#🍒 || Chatty Cherry
necrostar · 6 days
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i had a vision
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
concept: ancient egyptian verse where ryo works as a royal embalmer but constantly stops what he's doing to talk to the air. he says he's talking to spirits but nobody knows for sure. local weirdo who would probably steal your organs and doesn't know when to stop messing with dead things. probably should've been a priest.
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furtheststxr · 2 years
□ - I don’t have any thread ideas
▲ - I’m not sure how our muses would meet
◆ - I’m really shy so please don’t hurt me …  // Any of your blogs i followed / mutuals with ;;;
Why Aren't We Roleplaying? | Accepting!
(( omg I was too scared to approach you first i'll be real here ))
(( That's alright! I love your TKB and Bakura and your Seto. Atem too. and didn't want to seem annoying salfdjlasdgljd ))
(( We don't need a proper thread; we can just wing something! We can talk about it over IMs, Discord, whichever you prefer! I completely understand being nervous (im terrified of following first lol), not everyone's an extrovert and that is totally valid and ok! I know my muses may bite, but I promise that I won't! :D ))
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necrokingdom · 2 years
is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
Asks for Muns with a Multimuse or More Than One Muse
I was considering four, actually!
See, I used to rp Yuugi for a little while and I don't know, I kinda miss him. He was fun. He's a good boy.
I've always wanted to give Malik Ishtar a whirl but a part of me will always worry that I won't be a good Malik.
I've talked on and off about adding Mokuba. Maybe Season 0 / Manga based Mokuba. he was so unhinged sjgs;dagj;lsa
Season 0 Yami Yuugi was also utterly unhinged. 10/10. Or itemswap au where he gets the ring instead? I did do this once many years ago and it was my favorite thing ever. I want to do it again.
But also Odion / Rishid would be fun. help my one brain cell wants to collect ishtars like pokemon
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riingbearer · 4 days
ik i've only had him for two hours but like what if. i put an ancient egypt verse in there.
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chichamiranda17 · 3 months
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the-daydream-archives · 9 months
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Although she lives by herself at the very edge of the woods, Cherry is surprisingly upbeat and chatty. She's not exactly the hermit in the woods that one would expect to find in the middle of nowhere. However, her presence is a true blessing to travelers who find themselves lost in the forest as she does her best to be hospitable to them, even going so far as to let them stay as long as they need at "her" home. But it does need to be noted that she doesn't own the small cottage at all. She just stumbled upon it one day and decided to make it hers which is a bit worrying since the original owners might come back one of these days. But she doesn't seem to be too worried about it however since she's sure that she can find a way to convince them to give it to her. When asked why she decided to stay there, she simply replied: "No one's using it so it's free game!" ...Maybe we can assume she doesn't know how real estate works...
Traits: Romantic, Cheerful, Generous
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
This one was super late but I finally made Cherry an official food sim! :"D I typically like to post the sims I make first but since I wanted to keep the Simblreen treats a surprise, I held myself back. All of the CC models on Simblreen are not supposed to be part of the Food Sim Series but I took one good look at Cherry and I knew I had to include her lol (I was too weak-willed not to include her xD). Now however, I'm thinking of making this one from the Misery Meat set a food sim as well... tho 50/50 on that one...
Special thanks to the following!: @pralinesims @squea @kijiko-sims @sammi-xox @xiamdeathx @simbience @nell-le @simandy @saruin @kashisun @wsyzxkw @yokozii @obscurus-sims
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
Pretty please with a cherry on top, 🍒
Could you write
— “we don’t have to talk, if you don’t want to. we can just sit here together until you feel up to anything else.”
Wiiiiiith Cirrus being the one being comforted by a ghoul/ette of your choice for the touch starved prompts?
Hello my dear, I am so sorry this sat half finished for so long, but here ya go :D
So originally this was going to be with Sunny, but then Swiss shoved her out of the way in my mind. Some Swiss and Cirrus sweetness below the cut
For no particular reason, this has been one of the worst weeks Cirrus has had since she came topside. All week she has been pushing those feelings down, focusing on everything she needs to get done but it is obvious that soon all of it is going to spill out.
