wshayan · 2 years
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hi hi !! i’ve been a little all over the place the past couple of weeks and i just wanted to apologize for that. i’m still catching up on some stuff but i’ve updated angel’s pinterest board and wanted connections page !! with that being said, if you’d like to plot, feel free to leave a like on this and i’ll come to you or, if you’d prefer a random starter, feel free to leave your favourite emoji down below !! thank you ♡
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wshayan · 2 years
  what emotion was he supposed to be feeling right now? his mind instantly went to anger or irritation. those were usually the feelings that came naturally, at least. but something about this encounter was different. there was something about you that gave subin the feeling that he didn’t have the upper hand for once. was it the realization that he clearly wasn’t the wittiest guy in the room? whatever it was, it made him feel inferior.
  that’s when the nerves came in. slightly swaying back and forth in place, he brings a hand up to his mouth and starts to chew on his nails. it was an old habit that his mother always criticized him for. he had finally managed to stop only when she had resorted to slapping the back of his head whenever he gave in. as if the regular consequence was somehow a possible threat, he swiftly returns his arm back down to his side and instead shoves his hands in the front pocket of his hoodie. 
“pretty?” he raises his eyebrows and scoffs loudly. there was only one member of phoenix that he could picture right away, and pretty was the last word that subin would use to describe him. “did you accidentally wander in here, or something? i mean, your eyes must be pretty damaged if you think that they’re pretty, so i wouldn’t be surprised if you got lost. should i call someone to come pick you up?”
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  maybe his initial impression of you had been overly dramatic. you were starting to come off as delusional rather than superior. then again, anyone who thought differently than him was instantly written off as weird to subin. “so, what you’re really saying is that you’re desperate. nobody else will give you any attention, so you have to hang out with an annoying guy like danny.” he clicks his tongue, giving his head a single shake. “man, here i was thinking that you were all that. but you’re just spending all your time following some little kid around.”
“oh, darlin’“ angel drawled in english, an amused smile as he watched subin’s expression change. “ash? kimsoo? you’d have to be downright blind to think they aren’t pretty. then again, most groups at yuseong are made up of pretty people, aren’t they?” he mused, mostly talking to himself as he glanced down at his phone as soon as a notification popped up.
pursing his lips, he flicks the notification away with a sigh — if danny didn’t hurry up, he’d have to walk back to the select dorm all by himself, which was the last thing he wanted. god, every day he hated the idea of this whole reality show more and more.
“desperate?” the insult makes the trainee laugh, pushing his cotton candy pink hair out of his face as he looks at the other with a cold gaze. “no, sweetheart, i’m not desperate. i like danny. he’s sweet, and the attention he gives me doesn’t have any strings attached. he gives me attention because he wants to be my friend, not because of —”
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“— well, not because i’m eye candy. people give me attention because i’m pretty. it gets exhausting just having people stare and blush at you and then be mean to you as if they have a schoolyard crush.” it’s an easy dig at the other, but angel has never been one to miss a low blow if he could help it. “danny’s nice to me. that’s more than i can say about most, and you’re really just proving my point.”
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wshayan · 2 years
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hi hi !! i’ve been a little all over the place the past couple of weeks and i just wanted to apologize for that. i’m still catching up on some stuff but i’ve updated angel’s pinterest board and wanted connections page !! with that being said, if you’d like to plot, feel free to leave a like on this and i’ll come to you or, if you’d prefer a random starter, feel free to leave your favourite emoji down below !! thank you ♡
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wshayan · 2 years
oh, he’s losing it. even by his own standards, angel is losing it and he’s well aware of it. it’s four am and he definitely should’ve been in bed hours ago but he’s jittery in a way he hasn’t been in what feels like forever. stuck in the select dorm, he doesn’t have his phone and, more importantly, his fucking cigarettes.
angel wouldn’t consider himself a heavy smoker, but he had been regularly smoking for the better part of a decade, much to his mother’s chagrin. he didn’t have much of a reason to quit so he’d never tried but, right now, with the nicotine cravings hitting him hard, he partially wishes he would’ve quit when his mother had tried to force him in high school.
