#the drama queen is here
c-hrona · 1 year
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Super self-indulgent little comic about fears and reassurances.
Lil bonus :3
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abisalli · 9 months
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okay this is how I actually think their relationship could be like in Hades II (they're getting along)
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i think the master would be fixed if they could just host game changer
all of that chaos and mindfuckery but with no actual harm done
au where the next incarnation of the master is sam reich and he’s been here the whole time
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sunlightnmoonshine · 2 months
You know what is an absolute shame, that queen of tears had all the potential to be so so great. All it would have taken was a little more writing comprehension and understanding that a story doesn't need 50 something plot points, everyone would have tuned in for just baekhong and them navigating the complexities of marriage, dealing with their families, and dealing with the potential loss of life, and the way two people can be so destined for each other, fine they could have had villains but the villain didn't need to be a one dimensional character that had such plot armour throughout the show to the point that the main female character who has such intellect in all other moments somehow loses it around him just so we can entertain mediocre moments of ridiculousness, at the very least focus could have been placed on one villain, instead we have some deranged execution of mommy/son issues that had such potential but was just wasted and it's the way this drama feels like it's insulting my intellect that really just gets to me.
With that said, I still think baekhong is precious and that no drama has had characters like them before but I really think that it isn't even the writing anymore, it's that soohyun and jiwon have given this story their all and watching them has been a treat because they bring out the best parts of baekhong while the writer runs around in circles.
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badassindistress · 5 months
Cloaksforall Sewalong step 7 - Flourish and/or Frolic
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We've made cloaks! Now's the time to enjoy them! Make them billow!
And with that, the Cloaksforall Sewalong is at an end.
Except, of course, for anyone who still wants to follow along later.
~✨Go make yourself a cloak!✨~
Step 0: Gathering Supplies
Step 1: Cutting/The Pattern
Step 2: Sewing (down the opening seams)
Step 3: Sewing the hood
Step 4: Attaching the hood
Step 5: Binding the Cloak
Step 6: Closures
Enjoy the Billowing Lifestyle!
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originalaccountname · 8 months
putting my hands on your shoulders looking directly into your eyes why are you so insistent that Dazai is faking every emotion every second of every day except when he's acting mean or evil why do you think his dark side is more true than his happier or sillier sides
do you not also have multiple facets you show different people? are we not all beautiful multifaceted individuals? are your actions and reactions not influenced by your emotions and state of mind?
can't he laugh at his own jokes? can't he fondly think of the Agency? can't he be dramatic because he wants to? can't he be surprised by something suddenly happening, even if he knew it would happen? do you not jump when the jack in the box gets out even if you were the one working the mechanism?
why would the mean persona be more real? why would any and all joy be faked? why are you only allowing him misery?
#sorry i saw one too many posts talking about dazai's ''masks'' and how he hides his true self from the ada#and what of it if he still has the potential to hurt others? what of it if he's good at hurting? every day he chooses not to lean into it#not too far at the very least.#isn't kyouk.a skilled at killing? did she not choose not to do it?#i'm not saying dazai's never acting (because it does happen) i'm saying too many people are too quick to brush off-#every non-serious non-mean emotion as ''playing an act''#why would the mean persona not be a fake?? you thought about that??? what biases are you holding here#he makes jokes. he acts silly. he's a drama queen. he loves it.#you know what IS tiring? having to look evil and untouchable and impassive in front of a whole organization every day as a teenager#as soon as he gets to lupin with od.a and ang.o he goes silly mode. heck- when he *met* ang.o it was because he went silly mode.#as soon as chuuy.a is in proximity he starts yelling children's insults and starts stupid competitions#his silly mode is just as integrated into his personality as the capacity to be the scariest most evil person you've seen#they are not mutually exclusive and having the capacity for either does not mean acting on them#as asagiri said in an interview: bsd isn't about change it's about adaptation. kyouk.a has the talent to kill. she just chooses not to.#dazai has the skills to be evil. he just chooses good.#that got long in the tags sorry#apparently i talk sometimes
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strayingsocks · 1 month
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This was NORMAL.
YOU changed.
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madamadragon · 3 months
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s2pdoktopus · 2 months
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That meme thingy. It's @tamanone's idea.
