either be part of a modern, fantasy or historical environment, so I am completely flexible here. At some point, I might develop separate verses as the threads I have for her develops. I am always happy to develop “princess” Nunnally, although please note that I do not have the romanticized view of the past, and I view Nunnally as a tool in the game of politics and power. Therefore, the variety of dark themes, including child negligence, arranged marriages, cheating and violence might appear. I am also open to fluffier versions here depending on what you are comfortable with.   
♕ The Persephone verse:
This verse follows Nunnally’s main verse but is situated in the future. And it is loosely based on the Greek mythology. Here, Nunnally was married off to Hades, the King of the Underworld. Although originally an arranged marriage, the couple eventually fell in love with each other and ruled together the world of dead. However, Hades was not the most faithful husband and Nunnally (or Persephone) got tired of him constantly having mistresses. So, she decided she needed a break and run away to the human world. As a queen of the underworld, it was not difficult for her to organize herself a comfortable life running an illegal syndicate. A perfect killer. A perfect spy. Nunnally would either go as Persephone or Nunnally, whatever suits her better. She would still love Hades, so she might not be that open for shipping but since he cheats on her then she might be willing to do so as well.
♕ The Possessed verse:
A variation of her main verse, where Nunnally was desperately trying to learn what/who she was. She tried to dive deep into her sub-conscious to find out who her biological parents are. However, something went really bad and, instead finding out about herself, she summoned a demon (namely Merihem) and a part of the demon had melted into her personality and consciousness. Nunnally here is based on the dissociative identity disorder (DID), where her main personality is a mixture between her and the demon Merihem, making her much more relaxed, flirty and dangerous. However, both basic personalities are hidden within Nunnally, i.e., the original Nunnally and demon Merihem herself. Most often Nunnally would act as a combination of both, but depending on the triggers and interactions, she might act as the original Nunnally or the pure demon (yet in the female form). She would be more willing to go under the Meri/Marie/Shemeri name than her original one, but Nunnally will still be here. Conscious and aware. The three personalities would be aware and unaware of each other, depending on the situation, your muse, and triggers, so it might be that Nunnally/Meri might not remember what was going in the previous interactions. Sometimes. Both Nunnally and Merihem aim to disconnect and reclaim back their bodies, what will only be possible after finding the remaining Merihem that did not melt into Nunnally’s personality. And do expect all three to talk to each other.
♕ Face claim demon/royal Nunnally:
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 Iris De Elmir from The Light Once Again
♕ Face claim mafia Nunnally:
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Chichiro Hiyoshi from 'Kimi ga Kirai na Koi no Hanashi'
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
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          he’s   actually   getting   some   sleep   for   once,   though   --   it   not   be   in   his   own   bed.   he’s   actually   curled   up   on   one   side   of   the   lounge   chair   in   the   library,   a   half   red   book   in   his   lap.   gentle   breaths   escaping   him   as   the   afternoon   draws   to   a   close   --   painting   the   room   a   faded   warm   orange.  
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
" congratulations on joining the hero course ! i shall prepare a plate of fromage as a celebration and as a welcome ! ✰ "
          the   congratulations   was   taken   with  a   gentle   smile,  eyes   flickering   toward  the   student   that  he   vaguely   remembered  back   from   the   tournament.   hearing  the   genuine   excitement  would   make   him   nod.   he   didn’t   exactly  KNOW   what   fromage   was,   but   he   would  act   as   vaguely  excited   about   it   as   he   could.  
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         ❝   thanks,  i   appreciate   that.  i’m   –   i’m   glad   to   be   here.  ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
' nee-san ! i'm so happy that you've gotten into the heroes course. now you could help kids just like me. ' she had a little cupcake in her hands to celebrate.
         eyes   scan   downward  at   eri’s   entrance,  &   at   the   praise   that  she   provided,   his   heart   would  swell.   he   would  crouch   beside   her   to   take  the   gentle   cupcake.  examining   it   with  careful   observation.  