“oh for fuck’s sake.” he swore in english, being entirely too loud as he dug through the cabinets looking. all he wanted was some stupid sweet tea, but the more he looked for his tea box, the more he became frustrated. after looking for all of two minutes, he gave up, not so much closing the cabinet as slamming it shut, not caring about the other trainees in the dorm.
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“fuck!” he exclaimed, letting his head fall against the cabinet door with a thud. letting out a sigh, angel closed his eyes to try to regain some of his composure. god, he wanted a cigarette.
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wshayan · 2 years
Chorong easily trailed along behind Angel’s long strides, her own in a clumsy shuffle to keep up with his pace. She clasped her hands to her chest, the cherry red bag ( like her stage namesake ), teetering against her torso. Finger clutched tightly around the drink she struggled to take the occasional sip of ㅡ the straw prodding against various parts of her face in her haste to down the entire thing as soon as possible. Any outsiders looking in should have seen the obvious discrepancy between them. Chorong, perhaps, appeared to care too much about what Angel thought, and Angel exuded his typical nonchalant persona. 
( It was an odd mirror of her high school experience with one or two girls her age ㅡ one the Dandelion member was not entirely aware of. Or perhaps she was too blissful in the thought of having a friend to notice. )
“Parnas Mall? ChㅡChanel!?” She choked out, a small dribble of the lemonade trailing down the corner of her mouth. A comical addition to her shocked reaction. The mere mention of countless brand names was enough to bring a pain to her thin wallet. Individual schedules did do well enough to fuel things like her affinity for food and Miffy collection but she has been advised to keep a tighter grip on her money. But the promise of a shopping trip with Angel would most likely see to her letting go of more than a few percentages of her savings.
“I don’t know… I’ve never been there before. Isn’t that, like, that really fancy mall with a bunch of luxury stores?” 
Chorong pursed her lips together. When she finally caught up to Angel’s pace, she gazed up at him with a pair of furrowed brows and a look of concern clear in her eyes. “We can go wherever! I just might have to window shop and stuff… Not that I don’t like to do that anyway!” She managed to switch her skeptical demeanor into a grin, then quickly broke into a forced chuckle. She might as well seem as if she was all for it. Without question.
“I heard that there’s a bunch of new lip gloss and eyeshadow colors in stores now! Let’s go get makeup first since that’s what we were gonna do first!”
hearing chorong practically choke on her drink ( and the mention of where they were going ), angel paused his stride, turning towards the girl with a raised eyebrow. it was true that parnas wasn’t a cheap place to go but angel had never really cared about money — he didn’t grow up with it so, whenever he had it, he was always quick to spend it. not the best attitude to have, he knew, but he also didn’t care much — angel was someone with expensive tastes, after all.
rolling his eyes, he pulled his sleeve over his hand and reached forward to wipe the lemonade off of chorong’s chin. the action was surprisingly delicately, for someone as cold of a demeanor as his own.
( ‘you’re such a tsundere’ he could hear hara telling him in the back of his head. )
“it’s pretty fancy, but they’ve got some affordable options. you might be able to find something you like at namugrim without spending too much.” he tried to ease her worries, taking a sip of his tea before beginning to walk again, slower this time to make sure chorong to keep up. they weren’t too far away from the mall, only a few minutes walk. 
“makeup first it is, then.” he agreed, fingers twitching at his bag for just a second. he instinctively went to grab his cigarettes, but instantly rethought it when he remembered who he was with. though he didn’t care much about his own image, he didn’t want to ruin hers. 
“you’ll have to give me your opinion on stuff though — i always end up getting the same things and it’s getting boring.”
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wshayan · 2 years
yurim can sense the slight shift in the mood when she asks him the million dollar question. there’s a twitch to his face that she can’t exactly read but when he begins explaining, she gets it. kind of. she’d never fully understand since she wasn’t him, and she barely even knew his company, but almost everybody in this industry had some kind of story. 
she can’t help but snort at the pretty part though she nods in agreement. she learned early on that being pretty could help a lot in this line of work. “well then, don’t you think you owe it to them to at least give it your best? you know, the bare minimum you can do is not get kicked out of the select dorms for misconduct,” she tells him with a lighter chuckle. 
