#♠: my aim is slightly high in the starlit light — meme response
shadowqueens · 1 year
flower (adoption verse kagura 🥺)
actions speak louder than words prompt
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today was another adventure through the mountains which was some of zilla's favorite days. it was sunny and bright, which was amazing in of itself and she was with her sister, kagura. simon was somewhere, too, probably on the lookout for any bears while dad was focused on making the map. zilla giggled to herself as she waltzed over near a tree where she could hear birds singing - if she was correct on their calls, they were mountain chickadees. she peeled her eyes through the branches and sure enough, saw them up high and twittering about with their small bodies. they were so cute and so small. zilla did her best to watch them quietly, memorizing the scene so she may sketch it later.
moments later, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see her sister, kagura. kagura was not That much older than her, but sometimes it felt like it. zilla wondered if it was their height difference.
kagura was smiling at her and in her hands were some of the flowers around. zilla's face formed a smile immediately and she took the offered flowers. kagura knew a lot about flowers and somehow, always managed to find the prettiest ones around. these ones were purple, too!
"thank you kagura, they're so pretty!" zilla tucked them close to her and smelled them. they were sweet. "you're great at picking flowers."
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shadowqueens · 1 year
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders. / :D
NON VERBAL PROMPTS from @aetrnalis / rogue
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her jaw was tight as the chilly wind blew and zilla felt like a fool. because she lived around mountains!! she knew them to be cold even if the day was said to be warm out. sure, wearing black aided since the sun was attracted to it but that didn't help with the sharp cold mountain wind that chilled the night.
she tried not to be too much of an issue by not bringing any attention to her discomfort. her ribs had seized up some moments ago and zilla knew could bare with it for the rest of the journey until they made it back to the building and therefore — indoor heating.
but then, a warmth enveloped her quite snuggly. zilla's eyes widened and a familiar smell filled her senses. she looked up and to her right to see rogue, now without his own jacket. yet he didn't look cold. the warmth of the jacket made her face red, even! she was lucky her mask covered her cheeks so he could not see.
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(now she was sure he heard her shivers and could probably hear her sudden heart beat. curses.)
"thank you, rogue." zilla's voice was soft. she adjusted herself and the jacket. he was quite tall, compared to her (not a hard feat) and he had more muscle. she was afraid of the jacket hitting the ground a bit, but for nothing. everything was under control. "it is quite warm."
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shadowqueens · 1 year
POST - IT NOTE - kagura, adoption verse!
send “ POST - IT NOTE ” for what my muse would leave yours in a post - it note message !
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upon kagura's vanity in her room, on her mirror is a black post-it note. in metallic-purple ink, there is a chibi-esque doodle of kagura winking with a speech bubble that says, "zap anyone who dares touches you!" with little lightning bolts in the background for good measure. it's both a reminder and an uplifting message that its okay to set boundaries. at least, that's zilla's intention.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
[link] from flare ;)
non verbal prompts
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cities were something she will never truly get used to, though she's lived in and out of them for years at one point in her life. the seclusion of raven tail was something she enjoyed about the location of the guild. it had a lot more benefits than cons for zilla. though there were pros to cities, the amount of people in them was certainty not one.
her and flare were having a 'shopping trip' today, just the two of them. zilla stressed about it a lot the night before and early this morning. mainly about her mask situation. she didn't know which one to wear and so she wore none. and now her naked face was out and about. the makeup helped her feel better, even if it wasn't much with her lack of skill (and ivan never learned how to do makeup either, so he was useless for help).
flare was very nice about it, which was always great to hear from flare. she was fashionable and very pretty — she knew things. flare even complimented her and zilla hoped the blush wasn't too obvious before they left.
the familiar warmth of flare wrapped around her and zilla looked to the side to see flare smiling at her. it was a blinding smile, filled with the light of a thousand suns and made zilla's heart quicken. it said: 'i want to be closer' & 'i'm happy to be here' & 'i feel safe with you'. messages that made zilla's heart dance in the shadows of her chest.