Cirrus knows that she is tough, strong, reliable… the other ghouls depend on her. She can power through until the end of the day when Lus and Sunny would be back and the three of them could curl up while she lets all of her frustrations out. It’s fine she thinks, she is fine. 
As she walks back towards the ghoul dorm after finishing up her chores,she can already see the leaves in the courtyard start to swirl around her as her emotions start to win out and magic bleeds into the air around her. All she has to do is make it to her room without making a scene. Surely even if none of the other ghoulettes are in the dorms, some part of her pack will be to at least help distract her. 
However, by the time she crosses into the threshold of the common area of the ghoul dorms that last thread of composure flutters away as the storm of emotion she has been shoving down all week explodes out of her. She can feel her hair whip around violently as a cyclone starts to form centered on her. There is no sign of anybody else being there, so she just collapses into the center of the room before breaking down crying, her earlier hopes of distraction long since swept away. 
All the thoughts and anxieties she has been feeling all week whip around her, howling through her brain drowning out any other thoughts. 
Suddenly, she is faintly aware of somebody grabbing her hand and looks up to see Swiss calmly sitting cross legged across from her, hand holding her own firmly despite the onslaught of air hitting him in the face. 
The wind tunnel effect distorts the softness of his smile slightly in a silly display but it still persists as he patiently waits for the rushing air to settle down around them as Cirrus forces herself to take deep steadying breaths. 
There are still faint wisps of air swirling lazily around her, but the overwhelming storm seems to have dissipated. “Swiss…” she croaks out, not quite sure what else to say. It doesn’t really matter, Swiss simply gives her hand a reassuring squeeze and leans forward to give her a swift kiss between the horns before pulling her up into a sitting position with him. 
“It’s okay Cir’, we don't have to talk if you don't want to. We can just sit here together until you feel up to anything else.” he whispers while wrapping one arm around her for support. 
The pair sit there like that for what Cirrus is sure has to be at least 20 minutes, but Swiss later insists was only 5. She lets her vision drift absently to the still ajar door to the garden Swiss must have come in from, as the multi ghoul unlaces both of their boots, gingerly removing them and tossing them towards the side of the room out of the way.
Finally, Cirrus seems to snap out of her daze and scoots even closer, burying her head into Swiss’s shoulder to cry softly as he wraps her in a tight grounding hug. She lets him pick her up off the floor and wordlessly move the both of them to the nearby couch. 
For such a normally chatty ghoul, Swiss truly can be an amazing listener. He lets Cirrus dump out everything that has been upsetting her this week, offering up only small hums of reassurement until she leaves clear openings for input. The entire time Swiss’s broad hand rubs up and down her back as he lets the small amount of fire magic inside him wrap around Cirrus like a warm blanket. Eventually she dozes off in his arms, and he follows not far behind. 
As the rest of the ghouls filter in, they find the pair sweetly curled up on the couch and quietly tiptoe around them. Everyone could tell that Cirrus has been wound tight all week and seeing her so carefree and relaxed is a welcome sight that they wouldn’t dare interrupt. Sunny and Cumulus will likely coax their sleeping beauty to tell them her troubles later, but for now both are extremely relieved that Swiss was around to help her when she finally snapped.
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valemya · 2 months
Idk how I’m supposed to do this but for the prompt thing 💐🍑👒🌲🍒🔥
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this is so many at once... I'm going to keep it short and simple for everyones sake
💐 bouquet: who are you most excited to meet in your dr?
In my dr I am definitely the most excited to meet my pookie Tech -`♡´- but also incredibly excited to meet my padawan Ezra (yes I ripped him from rebels and brought him to tcw. reality can be whatever I want) these two have my heart in such different ways but they are both so dear to me.
🍑 peach: who are your closest friends in your dr? how did/will you meet them?
Closest friends gotta be just about everyone. Naturally its the people I'm spending the most time with yknow, Tech (obviously), Rex, Anakin.. shoutout to Shadow badbatch @badbatchbruna when she comes along too.