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“hmm, if i were you, i think i’d find it kind of a waste if i didn’t get more out of it after two years.” yurim only trained for one year and even that was pretty straining on her so she can’t imaging extending that for another. “don’t you sort of want something in return for all that hard work you invested?” there’s another furrow in her brows as she looks upon him with a gentler look this time since she sees where he’s coming from. “look, i’m not going to nag you like a mother or anything, but i just think there’s value in putting in more effort.”
“they don’t pay me for my best — they pay me to show up.” his work ethic definitely wasn’t the best, something his mother often commented on, but, despite his words, angel was trying his best. he just wasn’t sure his best would be enough in this scenario so, if he failed, he could play it off as him had never actually tried in the first place.
a waste. angel wasn’t sure if his time in korea was a waste or something to be proud of — he’d definitely done more in the past two years than he would’ve if he stayed in america, that’s for sure. but, other than training at angelfish, which he’d only started a few short months ago, he hadn’t done much during his time here, which he was starting to realize as the threat of having to go home was hanging over him.
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“i’ve already gotten more than i thought i would — i’ve gotten to dance professionally, learned most of a language, and gotten to know my birth mother. even if i went home tomorrow, i don’t think i’d be too upset.” he shrugged, avoiding yurim’s gaze by staring at the wall behind her. “you’re starting to sound like my mom — both of them, actually. if you ever chose to be a mom, you’d be a good one.”
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wshayan · 2 years
  as he studied your face, subin became certain that you had enough visual power to defeat the entirety of blue.m. his mouth nearly fell open after getting a clear look at you. what was that sensation that he felt? his face was red and burning, causing him to hastily look away from you. he wasn’t sure if he should run back out the door that he had just walked through, or angerly demand that you leave and go be beautiful somewhere else. neither seemed like a viable option. he was at an impasse. 
  loudly clearing his throat, his attempt at making the awkward silence disappear, subin places his hands on his hips and looks just past you at the wall ahead. of course you were here because of danny. even when the younger boy wasn’t around, he still managed to find a way to get under subin’s skin. 
  “phoenix isn’t as popular as everyone makes them out to be. you know, some people consider them to be our competition, but i’m pretty sure that if you asked a room full of people, they’d say that they prefer our music.” it was a bold claim from someone who didn’t even consider the songs that his own group released to be real music. “phoenix just comes off as a bunch of try-hards, don’t you think?”
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  was he rambling to keep the dorm from becoming deadly quiet, or had his brain been turned to mush simply by looking at you? subin didn’t even know the correct answer, and he probably didn’t want to. “you don’t seem like the type who’d want to hang out with danny. what’re you actually trying to get from him?”
subin clearing his throat caused angel to look away from his phone again, returning his attention to the other for a moment. he noted the redness of his face, causing him to raise a questioning eyebrow but choosing to not point it out with words — mostly because he couldn’t remember the korean word for ‘blush’ all of a sudden.
with a roll of his eyes, angel’s attention returned to his phone, though it wasn’t as entertaining as it was mere seconds ago. “who cares? they’re pretty.” though he only knew a part of phoenix’s discography from being a back up dancer for them, he figured the comment would get under subin’s skin, with how he spoke of the other group. “you both come off as try-hards; i figured it was just a yuseong thing.”
at the other’s question, angel couldn’t help but let out a laugh. usually, the question of what he wanted from somehow would be warranted but with danny, angel had no intentions — not that subin knew that, of course.
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“attention.” he answered easily, shrugging as he finally gave up on his phone and let it slip out of his grasp and onto his lap. “i’m like tinkerbell — i’ll die without attention.” he smiled, leaning against the side of the couch to get a better look at the blue.m member. “and we were from the same company before he joined yuseong.”
