#♡ · * (  002.  kang  raehwan  )
wshayan · 2 years
oh, he’s losing it. even by his own standards, angel is losing it and he’s well aware of it. it’s four am and he definitely should’ve been in bed hours ago but he’s jittery in a way he hasn’t been in what feels like forever. stuck in the select dorm, he doesn’t have his phone and, more importantly, his fucking cigarettes.
angel wouldn’t consider himself a heavy smoker, but he had been regularly smoking for the better part of a decade, much to his mother’s chagrin. he didn’t have much of a reason to quit so he’d never tried but, right now, with the nicotine cravings hitting him hard, he partially wishes he would’ve quit when his mother had tried to force him in high school.
“oh for fuck’s sake.” he swore in english, being entirely too loud as he dug through the cabinets looking. all he wanted was some stupid sweet tea, but the more he looked for his tea box, the more he became frustrated. after looking for all of two minutes, he gave up, not so much closing the cabinet as slamming it shut, not caring about the other trainees in the dorm.
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“fuck!” he exclaimed, letting his head fall against the cabinet door with a thud. letting out a sigh, angel closed his eyes to try to regain some of his composure. god, he wanted a cigarette.
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