zilla swallowed the sudden dryness in her mouth and offered, what she hoped, was a warm smile and not a grimace. zilla was not good at being warm, no, she was much better at basking in it selfishly. she tightened her arm closer, bringing flare closer.
cities weren't so bad.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
❝ what, not happy to see me? ❞ / from rogue >:3
andor sentence starter
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she cursed herself inwardly. it would not do well to seem unwelcoming, especially in the era of change that raven tail has found itself in the past few years. not that zilla disagreed with those changes — for she truly believed in them and benefited greatly from them. but socializing never came easy. no matter how many attempts had been made in the past, she seemed to always struggle. she could gain her shadow markings but she couldn't even manage this small task of appearing somewhat open to rogue cheney.
she adjusted her mask before she bowed slightly in a respectful manner. "a-apologies, i did not mean to seem unwelcoming or cold in my manner." zilla breathed out in an attempt to relax. it had been some time since the joint mission which was unplanned but ... still. she had memories. they were mostly good (if not for the humiliating one).
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"i-i am happy to see you again and well." she smiled, but it was not as if he could tell. not with today's mask covering her entire face.
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shadowqueens · 2 years
“How I hate to spend my evening alone.”
from this meme
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flare's declaration came not without its warrent. the sky was becoming dark with the beginnings of twilgiht sparkling in the sky. some people have left the guild already and of those that lived here — some had went to the dorms. zilla wiggled her toes in her shoes, feeling a small amount of bravery for her response.
"well..." her voice was quiet, as it usually was. "i could ... spend it with you. we could go to my room and have ... a sleepover?" zilla had read about sleepovers. they seem fun. and her room was bigger than the average dorm, as it was in the private wing of raven tail, across from master ivan's room.
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shadowqueens · 2 years
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tag drop i.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
Does your muse pour milk/sugar in warm beverages (e.g. coffee/tea/e.t.c.), or prefer them plain?
headcanon meme
zilla.....lowkey has a sweet tooth. she tries to be Smooth about it, but her weakness is honey bread and she can never resist grabbing some. and so, when it comes to tea and coffee? yes there's going to be things that make them sweet. cream, milk, honey, sugar and mixture of some of them are all definite ingredients. not all at once, she's never done that. because of her love of sweets, though, she has a strict dental hygiene schedule.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
❝ i’m gonna do us a favor and not mention this happened. ❞ / from rogue
andor sentence starters
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inter-guild quests were quite something else, zilla thought. it had been twenty one minutes since her and rogue's predicament — the mere mention of it caused her cheeks to flush darkly. zilla immediately turned herself a few degrees away from the shadow dragon slayer and gripped the hilt of her sword tight. she breathed out slowly, a small attempt to regain some sense of composure as she put her sword back in its sheath. yet when she breathed in again, she was hit with the reminder of how close they'd been in that closet and how he had smelled. nothing special, just soap and some sweat. but it as more information than she wanted about rogue cheney.
how embarrassing! she was used to being quite stealthy. being shoved into a closet by some dark mage was mortifying, doubly so that a high ranking mage in a different guild witnessed it. she wondered briefly rogue, too, felt that keen embarrassment. he was the one proposing it never be spoken of. quite a good deal in her opinion.
zilla was happy for her mask today. it covered most of her face, leaving only her lips and chin exposed. "yes. a good choice."
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shadowqueens · 2 years
How does your muse sit? Do they take up space, or keep to themselves?
headcanon meme
zilla normally defaults to sitting criss cross apple sauce or tailor sitting, with her back straight. if that pose is not available, then she will have one leg folding up while the other hangs down on her chair. these are her favorite, howver, it really depends on the setting. this is mostly at raven tail, where she feels comfortable. the only time she has to proper at raven tail is dinner time 😒.
other times, she has excellent posture. always sitting with her back straight, head up looking proper. she tries to not make herself noticeable and blend in with her surroundings.
overall, zilla tries to take up as little space as possible, as a rule.
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