#♠: i walk with shadows forever hiding from the gallows — about
shadowqueens · 1 year
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key owned items.
i. quill zilla owns a very fancy, well cared for magic quill. it was a birthday gift to her when she turned 13 from ivan. the magic aspect comes with the additional aide for runes, as they are made a bit easier if you already have basic knowledge and the ink is self refilling. her ink is dark purple, of course.
ii. daggers zilla, as she is trained with daggers, has a set of six, from which she normally carries just three of them. they are not magical in anyway, but their blades are black and the handles are too and they blend in seemingly with her.
iii. sword her sword was a gift from ivan that is from the raijavin clan. she got it for her fifteenth birthday for her mastery in their training and with the raijavin clan themselves. it has a lightning lacrima in the pommel of the sword and it can emit lightning when she strikes. this is an option. she named it Umbra's Bane.
iv. masks. she owns a lot of different masks and she wears them depending on what her plan for the day is. some are more formal than others. here is one mask. here is another. and here is an autumn special one. zilla loves to check out markets and see if any stalls have masks. this one she bought and nullpudding said it looked like a crown and a mask, thus dubbing her shadow queen.
v. sketchbooks she has several (some completed) sketchbooks. the one she is currently carrying around is a 4.5" x 7" one has it is easier to carry in her bag.
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shadowqueens · 2 years
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i. the masks
zilla does enjoy wearing masks and she has for a long time, predating her life before ivan. she just feels comfortable with them and she has a bunch of different kinds. she enjoys painting her own masks so they can be stylized to her own liking.
what she doesn’t know: the being her father was wore masks a lot, there’s were made of bone of some other shadow creatures and they were fashioned into masks. her mother suspected it was some instinctual habit. 
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shadowqueens · 2 years
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i. other guilds
as i’ve stated before, zilla truly has nothing personal against fairy tail, makarov aside. however she has studied the abilities of the top mages there, in the event she should ever fight them. and thanks to ivan being her intel, she’s aware that laxus is a dragon slayer. 
however, past that? zilla doesn’t .... keep up as much as she should. she skims through sorceror weekly, she mostly likes the photos — in an artful way, when they are artsy. all this to say? if you’re a famous mage....chances are zilla recognizes your face and remembers this but your name. sorry. 
there are exceptions. rogue cheney being one because Real recognizes Real. another one is risley from mermaid heel, as zilla thinks gravity magic looks fun and interesting. she is tempted to look into it. hibiki lates is another exception, as well as jenny realight. who doesn’t know those two?
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shadowqueens · 2 years
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i. hobbies
zilla really enjoys keeping her time occupied with something. but she can’t always train, sadly, as that is “unhealthy”. so instead, she finds other things to do. one of them is drawing and she likes to do a bunch of different kinds but her favorite is pencil on paper. lately, she’s been experimenting with different paint styles but she finds herself doing more realism in painting then she does with her pencil, as she likes her drawings to be more animated. and she likes adding little details in the background. her paintings are more focused on the subject. she doesn’t get it.
she also likes to read, but not only that, she likes to engage with her books. as a child, to do this, she would write book reports and show them to ivan and the two would discuss her assignment. as she is no longer in school, at first she struggled with how. but then...she just ...wrote her analysis and showed it to ivan anyway. and it worked for them! but eventually, ivan lightly suggested a book club for raven tail. zilla thinks its because he doesn’t like YA literature.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
Does your muse pour milk/sugar in warm beverages (e.g. coffee/tea/e.t.c.), or prefer them plain?
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zilla.....lowkey has a sweet tooth. she tries to be Smooth about it, but her weakness is honey bread and she can never resist grabbing some. and so, when it comes to tea and coffee? yes there's going to be things that make them sweet. cream, milk, honey, sugar and mixture of some of them are all definite ingredients. not all at once, she's never done that. because of her love of sweets, though, she has a strict dental hygiene schedule.
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shadowqueens · 2 years
How does your muse sit? Do they take up space, or keep to themselves?
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zilla normally defaults to sitting criss cross apple sauce or tailor sitting, with her back straight. if that pose is not available, then she will have one leg folding up while the other hangs down on her chair. these are her favorite, howver, it really depends on the setting. this is mostly at raven tail, where she feels comfortable. the only time she has to proper at raven tail is dinner time 😒.
other times, she has excellent posture. always sitting with her back straight, head up looking proper. she tries to not make herself noticeable and blend in with her surroundings.
overall, zilla tries to take up as little space as possible, as a rule.
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shadowqueens · 2 years
FULL NAME:  xu-claramond ai  MAIDEN NAME:  xu NICKNAME(S)  /  OTHER NAMES: mother of monsters (an insult) DATE OF BIRTH:  december 21st NATIONALITY:  she is originally from sin. OCCUPATION: she was an independent rune mage RELIGION:  agnostic  SEXUALITY:  bisexual monsterfucker
FACE CLAIM:  n/a HEIGHT:  5′8 / 173cm WEIGHT:  she was a little plump, but lost a lot of weight after being on the run for so long. HAIR COLOUR:  dark brown EYE COLOUR:  almond-brown DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:  she had a mole under her left eye and a birthmark on her elbow, in the shape of a bird
HOMETOWN:  jeojin city / sin  CURRENT RESIDENCE:  her last residence was in bosco MARITAL STATUS:  single  EDUCATION LEVEL:  very well educated, specifically in ancient texts. she knew many languages and was a linguist in her own right. FATHER:  unknown MOTHER:  unknown SIBLINGS:  none SPOUSE:  skizel CHILDREN:  one daughter, zilla
TAGGED BY:  stole from @soarcielia
TAGGING:  everyone.
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shadowqueens · 2 years
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tag drop ii.
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