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wshayan · 2 years
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wshayan · 2 years
there’s a part of her that’s curious as to why he seems to be almost ❛ checked out ❜ while she speaks to him, but before she’s able to make a snide comment about it, he explains that it’s because he’s not the most proficient with korean. that, and well, she takes note of the fact that she managed to 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒏 him into speechlessness. she’ll consider that a win on her part. ❝ i get it, and i’m sorry that i don’t speak any other languages. though, maybe you can teach me a thing or two sometime ? y’know, so we can communicate easier… ❞ she teases, guiding the two of them out of the rehearsal space and down the maze-like hallway — en route towards the main floor; the sound of her dance shoes tapping against the ground echoing lightly through the dull vacancy of the corridor. ❝ you’re right about that. whoever designed the building probably had no idea how headache inducing it was going to be for the people who spend time here… ❞ a laugh falls from between her lips, her sights turning towards him so she could get a good view of the contours of his face — still trying to, covertly, figure out where she’s seen him before. it’s driving her a little mad.
❝ so, tell me — were you scouted by your company, or did you show up to a casting call ? ❞ she queries, having a hunch that his answer’ll be the former. people who looks like him are often hunted down by talent scouts. she recalls the individual who messaged her on instagram being rather forceful and firm in their wording. ❝ hold on, wait — let’s turn this into a game, ❞ rieon chirps, turning the corner at the end of the hallway only to head down another. ❝ i’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you were scouted, and if i’m right, you have to buy me a bottle of pear juice from the convenience store around the corner… ❞ she hopes angel goes for it and doesn’t think she’s odd. ❝ if i’m wrong, though, i’ll buy you whatever it is you want. ❞ she 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒔 the deal further, making things fairer. ❝am i right ? i’m guessing that because a face like yours seem like the type that’d call the attention of any agent whose in their right mind. you definitely have that ❛ idol ❜ look to you… ❞
“It’s alright, i need to practice my korean anyway.” he waves off, a small smile playing on his lips as rieon teases him. following her down the complex hallways of yuseong, angel doesn’t even try to commit each turn to memory, knowing he’d most probably forget this route as soon as he was out of the building. “hm, i could teach you, but i might require something in return.” he raised a brow, laughing softly as he watches her apparently try to glance at him every couple of seconds.
just as he’s about to answer her question, rieon cuts herself off, making him laugh a little again. angel had often been told he looked like someone who’d been scouted, so it didn’t feel like the woman was taking much of a gamble with her little game but still, he decided to indulge her, not wanting to go home just yet.
“i guess i owe you a bottle of pear juice, then.” he smiled, gently pushing his cotton candy pink hair out of his face. “but it was a fluke, really – i was only scouted by one company, mostly because most agents took a look at me and knew i’d be nothing but trouble. angelfish just didn’t care.” which was true – he’d only been with angelfish for a few months now, and he was already giving them a run for their money. he was pretty sure he’d been in trouble more in the past eight months than his entire life. 
“my turn now.” he challenged, although he already knew his answer. still, he played the part, stopping their maze towards the outdoors to look at rieon intently, taking his time to look the other up and down. “you – oh, you were definitely scouted. there’s no way you weren’t.”
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wshayan · 2 years
@sunghoonws​ continued from ( x )
he’d been rather bored lately — something that pretty much always led to dangerous things when it came to angel leblanc. his mind would wander just a little too far, and he’d end up acting without thinking, which was exactly how he found himself in his current position, looking down at sunghoon with his arms crossed and a small smile on his face. it was fun to watch the boy redden and fluster around him and angel, ever an attention fiend, figured he could use the other for some light entertainment for a bit.
except, the longer it took sunghoon to respond, the more his unwavering confidence seemed to shrink. the younger had clearly heard him, made evident by the way he was staring up at angel, but he didn’t say a word. as seconds turned into minutes, angel could feel the tips of his ears turning a similar shade of pink as his cotton candy hair.
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“oh, neverm— ” he started, just as the other agreed, causing the pinkish hue to reach his cheeks, luckily covered by the heavy layer of foundation on his face. “if you’re busy, or you just don’t want to — that’s alright, sunghoon.”
