#wclking fire
eyesofcuriosity · 1 year
"oh stop pouting, i'm coming." - wclking-fire
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"I'll stop pouting as soon as I'm out of here!" she can't help but pout even harder, why did it always end up like this? Somehow she follows his shenanigans and she ends up taking far too big a bite of a pie. And right now she was in a giant cage that was some weird trap that now kept her in place like some kind of canary!
"Why does this always happen when I'm around you? " she asks tempted to give him a light kick to the shins.
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
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my dnd game is wack y'all / / @wclking-fire. vash & ariel; scattered across the sands au
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"I've already said this once, and you'll only hear it one more time." there would be no doubt embellishments this time around because she hates telling the same EXACT story twice ( same truths, different accessories ).
even so, she rolls her eyes and looks over to her son happily ignoring the two of them, as if they were the least threatening people that could possibly exist, while also shrinking away from seemingly a docile looking woman trying to offer a drink. only to get a glare from momma and the woman backs away from her son, from justin.
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"I'm sure you've already heard of my family and I in rumors, in whispers, across this desert environment, with barely an oasis to be seen from." she chortles at the memory of some of the rumors that have cropped up as a result of her happy go lucky family finding themselves in rather terrible situations. "If you haven't, then you've been quite on the run, but for your sake, I'll go over this ONLY this last time."
she takes a breath and settles into her seat as justin clambers onto her lap. "There is no doubt in my mind that you have heard of the Demon of the East. A vicious being with claws and pointed ears and eyes that glow in the dark, a constant looming storm overhead in multiple cities that the "Demon" shows up in. That would be the second youngest, my sibling. They're easily frightened when they don't have their weapons, or if they don't have their girlfriend around. Even worse if they don't recognize anybody at all."
justin leans against her chest while playing with one of his toys that twists and 'breaks' before putting itself back together, like its made of magic of some kind. "And certainly, you've heard of the doctor who is rumored to be able to heal with burns, to heal with things that make you see the night during the day. Surely, you've heard tales of how he has endless water but no one can prove it. Surely, surely, you must have heard of how he has never failed to cure someone of illness that isn't permanent." she scoffs; "That's the middle brother, heart of gold and the best resting bitch face I've ever seen."
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but she pauses for a moment, gauging his reaction. pausing to let him have that sink in before continuing on. "The ones I'm sure you haven't heard much of, are my two eldest brothers. One apparently is a ghost that wanders a deserted city, trying to breathe life into a place beleaguered by something far older and more powerful than himself. I don't remember the name of the city, but it has some weird stigma to it."
"The other you probably have barely heard anything of, is a man who would fight for justice and harmony in the name of revenge. He's got a bad habit of finding out everything about places he goes and people he talks to dead last, and it tends to kick him in the ass when it happens. I'm sure there was one thing you might have heard, as I've heard it all the way out here: he was the one who has been rising the conglomerate ranks and trying to measure off water supply to those in need. Yeah. That's my idiot brother."
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"Then there's me: the Living Shadow. Rumors have it that I disappear into people's shadows, haunting and hunting them should they ever step out of line or become too much of a problem to the people around them. I've been used as quite a cheesy boogeyman of sorts. I can't help but feel jaded to it all, it's actually quite cute... and my brother in the big city tells me that he's doing well enough, if being occasionally targeted ─ which is nothing new for us."
she clears her throat slightly and looks down at her son, who is reaching for the canteen she always keeps full of water. she easily hands it to him over herself, though she's worn from talking so much, and quirks a brow at the blond man before them both. "So, you got all that down somewhere, blondie? I'm not repeating it again, even if my kid doesn't think you're all that much of a threat to either of us right now."
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crucifixi · 1 year
my muse bites yours - wclking-fire
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Rough touch
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⠀⠀⠀ Vash and Wolfwood were lounging under the desert sun, sharing a rare moment of peace. A bottle of their favorite whiskey was half-empty between them.
Suddenly, Vash leaned over to Wolfwood, his eyes shining with the devilish glint of mischief.
He began, but instead of finishing his sentence, he playfully bit Wolfwood's arm.
❛ Ow! What the hell, Spikes!? ❜
Wolfwood exclaimed, pulling his arm back in surprise. He looked at Vash with an odd mix of annoyance and amusement.
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wastelandsrunaway · 1 year
"Ya should really head back to town friend." - wclking-fire
with @wclking-fire
"Huh?" Angel turned to face the direction the voice was coming from. She had just left the town she was staying at for a bit, continuing her wandering of the wasteland. It was a nice enough town but she couldn't stay for long. And despite having stayed there for the night, she was still tired. But she had to keep moving.
Instinctively, she gripped one of the straps to her bag and took a tiny step back. "Why would I want to do that...?"
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galaxcias-archived · 1 year
@wclking-fire : ❛  all of this is my fault.  ❜ [for elena] hurt comfort || accepting
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When this person had introduced himself, Elena almost laughed. Not in a rude manner, but more of a 'this guy I claimed was a myth for years just introduced himself to me.' kind of manner.