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c0smic-n0ise · 5 months
reputation (mclaren's version)
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track 1 - whatever it takes
☪︎◞ ๋⊹
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Andrew and Neil on the amazing race
They were signed up the same season that they start playing on the same team to 'rehab their rivalry' to the public. Kevin saying it's a bad idea is 90% of why they agreed to it.
(Maybe the Moriyamas are willing to cut Neil some monetary slack % if he wins and gives all the money to one of Ichirou's charities also so they're determined to do that. Still, it's mostly Kevin saying it's stupid that makes them agree.)
The FBI are freaking out that Neil's running all over the entire world but also Browning cannot deny that Andrew and Neil have excellent on-camera chemistry.
They get orange as their team color and Andrew bemoans it because he thought he was done having to look at this particular eye-searing color but Neil vibrates with excitement.
Andrew is unbeatable at any and all trivia questions challenges, Neil can, will and has eaten anything.
There is one leg where the reward for coming in first is a delicious vegetarian meal and Neil intentionally gets them in second place because he will eat bull testicle no problem but will not eat that. Andrew's mild irritation over this is absolutely edited to look like a huge fight since it's the literal only inter-personal drama the team has the entire season. They absolutely start shit with other teams and do ZERO alliances and just continue to whiz right through the competition without any.
Andrew drives and can whiz through any technically difficult challenge, Neil gets them through any and all direction related issues through his foreign language abilities and also for some of the countries he's like "oh that's like two streets over. It's ice cream in the front and weapons shop in the back." He says this shit to the camera and no one knows if he's joking (he's not).
Andrew curls up in Neil's lap on quite a few flights just because he's having a bad time with that. Neil always just starts saying / doing things that just cannot be shown on TV to protect his privacy.
If Neil has to close his eyes and Andrew takes him by the hand as they go through a house of mirrors labyrinth challenge then no one says anything about it.
They win by a landslide the host comes up, "So how do you feel about Neil now?" Andrew just looks at Neil, "I hate every inch of him." he says and they walk off hand in hand to the great confusion of literally everyone.
Edit: Thanks @the-inner-musings-of-a-worm for the idea once again!
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I vividly remember the very first thing we see when Chad carried me into the hospital kiss. Kisses Peyton's arm. It happens in a blink. And I had completely like forgotten about it until I watched it in the episode and just had the muscle memory of Chad doing that and being, I couldn't react because I'm like comatose. Right. But being so choked up that his immediate reaction was to kiss any body part of mine that he could reach. Because it might be the last time he gets to do that. Like that's still, oh, I'm still choked up. Like it was such a, it was a good instinct for him. And I don't know if people even clock it, but I did. 'Cause it's also a weird thing when someone kisses you like close to your armpit. It's not like a natural, not a natural spot. But I thought it was such a sincere gesture. I liked it. -Hilarie 
Yeah. When Chad shows up, he shows up and he showed up in this episode. His, his performance was really beautiful. -Bethany 
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aashiyancha · 3 months
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I continue to not understand this weirdo. He and his partner were just munching away in their litterbox when suddenly he dashes out, runs towards me and smacks my leg then runs back and continues to eye me. Meanwhile little Blackie continues to much away completely unfazed XD
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rvspecter · 4 months
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olliepurples · 2 months
as a kaleidoscope of death reader, spirealm lin qiushi's reaction to li dongyuan pulling out a pic of ruan baijie is so interesting to me. he clearly knows who she is, but doesn't react with surprise at all; he's seen her before. however, thus far, ruan nanzhu has only ever presented male onscreen. therefore, lin qiushi must have met ruan baijie offscreen.
my hc scenario for this is that lin qiushi was just chilling at the obsidian house one time and ruan baijie walked out of a door and collapsed on the couch sighing. after a solid minute of thinking "who is that??? have they broken in??? do i need to tell someone???" cheng qianli walks in asks how ruan-jie is doing. cue several minutes of strained eavesdropping where lin qiushi tries to confirm if he heard right, before ruan baijie calls out to him to stop eavesdropping and make her a drink. this is the thing that confirms to lin qiushi that they are the same person.
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hypnoticfever · 22 days
a closed starter for my baby, @flustrds.
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"you should stop looking at me like that," she spoke, their head tilting in the slightest to look at the other with a sigh. "like, seriously, you should really stop."
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