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wshayan · 2 years
he closed his eyes, quite content being able to settle back in for his planned upon nap. “mhm. your ways are slightly unsettling. i enjoy having privacy, you know.” moon was just about to curl back up when angel’s weight caused him to let out a small groan. so much for having a peaceful afternoon nap. 
“there’s an actual couch. or chairs. why sit on me if you’re just going to complain about it.” he opened an eye to peek at angel as he made himself at home. “wow. i guess i’m a couch and a table now, am i? glad i could be of some use.” he rolled his eyes, trying to settle himself back down as he got used to the weight of the other boy. “i guess ikea has a moonsik line now.” he grumbled under his breath as he stared up at the ceiling. 
“i just hope that me and you have the same definition of pretty because if you make me look dumb i’m going to kick you out.” he squeezed his eyes shut, face scruching up as he tried not to laugh at the feeling of angel using his face as a canvas. “they were closed earlier, you know. for nap time.”
“everything about me is slightly unsettling, you’ll get used to it.” angel smiled, voice already sounding a little distant as he focused on moonsik’s face. it had been a while since he’d roped someone into this — it usually felt like a waste of products — so he was going to enjoy every second of doing the other’s make up.
“i need to sit on you so you can lay down, and so that i can actually see what i’m doing.” he explained as he capped his moisturizer, throwing it back in his bag. looking around, he scanned his products before bouncing slightly to grab the colour corrector, returning his attention to the man under him. “hey, you’re the one who’s complaining, not me.”
rolling his eyes, angel continued his work. “first of all, have you seen me? my definition of pretty is pretty. i’m gonna make you look gorgeous.” he smacked moonsik’s chest lightly. “for someone who wanted to take a nap, you sure are squirmy. like a worm.”
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wshayan · 2 years
“Hey! You’re not even that much older than me! We’re practically the same age even!” The rookie says this, but it would be hard to tell with his go-to method of persuasion being calling the other hyung repeatedly until he caves to whatever scheme Danny was planning for the day.
“Fat?! N - No! You’re very fit! H - have you been working out?! Y - Why would -” Danny pauses mid-stammer, eyes narrowing slightly with arms crossed over his chest. “You know what I meant! Are you fishing for compliments, huh? Huh, huh, huh?! For that you should admit that it’s at least 25%! No, 30%!”
He crinkles his nose at the response. As much as he’d prefer to drag the other around the city, maybe more so for his own gain having spent so many months cooped up in practice rooms, studios, and rehearsals himself, he can’t imagine the kind of pressure Angel must be under. It was hard for him to believe he was even sitting across from him now…
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“Ah, ah, ah!” he interrupts, wagging his finger. “No crimes! That would be illegal! And I haven’t heard of any famous felons performing on Inkigayo,” he snorts, giving his head a shake. “Maybe you just have to give it a chance? A new environment… living with new people… It’s a big adjustment, yeah?” He thinks back to his first week in the BLUE.M dorm - fondly now, not so much back then - with a soft smile. “I bet there’s at least one thing you’re enjoying? If you really… really, really, really think about it!” 
“oh, really? ‘cause, from here, it looks like i’m sitting with a little itty bitty baby.” he teased, reaching forward to pinch danny’s cheek. it showed just how comfortable angel was with the other, the way he constantly touched and reached for the other ( even if only to tease him ), as the trainee was usually one to run from any type of physical contact from anyone.
the laugh that leaves him is loud and open, causing his head to fall back as he watches danny stammer and fall for the bait. “i’m not fishing for any compliments! i’d never do such a thing.” he gawks, placing his hand over his heart in mock insult. “but — sorry, what was that? you think i’m fit? hm? hmm? you think i’m pretty?” he continued to tease, giggling as he does.
“crimes are on the table. i’m not letting any of those rats touch any of my stuff.” he practically talks in pouts, arms crossing over his chest. “and it won’t make much of a difference if i don’t make it to inkigayo in the first place.” for someone usually so confident, the talent of the other trainees appearing on select! really were doing something to angel’s resolve. without meaning to, his insecurities were starting to crack through the surface, and it was a daily fight to push them back down.