I knew Anakin for a long time before the war, I'd say he was my first/only friend at the temple in the beginning, so there's a special type of closeness associated with that.
Rex I haven't had the pleasure of knowing for nearly as long, but when you work alongside someone so closely and in such severe circumstances you're bound to develop some crazy levels of trust. He's the one I tell all my secrets to. We met the day before I met the rest of the 501st, in a stuffy meeting with some other newly minted Generals and Captains being assigned to their respective battalions.
Aside from being my boyfriend I get along with Tech like a house on fire. I'm drawn to people that are funny and fuck does he make me laugh. On a deeper level I'd say we understand each other like no one else, and it means I'm content to stay up late listening to him talk about anything for the rest of my life. He was very chatty the first time we met- I think I might have been the first jedi that took the time to answer all his questions about the force. Or maybe the first jedi he'd really interacted with at all. It was early on in his time as a soldier, on a mission where we had the small luxury of being able to talk for a while.
👒 hat: what’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
I've already answered this here
🌲 pine: what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
Not to get into the dirty details but there's a comms button on the Marauder's control panel that goes straight to the batches helmets, and I've probably bumped it and not realised it at least once while in the throes of passion.
🍒 cherries: what drew you to shifting? how did you learn about it?
What drew me to shifting is that I've always been a big daydreamer and wanted to find myself living in the universes that I loved. It began with the faraway tree. I learned about it through tiktok in 2020 and while everyone had their hogwarts dr I was committed to shifting to my queen (band) dr based in London in 1969. It sounded too good to be true of course, but I kept seeing it on my fyp and I was bored and lonely and it was a nice thing to daydream about. I started actually attempting to shift a few months later. Still going (semi) strong
🔥 fire: what’s your most controversial opinion about shifting?
I disagree with people that think having multiple s/os across realities is cheating. I understand their view, and it makes me feel a bit sad, but its not that black and white. To each their own though
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ickykittycherry · 1 year
Minors do not interact!🫶🏼
hiiii💖 I was deleted trying to find my friends again. You can call me kitty or cherry 🍒😻
I will type out a new bio soon for now all you need to know; posts are fantasy. I am consenting to icky messages from older men that can hold a tasteful conversation with possible training. Bratty and chatty kitty 🍒
(pics are for trustworthy daddies/owners)
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necrostar · 16 days
(( dash is really convincing me to revisit my fma mangas ))
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starlitmemoriam · 1 year
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
memes for roleplay muns
honestly? angst. i love angst. im not sorry for saying it.
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furtheststxr · 2 years
The Spirit, Chained.
The Vessel, Freed.
The Devil, Unleashed.
Something is bound to change.
Indie Yami Bakura || Indie Ryo Bakura || Indie Zorc Necrophades
Canon-Divergent || Post-Canon || Muses 18+ || Mun 21+
Loved by Cherry
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necrokingdom · 2 years
💘 which muse have you written the longest
Munday Meme // Multimuse Edition
I know he's not a muse over here, but it's Yami Bakura. Hilariously enough, I made the choice to join the tumblr rpc on Ryo Bakura's birthday and had to do a coin flip to decide whether I'd be Ryo Bakura or Yami Bakura.
I started rping TKB very shortly after that so yeah officially I have to say it's TKB. I collect Bakurae like Pokemon. I have no regrets. They deserve so much better than what canon gave them.
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chichamiranda17 · 10 months
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oh look who came crawling back
Y’know what.  I’m just gonna archive and remake. Makes way more sense to me.  I’ve made such wonderful friends here and after an almost 3 year hiatus, I think I can revamp, start fresh, give the Bakuras what they deserve! The new blog will be dedicated to mainly the Spirit but Ryou and the Thief will be available on request. Maybe Isis and Zorc will make appearances, time will tell. When all’s said and done I’ll come back here and self-promote the shit out of it. And in the meantime if you wanna just catch up or whatever just ask me for my Discord!
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