#♙ || Answered Munday Meme
starlitmemoriam · 1 year
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
9. when you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
Questions for Muns
Is there a muse you really want to try? If yes: what's stopping you?
Aha, there might be a couple...
- Vector - Astral - Shark / Ryouga Kamashiro - Likely more tba lskjgladjg
What's stopping me? Simple: i need to finish watching zexal.
When you look at a new blog, what is it that makes you press the follow button? is it the muse, the aesthetics, the writing–?
First and foremost, I look at the OOC posts. I want to get a feel for who the mun is as a person. Then I check the rules, and then the writing. If all three are in the clear, then I follow!
Which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
Definitely this one. I've been around, hopping from fandom to fandom and this one is, by far, the most relaxed in the time that I've been around.
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necrokingdom · 2 years
is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
Asks for Muns with a Multimuse or More Than One Muse
I was considering four, actually!
See, I used to rp Yuugi for a little while and I don't know, I kinda miss him. He was fun. He's a good boy.
I've always wanted to give Malik Ishtar a whirl but a part of me will always worry that I won't be a good Malik.
I've talked on and off about adding Mokuba. Maybe Season 0 / Manga based Mokuba. he was so unhinged sjgs;dagj;lsa
Season 0 Yami Yuugi was also utterly unhinged. 10/10. Or itemswap au where he gets the ring instead? I did do this once many years ago and it was my favorite thing ever. I want to do it again.
But also Odion / Rishid would be fun. help my one brain cell wants to collect ishtars like pokemon
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necrostar · 1 year
WHAT'S YOUR PHONE WALLPAPER? Haha... might be some deathshipping art. I'm not sorry at all.
CURRENTLY READING? All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
LAST MOVIE? I'm pretty sure that was Sonic 2 when it came out last year oop
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? A black Gengar t-shirt, a grey zip-up hoodie and plaid pajama pants.
PIERCINGS OR TATTOOS? Technically I have two earlobe piercings, but my second holes did not like existing. So I just use the one lol.
GLASSES OR CONTACTS? Glasses. I have a -7 prescription and a prism in one eye. I cannot see worth a damn.
LAST THING YOU ATE? Cheese pizza that I made myself (except the dough which was store-bought lol). Wasn't anything to write home about.
FAVORITE COLORS? Pastels, particularly blue and purple!
CURRENT OBESSION? D&D, Yu-Gi-Oh, Alice in Wonderland anything.
DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH? Not at the moment.
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER? Am I allowed to have more than one? UHMMMMM at this very moment in time I think it's Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist. Ask me again tomorrow and I'll probably have a different answer.
tagged by: @lcnnypooh (thank you so much <3) tagging: steal this i dont care
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furtheststxr · 2 years
If you’re a multimuse or have more than one blog, is there a muse you wish you used more?
Easy Meme for a Burnt Out Mun
Hmmmmmm. Personally I think that depends on the context, but speaking generally, I have to say Isis Ishtar. She's so fun to poke and prod and put in situations that would never happen in canon.
Zorc is a close second if only because I love terrorizing Bakurae and Atems. I've also seen another Zorc rper approximately three times. It's so rare to see them on the tumblr rpc and I very much enjoy playing suave slimeballs who deserved their comeuppance. Maybe that's why all my D&D BBEGs fit this trope
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Im vee and I love world building and relationship building
I Wanna Get To Know You! (Yeah, Yeah!) | Accepting
Hi Vee!
I will sell my gods forsaken soul for that shit. I’m such a hoe for it. 
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
memes for roleplay muns
honestly? angst. i love angst. im not sorry for saying it.
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
5. What is a character you love, but don’t think you can write?
memes for roleplay muns
Johan Andersen, YGO GX. My first anime crush and my fondest memory of my initial yugioh phase in childhood. I love him so much but I don't think I could ever do that man justice.
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
☑: An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
some fun munday asks!
well let's go down the line:
TKB: Casteshipping!
Isis: I am trustshipping garbage
Zorc: lol die alone
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
☾: Favorite moment from your Muse’s canon, and why.
some fun munday asks!
Tumblr media
Sobbing aside, think about it. Ryo is running from the spirit, running from his past. The ring is no longer in his possession and for once, after constantly seeking it out even though he damn well knows it's haunted and has hurt people AND himself. And he takes refuge in the one place he believed to be safe. A holy place, where any demon should fear to tread. But it followed him there. It lit the candles, it demanded his assistance. It laughed in his face when he attempted to stand up to him, to reassert his independence.