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rolling his eyes, angel tried to think of something he actually enjoyed about his new dorm — but came up empty handed. “i don’t know.” he shrugged, chewing on his bottom lip. “maybe ... the bigger bathroom is nice, i guess. angelfish’s bathroom sucked, and the lighting was awful to do my make up but now there’s so many people to share a bathroom with, i don’t even get to enjoy it. i’ve been chased out of the bathroom twice by raehwan already!”
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wshayan · 2 years
he was so excited that the other decided to continue the conversation that jeongmin’s eyes lit up when the older turned around to face him. angel seemed rough around the edges, but he hoped that he would warm up to the idea of being friends.  “you must have a lot of experience then?” he asked with a tilt of his head. jeongmin was a fan of many idol groups, but never imagined himself being in one. it just wasn’t on his radar to pursue a career as an idol, he also lacked the self confidence. he wondered if his life would have turned out different if he had auditioned, if maybe he would have a better chance of making it on the show.   “you know, i just never really thought about it,” he said sheepishly sitting down on the bed. jeongmin’s eyes traveled to the floor and a hand stretched upwards to scratch the back of his neck. “honestly, music was just a hobby for me, a way to escape. i never imagined myself pursuing it as a career but,” fond memories started to flood his mind. “after i graduated my friends and i started a band, we weren’t popular and we broke up a while ago. honestly i wanted to go to college but decided to give being a musician one last try.”
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he shook his head, trying to get back on topic. jeongmin looked up shot the other a grin, “sorry i’m rambling. but what about you? why did you decided to sign?” 
with his bags haphazard tossed near his chosen bed, angel let himself plop down on the mattress and take a look around. the room itself was rather bare but he figured that, within a week, it’d have personal touches of each of the trainees sharing the space. as much as he planned to keep all his belongings in the bags they were currently in, it still would be interesting to see how things would change around here.
“depends what you consider a lot.” he shrugged, returning his attention to jeongmin. being at angelfish had given him quite a few opportunities, but he still wouldn’t quantify his experience as ‘a lot’. “i’ve been a back up dancer for a few groups, but that’s pretty much the extent of it.”
listening to jeongmin, angel couldn’t help the small pang of jealousy he felt. music was clearly a passion to the other, something angel just couldn’t relate to. “a band? what kind of music did you make?” he asked, genuinely curious as he scooted back on the bed until his back touched the wall, pulling a knee up to his chest. 
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waving off jeongmin’s apology, angel tried to come up with an answer to his question. why had he signed? even after close to a year, he didn’t have an answer — or really, an answer he was comfortable saying out loud. “i was scouted.” he settled on, looking over at the other. “it was that, or i went back to louisiana and, quite frankly, my hair never dealt well with the humidity there.”
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wshayan · 2 years
there was a lot that had to be given up for this job. yurim learned that the hard way when she ended up stumbling into yuseong and then stumbling into a position within etoile. being the nation’s top girl group definitely had its perks, but she couldn’t deny that sometimes she just missed being a regular person. so if that’s not what angel was up for with his life, all the respect to him. 
but then she thought back to his position and how there were people so desperate to be where he was now. getting into a company itself was like picking a star from the sky so to see him brush it off had her a little annoyed. nevertheless, it wasn’t her life, and she had her own issues to deal with so she kept her mouth shut on the topic.
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“if you don’t care about any of it, why are you even here?” this time, the question comes from genuine curiosity. was her bored? did he not have a solid dream? maybe he couldn’t get into college. whatever the reason was, she couldn’t see why anybody would want to throw themselves onto a competition show without a real good reason. again, there was simply too much to lose out on. “did someone trick you into appearing on this show?”
why was he here. that seemed to be the question that haunted him, the one he couldn’t bring himself to answer — even to himself. the road he’d taken to get here had been a strange one, and he still found himself stumbling along without any real type of direction. select! seemed like just another thing he’d stumbled into, unlike the other trainees he shared a dorm with, who had all fought tooth and nail to get where they were.