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          ❝   thank  you   so   much,  eri.   that   means   a   lot.   i’ll  be   sure   to   be   a   HERO   that  you   can   be   proud   of,   hm   ?   ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
Welcome to Heroics I guess. Just don’t get in my way, NEWBIE.
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         he   hadn’t  EXPECTED   a   welcome   message  from   the   EXPLOSIVE   student,   though  the   brand   of   greeting   was   completely   ON   PAR   for   what   bakugo’s  whole   visage   represented.   hands  burrow   into   his   pockets,   &  a   grin   settles  on   his   face.  
         wide   &  as   confident   as   it   was   at   the   sports   festival,  even   more   so   now.  
          ❝   thanks  for   the   welcome.  however,   i   fear  that   i’m   going  to   be   trying  to   SURPASS   you,  so   getting   in   your   way   may   accidentally   become  a   SIDE   EFFECT.  ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
he knew he could be reckless with his quirk, but he didn’t think anyone was paying that close of attention. sure, he was hurting himself every time he went overboard, but he was supposed to be the only one worrying about that. it hadn’t occurred to him that he might be scaring someone else with his recklessness. he came back from frying his brain to a very annoyed looking shinsou over him. nonplussed, he had given a carefree, ‘what’s the big deal ? why are you so freaked? i do this all the time. ’ he hadn’t been expecting the response at all. he’s immediately filled with guilt, his attitude quickly shifting from light to heavy.
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❛ i’m sorry, sho…. my quirk…it just hurts me sometimes. i just gotta do it sometimes. i didn’t mean to worry you. i didn’t know…you worried about me that way. ❜ @oneshockyboi   //   continued from [x]
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          LASHING   out   hadn’t   been   his   intention.   aggressive   shouts   in   regards   to   the   other’s   state.   when   the   other   gave   such   a   CAREFREE   response   to   his   worry   --   he   couldn’t   help   the   frustrated   grumbles   that   slipped   through   his   teeth.   fingers   curled   tight   against   his   hand   as   he   held   back   anything   else.  
          at   the   other’s   apology,   any   other   sharp   phrase   died   on   his   tongue.  
          arms   cross   &   he   clicks   his   tongue   against   his   teeth   --   the   sharp   motion   giving   him   more   grounding   as   he   glanced   back   at   the   other.  
          ❝    of   course   you   worried   me.   you   declared   we   were   friends,   didn’t   you   ?   that’s   what   friends   DO   ?   worry   about   the   other   one   when   they   start   frying   their   brain   ?   ❞
          it   kind   of   upsets   him   that   no   one   has   brought   up   this   worry   for   the   other   before,   but   thats   something   competely   different   --   something   that   can   be   brought   up   later.  
          ❝    it   can’t   be   healthy,   though   ?   is   there   anyway   to...   i   don’t   know,   lessen   the   damage   or   something   ?   ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
❝ so my prince has finally found his castle. ❞ you lean in & peck him on the cheek, unable to contain your joyful smile. ❝ words can't express how proud i am of you. ❞
         lips   quirk  upward   as   he   hears   the   mutter   of   his   loved  one’s   interesting   set   of   language.   eyes  flicker   over   as   he   feels  the   pressure   against  his   cheek,   his   own   cheerful  smile   almost   immediately  spreading   to   almost  split   his   face  in   TWO.   eyes  pricked   with   gentle  tears   that   are   blinked   away  as   he   wraps  his   arms   completely  around   the   other.  
         head   burrows  against   the   other’s  shoulder,   &   he   hums.  
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            ❝   thank  you.   it’s   –   it’s   definitely  a   different   experience,  i’m   telling   you.  ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
" congrats on getting into the hero course, shinsou ! " from dai !
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         the   congratulations   was   still   odd   to   hear,  awkward   for   the   hero   student  to   be   as   hand   moves  to   the   back  of   his   head,  scratching   the   space  there   with   a   simple   nod.  
          ❝   thank   you,  it’s   –   it’s  been   a   road,  i’ll   tell   you.  ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
“Your shadow is a confirmation that light has traveled nearly 93 million miles unobstructed, only to be deprived of reaching the ground in the final few feet thanks to you.”
