#♡. trigun.au ( cytosfamily ) ⁄ ⁄ scattered across the sands .
stellarhistoria · 11 months
@needlenxggin ( vash ) / ask found here.
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"Mm." he hums absently at the admittance of being tired. there's a way he could 'cure' that exhaustion, in a manner of speaking, but he has a feeling that the world would snarl and bite back at him. well, damned if he does &. damned if he doesn't, right? might as well try &. see what happens next. "Do you mind if I try something? It may alleviate some of that tiredness, but I'd need to lay a hand on you - gently of course."
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
♡.   trigun.au ( cytosfamily )     ⁄ ⁄   scattered across the sands .
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you're bewitched by the devil's lullaby. Perhaps the least aware of how things work in a desert environment, having grown up around a cold and forested environment for a long time only then moving to a proper cityscape when he was already an adult, Zack would be the one to offer water repeatedly and then be confused as to why he's getting in trouble with the higher ups. sir/ma'am i'm just giving someone water. is there an issue? what do you mean i shouldn't have that much, it's my water- Jests aside, once he realizes how things work, he would easily climb ranks in the society, but do so in the way of leveling the playing field, even if it meant drawing trouble to himself. When his youngest baby sister sends him a magical Sending message, he pulls back immediately and returns to engineering something to help her husband, Axcel, be put at ease - or come pick at least her up off this terrible planet.
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there's so much hatred in such a vibrant world. it makes me sad. Alcaeus Mallas, known only as Kae (or to some who only see him in ghosting trails of his coat, The Spirit of Ju-Lai), wanders the "empty" city of Ju-Lai, as he learns after weeks its name, acting as a lone caretaker for the silence that carries so much weight. He cares little for what people claim, cares little for who might tread there, only if they treat the silence with such respect as he does. He is not his second to youngest sibling, no cleric or official priest. He's just some mad alchemist with a penchant for challenging fate. As days turn into weeks, Kae begins to experiment with what the sand and dirt and ground may indeed offer in terms of pH levels and the acidity of the world beneath his feet, in an attempt to try to get some life into an otherwise graveyard silent city. He only knows his siblings are still alive because of the feeling of certainty that he has that they will see each other again.
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you'd look better in black and white; all that blood would look like tar. Off into the west of the scattered sands, is a big city that thrives on how no one causes a fuss, far from the reach of Vash the Stampede... but apparently there's no need for Vash the Stampede when there's supposedly a demon on the loose. They don't bother asking a name when every time the cityfolk see the demon, lightning crashes nearby and a storm begins as the chase does at the same time. The chase doesn't last nearly as long as the storm, but they have yet to figure out that the storm is a result of their fear and hate towards the frightened person they call a demon. No one gets a good look at "it" - but when they do, there have been accounts of eyes like light through a prism, sunlight and night-touched features reflecting in the crash of lightning... and one person has sworn they've seen pointed ears. Why wouldn't "it" be a demon? That's not human.
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sour, sugar and spice, everything bitter and choking on ice. Luka ended up mostly unharmed, but "showed up" (aka crash landed) outside of one of the smaller cities, where people thought he was some sort of bounty hunter thrown from the saddle. He eventually convinced the township/city he ended up in to trust him, despite his cold demeanor, and at some point, he managed to figure out how to put taste into his more bland food based spells. So his stand in clinic is always well stocked. Some days, he hears of some things happening off in the west, how there is a demon of claws and lightning wreaking havoc through the sands, turning them into molten glass pits of agony, and has to sigh. People here really don't like seeing anyone different from them, do they? He worries about Aryin.
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everything you can do, i do twelve steps ahead of you. This woman would be the most well adjusted to the desert sands, as her main station back home was the arid and humid lands and worlds, such as Agrabah and the coastal regions of upper Atlantica. Being who she was as a spy and a chaotic gremlin of a rogue, she would be the sort to make sure she and her elder son of seven years old are safe first before getting a hold of her eldest brother, Zack, to help build something to contact her husband - there is no doubt in her mind that he has already gone berserk, believing that the Lancealot armies have kidnapped her again - and worse yet, kidnapped her AND Justin. When she gets the time between speaking with Zack in fits of magic that never truly cooperates, she studies the people around her, and refuses to teach her son how to wield anything more than a dagger or one of her old swords, a real one, not a Keyblade. She refuses to give a GUN to a SEVEN YEAR OLD. (even if she was taught precision aiming at eight.)