Ryo could run, but he could never hide. He could run as fast and as far as his chains allowed him to go. The spirit of the ring was right; he was bound body, mind, and soul to the ring his father tried to take for himself back in Egypt. It had rooted itself within him, and the one time Ryo removed the rose-colored glasses to see the truth for what it was, it was too late.
The monster he enabled wasn't ready to cut his strings. Ryo was still of use, and the ring spirit was going to use him up and leave him to rot when the spirit was finally, truly through with him.
And this was the very thing Ryo desperately sought to protect in the first two arcs. This was the first and only time Ryo finally took his friends' advice to get away from the ring.
And it wouldn't let him go.
Also that voice change when Bakura called Ryo a mortal and the stained glass shattering is everything to me.
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
🔜:  Are there any muses you want to add, but aren’t sure about?
Munday Meme - Multimuse Edition!
Technically answered that here, BUUUUUUT I've also been eyeing Mahaad lately.
I don't know, I kinda forgot he existed until I stumbled upon a clip on YT and it's like why did he have to be hot.
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necrostar · 1 year
Questions for the mun. A series of questions for the mun / the person behind the muse(s) What trend would you wish to see on here?
questions for the mun!
I know this might be a hot take but I'd really like to see big group threads/AUs again. The ones I participated in during my first couple months on this circuit were a BLAST.
Maybe this is selfish but like can we bring back [insert character here] apocalypse? That was also a blast and holy shit we got into so many shenanigans. My fondest memories were from that (lovely) shitshow.
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necrostar · 1 year
How did you get into this franchise/fandom?
canon questionnaire!
So I grew up watching DM and GX. I purposefully woke up at 6 in the goddamn morning and sat through either a nature documentary or Liberty Kids, whichever happened to be on first, just to catch Sonic X, Yu-Gi-Oh!, TMNT (2003), etc. It invaded way too many core memories and lived rent-free in my brain ever since.
I kid you not when I tell you that my mom got me a Yami Yuugi costume for Halloween but it was too small. So child me, thinking that this shouldn't go to waste, kept the mask and wore it when Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM) was on... during the Capsule Monsters arc. How do I know it was Capsule Monsters? Because there was a scene where Yugi was sick for no reason and he had that stupid armor on.
And now here I am.
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necrostar · 1 year
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
Questions for Muns!
The biggest trends I remember was everyone having contained themes like I do right now, graphics that were very heavily edited and replying in very small cursive fonts. Like all the popular blogs had to have these three things checked off.
Now, I'm not here to dictate how you should format your replies or how you want your blog to look. I love a pretty theme and stunning graphics! However, on the flip side, I can understand how it can be off-putting to some, especially when they're new to the community and may not know how to make graphics. I remember seeing a lot of judgment on my dash for not knowing how to make graphics / not being able to do so yourself. The way your blog looks shouldn't matter; it's your writing that's the most important thing. I'm so relieved that the community's gotten far more lax about it in the 3-4 years I hadn't been around. I love a beautiful theme and stunning graphics as much as anyone else, but that shouldn't define how good or worthy you are as a writer.
But fuck those small cursive fonts, I couldn't read a DAMN THING people wrote. I have severe astigmatism so it's hard for me to decipher small fonts as it is. Thank god people stopped doing that.
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furtheststxr · 2 years
Is there a fact/detail about your muse that you think would surprise people if you told them about it?
Easy Meme for a Burnt Out Mun
Bakura is surprisingly romantic even if he struggles with what romance is supposed to look like. Listen, he might be a giant asshole but gods damn it he will go the whole nine yards for a guy he's interested in.
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furtheststxr · 2 years
Name one idea for a plot you’ve had but never gotten around to writing.
Easy Memes for a Burnt Out Mun (still accepting these!)
Bakura has ignored so much stuff that's happened to him that it's just sad.
I'd love to have a plot where he has to talk to an Atem (or Yami Yuugi, we're not picky here) and have to confront what he's done. He had a lot of facts jumbled up in the Memory World rpg because he was told so many conflicting things that he really doesn't know what the hell happened. Frankly he barely remembered Memory World happening at all.
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
Questions for Muns
UHHHHH Honestly I think that might be10% Lewis Carroll, maybe some Edgar Allan Poe, Hans Christian Andersen, and 90% my rp partners / friends who influence me like a bad habit.
But I love you all anyway
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