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          ❝  glad   to   know  that   i   ruined  some   vague   light  beam’s   dreams.   thanks  for   that   absolutely  THRILLING   bit   of   information,   monoma.  i   can’t   BELIEVE  that   i   lived  my   WHOLE   life  without   knowing   that.  ❞   sarcasm   laced  his   tongue   as   he   glanced  at   the   other,  single   eyebrow   raised.  
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
❛ do you think if you brainwashed me and told to ace the test i'm taking, would it work ? can we try ? ❜
         the   urge   to   SLAM   his   head   against  the   table   in   front   of   him   is   almost   SADLY  strong   as   he   looks   back  at   the   other.  shinsou’s   hand   settles  at   his   forehead  before   gently   trailing  down   his   entire  face.  
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          ❝   i   told   you   back   in   the   practical  exam   that   my   quirk   doesn’t  work   if   any   HIGHER   brain  function   is   needed.  you’d   more   than  likely   just   sit   there   &  stare   at   the   paper.   don’t  you   think   it   would   be   much   easier  to,   i   don’t  know,   study   ?   ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
Puts his fists up. “Bring it!!!”
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          eyes   watch  the   other’s   motions  before   a   quirk  of   his   lip   appears,   the   smallest   of   SMILES   showing.  
         ❝   another  fight   ?   third  time   is   the   charm.   i’m   up   for   another   spar.  ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
❛ SHINSOUUUUUUUU !! ❜ he is bounding towards the other, jumping on him in a bone crushing hug, squeezing tightly. ❛ YOU MADE IT ! I KNEW YOU COULD ! WELCOME TO THE HERO COURSE ! i hope you join my class ! then we can hang out all the time ! ❜
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          its   almost  like   he’s   STILL   IN   SHOCK.   the   knowledge   that  he’s   FINALLY   made   it   still   needing  time   to   register  as   he   feels  a   sudden   force  at   his   side.  the   other’s   statement  jarring   him   just  enough   to   make  him   blink   once.  then   twice.  
         then   he’s  back.  
         ❝   h-huh   ?   yeah….   yeah,   i’m.  i’m   happy   to   have   made  it.   ❞
         gaze   flickers  away,   &   he’s  definitely   NOT   tearing  up   as   he   scratches   the   back   of   his   head.  
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
@grndzeros  // continued from [x]
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“ That it seems. ”   lhe HATED everything about this. He hated his face, he hated his attitude, he HATED his quirk, he hated his fuckin’ scarf and he hated his face. Oh god, he wanted to punch it.
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          this   was   going   to   be   --   a   FRUITLESS   venture,   wasn’t   it   ?   especially   with   the   look   the   other   was   throwing   in   his   direction.   hands   fold,   &   he   stares   right   back.   blank   face   matching   the   almost   constantly   rage   filled   one.  
          ❝    if   we’re   going   to   actually   HOLD   OUR   OWN   during   this   training   exercise,   i   do   hope   that   i   can   trust   you   enough   to   not   blow   me   halfway   to   the   other   side   of   the   school.   ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
“You should go and see someone about those nightmares. They’re only getting worse, aren’t they?”
nightmare starters   //   no longer accepting @mockri
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          eyes scan upward toward monoma, the sound of concern in his voice something that not many other’s heard. shinsou would often be grateful that he was one of the few that was able to hear it –
         not today, though, as the concern was completely UNWARRANTED. 
         hands push down the awkward shake to them, rubbing at the almost never leaving bags that settled under his eyes. 
         ❝  who would i even go to see ? a therapist ? thanks, but NO THANKS.  ❞
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
“Why don’t you tell me what you want and I’ll order it for you.”
anxiety starters   //   accepting !@oneshockyboi
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         he thought that he wasn’t obvious. that he was able to hide the growing tenseness in his shoulders and the almost rhythmic gnawing of his lip. shinsou’s gaze flickers up from it’s sturdy position on the ground, surprise flicking there. 
          ❝ … pizza  ?  i dunno… maybe …  ?   ❞
         in truth, he didn’t feel much like eating, but again – he didn’t want to worry the other, and he did feel like some sort of greasy meal. 
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