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
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my dnd game is wack y'all / / @wclking-fire. vash & ariel; scattered across the sands au
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"I've already said this once, and you'll only hear it one more time." there would be no doubt embellishments this time around because she hates telling the same EXACT story twice ( same truths, different accessories ).
even so, she rolls her eyes and looks over to her son happily ignoring the two of them, as if they were the least threatening people that could possibly exist, while also shrinking away from seemingly a docile looking woman trying to offer a drink. only to get a glare from momma and the woman backs away from her son, from justin.
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"I'm sure you've already heard of my family and I in rumors, in whispers, across this desert environment, with barely an oasis to be seen from." she chortles at the memory of some of the rumors that have cropped up as a result of her happy go lucky family finding themselves in rather terrible situations. "If you haven't, then you've been quite on the run, but for your sake, I'll go over this ONLY this last time."
she takes a breath and settles into her seat as justin clambers onto her lap. "There is no doubt in my mind that you have heard of the Demon of the East. A vicious being with claws and pointed ears and eyes that glow in the dark, a constant looming storm overhead in multiple cities that the "Demon" shows up in. That would be the second youngest, my sibling. They're easily frightened when they don't have their weapons, or if they don't have their girlfriend around. Even worse if they don't recognize anybody at all."
justin leans against her chest while playing with one of his toys that twists and 'breaks' before putting itself back together, like its made of magic of some kind. "And certainly, you've heard of the doctor who is rumored to be able to heal with burns, to heal with things that make you see the night during the day. Surely, you've heard tales of how he has endless water but no one can prove it. Surely, surely, you must have heard of how he has never failed to cure someone of illness that isn't permanent." she scoffs; "That's the middle brother, heart of gold and the best resting bitch face I've ever seen."
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but she pauses for a moment, gauging his reaction. pausing to let him have that sink in before continuing on. "The ones I'm sure you haven't heard much of, are my two eldest brothers. One apparently is a ghost that wanders a deserted city, trying to breathe life into a place beleaguered by something far older and more powerful than himself. I don't remember the name of the city, but it has some weird stigma to it."
"The other you probably have barely heard anything of, is a man who would fight for justice and harmony in the name of revenge. He's got a bad habit of finding out everything about places he goes and people he talks to dead last, and it tends to kick him in the ass when it happens. I'm sure there was one thing you might have heard, as I've heard it all the way out here: he was the one who has been rising the conglomerate ranks and trying to measure off water supply to those in need. Yeah. That's my idiot brother."
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"Then there's me: the Living Shadow. Rumors have it that I disappear into people's shadows, haunting and hunting them should they ever step out of line or become too much of a problem to the people around them. I've been used as quite a cheesy boogeyman of sorts. I can't help but feel jaded to it all, it's actually quite cute... and my brother in the big city tells me that he's doing well enough, if being occasionally targeted ─ which is nothing new for us."
she clears her throat slightly and looks down at her son, who is reaching for the canteen she always keeps full of water. she easily hands it to him over herself, though she's worn from talking so much, and quirks a brow at the blond man before them both. "So, you got all that down somewhere, blondie? I'm not repeating it again, even if my kid doesn't think you're all that much of a threat to either of us right now."
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
@aliensflora. // link here. // ARYIN & VASH.
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from the shadows where the supposed Demon was keeping themselves, a set of claws, black as night, curl around the edge of the abandoned building. ( the lot of this area was long since abandoned, truly, and the Demon did not know why. this was a lovely place. could do with some repairs, and be all spick and span! ) and eyes in the dark seem to open from nothing before the burning intensity softens, and the all white glow fades from view, into something a little more human, though not entirely.
"You are nicer than those people here," the voice is tired, as it was before, but a little more hopeful. "I hope you are not tricking me."
and out steps from the shadows, a man around six foot tall, braided and tied back hair, in self made clothes that look remarkably well made for someone who has likely been by themselves for a while. and two sets of claws - one pitch black and the other a pale golden-white reaching up to his elbows. dual colored hair and stubbornly seeming to cling to two swathes of fabric - both variants of blue.
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"Apologies for assuming. People do not take kindly to me here for some reason. And it is, ah, making me nervous to meet new people."
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
general tags
♡.   ( luka&father )     ⁄ ⁄   our family will be in the sunlight again .
♡.   ( vivian )     ⁄ ⁄   aint no rest for the wicked .
♡.   trigun.au ( cytosfamily )     ⁄ ⁄   scattered across the sands .
♡.   starter ( open )     ⁄ ⁄   sit at the table & laugh a while .
♡.   starter ( plotted )     ⁄ ⁄   join me upstairs ; i have a story to tell .
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