And then they found out where the actual destruction came from. Not entirely what they had expected, but an answer nonetheless. They initially planned to just leave it at that, but stopped when he voiced his woes. It wasn’t their place to budge, and yet… he seems really troubled by all this.
The hybrid awkwardly reaches to scratch behind their neck, before agreeing to themself that this was the right decision.
"Listen." Their voice lacks any of its usual smartass undertones. Honesty at its finest. "This…whole thing wasn’t…" ...no, they were after his bounty, so perhaps not entirely blame-free. Elena is quick to backtrack, hand hovering just above his shoulder, hesitating to make contact.
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"Things happened. The fault is... its up in the air. Beating yourself up enough for ten people may feel like the right decision now. But what’s important right now isn’t that. It’s to keep moving on, if not for yourself then for others. It’s what a stronger person does." Of course, in times of worry Elena would bring up their mother's words. A strong person protects themselves, but a stronger person protects others. and it was clear that this blonde was the latter.
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general-kalani · 1 year
{ @wclking-fire sent in; Body swap [zane/vash?]
Prompt from here!
Mun note; omfg i am already dying please i love this so much you BLESS ME- }
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... Well this was a conundrum. He was just talking to that guy over there and now he was staring at his own body!
A pat down of the clothes tells him, first of all, this wasn't a hoax, this wasn't an accidental click of the button for his clone... And third of all he wasn't as dashing as he thought he'd be in first person!
"Soooooo..." Damn his voice was all wrong too! Now this was definitely all confirmed. Some weird space magicky wagicky stuff is fuckin' with him! "Tell me right now that ye got this weird floaty sensation for a little and then yer lookin' at yer own body like I am right now."
Oh wow this guy was not made to speak an accent like his.
The more you know!
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fluffyfuckinartist · 1 year
✎ - other reason i am just a bit busy atm hoping to reply to some of our threads soon!!! - wclking-fire
no problem!! congrats on your commission!!!!
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"keep it. it looks better on you." - wclking-fire
Livio blushed a gentle red, feeling over the sweet scented flower tucked in loose silver hair. The petals were soft, soothing against his slender fingers that caressed it. He had never seen a real flower before but to be allowed to keep it too...? It felt like a dream.
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"I-...really? Are you sure?" Livio murmured softly. "Thank you. I'll keep it safe. I promise, Vash." The young assassin smiled. A warm gentle smile. Something so rare for others to see. Just like the bloom now nestled in moon kissed locks.
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"I was passed out for that long?!" - wclking-fire
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"Two days, now get back down " she huffed while pressing her hand on his chest pushing him down back on the bed as she was sitting next to him. " I didn't need an unconscious corpse in front of my workplace so I brought you in, you have racked up quite a bill mister long legs "
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eyesofcuriosity · 1 year
♫: to sing for my muse - wclking-fire
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It's been a few weeks since she decided to follow Vash The Stampede for all exclusive interviews and maybe even a long article about him. To say the least, it was rough for the most part thanks to his reputation they rarely had a moment of peace.
However, one such rare moment appeared when she walked upon him cleaning his signature gun and singing in such a soft voice. Not wanting to interrupt him she would sit behind him and simply watch his hunched back while listening to the tune that was coming out of his mouth.
She would hum along but ever so quietly not wanting to take over his tender-sounding voice.
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
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inbox call. // @wclking-fire. // reunion, and many more.
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she's silent for a moment, considering - weighing what would be most important to say, to ask. and, truly, she knows that she doesn't quite know what's going on, but... this is her baby boy. one of them, at least. and she's no stranger to the idea of bottling something - even though she doesn't do it anymore.
so she takes a seat next to the familiar boy ( and he still was; just a boy, scared and angry and hurt ) and stays silent for a little while. letting her ideas spiral and wind through her fingers. she can tell that he is hurting just to see her. how long has it been? time has become a little strange these days. but, it didn't matter.
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"I'm proud of you, Vash. That will never change."
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the-expatriate · 1 year
Link Stolen from: @wclking-fire
[Made Using This!]
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wastelandsrunaway · 1 year
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen? - wclking-fire
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Hmmmmm... It honestly depends. She's definitely more of a listener, always wanting to help out someone in need, even if it's just lending an ear to hear them out. Sometimes that's all people need. In order to get her to talk, however, she needs to trust the other person or at least feel like she can trust them. She won't talk freely, especially about where she came from and her past unless you gain her trust.
But damn, does she need it.
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crimsonicons · 1 year
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100 icons of Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede for @wclking-fire
From this batch
More commission info here!
Before & after under the cut!
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general-kalani · 1 year
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{ @wclking-fire followed, thanks for that!! }
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"... And so I shot him in the gut! Could'ja believe the fact he tried to get up afterwards too?! So anyway-" Clearly in the middle of a story!.. To what seemed like a digitised clone of himself.
Either the man was insane, or this was the only way he kept his sanity.
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"Oh hey there boyo! Now what brings ye to this pub eh? Lemme guess... You heard I was in town and wanted an autograph! Normally I don't give those out for free but fer a man like you? I'd make an exception!"
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redjaybird · 1 year
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[because @wclking-fire 's Vash is almost a whole ass foot taller than Jay and Jay takes much offense to it]
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