“i didn’t say i didn’t care.” he signed, unsure of how to explain the complex mix of emotion and decisions that had led him here. “i wasn’t tricked, just ... strongly encouraged. i’m recognizable, pretty — even if i don’t make it through at the end, it’ll be good PR for angelfish, as long as i put on a minimum amount of effort.”  he explained, looking at anything but yurim. “plus, i kinda owe it to the company.”
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“i’m not worried, because there’s no bad ending here. i either make it which, great, i get to be an idol — or i don’t, and the company gets a boost and i go back home. i was originally only coming to korea for a three week vacation, and now i’ve been here for over two years. not such a bad end to my little trip, if you ask me.”
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wshayan · 2 years
  subin wasn’t in a particularly good mood as he somewhat hesitantly entered the blue.m dorm. their manager had basically forced him into a practice room earlier that day since he had lately been showing little interest in preparing for the group’s upcoming schedule. while he was normally a hard worker when it came to training and practicing for performances, he just hadn’t been energized enough in the past couple of weeks. staying up most of the night dealing with his own personal thoughts and issues was keeping him from focusing on more important things. so, the manager pulling him along to train had certainly been a change of pace.
  all he wanted to do now was jump into bed and hide under the covers. despite the tough dance practice, taking a shower was the last thought on his mind. it sounded like way too much work. yeah, laying in bed sounded like the most natural next move. maybe he’d emerge again just in time for the group’s next comeback. punching in the code to the keypad, he lets out a long sigh, not sure what he’s about to walk into. if he was lucky, everyone else would be off doing their own thing and he’d be able to sneak off into his room without anyone seeing him.
  tossing his backpack into the middle of the entrance before lazily kicking off his shoes and keeping them laying wherever they had landed, subin drags his feet against the floor and starts to shuffle off towards his room. everything was going smoothly until he caught a figure in the corner of his eye. oh god. he could tell that it wasn’t minho. it would be unlike the other to go this long in his presence without giving him a hug. and, to be perfectly honest, that was the only person that subin would’ve happily welcomed at this point.
  head slowly turning towards you, he squints his eyes at the initial sight of you. who the hell was this? he was pretty sure he’d remember having seen you before. your face looked like one that he’d try hard to forget but without any success. “if you’re here to steal something, then you’re not really in luck. you probably should’ve broken into a more popular group’s dorm. we’re not really rich or famous yet.”
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angel didn’t often make his way to the blue.m dorm. as much as he loved danny and enjoyed sunghoon’s company, the open hostility that some of the other rookie group members had towards the trainee was enough to keep him away from the apartment as much as possible. occasionally though, he’d fall for danny’s whining and pleading, sucking up his distaste and finding himself in the slightly unfamiliar dorm.
with danny off in the shower, angel found himself curled up on the couch on his own, scrolling endlessly through his phone as he waited for the other to reappear. he didn’t expect the front door to open and for another member of blue.m to enter the space, one he was a lot less familiar with. 
navi? nagi? his brain uselessly tried to supply a name to the face, but came up short. he’d crossed paths with the other at least once or twice, but not enough for the two to have any type of rapport with each other. not that angel wanted one, especially with how he was addressed by the other.
yet. angel wanted to laugh, to make a comment that the ‘yet’ would probably never come, but he kept his mouth shut, simply returning his attention to his phone. “if i wanted to steal something valuable, i would’ve gone to phoenix’s dorm.” he replies with a scoff, practically willing his friend to reappear. “i’m waiting on danny, so you can go about ... whatever it is you do.” 
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wshayan · 2 years
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official_select   [#앙갤]  pretty in pink
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wshayan · 2 years
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The trainee whose name reflects his image. Has an angel emerged? AngelfishㅣAngel Leblanc @ 1 Minute Introduction Miyoon, Shin Taewon
SELECT! Season2 2022.06.01 Coming Soon
COMMENTS        >   his name is really interesting though… i’ll try to remember!        >   um… i can’t understand what he’s saying well        >   Hahaha what the, he’s kind of cheesy though?        >   i’m not sure what to say about that performance but he’s f*cking pretty        >   wasn’t arcana eira from angelfish? wow the visual impact is so strong
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